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! - ! " # ( SIX ) $% &' (

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M/S ..Ltd. of the company duly authorized to enter the lease
deed hereinafter called lessee! of the "#$%& '(&#.
)hereas the lessor as the o*ner of of the +uildin, located at $ouse -o.
*ants to ,i.e on rent a part of the +uildin, consistin, of on the
second /oor *ith 0 hall and 1 -os. &ooms2 3itchen *ith 4 toilets and a +alcony2
hereafter referred as the demised premises! *hich the lessor has to let out and
the lessee has a,reed to ta5e the same on rent on the terms and conditions
here in appearin,:

0. #he lease *ill +e for a period of 00 months (ele.en months) *hich *ill
commence from and shall e6pire on ..
4. &ent of the demised premises *ill +e ... (rupees only) and
&s. (..) to*ards maintenance fee paya+le in ad.ance +y the
day of the each calendar month throu,h che7ue and cash respecti.ely.
8ontd 4
'a,e : 4
1. (n interest free deposit of &s. ./ ( &s. . thousands only ) as
security deposit has +een paid to the lessor throu,h che7ue no. 2222222222222
dated .2 49.. fa.orin, ... #he receipt of interest free security
deposit is here+y ac5no*led,ed +y the lessor throu,h this a,reement.
:. #he security deposit *ill +e returned in t*o parts. &s. *ill +e
ad;usted throu,h last month rent and &s. shall +e returned at
the time of .acatin, the demised premises.
<. If the lessor and the lessee a,rees to e6tend for lease2 the notice of such
intention shall +e ,i.en +y the lessee to the lessor at least 0 month prior
of the e6piry of the lease ie. ..
=. #he lease a,reement can +e e6tended for the period of 00 months on the
same terms and conditions and the time of the ne6t rene*al the lease
a,reement the monthly rent shall +e hi5ed +y <> thereafter.
?. #he lessee *ill .acate the premises only after ,, 0 month prior notice
to the lessor and as such if the lessor *ants to ta5e +ac5 the premises he
*ants to ,i.e 0 month prior notice to the lessee for .acatin, the leased
@. It is +ein, a,reed and understood that the electricity char,e as per the
separate meter A6ed for the demised premises *ill +e paid directly to
BS%C e.ery month.
D. #hat the lessee underta5es not to su+let the premises to other person or
09.#he lessee *ill use the premises only for oEce. "nly 0 *atchman shall
stay at the premises durin, ni,ht. #he lessee shall not do or cause to +e
done any act or acti.ity of ille,al2 immoral2 unsocial nature in the
demised premises and *ill not create any nuisance to the nei,h+orhood
in any manner * #he lessee shall not 5eep any unla*ful
material in the demised premises other*ise he *ill ha.e to .acate the
premises immediately.
00.#hat the lessee *ill not ma5e any structural additions or alternation to
the demised premises.
04.#he lessee shall the premises in same condition as it *as ,i.en
at the time of entrance (e6cept paintin,).
In *itness of the a+o.e the lessor and lessee here+y aE6 their si,nature in
ta5en of, e6ecuted this Feed of Lease a,reement on this date 0
4909 on a+o.e mentioned terms and condition and they shall +e fully +indin,
upon them.
Si,nature of Lessee Si,nature of

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