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Role description

Role: Analyst- Global Legal Counsel

Group: GSS-based, teaming with Global GCO
Part of the Global GCO team, the Global Legal Counsel will be responsible for
drafting, negotiating and advising on various contracts, in particular
Sponsorship contracts!
"eeting and events contracts!
Con#dentiality agreements!
Procurement contracts!
$ngagement Agreements, including preparatory wor% for Cross &order
Software License Agreements
'nsurance contracts
Global Legal Counsel shall also be responsible for providing support for our internal
independence processes, in particular
Providing initial advice to $()s &usiness *elationship $valuation +ool ,&*$+-
processes and initial assessment!
Providing advice on &*$+ system, including reviewing and commenting on draft
submissions when re.uired!
Additionally, the Global Legal Counsel will be e/pected to assist other Global Legal
Counsel or Lead Advisors in these matters and carry out best practice and other
legal responsibilities, where appropriate0
Continuous involvement with and legal support of internal clients of a wide range
of seniority0 *esponsible for providing technical legal services within the $rnst 1
(oung networ%0
Knowledge, skills and experience:
Good understanding generally of commercial law and software licenses!
2nowledge of 'nsurance contracts useful but not essential
&road awareness of .uality and ris% management topics and issues,
$/cellent problem solving and analytical s%ills!
Ability to be highly responsive, reactive and comprehending of a wide variety
and volume of business and legal challenges!
2een attention to detail!
Strong communication and $nglish language ,verbal and written- s%ills!
Solutions 3 oriented with relentless focus on world class e/ecution of pro4ects
and tas%s!
Pro#ciency in managing high wor%load volumes e5ciently and strong multi-
tas%ing, organi6ational and time management s%ills!
Con#dence, maturity and high degree of awareness in order to be able to wor%
e7ectively with a broad base of senior-level internal sta%eholders!
Strong sense of personal responsibility and ownership for success of a given
$agerness to contribute in a team-oriented environment and ability to wor%
cooperatively with other teams and country practices, demonstrating cultural
Strong service-oriented personality, pro#cient at delivering the highest .uality
of wor% within deadlines!
8igh levels of personal energy and appetite for wor% and success0
Strong academic record, 9-: years of relevant e/perience as a contract
practising lawyer in a ma4or 4urisdiction0
'+ pro#cient 3 typing, ;indows, ;ord, &asic $/cel and PowerPoint familiarity0

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