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eu3 - VPN
Dear User,

We can recommend our Economics package which is very closely modelled on the issues in
this topic.

The tests will indeed comprise both EU and general economics issues, therefore we have
included such questions in our Economics package.

Apart from this, we can recommend you the following EU links: onomy_finance/index_en.htm mu/index_en.htm

1. Breach 25 Jun 2007

Let me share my CAST 27 ICT experience:

a) Verbal test — pretty decent, couple of tricky ones, but on the right level, and
time was ample (at least for me)

b) Numerical test — really got me this time — simply not enough time. The
questions all had a nice table but the questions required a lot comprehension and
calculations. Mind you, these are still all very basic calculations, chiefly
percentages, but I ran out of time here!! Think the previous test was way easier
(then again, the questions are automatically generated so luck is also involved

c) EU test — I’m getting good at the EU, got about 90% right for sure

d) ICT Competence test… Uh…OK, so. If you’re into IT (like me) you are in for
a surprise! I’m in a Senior Position at an US software company and I’ve been
serious IT for the last 10 years. In total there were about 5 sane, IT questions. Lots
of OOP / RDBMS related ones, think I got some of them right, though I’m not a
Developer or a DBA.

BUT! The big but has to do with the the majority of the questions which were
about — cartography and geodesy (not even sure that’s the official title for this
stuff! Now, what exactly does that have to do with ICT? I mean, fine satellite
mapping etc, but the questions were simply out of scope for this test. Spatial
vector whatever, dithering, pixel approximation, come on? Am I the only one who
didn’t see this coming? I’m actually considering contacting the Ombudsman as
this is simply not funny — EPSO need to least publish a list of areas which are
tested when they say ICT — apparently they have a whole different vision than
me (don’t think that’s just me too).

Good luck to everyone here.

1. ft 30 Jun 2007

OK, I did the test for CAST 27 FG IV / ICT this morning. Verbal / numerical test
was as expected, not very difficult but indeed some more tricky questions and
time was just about right with some pressure at the end for the numerical test. I
was not proud of myself on the EU test because most of the questions were on
which treaty introduced such body or institution, which is something I have some
mental block to remember, but in the end the weighing is only 20% without a
passing score. I would have preferred questions on how the current EU works and
what are the policies, but OK, it was my first EPSO exam 8^)

I have to say that I am puzzled by Breach’s remark on the ICT test: the one I had
definitely did not have MOST of the questions on spacial vector, dithering… and
so on. I got the ETRS89 question, however most of the 40 questions were more
general ICT questions in nature, like what is ADSL, CORBA, which of these 4 is
a valid IP address and even 2/3 questions that can be found on the eu- web site in the ICT test. I am guessing there is some random
assignment of questions here?

EPSO > Cast 27 > Function Group IV > Development/cooperation Adviser - Economic, Private
Sector and Trade Develoment
Subprofile: Development/cooperation Adviser - Economic, Private Sector and Trade
1. Denomination of post
Contract Agent in Function Group IV
2. Nature of duties
Within the thematic sector Economic, private sector and trade development, the individual
assignments entail one or more of the following typical tasks:

• Providing expert knowledge to programming and implementation activities

• Providing appropriate advice on thematic sectors to Commission delegations
• Checking conformity with country strategies, multi-annual programming and principles laid
down in the project cycle
• Defining and monitoring indicators to determine impact of cooperation programmes

• Participation in planning and coordination of development activities

3. Eligibility criteria
A level of education within the domain of business administration, macroeconomics, public finance,
international economics, corresponding to completed university studies of at least three years
attested by a diploma, followed by at least one year of appropriate work experience at graduate
4. Other professional experience
Not required.
5. Place of employment
Most opportunities will be with European Commission, notably for EuropeAid Office and DG
Development, both located in Brussels.
Some posts in the Community Agency in Alicante (OHIM)
6. Estimated number of posts available
There are a total of 100 posts available for the six Development/Cooperation sub-profiles

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1. Aurora the essays were in substance (i don’t have the paper with me now):

1- comparing UE Parliament and national parliament

2- Can Lisbon Strategy preserve and/or change European Social Model ?
3- PESC and international geopolitical equilibrium
4- Internal market construction regarding harmonization and mutual recognition
5- UE Values
6- conception of an HR strategy for an international organization
7- design and execution of an anti-discrimination /anti- harassment policy

You had to choose 1 essay out of the 7. All were rather interesting (for someone
interested in UE policies). – tests in economics

1. 15 Nov 2006

@ viking
Paris agenda relates to aid effectiveness.
Good luck!

1. Dear Jon,
grats for your blog and thanks for this opportunity to share information on the
Concours! Greetings from Budapest!

Dear sebastian and other kind “info-borkers”,

I really appreciate your great enthusiasm to help others! “Alle Achtung”!

Dear edu_kalu,
the Economics written test is also my concern now, although I will receive an
answer on the admission test at the end of January only! But there must be a slight
chance I’ll be among the chosen 14% to proceed.
I would guess that we’d need a sound, but not too deep theoretical background in
the following subjects:
- microeconomics
- growth theories, development theories
- macroeconomics
- international finance
And we would need some knowledge on EU and MS economics, like
- EU budget composition
- basic statistics (national accounts, industrial and service sector, R&D, labour
market, etc.)
- CAP issues
- Structural Funds, CF, EDF
- competition policy
- internal market current issues (Services “Bolkenstein” Directive, e.g.)
- R&D&I policy
- …?

Dear ugo,
we would desperately need your help! What could we expect from the written test
in Economics?

1. Roxana 17 Jan 2007

For all the Romanians who passed the AD47 Economics competition: maybe you
are not aware, but there is a yahoo group on this topic where you can find some
examples of past exams

Dear User,

We would recommend our Economics package which should cover about 70-80% of the
exam, including EU, verbal&numerical and domain specific questions, along with the following

http://www es/newro und/doha_da/index_en.htm en/s0502 0.htm top_e/de vel_e/devel_e.htm

(Please copy and paste the above links in your browser if they are not automatically

Guiom 2007.06.14. 12:20:37


Same question than everybody :

For the CAST27 FG IV in RELEX / Operations Adviser - Economic, Private Sector and Trade
Develoment : which package sould i buy ?

Thank you !

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