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Eye decided to create a daily post which will teach our people our Tamarean Anci

ent Mystery or My story Language daily 9 words daily in this darasaat shalal nuw
aupuyee, studies of nuwaupic this is Study one or daras wahu
sounds of letters
tones which are important
A or Ach as in apple
A' - E - I - U as in A'ward
B - Beh as in bat , ball
Ceh as in can, cake
Cheh as in champ, cheap
Deh as in day and doubt
Dzeh as in dole
Djeh as in dough, daughter
Eeh as in event, evening
Feh as in fight, fast
Pheh as in forth, Phil
Geh as in Go and good
Gheh as in gristle
Heh as in hey, his
Heh as in hot and how
Ieh as in itch, ice
Jeh as in just
Keh as in kitten
Kheh as the sound a baby makes when it gurgles
Leh as in look and live
Meh as in milk and made
Neh as in now or never
Oeh as in open
Peh as in pet, pull
Qeh as in quota and quiz
Reh as in run
Seh as in sister, sit
Seh as in south, substance
Sheh as in show
Scheh as in scheme. schedule
Teh as in table, take
Teh as in tower, Turk
Theh as in this
Ueh as in under
Veh as in vice
Weh as in winter, walk
Yeh as in yard and you
Zeh as in zoo, zero
Zdeh as in thought, throb
Zheh as in that
Enen Laghagh Paa Raqamaat
our language - The Numbers
0 O sifu
1 l Wahu
2 /\ Athu
3 Thalu
4 + Rabu
5 Khamu
6 Satu
7 Sabu
8 Tamu
9 Tasu
10 Ashu
11 Wahu Ashu
12 Athu Ashu
13 Thalu Ashu
20 Athunu
21 Athunu Wahu
22 Athunu Athu
30 Thalunu
40 Rabunu
50 Khamunu
60 Satunu
70 Sabunu
80 Tamunu
90 Tasunu
100 Mayu
200 Mayu Mayu
300 Thalu Mayu
1000 Afu
2000 Athu Afu
3000 Thalu Afu
3001 Thalu Afu Wahu
10,000 Ashu Afu
100,000 Mayu Afu
1,000,000 Malu
Daras thalu Study Three - Enen Laghagh Our language
The pronouns
Nuk - I
Anuki - I am / I'm
Antuk - You (m)
Antut - You (f)
Haa - She
Huu - He
Enen - We
Amtu - They
Antuten - you All (f)
Antutem You All (m)
Antkum - You All (everyone)
Examples of how pronouns are used
Nuk Hayuz - I have
Antut Hayuz - You have (f)
Antuk Hayuz - You have (m)
Haa Hayus - She has
Huu Hayuz - He has
Enen Hayuz - We have
Amtu Hayuz - They have
Antuten Hayuz - You all (f) have
Antutem Hayuz - You all (m) have
Antkum Hayuz - You all have (everyone)
Different ways to express Possession in Nuwaupic
One way in which possession is expressed is by adding the pronouns Nee - Tuk, Ha
a, Huum, Tuten, Tutem and Kuum at the end of the word
and A'y and Enen at the beginning of a word.
Let XXX represent a word
XXX + Nee = My XXX
XXX + Tut = Your (F) XXX
XXX + Tuk = Your (M) XXX
XXX + Haa = Her XXX
XXX + Huu = His XXX
XXX + Huum = Their XXX
XXX + Tuten = You All's (F) XXX
XXX + Tutem = You All's (M)XXX
XXX + Kuum = You All (Everyone)\
Note ; The above possessive pronouns are placed after the word.
The following possessive pronouns will preceed the word.
A'y + XXX = My XXX
Enen + XXX = Our XXX
Examples Hat - House/Home
Hat + Nee = My house
Hat + Tut = Your house (F)
Hat + Tuk = Your house (M)
Hat + Haa = Her house
Hat + Huu = His house
Hat + Huum = Their house
Hat + Tuten = You all's house (F)
Hat + Tutem = You all's house (M)
Hat + Kuum = You all's house (Everyone)
Enen + Hat = Our house
A'y + Muldad = My Father
There are 2 ways to express MY in nuwaupic
Nee is used when adding possession to things, however A'y is used when adding po
ssession to people or beings
Hajarnee (Hajar-nee) = My room
A'y Sawtet = My daughter
Daras Rabu - Study Four
Enen Laghagh - Yasar = Our Language - Family
Yasar = family
muldudtet = DNA mother
Muldud = DNA father
Multet = Adopted mother
yabab = adopted father
Sawtet = Dna daughter
Saw = Dna son
Senttet = adopted daughter
Sen = adopted son
Shaqaqtet = blood sister
Shaqaq = blood brother
Zamaltet = sister (general)
Zamal = brother (general)
Namaltet = niece
Namal = nephew
Salaltet = cousin (F)
Salal = cousin (M)
Fataytet = girl
Fatay = boy 9 - 13
Mawas = baby
Tafal = toddler 18 months - 3 yrs
Ghalam = boy 4 - 9 yrs
Kharadtet = Female child
Kharad = male child
Kharadu = children
Haman = human female
Hamam = human male
Marartet = Woman - Gal
Marar = man, guy
Hamattet = wife, mate by marriage
Hamat = husband, mate by marriage
Hemettet = female consort or concubine
Hemet = male consort
Manash = parent
Salaf = ancestor
khalaltet = friend (F)
khalal = friend (M)
Sadaqtet = faithful female friend
Sadaq = faithful male friend
Takhrad = childhood
Amutet = Aunt
Amu' = uncle
Qamamtet = Elder (F)
Qamam = Elder (M)
Qamamu = Elders
Tamttat = motherhood
Taybab = fatherhood
Tazmaltet = Sisterhood
Tazmal = brotherhood
Nysuttet = Female ruler, Mrs.
Nysut = male ruler, Mr.
Yamartet = princess, Ms.
Yamar = price, Mr. - unmarried
Daras Khamu - Study five
Enen Laghagh - Paa Lawanaat
Our Language - The Colours
Khamat - Swart
Sawad - Black
Bayadz - White
Safar - Yellow
Hamar - Red
Banaf - Violet
Bamab - Pink
Khadzar - Green
Zaraq - Blue
Samar - Brown
Ramad - Grey
Mabar - Amber
Barak - Orange
Rajan - Purple
other words
Garash - money, commerce
Naqad - currency
Dahun - appoint
Dahan - paint
Khafuf - light (weight)
Khafaf - Alarm, fear
Satut - please, request
Tawuhaat - thanks
Radzuy - please, approve
yawul - these
yawulu - those
The Word Get
Hasul - to get at something (reach)
Nasuf - to get away, escape
Harub - to get off
Kharuj - to get out (outside something)
Qayum - to get up (stand up, rise)
now yakhuzh - take, grasp, get a hold of
yaakhuzh - taking
dakaan - store
li - for
towards - liyya
paa khat = the body
rayas - head
yazhan - ear
wajah - face
khadad - cheek
yanaf - nose
zhaqan - chin
khasham - nostril
a'ayan - eye
shafat - lip
a'ayan hajab - eye brow
sanan - tooth
famam - mouth
halaq - throat
yanaq - neck
shaa'ar - hair
a'ayan jafan - eye lid
jabah - forehead
farar - fur
kataf - shoulder
zharau' - arm
zhanad - forearm
yadad - hand
rasagh yadad - wrist
nashal yadad - finger
khadaa' - palm
bashar - skin
jasad - flesh
sadar - chest
bahar - navel
shahay - stomach
warak - hip
zhayal - foot
rasagh - ankle
kaa'ab - heel
kawau' - knee
rafaq - elbow
fakhazh - thigh
raham - womb
qadzab - penis
katat - vagina
thaday - breast
halam - nipple
mamam - semen, sperm
bahar - naval
gharadz - butt, behind
bazdar - clitoris
lasan - tongue
ghashaa - hymen
nuut - no
tem - not
sofa tem - will not
nen - won't
bu tem - do not
dur tem - did not
qadur tem - can not, can't
yajub tem - should not
kabaha - never
nuut shayay - nothing
layashu tem - why not ?
Amtu yajub tem baquy kharuj thir tawul - they shouyld not stay out too long
Bu tem fauul pfaf - do not do that
nuk dur tem fauul hazha - I did not do this
Haa kalun tem heen - she is not here
Enen lazum tem kalun heen - We must not be here (kawan)
nuk bu tem daruy - I do not know
Huu kalana tem heenak - He was not there
Bu tem lamus pfaf - Do not touch that
Antuk kabaha shawafa zi - You (M) never saw it
kasas - glass
mayay - water
ashrub - drink
nakhab - health
shaghul - work
a'alum - learn
ranam - chant
shaaur - feel
sayul - ask
hazha - this
namas - prayer
zhakur - remember
akhay - how
jam - how many
kalun - is , be
kalana - was , were
kararu - with
a'anud - have , has (possession)
hayuz - have, has
a'amul - do (work related)
jaa'ul - do make
fau'ul - do (actions)
bu - do (non action)
lazumu- must
maanu - who ?
Meenu - from ?
Afafu - who is, who is of
amam - or do this or that consequence
awuw - or this or that choice
ayayu - any, which
hayunu - upon
lammu - when
hassua' - now, right now
hakah - here, take this
layashu - why ?
khalan - house
baraj - mansion
watan - home
hatat - dwelling place
nawar - light
a'abab - fire, torch
zi - it
luwu - if ( as in if only i could)
makaan - (firm) place
makana - placed (firm)
makanaun a (firm) place
lakana - but
mahal - lobby
wadzua' - put
zhuma - then
wawuh - wow
wah wah - okay
tayub - alright
sabab - reason
shanush - what
a'ashanu - because
tawuhaat - thanks
rahub - welcome
raahub - welcoming
raahubtwy - welcoming 2 people
raahbaat - welcome plural
rahub - greet
raahub - greeting
raahubtwy - greeting 2 people
raahubaat - greetings plural
a'ananu - about
faquq - above, up, over
hawul - around
zaghub - down
har - far up
a'alalu - high
bayun - between
qabul - before
baa'ad - after, far
baa'ad meen - far from
wasut - middle
qabut = center
shanush - what ?
amma - as
jaa - at
mayadz - past
haadzar - future
waraa' - behind
takuth - below, beneath
janub - beside
bi - by way of, in
a'alush - except that, no choice
lakun - yes, however, no however
meenu - from
li - for (belonging to)
dakhul - inside, in
mathul - like, similar
janub - close
janub liyya = close to
qarub - near
qarub liyya - near to
jawar liyya - next to
lahan - against
shil - of
em - of (parentage)
kharuj - out
a'alul - on, upon
munthu - since
hayul - soon
tatut - under
takuth - below, beneath
hayun - upon
hutta - until
hawudz - through
nahu - to, towards
liyya - to
kararu - with
a'azhur-nee - excuse me
kafuya - enough
a'awuz - want
a'awaza - wanted
shafuf - see
suffixes or ending of words
xxx-nus - xxx-ness
xxx-yee - xxx-ic
xxx-mul - xxx-ful
taXXuX - xxx-ion
xxx-us - xxx-ous
xxx-riya - xxx-ary
xxx-yiz - xxx-ize
XaaXuX - xxx-ing
xxx-ur - xxx-er
XaXaXa - xxx-ed
xxx-liy - xxxly
xxx-ism - xxx-ism
xxx-aat - xxx-s (plural)
xxx-age - xxx-age
xxx-dum - xxx-dum
xxx-t - xxx-ment
fasul- separate
qasum- divide
bawab - chapter
dathur - cover
waraq - paper
faruq - distinguish
jazaz - section
safar - verse
safah - page
daraj - scroll
walaf - tome
majal - magazine
lawah - tablet
a'asab - binder
karas - pamphlet
sajal - record
Time - Waqat
waqat - time
zagat - moment
thagat - second
dagat - minute
sagat - hour
gabul - AM
badul - PM
shanush waqat kalun zi ? - what time is it ?
paa waqat kalun..... the time is .....
Bu antuk (M) a'anud paa waqat ? Do you have the time ?
Hassua' paa waqat kalunu - right now the time is
zi kalun wataq li - it is time for
nuk sof kawun jahuz bi khamu dagataat - i will be ready in 5 minutes
enen mulqantet wasala zaqatun munzhu - our teacher arrived a moment ago
shanush waqat kalun fasal hazha yawam ? - what time is class today ?
fasal sof badua' sagatun meen hassua' - class will begin an hour from now
anfuth - 1/2 hour or 30 minutes
thaluth - 1/3 hour or 15 minutes
rabuth - 1/4 hour or 20 minutes
tawal - long (length)
zaman - long (time)
akhat tawal sof antut (F) kawan kharuj ? how long will you (F) be out ?
shanush waqat sof nuk shafuftuk ? what time will i see you (M) ?
akhat zaman manazh ? how long since ?
wiyya - plus
liyya - toward
paa waqat kalunu rabuth liyya thalu badul - the time is 1/4 to 3 pm
watut - add
hatut - multiply
natut - minus
kasut - divide
lasut - equal
wah - single
athah - second
thalah - third
qabah - quadruple
paa wahan - the first
paa athan - the second
paa thalan - the third
paa raban - the forth
paa khaban - the fifth
paa yawamaat shalul paa yabuu' - the days of the week
paa wahan yawam - the first day
paa athan yawam - the second day
paa thalan yawam - the third day
paa raban yawam - the forth day
paa khaban yawam - the fifth day
paa satan yawam - the sixth day
paa saban yawam - the seventh day
paa wahan shahar - the first month
paa athan shahar - the second month
paa thalan shahar - the third month
paa raban shahar - the forth month
paa khaman shahar - the fifth month
paa satan shahar - the sixth month
paa saban shahar - the seventh month
paa taman shahar - the eighth month
paa tasan shahar - the ninth month
paa ashan shahar - the tenth month
paa wahu ashan shahar - the eleventh month
paa athu ashan shahar - the twelth month
paa thalu ashan shahar - the thirteenth month
paa rabu ashan shahar - the forteenth month
paa khamu ashan shahar - the fifteenth month
paa satu ashan shahar - the sixteenth month
paa sabu ashan shahar - the seventeenth month
paa tamu ashan shahar - the eighteenth month
paa tasu ashan shahar - the nineteenth month
in our calendar we have 19 months, 4 weeks, 5 days and there are 19 days in each
tasu ashu shaharaat = 19 months
rabu yabuu'aat = 4 weeks
khamu yawamaat yabuu'n - 5 days per week
tasu ashu yawamaat shaharun - 19 days per month
yawam - day
yawamaat - days
yabuu' - week
yabuu'aat - weeks
shahar - month
shahataat - months
sanan - year
sananaat - years
shatat - winter
kharaf - spring
sayaf - summer
saqat - autumn
sharaq - east
gharub - west
thamal - north
janab - south
enen laghagh-paa khalan- our language - the house
lakaw - balcony
zaraa' - yard
haraj - room
bawab - door
nafazh - window
mamar - walkway
janan - garden
shazhab - trash
masab - pool
gharaf - chamber
hashay - bed
ghasal - bath
haa a'anud bayadzun khalan kararu samar bawabaat - she has a white house with br
own doors
pafaf khalan a'anuf kathur nafazhaat - that house has many windows
heenak kalun masabun dakhul zaraa'huum - there is a pool in their yard
paa lawak kalun kharuj paa hashay hajar gharaf - the balcony is outside the bedr
oom chamber
paa jadud khalan aa'nud athu ghasal - the new house has two chambers
anzuf paa shazhab meenu paa mamar - clean the trash from the walkway
to pluralize a word for dual or two add twy or 2 or more add aat to end of words
to say a thing like a name add un to end of word - ranan - name - rananun - a na
A'y + XXX = My XXX
Enen + XXX = Our XXX
Examples Hat - House/Home
Hat + Nee = My house
Hat + Tut = Your house (F)
Hat + Tuk = Your house (M)
Hat + Haa = Her house
Hat + Huu = His house
Hat + Huum = Their house
Hat + Tuten = You all's house (F)
Hat + Tutem = You all's house (M)
Hat + Kuum = You all's house (Everyone)
Enen + Hat = Our house
A'y + Muldad = My Father
There are 2 ways to express MY in nuwaupic
Nee is used when adding possession to things, however A'y is used when adding po
ssession to people or beings
Hajarnee (Hajar-nee) = My room
A'y Sawtet = My daughter
utcha litat - salutation to you (F)
hatap litak - peace be onto you (M)
nafer yawam - good afternoon
nafer dzahay - good morning
nafer masay - good evening
nafer garah - good night
pafaf - that
hadhuhun - weird
ranan - name
zawuha - married
please note the language is changing, if you see difference it is latter or from
this point onward
know - a'aruf
zdanun - think
fa - so
taba'un - of course
satat - please
jamel - nice
zagun - old
aytuy - come
adjdud - say
ahluq - shave
arkudz - run
antuy - skip
ahjul - hop
azluq - slide, skate
altum - slap
anquzh - save
askut - silent (shut up)
antuq - speak
ahduth - screw
akhbur - tell
ajbub - bring
hamus - go
asruh - declare
ardud - give
ahdzur - present
awsuf - prescribe
amnua' - prevent
ayquzd - wake up
arfua - stand up, raise up
ajlus - sit down
arkua' - kneel down
awdzua' - lay down
aqaud - crouch down
awthub - jump
aa'wum - swim
arjuh - swing
aghwun - swtich
almus - touch
amsuh - wipe
ahkuk - rub
adzrub - strike, hit
adluk - massage
akhdush - scratch
atqut - pick
aqbus - pinch
ajrur - pull
alaub - play
antuf - pluck
allub - screw
asful - scrub
abquy - stay
arhub - greet
alquy - meet
aqtua - cut
anduy - call
asmua' - listen
a'afuw - pardon
a'azhur - excuse
astut - please
atmus - pray
Wunan - where
dur - did
hamus - go
maa'an - meaning
a'anud - have
walay - any
munanu - from
kawuna - were, was
ladud - born
thanan- there
tawal - long
sakun - live
sakuna - lived
matay - when
yatuy - come
yatuya - came
heen - here
usbua' - weeks
hade - ago
kabaa' - month
a'amaa year
layash - why
aaamud - staying
gad - just
hunan - here
habab - festival
jaa - at
fundugun - hotel
taaruk - leaving
taruk - leave
tayal - next
zaman - day
sawaf - will
rajua' - return
habeb - like
zayar - visit
muta - very
jaway - weather
jawaf - in
kawan - is , be
safeh - book
madkan - store
patuh - open
mayaz - have (possession)
taluqa - read
jaded - new
shalal - of
ayyu - which
darajtwy - scrolls
qadur - can
harub - get
huum - them
bazar - mall
hayan - on
darab - road
hasal - get (get there- direction)
hayaynaa - let's
wawuh - wow
marar pyramid -mararaat - pyramids
dalar - dollar dalaraat - dollars
thamun - price
pafaf - that
lazum - must
lin - likewise
karam - honor
laqua' - meet
aamul - hope
aka - to
aarut - see
a'afaw - welcome
wadaa'u - bye
akhrud - take care
tayub - well
khatuh - wrong
maredz - sick
yagwedur - better
tayeb - good
daheshmul - wonderful
da-uf - weak
dawar - dizzy
jaa'an - hungry
a'ateshaan - thirsty
hayer - hot
bared - cold
tamumaws - nauseous
wagea'aan - achy
taa'ban - tired
nawemaan - sleepy
a'arekaan - sweaty
fareh - happy
awhuliy - lonely
hazen - sorry
sikha-t - mad
jaa'la - made
a'anud - have
shahay - stomach
khaduraat - cramps
mahmun - fever
thayakha - sprained
sayaqnee - my leg
qadamnee - my foot
rasaghnee - my ankle
yanaqnee - my neck
baa'adz shayay - some-thing
jawaf - in
a'ayan - eye
zdanun - think
yaatuy - coming
zaghab - down
karar - with
yakhar - other
sanan - tooth
sanan wagaa' - toothache for a (toothache) add un as in sanan wagaa'un
nuk jarura a'dlaun - i pulled a muscle
nuk gad gadufa - i just threw up (vomited)
nuk radua'a nafasnee - i bruised myself
nuk dzalula haktukaatnee - i lost my contacts haktuk -aat (plural) nee (my)
nuk waqua'a mashwafaatnee - i dropped my glasses mashwaf - att - nee
atha tat haran - are you (F) pregnant
tua, anuki - yes i am
jam kabaa'at atha tat - how many months are you (F)
anuki ..... kabaa'aaat - i am ..... months
tabrakaat, shanash bu tat a'awuz, fatayun awuw - congratulations, what do you (F
) want, a boy or girl ?
nuk a'awuz athnanu, wahu fatay wu wahu fataytat - i want twins, one boy and one
bu tat a'anud walay yakhar kharadu ? do you (F) have any other children ?
panan - this
tayub - okay
a'adal - fair
muta - very
rayayaan - sunny
balel - damp
ghayemaan - cloudy
sakhen - warm
materaan - rainy
zi kawan maatar salab - it is raining hard
khafaf - light
zi kawan maatur khafafliy - it is raining lightly
zi kawan nahaw aka matar - it is about to rain
thanan kawan raa'am wu baarug - there is thunger and lightning
ratubeh - humid
bared - cold
mathebaan - chilly
rayehaan - windy
zalegaan - slippery
wahelaan - muddy
jazafaat - puddles - jazaf - puddle
mareraan - breezy
fader - cool
bahej - bright
hasen - nice
muta hayer - very hot
nafermul - beautiful
zamebaan - foggy
taajul - snowing
naabul - hailing - nabul - hail
faaa'ul - drizzling - faa'ul - drizzle
raa'lag - sleet
shaafuk - pouring - shafuk - pour
daragat - temperature
khafad - low
a'la - high
waagua' - dropping - wagua' - drop
aahah - moon
rayay - sun
arwuy jaa kalal shalal yawalu najamaat - look at all those stars
pafaf kawun paa saahaat najamaat - that is the orion stars
sabataat - sirius
nazakun - meteorite
muzanubun - comet
shamun - ship
gamarun - a satellite
lin - too
hawuj jacat-un need a jacket
cawatun - a coat
walay qafazaat - any gloves
awdzua qabaa'- tuk hayan - put your gloves on
hazhaa'aat - boots
zaayar - visiting - zayar - visit
jawaz - passport
qabudza - recieved
aamah - as
layas - yet
tashyar - visa
daakhul - entering dakhul - enter
sebkat - pylon
anuki haamus bi- i am going by ....
basas - bus
maa'rab - car
ghatar - train
hawu taa'ur - airplane
maashuy - walking - mashuy - walk
daraju - bicycle
mutusekul - motorcycle
sahab - with (accompanying)
mashuy - fly - maashuy - flying
saayuq - driving - sayuq - drive
fasal - class
wanan - where ?
ayyu - which
sakun - reside - saakun - residing
baquy - stay
gad - just
maarun - passing - marun - pass
wasat - through
wahi - only
jaa - at
jawaf - in
rafaq - with
haamus - going - hamas - go
anuki haamus hayan paa jabal aka khanuh maarabnee- i am going up the hill to par
k my car
hayan - up
aka - to
maarab - car
jabal - hill
liyya - to (as in towards, move towards)
nafuth - perform
gad daquq-un - just a minute
arqub - wait
aa'zhur bi- nee - excuse me
asmua bi nee - listen to me
mayaz tat a'aruta paa jaded - have you (F) seen the new .....
qabaa'-aat - hats
fanutelaat - t-shirts
sataraat - jackets
safahaat - books
natajaat - products
sharataat - tapes
kasayaat - clothes
mawqataat - watches
dur tat hamusa liyya paa safah madkan layas ? did you (F) go to the bookstore ye
t ?
dur tak haruba paa - did you (M) get the ....
Shawabti - doll
paa gadush lawahaat - the holy tablets
thalal - statue
jam kawun pafaf - how much is that
shanat - bag
qamas - shirt
jahaz - dress
A'aruta - see
misgfut - ceremony
masug - music
mafshay - show
tartal - recitation
tatkhuz - graduation
yawal - these
maptah-aat- nee - my keys
safah-aat-nee - my books
jawaz-nee - my passport
tashyar- nee - my visa
qadur tat nasur-nee ? - can you (F) help me ?
qadur tak nasurnee karar - can you (M) help me with ...
paa maklathaat - the groceries
yawal a'alabaat - these boxes
yawal shanataat - these bags
kharadu-nee - my children
wajabnee - my homework
naazduf - cleaning
alfuf - fold
lebusaat - clothes
jamaa' - every
qadur tat harab pafaf - can you get that
sawaf tak hamus - will you go
nuk mayaz tem a'aruta tat jawaf thalamun - i have not see you (f) in a while
nuk zhakur tat - i remember you (f)
bu tat zhakur-nee - do you remember me
bu nuk a'aruf tak munanu gan wunan - do i remember you from somewhere
wunan kawan jamaa' wahu haamus ? where is everyone going ?
shanash kawun haamus hayan ? what is going on ?
bu tak mayaz paa waqat ? do you have the time ?
shanash waqat kawan zi ? what time is it ?
matay dura paa fashay baday - when does the show start ?
saafur - traveling
wunan atha tak haamus ? where are you going ?
awuw - or
waakhuzh - taking
mayaz tat taa'uda tazkur - tuk layas - have you booked your ticket yet ?
barah - yesterday
taaruk - leaving
afternoon - atum re
thanan - there
shagalnus - business
raawuy - looking
kaber - big
rabek - small
tashyad - location
zaghub balad - down-town
layash kawun pafaf - why is that
a'ashan - because
aamul - hope
sarur - enjoy
rahal - trip
tawuh - thanks
lamam - when
rajua - return
salamun - safe
shatut - miscellaneous

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