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Submitted To:
Mam Gul e Nayab
Submitted By:

Wasim Arshad (01-120112-094)
Lifcon onnec!ion co l!d
"#$ %&'()*+)#N
&ffec!i,e %a!e: 19/03/2013 *os! (eference: CEX0026
1- %escri.!ion
*os! +i!le/ Marketing Management Grade/ SCP 6 13
'ec!ion/ Cor!orate Strategy 0ni!/ Community Sa"ety Team
1-1 *osi!ion in #r1anisa!ion
*os! !i!le of immedia!e,isor: Marketing Management in Con#tru$tion Com!any
Number direc!ly,ised by .os!holder/ 0
1-2 Main *ur.ose of *os!
P%an& dire$t& or $oordinate marketing !o%i$ie# and !rogram#& #u$' a# determining t'e
demand "or !rodu$t# and #er(i$e# o""ered by a "irm and it# $om!etitor#& and identi"y
!otentia% $u#tomer#) *e(e%o! !ri$ing #trategie# +it' t'e goa% o" ma,imi-ing t'e "irm.#
!ro"it# or #'are o" t'e market +'i%e en#uring t'e "irm.# $u#tomer# are #ati#"ied) /(er#ee
!rodu$t de(e%o!ment or monitor trend# t'at indi$ate t'e need "or ne+ !rodu$t# and #er(i$e#)
1-2 Main %u!ies and (es.onsibili!ies
0ormu%ate& dire$t and $oordinate marketing a$ti(itie# and !o%i$ie# to !romote !rodu$t#
and #er(i$e#& +orking +it' ad(erti#ing and !romotion manager#)
1denti"y& de(e%o!& or e(a%uate marketing #trategy& ba#ed on kno+%edge o" e#tab%i#'ment
ob2e$ti(e#& market $'ara$teri#ti$#& and $o#t and marku! "a$tor#)
*ire$t t'e 'iring& training& or !er"orman$e e(a%uation# o" marketing or #a%e# #ta"" and
o(er#ee t'eir dai%y a$ti(itie#)
E(a%uate t'e "inan$ia% a#!e$t# o" !rodu$t de(e%o!ment& #u$' a# budget#& e,!enditure#&
re#ear$' and de(e%o!ment a!!ro!riation#& or returnonin(e#tment and !ro"it%o##
*e(e%o! !ri$ing #trategie#& ba%an$ing "irm ob2e$ti(e# and $u#tomer #ati#"a$tion)
Com!i%e %i#t# de#$ribing !rodu$t or #er(i$e o""ering#)
1nitiate market re#ear$' #tudie# or ana%y-e t'eir "inding#)
3#e #a%e# "ore$a#ting or #trategi$ !%anning to en#ure t'e #a%e and !ro"itabi%ity o"
!rodu$t#& %ine#& or #er(i$e#& ana%y-ing bu#ine## de(e%o!ment# and monitoring market
Coordinate or !arti$i!ate in !romotiona% a$ti(itie# or trade #'o+#& +orking +it'
de(e%o!er#& ad(erti#er#& or !rodu$tion manager#& to market !rodu$t# or #er(i$e#)
Con#u%t +it' buying !er#onne% to gain ad(i$e regarding t'e ty!e# o" !rodu$t# or
#er(i$e# e,!e$ted to be in deman
"ob %escri.!ion A1reed $y/
&m.loyee/ 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
%a!e/ 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
or.ora!e %irec!or4
'enior Mana1er/ 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
%a!e/ 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
*ercen!a1e of
&duca!ion Le,el (e5uired
45 Ba$'e%or.# degree
5 6ig' #$'oo% di!%oma or e7ui(a%ent
5 Some $o%%ege& no degree

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