1001 Books You Must Read

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1001 books you must read before you die 1

1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die

1 2000s........................................................................................................................................................2
2 1900s........................................................................................................................................................4
3 1800s......................................................................................................................................................26
4 1700s......................................................................................................................................................30
5 Pre-1700..................................................................................................................................................32
1001 books you must read before you die 2000s 2
1 2000s
1. Never Let Me Go Kazuo Ishiguro
2. Saturday Ia M!"#a
$. % &eauty 'adie Smith
(. S)o# Ma *.M. +oetzee
,. -d.u!t/ - 0digest 1eter Maso
2. 3he Sea *oh &avi))e
4. 3he 5ed 6uee Margaret 7rabb)e
8. 3he 1)ot -gaist -meri!a 1hi)i9 5oth
:. 3he Master +o)m 3;ib<
10. =aishig 1oit 7avid Markso
11. 3he Lambs of Lodo 1eter -!kroyd
12. 7iig o Stoes Iai Si!)air
1$. +)oud -t)as 7avid Mit!he))
1(. 7ro9 +ity 3. +oraghessa &oy)e
1,. 3he +o)our 5ose 3remai
12. 3hursbit!h -)a Garer
14. 3he Light of 7ay Graham S#ift
18. >hat I Loved Siri ?ustvedt
1:. 3he +urious I!idet of the 7og i the Night@3ime Mark ?addo
20. Is)ads 7a S)eigh
21. ")izabeth +oste))o *.M. +oetzee
22. Lodo %rbita) Iai Si!)air
2$. Aami)y Matters 5ohito Mistry
2(. Aigersmith Sarah >aters
2,. 3he 7oub)e *osB Saramago
22. "verythig is I))umiated *oatha Safra Aoer
24. 0)ess +aro) Shie)ds
28. Kafka o the Shore ?aruki Murakami
2:. 3he Story of Lu!y Gau)t >i))iam 3revor
$0. 3hat 3hey May Aa!e the 5isig Su *oh M!Gaher
1001 books you must read before you die 2000s $
$1. I the Aorest "da %C&rie
$2. Shroud *oh &avi))e
$$. Midd)eseD *effrey "ugeides
$(. Eouth *.M. +oetzee
$,. 7ead -ir Iai &aks
$2. No#here Ma -)eksadar ?emo
$4. 3he &ook of I))usios 1au) -uster
$8. Gabrie)Cs Gift ?aif Kureishi
$:. -uster)itz >.G. Seba)d
(0. 1)atform Mi!hae) ?oue))ebe!F
(1. S!hoo)ig ?eather M!Go#a
(2. -toemet Ia M!"#a
($. 3he +orre!tios *oatha Araze
((. 7oCt Move Margaret Mazzatii
(,. 3he &ody -rtist 7o 7eLi))o
(2. Aury Sa)ma 5ushdie
(4. -t S#imG 3#o &oys *amie %CNei))
(8. +hoke +hu!k 1a)ahiuk
(:. Life of 1i Ea Marte)
,0. 3he Aeast of the Goat Mario =argos L)osa
,1. - %bediet Aather -khi) Sharma
,2. 3he 7evi) ad Miss 1rym 1au)o +oe)ho
,$. S9rig A)o#ersG S9rig Arost Ismai) Kadare
,(. >hite 3eeth 'adie Smith
,,. 3he ?eart of 5edess 'akes Mda
,2. 0der the Ski Mi!he) Aaber
,4. Igora!e Mi)a Kudera
,8. Nietee Sevety Seve 7avid 1ea!e
,:. +e)estia) ?armoies 1Bter "sterhHzy
20. +ity of God ".L. 7o!toro#
21. ?o# the 7ead Live >i)) Se)f
22. 3he ?uma Stai 1hi)i9 5oth
2$. 3he &)id -ssassi Margaret -t#ood
1001 books you must read before you die 2000s (
2(. -fter the 6uake ?aruki Murakami
2,. Sma)) 5emedies Shashi 7esh9ade
22. Su9er@+aes *.G. &a))ard
24. ?ouse of Leaves Mark '. 7aie)e#ski
28. &)ode *oy!e +aro) %ates
2:. 1astora)ia George Sauders
2 1900s
40. 3imbuktu 1au) -uster
41. 3he 5omati!s 1aka. Mishra
42. +ry9toomi!o Nea) Ste9heso
4$. -s If I -m Not 3here S)aveka 7raku)iI
4(. "verythig Eou Need -.L. Keedy
4,. Aear ad 3remb)ig -mB)ie Nothomb
42. 3he Groud &eeath ?er Aeet Sa)ma 5ushdie
44. 7isgra!e *.M. +oetzee
48. S9utik S#eetheart ?aruki Murakami
4:. ")emetary 1arti!)es Mi!he) ?oue))ebe!F
80. Itima!y ?aif Kureishi
81. -msterdam Ia M!"#a
82. +)ouds9)itter 5usse)) &aks
8$. -)) Sou)s 7ay +ees Nooteboom
8(. 3he 3a)k of the 3o# -rda) %C?a)o
8,. 3i99ig the =e)vet Sarah >aters
82. 3he 1oiso#ood &ib)e &arbara Kigso)ver
84. G)amorama &ret "asto "))is
88. -other >or)d 1at &arker
8:. 3he ?ours Mi!hae) +uigham
:0. =eroika 7e!ides to 7ie 1au)o +oe)ho
:1. Maso J 7iDo 3homas 1y!ho
:2. 3he God of Sma)) 3higs -rudhati 5oy
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s ,
:$. Memoirs of a Geisha -rthur Go)de
:(. Great -9es >i)) Se)f
:,. "durig Love Ia M!"#a
:2. 0der#or)d 7o 7eLi))o
:4. *a!k Maggs 1eter +arey
:8. 3he Life of Ise!ts =i!tor 1e)evi
::. -meri!a 1astora) 1hi)i9 5oth
100. 3he 0tou!hab)e *oh &avi))e
101. Si)k -)essadro &ari!!o
102. +o!aie Nights *.G. &a))ard
10$. ?a))u!iatig Aou!au)t 1atri!ia 7u!ker
10(. Augitive 1ie!es -e Mi!hae)s
10,. 3he Ghost 5oad 1at &arker
102. Aorever a Strager ?e))a ?aasse
104. Ifiite *est 7avid Aoster >a))a!e
108. 3he +)ay Ma!hie@Gu =i!tor 1e)evi
10:. -)ias Gra!e Margaret -t#ood
110. 3he 0!oso)ed Kazuo Ishiguro
111. Morver +a))ar -)a >arer
112. 3he Iformatio Marti -mis
11$. 3he MoorCs Last Sigh Sa)ma 5ushdie
11(. SabbathCs 3heater 1hi)i9 5oth
11,. 3he 5igs of Satur >.G. Seba)d
112. 3he 5eader &erhard S!h)ik
114. - Aie &a)a!e 5ohito Mistry
118. LoveCs >ork Gi))ia 5ose
11:. 3he "d of the Story Lydia 7avis
120. Mr. =ertigo 1au) -uster
121. 3he Ao)dig Star -)a ?o))ighurst
122. >hatever Mi!he) ?oue))ebe!F
12$. Lad 1ark Kyog@i
12(. 3he Master of 1etersburg *.M. +oetzee
12,. 3he >id@09 &ird +hroi!)e ?aruki Murakami
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 2
122. 1ereira 7e!)ares/ - 3estimoy -toio 3abu!!hi
124. +ity Sister Si)ver *K!hym 3o9o)
128. ?o# Late It >asG ?o# Late *ames Ke)ma
12:. +a9tai +ore))iCs Mado)i Louis de &erieres
1$0. Ae)i!iaCs *ourey >i))iam 3revor
1$1. 7isa99eara!e 7avid 7abydee
1$2. 3he Ivetio of +urried Sausage 0#e 3imm
1$$. 3he Shi99ig Ne#s ". -ie 1rou)D
1$(. 3rais9ottig Irvie >e)sh
1$,. &irdsog Sebastia Aau)ks
1$2. Lookig for the 1ossib)e 7a!e -.L. Keedy
1$4. %9eratio Shy)o!k 1hi)i9 5oth
1$8. +om9)i!ity Iai &aks
1$:. % Love -)ai de &otto
1(0. >hat a +arve 09L *oatha +oe
1(1. - Suitab)e &oy =ikram Seth
1(2. 3he Stoe 7iaries +aro) Shie)ds
1($. 3he =irgi Sui!ides *effrey "ugeides
1((. 3he ?ouse of 7o!tor 7ee 1eter -!kroyd
1(,. 3he 5obber &ride Margaret -t#ood
1(2. 3he "migrats >.G. Seba)d
1(4. 3he Se!ret ?istory 7oa 3artt
1(8. Life is a +aravaserai "mie Mzdamar
1(:. 3he 7is!overy of ?eave ?arry Mu)is!h
1,0. - ?eart So >hite *avier Marias
1,1. 1ossessig the Se!ret of *oy -)i!e >a)ker
1,2. Idigo Maria >arer
1,$. 3he +ro# 5oad Iai &aks
1,(. >ritte o the &ody *eaette >iterso
1,,. *azz 3oi Morriso
1,2. 3he "g)ish 1atiet Mi!hae) %daat.e
1,4. Smi))aCs Sese of So# 1eter ?Neg
1,8. 3he &ut!her &oy 1atri!k M!+abe
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 4
1,:. &)a!k >ater *oy!e +aro) %ates
120. 3he ?eather &)azig +o)m 3;ib<
121. -s9hode) ?.7. O?i)da 7oo)itt)eP
122. &)a!k 7ogs Ia M!"#a
12$. ?ideous Kiky "sther Areud
12(. -r!adia *im +ra!e
12,. >i)d S#as *ug +hag
122. -meri!a 1sy!ho &ret "asto "))is
124. 3imeCs -rro# Marti -mis
128. Mao II 7o 7eLi))o
12:. 3y9i!a) 1adgett 1o#e))
140. 5egeeratio 1at &arker
141. 7o#river Iai Si!)air
142. SeQor =ivo ad the +o!a Lord Louis de &erieres
14$. >ise +hi)dre -ge)a +arter
14(. Get Shorty ")more Leoard
14,. -mogst >ome *oh M!Gaher
142. =ie)ad 3homas 1y!ho
144. =ertigo >.G. Seba)d
148. Stoe *u!tio *im 7odge
14:. 3he Musi! of +ha!e 1au) -uster
180. 3he 3higs 3hey +arried 3im %C&rie
181. - ?ome at the "d of the >or)d Mi!hae) +uigham
182. Like Life Lorrie Moore
18$. 1ossessio -.S. &yatt
18(. 3he &uddha of Suburbia ?aif Kureishi
18,. 3he Midight "Damier >i))iam Kotz#ik)e
182. - 7isaffe!tio *ames Ke)ma
184. SeDig the +herry *eaette >iterso
188. Moo 1a)a!e 1au) -uster
18:. &i))y &athgate ".L. 7o!toro#
1:0. 5emais of the 7ay Kazuo Ishiguro
1:1. 3he Me)a!ho)y of 5esista!e LHsz); Kraszahorkai
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 8
1:2. 3he 3em9)e of My Aami)iar -)i!e >a)ker
1:$. 3he 3ri!k is to Kee9 &reathig *ai!e Ga))o#ay
1:(. 3he ?istory of the Siege of Lisbo *osB Saramago
1:,. Like >ater for +ho!o)ate Laura "sFuive)
1:2. - 1rayer for %#e Meay *oh Irvig
1:4. Lodo Aie)ds Marti -mis
1:8. 3he &ook of "vide!e *oh &avi))e
1::. +atCs "ye Margaret -t#ood
200. Aou!au)tCs 1edu)um 0mberto "!o
201. 3he &eautifu) 5oom is "m9ty "dmud >hite
202. >ittgesteiCs Mistress 7avid Markso
20$. 3he Satai! =erses Sa)ma 5ushdie
20(. 3he S#immig@1oo) Library -)a ?o))ighurst
20,. %s!ar ad Lu!ida 1eter +arey
202. Libra 7o 7eLi))o
204. 3he 1)ayer of Games Iai M. &aks
208. Nervous +oditios 3sitsi 7agarembga
20:. 3he Log 7ark 3eatime of the Sou) 7oug)as -dams
210. 7irk Get)yCs ?o)isti! 7ete!tive -ge!y 7oug)as -dams
211. 3he 5adiat >ay Margaret 7rabb)e
212. 3he -fteroo of a >riter 1eter ?adke
21$. 3he &)a!k 7ah)ia *ames "))roy
21(. 3he 1assio *eaette >iterso
21,. 3he 1igeo 1atri!k SRskid
212. 3he +hi)d i 3ime Ia M!"#a
214. +igarettes ?arry Mathe#s
218. 3he &ofire of the =aities 3om >o)fe
21:. 3he Ne# Eork 3ri)ogy 1au) -uster
220. >or)dCs "d 3. +oraghessa &oy)e
221. "igma of -rriva) =.S. Nai9au)
222. 3he 3aebek Moutais *o *ug@rae
22$. &e)oved 3oi Morriso
22(. -agrams Lorrie Moore
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s :
22,. Matigari Ngugi >a 3hiogCo
222. Marya *oy!e +aro) %ates
224. >at!hme -)a Moore J 7avid Gibbos
228. 3he %)d 7evi)s Kigs)ey -mis
22:. Lost Laguage of +raes 7avid Leavitt
2$0. - -rtist of the A)oatig >or)d Kazuo Ishiguro
2$1. "Dti!tio 3homas &erhard
2$2. Aoe *.M. +oetzee
2$$. 3he 7ro#ed ad the Saved 1rimo Levi
2$(. 5easos to Live -my ?em9e)
2$,. 3he 1arab)e of the &)id Gert ?ofma
2$2. Love i the 3ime of +ho)era Gabrie) Gar!<a MHrFuez
2$4. %rages -re Not the %)y Aruit *eaette >iterso
2$8. 3he +ider ?ouse 5u)es *oh Irvig
2$:. - Maggot *oh Ao#)es
2(0. Less 3ha 'ero &ret "asto "))is
2(1. +ota!t +ar) Saga
2(2. 3he ?admaidCs 3a)e Margaret -t#ood
2($. 1erfume 1atri!k SRskid
2((. %)d Masters 3homas &erhard
2(,. >hite Noise 7o 7eLi))o
2(2. 6ueer >i))iam &urroughs
2(4. ?a#ksmoor 1eter -!kroyd
2(8. Leged 7avid Gemme))
2(:. 7i!tioary of the Khazars Mi)orad 1aviI
2,0. 3he &us +odu!tor ?ies *ames Ke)ma
2,1. 3he Eear of the 7eath of 5i!ardo 5eis *osB Saramago
2,2. 3he Lover Marguerite 7uras
2,$. "m9ire of the Su *.G. &a))ard
2,(. 3he >as9 Aa!tory Iai &aks
2,,. Nights at the +ir!us -ge)a +arter
2,2. 3he 0bearab)e Lightess of &eig Mi)a Kudera
2,4. &)ood ad Guts i ?igh S!hoo) Kathy -!ker
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 10
2,8. Neuroma!er >i))iam Gibso
2,:. A)aubertCs 1arrot *u)ia &ares
220. Moey/ - Sui!ide Note Marti -mis
221. Shame Sa)ma 5ushdie
222. >orst#ard ?o Samue) &e!kett
22$. Aoo)s of Aortue >i))iam 3revor
22(. La &rava ")more Leoard
22,. >ater)ad Graham S#ift
222. 3he Life ad 3imes of Mi!hae) K *.M. +oetzee
224. 3he 7iary of *ae Somers 7oris Lessig
228. 3he 1iao 3ea!her ")friede *e)iek
22:. 3he Sorro# of &e)gium ?ugo +)aus
240. If Not No#G >heI 1rimo Levi
241. - &oyCs %# Story "dmud >hite
242. 3he +o)or 1ur9)e -)i!e >a)ker
24$. >ittgesteiCs Ne9he# 3homas &erhard
24(. - 1a)e =ie# of ?i))s Kazuo Ishiguro
24,. S!hid)erCs -rk 3homas Keea))y
242. 3he ?ouse of the S9irits Isabe) -))ede
244. 3he Ne#to Letter *oh &avi))e
248. % the &)a!k ?i)) &ru!e +hat#i
24:. +o!rete 3homas &erhard
280. 3he Names 7o 7eLi))o
281. 5abbit is 5i!h *oh 09dike
282. Laark/ - Life i Aour &ooks -)asdair Gray
28$. 3he +omfort of Stragers Ia M!"#a
28(. *u)yCs 1eo9)e Nadie Gordimer
28,. Summer i &ade@&ade Leoid 3sy9ki
282. &roke -9ri) Ismai) Kadare
284. >aitig for the &arbarias *.M. +oetzee
288. MidightCs +hi)dre Sa)ma 5ushdie
28:. 5ites of 1assage >i))iam Go)dig
2:0. 5itua)s +ees Nooteboom
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 11
2:1. +ofedera!y of 7u!es *oh Keedy 3oo)e
2:2. +ity 1rimeva) ")more Leoard
2:$. 3he Name of the 5ose 0mberto "!o
2:(. 3he &ook of Laughter ad Aorgettig Mi)a Kudera
2:,. Smi)eyCs 1eo9)e *oh Le +arrB
2:2. Shikasta 7oris Lessig
2:4. - &ed i the 5iver =.S. Nai9au)
2:8. &urgerCs 7aughter @ Nadie Gordimer
2::. 3he Safety Net ?eiri!h &S))
$00. If % a >iterCs Night a 3rave)er Ita)o +a)vio
$01. 3he ?it!hhikerCs Guide to the Ga)aDy 7oug)as -dams
$02. 3he +emet Garde Ia M!"#a
$0$. 3he >or)d -!!ordig to Gar9 *oh Irvig
$0(. Life/ - 0serCs Maua) Georges 1ere!
$0,. 3he SeaG 3he Sea Iris Murdo!h
$02. 3he Siga9ore Gri9 *.G. Aarre))
$04. Ees 3homas &erhard
$08. 3he =irgi i the Garde -.S. &yatt
$0:. I the ?eart of the +outry *.M. +oetzee
$10. 3he 1assio of Ne# "ve -ge)a +arter
$11. 7e)ta of =eus -aTs Ni
$12. 3he Shiig Ste9he Kig
$1$. 7is9at!hes Mi!hae) ?err
$1(. 1eta)s of &)ood Ngugi >a 3hiogCo
$1,. Sog of So)omo 3oi Morriso
$12. 3he ?our of the Star +)ari!e Lis9e!tor
$14. 3he Left@?aded >oma 1eter ?adke
$18. 5aterCs Star 7o 7eLi))o
$1:. 3he 1ub)i! &urig 5obert +oover
$20. Itervie# >ith the =am9ire -e 5i!e
$21. +utter ad &oe Ne#to 3horburg
$22. -mateurs 7oa)d &arthe)me
$2$. 1atters of +hi)dhood +hrista >o)f
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 12
$2(. -utum of the 1atriar!h Gabrie) Gar!<a MHrFuez
$2,. >G or the Memory of +hi)dhood Georges 1ere!
$22. - 7a!e to the Musi! of 3ime -thoy 1o#e))
$24. Grimus Sa)ma 5ushdie
$28. 3he 7ead Aather 7oa)d &arthe)me
$2:. Aate)ess Imre KertBsz
$$0. >i))ard ad ?is &o#)ig 3ro9hies 5i!hard &rautiga
$$1. ?igh 5ise *.G. &a))ard
$$2. ?umbo)dtCs Gift Sau) &e))o#
$$$. 7ead &abies Marti -mis
$$(. +orre!tio 3homas &erhard
$$,. 5agtime ".L. 7o!toro#
$$2. 3he Aa Ma >i))iam Kotz#ik)e
$$4. 7usk)ads *.M. +oetzee
$$8. 3he Lost ?oor of Katharia &)um ?eiri!h &S))
$$:. 3iker 3ai)or So)dier S9y *oh Le +arrB
$(0. &reakfast of +ham9ios Kurt =oegutG *r.
$(1. Aear of A)yig "ri!a *og
$(2. - 6uestio of 1o#er &essie ?ead
$($. 3he Siege of Krisha9ur *.G. Aarre))
$((. 3he +ast)e of +rossed 7estiies Ita)o +a)vio
$(,. +rash *.G. &a))ard
$(2. 3he ?oorary +osu) Graham Greee
$(4. GravityCs 5aibo# 3homas 1y!ho
$(8. 3he &)a!k 1ri!e Iris Murdo!h
$(:. Su)a 3oi Morriso
$,0. Ivisib)e +ities Ita)o +a)vio
$,1. 3he &reast 1hi)i9 5oth
$,2. 3he Summer &ook 3ove *asso
$,$. G *oh &erger
$,(. Surfa!ig Margaret -t#ood
$,,. ?ouse Mother Norma) &.S. *ohso
$,2. I - Aree State =.S. Nai9au)
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 1$
$,4. 3he &ook of 7aie) ".L. 7o!toro#
$,8. Aear ad Loathig i Las =egas ?uter S. 3hom9so
$,:. Grou9 1ortrait >ith Lady ?eiri!h &S))
$20. 3he >i)d &oys >i))iam &urroughs
$21. 5abbit 5eduD *oh 09dike
$22. 3he Sea of Aerti)ity Eukio Mishima
$2$. 3he 7riverCs Seat Murie) S9ark
$2(. 3he %gre Mi!hae) 3ourier
$2,. 3he &)uest "ye 3oi Morriso
$22. Goa)ieCs -Diety at the 1ea)ty Ki!k 1eter ?adke
$24. I Ko# >hy the +aged &ird Sigs Maya -ge)ou
$28. Mer!ier et +amier Samue) &e!kett
$2:. 3roub)es *.G. Aarre))
$40. *ahrestage 0#e *ohso
$41. 3he -tro!ity "Dhibitio *.G. &a))ard
$42. 3et of Mira!)es *orge -mado
$4$. 1ri!ksogs ad 7es!ats 5obert +oover
$4(. &)id Ma >ith a 1isto) +hester ?ies
$4,. S)aughterhouse@five Kurt =oegutG *r.
$42. 3he Are!h LieuteatCs >oma *oh Ao#)es
$44. 3he Gree Ma Kigs)ey -mis
$48. 1ortoyCs +om9)ait 1hi)i9 5oth
$4:. 3he Godfather Mario 1uzo
$80. -da =)adimir Nabokov
$81. 3hem *oy!e +aro) %ates
$82. - =oidU-void Georges 1ere!
$8$. "va 3rout ")izabeth &o#e
$8(. Myra &re!kiridge Gore =ida)
$8,. 3he Ni!e ad the Good Iris Murdo!h
$82. &e))e du Seigeur -)bert +ohe
$84. +a!er >ard -)eksadr Isayevi!h So)zheitsy
$88. 3he Airst +ir!)e -)eksadr Isayevi!h So)zheitsy
$8:. 2001/ - S9a!e %dyssey -rthur +. +)arke
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 1(
$:0. 7o -droids 7ream of ")e!tri! Shee9I 1hi)i9 K. 7i!k
$:1. 7ark as the Grave >herei My Aried is Laid Ma)!o)m Lo#ry
$:2. 3he Germa Lesso Siegfried Lez
$:$. I >aterme)o Sugar 5i!hard &rautiga
$:(. - Kestre) for a Kave &arry ?ies
$:,. 3he 6uest for +hrista 3. +hrista >o)f
$:2. +ho!ky *oh >ydham
$:4. 3he ")e!tri! Koo)@-id -!id 3est 3om >o)fe
$:8. 3he +ubs ad %ther Stories Mario =argas L)osa
$::. %e ?udred Eears of So)itude @ Gabrie) Gar!<a MHrFuez
(00. 3he Master ad Margarita Mikhai) &u)gakov
(01. 1i)grimage 7orothy 5i!hardso
(02. 3he *oke Mi)a Kudera
(0$. No Laughig Matter -gus >i)so
(0(. 3he 3hird 1o)i!ema A)a %C&rie
(0,. - Ma -s)ee9 Georges 1ere!
(02. 3he &irds Aa)) 7o# 5ebe!!a >est
(04. 3ra#) &.S. *ohso
(08. I +o)d &)ood 3ruma +a9ote
(0:. 3he Magus *oh Ao#)es
(10. 3he =i!e@+osu) Marguerite 7uras
(11. >ide Sargasso Sea *ea 5hys
(12. Gi)es Goat@&oy *oh &arth
(1$. 3he +ryig of Lot (: 3homas 1y!ho
(1(. 3higs Georges 1ere!
(1,. 3he 5iver &et#ee Ngugi #a 3hiogCo
(12. -ugust is a >i!ked Moth "da %C&rie
(14. God &)ess EouG Mr. 5ose#ater Kurt =oegut
(18. "verythig 3hat 5ises Must +overge A)aery %C+oor
(1:. 3he 1assio -!!ordig to G.?. +)ari!e Lis9e!tor
(20. Sometimes a Great Notio Ke Kesey
(21. +ome &a!kG 7r. +a)igari 7oa)d &artho)me
(22. -)bert -ge)o &.S. *ohso
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 1,
(2$. -rro# of God +hiua -!hebe
(2(. 3he 5avishig of Lo) =. Stei Marguerite 7uras
(2,. ?erzog Sau) &e))o#
(22. =. 3homas 1y!ho
(24. +atCs +rad)e Kurt =oegut
(28. 3he Graduate +har)es >ebb
(2:. Mao des Sour!es Mar!e) 1ago)
($0. 3he S9y >ho +ame i from the +o)d *oh Le +arrB
($1. 3he Gir)s of S)eder Meas Murie) S9ark
($2. Iside Mr. "derby -thoy &urgess
($$. 3he &e)) *ar Sy)via 1)ath
($(. %e 7ay i the Life of Iva 7eisovi!h -)eksadr Isayevi!h So)zheitsy
($,. 3he +o))e!tor *oh Ao#)es
($2. %e A)e# %ver the +u!kooCs Nest Ke Kesey
($4. - +)o!k#ork %rage -thoy &urgess
($8. 1a)e Aire =)adimir Nabokov
($:. 3he 7ro#ed >or)d *.G. &a))ard
((0. 3he Go)de Notebook 7oris Lessig
((1. Labyriths *org Luis &orges
((2. Gir) >ith Gree "yes "da %C&rie
(($. 3he Garde of the Aizi@+otiis Giorgio &assai
(((. Strager i a Strage Lad 5obert ?ei)ei
((,. Aray ad 'ooey *.7. Sa)iger
((2. - Severed ?ead Iris Murdo!h
((4. Aa!es i the >ater *aet Arame
((8. So)aris Stais)a# Lem
((:. +at ad Mouse GRter Grass
(,0. 3he 1rime of Miss *ea &rodie Murie) S9ark
(,1. +at!h@22 *ose9h ?e))er
(,2. 3he =io)et &ear it -#ay A)aery %C+oor
(,$. ?o# It Is Samue) &e!kett
(,(. %ur -!estors Ita)o +a)vio
(,,. 3he +outry Gir)s "da %C&rie
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 12
(,2. 3o Ki)) a Mo!kigbird ?ar9er Lee
(,4. 5abbitG 5u *oh 09dike
(,8. 1romise at 7a# 5omai Gary
(,:. +ider >ith 5osie Laurie Lee
(20. &i))y Liar Keith >aterhouse
(21. Naked Lu!h >i))iam &urroughs
(22. 3he 3i 7rum GRter Grass
(2$. -bso)ute &egiers +o)i Ma!Ies
(2(. ?ederso the 5ai Kig Sau) &e))o#
(2,. Memeto Mori Murie) S9ark
(22. &i))iards at ?a)f@1ast Nie ?eiri!h &S))
(24. &reakfast at 3iffayCs 3ruma +a9ote
(28. 3he Leo9ard Giuse99e 3omasi di Lam9edusa
(2:. 1)u!k the &ud ad 7estroy the %ffs9rig Kezaburo %e
(40. - 3o# Like -)i!e Nevi) Shute
(41. 3he &itter G)ass "i)<s 7i))o
(42. 3higs Aa)) -9art +hiua -!hebe
(4$. Saturday Night ad Suday Morig -)a Si))itoe
(4(. Mrs. V-rris Goes to 1aris 1au) Ga))i!o
(4,. &orsta) &oy &reda &eha
(42. 3he "d of the 5oad *oh &arth
(44. 3he %!e ad Auture Kig 3.?. >hite
(48. 3he &e)) Iris Murdo!h
(4:. *ea)ousy -)ai 5obbe@Gri))et
(80. =oss 1atri!k >hite
(81. 3he Mid#i!h +u!koos *oh >ydham
(82. &)ue Noo Georges &atai))e
(8$. ?omo Aaber MaD Aris!h
(8(. % the 5oad *a!k Keroua!
(8,. 1i =)adimir Nabokov
(82. 7o!tor 'hivago &oris 1asterak
(84. 3he >oderfu) W%X *ames 3hurber
(88. *ustie La#re!e 7urre))
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 14
(8:. GiovaiCs 5oom *ames &a)d#i
(:0. 3he Loe)y Lodoers Sam Se)vo
(:1. 3he 5oots of ?eave 5omai Gary
(:2. Seize the 7ay Sau) &e))o#
(:$. 3he A)oatig %9era *oh &arth
(:(. 3he Lord of the 5igs *.5.5. 3o)kie
(:,. 3he 3a)eted Mr. 5i9)ey 1atri!ia ?ighsmith
(:2. Lo)ita =)adimir Nabokov
(:4. - >or)d of Love ")izabeth &o#e
(:8. 3he 3rustig ad the Maimed *ames 1)ukett
(::. 3he 6uiet -meri!a Graham Greee
,00. 3he Last 3em9tatio of +hrist Nikos KazatzHkis
,01. 3he 5e!ogitios >i))iam Gaddis
,02. 3he 5agazzi 1ier 1au)o 1aso)ii
,0$. &o.our 3ristesse AraYoise Saga
,0(. ICm Not Sti))er MaD Aris!h
,0,. Se)f +odemed >ydham Le#is
,02. 3he Story of % 1au)ie 5Bage
,04. - Ghost at Noo -)berto Moravia
,08. Lord of the A)ies >i))iam Go)dig
,0:. 0der the Net Iris Murdo!h
,10. 3he Go@&et#ee L.1. ?art)ey
,11. 3he Log Goodbye 5aymod +had)er
,12. 3he 0amab)e Samue) &e!kett
,1$. >att Samue) &e!kett
,1(. Lu!ky *im Kigs)ey -mis
,1,. *ukie >i))iam &urroughs
,12. 3he -dvetures of -ugie Mar!h Sau) &e))o#
,14. Go 3e)) It o the Moutai *ames &a)d#i
,18. +asio 5oya)e Ia A)emig
,1:. 3he *udge ad ?is ?agma Ariedri!h 7Rrrematt
,20. Ivisib)e Ma 5a)9h "))iso
,21. 3he %)d Ma ad the Sea "rest ?emig#ay
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 18
,22. >ise &)ood A)aery %C+oor
,2$. 3he Ki))er Iside Me *im 3hom9so
,2(. Memoirs of ?adria Marguerite Eour!ear
,2,. Ma)oe 7ies Samue) &e!kett
,22. 7ay of the 3riffids *oh >ydham
,24. Aoudatio Isaa! -simov
,28. 3he %99osig Shore *u)ie Gra!F
,2:. 3he +at!her i the 5ye *.7. Sa)iger
,$0. 3he 5ebe) -)bert +amus
,$1. Mo))oy Samue) &e!kett
,$2. 3he "d of the -ffair Graham Greee
,$$. 3he -bbot + Georges &atai))e
,$(. 3he Labyrith of So)itude %!tavio 1az
,$,. 3he 3hird Ma Graham Greee
,$2. 3he 1$ +)o!ks *ames 3hurber
,$4. Gormeghast Mervy 1eake
,$8. 3he Grass is Sigig 7oris Lessig
,$:. IG 5obot Isaa! -simov
,(0. 3he Moo ad the &ofires +esare 1avese
,(1. 3he Garde >here the &rass &ad 1)ayed Simo =estdi.k
,(2. Love i a +o)d +)imate Na!y Mitford
,($. 3he +ase of +omrade 3u)ayev =i!tor Serge
,((. 3he ?eat of the 7ay ")izabeth &o#e
,(,. Kigdom of 3his >or)d -)e.o +ar9etier
,(2. 3he Ma >ith the Go)de -rm Ne)so -)gre
,(4. Nietee "ighty@Aour George %r#e))
,(8. -)) -bout ?. ?atterr G.=. 7esai
,(:. 7isobedie!e -)berto Moravia
,,0. 7eath Sete!e Mauri!e &)a!hot
,,1. 3he ?eart of the Matter Graham Greee
,,2. +ryG the &e)oved +outry -)a 1ato
,,$. 7o!tor Aaustus 3homas Ma
,,(. 3he =i!tim Sau) &e))o#
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 1:
,,,. "Der!ises i Sty)e 5aymod 6ueeau
,,2. If 3his Is a Ma 1rimo Levi
,,4. 0der the =o)!ao Ma)!o)m Lo#ry
,,8. 3he 1ath to the Nest of S9iders Ita)o +a)vio
,,:. 3he 1)ague -)bert +amus
,20. &a!k ?ery Gree
,21. 3itus Groa Mervy 1eake
,22. 3he &ridge o the 7ria Ivo -driI
,2$. &rideshead 5evisited "ve)y >augh
,2(. -ima) Aarm George %r#e))
,2,. +aery 5o# *oh Steibe!k
,22. 3he 1ursuit of Love Na!y Mitford
,24. Lovig ?ery Gree
,28. -r!aum 14 -drB &reto
,2:. +hrist Sto99ed at "bo)i +ar)o Levi
,40. 3he 5azorCs "dge >i))iam Somerset Maugham
,41. 3rasit -a Seghers
,42. Ai!!ioes *orge Luis &orges
,4$. 7ag)ig Ma Sau) &e))o#
,4(. 3he Litt)e 1ri!e -toie de Sait@"Du9Bry
,4,. +aught ?ery Gree
,42. 3he G)ass &ead Game ?erma ?esse
,44. "mbers Sador Marai
,48. Go 7o#G Moses >i))iam Aau)ker
,4:. 3he %utsider -)bert +amus
,80. I Si!i)y ")io =ittorii
,81. 3he 1oor Mouth A)a %C&rie
,82. 3he Livig ad the 7ead 1atri!k >hite
,8$. ?agover SFuare 1atri!k ?ami)to
,8(. &et#ee the -!ts =irgiia >oo)f
,8,. 3he ?am)et >i))iam Aau)ker
,82. Aare#e)) My Love)y 5aymod +had)er
,84. Aor >hom the &e)) 3o))s "rest ?emig#ay
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 20
,88. Native So 5i!hard >right
,8:. 3he 1o#er ad the G)ory Graham Greee
,:0. 3he 3artar Ste99e 7io &uzzati
,:1. 1arty Goig ?ery Gree
,:2. 3he Gra9es of >rath *oh Steibe!k
,:$. Aiegas >ake *ames *oy!e
,:(. -t S#im@3#o@&irds A)a %C&rie
,:,. +omig 09 for -ir George %r#e))
,:2. Goodbye to &er)i +hristo9her Isher#ood
,:4. 3ro9i! of +a9ri!or ?ery Mi))er
,:8. Good MorigG Midight *ea 5hys
,::. 3he &ig S)ee9 5aymod +had)er
200. -fter the 7eath of 7o *ua Sy)vie 3o#sed >arer
201. Miss 1ettigre# Lives for a 7ay >iifred >atso
202. Nausea *ea@1au) Sartre
20$. 5ebe!!a 7a9he du Maurier
20(. +ause for -)arm "ri! -mb)er
20,. &righto 5o!k Graham Greee
202. 0.S.-. *oh 7os 1assos
204. Mur9hy Samue) &e!kett
208. %f Mi!e ad Me *oh Steibe!k
20:. 3heir "yes >ere >at!hig God 'ora Nea)e ?ursto
210. 3he ?obbit *.5.5. 3o)kie
211. 3he Eears =irgiia >oo)f
212. I 1arethesis 7avid *oes
21$. 3he 5evege for Love >ydham Le#is
21(. %ut of -fri!a Isak 7ieso OKare &)iDeP
21,. 3o ?ave ad ?ave Not "rest ?emig#ay
212. Summer >i)) Sho# Sy)via 3o#sed >arer
214. "ye)ess i Gaza -)dous ?uD)ey
218. 3he 3hikig 5eed 5ebe!!a >est
21:. Goe >ith the >id Margaret Mit!he))
220. Kee9 the -s9idistra A)yig George %r#e))
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 21
221. >i)d ?arbour Ia Ma!1herso
222. -bsa)omG -bsa)omL >i))iam Aau)ker
22$. -t the Moutais of Madess ?.1. Love!raft
22(. Night#ood 7.ua &ares
22,. Ide9edet 1eo9)e ?a))d;r LaDess
222. -uto@da@AB ")ias +aetti
224. 3he Last of Mr. Norris +hristo9her Isher#ood
228. 3hey Shoot ?orsesG 7oCt 3heyI ?ora!e M!+oy
22:. 3he ?ouse i 1aris ")izabeth &o#e
2$0. "g)ad Made Me Graham Greee
2$1. &urmese 7ays George %r#e))
2$2. 3he Nie 3ai)ors 7orothy L. Sayers
2$$. 3hree9ey Nove) &erto)t &re!ht
2$(. Nove) >ith +o!aie M. -geyev
2$,. 3he 1ostma -)#ays 5igs 3#i!e *ames M. +ai
2$2. 3ro9i! of +a!er ?ery Mi))er
2$4. - ?adfu) of 7ust "ve)y >augh
2$8. 3eder is the Night A. S!ott Aitzgera)d
2$:. 3hak EouG *eeves 1.G. >odehouse
2(0. +a)) it S)ee9 ?ery 5oth
2(1. Miss Loe)yhearts Nathaae) >est
2(2. Murder Must -dvertise 7orothy L. Sayers
2($. 3he -utobiogra9hy of -)i!e &. 3ok)as Gertrude Stei
2((. 3estamet of Eouth =era &rittai
2(,. - 7ay %ff Storm *ameso
2(2. 3he Ma >ithout 6ua)ities 5obert Musi)
2(4. - S!ots 6uair OSuset SogP Le#is Grassi! Gibbo
2(8. *ourey to the "d of the Night Louis@Aerdiad +B)ie
2(:. &rave Ne# >or)d -)dous ?uD)ey
2,0. +o)d +omfort Aarm Ste))a Gibbos
2,1. 3o the North ")izabeth &o#e
2,2. 3he 3hi Ma 7ashie)) ?ammett
2,$. 3he 5adetzky Mar!h *ose9h 5oth
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 22
2,(. 3he >aves =irgiia >oo)f
2,,. 3he G)ass Key 7ashie)) ?ammett
2,2. +akes ad -)e >. Somerset Maugham
2,4. 3he -9es of God >ydham Le#is
2,8. ?er 1rivates >e Arederi! Maig
2,:. =i)e &odies "ve)y >augh
220. 3he Ma)tese Aa)!o 7ashie)) ?ammett
221. ?ebdomeros Giorgio de +hiri!o
222. 1assig Ne))a Larse
22$. - Aare#e)) to -rms "rest ?emig#ay
22(. 5ed ?arvest 7ashie)) ?ammett
22,. Livig ?ery Gree
222. 3he 3ime of Idiffere!e -)berto Moravia
224. -)) 6uiet o the >ester Arot "ri!h Maria 5emarFue
228. &er)i -)eDader9)atz -)fred 7Sb)i
22:. 3he Last Se9tember ")izabeth &o#e
240. ?arriet ?ume 5ebe!!a >est
241. 3he Soud ad the Aury >i))iam Aau)ker
242. Les "fats 3errib)es *ea +o!teau
24$. Look ?ome#ardG -ge) 3homas >o)fe
24(. Story of the "ye Georges &atai))e
24,. %r)ado =irgiia >oo)f
242. Lady +hatter)eyCs Lover 7.?. La#re!e
244. 3he >e)) of Loe)iess 5ad!)yffe ?a))
248. 3he +hi)dermass >ydham Le#is
24:. 6uartet *ea 5hys
280. 7e!)ie ad Aa)) "ve)y >augh
281. 6ui!ksad Ne))a Larse
282. 1aradeCs "d Aord MadoD Aord
28$. Nad.a -drB &reto
28(. Ste99e#o)f ?erma ?esse
28,. 5emembra!e of 3higs 1ast Mar!e) 1roust
282. 3o 3he Lighthouse =irgiia >oo)f
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 2$
284. 3arka the %tter ?ery >i))iamso
288. -merika Araz Kafka
28:. 3he Su -)so 5ises "rest ?emig#ay
2:0. &)idess ?ery Gree
2:1. 3he +ast)e Araz Kafka
2:2. 3he Good So)dier Zve.k *aros)av ?a[ek
2:$. 3he 1)umed Ser9et 7.?. La#re!e
2:(. %eG Noe ad a ?udred 3housad Luigi 1irade))o
2:,. 3he Murder of 5oger -!kroyd -gatha +hristie
2:2. 3he Makig of -meri!as Gertrude Stei
2:4. Mahatta 3rasfer *oh 7os 1assos
2:8. Mrs. 7a))o#ay =irgiia >oo)f
2::. 3he Great Gatsby A. S!ott Aitzgera)d
400. 3he +outerfeiters -drB Gide
401. 3he 3ria) Araz Kafka
402. 3he -rtamoov &usiess MaDim Gorky
40$. 3he 1rofessorCs ?ouse >i))a +ather
40(. &i))y &uddG Aoreto9ma ?erma Me)vi))e
40,. 3he Gree ?at Mi!hae) -r)e
402. 3he Magi! Moutai 3homas Ma
404. >e Eevgey 'amyati
408. - 1assage to Idia ".M. Aorster
40:. 3he 7evi) i the A)esh 5aymod 5adiguet
410. 'eoCs +os!ie!e Ita)o Svevo
411. +ae *ea 3oomer
412. -ti! ?ay -)dous ?uD)ey
41$. -mok Stefa '#eig
41(. 3he Garde 1arty Katherie Masfie)d
41,. 3he "ormous 5oom ".". +ummigs
412. *a!obCs 5oom =irgiia >oo)f
414. Siddhartha ?erma ?esse
418. 3he G)im9ses of the Moo "dith >harto
41:. Life ad 7eath of ?arriett Area May Si!)air
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 2(
420. 3he Last 7ays of ?umaity Kar) Kraus
421. -aroCs 5od 7.?. La#re!e
422. &abbitt Si!)air Le#is
42$. 0)ysses *ames *oy!e
42(. 3he AoD 7.?. La#re!e
42,. +rome Ee))o# -)dous ?uD)ey
422. 3he -ge of Io!e!e "dith >harto
424. Mai Street Si!)air Le#is
428. >ome i Love 7.?. La#re!e
42:. Night ad 7ay =irgiia >oo)f
4$0. 3arr >ydham Le#is
4$1. 3he 5etur of the So)dier 5ebe!!a >est
4$2. 3he Shado# Lie *ose9h +orad
4$$. Summer "dith >harto
4$(. Gro#th of the Soi) Kut ?amse
4$,. &uer Sisters "dith >harto
4$2. - 1ortrait of the -rtist as a Eoug Ma *ames *oy!e
4$4. 0der Aire ?eri &arbusse
4$8. 5ashomo -kutaga#a 5yuosuke
4$:. 3he Good So)dier Aord MadoD Aord
4(0. 3he =oyage %ut =irgiia >oo)f
4(1. %f ?uma &odage >i))iam Somerset Maugham
4(2. 3he 5aibo# 7.?. La#re!e
4($. 3he 3hirty@Nie Ste9s *oh &u!ha
4((. Kokoro Natsume Soseki
4(,. Lo!us So)us 5aymod 5ousse)
4(2. 5ossha)de ?erma ?esse
4(4. 3arza of the -9es "dgar 5i!e &urroughs
4(8. 3he 5agged 3rousered 1hi)athro9ists 5obert 3resse))
4(:. Sos ad Lovers 7.?. La#re!e
4,0. 7eath i =ei!e 3homas Ma
4,1. 3he +har#omaCs 7aughter *ames Ste9hes
4,2. "tha Arome "dith >harto
1001 books you must read before you die 1:00s 2,
4,$. Aat\mas Mar!e) -))ai ad 1ierre Souvestre
4,(. ?o#ards "d ".M. Aorster
4,,. Im9ressios of -fri!a 5aymod 5ousse)
4,2. 3hree Lives Gertrude Stei
4,4. Marti "de *a!k Lodo
4,8. Strait is the Gate -drB Gide
4,:. 3oo@&ugay ?.G. >e))s
420. 3he Ifero ?eri &arbusse
421. - 5oom >ith a =ie# ".M. Aorster
422. 3he Iro ?ee) *a!k Lodo
42$. 3he %)d >ivesC 3a)e -ro)d &eett
42(. 3he ?ouse o the &order)ad >i))iam ?o9e ?odgso
42,. Mother MaDim Gorky
422. 3he Se!ret -get *ose9h +orad
424. 3he *ug)e 09to Si!)air
428. Eoug 3Sr)ess 5obert Musi)
42:. 3he Aorsyte Sage *oh Ga)s#orthy
440. 3he ?ouse of Mirth "dith >harto
441. 1rofessor 0rat ?eiri!h Ma
442. >here -ge)s Aear to 3read ".M. Aorster
44$. Nostromo *ose9h +orad
44(. ?adria the Seveth Arederi!k 5o)fe
44,. 3he Go)de &o#) ?ery *ames
442. 3he -mbassadors ?ery *ames
444. 3he 5idd)e of the Sads "rskie +hi)ders
448. 3he Immora)ist -drB Gide
44:. 3he >igs of the 7ove ?ery *ames
480. ?eart of 7arkess *ose9h +orad
481. 3he ?oud of the &askervi))es Sir -rthur +oa 7oy)e
482. &uddebrooks 3homas Ma
48$. Kim 5udyard Ki9)ig
48(. Sister +arrie 3heodore 7reiser
48,. Lord *im *ose9h +orad
1001 books you must read before you die 1800s 22
3 1800s
482. Some "D9erie!es of a Irish 5.M. Somervi))e ad 5oss
484. 3he Ste!h)i 3heodore Aotae
488. 3he -#akeig Kate +ho9i
48:. 3he 3ur of the S!re# ?ery *ames
4:0. 3he >ar of the >or)ds ?.G. >e))s
4:1. 3he Ivisib)e Ma ?.G. >e))s
4:2. >hat Maisie Ke# ?ery *ames
4:$. Aruits of the "arth -drB Gide
4:(. 7ra!u)a &ram Stoker
4:,. 6uo =adis ?eryk Siekie#i!z
4:2. 3he Is)ad of 7r. Moreau ?.G. >e))s
4:4. 3he 3ime Ma!hie ?.G. >e))s
4:8. "ffi &riest 3heodore Aotae
4::. *ude the %bs!ure 3homas ?ardy
800. 3he 5ea) +har)otte Somervi))e ad 5oss
801. 3he Ee))o# >a))9a9er +har)otte 1erkis Gi)ma
802. &or i "Di)e George Gissig
80$. 7iary of a Nobody George J >eedo Grossmith
80(. 3he -dvetures of Sher)o!k ?o)mes Sir -rthur +oa 7oy)e
80,. Ne#s from No#here >i))iam Morris
802. Ne# Grub Street George Gissig
804. GSsta &er)igCs Saga Se)ma Lager)Sf
808. 3ess of the 7C0rbervi))es 3homas ?ardy
80:. 3he 1i!ture of 7oria Gray %s!ar >i)de
810. 3he Kreutzer Soata Leo 3o)stoy
811. La &]te ?umaie ^mi)e 'o)a
812. &y the %9e Sea -ugust Stridberg
81$. ?uger Kut ?amsu
81(. 3he Master of &a))atrae 5obert Louis Steveso
81,. 1ierre ad *ea Guy de Mau9assat
812. Aortuata ad *a!ita &eito 1Brez Ga)dBs
1001 books you must read before you die 1800s 24
814. 3he 1eo9)e of ?emsS -ugust Stridberg
818. 3he >ood)aders 3homas ?ardy
81:. She ?. 5ider ?aggard
820. 3he Strage +ase of 7r. *eky)) ad Mr. ?yde 5obert Louis Steveso
821. 3he Mayor of +asterbridge 3homas ?ardy
822. Kida99ed 5obert Louis Steveso
82$. Kig So)omoCs Mies ?. 5ider ?aggard
82(. Germia) ^mi)e 'o)a
82,. 3he -dvetures of ?u!k)eberry Ai Mark 3#ai
822. &e)@-mi Guy de Mau9assat
824. Marius the "9i!urea >a)ter 1ater
828. -gaist the Grai *oris@Kar) ?uysmas
82:. 3he 7eath of Iva I)yi!h Leo 3o)stoy
8$0. - >omaCs Life Guy de Mau9assat
8$1. 3reasure Is)ad 5obert Louis Steveso
8$2. 3he ?ouse by the Med)ar 3ree Giovai =erga
8$$. 3he 1ortrait of a Lady ?ery *ames
8$(. &ouvard ad 1B!u!het Gustave A)aubert
8$,. &e@?ur Le# >a))a!e
8$2. Naa ^mi)e 'o)a
8$4. 3he &rothers Karamazov Ayodor 7ostoevsky
8$8. 3he 5ed 5oom -ugust Stridberg
8$:. 5etur of the Native 3homas ?ardy
8(0. -a Kareia Leo 3o)stoy
8(1. 7rukard ^mi)e 'o)a
8(2. =irgi Soi) Iva 3urgeev
8($. 7aie) 7eroda George ")iot
8((. 3he ?ad of "the)berta 3homas ?ardy
8(,. 3he 3em9tatio of Sait -thoy Gustave A)aubert
8(2. Aar from the Maddig +ro#d 3homas ?ardy
8(4. 3he "!hated >aderer Ni!o)ai Leskov
8(8. -roud the >or)d i "ighty 7ays *u)es =ere
8(:. I a G)ass 7ark)y Sherida Le Aau
1001 books you must read before you die 1800s 28
8,0. 3he 7evi)s Ayodor 7ostoevsky
8,1. "re#ho Samue) &ut)er
8,2. S9rig 3orrets Iva 3urgeev
8,$. Midd)emar!h George ")iot
8,(. 3hrough the Lookig G)assG ad >hat -)i!e Aoud 3here Le#is +arro))
8,,. Kig Lear of the Ste99es Iva 3urgeev
8,2. ?e Ke# ?e >as 5ight -thoy 3ro))o9e
8,4. >ar ad 1ea!e Leo 3o)stoy
8,8. Setimeta) "du!atio Gustave A)aubert
8,:. 1hieas Ai -thoy 3ro))o9e
820. Ma)doror +omte de LautrBaumot
821. 3he Idiot Ayodor 7ostoevsky
822. 3he Moostoe >i)kie +o))is
82$. Litt)e >ome Louisa May -)!ott
82(. 3hBr_se 5aFui ^mi)e 'o)a
82,. 3he Last +hroi!)e of &arset -thoy 3ro))o9e
822. *ourey to the +etre of the "arth *u)es =ere
824. +rime ad 1uishmet Ayodor 7ostoevsky
828. -)i!eCs -dvetures i >oder)ad Le#is +arro))
82:. %ur Mutua) Aried +har)es 7i!kes
840. 0!)e Si)as Sherida Le Aau
841. Notes from the 0dergroud Ayodor 7ostoevsky
842. 3he >ater@&abies +har)es Kigs)ey
84$. Les MisBrab)es =i!tor ?ugo
84(. Aathers ad Sos Iva 3urgeev
84,. Si)as Marer George ")iot
842. Great "D9e!tatios +har)es 7i!kes
844. % the "ve Iva 3urgeev
848. +ast)e 5i!hmod -thoy 3ro))o9e
84:. 3he Mi)) o the A)oss George ")iot
880. 3he >oma i >hite >i)kie +o))is
881. 3he Marb)e Aau Nathaie) ?a#thore
882. MaD ?ave)aar Mu)tatu)i
1001 books you must read before you die 1800s 2:
88$. - 3a)e of 3#o +ities +har)es 7i!kes
88(. %b)omovka Iva Go!harov
88,. -dam &ede George ")iot
882. Madame &ovary Gustave A)aubert
884. North ad South ")izabeth Gaske))
888. ?ard 3imes +har)es 7i!kes
88:. >a)de ?ery 7avid 3horeau
8:0. &)eak ?ouse +har)es 7i!kes
8:1. =i))ette +har)otte &rot`
8:2. +raford ")izabeth Gaske))
8:$. 0!)e 3omCs +abia orG Life -mog the Loe)y ?arriet &ee!her Sto#e
8:(. 3he &)itheda)e 5oma!e Nathaie) ?a#thore
8:,. 3he ?ouse of the Seve Gab)es Nathaie) ?a#thore
8:2. Moby@7i!k ?erma Me)vi))e
8:4. 3he S!ar)et Letter Nathaie) ?a#thore
8:8. 7avid +o99erfie)d +har)es 7i!kes
8::. Shir)ey +har)otte &rot`
:00. Mary &arto ")izabeth Gaske))
:01. 3he 3eat of >i)dfe)) ?a)) -e &rot`
:02. >utherig ?eights "mi)y &rot`
:0$. -ges Grey -e &rot`
:0(. *ae "yre +har)otte &rot`
:0,. =aity Aair >i))iam Make9ea!e 3ha!keray
:02. 3he +out of Mote@+risto -)eDadre 7umas
:04. La 5eie Margot -)eDadre 7umas
:08. 3he 3hree Musketeers -)eDadre 7umas
:0:. 3he 1ur)oied Letter "dgar -))a 1oe
:10. Marti +huzz)e#it +har)es 7i!kes
:11. 3he 1it ad the 1edu)um "dgar -))a 1oe
:12. Lost I))usios ?oorB de &a)za!
:1$. - +hristmas +aro) +har)es 7i!kes
:1(. 7ead Sou)s Niko)ay Gogo)
:1,. 3he +harterhouse of 1arma Stedha)
1001 books you must read before you die 1800s $0
:12. 3he Aa)) of the ?ouse of 0sher "dgar -))a 1oe
:14. 3he Life ad -dvetures of Ni!ho)as Ni!k)eby +har)es 7i!kes
:18. %)iver 3#ist +har)es 7i!kes
:1:. 3he Nose Niko)ay Gogo)
:20. Le 1_re Goriot ?oorB de &a)za!
:21. "ugBie Gradet ?oorB de &a)za!
:22. 3he ?u!hba!k of Notre 7ame =i!tor ?ugo
:2$. 3he 5ed ad the &)a!k Stedha)
:2(. 3he &etrothed -)essadro Mazoi
:2,. Last of the Mohi!as *ames Aeimore +oo9er
:22. 3he 1rivate Memoirs ad +ofessios of a *ustified Sier *ames ?ogg
:24. 3he -)bigeses +har)es 5obert Maturi
:28. Me)moth the >aderer +har)es 5obert Maturi
:2:. 3he Moastery Sir >a)ter S!ott
:$0. Ivahoe Sir >a)ter S!ott
:$1. Arakestei Mary >o))stoe!raft She))ey
:$2. Northager -bbey *ae -uste
:$$. 1ersuasio *ae -uste
:$(. %rmod Maria "dge#orth
:$,. 5ob 5oy Sir >a)ter S!ott
:$2. "mma *ae -uste
:$4. Masfie)d 1ark *ae -uste
:$8. 1ride ad 1re.udi!e *ae -uste
:$:. 3he -bsetee Maria "dge#orth
:(0. Sese ad Sesibi)ity *ae -uste
:(1. ")e!tive -ffiities *oha >o)fgag vo Goethe
:(2. +ast)e 5a!kret Maria "dge#orth
4 1700s
:($. ?y9erio Ariedri!h ?S)der)i
:((. 3he Nu 7eis 7iderot
1001 books you must read before you die 1400s $1
:(,. +ami))a Aay &urey
:(2. 3he Mok M.G. Le#is
:(4. >i)he)m MeisterCs -99reti!eshi9 *oha >o)fgag vo Goethe
:(8. 3he Mysteries of 0do)9ho - 5ad!)iffe
:(:. 3he Iterestig Narrative %)audah "Fuiao
:,0. 3he -dvetures of +a)eb >i))iams >i))iam God#i
:,1. *ustie MarFuis de Sade
:,2. =athek >i))iam &e!kford
:,$. 3he 120 7ays of Sodom MarFuis de Sade
:,(. +e!i)ia Aay &urey
:,,. +ofessios *ea@*a!Fues 5ousseau
:,2. 7agerous Liaisos 1ierre +hoder)os de La!)os
:,4. 5everies of a So)itary >a)ker *ea@*a!Fues 5ousseau
:,8. "ve)ia Aay &urey
:,:. 3he Sorro#s of Eoug >erther *oha >o)fgag vo Goethe
:20. ?um9hrey +)iker 3obias George Smo))ett
:21. 3he Ma of Aee)ig ?ery Ma!kezie
:22. - Setimeta) *ourey Laure!e Stere
:2$. 3ristram Shady Laure!e Stere
:2(. 3he =i!ar of >akefie)d %)iver Go)dsmith
:2,. 3he +ast)e of %trato ?ora!e >a)9o)e
:22. ^mi)ea orG % "du!atio *ea@*a!Fues 5ousseau
:24. 5ameauCs Ne9he# 7eis 7iderot
:28. *u)iea orG the Ne# ")oise *ea@*a!Fues 5ousseau
:2:. 5asse)as Samue) *ohso
:40. +adide =o)taire
:41. 3he Aema)e 6uiDote +har)otte LeoD
:42. -me)ia ?ery Aie)dig
:4$. 1eregrie 1i!k)e 3obias George Smo))ett
:4(. Aay ?i)) *oh +)e)ad
:4,. 3om *oes ?ery Aie)dig
:42. 5oderi!k 5adom 3obias George Smo))ett
:44. +)arissa Samue) 5i!hardso
1001 books you must read before you die 1400s $2
:48. 1ame)a Samue) 5i!hardso
:4:. *a!Fues the Aata)ist 7eis 7iderot
:80. Memoirs of Martius S!rib)erus *. -rbuthotG *. GayG 3. 1are))G -. 1o9eG *. S#ift
:81. *ose9h -dre#s ?ery Aie)dig
:82. - Modest 1ro9osa) *oatha S#ift
:8$. Gu))iverCs 3rave)s *oatha S#ift
:8(. 5oDaa 7aie) 7efoe
:8,. Mo)) A)aders 7aie) 7efoe
:82. Love i "D!ess ")iza ?ay#ood
:84. 5obiso +rusoe 7aie) 7efoe
:88. - 3a)e of a 3ub *oatha S#ift
5 Pre-1700
:8:. %roooko -9hra &eh
::0. 3he 1ri!ess of +)_ves Marie@Made)aie 1io!he de LavergeG +omtesse de La
::1. 3he 1i)grimCs 1rogress *oh &uya
::2. 7o 6uiDote Migue) de +ervates Saavedra
::$. 3he 0fortuate 3rave))er 3homas Nashe
::(. "u9hues/ 3he -atomy of >it *oh Ly)y
::,. Gargatua ad 1atagrue) AraYoise 5abe)ais
::2. 3he 3housad ad %e Nights -oymous
::4. 3he Go)de -ss Lu!ius -9u)eius
::8. -ithio9ika ?e)iodorus
:::. +haireas ad Ka))irhoe +harito
1000. Metamor9hoses %vid
1001. -eso9Cs Aab)es -eso9us

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