Evidence Rules

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I. RELEVANCE.................................................................................................................................3
A. 401 Defintion and Rule 403 alancin!......................................................................3
. "#ecial Rele$ance Rule%.................................................................................................6
1. Subsequent Remedial Measures - 407.............................................................................6
2. Offers of Compromise - 408............................................................................................6
. !a"ment of Medi#al $%penses - 40&................................................................................7
4. 'uilt" !lea (e)otiations - 410........................................................................................7
*. $+iden#e of ,nsuran#e in -ort Cases - 411......................................................................8
II. C&ARACTER EVIDENCE............................................................................................................8
A. In 'eneral ( 404) 40*...................................................................................................8
. +rior ad Act% ( 404,-.................................................................................................9
C. &a-it ( 40/..................................................................................................................10
D. Ca%e% In$ol$in! "e0ual 1i%conduct ( 41231*.......................................................11
III. O+INION TE"TI1ON4 AND E5+ERT"....................................................................................12
A. La6 O#inion 7itne%%e% ( 801) 804,a........................................................................12
. Daubert Relia-ilit6 and E0#ert 7itne%%e% ( 802.....................................................12
C. Non("cientific E0#ert% ( Kumho..................................................................................14
D. Non(Relia-ilit6 Re9uire:ent% for E0#ert% ( 803) 804,-.) 9ualification%.............15
IV. &EAR"A4................................................................................................................................16
A. Definition; <01) <02. Offered for Trut=) I:#licit "tate:ent%...............................16
. &ear%a6 E0clu%ion% 3 <01,d......................................................................................18
1. !rior Statements of -estif"in) .itnesses - 801(d)(1).....................................................18
2. /dmissions - 801(d)(2)..................................................................................................18
(A) the partys own statement....................................................................................................18
() !adopt"#e adm"ss"on$ % the party has man"&ested 'e("e& "n "ts tr)th.....................................19
(*) !spea+"n, a,ent$- a statement 'y a)thor"-ed representat"#e...............................................19
(.) !a,en/y adm"ss"on$ % 'y 00 or a,ent w"th"n s/ope o& re(at"onsh"p....................................19
(0) statement 'y /o/onsp"rator "n &)rtheran/e o& /onsp"ra/y.....................................................19
C. &ear%a6 E0ce#tion% De#endent on Una$aila-ilit6 3 <04.......................................21
1. 0efinition of 1na+ailabilit" - 8042a3.............................................................................21
2. !rior -estimon" - 8042b3213...........................................................................................21
. 0"in) 0e#larations- 8042b3223......................................................................................22
4. Statements /)ainst ,nterest - 8042b323.........................................................................23
*. 4orfeiture - 8042b3253....................................................................................................23
D. &ear%a6 E0ce#tion% Not De#endent on Una$aila-ilit6 3 <03................................24
1. !resent Sense ,mpressions - 80213...............................................................................24
2. $%#ited 1tteran#es - 80223..........................................................................................24
. State of Mind - 8023...................................................................................................25
4. Statements for !urpose of -reatment or 0ia)nosis - 80243.........................................26
*. !ast Re#olle#tion Re#orded - 802*3.............................................................................26
5. 6usiness 2Re)ularl" Condu#ted /#ti+it"3 Re#ords and /bsen#e - 802537 273...............27
7. !ubli# Re#ords7 /bsen#e - 802837 2103.........................................................................28
8. 8earned -reatises - 802183..........................................................................................29
E. T=e Re%idual &ear%a6 E0ce#tion 3 <08...................................................................29
>. Con%titutional Li:it%; Crawford and t=e Confrontation Clau%e.............................29
1. *raw&ord and .a#"s 9 -:e Ri):t to Confront ;-estimonial< Statements.........................29
2. *raw&ord=s /ppli#ation to $%istin) >earsa" $%#eptions.................................................30
. -:e r)ton Rule? Confrontation Clause in t:e Multiple 0 Conte%t.................................31
4. *oy and t:e Ri):t to 4a#e-to-4a#e Confrontation...........................................................31
V. 7ITNE""E"...............................................................................................................................32
A. In 'eneral; Co:#etenc6) Oat=) "e9ue%tration) Trial Control) "co#e of Cro%%.....32
. I:#eac=:ent.................................................................................................................33
1. /tta#@ on C:ara#ter for -rut:fulness - 5087 50&.........................................................33
2. !rior ,n#onsistent Statements - 51..............................................................................35
. Contradi#tion................................................................................................................... 35
4. 6ias or Moti+e to 4alsif"..................................................................................................35
*. ,n#apa#it"7 Ot:er 4orms of ,mpea#:ment........................................................................36
C. Re=a-ilitation...............................................................................................................36
VI. +RIVILE'E"............................................................................................................................36
A. T=e Attorne6(Client +ri$ile!e.....................................................................................36
1. S#ope of t:e !ri+ile)e......................................................................................................37
2. $%#eptions and .ai+er.....................................................................................................38
. "#ou%al +ri$ile!e%.........................................................................................................40
1. -:e /d+erse -estimonial Spousal !ri+ile)e......................................................................40
2. Confidential Communi#ations !ri+ile)e..........................................................................40
C. 1i%cellaneou% +ri$ile!e%; 1ental &ealt=) et al.........................................................41
D. +ri$ile!e 7anna-e%; Ne?%re#orter) et al..................................................................42
E. T=e >ift= A:end:ent..................................................................................................42
VII. 1I"C; DOCU1ENT" AND E"T EVIDENCE........................................................................43
1. 0o#uments and /ut:enti#ation........................................................................................43
2. 6est $+iden#e Rule...........................................................................................................43
- @u%tification% for rule% of e$idence;
o 1. efficienc6 % proponents wo)(d 1)st +eep ,o"n, on and ,o"n, on
e,2 /ontra/t d"sp)te "n 3ts a 4onder&)( 5"&e. 4o)(d ,"#e who(e 'a/+-story o&
6eor,e a"(ey to /reate sympathy.
o 2. #re@udicial e$idence ( atte:#t% to influence t=e @ur6 in an ina##ro#riate ?a6
e,2 /ase a'o)t so("/"t"n, prost"t)tes "n#o(#e a(( the porno,raphy the . had "n "ts
home. 7)ts . who(e ("&e on tr"a( as a 'ad person
o 3. #ri$ile!e rule% % %ocial #olic6
0,2 /ant p)t attorney on tr"a( and as+ "& . /on&essed2 so prote/t attorney-/("ent
o 4. unrelia-le e$idence
/ant adm"t astro(o,y-type e#"den/e that "s /(ear(y wron, as 1)ry m",ht ')y the
theory. ."str)st o& /ompeten/e o& 1)ry.
- 10*; T=e Rule of Li:ited Ad:i%%i-ilit68 3& e#"den/e adm"ss"'(e )nder one p)rpose ')t not
adm"ss"'(e )nder another2 "& ,ets adm"tted2 tho),h w"th a ("m"t"n, "nstr)/t"on.
o proponent ,ets 'etter o& th"s dea(2 s"n/e "nstr)/t"ons eas"(y &or,otten or ",nored
o ')t "& proper p)rpose a &ar/e2 1)d,e /an )se d"s/ret"on to not adm"t.
A. 401 Definition) Rule 403 alancin!
- Rule%;
o 401; definition of Arele$antB C an6 tendenc6 to :aDe t=e e0i%tence of an6 fact of
con%e9uence ,i.e.) in di%#ute. :ore or le%% #ro-a-le.
no s)/h th"n, as !mar,"na((y re(e#ant$ % "ts e"ther re(e#ant or not.
a (ow thresho(d % on(y needs ma+e the propos"t"on "n d"sp)te a ("tt(e more or (ess
("+e(y to 'e tr)e.
whats !"n d"sp)te$ w"(( depend on the )nder(y"n, s)'stant"#e (aw8 the e(ements
o& the /r"me2 the a#a"(a'(e de&enses.
e,2 "n stat)tory rape /ase2 &a/t that m"nor had 3. show"n, a,e not
re(e#ant as "ts a str"/t ("a'"("ty /r"me so her a,e "s not "n d"sp)te.
A &a"()re to "ntrod)/e e#"den/e /an 'e "tse(& re(e#ant. -or" .
o 402; All rele$ant e$idence i% ad:i%%i-le) unle%% #ro$ided ot=er?i%e in;
the *onst"t)t"on9
an A/t o& *on,ress9
the :edera( ;)(es o& 0#"den/e9 or
'y r)(es as pres/r"'ed 'y the <)preme *o)rt
;m+8 402 ("st "s e=/()s"#e. *ant e=/()de e#"den/e )s"n,2 e,2 state eth"/s
r)(es. 8oAer".
o 403; E$idence) t=ou!= rele$ant) :a6 -e e0cluded if it% #ro-ati$e $alue i%
%u-%tantiall6 out?ei!=ed -e t=e dan!er of unfair #re@udice or undue dela6
)n&a"r pre1)d"/e > /on&)s"on2 m"s(ead"n, the 1)ry2 )nd)(y "n&(ammatory
)nd)e de(ay > waste o& t"me2 repet"t"#e e#"den/e
- 403 R:D%;
o 1) 403 "s we",hed "n &a#or o& adm"ss"'"("ty. 3.e.2 )n&a"r pre1)d"/e ?? pro'at"#e #a()e
o 2) @r"a( 1)d,e has w"de d"s/ret"on )nder 403. Appe((ate std. "s !a')se o& d"s/ret"on.$
o 3) 7re1)d"/e m)st 'e unfair A".e.2 that wh"/h undul" "n&(ames the 1)ry and so /a)ses
"mproper '"as.
@he &a/t that e#"den/e "s dama,"n, doesnt mean "ts pre1)d"/"a(. @he "n&eren/e
made m)st 'e "mproper2 ".e.2 o)ts"de o& the tr)e pro'at"#e #a()e.
0,2 m)rder weapon pre1)d"/es the 1)ry a,a"nst the .2 ')t th"s "s proper pre1)d"/e.
<how"n, the . was a !'ad person$ (e.,.2 has 'een /on#"/ted o& many /r"mes)
may "n&(ame more than "ts pro'at"#e worth.
o 4) 403 rare(y an "ss)e "n 'en/h tr"a(s. @he 1)d,e (hope&)((y) wont 'e '"ased )nd)(y.
o 5) <o the 1)ry ne#er hears the pre1)d"/"a( e#"den/e2 opponents /an )se motions in limine
% a pretr"a( mot"on to e=/()de.
o 6) 1)d,e (oo+s to rea("t"es o& ("t",at"on "n ma+"n, 403 de/"s"ons.
e,2 pro'(ems o& proo&8 (ooser standard &or sma(( a"rp(ane /rash /ases.2 ("+e
e,2 eB)"ty8 e#"den/e )n/erta"n d)e to 'rea/h o& . more ("+e(y to 'e adm"tted
a,a"nst h"m2 so he /ant 'ene&"t &rom the )n/erta"nty he /reated. 4amous Musi#.
o 7) 3& the pre1)d"/"a( e(ements /an 'e e("m"nated w"th the e#"den/e rema"n"n, eB)a((y
pro'at"#e 2 the proponent m)st do so.
0,2 -orres. 7roponent wants to adm"t !;o,)es 6a((ery$ 'oo+ &or "dent"&"/at"on.
<ho)(d '(an+ o)t the ("st o& pr"ors so "ts not a 'a/+door way to "ntrod)/e 'ad
- E0a:#le% and Co::on 403 I%%ue%;
o "ti#ulation%; "& a((ow"n, . to st"p)(ate &a/t wo)(d 'e eB)a((y pro'at"#e and e("m"nate
)n&a"r pre1)d"/e2 7 m)st a//ept st"p)(at"on. Old Chief.
Old C:ief - /r"me /har,ed was ,)n possess"on 'y a &e(on. 7ro#"n, . a &e(on an
e(ement o& the /r"me2 so 7 wants to "ntrod)/e deta"(s o& pre1)d"/"a( pr"or &e(ony.
<)preme *o)rt ho(ds st"p)(at"on m)st 'e a//epted.
ut s"n/e st"p)(at"ons o&ten ro' the proponent o& the &a"r we",ht o& h"s e#"den/e2
and may (ead to spe/)(at"on 'y the 1)ry2 it i% t=e rare ca%e t=at t=e #ro#onent
:u%t acce#t t=e %ti#ulation.
o Ci$il Ca%e%;
1) <mear"n, the C"/t"m "n *"#"( *ases
e,2 show 7 a mar"1)ana )ser to ar,)e dama,es sho)(d 'e (ess. Dot that
pro'at"#e2 and #ery pre1)d"/"a( not adm"tted.
2) 4ea(th o& . "n *"#"( *ases
proper p)rpose8 dama,es. 3mproper p)rpose8 a((ow the 1)ry to
red"str"')te wea(th.
o&ten not pro'at"#e2 ')t w"(( 'e "& p)n"t"#e dama,es reB)ested2 or .
/(a"med pre/a)t"on /ost-proh"'"t"#e.
3) !.ay "n the 5"&e$ :"(ms
7 attempts to show a(( the d"&&"/)(t"es h"s "n1)ry has /reated. ;e(e#ant to
o . may try to ,et a '"&)r/ated tr"a(.
potent"a( "mproper p)rpose8 "& day "s not typ"/a(2 &"(m )ses /"nemat"/
te/hn"B)es (e,2 m)s"/) to "nsp"re emot"on.
4) 6r)esome 0#"den/e
proponent /ant ,o too &ar8 e,2 "n >ustler ("'e( /ase2 to show e=tent o&
dama,e2 7 adm"tted s("deshow o& worst "ma,es "n E)st(er. 0=/()ded.
peop(e /an 'e e=/()ded too. ;e("es on 1)d,es power to /ontro(
o e,2 7 'a/+s ,a((ery w"(( ("m'-red)/ed #"/t"ms "n dr), de&e/t /ase.
o Cri:inal Ca%e%;
1) 6ory p"/t)res o& #"/t"m
w"(( 'e adm"tted so (on, as re(e#ant to the "ss)es and not e=/ess"#e.
o wh"(e "ts tr)e that the &a/t o& death rare(y an "ss)e2 photos w"((
,o to mot"#e2 manner o& death.
-err" % ,ory photos o& /h"(d adm"tted "n m)rder /ase. Adm"ss"'(e to
show #"/t"m d"ed2 not an a//"dent2 et/. 7ost-a)topsy photos2 howe#er2
are not adm"ss"'(e (no pro'at"#e #a()e).
2) A(ternat"#e perpetrator e#"den/e8
McVeigh % F/Ce",h wants to "ntrod)/e e#"den/e o& 0(oh"m *"ty ,ro)p
w"th des",ns on F)rrah ')"(d"n,. G)d,e e=/()des2 ho(d"n, th"s e#"den/e
m)st ha#e some &o)ndat"on 'eyond !mere spe/)(at"on.$
o sets the 'ar too h",h. F/Ce",hs e#"den/e "s pro'at"#e2 and has
&o)ndat"on as the ,o#t "n#est",ated 0*. Appe((ate /o)rt doesnt
o#ert)rn as "ts h",h-pro&"(e2 and (en"ent !a')se o& d"s/ret"on$
Holmes % state r)(e o& e#"den/e e=/()ded a(ternat"#e perpetrator
e#"den/e as a ,enera( r)(e #"o(ated r",ht to e&&e/t"#e de&ense.
3) <e=)a( 'eha#"or o& .
Shymanovitz % 1)d,e adm"ss"on o& .s ad)(t ,ay porno,raphy /o((e/t"on
re#ersed on 403 ,ro)nds. 3ts on(y s(",ht(y pro'at"#e2 wh"(e "ts #ery
pre1)d"/"a( sho)(d 'e e=/()ded )nder 403.
o /o)(d ar,)e "ts "rre(e#ant2 ')t pro'a'(y ("+e(y to ma+e
propos"t"on at "ss)e sli):tl" more pro'a'(e.
4) 6)"(ty 7(eas o& A((e,ed A//omp("/es
e$idence of !uilt6 #lea of alle!ed acco:#lice% ne$er ad:i%%i-le under
403 if acco:#lice i% not te%tif6in!.
o pro'at"#e #a()e8 moderate. A((e,ed a//omp("/e may not 'e an
a//omp("/e2 and /o)(d ha#e p(ead ,)"(ty &or any n)m'er o&
o pre1)d"/"a( #a()e8 #ery h",h
if t=e acco:#lice te%tifie%) + can -rin! !uilt6 #lea u# on direct to
#re$ent i:#eac=:ent -6 D and ne!ati$e inference%.
o 3& 7 d"dnt 'r"n, "t )p on d"re/t2 . /o)(d "ntrod)/e "t on /ross to
show mot"#e to &a(s"&y.
0#en "& . states "n ("m"ne that he wont 'r"n, "t )p2 7 st"((
has proper p)rpose "n pre#ent"n, 1)ry spe/)(at"on as to
why th"s ,)y "s not on tr"a( as we((.
o . ,ets "nstr)/t"on to )se ,)"(ty p(ea on(y &or /red"'"("ty2 and not
to "n&er the ,)"(t o& ..
5) .emonstrat"#e 0#"den/e % /o)rtroom re/reat"ons o& e#ents.
opponent o& e#"den/e w"(( attempt to show re/reat"on "s "mportant(y
d"ss"m"(ar &rom rea( e#ent pre1)d"/"a(2 (ess pro'at"#e somet"mes
w"ns on 403.
e,2 4us#o % /ar /rash. . wants to adm"t demonstrat"on o& what happens
when 'a(( 1o"nt d"sen,a,es as a((e,ed.
o d"sa((owed as demonstrat"on w"th pro&ess"ona( dr"#er2 dry tra/+2
who e=pe/ted "t to happen. @h)s so d"ss"m"(ar as to 'e
s)'stant"a((y more pre1)d"/"a( than pro'at"#e.
/an somet"mes ,et adm"tted "& yo) ma+e d"ss"m"(ar"t"es ,o "n &a#or o&
opponent o& e#"den/e.
o e,2 'an+r)pt/y /ase. . /(a"ms he ')rned h"s money. 7
demonstrates that e#en w"th more w"nd2 ,aso("ne2 et/.2 that .
/(a"ms2 money wo)(d not a(( ')rn.
. "#ecial Rele$ance Rule%
- 3dea8 tho),h re(e#ant2 e#"den/e "s "nadm"ss"'(e )nder these r)(es &or po("/y reasons.
1 Subse!uent "emedial Measures # $ %&'
- ;)(e8
o 408; e$idence of %u-%e9uent re:edial :ea%ure% taDen -6 t=e D i% not ad:i%%i-le to
#ro$e ne!li!ence) #roduct defect) et al.
H@8 st"(( adm"ss"'(e when o&&ered &or proper p)rpose ("+e "mpea/hment2
/ontro(2 ownersh"p2 and &eas"'"("ty2 if /ontro#erted.
o rat"ona(es8
1. encoura!e D to taDe %u-%e9uent re:edial :ea%ure%.
')t8 pro'a'(y wo)(d anyway2 o)t o& &ear o& se/ond s)"t. A(so )n/(ear
whether peop(e ma+e pr"mary de/"s"ons a'ed on r)(es o& e#"den/e.
2) /on&)s"n, to the 1)ry2 and not that pro'at"#e anyway.
- ;m+s8
o 1. #er:i%%i-le #ur#o%e%;
a. o?ner%=i#E control % e,2 . /(a"ms he d"dnt own the /ar. 0#"den/e that .
too+ "t F"das post-a//"dent2 tho),h a remed"a( meas)re2 adm"ss"'(e to pro#e
-. co:#arati$e ne!li!ence % "& . ma+es ar,)ment that ha-ard was o'#"o)s to 72
7 /an "ntrod)/e e#"den/e that . a&terwards mar+ed the ha-ard to answer the
/omparat"#e ne,(",en/e /har,e.
c. fea%i-ilit6) if contro$erted % a((ows 7 to adm"t s)'seB)ent remed"a( meas)re
to sho)(d a(ternat"#e des",ns &eas"'"("ty2 "& . doesnt /on/ede &eas"'"("ty.
"& /on/edes &eas"'"("ty2 . /an st"(( pre#a"( 'y ar,)"n, that 'oth des",ns
were reasona'(e.
d. i:#eac=:ent % s)'seB)ent remed"a( meas)res w"(( on(y 'e adm"ss"'(e to
/ontrad"/t "& . /(a"ms des",n at t"me o& a//"dent was the safest.
"& 1)st /(a"m o(d des",n "s sa&e2 no /ontrad"/t"on.
th)s8 . /an )s)a((y +eep these o)t "& /on/edes &eas"'"("ty (/)2 doesnt ma+e
stron, /(a"ms (d)2 and a and ' not at "ss)e.
o 2) &a/t)a( reports not /o#ered 'y the r)(e2 as not a remed"a( meas)re.
res)(t8 /orporat"ons ha#e attorneys ma+e these2 so as to 'e not adm"ss"'(e )nder
attorney-/("ent pr"#"(e,e.
o 3) "& remed"a( a/t"on "s ta+en 'y a th"rd party (not the .)2 w"(( ,enera((y 'e adm"ss"'(e
ma+es s"n/e as o)ts"de o& so/"a( po("/y rat"ona(e.
o 4) remed"a( meas)re m)st 'e subsequent to 'e prote/ted 'y the r)(e.
"& /han,e made before the "n1)ry o//)rred2 "ts adm"ss"'(e.
( Offers of Com)romise # $ %&*
- ;)(e8
o 40<; e$idence of offer% :ade or refu%ed) and of conduct and %tate:ent% :ade in
co:#ro:i%e ne!otiation% i% not ad:i%%i-le to #ro$e $alidit6 or e0tent of clai:.
o rat"ona(e8 en/o)ra,e sett(ement 'y a((ow"n, &ree /omm)n"/at"on and ne,ot"at"ons "n
sett(ementI /omprom"se meet"n,s.
- ;m+s8
o 1) 408 app("es e#en 'e&ore a (aws)"t has 'een 'ro),ht2 so (on, as theres a d"sp)te.
o 2) 408 app("es re,ard(ess o& who made the o&&er. !ier#e.
ma+es sense as otherw"se part"es wo)(d ma+e strate,"/ o&&ers to post)re &or 1)ry.
o 3) /"#"( sett(ement /omm)n"/at"ons )sed "n (ater /r"m"na( /ases
ci$il co:#ro:i%e e$idence not ad:i%%i-le in later cri:inal ca%e% e0ce#t
?=ere one :aDe% an ad:i%%ion to a re!ulator6 a!ent in t=e cour%e of an
in$e%ti!ation ,and not in t=e %ettle:ent it%elf.
res)(t o& a /omprom"se 'Iw Ad#"sory *omm. and .oG.
e=amp(e18 . /har,es w"th &or,"n, se/)r"t"es. Adm"ts wron,do"n, "n /"#"(
sett(ement. 4hen /r"m"na( /ase 'ro),ht2 /ant )se th"s e#"den/e as an adm"ss"on
o& ,)"(t.
ma+es sense )nder rat"ona(e o& r)(e
e=amp(e28 3;< does "n#est",at"on2 and . adm"ts hes a &ra)d and pays )p.
when /r"m"na( /har,es 'ro),ht2 th"s #an 'e )sed a,a"nst h"m. 3&
statement was part o& the sett(ement2 then no.
ends )p 'e"n, a trap &or the )nwary.
o 4) <ett(ement statements /ant 'e )sed &or "mpea/hment as a pr"or "n/ons"stent statement.
+ ,ayment of Medical -.)enses # $ %&/
- ;)(e8
o 40F; E$idence of #a6in! of offerin! to #a6 :edical e0#en%e% not ad:i%%i-le to
#ro$e lia-ilit6.
o rat"ona(e8 dont deter .s payment "n ,oodw"((.
- D.. 409 on(y prote/ts the offer and pa"ment 2 not any /o((atera( statements.
o 0,2 !3m sorry 3 ran the (",ht2 /an 3 pay yo)r '"((sJ$ 409 on(y prote/ts the se/ond ha(&.
@he &"rst ha(& "s adm"ss"'(e as an adm"ss"on.
% 0uilty ,lea 1egotiations # $ %1&
- ;)(es8
o 410; ?it=dra?n !uilt6 #lea or %tate:ent% :ade in !uilt6 #lea ne!otiation% not
ad:i%%i-le a!ain%t t=e D.
o rat"ona(e8 same as 408.
o H@8 + can contract around t=i% u%in! Mezzanatto a!ree:ent%) wh"/h ,et the . to
s",n a wa"#er o& 410 as a s",n o& ,ood &a"th as a /ond"t"on &or enter"n, "nto p(ea
he(d en&or/ea'(e 'y <)preme *o)rt.
m)st 'e #o()ntary2 no /oer/"on2 "n wr"t"n,.
- ;m+s8
o 1) /ant )se these statements &or "mpea/hment p)rposes (as we(( as "n&eren/e o& ,)"(t).
e=/ept8 "& theres a ,(ar"n, /ontrad"/t"on2 /an )se them to pro#e per1)ry.
o 2) Hn/(ear whether . /an wa"#e a(( h"s r",hts )nder 4102 and a((ow statements made to 'e
)sed a,a"nst h"m &or any p)rpose.
<ome /o)rts ha#e he(d these stron,er a,reements en&or/ea'(e. 6ur#:.
o 3) sp("t "n /"r/)"ts as to whether the . /an )se p(ea ne,ot"at"on statement a,a"nst the 7.
e,2 7 sa"d . was not the head ,)y when ne,ot"at"n, &or p(ea2 ')t (ater /(a"ms h"m
masterm"nd at tr"a(.
(etter o& the r)(e doesnt prote/t 72 ')t sp"r"t o& en/o)ra,"n, ne,ot"at"on does.
2 -vidence of 3nsurance in 4ort Cases # $ %11
- ;)(e8
o 411; E$idence of lia-ilit6 in%urance not ad:i%%i-le for inference of ne!li!ence.
o rat"ona(e8 not #ery pro'at"#e2 ')t pre1)d"/"a(. 4ant to en/o)ra,e "ns)ran/e.
o e=/ept"ons8 proper p)rposes ("+e /ontro(2 ownersh"p2 '"as o& a w"tness.
A. In 'eneral ( 404) 40*
- ;)(e8
o 404; E$idence of a #er%onG% c=aracter i% not ad:i%%i-le to %=o? confor:it6
t=ere?it=. 0=/ept"ons8
(1) a//)sed /an 'r"n, )p own /hara/ter "n de&ense (/r"m"na( /ases on(y)
H@8 then !opens the door$ &or 7 to re')t on that tra"t.
(2) a//)sed /an atta/+ /hara/ter o& #"/t"m (/r"m"na( /ases on(y)
H@8 th"s opens door &or d"re/t re')tta( and re')tta( a,a"nst same tra"t o&
t:e 0.
(3) /hara/ter )sed &or "mpea/hment treated )nder separate r)(es 607%09.
o Ot=er e0ce#tion%;
a) when /hara/ter !"n "ss)e$
') ha'"t "s adm"ss"'(e )nder 4062 see "n&ra.
/) when proponent /an &"nd a !not &or /hara/ter$ p)rpose.
!Dot &or /hara/ter$ p)rposes8
o e,2 state o& m"nd. <ee ("st )nder pr"or 'ad a/ts
o rat"ona(e o& r)(e8 tho),h pro'at"#e2 (oo+"n, to pr"or a/tsI /hara/ter o& . "s pre1)d"/"a(.
@)rns tr"a( "nto pop)(ar"ty /ontest o& whether 1)ry th"n+s . "s a ,ood person or not.
e=/ept"ons 404(1) and 404(2) 1)st"&"ed as !r)(es o& mer/y$
o 40*,a.; 7=en c=aracter i% ad:i%%i-le) can onl6 -e #ro$en t=rou!= o#inion and
ut) on cro%%) %#ecific act% allo?ed.
and ,-. if c=aracter in i%%ue) t=en %#ecific act% can -e u%ed.
- ;m+s8
o 1) !/hara/ter "n "ss)e$ > /hara/ter tra"t "s mater"a(2 /onseB)ent"a( &a/t "n determ"n"n,
r",hts and ("a'"("t"es o& part"es. A essent"a( e(ement o& /(a"m or de&ense.
e,2 de&amat"on /ase. 3& . /a((ed 7 a ("ar2 7 needs to show he "s not a ("ar to
pre#a"( (as tr)th "s a de&ense). *hara/ter "n "ss)e2 and 7 /an )se spe/"&"/ &a/ts.
e,22 ne,(",ent h"r"n,. @o show that . sho)(d not ha#e h"red a person2 w"(( 'e
ne/essary to pro#e . sho)(d ha#e +nown that had 'ad /hara/ter (e,2 was a se=
/r"m"na()2 and so w"(( need to pro#e th"s /hara/ter tra"t.
e,32 /h"(d /)stody. e"n, a ,ood parent "n "ss)e.
o 2) "n /"#"( /ases8 no /"r/)mstant"a( )se o& /hara/ter e#"den/e. Kn(y !"n "ss)e$ a((owed.
o 3) "n /r"m"na( /ases8 ,o#t /ant )se /hara/ter e#"den/e )n(ess . has opened the door.
o 4) A//)sed /an on(y 'r"n, )p /hara/ter tra"t o& h"s or #"/t"m "& !pert"nent$
!pert"nent$ > re(e#ant to /ase. @h)s honesty adm"ss"'(e 'y . "n &or,ery /ase2 ')t
not "n assa)(t /ase2
o 5) </ope o& !open"n, the door$
"& . 'r"n,s )p own tra"t2 7 /an on(y respond w"th e#"den/e to d"spro#e that tra"t.
')t "& . 'r"n, )p tra"t o& the #"/t"m2 and e=pended pr"n/"p(e app("es8 7 /an retort
d"re/t(y2 and 'r"n, )p same tra"t o& ..
somet"mes e#en statements ("+e !3m de#oted to my &am"(y$ or !he /o)(dnt ha#e
done "t w"(( 'e /onstr)ed so as to open the door.
o 6) !op"n"on test"mony and rep)tat"on$
".e.2 yo) /a(( a w"tness to say !3 +nown h"m &or = years2 and hes an honest
person. Ee has a rep)tat"on &or honesty$ ')t /ant ta(+ a'o)t anyth"n, hes done.
)t2 on /ross2 /an pro'e spe/"&"/ a/ts8 !<o yo) say hes honest. ."d yo) +now
that he Ld"d = d"shonest th"n,MJ$
o 7) <"n/e . /an on(y )se op"n"on and rep)tat"on2 and "t opens a (ot o& )n&a#ora'(e doors2
most . rare(y "n#o+e the"r r)(e o& mer/y.
. +rior ad Act% ( 404,-.
- <et)p8 7 attempts to adm"t pr"or 'ad a/ts &or not-&or-/hara/ter p)rpose. @wo 'att(es8
o 1) opponent w"(( ar,)e that "ts not rea((y &or the proper p)rpose.
o 2) 3& (oses 1)2 opponent w"(( ma+e mot"on that "t sho)(d 'e e=/()ded )nder 403.
o th"s "s the mot ("t",ated r)(e o& e#"den/e.
- ;)(e8
o 404,-. 3 e$idence of #rior cri:e%) ?ron!%) or ot=er -ad act% are not ad:i%%i-le to
%=o? confor:it6 t=ere?it=. UT; t=e6 are ad:i%%i-le if for ot=er Anot for
c=aracterB #ur#o%e.
e#en "& adm"tted )nder 404(') as proponent /an &"nd a not-&or-/hara/ter p)rpose2
the opponent /an st"(( ma+e a 403 o'1e/t"on whether "t sho)(d 'e adm"tted.
o ANot >or C=aracterB #ur#o%e%;
1. "tate of 1ind % "& /(a"m d)ress2 ",noran/e2 a//"dent2 /an )se spe/"&"/ a/ts to
2. Intent 3 to show . had reB)"s"te "ntent.
2. ACo:#letin! t=e Narrati$eB % to pro#"de /ontest and pre#ent spe/)(at"on
3. 1oti$e % to )nderstand reasons why . wo)(d want to /omm"t /r"me.
4. Identit6 % to show "t was . and not another who /omm"tted the /r"me. F)st
'e a )n"B)e !s",nat)re$-type F.K.
o T=e Huddleston re9uire:ent % "& . /(a"ms he d"dnt do the 'ad a/t "n B)est"on2 treated
as an "ss)e o& /ond"t"ona( re(e#an/e )nder 104(').
+ :u%t :aDe %=o?in! to @ud!e) -6 a #re#onderance of t=e e$idence) t=at
%o:e rea%ona-le @uror could find t=at D =ad co::itted t=e act.
A (ow standard8 .s rare(y /ontest th"s a&ter >uddleston.
o Notice re9uire:ent; + :u%t let D Dno? if intend to u%e #rior -ad act% under 404,-..
reason"n,8 (et . prepare response2 (et "ss)e 'e de/"ded o)t o& earshot o& 1)ry.
.2 howe#er2 need not "n&orm 7.
- ;m+s and 0=amp(es8
o 1) <tate o& F"nd e=amp(es8
d)ress de&ense8 >earst % . /(a"ms ro''ery e=/)sed 'y d)ress. 7 /an 'r"n, )p
pr"or 'ad a/t2 where she was /(ear(y not )nder d)ress2 to show that she "s not
)nder d)ress "n the "nstant /ase.
a//"dent de&ense8 .oods - . /(a"ms 'a'ys death an a//"dent. 7 a((owed to
adm"t pr"or /ases where 'a'"es . wat/hed t)rned '()e2 to ne,at"#e de&ense o&
a//"dent. <"m"(ar 'ad a/ts o&ten &o)nd adm"ss"'(e "n a//"dent /ases.
",noran/e8 !3 d"dnt +now "t was /o/a"ne.$ 7 /an show pr"or /o/a"ne dea("n, to
re')t de&ense.
o 2) 3ntent /ases8
6ee#:um % postman /(a"ms he d"dnt mean to stea( ma"(. 6o#t wants to adm"t
a(so &o)nd other p"e/es o& sto(en ma"(2 to pro#e he d"d ha#e "ntent.
possess"on w"th "ntent to d"str"')te /ases8 /(ose /a((.
7 wants to "ntrod)/e pr"or /on#"/t"ons to pro#e "ntent to d"str"')te.
<eems aw&)((y /(ose to propens"ty "n&eren/e2 ')t /o)rts ha#e a((owed "t.
Kther /o)rts re1e/t )nder 403.
o Crowder % 7 doesnt ha#e to a//ept a st"p)(at"on o& "ntent "n
these /ases. 5"m"ts Old C:ief to "ts &a/ts.
o 3) *omp(et"n, the Darrat"#e /ases8
Steinber) % m)rder o& /h"(d /ase % he 'eat he and (e&t2 and she d"es ho)rs (ater.
6o#t wants to "ntrod)/e he 'eat mother as we((2 so wont spe/)(ate she sho)(d
ha#e "nter#ened (,oes to /a)sat"on). A((owed.
o 4) Fot"#e /ases8
!otter % . /har,ed w"th d"str"')t"n, pres/r"pt"on dr),s. @o pro#e mot"#e2 7
wants to "ntrod)/e he was trad"n, them &or se=. A((owed.
')t8 /ant stret/h th"s too &ar. 0,2 "n the&t /ase2 show he was dr), dea(er
so thats why he needed money. <ho)(d on(y 'e )sed when mot"#e
)n/(ear % here2 e#eryone needs money.
o 5) 3dent"ty /ases8
m)st 'e /omm"tted "n a !s",nat)re$ way % e,2 . +"((s ')s"ness partner w"th
m"=t)re o& .rano and )r"ne "n1e/t"on.
/ant 'e someth"n, /omp(ete(y ,ener"/2 ("+e "t th"s ro''ery a s+" mas+
was worn2 as we(( as a pr"or ro''ery . was /on#"/ted o&.
e,2 . de&ra)ds e(der(y /o)p(es. :a/t that he too+ them to the same address ea/h
t"me s)&&"/"ent(y )n"B)e eno),h to 'e a s",nat)re.
Bones +. Clinton % Gones see+s to adm"t 5ew"ns+y s/anda(2 )nder !s",nat)re$
theory. Dot adm"tted as /ases #ery d"&&erent2 one /onsens)a(2 one not.
o 6) 6"#en a(( these not-&or-/hara/ter p)rposes2 does 404(') ha#e any teethJ
some % a proper p)rpose /ant 'e &o)nd "n a(( /ases.
p()s2 "n 403 'att(e2 pro'at"#e #a()e w"(( 'e ("m"ted to proper p)rpose.
o 7) @he 403 'a(an/"n, "& 404(') 'att(e (ost8
a) . norma((y (oses2 s"n/e test we",hed toward adm"ss"'"("ty.
') the o(der the a/t2 the (ess pro'at"#e
/) pro'at"#e #a()e ("m"ted to the ostens"'(e proper p)rpose.
d) /o)rt w"(( /ons"der the a#a"(a'"("ty o& a(ternat"#e e#"den/e that "s eB)a((y
C. &a-it ( 40/
- ;m+8 /hara/ter #. ha'"t % /hara/ter "s a persona("ty tra"t2 whereas ha'"t a ro)t"ne pra/t"/e o& a
part"/)(ar a/t"#"ty.
o the more spe/"&"/2 )nth"n+"n,2 ro)t"ne2 re&(e="#eI the (ess #o("t"ona( more ("+e(y a ha'"t
o e=amp(e8 p)tt"n, on a seat'e(t a ha'"t. e"n, a /a)t"o)s person "s a /hara/ter tra"t.
- ;)(e8
o 40/; E$idence of =a-it i% ad:i%%i-le to %=o? confor:it6 ?it= t=e =a-it.
o @wo steps8
1. %=o? acti$it6 in 9ue%tion rele$ant to ca%e) and fit% definition of a =a-it
2. e%ta-li%= a foundation ,:ore liDel6 t=an not. t=at #er%on =ad t=e =a-it.
- ;m+s and 0=amp(es
o 1) as"/ e=amp(es8
"ns)rer /(a"ms &"re /a)sed 'y smo+"n, "n 'ed. *an "ntrod)/e 7 had a ha'"t o&
7 ar,)es . had a !ha'"t$ o& 'rea+"n, and enter"n, as theory to "ntrod)/e pr"or
'ad a/ts. Dot adm"tted as not a ha'"t.
o 2) :o)ndat"on s)&&"/"entJ8
!errin % 12 #"o(ent rea/t"ons to po("/e he(d s)&&"/"ent to show ha'"t o& #"o(ent
)nd)e &or/e /ase % 7 wants to show o&&"/er had a ha'"t o& 'rea+"n, wr"sts when
hand/)&&"n,. Eas done "t &"#e t"mes. Ee(d an "ns)&&"/"ent &o)ndat"on2 as o&&"/er
hand/)&&s "nn)mera'(e n)m'er o& t"mes.
7 /an adm"t to show +now(ed,e - shows o&&"/er +new own stren,th.
D. Ca%e% In$ol$in! "e0ual 1i%conduct ( 41231*
- ;)(es8
o 412 3 Ara#e %=ield la?B; e0clude% e$idence of a $icti:G% #rior %e0ual -e=a$ior or
#redi%#o%ition% in %e0ual :i%conduct ca%e%2 0N*07@8
Cri:inal Ca%e%; T=ree narro? e0ce#tion%
1) another so)r/e o& the "n1)ry
o 412(')(1)(A) the . "s a((owed to "ntrod)/e pr"or /ond)/t #"/t"m
to pro#e another was so)r/e o& "n1)r"es2 semen2 et/.
2) pr"or a/ts o& . and #"/t"m2 "& /onsent de&ense
o 412(')(1)(). 4hen .s de&ense "s /onsent2 the . /an "ntrod)/e
pr"or a/ts 'etween the . and the #"/t"m pro'at"#e o& /onsent.
3) when /onst"t)t"ona((y reB)"red.
o 412(')(1)(*). 0,2 6ear Stops. ;",ht to e&&e/t"#e de&ense.
Ci$il Ca%e%; re$er%e 403 A#lu%B te%t.
412(')(2)8 to adm"t2 pro'at"#e #a()e m)st s)'stant"a((y o)twe",h the
dan,er o& harm to the #"/t"m and )n&a"r pre1)d"/e to any party.
4e",hed toward e=/()s"on8
o re#ersed8 need pro'at"#e ?? pre1)d"/e.
o p()s e=tra &a/tors8 harm to the #"/t"m2 and )n&a"r pre1)d"/e to
an" party.
rat"ona(e8 prote/t #"/t"m2 en/o)ra,e prose/)t"on o& these /r"mes.
o 41331*; T=e DG% #rior %e0ual a%%ault% are ad:i%%i-le for an6 :atter to ?=ic= t=e6
are rele$ant) e$en to %=o? #ro#en%it6 ,confor:it6 t=ere?it=..
th)s2 no need to &"nd 404(') p)rpose2 and a(( pr"or a/ts o& . w"(( 'e adm"tted
)nder these r)(es. Kn(y ("m"tat"on "s 403.
8ema" % 403 st"(( app("es and 1)d,e /an /hoose to e=/()de pr"or se=)a( /ond)/t o&
. "n the"r d"s/ret"on.
)t 'a(an/"n, w"(( 'e d"&&erent8
o pro'at"#e #a()e as to the propens"ty "n&eren/e w"(( /o)nt.
o pre1)d"/e has to 'e &rom someth"n, 'es"des propens"ty "n&eren/e.
. w"(( rarel" w"n on th"s 403 'a(an/e.
Lmany /ommentators th"n+ 413%15 sho)(d 'e ("m"ted to /onsent /ases2 ')t not
app(y "n !"dent"ty$ ("t wasnt me) /asesM
o 7=at i% A%e0ual -e=a$iorB ,and %o %u-@ect to 412.H
.ola@ % se=)a( 'eha#"or sho)(d 'e /onstr)ed 'road(y "n (",ht o& 412s p)rpose.
/ase dea(t w"th whether wat/h"n, porno,raph"/ tape at party "s !se=)a(
'eha#"or.$ Ee(d s)'1e/t to 412 and "nadm"ss"'(e.
some /o)rts e#en ha#e he(d pr"or &a(se /(a"ms o& rape are !se=)a( 'eha#"or$ and
th)s e=/()ded )nder 412.
/ommentary on th"s "s ne,at"#e2 as "ts more eas"(y seen as an a/t o& &ra)d
- 0=amp(es8
o 1) Budd +. Rodman % G)dd /(a"ms she ,ot herpes &rom ;odman. *"#"( *ase
") ;odman wants to adm"t e#"den/e o& se= w"th other partners.
as pro'at"#e #a()e #ery h",h (,oes to heart o& /a)sat"on)2 adm"tted )nder
412 re#erse-403 'a(an/"n,.
"") ;odman wants to adm"t e#"den/e that she was a n)de dan/er. 6oes to
dama,es2 s"n/e she /(a"ms emot"ona( dama,es "n 'ody "ma,e "ss)es.
adm"tted2 ')t /(ose /a((. 4o)(d ,et "n )nder 4032 ')t 412 'ar "s h",her.
o 2) 5ear Sto)s 3 . /har,ed w"th se=)a((y a')s"n, a m"nor. 7 presents e#"den/e /h"(d had
a')se syndrome. . wants to adm"t e#"den/e o& anothers a')se2 ')t /ant )nder 412 ("ts
not the same a/t "n B)est"on2 so doesnt &"t "nto a(ternat"#e perpetrator e=/ept"on)
he(d #"o(ates *onst"t)t"on to not a((ow th"s /r"t"/a( e#"den/e. ;ape sh"e(d (aw
doesnt ma+e m)/h sense here8 ("tt(e r"s+ 1)ry w"(( '(ame the #"/t"m.
o 3) Olden % rape /ase w"th /onsent de&ense. . wants to "ntrod)/e that he dro#e her home2
wh"/h she shared w"th her 'oy&r"end. . ar,)es th"s "s /r"t"/a( to her mot"#e to &a(s"&y
('oy&r"end sees her ,et o)t o& the /ar2 and she need e=/)se).
he(d to #"o(ate the *onst"t)t"on2 &o((ow"n, ear <tops. 0#"den/e "s /r"t"/a(2 and
prote/t"on not at /ore o& rape sh"e(d (aw (not try"n, to smear the #"/t"m w"th
deta"(s2 1)st show the e="sten/e o& a re(at"onsh"p)
o 4) 6emay % *onst"t)t"ona( /ha((en,e to 413%15. Ee(d 403 st"(( app("es "n 'a/+,ro)nd2 so
no /onst"t)t"ona( #"o(at"on. ;a"ses eB)a( prote/t"on /ha((en,es that are re1e/ted.
A. La6 O#inion 7itne%%e% ( 801) 804,a.
- ;)(es8
o 801; 5ay w"tnesses /an test"&y as to the"r op"n"on and "n&eren/es "&8
,a. rationall6 -a%ed on #erce#tion% o& w"tness
,-. a%%i%t%E i% =el#ful to t=e @ur6 to determ"nat"on o& a &a/t "n "ss)e
,c. not %cientific or tec=nical % "& "t "s2 that part m)st 'e s/r)t"n"-ed )nder 702
and 0aubert.
o 804,a.; o#inion a% to an ulti:ate i%%ue not o-@ectiona-le for t=at rea%on.
H@8 (ay w"tnesses /ant test"&y to )(t"mate (e,a( /on/()s"ons2 tra/+ stat)tory
(an,)a,e2 et/. 4o)(dnt 'e he(p&)( to the 1)ry.
- ;m+s8
o 1) 5ay w"tness may need to 'e B)a("&"ed
e,2 "& "dent"&y"n, a #o"/e2 need to ma+e s)re had heard #o"/e 'e&ore.
o 2) w"tnesses m)st test"&y &rom personal +now(ed,e 'ased on the"r per/ept"ons.
o 3) w"tnesses /ant test"&y as to )(t"mate (e,a( /on/()s"on2 tra/+ stat)tory (an,)a,e.
0,2 w"tness to a m)rder say"n, !"n my op"n"on2 "t was done w"th ma("/e
0,2 ;odney O"n, % w"tness /an say !the /ops seemed o)t o& /ontro($ ')t not !the
o&&"/ers )sed e=/ess"#e &or/e$
. Daubert Relia-ilit6 and E0#ert 7itne%%e% ( 802
- ;)(es8
o 802; </"ent"&"/ e=pert2 or te/hn"/a( +now(ed,e that w"(( ass"st the tr"er o& &a/t 'y 'e
test"&"ed to 'y a B)a("&"ed e=pert w"tness "&8
,1. t=e te%ti:on6 i% -a%ed on %ufficient fact%I
re("a'(e method no ,ood w"tho)t s)&&"/"ent &o)ndat"on o& data.
,2. t=e te%ti:on6 i% t=e #roduct of relia-le #rinci#le% and :et=od%I
/od"&"es res)(t "n Daubert and &a/tors. !;e("a'"("ty$ as +ey.
re#erses 4r"es !,enera( a//epta'"("ty$ (tho),h th"s st"(( the r)(e "n many
,3. t=e ?itne%% =a% a##lied t=e :et=od% relia-l6 to t=e ca%e.
app("/at"on m)st too 'e re("a'(e. .DA test"n, re("a'(e as a method2 ')t
e#"den/e st"(( e=/()ded "& samp(e /ontam"nated d)e to "mproper
rat"ona(e8 pre#ent 1)ry /on&)s"on &rom )nre("a'(e s/"en/e.
o Dau-ert factor%;
1. te%ta-leE fal%ifia-le 3 an o'1e/t"#e standard. Fethods m)st 'e s/"ent"&"/ and
re("a'(e. Fore &(e="'(e than 4r"e2 wh"/h "s more /onser#at"#e as wa"ts &or
methods to ,a"n ,enera( a//epta'"("ty2 wh"/h may ta+e t"me.
&o((ows that e=pert m)st e=p(a"n h"s methodo(o,y and why "ts re("a'(e
and s/"ent"&"/2 'ased on more than 1)st ta+"n, h"s word &or "t.
2. #eer re$ie?E #u-lication 3 the type o& method p)'("shed "n peer re#"ewed
1o)rna(s. Dot reB)"red &or e#eryth"n,2 and not a str"/t reB)"rement.
3. rate% of errorE #ro#er #rotocol 3 m)st &o((ow standard methodo(o,y2 report
error rates "& app("/a'(e.
4. !eneral acce#tance % 4r"e as one &a/tor "n 0aubert re("a'"("ty "nB)"ry.
o Al%o8 need Daubert AfitB; e#"den/e presented m)st 'e re(e#ant to the &a/ts "n "ss)e.
o Dau-ert #rocedure; )nder 104(a)2 done at a pretr"a( or other hear"n, o)ts"de hear"n, o&
1)ry. *a((ed !.a)'ert hear"n,$ /o((oB)"a((y.
;e#"ew "s a')se o& d"s/ret"on. Boiner.
m)st ,"#e not"/e to the other s"de "& yo) are )s"n, e=pert per :;*7 16(a)(1)(0).
o 7068 a#a"(a'"("ty o& ne)tra( /o)rt e=perts. ;are(y "n#o+ed2 howe#er.
- 0=amp(es8
o 1) the testa'(eI &a(s"&"a'(e &a/tor
e,2 e=pert /(a"ms he has a (ot o& e=per"en/e and /an 1)st te(( "nd)/ed /atara/ts
&rom norma( /atara/ts. 0=/()ded % e=pert m)st e=p(a"n methodo(o,y2 and the
methodo(o,y m)st 'e s/"ent"&"/.
o 2) peer re#"ew
sho)(d 1)st app(y to type o& methodo(o,y at "ss)e2 and not str"/t(y. @he e=pert
h"mse(& need not ha#e wor+ p)'("shed "n peer re#"ewed 1o)rna(2 not m)st e#ery
&a/t ha#e 'een p)'("shed "n peer re#"ew.
m",ht a(so "n/()de here "& e=pert has a resear/h a,endaI sponsor.
o 3) rates o& error and standard"-ed pro/ed)re.
pol")rap: testin) fails under t:is fa#tor. Do standard way to do "t2 no way to ,et
error rate2 /(ear that tests are B)"te 'eata'(e.
o 4) 4r"e #. 0aubert
w"(( ma+e the d"&&eren/e "n !/)tt"n, ed,e$ /ases. 0,2 4erri. 0=pert presents
op"n"on a'o)t how "nd"#"d)a( ,a"t (ead"n, to "dent"&"/at"ons &rom the wear o& a
shoe. Dot ,enera((y a//epted2 ')t e=p(a"ns methodo(o,y "n deta"(2 ,"#es rates o&
error2 et/. Adm"ss"'(e )nder 0aubert ')t not 4r"e.
:ryes /onser#at"sm m",ht 'e a ,ood th"n,2 or /o)(d ar,)e that :rye "s eas"er on
poor(y represented part"es (/an 1)st /o)nt heads2 dont ha#e to ha#e 'est e=pert)
o 5) 0aubert % e#"den/e as to whether ende/t"n /a)ses ("m' red)/t"on.
an"ma( test"n,8 e=/()ded. 4ay more ,"#en to rats than the h)mans.
/hem"/a( str)/t)re e#"den/e8 e=/()ded. <tr)/t)re wasnt the /a)sa( &a/tor.
- "#ecial Daubert I%%ue%;
o 1. ani:al %tudie% % sometimes adm"ss"'(e.
F)st 'e rep("/a'(e2 not /ontrad"/t h)man st)d"es. A(so ,ood "& theres a reason
h)man st)d"es /antI ha#ent 'een done.
o 2. !eneral re%earc= #re#ared for trial % #"ewed s+ept"/a((y.
3& "ss)e s)&&"/"ent(y spe/"&"/2 KO to ha#e done "t &or p)rposes o& ("t",at"on. )t
,enera( resear/h sho)(d typ"/a((y ha#e 'een done 'e&ore tr"a(.
o 3. anal6tical !a#% % 1)d,e /an e=/()de "n d"s/ret"on "& too m)/h o& a !(eap.$
"n Boiner2 1)d,e e=/()ded as too m)/h o& an "n&eren/e 'etween 'a'y m"/e st)dy
and ad)(t h)mans. Ee(d not a')se o& d"s/ret"on.
o 4. alternati$e cau%e% % e=pert m)st /ons"der and r)(e these o)t to 'e re("a'(e.
0,2 "& /on/()de /an/er /a)sed 'y as'estos2 m)st /ons"der other poss"'"("t"es ("+e
smo+"n,. Deed not /ons"der any )n("+e(y poss"'"("ty % 1)st show /a)se 'y
preponderan/e o& e#"den/e.
o *. differential dia!no%e% % a((owed so (on, as +nown /a)ses )nderstood.
/ommon "n med"/"ne8 .estbur" - /an/er on(y /o)(d 'e /a)sed 'y three th"n,s2
and . was on(y e=posed to ta(/. @here&ore m)st 'e ta(/. A((owed.
H@8 need more than 1)st tempora( /onne/t"on.
o /. de%i!n te%tin! 3 someone m)st ha#e tested the proposed a(ternat"#e des",n "& e=pert "s
to test"&y "ts sa&er.
e=pert doesnt ha#e to do "t h"mse(&2 ')t /ant 1)st propose a hypothet"/a( des",n
and say "t wo)(d 'e sa&er. @o a((ow wo)(d 'e ,o"n, 1)st on h"s say-so.
o 8. u%e of %tati%tic% - m)st 'e re("a'(e (/ompar"sons re(e#ant2 pro'a'"("t"es a//)rate(y
d"s/o)nted2 /ompo)nd"n, &a/tors a//o)nted &or).
e,2 !eople +. Collins % "mproper(y m)(t"p("ed non-"ndependent pro'a'"("t"es.
e,2 d"s/r"m"nat"on. *ant /ompare to ,enera( pop)(at"on2 sho)(d "nstead /ompare
to re(e#ant (a'or poo(.
e,2 6lue 6us % on(y "ss)e "s "dent"ty. 3& /an show that 60P o& ')ses on road are
that /ompany2 eno),h &or a d"re/ted #erd"/tJ
7osner8 Do2 sho)(d a(so /ons"der what d"(",ent attorney wo)(d do % e,2
ta+e pa"nt samp(es. 3& a(( they /an ,et "s the stat"st"/2 B)"te poss"'(e the"r
/ase "s wea+.
')t8 "& /ant d"st"n,)"sh2 /an )se mar+et share ("a'"("ty.
C. Non("cientific E0#ert% ( Kumho
- ;)(es8
o Kumho % non(%cientific e0#ert% e9uall6 %u-@ect to Daubert %crutin6.
"n Cum:o2 at "ss)e was /a)se o& t"re e=p(os"on. 7 /a((s en,"neer a F"/he("n w"th
(ots o& e=per"en/e2 who ,"#es h"s op"n"on. .oesnt e=p(a"n methodo(o,y or why
"ts re("a'(e. 0=/()ded.
o T=e Daubert te%t i% fle0i-le in t=i% conte0t.
/ant r","d(y reB)"re peer-re#"ew2 e,2 &or non-s/"ent"&"/ e=perts.
o T=e line -et?een la6 and e0#ert ?itne%%e%; i% an6 #art of t=e te%ti:on6 A%cientific)
tec=nical) or ot=er %#ecialiJed Dno?led!eBH If %o) a##l6 Daubert to t=at #art.
! spe/"a("-ed$ > most peop(e dont +now "t. :o/)s on the test"mony2 and not the
0,2 "& test"&y saw someone '(eed"n,2 (ay w"tness. 3& test"&y "t was "nterna( dama,e
to the +"dney2 e=pert.
H@8 /ant )se e=perts to /omm)n"/ate /ommon +now(ed,e "n attempt to ,"#e "t
,reater we",ht. 0,2 S#ott.
- 0=amp(es8
o 1) w"ne e=pert test"&"es w"ne o& a part"/)(ar #"nta,e.
spe/"a("-ed2 so app(y 0aubert. wo)(d need to e=p(a"n methods 'eyond !3#e
tasted a (ot o& w"ne2 and 3 +now.$
o 2) 7s)lundh % /onstr)/t"on /rane 'rea+s and &a((s. 4"tness who sees "t a(so the
s)per#"sor o& /ranes. @est"&"es as a &a/t w"tness2 and then as+ed &or op"n"on as to why "t
')sted2 and ,"#es h"s theory. . o'1e/ts and as+s &or a 0aubert hear"n,.
. ,ets "t2 as that part "s spe/"a("-ed.
o 3) 8igeroa#6o)ez % (aw en&or/ement a,ent sees a dr), dea( ,o down. @est"&"es that saw
the /r"me2 and o&&ers op"n"on that . en,a,ed "n !/o)nter-s)r#e"((an/e$ 'ased on h"s
persona( e=per"en/e.
/ant snea+ "n )nder 701. @he se/ond part ,ets .a)'ert s/r)t"ny )nder 702.
o 4) S#ott % tr"p and &a((. 0=pert test"&"es the /)r' pa"nted ye((ow2 wh"/h &(attens "n #"s"on
(a((owed)2 and that women "n hee(s a#o"d s"dewa(+ ,rates (/ommon +now(ed,e2 not
o 5) 0/onom"st /a((ed to test"&y a'o)t #a()e o& ho)sew"&es wor+.
A((owed. @ho),h peop(e +now what ho)sew"#es do2 they dont +now the
e/onom"/ #a()e o& that wor+.
o 6) 0=pert /a((ed to test"&y a'o)t memory &a"()re2 weapons &o/)s2 other pro'(ems "n ("ne-
)p "dent"&"/at"on.
most /"r/)"ts d"sa((ow th"s. ;at"ona(e "s d)'"o)s % /ommon +now(ed,e o& &(aws
"n re/o,n"t"on. 0#"den/e "s re(e#ant2 spe/"a("-ed +now(ed,e that wo)(d ass"st
tr"er o& &a/t.
o 7) </ooter 5"''y /ase % 1)d,e d"sa((owed e#"den/e o& memory e=pert a'o)t peop(es
tenden/"es to m"= th"n,s )p when ')sy. Appea( pend"n,.
D. Non(Relia-ilit6 Re9uire:ent% for E0#ert% ( 803) 804,-.) 9ualification%
- ;)(es8
o 803; E0#ert% can rel6 on fact% or data of t=e t6#e rea%ona-l6 relied u#on in t=e
field 3 e$en if donGt =a$e #er%onal Dno?led!e) or e$en if t=e underl6in! e$idence
?ould not -e ad:i%%i-le ot=er?i%e ,e!) =ear%a6..
H@8 &a/ts or data otherw"se "nadm"ss"'(e sha(( not 'e d"s/(osed to the 1)ry
)n(ess pro'at"#e #a()e ?? pre1)d"/"a( e&&e/t (re#erse 403).
"dea "s to a((ow e=perts to re(y on data they norma((y wo)(d2 ')t pre#ent
ad#ersar"es )s"n, them as !/ond)"ts$ to ,et "n "nadm"ss"'(e e#"den/e.
o 802; 9ualification%. E0#ert% :u%t =a$e #ro#er 9ualification%.
A (ow thresho(d. 0=tent o& B)a("&"/at"ons ,o to we",ht2 not adm"ss"'"("ty.
e=pert sho)(d 'e ("m"ted to area o& e=pert"se.
o 804,-.; e0#ert ?itne%%e% not allo?ed to !i$e o#inion a% to ulti:ate i%%ue of
?=et=er D =ad or did not =a$e re9uired :ental %tate.
)npr"n/"p(ed response to >in#@le" res)(t. 3& e=pert 1)st test"&"ed as to menta(
state2 wo)(dnt 'e he(p&)( anyway and e=/()ded. ;)(e on(y &)n/t"ons to e=/()de
e=perts /on/()s"ons2 wh"/h /an pa"nt an "n/omp(ete p"/t)re.
- 0=amp(es8
o re(y"n, on otherw"se "nadm"ss"'(e &a/ts8
1) arson e=perts /on/()des &"re /a)sed 'y arson. *an re(y on hearsay % e,2 the
reports o& others who were there % to rea/h the /on/()s"on.
2) do/tor /on/()des they ha#e syndrome 'y send"n, a s)r#ey to 7s2 who /he/+
o&& symptoms.
0=/()ded2 not 'e/a)se o& (a/+ o& persona( +now(ed,e2 ')t 'e/a)se th"s
data wo)(d not 'e reasona'(y re("ed )pon "n the &"e(d.
3) e=pert test"&y"n, . not "nsane. <ays part o& "n&ormat"on )sed "n /on/()s"on "s
she went to pr"son2 and other "nmates to(d her . was &a+"n,.
)nder 7032 /an re(y )pon "t2 ')t not d"s/(ose to the 1)ry2 as hearsay and
pre1)d"/"a( e&&e/t ,reat2 pro'at"#e moderate.
o B)a("&"/at"ons
6err" % e=pert to test"&y on d"s/"p("ne "n (ar,e )r'an po("/e departments deemed
not B)a("&"ed as an a/adem"/ who on(y st)d"ed sma(( departments.
o )(t"mate "ss)e menta( state e=/ept"on
o&ten ,ot aro)nd 'y hypothet"/a(s. 0,2 ,et e=pert to spea+ a'o)t menta( d"sorder
"n ,enera(2 and e=p(a"n how someone "s same s"t)at"on wo)(d rea/t.
- h"story8 the Sir .alter Ralei): /ase.
o 4"tnesses test"&y that they heard others ta+"n, a'o)t how ;a(e",h was /onsp"r"n, to +"((
the +"n,. ;a(e",h ar,)es they sho)(d prod)/e these persons. *ons"dered a m"s/arr"a,e o&
1)st"/e2 ,"#es r"se to hearsay r)(e and *on&rontat"on *(a)se.
- theory8 pre#ent"n, adm"ss"on o& )nre("a'(e a//o)nts not s)'1e/t to pro/ed)ra( s/r)t"ny o& tr"a(.
o so)r/es o& )nre("a'"("ty8 "ns"n/er"ty2 "mpre/"s"on2 'ad memory.
o #rocedural #rotection% of trial;
1. t=e oat= % ,)ards a,a"nst "ns"n/er"ty
2. de:eanor % 1)ry /an e=am"ne w"tness as test"&y"n,2 see "& hes ner#o)s2
"n/ons"stent2 (y"n,.
3. cro%% e0a:ination % a((ows other s"de to pro'e2 ,)ard a,a"nst (y"n,.
o "& a((owed2 hearsay wo)(d (et statements "n w"tho)t th"s s/r)t"ny.
o ')t8 "n many /ases2 hearsay "s a/t)a((y re("a'(e2 andI or theres no 'etter e#"dent"ary
a(ternat"#e. Een/e2 the many e=/ept"ons.
- &ear%a6 "te#%;
o 1. Doe% t=e out(of(court %tate:ent fit t=e definition of =ear%a6H , <01) <02.
"& no2 then a((owed2 ')t see 4.
"& yes2 ,o to 2Q
o 2. I% t=ere an e0ce#tion t=at a##lie%H , <01,d.) <03) <04) <08.
"& no2 then not a((owed.
"& yes2 a((owed2 ')t step 3 may app(yQ
o 3. Doe% t=e Confrontation Clau%e ,Crawford9 nonet=ele%% re9uire t=at t=e =ear%a6 -e
e0cluded a% Ate%ti:onialBH
"& yes2 not a((owed.
"& no2 a((owed2 ')t step 4 may app(yQ
o 4. If itG% ad:i%%i-le) do an6 ot=er doctrine% a##l6 ,e!) 403 #re@udicial -alancin!.H
hearsay "s 1)st one so)r/e o& e=/()s"on.
A. Definition; <01) <02. Offered for Trut=) I:#licit "tate:ent%
- ;)(es8
o <01; A&ear%a6B C out(of(court %tate:ent offered to #ro$e t=e trut= of t=e :atter
o *ommon not-&or-tr)th p)rposes8
1. Inde#endent Le!al "i!nificance % statement not o&&ered &or "ts tr)th
(whether "t was s"n/ere or not)2 ')t &or the #ery &a/t "t was made. Crai).
2. Effect of t=e Li%tener % o&&ered not &or tr)th2 ')t 1)st &or the &a/t that "t was
heard 'y the ("stener. M#Clure2 Din"ard.
3. acD!round % o&&ered to ,"#e /onte=t to )nderstand ("steners a/t"ons.
D.. e#en "& adm"tted &or not-&or-tr)th p)rposes2 st"(( s)'1e/t to 403.
o I:#lied A%%ertion%; what a'o)t non#er'a( /ond)/t wh"/h /reates impli#it statementsJ
federal rule; intent of t=e %#eaDer te%t
801(a) !statement$ > (1) an ora( or wr"tten assert"on2 or (2) non#er'a(
/ond)/t if intended b" t:at person as an assertion.
/ommon (aw r)(e8 'oth /ond)/t and "mp("/"t statements2 "& o&&ered &or tr)th2 are
o <02; if fit% <01 definition) =ear%a6 i% not ad:i%%i-le unle%% an e0ce#tion in t=e%e
rule% or an Act of Con!re%% a##lie%.
- 0=amp(es8
o re(y"n, on o)t-o&-/o)rt statements
6roAn % &a(se ta= ret)rn /ase. 3;< a,ent test"&"es that rowns /("ents had "n&(ated
o'1e/t"on8 "ts hearsay2 as re("es on statements o& /("ents.
/ant ,et "n )nder 703 !e=pert$ % no need to ass"st the 1)ry2 wo)(d &a"(
)nder 703 'a(an/"n, anyway.
o not o&&ered &or tr)th
Crai) % at "ss)e whether (oan ,)aranteed. 4"tness at ne,ot"at"on says heard
party say !3 ,)arantee "t.$
a((owed as not o&&ered &or tr)th. .oesnt matter whether he was s"n/ere2
a(( that matters "s that "t was sa"d.
M#Clure % pro#o/at"on at "ss)e. F/*()re ants to test"&y he was to(d w"&e
s(eep"n, w"th a n)m'er o& "nd"#"d)a(s.
a((owed as o&&ered &or e&&e/t on the ("stener % &or p)rposes o&
pro#o/at"on2 doesnt matter whether statement was tr)e2 1)st that
F/*()re heard "t.
note8 403 w"(( st"(( app(y "n 'a/+,ro)nd2 poss"'(e w"(( 'e e=/()ded.
Dine"ard % s("p and &a(( /ase. 7 wants to adm"t that w"tness heard others te((
owner that "t was s("ppery.
a((owed as o&&ered &or e&&e/t on the ("stener % that he was p)t on not"/e.
')t dan,er 1)ry /o)(d )se "t &or tr)th (that "t was s("ppery) )se 403.
4reeman % po("/e o&&"/er ,ets t"p o& dea( at 325 0(m. <ees dea( and ma+es arrest.
,o#t wants to "ntrod)/e t"p to show why o&&"/er made the arrest.
Ktherw"se /ant e=p(a"n why o&&"/er was there.
o /o)rts s)sp"/"o)s o& (ett"n, t"ps "n2 ')t a((owed here )nder 403.
/&. . /ontests 'e"n, at apartment when ')st made. 7 wants to "ntrod)/e
t"p (!. "s dea("n, dr),s at =$) to show why ')st was made.
o d"sa((owed )nder 403. Cery pre1)d"/"a( as a((ows "n statement o&
#ery th"n, . /ontests.
o "mp("ed assert"ons
;m+8 1)st ("m"t"n, to e=press statements wo)(d e#"s/erate hearsay r)(e.
0,2 /ant o&&er !"ts /ats and do,s$ and say not &or tr)th o& matter (that
there were /ats and do,s). 3mp("ed tr)th "s "t was ra"n"n,.
.ri):t % (etter &rom nephew to )n/(e. 4ants to o&&er "t not &or tr)th o& /ontents2
')t &or "mp("ed statement that )n/(e was /ompetent.
d"sa((owed )nder /ommon (aw r)(e.
a((owed )nder &edera( r)(e2 "& &"nd "ntent was to wr"te a (etter2 and not
ma+e an "mp("/"t assert"on o& /ompeten/e.
Eenni % /a(( that !3 want to p(a/e 500 on *o(ts$ so),ht to 'e adm"tted to show he
was a 'oo+"e.
d"sa((owed )nder /ommon (aw
a((owed )nder &edera( r)(e as "ntent was to p(a/e a 'et.
Fa&"a hypo8 R8 !Ea#e yo) seen 0dd"eJ$ A8 !@heres a (ot o& p(a/es to ')ry a
'ody$ K&&ered to show 0dd"e "s dead.
d"sa((owed )nder &edera( test. @ho),h not o&&ered &or tr)th that there
many ')r"a( opt"ons2 "ntent was to /omm)n"/ate 0dd"e "s dead.
"ntrod)/t"on hypo8 /o)p(e meets a person. <tatement so),ht to 'e "ntrod)/ed to
show th"s person was "('o.
3& ,reet !Eey "('o$ a((owed )nder &ed. r)(e. 3ntent "s to e=/han,e
3& "ntrod)/e h"m !@h"s "s "('o$ not a((owed. 3ntent was to /omm)n"/ate
h"s "dent"ty.
. &ear%a6 E0clu%ion% 3 <01,d.
1 ,rior Statements of 4estifying :itnesses ( <01,d.,1.
- ;)(e8
o <01,d.,1.; #rior %tate:ent% of te%tif6in! ?itne%%e% are ad:i%%i-le if;
,A. #rior %tate:ent :ade under oat= and incon%i%tent ?it= current
te%ti:on6 ad:i%%i-le for it% trut=
e,2 "& /ontrad"/t ,rand 1)ry test"mony at tr"a( ,rand 1)ry test"mony /an
'e "ntrod)/ed.
&or "ts tr)th > no ("m"t"n, "nstr)/t"on2 ,"#en we",ht as s)'stant"#e
,. #rior con%i%tent %tate:ent% offered to re-ut a c=ar!e of recent
on(y a((owed "& /red"'"("ty has 'een atta/+ed. @he /an "ntrod)/e pr"or
statement to show story has 'een /ons"stent.
m)st ha#e 'een made 'e&ore the mot"#e to &a(s"&y arose. -ome.
,C. #rior %tate:ent i% one of identification :ade after #ercei$in! t=e #er%on.
e,2 /an adm"t statement d)r"n, ("ne-)ps so (on, as w"tness there and
s)'1e/t to /ross.
/an adm"t e#en "& . doesnt remem'er "dent"&"/at"on. OAens.
- 0=amp(es8
o 4ome 3 /h"(d test"&y"n, a,a"nst &ather "n se=)a( a')se /ase. . ar,)es /h"(d wanted to ("#e
w"th h"s mother and so "s &a(s"&y"n,. Ee(d8 /ant adm"t pr"or /ons"stent statements o&
/h"(d )nder 801(d)(1)() as they were not made 'e&ore mot"#e to &a(s"&y arose.
/&. h"t-and-r)n /ase. . a((e,es /ar was sto(en so he wasnt the dr"#er. 3& 7 atta/+s
story as not /red"'(e2 . /an "ntrod)/e that he reported the&t.
"& reported the&t a&ter the a//"dent2 /an adm"t )nder -ome.
o Owens % w"tness s)&&ers &rom memory (oss d)e to head tra)ma. 4ants to test"&y as to
"dent"&"/at"on made o& atta/+er2 tho),h /ant remem'er "t now. Kwens ar,)es memory
(oss de&eats h"s r",ht to /on&rontat"on and e&&e/t"#e de&ense.
he(d8 r",ht to /on&rontat"on sat"s&"ed as w"tness there and ha#e a'"("ty to /ross.
Do ,)arantee o& per&e/t /on&rontat"on2 on(y an adequate one.
( 7dmissions ( <01,d.,2.
- ;)(es8
o <01,d.,2. "tate:ent not =ear%a6 if offered a!ain%t a #art6 and
,A. t=e #art6G% o?n %tate:ent
/(ass"/ adm"ss"on. F)st 'e adm"tted a)ainst the party who made the
statement2 ')t /ant '(atant(y and m"s(ead"n,(y ed"t the statement (1062
!the r)(e o& /omp(eteness$)
,. Aado#ti$e ad:i%%ionB 3 t=e #art6 =a% :anife%ted -elief in it% trut=
adopt"on /an 'e e=press2 or 'y s"(en/e "& an appropr"ate &o)ndat"on (a"d.
>oosier. F)st show reasona'(e person wo)(d ha#e spo+en "& &a(se.
,C. A%#eaDin! a!entB( a %tate:ent -6 aut=oriJed re#re%entati$e
/o#ers narrow !spo+esperson$ /ase2 ("+e trans(ators and attorneys.
,D. Aa!enc6 ad:i%%ionB 3 -6 EE or a!ent ?it=in %co#e of relation%=i#.
'roader a,en/y adm"ss"on r)(e. Deed to sat"s&y8
o ") person ma+"n, the statement "s an a,ent o& the party9
o "") statement made w"th"n s/ope o& the"r emp(oyment9
o """) statement made !d)r"n, the e="sten/e o& the emp(oyment$
,E. %tate:ent -6 cocon%#irator in furt=erance of con%#irac6. F)st esta'("sh8
") statement made "n &)rtheran/e o& the /onsp"ra/y
o m)st 'e "ntended to ad#an/e the /r"m"na( o'1e/t"#es
"") d)r"n, the /o)rse o& the /onsp"ra/y
o /onsp"ra/y o#er "& /entra( /r"m"na( o'1e/t"#e a/h"e#ed or
o to w"thdraw2 m)st e"ther /on&ess or "n&orm /onsp"rators o&
""") ,o#t m)st esta'("sh )nder 104(a) that there was a /onsp"ra/y and that
the . was /o/onsp"rator w"th the de/(arant.
o B)est"ons treated as an "ss)e o& /ond"t"ona( re(e#an/e )nder
104(a) % done at pre-tr"a( or s"de hear"n,2 o)t o& 1)rys earshot.
standard "s preponderan/e o& the e#"den/e.
o 5our;aily % /ontent o& statement "tse(& /an 'e )sed to esta'("sh
the /onsp"ra/y. @ho),h not s)&&"/"ent a(one. 4ellier.
o rat"ona(e o& adm"ss"ons8 not prem"sed on re("a'"("ty2 ')t rather an ad+ersarial theory that
as a party2 yo) are a//o)nta'(e &or yo)r own statements.
- 0=amp(es8
o (A) /(ass"/ adm"ss"ons
. stated !the dr),s are m"ne2 ')t 3 dont +now anyth"n, a'o)t the ,)n.$ 3& "n a
,)n /ase2 7 /ant ed"t the statement and adm"t on(y the &"rst part.
ran/h .a#"d"ans /ase %<tatement made was !3 p"/+ed )p the ,)n2 ')t then
/owered "n &ear "n the /orner$. 7 wants to adm"t on(y &"rst part.
"& /ase was a'o)t 'e"n, #"o(ent2 a((owed to /omp(ete.
"& /r"me /omp(ete a&ter p"/+"n, )p ,)n2 . /ant adm"t e=/)(patory '"t.
o () adopt"#e adm"ss"ons
e=press adopt"on8 R8 !.o yo) owe S500J$ party8 yes. *an 'e adm"tted as
adm"ss"on that he owed S5002 as adopted the statement.
adopt"on 'y s"(en/e8 Hoosier % ,"r(&r"end ta(+s a'o)t .s /r"mes2 and . says
noth"n,. *an 'e adm"tted on(y "& &o)ndat"on shown that a reasona'(e person
wo)(d ha#e spo+en )p.
Eere2 /(ose /ase8 . may 1)st not ha#e wanted to /orre/t her.
/&. 6e#@ % post a//"dent2 party adm"n"ster"n, to &r"end. Kther dr"#er
ma+es a//)sat"ons2 . says noth"n,. Ee(d reasona'(e person m",ht 'e
')sy2 not want to "n&(ame2 et/.2 do not an adopt"on 'y s"(en/e.
D.. /ant )se adopt"on 'y s"(en/e "n po("/e /onte=t. ;easona'(e person
m",ht e=er/"se r",ht to rema"n s"(ent.
o (*)2 (.) a,en/y adm"ss"ons
(*) !spo+espersons$
0aSil+a % trans(ator statements "n /)stoms "nterro,at"on he(d an
adm"ss"on. 3& trans(ator had /on&("/t o& "nterest2 perhaps not.
M#Ceon % at &"rst tr"a(2 . ar,)es smo+"n, ,)n papers not &rom h"s
/omp)ter. F"str"a(. At se/ond tr"a(2 wants to ar,)e other peop(e had
a//ess to /op"er. 7 wants to adm"t statements o& attorney at (ast tr"a(.
o adm"tted )nder 801(d)(2)(*). A(so not pr"#"(e,ed.
(.) 'roader a,en/y adm"ss"ons
note8 many /ommon (aw 1)r"sd"/t"ons on(y ha#e narrower (*) r)(e.
roader pro#"s"on ad#anta,es 72 who /an )se 00 statements "n /"#"( s)"ts.
") that de/(arant was an 00 or a,ent.
o need on(y show 'y preponderan/e o& the e#"den/e. !appas %
a&ter s("p2 person /omes down "n )n"&orm2 says !3m sorry we#e
'een try"n, to /(ean th"s )p.$ @ho),h /ant &"nd h"m on the ro((s2
adm"tted s"n/e /"r/)mstan/es show hes an 00.
"") !w"th"n s/ope o& emp(oyment$
o e,2 F"/roso&t 1an"tor say"n, !3m sorry the &(oor was s("ppery$
adm"ss"'(e. !3m sorry were monopo("sts$ o)ts"de s/ope.
o >ill % d"s/r"m"nat"on /ase. 4ants to adm"t statements o& other
that &"r"n, "mproper. )t s"n/e none o& these 00s "n#o(#ed "n
&"r"n, de/"s"on2 o)ts"de o& s/ope o& emp(oyment.
o (0) /o/onsp"rator adm"ss"ons
") "n &)rtheran/e o& /onsp"ra/y % typ"/a((y eas"(y sat"s&"ed.
,ane##o % mo' 'oss says !3ts 'een a t"r"n, day2 3#e Q$ and then
re/o)nts /r"m"na( a/t"#"ty. 3n &)rtheran/e o& /r"m"na( o'1e/t"#esJ
o he(d yes. *onstr)ed as a !pep ta(+.$
>alderman % ea/h <at)rday2 meet and re/o)nt d"rty tr"/+s done &or
D"=on. Ee(d "n &)rtheran/e as way to +eep tra/+ o& whats 'een done.
"") d)r"n, /o)rse o& /onsp"ra/y8
/onsp"ra/y o#erJ
o &or mo'2 dr), r"n,s2 or other or,an"-ed /r"me2 "ts ne#er end"n,.
o a&ter 'an+ ro''ery2 /o/onsp"rator says !3 th"n+ the te((er ,ot a
(oo+ at me. 3m ,o"n, to +"(( h"m.$ Ee(d /onsp"ra/y was o#er2
as o'1e/t"#e (ro''ed 'an+) a/h"e#ed.
. w"thdrawnJ % str"/t reB)"rements to w"thdraw
o !eris#o % &a/t that . was "n 1a"( doesnt mean he had w"thdrawn
&rom the /onsp"ra/y.
o !atel % . a,rees to /ooperate w"th a)thor"t"es. *a((s s)pp("er2
who then ma+es "n/r"m"nat"n, statements. Ee(d hadnt
w"thdrawn2 as m)st &"rst /omm)n"/ate w"thdrawa( to
""") e="sten/e o& and "n#o(#ement "n /onsp"ra/y
pro#ed at s"de hear"n,2 preponderan/e standard2 statement "tse(& /an 'e
)sed (tho),h /"r/)(ar)
5our;aily % statement "tse(& /an 'e )sed to pro#e /onsp"ra/y2 tho),h
there m)st 'e some "ndependent e#"den/e (-ellier).
'ibbs % R)"nn says !my &r"end 6"''s has e#eryth"n, )nder /ontro(.$
Kther e#"den/e 6"''s was "n#o(#ed was that meant R)"nn2 whom he
showed dr),-sh"pp"n, p(ane2 and dro#e h"m there /o)nter-s)r#e"((an/e-
o /(ose /ase % m",ht not 'e eno),h2 ')t ("+e(y w"(( ,et "n.
Sil+erman % s"ster ma+es "n/r"m"nat"n, statements that 'rother "s "n
/onsp"ra/y. 3ndependent e#"den/e "s that he p"/+ed her )p at a"rport2
#"s"ted2 and dro#e her 'a/+2 at wh"/h po"nt she was /a),ht w"th dr),s.
o not adm"ss"'(e. 3ndependent e#"den/e /an 'e e=p(a"ned 'y
s"'("n, re(at"onsh"p2 not eno),h to pro#e 'rother was a
;m+8 some 1)d,es2 "tse(& o& ha#"n, a !m"n"-tr"a($ "s o)r1a"(y hear"n,2 a((ow the
tr"a( to pro/eed and then r)(e at the end whether the hearsay "s adm"ss"'(e.
"& not sho)(d then de/(are a m"str"a( (1)st a ("m"t"n, "nstr)/t"on wo)(d not
'e eno),h2 tho),h some 1)d,es do th"s)
pro/ed)re e&&"/"ent as pre#ents d)p("/at"on o& e#"den/e "n !two tr"a(s$
C. &ear%a6 E0ce#tion% De#endent on Una$aila-ilit6 3 <04
- two steps8
o 1) "s the de/(arant !)na#a"(a'(e$J
o 2) "& so2 "s the test"mony one o& the 804(') typesJ
o Answer to 'oth B)est"ons m)st 'e yes to 'e adm"tted.
1 Definition of <navailability # $ *&%=a9
- ;)(es8
o <04,a.; Auna$aila-ilit6B C %ituation% ?=ere ?itne%%;
(1) "s de/(ar"n, pr"#"(e,e
(2) re&)ses to test"&y desp"te /o)rt order
dont ha#e to 'e he(d "n /ontempt2 so (on, as "ts an order.
(3) test"&"es to (a/+ o& memory a'o)t s)'1e/t mater
(4) "s )na'(e to 'e present d)e to death2 "((ness2 "n&"rm"ty
"& m",ht re/o#er2 "n d"s/ret"on o& 1)d,e to de(ay tr"a( or not.
(5) "s a'sent and presen/e /ant 'e pro/)red 'y pro/ess or other reasona'(e
!reasona'(e$ > ha#e to try as hard as wo)(d "& d"dnt ha#e the hearsay.
not a'sent "& /o)(d )se s)'poena to ,et h"m "nto /o)rt.
de#o%ition #reference; e#en "& o)ts"de s)'poena power2 "& yo) are a'(e
to ,et a depos"t"on2 or ha#e one2 yo) ha#e to do th"s 'e&ore )s"n, the
o on(y app("es to th"s pron, o& )na#a"(a'"("ty. 3& dead2 ha#e /ho"/e
whether to )se depos"t"on or the hearsay.
o ')rden on the proponent to esta'("sh )na#a"(a'"("ty. !elton F Ri#:.
o )na#a"(a'"("ty /ant 'e wron,&)((y pro/)red. 804(')(6).
- 0=amp(e8
o Coleman % tort /ase. At "ss)e8 whether heater de&e/t"#e2 or Eayes threw "t o)t w"ndow.
Eayes does &"ne at depos"t"on2 ')t then ,oes to 'ar and adm"ts he threw "t to
'artender. Dot an adm"ss"on (hes not a party)2 and /ant )se statement a,a"nst
"nterest as not )na#a"(a'(e % yo) ha#e a depos"t"on.
"& 7 )ses the depos"t"on2 tho),h2 /o)(d adm"t to "mpea/h.
( ,rior 4estimony # $ *&%=b9=19
- ;)(es8
o <04,-.,1.; hearsay adm"ss"'(e "& de/(arant )na#a"(a'(e and hearsay "s8
#rior te%ti:on6 !i$en -6 ?itne%% at a #roceedin!> if t=e #art6 a!ain%t ?=o:
t=e =ear%a6 i% offered =ad %i:ilar :oti$e and o##ortunit6 to de$elo# t=e
need 'oth that there was /ross-e=am"nat"on2 and that party had s"m"(ar
mot"#e to de#e(op "t.
o <04,-.,1. doe% not a##l6 to !rand @ur6 te%ti:on6 (e=/ept rare(y and a,a"nst 7).
no s"m"(ar mot"#e wrt . as an e% parte pro/eed"n,. 0#en "& o&&ered a,a"nst the
,o#t2 typ"/a((y not adm"tted as no s"m"(ar mot"#e. SalernoE Di1a)oli.
7oss"'(e rare /ase 7 "n wh"/h w"(( ha#e s"m"(ar mot"#e to de#e(op at ,rand 1)ry
(w"th (ower standard) and at tr"a(.
o Cri:inal ca%e% re9uire %trict :utualit6 of #artie%.
ma+es sense as prote/t"#e o& "nd"#"d)a( ..
o In ci$il ca%e%) can u%e A#redece%%or in intere%tB and %trict :utualit6 not re9uired.
'road /onstr)/t"on. F)st ha#e had s"m"(ar mot"#e and opport)n"ty2 tho),h.
- 0=amp(es8
o 1) Get()e s)ed 'y 71 &or p(ane /rash. 71 o&&ers w"tness who says p"(ot d"d /o+e. Get()e
/rosses. Dow 722 s)es2 ')t w"tness dead. 72 /an )se the test"mony.
o 2) Get()e2 at 71 tr"a(2 o&&ers w"tness that p"(ot was /ons/"ent"o)s. 71 /rosses. 72 s)es2
')t w"tness has d"ed. *an Get()e )se the test"monyJ
a((owed "& /ross was e&&e/t"#e2 thoro),h2 as 71 had s"m"(ar mot"#e2 he(d a
!prede/essor "n "nterest$ to 72. road /onstr)/t"on.
o 3) Bo:ns-Man+ille % as'estos /ase. 3n :12 w"tness ma+es depos"t"on a,a"nst one /ompany
that they +new a'o)t the to="/ dan,er.
/ase18 /an /(ear(y 'e )sed at tr"a( "n that /ase.
/ase28 d"es2 and same /ompany s)ed 'y new 7. A((owed as s"m"(ar mot"#e.
/ase38 A d"&&erent /ompany s)ed. <"n/e standard ho(ds /ompany ("a'(e so (on,
as "t was +nown "n the "nd)stry2 a((owed as s"m"(ar mot"#e. ."&&erent res)(t "&
standard reB)"red that /ompany to 'e "nd"#"d)a((y aware.
o 4) SalernoG 0i(apoli % A(( /ontra/tors de/(are pr"#"(e,e "n ma&"a /ase. At ,rand 1)ry2 7
"mm)n"-es and a(( ')t a &ew test"&y to +"/+-'a/+s. At tr"a(2 7 on(y "mm)n"-es &a#ora'(e
w"tnesses and . see+s to adm"t ,rand 1)ry statements.
<)preme *o)rt ho(ds that p(a"n te=t o& the r)(e says mot"#e and opport)n"ty m)st
'e s"m"(ar2 and they are not % 7 d"dnt de#e(op test"mony as he wo)(d at tr"a(.
at tr"a(2 7 wo)(d rea((y ,o a&ter the w"tness. At ,rand 1)ry2 w"(( (ower
standard o& proo& and no ad#ersary2 he need not.
+ Dying Declarations# $ *&%=b9=(9
- ;)(es8
o <02,-.,2. % hearsay adm"ss"'(e "& de/(arant )na#a"(a'(e and hearsay "s8
a d6in! declaration) under -elief of i::inent deat=) a-out cau%e of t=e
deat=) in a =o:icide or ci$il action.
o rat"ona(e8 At /ommon (aw2 prem"sed on 'e("e& "n a&ter("&e2 ')t now no ,ood reason. A (ot
o& peop(e m",ht ha#e reason to ("e at t"me o& death. A(so sem"-aware dy"n, /an 'e
e=p(o"ted 'y (awyers see+"n, &a#ora'(e de/(arat"ons.
o F)st ha#e 'e("e& that death "s !sh"&t and /erta"n$
o F)st 'e re(ated to /a)se o& death
dont want peop(e sett("n, o(d s/ores.
o ;eB)"res &o)ndat"on8 that de/(arant had persona( +now(ed,e2 'e("e& "n "mm"nent death.
)nder 104(a)2 1)d,e /ons"ders a(( the /"r/)mstan/es2 "n/()d"n, the statement "tse(&
(/&. o)r1a"(y)2 to determ"ne "& thresho(d /ond"t"ons met.
- 0=amp(es8
o (ie+es % !An,e( sta''ed me and 3 dont want to d"e.$ Ee(d no /erta"n 'e("e& "n death as
wo)nd appeared sma((2 ne#er to(d /ond"t"on was /r"t"/a(.
o tr)/+ a//"dent. C"/t"m r)n o#er2 as dy"n,2 says !3 +"((ed those peop(e "n C"r,"n"a. @he
man on death row "s "nno/ent.$ Dot re(ated to /a)se o& death2 so not adm"ss"'(e.
o !;o'ert shot me "n the 'a/+.$ <"n/e need to show de/(arant had persona( +now(ed,e2
wo)(d ha#e to show 'y preponderan/e that he saw who shot h"m.
% Statements 7gainst 3nterest # $ *&%=b9=+9
- ;)(es8
o <04,-.,3. % hearsay adm"ss"'(e "& de/(arant )na#a"(a'(e and hearsay "s8
%o far a!ain%t #enal or #ecuniar6 intere%t t=at rea%ona-le #er%on ?ould not
=a$e :ade t=e %tate:ent at t=e ti:e unle%% =e -elie$ed it to -e true.
o incul#ator6 %tate:ent%; !Goe and 3 d"d "t$2 o&&ered a,a"nst Goe.
1) <tatements made to (aw-en&or/ement o&&"/ers wh"/h "n/)(pate 'oth de/(arant
and . are not adm"ss"'(e as dont d"sser#e de/(arants "nterest ( .illiamson ).
2) 3n/)(patory statements not made to (aw en&or/ement may 'e adm"ss"'(e "s
d"sser#e "nterest "n /onte=t (Catsou)ra@is)
o e0cul#ator6 %tate:ent%; !32 and 3 a(one d"d "t$ o&&ered 'y ..
reB)"re !/orro'orat"n, /"r/)mstan/es /(ear(y "nd"/at"n, tr)stworth"ness$
mot"#ated 'y &ear that . w"(( ,et others to ta+e the '(ame.
- 0=amp(es8
o 1) .illiamson % )nder "nterro,at"on 'y po("/e2 de/(arant /on&esses !3 'o),ht the dr),s2
w"th 4"(("amson.$ <o),ht to adm"tted a,a"nst 4"(("amson. <)preme *o)rt ho(ds8
as a r)(e2 these "n/)(patory /on&ess"ons to (aw en&or/ement are not adm"ss"'(e.
:"rst ha(& "s a,a"nst "nterest2 ')t se/ond ha(& "s not. y "mp("/at"n, 4"(("ams2
/on&essor ,ets 'ene&"t 'y pass"n, o&& some o& the '(ame.
o 2) Catsou)ra@is % .e/(arant /on&esses to &r"end "n hosp"ta( that he and . ')rned the
d"ner. Ee(d adm"ss"'(e as a,a"nst "nterest2 s"n/e non-(aw en&or/ement2 and "mp("/at"n,
another ra"ses the /r"me % not /on&ess to /onsp"ra/y and we(( as arson.
o 3) Sil+erstein % !3 +"((ed the ,)ard2 and not <"(#erste"n$. Dot d"sser#"n,2 s"n/e de/(arant
a(ready "n 1a"( &or ("&e2 and /on&ess"n, ,ets h"m "nto <"(#erste"ns pr"son ,an,.
o 4) @o po("/e o&&"/er8 !3 'o),ht dr),s2 ')t not &rom ..$ F",ht 'e adm"tted2 "&
/orro'orat"n, /"r/)mstan/es (e#"den/e) "nd"/ate a reasona'(e story.
o 5) M#0onald % . '(ames another ,ro)p +"((ed h"s &am"(y. Another /on&esses2 ')t seems
menta( "(( and seems to ha#e ,otten deta"(s o& /r"me &rom newspapers. Dot adm"ss"'(e2 as
not /orro'orat"n, "nd"/at"ons o& tr)stworth"ness.
2 8orfeiture # $ *&%=b9=?9
- ;)(e8
o <04,-.,/.; If una$aila-ilit6 due to ?ron!doin! of a #art6 intended to #rocure %aid
una$aila-ilit6) =ear%a6 of t=at declarant ad:i%%i-le a!ain%t t=e #art6.
m)st pro#e the wron,&)( /ond)/t 'y a preponderan/e o& the e#"den/e.
need "ntent to pro/)re a'sen/e.
wron,&)( a/ts o& /o/onsp"rators /ons"dered yo)r a/ts. C:err" .
- 0=amp(es8
o /(ass"/8 . threatens to +"(( w"tness2 who then (ea#es the /o)ntry . &or&e"ts r",ht to
o'1e/t to the"r hearsay.
o domest"/ #"o(en/e8 #"/t"m wont test"&y as a&ra"d o& the .. Do &or&e"t)re w"tho)t spe/"&"/
threat2 et/.2 &rom .2 as . has no "ntent to pro/)re a'sen/e.
o C:err" % 7 ar,)es that part o& /onsp"ra/y "s +eep"n, w"tnesses o&& the stand. @h)s2 "& one
o& yo)r /o/onsp"rators a/ts to pro/)re a'sen/e2 yo) too &or&e"t o'1e/t"on. 0=pands )se o&
hearsay "n /onsp"ra/"es e#en &)rther.
D. &ear%a6 E0ce#tion% Not De#endent on Una$aila-ilit6 3 <03
- theory 'eh"nd a(( these "s that /onte=t o& statement ma+e them 1)st as re("a'(e as test"mony
o rat"ona(e more tr)e &or some (')s"ness re/ords) than others (e=/"ted )tteran/es)
1 ,resent Sense 3m)ressions # $ *&+=19
- ;)(e8
o <03,1.; %tate:ent de%cri-in! e$ent or condition :ade ?=ile declarant ?a%
#ercei$in! t=e e$ent) or i::ediatel6 t=ereafter. ;eB)"res8
") "mmed"a/y % /ontemporaneo)s wI per/ept"on or "mmed"ate(y therea&ter.
"") m)st 'e des/r"pt"on o& e#ent per/e"#ed.
""") m"n"ma( &o)ndat"onI /orro'orat"on o& "mpress"on
o rat"ona(e8 /ontemporaneo)s 'est des/r"pt"on2 not s)'1e/t to memory &a"()res.
- 0=amp(es8
o CruH % 15 m"n)te (a, 'etween e#ent and des/r"pt"on not "mmed"ate
o >ouston O%")en % w"tness says to dr"#er !that /ar "s rea((y speed"n,.$ *ar then (ater ,ets
"nto a//"dent. *a((ed as w"tness2 and present sense "mpress"on adm"tted to pad test"mony
(ma+e "t (oo+ more /red"'(e).
o w"tness o& s("p says !3 to(d them a'o)t th"s 15 m"n)tes a,o$
not present sense "mpress"on2 s"n/e not des/r"'"n, e#ent "n B)est"on (the s("p)
o .atson % w"tness ta(+"n, to A("/e on phone. <ays A("/e sa"d !3(( /a(( yo) 'a/+2 the s)per
"s at the door.$ A("/e then d"es.
not adm"ss"'(e )n(ess m"n"ma( &o)ndat"on (e,2 someone saw the s)per head"n, )p
the sta"rs at that t"me). :or a(( we +now A("/e /o)(d ha#e made "t )p.
( -.cited <tterances # $ *&+=(9
- ;)(e8
o <03,2.; %tate:ent relatin! to a %tartlin! e$ent or condition :ade ?=ile declarant
under t=e %tre%% or e0cite:ent of t=e e$ent. ;eB)"res8
") star("n, e#ent that de/(arant per/e"#ed
"") de/(arant st"(( )nder "n&()en/e o& start("n, e#ent at t"me o& statement
""") statement !re(ates to$ start("n, e#ent.
o Hn"dent"&"ed de/(arants a((owed2 so (on, as meets standard o& the r)(e.
o rat"ona(e8 e=/"tement ne,ates re&(e/t"on reB)"red &or (y"n,
- 0=amp(es8
o (apier % sees assa"(ants p"/t)re "n the paper2 and sho)ts !he +"((ed meT$
a((owed as e=/"ted )tteran/e. @ho),h see"n, p"/t)re e#ent not o'1e/t"#e(y
start("n,2 start("n, 'ased on /"r/)mstan/es.
o MarroAbone % se=)a( assa)(t2 reported se#era( ho)rs (ater. Ee(d no (on,er )nder the
"n&()en/e o& the e#ent2 as appeared /(am and t"me had e(apsed.
! )nder the "n&()en/e$ w"(( 'e &(e="'(e "nB)"ry 'ased on8
") (en,th o& t"me ()s)a((y m"n)tes and not ho)rs)
"") de/(arant (/h"(d #. ad)(t)
""") how start("n, the e#ent was.
e=amp(e8 wa+e )p &rom /oma a&ter 8 months2 and say !3 /ant 'e("e#e he /)t me
o&&$ adm"ss"'(e. Do t"me to re&(e/t.
o !;e(ates to$ start("n, e#ent more &(e="'(e than !des/r"'es$ o& present sense "mpress"on
e,2 !Ee 1)st s("pped2 and 3 to(d them a'o)t th"sT$ adm"ss"'(e2 as se/ond part2
tho),h not des/r"'"n, e#ent2 re(ates to "t.
!Ee 1)st s("pped2 and 3 remem'er one t"me when someone e(se s("ppedQ$ Kn(y
&"rst ha(& adm"ss"'(e. <e/ond part doesnt !re(ate to$ e#ent.
o KG s"ster hears o& death and says !KG d"d th"sT$
start("n,2 )nder "n&()en/e2 ')t d"dnt per/e"#eI ha#e persona( +now(ed,e o& the
e#ent2 so not adm"ss"'(e.
o At /ar /rash s/ene2 hear another e=/(a"m !3 /ant 'e("e#e he ran the (",htT$
a((owed e#en "& de/(arant anonymo)s.
+ State of Mind # $ *&+=+9
- ;)(es8
o <03,3.; %tate:ent concernin! t=en(e0i%tin! #=6%ical) :ental) or e:otional
condition) -ut canGt u%e to %=o? %tate:ent of a fact re:e:-ered or -elie$ed to #ro$e
fact re:e:-ered or -elie$ed ,unle%% relate% to declarantG% ?ill.
o <tate o& m"nd /an )sed to show /on&orm"ty w"th p(anned subsequent /o)rse o& /ond)/t.
Hillman .
)t8 on(y parts that spea+ to the"r2 and not others2 state o& m"nd. Do !E"((mon 33$
H@8 /ant )se to statement o& memory or 'e("e& to pro#e &a/t remem'ered or
'e("e#ed2 ".e.2 the prior #ondu#t o& someone. She)ard.
o 403 wor+s "n the 'a/+,ro)nd2 as "n /ase o& ,"#"n, state o& m"nd statement /onte=t2 #ers)s
pre1)d"/"a( e&&e/ts. 0,2 /d@ins.
o rat"ona(e8 s"n/e then-e="st"n,2 no memory "ss)es. .e/(arant has )n"B)e perspe/t"#e "nto
own state o& m"nd.
)t8 poss"'(e de/(arant has 'een de#"s"n, "t &or a (on, t"me.
- 0=amp(es8
o 1) /d@ins % s)"t &or a("enat"on o& a&&e/t"on. Deeds to show rett /a)sed a("enat"on o&
w"&es a&&e/t"on. 4ants to adm"t w"&es statement !3 hate yo)2 'e/a)se rett "s 'etter "s a((
aspe/ts % a 'etter (o#er2 et/.$
&"rst part "s adm"ss"'(e )nder state o& m"nd e=/ept"on.
se/ond part "s a 403 B)est"on8 on one hand2 needed to ,"#e statement /onte=t
(show that state o& m"nd (e,"t"mate). Kn the other hand2 pre1)d"/"a( "n that 1)ry
w"(( )se "t &or "ts tr)th.
o 2) Hillmon % ("&e "ns)ran/e /(a"m. 3ns)ran/e /o. /(a"ms 4a(ters2 not 'ene&"/"ary2 rea((y
d"ed "n the &"re. 3ns)ran/e /o. o&&ers (etter2 "n wh"/h 4a(ters e=p(a"ns he was ,o"n, to
*o(orado w"th E"((mon. *(a"ms th"s shows h"s sate o& m"nd o& an "ntent to ,o to
*o(orado2 wh"/h ma+es "t more ("+e(y he d"d ,o to *o(orado.
adm"tted as state o& m"nd hearsay e=/ept"on.
@he !3m ,o"n, to *o(orado$ part rema"ns ,ood (aw. Adm"tt"n, A&ill:on IIB
part8 !3m ,o"n, to *o(orado Ait: >illmon $ no (on,er ,ood (aw. .e/(arant has
no spe/"a( "ns",ht "nto what E"((mon w"(( do.
a m"nor"ty o& 1)r"sd"/t"ons st"(( )se th"s !E"((mon 33$ (e,2 DU)
o 3) E"((mon e=amp(es8
a) . /har,ed w"th m)rder. .e&ense "s that he was /(ean"n, ,)ns w"th #"/t"m2 and
,)n a//"denta((y went o&&. 7 wants to adm"t #"/t"ms hearsay o& !3 th"n+ the . "s
,o"n, to +"(( me. @he dr), dea( went 'ad.$
shows state o& m"nd o& &ear2 and pro'at"#e as one "s not ("+e(y to /(ean
,)ns w"th . "& a&ra"d (s)'seB)ent a/t"#"ty (ess ("+e(y d)e to state o& m"nd)
se/ond part hand(ed as /onte=t )nder 4032 a((owed.
') Sta)er. 4"&e /har,ed w"th m)rder"n, h)s'and. .e&ense "s ,)n he +eeps
)nder p"((ow a//"denta((y went o&& when she mo#ed "t. 7 wants to adm"t tape he
+ept "n des+2 "n wh"/h he says !3 th"n+ my w"&es ,o"n, to +"(( me. 3& yo) &"nd me
dead2 "ts her.$
adm"tted as shows state o& m"nd o& &ear2 and one a&ra"d wo)(d not s(eep
w"th ,)n ne=t to w"&e. 7asses 403.
/) . &o)nd m)rdered2 shot "n 'a/+. 5e&t tape say"n, !3m a&ra"d N w"(( +"(( me$
not adm"ss"'(e8 shows he was a&ra"d ')t doesnt show how s)'seB)ent
/ond)/t "n a//ordan/e or not. *o)(d 'e )sed on(y &or "mperm"ss"'(e
p)rpose o& "dent"&y"n, ..
d) /n)elo % !3m ,o"n, to par+"n, (ot to meet N.$ :"rst part adm"ss"'(e2 as shows
had "ntent"on to ,o to par+"n, (ot2 ')t se/ond part (!to meet N$) not a((owed as
E"((mon 33 o#err)(ed.
o 4) She)ard % #"/t"m ma+es statement !.r. <hepard "s po"son"n, me$ 'e&ore death. 7
ar,)es th"s "s a statement o& her !'e("e& or memory$2 ".e.2 a state o& m"nd.
a((ow"n, th"s wo)(d sha((ow the hearsay r)(e (all statements are o& ones 'e("e&
and memory) statements to pro#e prior /ond)/t not adm"ss"'(e.
!3 went to the store yesterday$ % "nadm"ss"'(e )nder <hepard
!3m ,o"n, to the store tomorrow$ % adm"ss"'(e )nder E"((mon
% Statements for ,ur)ose of 4reatment or Diagnosis # $ *&+=%9
- ;)(es8
o <03,4.; %tate:ent% of :edical dia!no%i% or treat:ent if rea%ona-l6 #ertinent to t=e
treat:ent or dia!no%i%.
o rat"ona(e8 "ts re("a'(e s"n/e )n("+e(y to ("e when yo)r hea(th at "ss)e.
o <tatement o& attr"')t"on or &a)(t not adm"tted )n(ess /"r/)mstan/es are s)/h thats
pert"nent to treatment.
e,2 !3 ,ot h"t 'y a /ar$ a((owed2 ')t !3 ,ot h"t 'y a dr)n+ dr"#er$ "s not. :a/t that
dr"#er dr)n+ not pert"nent.
e=/ept"ons8 /h"(d a')se /ases2 domest"/ #"o(en/e /ases 2 se=)a( a')se /ases.
3dent"ty o& atta/+er pert"nent "n these /ases.
o adm"tted e#en "& #"s"t do/tor &or p)rpose o& ("t",at"on2 so (on, as &"ts r)(e.
tro)'("n, "n may a((ow 7 to man)&a/t)re adm"ss"'(e hearsay. Eas two p)rposes8
1) to ,et 'etter2 ')t a(so 2) to ,et e#"den/e &or tr"a(.
- 0=amp(es8
o Ro#@ % !3 'ro+e my an+(e when 3 s("pped thro),h a meta( ,ate that was r)sty$
many t"mes these deta"(s w"(( ,et adm"tted2 as ar,)a'(y pert"nent to med"/a(
treatment. <omet"mes /o)rt ta+es narrow #"ew that a(( that "s pert"nent "s that
an+(e 'ro+e.
o /h"(d a')se /ases8 !Fy dad d"d th"s.$
adm"tted as "dent"ty o& atta/+er re(e#ant to treatment % do/tor w"(( o&ten remo#e
&rom a')s"#e ho)seho(d.
s"m"(ar rat"ona(e &or domest"/ #"o(en/e /ases.
o se=)a( a')se /ases8 "dent"ty o& a')se re(e#ant d)e to <@. r"s+s.
2 ,ast "ecollection "ecorded # $ *&+=29
- ;)(es8
o <03,*.; A record of an e$ent a-out ?=ic= t=e ?itne%% once =ad Dno?led!e) -ut no?
call no lon!er recall) if;
") re/ord ma+er on the stand2 and test"&"es to (a/+ o& memory
&"rst try 1)st show"n, h"m the re/ord. 3& th"s re&reshes memory2 /an 1)st
test"&y. 3& not2 /an read "n the re/ord.
"") &o)ndat"on that re/ord made when &resh "& w"tness m"nd
then8 re/ord "s read "nto e#"den/e.
not ,"#en as e=h"'"t as th"s wo)(d ,"#e ,reater we",ht than 1)st test"mony.
o rat"ona(e8 p)rpose o& ma+"n, re/ords ("+e th"s "s a re("a'(e re/ord o& e#ents. 7erson "s
there so /an 'e /ross-e=am"ned "& s)spe/t re/ord "n a//)rate(y +ept.
- 0=amp(e8
o po("/e o&&"/er ma+es report a&ter /r"me s/ene. *a((ed to test"&y. 3& show"n, h"m re/ord
doesnt re&resh memory2 the re/ord /an 'e read "nto e#"den/e. Kpponent /an /ross on
whether re/ord +ept a//)rate(y2 et/.
? 5usiness ="egularly Conducted 7ctivity9 "ecords and 7bsence # $ *&+=?9> ='9
- ;)(es8
o <03,/.; Re#ort% and record% De#t in t=e cour%e of re!ularl6 conducted acti$it6) if;
i. record cu%todianE 9ualified ?itne%% la6% foundation t=at record% ?ell De#t
a&&"da#"t w"(( s)&&"/e.
ii. circu:%tance% of #re#aration donGt indicate untru%t?ort=ine%%. @hen "ts
"n the d"s/ret"on o& the 1)d,e to e=/()de.
o ;m+8 'roader than 803(5) s"n/e re/ord-+eeper need not 'e on stand.
o rat"ona(e8 re("a'(e as ro)t"ne2 and +eeper has ')s"ness d)ty to report a//)rate(y
o 7otent"a( *"r/)mstan/es that 3nd"/ate Hntr)stworth"ness8
1. recorderG% lacD of fir%t(=and Dno?led!eE dou-le =ear%a6. @ohnson v 6utz
to 'e adm"ss"'(e2 e#ery transm"ss"on m)st 'e w"th"n the ')s"ness
str)/t)re2 #er"&"ed2 or /o#ered thro),h another hearsay e=/ept"on
2. -u%ine%% record :ade in antici#ation of liti!ation. ,almer v Hoffman.
e=/()ded "& &a#ora'(e to the party who made the re/ord2 as mot"#e to
&a(s"&y o)twe",hs the )s)a( ,)arantees o& re("a'"("ty.
3. e0#ert o#inion% #ut into record
to 'e adm"tted2 m)st pass 0aubert standards.
o 5a/+ o& ')s"ness re/ords /an adm"ss"'(e to show e#ent didn=t o//)r. 803(7).
s)'1e/t to &o)ndat"on2 a(( same reB)"rements.
- 0=amp(es8
o re,)(ar"ty
4reidan % on(y one entry "n (o,'oo+. Dot adm"ss"'(e as a ')s"ness re/ord2 as not
a re,)(ar(y /ond)/ted2 re,)(ar(y re/orded e#ent.
o &o)ndat"on 'y !B)a("&"ed w"tness$
Ceo): % '(a/+1a/+ dea(er s)ed &or ta= &ra)d. 4"&e2 who saw dea(er report h"s t"ps
d"(",ent(y ea/h n",ht2 a((owed as re/ord /)stod"an-("+e !B)a("&"ed w"tness$
o do)'(e hearsay pro'(em
@ohnson v 6utz % o&&"/er ma+es re/ord o& a//"dent2 ')t wasnt there and so re("es
on reports o& w"tness. Dot a((owed % w"tnesses not part o& ')s"ness str)/t)re.
ha#e to /o#er ea/h transm"ss"on8 wo)(d 'e adm"ss"'(e as do)'(e hearsay
"& w"tnesses2 made2 e,2 e=/"ted )tteran/es that were re/orded.
1S +. 6land % name o& ')yer o& ,)n ("sted on re/e"pt. A((owed as /ash"er has
d)ty to /he/+ 3. and re/ord2 ".e.2 to #er"&y. Cer"&"/at"on /an so(#e 5)t- pro'(em.
4estern Hn"on trans&er8
re/ord &or &a/t that money sent adm"ss"'(e8 no 5)t- pro'(em as re/order
d"re/t(y o'ser#es th"s.
re/ord o& who /o((e/ted the money "s adm"ss"'(e2 s"n/e m)st /he/+ 3..
re/ord o& who sent the money not adm"ss"'(e2 s"n/e no d)ty or "mport &or
re/order to #er"&y.
o "n ant"/"pat"on o& ("t",at"on pro'(em
,almer v Hoffman % a report prepared &or ("t",at"on and &a#ora'(e to preparer "s
not a((owed. Adm"ss"'(e "& )n&a#ora'(e to preparer.
o e=pert op"n"ons p)t "nto re/ord
0,2 .o/tor ma+es report o& treatment2 wr"tes !"((ness8 po(yps. /a)se8 "nha(ed
&rom ,()e pot at wor+.$
/ant )se ')s"ness re/ords as 'a/+door to adm"t e=pert op"n"ons. <t"((
m)st sat"s&y 0aubert.
th)s on(y &"rst part o& report a'o#e adm"ss"'(e )n(ess do/tor e=p(a"ns
methods2 /on/()s"ons2 et/.
' ,ublic "ecords and 7bsence # $ *&+=*9> =1&9
- ;)(es8
o <03,<.; re#ort% of #u-lic officer% and a!encie%) in an6 for:) are ad:i%%i-le t=ou!=
UT; in cri:inal ca%e%) la? enforce:ent re#ort% not ad:i%%i-le. Oates.
e=/ept ("m"ted !ro)t"ne ta')(at"on o& data.$ 'rad".
o Do need to ,et B)a("&"ed w"tness &or ,o#t reports.
o 6o#t reports need not 'e !re,)(ar(y /ond)/ted$.
e,2 /o)(d adm"t 9I11 *omm"ss"on ;eport.
o R:D; !o$t re#ort% =a$e =i!= #re%u:#tion of ad:i%%i-ilit6.
o 7otent"a( 7ro'(ems8
1. Re#ortin! -od6 =a% -ia% (("+e >offman)
e,2 po("/e reports may not 'e adm"ss"'(e "n e=/ess"#e &or/e /ases2 )n(ess
'ody not '"ased (e,2 ha(& /"t"-en a/t"#"sts)2 or report )n&a#ora'(e to the
preparer. 0,2 .ilson.
"n /r"m"na( /onte=t2 most ,o#t reports e=/()ded d)e to '"as.
2. Re#orterG% lacD of fir%t =and Dno?led!e (("+e 8utH)
"ss)e we",hed toward adm"ss"'"("ty "n th"s /onte=t. 0,2 Ce:m
3. E0#ert o#inion%
m)st 'e 0aubert9"-ed ("+e anyth"n, e(se.
typ"/a((y not a pro'(em as p)'("/ o&&"/"a( B)a("&"ed2 &o((ows )s)a(
o A'sen/e o& 7)'("/ ;e/ords a((owed )nder 803(10) so (on, re/ord-ta+er made !d"(",ent
- 0=amp(es8
o "n /"#"( /ontest8
.ilson % e=/ess"#e &or/e /(a"m2 po("/e "n#est",at"on re#ea(s e=/ess"#e &or/e )sed
wh"/h #"o(ated po("/e re,)(at"ons.
7 /an )se as no /on/ern o& '"as. 3& report went the other way2 /on/ern o&
'"as means ("+e(y that . /o)(d not )se.
Ce:m % to="/ sho/+ syndrome /ase. @o show symptoms2 )se report o& *.*2
wh"/h "n t)rn re("ed on reports o& pr"mary do/tors.
tho),h do)'(e hearsay pro'(em2 w"(( ("+e(y ,et adm"tted as re("a'(e2 ("tt(e
"n/ent"#e to ("e to ,o#t2 pres)mpt"on &or p)'("/ reports.
/o)(d a(so )se 703 (a((ows re("an/e o& hearsay "& reasona'(y done "n the
&"e(d) and 0aubert.
o "n /r"m"na( /onte=t8
7 see+s to adm"t 'reatha(y-er report.
not a((owed as (aw en&or/ement report "n /r"m"na( /ase2 /on/ern &or '"as.
Ea#e to /a(( as a w"tnesses.
'rad" % report "s o& ser"a( n)m'ers o& ,)ns2 ta+en w"th no ("t",at"on "n s",ht.
a((owed as !ro)t"ne ta')(at"on o& data.$ Darrow e=/ept"on to ,enera(
"nadm"ss"'"("ty o& (aw en&or/ement reports "n /r"m"na( /ases.
o a'sen/e o& re/ords8
e,2 "mm",rat"on /ase. 7 /an )se a&&"da#"t to show no re/ords that . had
perm"ss"on to re-enter as he /(a"med. ;e/ord m)st e#"den/e that !d"(",ent
sear/h$ )nderta+en.
* 6earned 4reatises # $ *&+=1*9
- ;)(e8
o <03,1<.; aut=oritati$e treati%e% can -e u%ed -6 e0#ert% in direct) for trut=) or
-rou!=t to attention of e0#ert on cro%%) if
") B)a("&"ed as a)thor"tat"#e 'y adm"ss"on or 'y yo)r e=pert.
o ;m+8 /an 'e )sed &or tr)th as we(( as to "mpea/h.
o @reat"se read "nto e#"den/e2 not an e=h"'"t.
o @reat"se /an 'e "n any med"a2 so (on, as a)thor"tat"#e.
e,2 Costantino % #"deo treat"se "n o'stetr"/s KO.
E. T=e Re%idual &ear%a6 E0ce#tion 3 <08
- ;)(es8
o <08; %tate:ent not co$ered -6 <03 or <04 -ut nonet=ele%% ?it= %ufficient
circu:%tantial !uarantee% of tru%t?ort=ine%% i% ad:i%%i-le. ;eB)"res8
") s)&&"/"ent /"r/)mstant"a( ,)arantees o& tr)stworth"ness
proponent o&ten ma+es a !near m"ss$ ana(ys"s w"th e="st"n, r)(es
or re(y on "ndependent /orro'orat"n, e#"den/e
"") m)st 'e !more pro'at"#e$ than other e#"den/e that "s a#a"(a'(e thro),h
reasona'(e e&&orts
a ne/ess"ty r)(e wh"/h ("m"ts s/ope o& res"d)a( hearsay.
""") ,"#e ad#an/e not"/e o& "ntent to )se 807.
pre#ents 807 as !'a/+)p$ when (ose other ar,)ments.
o rat"ona(e8 some statements may 'e #ery re("a'(e2 and yet not &"t /(ean(y "nto any e="st"n,
hearsay e=/ept"on.
- 0=amp(es8
o /(ass"/8 the !/"r/(e t"me statement$ % /h"(d e=p(a"ns se=)a( a')se d)r"n, /(ass "n response
to !how was yo)r wee+endJ$
a((owed as spontaneo)s2 no mot"#e to &a(s"&y2 )n-s),,ested.
o -riplett % ma+es statement a'o)t how son near(y stran,(ed her to &r"ends o#er /o&&ee
adm"tted as to tr)sted a/B)a"ntan/es2 mot"#e wo)(d 'e to 'ra, a'o)t son rather
than say 'ad th"n,s a'o)t h"m.
o two w"tnesses to /ar a//"dent. Kne made re("a'(e statement ')t then d"ed. *ant adm"t
)nder 807 as /o)(d a((ow other w"tness to test"&y and so eB)a((y pro'at"#e e#"den/e
>. Con%titutional Li:it%; Crawford and t=e Confrontation Clau%e
1 Cra?ford and Da$i% A 4he "ight to Confront B4estimonialC Statements
- *ase 5aw8
o D.. ;",ht o& /on&rontat"on o& 6th Amend. ("m"ted to #riminal defendants .
o Owens % r",ht to *on&rontat"on sat"s&"ed 'y adeB)ate2 tho),h "mper&e/t2 a'"("ty to /ross-
o Crawford % if a %tate:ent i% Ate%ti:onial)B t=e Confrontation Clau%e re9uire% t=at
t=e D =a$eE=ad t=e o##ortunit6 to cro%%(e0a:ine t=e ?itne%%.
rat"ona(e8 &o((ows h"stor"/a( or","ns "n ;a(e",h /ase.
o#err)(ed Roberts2 "n wh"/h *on&rontat"on *(a)se &o)nd to para((e( 807 % /o)(d
'e sat"s&"ed "& there were ,)arantees o& tr)stworth"ness.
o Davis 3 Ate%ti:onialB C #ri:ar6 #ur#o%e ,to a rea%ona-le #er%on. i% for u%e in a
cri:inal #ro%ecution.
o @he ("ne 'etween test"mon"a( and not % e=amp(es8
clearl6 te%ti:onial8 ,rand 1)ry test"mony9 p(ea a((o/)t"ons9 a&&"da#"ts
(>ammond)9 po("/e "nterro,at"onsI /on&ess"ons (CraAford).
#ro-a-l6 te%ti:onial; 911 /a(( "& emer,en/y passed and "ntent 'e/omes
"n#est",atory (0a+is)9 "n&ormant statements to po("/e9 statements to &orens"/
not te%ti:onial; statements to &r"ends9 statement to /o/onsp"rators9 presen/e
sense "mpress"on2 ')s"ness re/ords9 d"ar"es9 911 /a((s "& pr"mary p)rpose to
respond to an emer,en/y (0a+is).
;m+8 to 'e test"mon"a(2 ("+e(y reB)"res "t 'e sa"d to (aw en&or/ement.
o 5ocDting % if t=e %tate:ent i% not Ate%ti:onialB) t=e Confrontation Clau%e offer% no
#rotection% 3 t=e i%%ue i% left to t=e Rule%.

( Cra?fordEs 7))lication to -.isting Hearsay -.ce)tions
- 1) 8018 m)st &"t de&"n"t"on o& hearsay to app(y CraAford
o e,2 Street 9 . /(a"ms /on&ess"on /op"ed &rom a//omp("/es2 and so not #o()ntary. 6o#t
wants to adm"t /on&ess"on o& a//omp("/e (who "s not test"&y"n,).
tho),h test"mon"a(2 "ts not o&&ered &or "ts tr)th (o&&ered on(y to show they are
d"&&erent)2 so a((owed.
- 2) 801(d) e=/()s"ons % no /han,e
o a) 801(d)(1) % pr"or statements o& test"&y"n, w"tnesses.
no pro'(em as w"tness on the stand2 *on&rontat"on sat"s&"ed.
o ') 801(d)(2) % adm"ss"ons.
persona( adm"ss"ons8 no /han,e % no r",ht to /on&ront yo)rse(&.
a,en/y adm"ss"ons8 not &or /r"m"na( prose/)t"on p)rpose. 3nstead to &)rther
- 3) 803 ;)(es8 e=/ept"ons 'ased on re("a'"("ty. @a+e on /ase-'y-/ase 'as"s.
o a) 803(1) % present sense "mpress"ons and 803(2) % e=/"ted )tteran/es.
)n("+e(y to 'e (aw en&or/ement to pro#e e#ents &or /r"m"na( prose/)t"on
911 /a((s as e=/"ted )tteran/es the on(y "ss)e % m",ht 'e test"mon"a( "& emer,en/y
o#er and yo)#e /a(med down2 ')t w"(( a(so /ease to an e=/"ted )tteran/e.
o ') 803(3) state o& m"nd. "n most /ases2 wont 'e test"mon"a(.
/(ose /ase8 the !p(ay "& 3 d"e$ tape "n Sta)er adm"tted to show &ear. *o)(d ar,)e
that "ntended &or /r"m"na( prose/)t"on (tho),h not to (aw en&or/ement).
o /) 803(4) statements &or treatment or d"a,nos"s % poss"'(e /han,es
"& pr"mary p)rpose "s treatment2 wont 'e test"mon"a(.
')t statements to &orens"/ e=am"ners2 "ntended to /reate e#"den/e &or ("t",at"on2
("+e(y w"(( 'e test"mon"a( e#en "& pert"nent to treatment.
o d) 803(5) past re/o((e/t"on re/orded % no pro'(em as w"tness on the stand.
o e) 803(6) % re,)(ar(y /ond)/ted re/ords.
"& adm"ss"'(e2 wont 'e test"mon"a(2 s"n/e !almer +. >offman reB)"res reports not
to 'e prepared "n ant"/"pat"on o& ("t",at"on "& &a#ora'(e to preparer.
a&&"da#"ts o& re/ords /)stod"ans m",ht 'e /ons"dered test"mon"a(2 ')t ("+e(y de
$llis % a&&"da#"ts de m"n"m)s2 doesnt ra"se *on&rontat"on "ss)e.
o &) 803(8) % p)'("/ re/ords
r)(e tra/+s test"mon"a( ("ne8 (aw en&or/ement reports a(ready arent adm"ss"'(e "n
/r"m"na( /ases (Oates). (e=/ept"on "& &or other p)rpose2 ("+e 'rad")
o ,) 803(18) % (earned treat"ses % not test"mon"a(2 as not &or "n#est",at"on.
- 4) 804 e=/ept"ons 'ased on )na#a"(a'"("ty
o a) 804(')(1) % pr"or test"mony.
test"mon"a(2 ')t /on&rontat"on sat"s&"ed as had opport)n"ty to /ross e=am"ne.
o ') 804(')(2) % dy"n, de/(arat"ons % poss"'(e /han,es
statement ("+e !7 shot me and 3#e ,ot to d"e$ ar,)a'(y "n ant"/"pat"on2 w"th
p)rpose &or )se "n /r"m"na( "n#est",at"on (e#en "& not to (aw en&or/ement)
</a("a h"nted these m",ht 'e 1)st"&"ed on h"stor"/a( 'as"s.
o /) 804(')(3) % statements a,a"nst "nterest
r)(e tra/+s CraAford8 .illiamson says not adm"ss"'(e "& "n/)(patory and made to
(aw en&or/ement.
o d) 804(')(6) % &or&e"t)re. 0a+is e=p("/"t(y says th"s e=/ept"on preser#ed.
- 5) 807 % the res"d)a( e=/ept"on. CraAford a(tered (ands/ape.
o yo) )sed to 'e a'(e to adm"t ,rand 1)ry test"mony2 e,2 )nder th"s e=/ept"on "& had
,)arantees o& tr)stworth"ness. Dot anymore.
o non-(aw en&or/ement )ses ("+e !/"r/(e t"me statement$ st"(( a((owed.
+ 4he ruton "uleF Confrontation Clause in the Multi)le D Conte.t
- *ase 5aw8
o 5ruton % statement o& /o-. !r)ton and 3 d"d "t.$ Dot adm"ss"'(e a,a"nst r)ton )nder
r)(es o& *raw&ord2 ')t "s adm"ss"'(e as adm"ss"on a,a"nst /o-.. G)d,e adm"tted "t2 ')t
w"th ("m"t"n, "nstr)/t"on.
=eld; $iolate% Confrontation clau%e to ad:it confe%%ion of co(D i:#licatin!
defendant in @oint trial.
o 0ray v Maryland % !L(an+M and 3 d"d "t$ sty(e reda/t"on o& /o-.s /on&ess"on st"((
#"o(ates /on&rontat"on /(a)se. 3n&eren/e "s too o'#"o)s.
prose/)tors had tr"ed th"s 'e/a)se two tr"a(s /ost(y2 and 1)st !3 d"d "t$ (eads to
"mp("/at"on that /o-. was not "n#o(#ed.
o "ichardson v Marsh % adm"tt"n, /o-.s name ent"re(y presents no *on&rontat"on
pro'(em. 3.e.2 !Goe2 Farsh2 and 3 d"d "t$ !Goe and 3 d"d "t$ "s &"ne.
o ;m+8 at 'en/h tr"a(2 no 6ruton pro'(em. G)d,e pres)ma'(y /an not 'e pre1)d"/ed.
% Co6 and the "ight to 8ace#to#8ace Confrontation
- *ase 5aw8
o Coy % 3owa stat)te that p)t s/reen to o'str)/t #"ew 'etween . and a((e,ed /h"(d se=)a(
a')se #"/t"ms #"o(ated r",ht to &a/e-to-&a/e /on&rontat"on.
o Craig % narrower stat)te that &or/es . to (ea#e and /onta/t (awyer /(osed /"r/)"t @C
test"mony when /h"(d wo)(d 'e tra)mat"-ed a((owed. 5"m"ted e=/ept"on.
m)st 'e prem"sed on a show"n, o& ("+e(y tra)ma.
(separate /ha((en,ed to th"s 'e"n, a !'ad,e$ o& ,)"(t re1e/ted. <tron, state
"nterest "n prote/t"n, /h"(dren &o)nd /o)nter#a"("n,.)
V. 7ITNE""E"
A. In 'eneral; Co:#etenc6) Oat=) "e9ue%tration) Trial Control) "co#e of Cro%%
- ;)(es8
o Co:#etence) Kuror% a% 7itne%%e%
/01; 7itne%%e% #re%u:ed co:#etent to te%tif6
rep(a/es o(d /ommon (aw r)(es )nder wh"/h a(/oho("/ athe"sts2 a((e,ed
a//omp("/es2 et/.2 not test"&y.
3t "s the rare w"tness (the ra#"n, ()nat"/) that "s he(d "n/ompetent %
"nstead2 we (ea#e "t to the 1)ry to determ"ne the"r /red"'"("ty.
/02,-. @uror% are not co:#etent to te%tif6 a-out t=eir deli-eration%) e0ce#t;
(1) !e=traneo)s pre1)d"/"a( "n&ormat"on$ 'ro),ht to 1)ror attent"on
o e,2 1)ror "mproper(y reads newspaper a//o)nt o& tr"a(
(2) /ases o& !o)ts"de "n&()en/e$
o e,2 'r"'es2 "nt"m"dat"on &rom o)ts"de part"es.
(3) !/(er"/a( error$ "n enter"n, #erd"/t on the &orm
o ("m"ted on(y to errors "n trans/r"pt"on.
po("/y8 the san/t"ty o& 1)ror de("'erat"ons2 &"na("ty.
o T=e Oat=
/03; oat= can -e taDen in an6 for: Acalculated to a?aDen t=e ?itne%%G
con%cienceB and i:#re%% t=e ?itne%% ?it= dut6 to tell trut=.
&(e="'(e % need not 'e on "'(e2 )se &orm (an,)a,e2 et/. A(( that "s ne/essary "s
that w"tness oath opens )p to per1)ry /har,e "& ("es.
o "e9ue%tration
/1* 3 @ud!e :u%t %e9ue%ter ,Dee# out of court. ?itne%%e% on :otion of an
"dea "s to pre#ent ta"(or"n, o& test"mony to pre#"o)s w"tnesses.
a) /ant seB)ester part"esI appro#ed reprehens"#e (/orporat"on)
') !essent"a( part"es$
o #"/t"ms ('y *on,ress"ona( stat)te)2 e=perts needed to e&&e/t"#e(y
/ross2 /ase a,ent o& 7.
o Trial Control
/11,a.; trial @ud!e =a% di%cretion to %ol$e ?itne%% #ro-le:%.
/an /ra&t "nno#at"on so()t"ons8 e,2 "nter/han,e 'etween e=perts "n
s/"ent"&"/ /entered /ase.
o "co#e of Cro%%
/11,-.; %co#e of cro%% li:ited to ?=at ?a% -rou!=t u# on direct
th"s !Amer"/an r)(e$ /ontrasts w"th !0n,("sh r)(e$ that a((ows
B)est"on"n, on any re(e#ant matter.
rat"ona(e8 respe/t &or 7s order o& proo&
o "& want to 'r"n, )p )nre(ated ("ne o& test"mony2 w"(( ha#e to /a((
the w"tness on d"re/t.
o ')t8 "ne&&"/"ent.
/11,c.; No leadin! 9ue%tion% unle%% an ad$er%e ?itne%% ,e!) cro%%..
rat"ona(e8 too easy to (ead &a#ora'(e w"tnesses.
- 0=amp(es8
o 1)ror test"mony
a) -anner % 1)ror want to test"&y that 1)rors were party"n, who(e t"me2 h)n, o#er
and &a(("n, as(eep d)r"n, tr"a(. Dot an !o)ts"de "n&()en/e$ not a((owed.
') 1)ror wants to test"&y that dama,es drawn o)t o& a hat. Dot a((owed.
/) one 1)ror threatens another !3(( +"(( yo) "& yo) dont a/B)"t$
/ant test"&y. 3& threat &rom o)ts"de so)r/e2 they /o)(d.
d) 1)ror wants to test"&y that she m"s)nderstood death pena(ty "nstr)/t"ons.
not a((owed. th"s "s not a !/(er"/a( error$
o the oath
on(y /(e#er(y worded oath ("+e !3 wont ("e to stay o& 1a"($ w"(( not 'e eno),h2 as
opens poss"'"("ty he /o)(d ("e &or other reasons
. I:#eac=:ent
- ;m+8 who /an "mpea/h8
o /08; t=e credi-ilit6 of a ?itne%% can -e attacDed -6 an6 #art6.
rep(a/es /ommon (aw !#o)/h"n,$ r)(e that /o)(dnt "mpea/h own w"tness.
o UT; canGt call a ?itne%% solely to i:#eac= =i:.
/on/ern o& )s"n, "mpea/hment as s)'ter&),e to ,et "n "nadm"ss"'(e hearsay .
th)s ("m"tat"on doesnt app(y when e#"den/e adm"ss"'(e anyway.
"mpea/hment o& own w"tness a((owed so (on, as /a(("n, w"tness "n !,ood
&a"th$2 has at (east a m"=ed p)rpose "n /a(("n, w"tness.
- ;m+8 /an "mpea/h hearsay de/(arants as we((
o <0/; can i:#eac= =ear%a6 declarant%) %o lon! a% 6ou could i:#eac= if t=e6 ?ere
called a% a ?itne%%.
- @he !&"#e modes$8
o 1) /hara/ter &or tr)th&)(ness % atta/+ /hara/ter o& w"tness as a ("ar thro),h pr"or 'ad a/ts
or op"n"on test"mony.
o 2) pr"or "n/ons"stent statements % show pr"or statements /on&("/t w"th test"mony.
o 3) /ontrad"/t"on % demonstrate &a/t)a( &a(s"ty o& aspe/t o& test"mony
o 4) '"as %show the w"tness has a mot"#e to &a(s"&y
o 5) "n/apa/"ty % show w"tness "n/apa'(e o& ,"#"n, a//)rate a//o)nt
1 7ttacD on Character for 4ruthfulness # $$ ?&*> ?&/
- ;)(es8
o 1) atta/+s on /hara/ter &or tr)th&)(ness )s"n, pr"or /on#"/t"ons- 6098
/0F,a.,2.; con$iction% -a%ed on di%=one%t6 are automatically ad:itted.
no d"s/ret"on o& 1)d,e2 /ant e#en )se 403.
/0F,a.,1.; ot=er con$iction% ad:itted onl6 if felonie% and;
for accu%ed in cri:inal ca%e; ad:it if #ro-ati$e $alue out?ei!=%
#re@udicial effect.
o more prote/t"#e than 403.
all ot=er%; re!ular 403 te%t. Ad:it unle%% #re@udice LL #ro-ati$e.
/an re(y on e=tr"ns"/ e#"den/e to show /on#"/t"on happened2 "& "t "s den"ed.
#f. 6082 where e=tr"ns"/ e#"den/e not a((owed.
1)ry /an on(y hear date and /har,e2 not any deta"(s.
/0F,-.; if con$iction L 10 6ear% old u%e re$er%e 403 te%t.
adm"t on(y "& pro'at"#e #a()e ?? pre1)d"/e.
o 2) atta/+s on /hara/ter &or tr)th&)(ness w"th other 'ad a/ts8 608(').
non(con$iction #rior -ad act% are ad:itted %u-@ect to 403.
pro'at"#e &a/tors8 (y"n, a/t more pro'at"#e9 the "mportan/e o& the
/red"'"("ty "n /onte=t9 a#a"(a'"("ty o& other &orms o& "mpea/hment
pre1)d"/e8 some a/ts (e,2 se=)a( a')se) more pre1)d"/"a(9 /on/ern 1)ry
w"(( ma+e !'"rds o& a &eather$ ad#erse "n&eren/e to a//)sed.
dr), )se2 prost"t)t"on2 ("t","o)sness ( >emp:ill ) typ"/a((y e=/()ded to
"mpea/h /hara/ter &or tr)th&)(ness as not pro'at"#e eno),h.
/0<,-.; canGt #ro$e u# u%in! e0trin%ic e$idence.
0,2 "& as+ !d"dnt yo) de&ra)d = "n the pastJ$ and he says no2 thats "t.
/on/ern o& /reat"n, /on&)s"n, !m"n"-tr"a(s$
e=tr"ns"/ e#"den/e ("m"tat"on on(y app("es to other 'ad a/ts )nder
/hara/ter &or tr)th&)(ness (not /ontrad"/t"on2 '"as2 et/.)
o 3) @he ("ne 'etween 609(a)(2) !/r"mes o& d"shonesty$ and 609(a)(1) /r"mes8
to -e a /0F,a.,2. cri:e) :u%t -e a-le to readil6 deter:ine t=at #ro$in! t=e
ele:ent% of t=e cri:e re9uired di%=one%t6.
/ant ,o !'eh"nd$ the e(ements. (other than o'str)/t"on o& 1)st"/e).
th)s8 per1)ry2 &ra)d &or,ery > 609(a)(2) /r"me.
')t m)rder2 assa)(t2 dr), dea("n,2 e,2 e#en "& done d"shonest(y "n
part"/)(ar /ase2 ne#er a 609(a)(2) /r"me.
o 4. +rocedure; to #re%er$e o-@ection) it :u%t -e on t=e record and actuall6 :ade.
CanGt o-@ect on -a%i% of :i%taDe in :otion in li:ine) o?n action%.
(eads to d"&&"/)(t /ho"/es &or ..
3& . wants to test"&y2 and 1)d,e erroneo)s(y a((ow /on#"/t"on "n ("m"ne2
m",ht want to not test"&y2 or 'r"n, )p on d"re/t to so&ten '(ow. )t "& yo)
do e"ther o& these2 /ant appea(.
6utz 3 canGt o-@ect to in li:ine
Ohler A canGt a##eal i%%ue 6ou created.
o 5) @wo ways to atta/+ /hara/ter &or tr)th&)(ness - 608
(a) /a(( /hara/ter w"tnesses % test"&y as to op"n"on and rep)tat"on.
e,2 !3 +now h"m2 3 'e("e#e hes a ("ar.$ 5ess e&&e/t"#e.
(') spe/"&"/ 'ad a/ts
/on#"/t"ons ,o#erned 'y 609
other 'ad a/ts 'y 608.
- 0=amp(es8
o 6ra#@een % . on tr"a( &or 'an+ ro''er"es. 6o#ernment wants to adm"t pr"or 'an+ ro''ery
/on#"/t"ons. *(ear(y not 609(a)(2) /r"me. @h)s8
as a//)sed2 s)'1e/t to str"/ter 403 test2 and pre1)d"/"a( #a()e "s ,reat not
m",ht try "nstead to adm"t as /hara/ter e#"den/e to show "ntent (see 404(')).
o 8utH % . (oses "n ("m"ne mot"on2 de/"des not to test"&y s"n/e /on#"/t"ons w"(( 'e 'ro),ht
)p. Ee(d8 . /ant /ha((en,e on hypothet"/a( "n ("m"ne a(one2 needs to test"&y and o'1e/t.
o .r), dea(er tr"a( % . wants to "mpea/h her /hara/ter w"th e#"den/e o& dr), )se )nder
he(d8 doesnt s)r#"#e 403. Dot that pro'at"#e o& /hara/ter &or tr)th&)(ness2
pre1)d"/"a(. .), )se &or /hara/ter &or tr)th&)(ness rare(y s)r#"#es 403.
o >emp:ill % tort /ase. . wants to "mpea/h w"th e#"den/e she has 5 s)"ts pend"n,.
try to adm"t as /hara/ter e#"den/e )nder 404(')2 ".e2 that shes a//"dent-prone
not a((owed as "ts a /"#"( /ase.
try to adm"t as shes &a(se(y ("t","o)s )nder 608 ')t /ases ha#ent 'een
reso(#ed2 so not #ery pro'at"#e and #ery pre1)d"/"a( (ose on 403.
/o)(d adm"t "t "& there were ;)(e 11 san/t"ons2 had (ost.
o /bel % 7 wants to show w"tness "s "n the Aryan 'rotherhood. As+s !Are yo) "n the AJ$
and w"tness says no.
"& adm"tted to show /hara/ter &or tr)th&)(ness2 not a((owed to pro#e w"th e=tr"ns"/
"& adm"tted to show '"as2 /o)(d show h"s mem'ersh"p /ard.
( ,rior 3nconsistent Statements # $ ?1+
- ;)(es8
o /13,a.; can i:#eac= ?it= #rior incon%i%tent %tate:ent%.
o 4hen "s someth"n, so /ontrary as to 'e deemed !"n/ons"stent$J
d"re/t /ontrad"/t"on "s easy.
&a"()re to spea+ or (a/+ o& memory /an 'e deemed "n/ons"stent.
o /13,-.; can u%e e0trin%ic e$idence to #ro$e #rior %tate:ent%) %o lon! a% ?itne%%
!i$en o##ortunit6 to e0#lain or den6 t=e %a:e.
o Lrm+8 "& pr"or statement made )nder oath2 /an )se &or "ts tr)th. 801(d)(1)(a). 3& not )nder
oath2 /an on(y )se to "mpea/h.M
- 0=amp(es8
o !ierre % po("/e o&&"/er /(a"ms . re&)sed to ma+e a /ontro((ed de("#ery when as+ed. .
wants to "mpea/h w"th notes2 wh"/h ma+e no ment"on o& th"s.
he(d8 &a"()re to ment"on /an 'e /ons"dered "n/ons"stent "& reasona'(e person
wo)(d ha#e "n/()ded "t or spo+e.
e=/ept"on8 s"(en/e "n po("/e "nterro,at"ons ne#er "n/ons"stent. (0o"le)
o 0o"le % s"(en/e a&ter 'e"n, ,"#en F"randa not deemed "n/ons"stent. 4o)(d #"o(ate d)e
pro/ess to te(( yo) s"(en/e /ant 'e )sed a,a"nst yo) and then do so.
o memory e=amp(e8 "& at tr"a(2 s)sp"/"o)s(y say !3 /ant remem'er$ when yo) remem'ered
and spo+e "n the past2 /an "mpea/h w"th pr"or "n/ons"stent statements.
o 613(') #. 608(')
/an )se e=tr"ns"/ e#"den/e to pro#e pr"or "n/ons"stent statements2 s)'1e/t to 403.
/ant )se e=tr"ns"/ e#"den/e to pro#e pr"or 'ad a/ts ("n/(. statements) when
o&&ered &or /hara/ter &or tr)th&)(ness2 not "n/ons"sten/y.
+ Contradiction
- ;)(es8
o can i:#eac= if ?itne%% te%tifie% to %o:et=in! t=at i% factuall6 de:on%tra-l6 untrue.
o can u%e e0trin%ic e$idence to #ro$e contradiction %u-@ect to 403 ,a.D.a. i%%ue :u%t
not -e AcollateralB.
- 0=amp(es8
o 5"n/o(n8 w"tness test"&"es he /o)(d see as "t was !moon 'r",ht.$ 5"n/o(n "ntrod)/es
A(mana/Awh"/h shows there was no moon that n",htAto /ontrad"/t.
o Bames % 4"tnesses say . (oo+s ("+e ro''er2 ')t ha"rsty(e "s d"&&erent. 4hen arrested2 .
sa"d he had /han,ed h"s ha"rsty(e.
"& . test"&"es hes ne#er /han,ed ha"rsty(es2 "mpea/h w"th "n/ons"stent statements.
"& &r"end test"&"es hes a(ways had the same ha"rsty(e2 "mpea/h 'y /ontrad"/t"on.
o 6eau#:amp % w"tness says he ("#es at 423 Fap(e. *an as+ whether he doesnt ("#e them
(attempt to /ontrad"/t)2 'y /ant pro#e 'y e=tr"ns"/ e#"den/e2 as /o((atera( "ss)e2 and (ose
"& address /entra( to /ase2 more pro'at"#e2 th)s non-/o((atera( and w"n 403.
% 5ias or Motive to 8alsify
- ;)(es8
o can i:#eac= ?it= -ia% 3 i.e.) ?=et=er ?itne%% =a% :oti$e to fal%if6 ('e"n, pay to
test"&y2 ha#e persona( re(at"onsh"p w"th part"es2 et/.)
o -ia% con%idered =i!=l6 #ro-ati$e t6#icall6 allo?ed in) and allo?ed to #ro$e ?it=
e0trin%ic e$idence under 403.
- 0=amp(es8
o e=pert w"tness8 on /ross2 /an "nB)"re "nto how m)/h money they are 'e"n, pa"d &or the"r
o re(at"onsh"ps8 /bel % a((owed to "nB)"re "nto2 and pro#e )p2 mem'ersh"p "n Aryan
rotherhood as ,"#es r"se to mot"#e to &a(s"&y to prote/t &e((ow !'rother.$
o Olden 3 not 'e"n, a'(e to "nB)"re "nto mot"#e to &a(s"&y 'y !rape sh"e(d (aw$ #"o(ate r",ht
to e&&e/t"#e de&ense.
o 0a+is +. /las@a % .s r",ht to e&&e/t"#e de&ense means he m)st 'e a'(e to "nB)"re "nto
1)#en"(e /r"mes (tho),h proh"'"ted 'y stat)te) "& ,"#es r"se to mot"#e to &a(s"&y
2 3nca)acity> Other 8orms of 3m)eachment
- ;)(es8
o %u-@ect to 403) can in9uire into :e:or6) !ra%# on realit6) if %o %e$ere a% to :aDe
t=e: inca#a-le of !i$in! accurate account ,cf. co:#etenc6.
m)st 'e se+ere8 !Ea#e yo) had e(e/trosho/+ therapyJ$ a((owed. !Ea#e yo) seen
a shr"n+J$ ("+e(y not.
o /10; reli!iou% -elief% canGt -e u%ed to %=o? credi-ilit6 i:#aired
e,2 /ant ar,)e yo) ha#e we"rd 'e("e&s (rat"ona(e8 a(( re(","ons ha#e we"rd
')t8 /an 'r"n, )p &or '"as. 0,2 "& w"tness mem'er o& same /)(t as ..
C. Re=a-ilitation
- ;)(es8
o 608(a)8 e#"den/e o& tr)th&)( /hara/ter adm"ss"'(e on(y "& /hara/ter &or tr)th&)(ness has
'een atta/+ed.
o T=u%) #rior con%i%tent %tate:ent% are onl6 ad:i%%i-le if c=aracter =a% -een attacDed
on cro%%) and :u%t :eet t=e attacD
- 0=amp(es8
o 1) w"tness test"&"es !3 saw . /omm"t the ro''ery.$ Kn /ross2 "mpea/hed w"th pr"or
per1)ry /on#"/t"on.
/ant )se pr"or /ons"stent statements as dont meet the atta/+
o 2) 4"tness "mpea/hed thro),h '"as.
pr"or /ons"stent statements on(y a((owed 'e&ore mot"#e to &a(s"&y arose.
o 3) 4"tness "mpea/hed w"th pr"or "n/ons"stent statement
a((owed "& meets the atta/+. 0,2 !ierre % a&ter "mpea/hed2 7 /an respond 'y
show"n, that when report typed )p2 "n/()ded the om"tted se/t"on. ;esponds to
the atta/+ 'y e=p(a"n"n, the "n/ons"sten/y.
- ;m+8 ')rden o& show"n, pr"#"(e,e e="sts "s on the party see+"n, the pr"#"(e,e
o ma+es sense as pr"#"(e,es r)n /ontrary to sear/h &or tr)th8 e#"den/e e=/()ded2 tho),h
re("a'(e and re(e#ant2 &or a po("/y reason
- *01; in federal 9ue%tion ca%e%) #ri$ile!e% deter:ined a% a :atter of federal co::on la?.
In di$er%it6 ca%e% ?=ere %tate la? rule of deci%ion) %tate #ri$ile!e rule% a##l6
o ma+es sense "n (",ht o& $rie /on/erns.
o a(so8 pr"#"(e,e r)(es m)st 'e passed d"re/t(y 'y *on,ress.
so passa,e thro),h "na/t"on as w"th norma( r)(es o& e#"den/e2 pro/ed)re.
A. T=e Attorne6(Client +ri$ile!e
- rat"ona(es8
o pre#ent !/h"(("n, e&&e/t$ on attorney-/("ent /omm)n"/at"ons.
o a((ow (awyers to present /ompetent de&ense2 not 'e /a((ed aw w"tnesses a,a"nst /("ent.
1 Sco)e of the ,rivilege
- ;)(es8
o :or attorney-/("ent pr"#"(e,e to app(y2 reB)"re8
a. la?6er i% -ein! %ou!=t for legal advice
dom"nant "ntent test8 pr"mary mot"#e m)st 'e (e,a( ad#"/e.
-. onl6 Aco::unication%B #rotected
c. :u%t -e A-et?een client and la?6erB
1pIo:n % (ower a,ent /omm)n"/at"ons w"th /orporate (awyers are w"th"n
attorney-/orporat"on pr"#"(e,e
o tho),h a,ent /omm)n"/at"on /an 'e )sed a,a"nst :im Hp1ohn
th"rd part"es a((owed "&& !ne/essary a,ents$. Co+el .
d. :u%t =a$e Area%ona-le e0#ectation of confidentialit6B
".e.2 "n pr"#ate sett"n, w"th on(y peop(e wI"n pr"#"(e,e present.
')t8 'arner % tr)stee has no e=pe/tat"on o& pr"#a/y wrt 'ene&"/"ar"es.
o Aco::on intere%t ruleB % "& ?2 two (awyers and /("ents meet to see+ !/ommon (e,a(
"nterest$ prote/ted 'y the pr"#"(e,e.
on(y /omm)n"/at"on re8 pr"#"(e,e prote/ted2 and ,ro)p m)st 'e &ormed.
o SAindler F 6erlin % pr"#"(e,e (asts e#en a&ter death.
o ;m+8 (awyer has eth"/a( d)ty to assert pr"#"(e,e whene#er /o(ora'(e.
- 0=amp(es8
o (e,a( ad#"/e pron, % /ant !')y$ a pr"#"(e,e
e,2 h"re a (awyer to do yo)r 1040. Dot pr"#"(e,ed as not (e,a( ad#"/e.
"& as+ whether th"s or that m)st 'e reported2 (e,a( ad#"/e.
,n re Count" of $rie % s)"t o#er po("/e department po("/y. 4ant to a//ess ema"(s
'etween attorneys and po("/e2 wh"/h "n/()ded 'oth (e,a( ad#"/e and po("/y2
p)'("/ re(at"ons2 de'ate. Ee(d8 dom"nant p)rpose (e,a( ad#"/e pr"#"(e,ed.
o /omm)n"/at"ons pron,
. wa(+s "n p)ts +n"&e on des+2 says noth"n,.
p)tt"n, +n"&e on des+ not pr"#"(e,ed2 as not a /omm)n"/at"on2 so attorney
m)st t)rn o#er the +n"&e.
H@8 "mp("/"t /omm)n"/at"ons (3 possess the +n"&e. 3ts re(ated to the
/ase) prote/ted attorney need not d"s/(ose "dent"ty.
Ca#H"ns@i % ,o#t wants to t"e . to Hna'om'er Fan"&esto. 4ants a//ess to
/omm)n"/at"on w"th attorney "n (and dea( to see "& &rom same typewr"ter.
a((owed. on(y the /omm)n"/at"#e part "s pr"#"(e,ed. 6o#t /o)(dnt
a//ess deta"(s o& (and dea(.
attorney r)ns "nto s)pposed(y "n1)red /("ent on s(opes.
not /omm)n"/at"on2 so not pr"#"(e,ed.
o 'etween /("ent and attorney pron,
e,2 depos"n, w"tness &or tr"a( not prote/ted 'y pr"#"(e,e2 on(y wor+-prod)/t r)(e
<);ohn % ,o#t ar,)es /orporate pr"#"(e,e e=tends on(y to 'oard2 *0K2 et a(2 and
not (ower 00s. *o)rt ho(ds pr"#"(e,e e=tends to /omm)n"/at"ons 'etween
attorneys and (ower 00s2 so as to en/o)ra,e /orporate "n#est",at"ons.
')t8 /orporate pr"#"(e,e doesnt prote/t 00 h"mse(& Hp1ohn warn"n,s.
/ant h"de 'eh"nd !/ommon "nterest$ r)(e as "nterests o& /orp. and 00
B)"te d"#er,ent
o /orporate wants to not 'e '(amed2 w"(( se(( o)t 00
o 00 wants not to ,et "n persona( tro)'(e (and a(so +eep 1o'2 wh"/h
"t why he ta(+s "n the &"rst p(a/e)
"n ,o#t-attorney /onte=t2 sp("t "n /"r/)"ts a'o)t how 1pIo:n e=tends. <ome ho(d
that pr"#"(e,e does not app(y when ,o#t attorneys spea+ w"th ,o#t 00s2 s"n/e .A
ha#e d)ty to )pho(d the (aw (not prote/t ,o#t as a /orporat"on)
o !ne/essary a,ents$
Kovel % presen/e o& a//o)ntant and attorney-/("ent meet"n,s "n ta= /ases doesnt
destroy the pr"#"(e,e s"n/e hes a ne/essary a,ent "n /onte=t.
s"m"(ar(y &or psy/h"atr"st ("n "nsan"ty /ase)2 e=perts2 trans(ators.
Cal+in Clein % 7; representat"#e not a ne/essary a,ent "n trademar+ d"()t"on s)"t.
<p"nn"n, "n med"a not part o& the (e,a( "ss)es.
o !reasona'(e e=pe/tat"on o& /on&"dent"a("ty$
e,2 /on&ess"on to (awyer at /rowded resta)rant not /o#ered2 as peop(e /o)(d
4a. form *+&& cases % /an attorneys om"t the names o& /("ent on ta= &orms
reB)"red when re/e"#e (ar,e amo)nts o& /ashJ
0#ery /"r/)"t has he(d no e=pe/tat"on o& pr"#a/y "n th"s /onte=t. S:ar)el .
e=/ept"on8 "& d"s/(os"n, the name wo)(d "ne#"ta'(y d"s/(ose A:" they
so),ht (e,a( ad#"/e.
o e,2 h"t and r)n /ase. 5awyer try"n, to ne,ot"ate sett(ement2
s)'poenaed to ,"#e )p name o& /("ent. Eere d"s/(os"n, name
d"s/(oses so)r/e o& (e,a( ad#"/e.
0arner % *0K /omm)n"/ates w"th attorney on dea(2 wh"/h &a((s thro),h.
<hareho(der s)"t 'ro),ht2 and shareho(ders2 as 'ene&"/"ar"es2 /an a//ess the
pr"#"(e,ed /omm)n"/at"ons o& the *07 (tr)stee)
o !/ommon "nterest r)(e$
e,2 *0;*5A 1o"nt tort&easors /an /omm)n"/ate to,ether on /ommon de&ense2
w"(( 'e pr"#"(e,ed "& 'oth (awyers there2 a'o)t the /ommon de&ense.
M#!artlin - A and p(an /ommon de&ense2 * hasnt 1o"nted. 3n#"te * to the"r
meet"n, to try and /on#"n/e h"m to 1o"n. <"n/e * not part o& )n"t yet2 no
e=pe/tat"on o& pr"#a/y not pr"#"(e,ed.
( -.ce)tions and :aiver
- ;)(es8
o 7ai$er;
i. ?ai$er :u%t -e $oluntar6)
!"n#o()ntary$ > tr)(y &or/ed. 0#en "& ha#e to ma+e d"&&"/)(t /ho"/e (e,2
t)rn o#er do/)ment as reB)"rement to mer,er)2 st"(( #o()ntary
/orporate wa"#er8 @hompson Femo #. F/D)(ty Femo8
o /on/ern8 7s )s"n, threat o& /orporate "nd"/tments as a too( to
"nd)/e wa"#ers 'y /orporat"ons.
"nd"/tment "s death. See Arth)r Anderson.
!a /)(t)re o& wa"#er$
o @hompson Femo8 a((owed whether /orporat"on !/ooperat"n,$
as &a/tor "n "nd"/tment de/"s"on.
o F/D)(ty8 &a/t o& not wa"#"n, the pr"#"(e,e "s not /ons"dered "n
"nd"/tment de/"s"on2 tho),h ,et /red"t "& /ooperate.
a(so ha#e to ,et head o& .oG appro#a( 'e&ore as+"n, &ro
/ontro#ers"a( % )n/(ear whether th"s ma+es a d"&&eren/e2
as prose/)tors ha#e tremendo)s d"s/ret"on.
ii. i:#licitl6 or e0#licitl6 aut=oriJed -6 client
t)rn"n, o#er 'y (awyer typ"/a((y /ons"dered "mp("/"t a)thor"-at"on.
iii. can -e t=rou!= inad$ertent di%clo%ure
ma1or"ty r)(e "s ne,(",en/e % wa"#er e&&e/ted 'y "nad#ertent d"s/(os)re "&&
res)(t o& ne,(",en/e
o m"nor"ty o& /o)rts "mpose wa"#er re,ard(ess o& d"(",en/e2 or2
/on#erse(y2 ho(d wa"#er m)st 'e "ntent"ona(.
wa"#er then app("es to that "nad#ertent(y d"s/(os)re do/)ment and a((
re(ated s)'1e/t matter.
dont ha#e to ret)rn do/)ment2 ')t eth"/a( o'(",at"on to (et the other s"de
i$. A%electi$e ?ai$erB not acce#ted
e,2 .estin):ouse. ')t proposed 502(/) wo)(d a((ow "t.
$. :aDin! ad$ice of coun%el defen%e ?ai$e% #ri$ile!e
s"m"(ar(y2 "& /("ent s)es attorney &or ma(pra/t"/e2 wa"#es pr"#"(e,e.
o T=e Cri:e(>raud E0ce#tion
if co::unication% are #art of %c=e:e of cri:e or fraud) t=e #ri$ile!e doe%
not a##l6. @est8 whether /("ents p)rpose "s /r"m"na( at t"me o& /omm)n"/at"on.
"n ,enera(8 ta(+"n, a'o)t past /r"m"na( a/ts pr"#"(e,ed2 ')t ta(+"n, a'o)t &)t)re
ones are not.
/an as+ whether N wo)(d 'e (e,a(2 ')t not ,et (awyer to &a/"("tate
s/heme2 or e=p(a"n how to 'est #"o(ate the (aw.
- 0=amp(es8
o 4a"#er
Cassas % +"d /a((s &am"(y (awyer2 then e=p(a"ns he +"((ed h"s parents. 5awyer
t)rns h"m "n.
he(d pr"#"(e,e not wa"#er as (awyer a/t"n, w"tho)t a)thor"-at"on.
3n ta= /ase2 7 ar,)es that a/t"ons were 1)st"&"ed as reasona'(y re("ed on (e,a(
pr"#"(e,e wa"#ed. Hn&a"r to re(y on ad#"/e "& no one /an a//ess /ontents.
*("ent s)es attorney &or ma(pra/t"/e2 ne,(",ent (e,a( ad#"/e.
pr"#"(e,ed wa"#ed. Hn&a"r not to (et (awyer )se the ad#"/e as de&ense.
,n re Sealed Case (..*. *"r.) % "nad#ertent d"s/(os)re /onst"t)tes wa"#er2 e#en "&
tota((y "nno/ent m"sta+e.
other /"r/)"ts ha#e ne,(",en/e r)(e. 0,2 Cassano % smo+"n, ,)n
do/)ment &o)nd "n d"s/o#ery room. . as+s "& /an 1)st a /opy o& th"s &or
now (typ"/a((y ha#e to wa"t 30 days)2 and a((ow to. Ee(d ne,(",ent and
so wa#"er made.
7roposed r)(e 5028
*02,a. 3 %u-@ect :atter ?ai$er% :u%t -e intentional
o wa"#er 'y d"s/(os)re on(y e=tends to that do/)ment. *)ts
d"s/o#ery /osts 'I/ attorneys had to 'e e=tra-/are&)( to not
a//"denta((y d"s/(ose.
*02,-. 3 ne!li!ence te%t for inad$ertent di%clo%ure.
o /)ts /osts "n e-d"s/o#ery.
*02,c. 3 allo?% %electi$e ?ai$er
o "dea "s to en/o)ra,e /ooperat"on 'y a,ents2 ta+e away ar,)ment
that the &ear wa"#"n, the pr"#"(e,e 'I/ "t w"(( e=pose them "n
other matters.
*02,d. 3 confidentiall6 a!ree:ent% -ind all #artie%
o en/o)ra,es part"es to ma+e /ontra/t say"n, no "nad#ertent
d"s/(os)re to /) d"s/o#ery /osts.
8ipin % /("ent snea+s "n and /op"es smo+"n, ,)n do/)ments. 5awyer )ses "t.
."sm"ssed as not "nad#ertent d"s/(os)re ')t w"((&)( the&t.
o *r"me-:ra)d 0=/ept"on
*("ent as+s (awyer wh"/h +"nd o& ema"(s p(a"nt"&& ("+e(y to reB)est "n d"s/o#ery2
then de(etes them. @ho),h (awyer not "n on s/heme2 not pr"#"(e,ed as /("ent had
/r"m"na( "ntent.
/6C Corp. % p(ant ')"(t "n 5"'er"a. 5awyer h"red to ,et at de't owned2 hen
d"s/o#ers transa/t"on /ame a'o)t thro),h 'r"'ery.
prote/ted as "ntent o& the /("ent to ,et de't2 not ass"stan/e "n s/heme o&
/r"me or &ra)d.
. "#ou%al +ri$ile!e%

1 4he 7dverse 4estimonial S)ousal ,rivilege
- ;)(e8
o ?=ere a##lica-le (".e.2 &edera( and de/reas"n, n)m'er o& states)2 ad$er%e te%ti:onial
#ri$ile!e allo?% %#ou%e to not taDe t=e %tand to te%tif6 a!ain%t %#ou%e.
") pr"#"(e,e he(d 'y the spo)se. *an 'e wa"#ed "& she Aants to test"&y. -rammel .
"") pr"#"(e,e app("es at t:e time of testimon" .
Dot a#a"(a'(e "& d"#or/e or separated at t"me o& tr"a(.
""") not a((owed "& marr"a,e a !sham$ to pre#ent test"mony.
"#) sp("t "n /"r/)"ts o#er whether app("es when spo)ses /o-part"/"pants "n /r"me.
#) does not app(y "n /"#"( /ases.
#") !harm to /h"(d$ e=/ept"on
o rat"ona(e8 preser#e mart"a( harmony.
- 0=amp(es8
o -rammel % "& spo)se wants to test"&y2 no harmony to preser#e2 and pr"#"(e,e wa"#ed as
he(d 'y the spo)se test"&y"n,.
o domest"/ #"o(en/e /ases8 tho),h 'ad p)'("/ po("/y2 ar,)a'(y2 spo)se /an re&)se to test"&y
at tr"a( o& spo)se &or domest"/ a')se.
o Carter % ta= &ra)d /ase. @ho),h st"(( te/hn"/a((y marr"ed2 /o)p(e hasnt ("#ed to,ether &or
30 years. *o)rt ho(ds /ant "n#o+e the pr"#"(e,e )nder the /"r/)mstan/es
')t wont (oo+ "nto deta"(s o& re(at"onsh"ps to )et the pr"#"(e,e to app(y8 no
prote/t"on &or s",n"&"/ant others2 same se= /o)p(es. et/.
o /o)p(e /omm"ts /r"me2 then s),,est ,et marr"ed to a#o"d test"&y"n, a,a"nst ea/h other. A
!sham$ and so #o"ded.
"ntent test8 &or (o#e or pr"#"(e,eJ
o do)'(e hearsay8 w"&e te((s ne",h'or !KF62 my h)s'and 1)st shot the ,ardenerT$
w"&e /an re&)se to test"&y2 ')t ne",h'or /annot. Eearsay so(#ed as e=/"ted
( Confidential Communications ,rivilege
- ;)(e8
o ?=ere a##lica-le) confidential co::unication% #ri$ile!e #rotect% co::unication%
in confidence -et?een %#ou%e% (#f. attorney-/("ent).
") pr"#"(e,e he(d 'y the spea+er. @h)s spo)se /ant test"&y to /on&"dent"a(
/omm)n"/at"on e#en "& des"res to
"") prote/ts on(y /omm)n"/at"ons2 not a#ts .
e,2 h)s'and /omes home2 '(oody and w"th s+" mas+2 and says !3(( +"((ed
a man.$ 4"&e m)st test"&y to the a/t"ons2 ')t not the statement.
""") stat)s o& marr"a,e assessed at t"me o& /omm)n"/at"on2 not tr"a(.
st"(( prote/ted e#en "& d"#or/ed 'y tr"a(.
"#) as he(d 'y the spea+er2 not wa"#ed "& /on&"den/e not +ept.
e,2 w"&e te((s mother !my h)s'and to(d me he shot the ,ardenerT$
no hearsay pro'(em2 ')t prote/ted as h)s'and d"dnt wa"#e.
#) m)st ha#e reasona'(e e=pe/tat"on o& /on&"dent"a("ty
#") /r"me-&ra)d e=/ept"on app("es.
e,2 !Eoney2 /an yo) p(ease wash these '(oody /(othes$J not prote/ted
d)e to /r"me-&ra)d e=/ept"on2 e#en "& w"&e "nno/ent.
o rat"ona(e8 prote/t mart"a( harmony 'y en/o)ra,"n, /omm)n"/at"onI pr"#a/y w"th"n
C. 1i%cellaneou% +ri$ile!e%; 1ental &ealt=) et al.
- ;m+8 Eow do we +now when to /reate a new pr"#"(e,e )nder 501J Hn/(ear2 ')t /o)rts (oo+ to8
o whether any or a(( o& 50 states ha#e the pr"#"(e,e
o whether pr"#"(e,e was "n/()ded "n the or","na( dra&t o& 501.
6ut not determ"nat"#e. See den"a( o& more ,enera( do/tor-pat"ent pr"#"(e,e "n
&edera( /o)rts2 desp"te a(( 50 states.
- 1. 1ental &ealt= +ri$ile!e % e0tend% to co::unication% to #%6c=ot=era#i%t% and clinical
%ocial(?orDer% in t=era#eutic ca#acit6. @affee.
o rat"ona(e8 en/o)ra,e &ree /omm)n"/at"on w"th psy/hotherap"sts.
')t2 'e&ore Baffee2 peop(e st"(( went to therap"sts. <o "ts )n/(ear whether th"s "s
rea((y needed2 espe/"a((y when "t "mpedes sear/h &or tr)th.
o @affee 3 &"rst t"me 501 )sed to /reate new (non-/ommon (aw) pr"#"(e,es as matter o&
&edera( /ommon (aw..
note8 !dan,ero)s pat"ent e=/ept"on$8 psy/h"atr"sts ha#e -errasoft d)ty to report
"n ("+e(y dan,er.
')t8 on/e /r"me o//)rred2 doesnt ha#e to test"&y.
o 0=amp(e8
1) /r"m"na( /ase2 eyew"tness /r"t"/a(2 and that w"tness has 'een hosp"ta("-ed "n
psy/h"atr"/ ward V o& h"s ("&e. . th"n+s that w"tness sees th"n,s that arent there
A/an . as+ &or prod)/t"on o& psy/h"atr"/ re/ordJ
poss"'(e app(y"n, Baffee wo)(d #"o(ate r",ht to e&&e/t"#e de&ense2 and .
/an ma+e /onst"t)t"ona( ar,)ment2 to o#er/ome !a'so()te$ pr"#"(e,e.
- 2. Cler!6(+enitent +ri$ile!e % e"ther /(er,y or pen"tent /an "n#o+e pr"#"(e,e re8 /omm)n"/at"ons
when pen"tent see+"n, sp"r"t)a( ad#"/e.
o /r"me-&ra)d e=/ept"on de#e(op"n,8 a&ter 9I112 /ases "n#o(#"n, F)s("m /(er,y ar"sen2 and
theres a past a/t (pr"#"(e,ed)I &)t)re a/t ()npr"#"(e,ed) d"st"n/t"on2
- 3. "tate "ecret% +ri$ile!e % a'so()te when "t app("es.
o has to 'e "n#o+ed 'y a h",h-ran+"n, p)'("/ o&&"/"a(.
o F)st e=p(a"n w"th some e=a/t"t)de how the se/rets wo)(d harm ,o#t "nterests
o 0=amp(es8
e,2 /ontra/t a/t"on o#er &a)(ty stea(th 'om'er. ."sm"ssed as d"s/(os"n, des",n o&
stea(th 'om'er wo)(d d"s/(ose state se/rets.
- 4. E0ecuti$e +ri$ile!e % /omm)n"/at"ons on h",h-ran+"n, matters o& e=e/)t"#e po("/y somet"mes
pr"#"(e,ed to promote /on&"dent"a("ty "n e=e/)t"#e-de/"s"onma+"n,.
o (i%on % pr"#"(e,e "s B)a("&"ed2 not a'so()te. 3nterests o& ,rand 1)ry "n#est",at"on
o#err"des the e=e/)t"#e pr"#"(e,e.
- *. ADeli-erati$e +roce%%B +ri$ile!e % des",ned to prote/t /omm)n"/at"ons "n adm"n"strat"#e
'ran/h. 7rote/ts &ree-&(ow o& "n&ormat"on "n reports o& a,ents to h",h-ran+"n, o&&"/"a(s.
o pr"#"(e,e he(d 'y head o& an a,en/y.
o F)st 'e de("'erat"#e2 ,o"n, )pstream2 'e&ore &"na( de/"s"on made2 and not o)twe",hed 'y
other "nterests (a B)a("&"ed pr"#"(e,e).
- /. Infor:ant(La? Enforce:ent +ri$ile!e % prote/ts "n&ormant "dent"ty )nt"( the tr"a( "&
/omm)n"/at"on made to (aw en&or/ement w"th e=pe/tat"on o& /on&"dent"a("ty.
D. +ri$ile!e 7anna-e%; Ne?%re#orter) et al.
- 1. Ne?%re#orter A+ri$ile!eB ( newsreporters ar,)e &or :"rst Amendment r",ht to sh"e(d so)r/es.
)t th"s pr"#"(e,e has 'een den"ed "n /r"m"na( /ases &or a (on, t"me. 6randenbur).
o no :"rst Amendment ;",ht "n /r"m"na( "n#est",at"ons. Miller .
o at 'est2 "ts a &edera( /ommon (aw pr"#"(e,e2 ')t qualified 'y ,o#ernmenta( "nterests.
o 0=amp(es8
Miller % @"mes reporter ,oes to 1a"( &or re&)s"n, to ,"#e )p so)r/es &or /r"m"na(
"n#est",at"on. Any /ommon (aw r",ht "s tempered 'y the ,o#ernment "nterest "n
/r"m"na( "n#est",at"on.
- 2. Cor#orate A"elf(Anal6%i%B ,In$e%ti!ation. +ri$ile!e % re1e/ted. Ea#e to )se attorneys to ,et
th"s sort o& th"n, pr"#"(e,ed.
o e,2 *arn"#a( *r)"se sends /orporate o&&"/"a( to "n#est",ate reports o& se=)a( atta/+s.
*on/()des sho)(d red)/e /onta/t 'etween /rew and passen,ers.
"n s)"t2 #"/t"ms want the report. *arn"#a( ar,)es &or !/orporate se(&-ana(ys"s
pr"#"(e,e$2 so that they wont 'e d"s/o)ra,ed &rom do"n, "n#est",at"ons.
- 3. +arent(C=ild +ri$ile!e % re1e/ted.
o "dea8 parent sho)(d ha#e r",ht to e"ther ") not test"&y a,a"nst /h"(d (or #"/e #ersa)2 or "")
ma+es /omm)n"/at"ons /on&"dent"a(
- 4. "ecret "er$ice +ri$ile!e % re1e/ted.
o *("nton ar,)es that <e/ret <er#"/e a,ents sho)(dnt 'e &or/ed to test"&y a'o)t /r"m"na(
a/ts o& the 7res"dent. ;e1e/ted.
E. T=e >ift= A:end:ent
- ;)(es8
o 1) tr",,ered 'y /omp)(s"on 'y the state to test"&y2 when potent"a( that what yo) say m",ht
'e )sed a,a"nst yo) at /)rrent pr poss"'(e /r"m"na( pro/eed"n,.
typ"/a( /omp)(s"on % /ontempt o& /o)rt "& re&)se to test"&y.
a#o"d !/r)e( tr"-(emma$ % three /ho"/es8 re&)se2 per1)re2 test"&y to /r"me % a(( (ed
to 1a"(.
o 2) /ant 'e &or/ed to !'e w"tness a,a"nst se(&$
w"tness > /omm)n"/at"#e a/t
th)s /an /ompe( '(ood samp(es2 'reatha(y-er2 et/.
a,a"nst > poss"'"("ty to "n/r"m"nate
th)s2 no :"&th Amendment "ss)e "& ,"#e "mm)n"ty.
se(& > person. Do /orporate :"&th.
o 3) !reB)"red re/ords$ e=/ept"on
,o#t /an &or/e yo) to +eep re/ords2 say2 o& /ar odometers. Do :"&th #"o(at"on
e#en tho),h yo) &a/e /r)e( tr"-(emma.
- 0=amp(es8
o MuniH % "nterro,at"on to test "nto="/at"on w"tho)t warn"n,. *an one test"&y a'o)t8
s()rred spee/hJ
yes. th"s "s an a/t and not a /omm)n"/at"on
as+ed !how o(d were yo) "n 1982J$
answer8 !3m too dr)n+ to &",)re "t o)t.$ *ant test"&y a'o)t th"s as a
test"mon"a( answer2 tr)e-or-&a(se nat)re o& answer tr",,ers :"&th
prote/t"on a,a"nst se(&-"n/r"m"nat"on.
o /ompe((ed a)thor"-at"on o& *ayman 3s(and a//o)nts a #"o(at"on o& :"&thJ
yes2 as amo)nts to /omm)n"/at"#e assert"on that yo) ha#e an a//o)nt.
1 Documents and 7uthentication
- ;)(es8
o F01; aut=entication re9uired for e$idence. Lenient %tandard; i% t=ere enou!= for
rea%ona-le @uror to -elie$e e$idence i% ?=at #rofferor clai:%H
"n d"s/ret"on o& 1)d,e2 and 'ar typ"/a((y met.
/"r/)mstant"a( e#"den/e /an 'e eno),h. M#'lor" .
o F02; aut=entication not re9uired for certain docu:ent%
e,2 /ert"&"ed p)'("/ re/ords
- 0=amp(es8
o . /(a"ms he d"dnt wr"te the (etter 7 "ntrod)/es.
3& handwr"tten2 /o)(d a)thent"/ate 'y handwr"t"n, e=pert
3& typed2 &a/t that "s what &o)nd "n h"s trash2 e,2 m",ht t"e "t to h"m.
o . /(a"ms #o"/e or tape not h"s2 or that "ts a(tered
a)thent"/ate 'y w"tness re/o,n"t"on o& #o"/e2 ha#e o&&"/er who made tape test"&y
as to how "t was made2 ne#er (e&t possess"on2 et/.
o . /(a"ms powder &o)nd on h"m not that tested "n (a'.
a)thent"/ate 'y show"n, #:ain of #ustod".
o . /(a"ms wasnt h"m "n /hatroom
a)thent"/ate 'y 37 "dent"&"/at"on2 "& )sed s/reen-name e(sewhere.
poss"'"("ty o& ha/+"n, ,oes to we",ht.
o . /(a"ms photo a(tered
/an re(y on e=perts to show no a(terat"on2 /a(( photo,rapher to test"&y.
enhan/ement o& ,ra"ny photo may ra"se 0aubert "ss)e.
( 5est -vidence "ule
- ;)(es8
o 10022 1003 % reB)"res or","na( when /ontent o& do/)ment "n d"sp)te.
H@8 10048 "& yo) ha#e a ,ood reason &or not ha#"n, d)p("/ate or or","na(2 /an
pro#e /ontent o& do/)ment thro),h other e#"den/e.
o rare(y an "ss)e
- 0=amp(es8
o 0eMar#o % d"sp)te o#er emp(oyment /ontra/t. Do or","na( or d)p("/ate a#a"(a'(e2 ')t 7
has ,ood reason s"n/e (ost when ho)se ')rned down. A((owed th)s to test"&y as to
/ontents o& the do/)ment.
o F"/hae( Ga/+son /ase % 7 /(a"ms FG /op"ed h"s son,. .oesnt ha#e or","na(2 or d)p("/ate2
or ,ood reason2 ')t o&&ers to p(ay the son, &or the 1)ry. Dot a((owed.

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