Answers-Mid Term Form 4

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Answers ( mid term examination form 4)

2. C
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. D
12. B
13. D
14. B
15. A
16. Friendship Day Dedication Contest
17. 5 free Entry Tickets to Aluna Water Park
18. 1 year free subscription to Modern Teens Magazines
19. Aluna Water Park
20. Modern Teens Magazines
21. Fax to 03-22211002
22. E-mail to ( email address is mandatory)
23. Not more than 40 words. (not more than is mandatory)
24. 10 November 2012 / 10.11.2012
25. Telephone
26. a) A four week English course
b) A spot just behind the yellow line ( that stops people from standing too close to the edge of
the platform.
27. a) Someone pushed her/ She felt someone pushing her and though she tried to resist, she lost
her balance.
b) She must have hit something as she fell.
28. i) How she could tell her mum and dad about the accident.
ii) What if the doctors couldnt reattach her legs, how would she go back to school?
iii) How would she live her life after the accident?
( choose only two)
b) assess
29. Two months and 10 days.
30. i) Give moral support to her
ii) accompany her when she is alone.
( accept any suitable answer)
31. Summary
1) The rescue team arrived shortly.
2) A man crawled under the train.
3) A man put an oxygen mask over her face.
4) He placed a harness around her to lift her out
5) She was taken straight to Tan Tok Seng hospital.
6) She stayed in hospital for two months and ten days.
7) The second daughter of the King of Thailand had me transferred to a rehabilation centre
back home.
8) She offered her the chance to finish her education at the Chitralada School in Bangkok.
9) She was fiited with German-made prosthetic legs, which cause several million baht.
10) Learning to walk again was difficult.
11) Every step needed a lot of training.
Contents: 10 marks
Language+ summarize= 5 marks.
32. a) They did not give up/ There was not a sign of despair.
b) i) bloated carcasses
ii) tiny chips of tree barks
c) i) study hard and find the job to change my life
ii) ask the authority to help us.
(accept any suitable answer)

33. short story ( QWERTYUIOP)
suggested points:

- she was early

-she went back and sat down in front of the typewriter and glared at it

3. determined
- Lucy wanted the job. More than anyone, more than anything, she wanted a job.
She was tired of being poor

- for an hour, she battled with the machine

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