Arods Cousin

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What's up Cuz?

Seeing Alex Rodriguez's name attached to some negative news story is about as fresh as seeing a trailer
for another stupid superhero movie this summer ! wish the "reen #antern's special ability was to ma$e
Arod disappear from the headlines %h well& here goes
Arod's steroid toting cousin 'uri Sucart was seen at the 'an$ees road hotel (his revelation was )uic$ly
followed by an investigation by *#+ and a media blitz that put Arod in a bad light once again Wait&
Arod is $inda shady? Wait& that's news? ,ow it should be noted that the 'an$ees and *#+ agreed that
no rules were bro$en because Sucart wasn't given private access to Arod or the 'an$ees +ut the fact
that this guy is even around says a lot about Arod 'ou would thin$ he would be smart enough to
distance himself from people that he admitted gave him steroids -e must be ta$ing advice from
*anny Ramirez's people
#istening to this story unfold on the radio ! was actually surprised how many people were defending
Arod Sucart is his cousin and you can't .ust burn your bridges with family And so on
! disagree
/irst off& what is it with sports figures and their hangers0on distant family members *aybe it's a
cultural thing that ! don't understand +ut ! see these star athletes and their entourages of cousins&
uncles& nephews& and family friends and it ma$es no sense to me (here is nothing that could happen in
my life that ! would cause me to call members outside of my immediate family and .ust have them
travel around as my posse #et's tal$ about Arod in particular (his guy is your cousin 'ou used him to
get you steroids (hen you burned him by telling everyone that's where you got the drugs And now you
.ust can't cut ties with him? ! don't even $now any of my cousin's phone numbers for "od sa$es !
pretty sure one of my cousins .ust had a baby a couple of months ago and ! don't even $now the $id's
name Come to thin$ of it off the top of my head ! don't even remember if it was a boy or a girl
So what's the point? (he point is he's Arod's cousin ,ot his brother& not his dad So what's the big deal
!f you are that close with your cuz& you can hang out with him once you are retired and you are waiting
to watch how low your -all of /ame voting numbers are 1ntil then ! would suggest you focus on your
image and the rapidly shrin$ing chance that your career doesn't end up with a +arry +onds' type
asteris$ on it
!n other news& Arod apparently dumped Cameron 2iaz (a$ing bets on his next high profile
relationship !nsert 2ere$ 3eter .o$e

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