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Ts Brainstorming
General Aim: Develop our sense of attention in this globalised world of over
Reading Today
Name of th Project: So what? What do we understand out of this media
!lass Blog with possible podasts.
General Desription
"" will have to work in pairs# groups and on their owns aording to the
nature of the task.
$ah lesson# the "" will have a worksheet to follow on%line in the
development of the pro&et.
The pro&et will be planned as a proess and it will not be oneived as the
end of a unit of work.
The ob&etives will be lear. 'ne the initial ob&etives have been reahed#
the pro&et might be e(tended.
)omework will be an integral part of the pro&et. *t will usuall+ mean reading
on%line but at home. The+ might be re,uired to arr+ out a web,uest# -re%
write- artoons on%line...
"ome areas of the blog like -what worries us- will be hanged eah lass.
The idea is to use this framework as a onte(t for the warming%up. .n+wa+#
if something reall+ signifiant happened# we might e(tend the olumn that
The T will sometimes set up homework as ontests: -/ind out who the first
one to ome up with the idea of loning was-.
.(is: $nglish and the 0edia
-Topis- 1 .reas to be developed in the blog
The /uture of Writing: Writing through images. What do photos and images
in general tell us2
3ewspapers on%line. !omparing st+les and emphasis.
'ur *nterests.
What worries us.
Wheather toda+...
-Tips- !olumn: to rela( before an e(am# to find new friends...
!ontats. 'ur ountr+ and !ostoms. *%pals.
)elp with homework4 !onnet with "" over the world.
Bakgroud musi we sometimes listen in the lassroom...
Textual Axis
5se of passive voie and its impliations. 6hiding the agent7.
5se of onnetors to e(pliitl+ mark te(tual relationships.
Genre: desriptions# e(position# informal e%mails# artoons. "s should be
able to reognise generi harateristis of register# grammar# design...
Phrasal verbs and slang.
!orret use of intonation to sa+ what we mean. /alling intonation of wh%
,uestions. $mphasis of partiular units in onversations to onve+ desired
meaning and avoid missunderstandings.
"oial .(is
Broaden bonds through ollaborative tasks.
Develop responsibilit+.
8alue eah and ever+ partiipant of this partiular soial proess.
9ower an(iet+.
Develop reativit+.
!onte(tual .(is
)iding agents. 0edia and its responsibilit+.
$nglish for global ommuniation.
$nglish and the loal ommunit+.

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