Quiz Unit 4

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A. Listen to the Conversation.

Circle the correct answers

Conversation 1: Jonathan and Jill are talking about his birthday
1. Jonathan is going to work / have a party on his birthday.
2. Jill invites him to dinner at her house / a movie .
Conversation 2: Brian and Lisa are talking about their parents
1. Their parents are having their 2
/ !"
2. She wants to plan a dinner at home / in a restaurant.
#. Complete the conversation with $not% going to. &se contractions
where possible.
Rick: How are you and ar!ia going to !elebrate "ew #ears $ve% Tim&
Are you going to go to any parties&
Tim: "o. 'e're going to go out (or dinner. )ur (avorite restaurant
(s going to serve a spe!ial meal% and our (riends are going to.
Join us there. But we're not going to stay out late.
Rick: So% you're going to be home be(ore midnight% huh&
Tim: Thats right. *t's going to be a +uiet !elebration.
C. )rite the answers. &se indirect ob*ect pronouns and the words in
parentheses $ %
$,ample- .- 'hat are you going to give your /ad (or his birthday& B- *m going
to give him a wat!h. 0wat!h1
1. .- 'hat are you going to do (or your parents anniversary&
B *m going to get them ti!kets (or a trip. 0get 2 ti!kets (or a trip1.
2. .- 'hat are your grandparents going to give your (ather (or his
B- Theyre going to give him a book. 0book1.
3. .- 'hats your sister going to do (or your birthday&
B- Shes going to give him a book. 0bake 2 a !ake1
4. .- 'hat are you going to give your mother on others /ay&
B- *m going to give her a bo, o( !ho!olates. 0bo, o( !ho!olates1
+. ,atch the special days with the activities. &se each e-pression
only once.
1. 5alentines /ay ! a. e,!hange rings
2. "ew #ears $ve ( b. get a diploma
3. Birthday e !. go out (or a romanti! dinner
4. Halloween d d. go tri!k6or6treating
7. 8raduation /ay b e. blow out !andles on a !ake
9. 'edding a (. shout :Happy "ew #ear
$. .ead the pairs o/ sentences. )hich are correct0 Circle a1 b1 or
both $a and b%
1. a. /onna is moving into her new house this weekend.
b. /onna is going to move into her new house this weekend.
2. a. *ts raining tomorrow.
b. *ts going to rain tomorrow
3. a. *m graduating ne,t month
b. *m going to graduate ne,t month
4. a. Bill is going to be a great lawyer.
b. Bill is being a great lawyer.
2. )hat do you think the 3vague4 e-pressions mean0 ,ark $-% two
ideas /or each.
1. Jenna loves to go to !ultural events and stu; like that
< !on!erts < (estivals == restaurants
2. *ts goin to be a big wedding. Theres going to be a band and everything.
< ni!e de!orations == a big parade < spe!ial (ood
3. /o you like !elebrations and things like that&
== (olk songs < parties < spe!ial events
4. .nnas going to get lots o( presents and stu; at her birthday party.
< >owers < !ards == !ostumes

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