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Author Index Volumes 101108

Author Index Volumes 150 see Volume 50

Author Index Volumes 51100 see Volume 100
Acker, J. P.: Biopreservation of Cells and Engineered Tissues. Vol. 103, pp. 157187.
Aerni, P.: Agricultural Biotechnology and its Contribution to the Global Knowledge Econ-
omy. Vol. 107, pp. 6996.
Ahn, E. S. see Webster, T. J.: Vol. 103, pp. 275308.
Ahring, B. K. and Westermann, P.: Coproductionof Bioethanol with Other Biofuels. Vol. 108,
pp. 289302.
Alapuranen, M., see Viikari, L.: Vol. 108, pp. 121145.
Andreadis S. T.: Gene-Modied Tissue-Engineered Skin: The Next Generation of Skin
Substitutes. Vol. 103, pp. 241274.
Arrigo, N. see Felber, F.: Vol. 107, pp. 173205.
Babiak, P., see Reymond, J.-L.: Vol. 105, pp. 3158.
Backendorf, C. see Fischer, D. F.: Vol. 104, pp. 3764
Bauser, H. see Schrell, A.: Vol. 107, pp. 1339.
Becker, T., Hitzmann, B., Mufer, K., Prtner, R., Reardon, K. F., Stahl, F. and Ulber, R.: Future
Aspects of Bioprocess Monitoring. Vol. 105, pp. 249293.
Beier, V., Mund, C., and Hoheisel, J. D.: Monitoring Methylation Changes in Cancer. Vol. 104,
pp. 111.
vanBeilen, J. B., Poirier, Y.: Prospects for Biopolymer ProductioninPlants. Vol. 107, pp. 133
Berlin, A., see Chandra, R. P.: Vol. 108, pp. 6793.
Berthiaume, F. see Nahmias, Y.: Vol. 103, pp. 309329.
Bhatia, S. N. see Tsang, V. L.: Vol. 103, pp. 189205.
Biener, R. see Goudar, C.: Vol. 101, pp. 99118.
Bigler, F. see Sanvido, O.: Vol. 107, pp. 235278.
Borchert, T. V., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Brunner, H. see Schrell, A.: Vol. 107, pp. 1339.
Bulyk, M. L.: Protein Binding Microarrays for the Characterization of DNAProtein Inter-
actions. Vol. 104, pp. 6585.
Bura, R., see Chandra, R. P.: Vol. 108, pp. 6793.
Chan, C. see Patil, S.: Vol. 102, pp. 139159.
Chandra, R. P., Bura, R., Mabee, W. E., Berlin, A., Pan, X. and Saddler, J. N.: Substrate Pre-
treatment: The Key to Effective Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosics?. Vol. 108,
pp. 6793.
Cherry, J., see Merino, S. T.: Vol. 108, pp. 95120.
Chuppa, S. see Konstantinov, K.: Vol. 101, pp. 7598.
van Dijken, J. P., see van Maris, A. J. A.: Vol. 108, pp. 179204.
360 Author Index Volumes 101108
Dybdal Nilsson, L., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Einsele, A.: The Gap between Science and Perception: The Case of Plant Biotechnology in
Europe. Vol. 107, pp. 111.
Farid, S. S.: Established Bioprocesses for Producing Antibodies as a Basis for Future Plan-
ning. Vol. 101, pp. 142.
Felber, F., Kozlowski, G., Arrigo, N., Guadagnuolo, R.: Genetic and Ecological Consequences
of Transgene Flow to the Wild Flora. Vol. 107, pp. 173205.
Field, S., Udalova, I., and Ragoussis, J.: Accuracy and Reproducibility of ProteinDNA Mi-
croarray Technology. Vol. 104, pp. 87110.
Fischer, D. F. and Backendorf, C.: Identication of Regulatory Elements by Gene Family
Footprinting and In Vivo Analysis. Vol. 104, pp. 3764.
Fisher, R. J. and Peattie, R. A.: Controlling Tissue Microenvironments: Biomimetics, Trans-
port Phenomena, and Reacting Systems. Vol. 103, pp. 173.
Fisher, R. J. see Peattie, R. A.: Vol. 103, pp. 75156.
Franco-Lara, E., see Weuster-Botz, D.: Vol. 105, pp. 205247.
Galbe, M. and Zacchi, G.: Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Materials for Efcient Bioethanol
Production. Vol. 108, pp. 4165.
Galbe, M., Sassner, P., Wingren, A. and Zacchi, G.: Process Engineering Economics of
Bioethanol Production. Vol. 108, pp. 303327.
Garlick, J. A.: Engineering Skinto Study HumanDisease Tissue Models for Cancer Biology
and Wound Repair. Vol. 103, pp. 207239.
Gessler, C., Patocchi, A.: Recombinant DNA Technology in Apple. Vol. 107, pp. 113132.
Gibson, K., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Gorwa-Grauslund, M. F., see Hahn-Hgerdal, B.: Vol. 108, pp. 147177.
Goudar, C. see Konstantinov, K.: Vol. 101, pp. 7598.
Goudar, C., Biener, R., Zhang, C., Michaels, J., Piret, J. and Konstantinov, K.: Towards In-
dustrial Application of Quasi Real-Time Metabolic Flux Analysis for Mammalian Cell
Culture. Vol. 101, pp. 99118.
Grabar, T. B., see Jarboe, L. R.: Vol. 108, pp. 237261.
Guadagnuolo, R. see Felber, F.: Vol. 107, pp. 173205.
den Haan, R., see van Zyl, W. H.: Vol. 108, pp. 205235.
Hahn-Hgerdal, B., Karhumaa, K., Jeppsson, M. and Gorwa-Grauslund, M. F.: Metabolic
Engineering for Pentose Utilization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Vol. 108, pp. 147177.
Hatzack, F., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Hekmat, D., see Weuster-Botz, D.: Vol. 105, pp. 205247.
Heldt-Hansen, H. P., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Hilterhaus, L. and Liese, A.: Building Blocks. Vol. 105, pp. 133173.
Hitzmann, B., see Becker, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 249293.
Hoheisel, J. D. see Beier, V.: Vol. 104, pp. 111
Holland, T. A. and Mikos, A. G.: Review: Biodegradable Polymeric Scaffolds. Improvements
in Bone Tissue Engineering through Controlled Drug Delivery. Vol. 102, pp. 161185.
Hossler, P. see Seth, G.: Vol. 101, pp. 119164.
Hst Pedersen, H., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Hu, W.-S. see Seth, G.: Vol. 101, pp. 119164.
Hu, W.-S. see Wlaschin, K. F.: Vol. 101, pp. 4374.
Author Index Volumes 101108 361
Ingram, L. O., see Jarboe, L. R.: Vol. 108, pp. 237261.
Jarboe, L. R., Grabar, T. B., Yomano, L. P., Shanmugan, K. T. and Ingram, L. O.: Development
of Ethanologenic Bacteria. Vol. 108, pp. 237261.
Jeon, Y. J., see Rogers, P. L.: Vol. 108, pp. 263288.
Jeppsson, M., see Hahn-Hgerdal, B.: Vol. 108, pp. 147177.
Jiang, J. see Lu, H. H.: Vol. 102, pp. 91111.
Kamm, B. and Kamm, M.: BioreneriesMulti Product Processes. Vol. 105, pp. 175204.
Kamm, M., see Kamm, B.: Vol. 105, pp. 175204.
Kaplan, D. see Velema, J.: Vol. 102, pp. 187238.
Karhumaa, K., see Hahn-Hgerdal, B.: Vol. 108, pp. 147177.
Kessler, F., Vidi, P.-A.: Plastoglobule Lipid Bodies: their Functions in Chloroplasts and their
Potential for Applications. Vol. 107, pp. 153172.
Konstantinov, K., Goudar, C., Ng, M., Meneses, R., Thrift, J., Chuppa, S., Matanguihan, C.,
Michaels, J. and Naveh, D.: The Push-to-Low Approach for Optimization of High-
Density Perfusion Cultures of Animal Cells. Vol. 101, pp. 7598.
Konstantinov, K. see Goudar, C.: Vol. 101, pp. 99118.
Kozlowski, G. see Felber, F.: Vol. 107, pp. 173205.
Kuyper, M., see van Maris, A. J. A.: Vol. 108, pp. 179204.
de Laat, W. T. A. M., see van Maris, A. J. A.: Vol. 108, pp. 179204.
Laurencin, C. T. see Nair, L. S.: Vol. 102, pp. 4790.
Lawford, H. G., see Rogers, P. L.: Vol. 108, pp. 263288.
Lee, K. J., see Rogers, P. L.: Vol. 108, pp. 263288.
Lehrach, H. see Nordhoff, E.: Vol. 104, pp. 111195
Leisola, M.: Bioscience, Bioinnovations, and Bioethics. Vol. 107, pp. 4156.
Li, Z. see Patil, S.: Vol. 102, pp. 139159.
Liese, A., see Hilterhaus, L.: Vol. 105, pp. 133173.
Lu, H. H. and Jiang, J.: Interface Tissue Engineering and the Formulationof Multiple-Tissue
Systems. Vol. 102, pp. 91111.
Lund, H., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Lynd, L. R., see van Zyl, W. H.: Vol. 108, pp. 205235.
Mabee, W. E.: Policy Options to Support Biofuel Production. Vol. 108, pp. 329357.
Mabee, W. E., see Chandra, R. P.: Vol. 108, pp. 6793.
Majka, J. and Speck, C.: Analysis of ProteinDNA Interactions Using Surface Plasmon
Resonance. Vol. 104, pp. 1336.
Malgras, N. see Schlaich, T.: Vol. 107, pp. 97112.
van Maris, A. J. A., Winkler, A. A., Kuyper, M., de Laat, W. T. A. M., van Dijken, J. P. and Pronk,
J. T.: Development of Efcient Xylose Fermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Xylose
Isomerase as a Key Component. Vol. 108, pp. 179204.
Matanguihan, C. see Konstantinov, K.: Vol. 101, pp. 7598.
Matsumoto, T. and Mooney, D. J.: Cell Instructive Polymers. Vol. 102, pp. 113137.
McBride, J. E., see van Zyl, W. H.: Vol. 108, pp. 205235.
Meneses, R. see Konstantinov, K.: Vol. 101, pp. 7598.
Merino, S. T. and Cherry, J.: Progress and Challenges in Enzyme Development for Biomass
Utilization. Vol. 108, pp. 95120.
Michaels, J. see Goudar, C.: Vol. 101, pp. 99118.
Michaels, J. see Konstantinov, K.: Vol. 101, pp. 7598.
362 Author Index Volumes 101108
Mikos, A. G. see Holland, T. A.: Vol. 102, pp. 161185.
Moghe, P. V. see Semler, E. J.: Vol. 102, pp. 146.
Mooney, D. J. see Matsumoto, T.: Vol. 102, pp. 113137.
Mufer, K., see Becker, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 249293.
Mund, C. see Beier, V.: Vol. 104, pp. 111
Nair, L. S. and Laurencin, C. T.: Polymers as Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering and Con-
trolled Drug Delivery. Vol. 102, pp. 4790.
Nahmias, Y., Berthiaume, F. and Yarmush, M. L.: Integration of Technologies for Hepatic
Tissue Engineering. Vol. 103, pp. 309329.
Naveh, D. see Konstantinov, K.: Vol. 101, pp. 7598.
Ng, M. see Konstantinov, K.: Vol. 101, pp. 7598.
Nordhoff, E. and Lehrach, H.: Identication and Characterization of DNA-Binding Proteins
by Mass Spectrometry. Vol. 104, pp. 111195.
Oeschger, M. P., Silva, C. E.: Genetically Modied Organisms inthe United States: Implemen-
tation, Concerns, and Public Perception. Vol. 107, pp. 5768.
Olsson, L., see Otero, J. M.: Vol. 108, pp. 140.
Otero, J. M., Panagiotou, G. and Olsson, L.: Fueling Industrial Biotechnology Growth with
Bioethanol. Vol. 108, pp. 140.
Oxenbll, K. M., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Pan, X., see Chandra, R. P.: Vol. 108, pp. 6793.
Panagiotou, G., see Otero, J. M.: Vol. 108, pp. 140.
Patil, S., Li, Z. and Chan, C.: Cellular to Tissue Informatics: Approaches to Optimizing
Cellular Function of Engineered Tissue. Vol. 102, pp. 139159.
Patocchi, A. see Gessler, C.: Vol. 107, pp. 113132.
Peattie, R. A. and Fisher, R. J.: Perfusion Effects and Hydrodynamics. Vol. 103, pp. 75156.
Peattie, R. A. see Fisher, R. J.: Vol. 103, pp. 173.
Pedersen, S., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Peters, D.: Raw Materials. Vol. 105, pp. 130.
Piret, J. see Goudar, C.: Vol. 101, pp. 99118.
Plissonnier, M.-L. see Schlaich, T.: Vol. 107, pp. 97112.
Poirier, Y. see van Beilen, J. B.: Vol. 107, pp. 133151.
Prtner, R., see Becker, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 249293.
Poulsen, P. B., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Pronk, J. T., see van Maris, A. J. A.: Vol. 108, pp. 179204.
Puranen, T., see Viikari, L.: Vol. 108, pp. 121145.
Puskeiler, R., see Weuster-Botz, D.: Vol. 105, pp. 205247.
Ragoussis, J. see Field, S.: Vol. 104, pp. 87110
Ranucci, C. S. see Semler, E. J.: Vol. 102, pp. 146.
Reardon, K. F., see Becker, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 249293.
Reymond, J.-L. and Babiak, P.: Screening Systems. Vol. 105, pp. 3158.
Rogers, P. L., Jeon, Y. J., Lee, K. J. and Lawford, H. G.: Zymomonas mobilis for Fuel Ethanol
and Higher Value Products. Vol. 108, pp. 263288.
Romeis, J. see Sanvido, O.: Vol. 107, pp. 235278.
Saddler, J. N., see Chandra, R. P.: Vol. 108, pp. 6793.
Salmon, S., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Author Index Volumes 101108 363
Sanvido, O., Romeis, J., Bigler, F.: Ecological Impacts of Genetically Modied Crops: Ten
Years of Field Research and Commercial Cultivation. Vol. 107, pp. 235278.
Sassner, P., see Galbe, M.: Vol. 108, pp. 303327.
Sautter, C. see Schlaich, T.: Vol. 107, pp. 97112.
Schfer, T., Borchert, T. V., SkovgardNielsen, V., Skagerlind, P., Gibson, K., Wenger, K., Hatzack,
F., Dybdal Nilsson, L., Salmon, S., Pedersen, S., Heldt-Hansen, H. P., Poulsen, P. B., Lund,
H., Oxenbll, K. M., Wu, G. F., Hst Pedersen, H. and Xu, H.: Industrial Enzymes. Vol. 105,
pp. 59131.
Schlaich, T., Urbaniak, B., Plissonnier, M.-L., Malgras, N., Sautter, C.: Exploration and Swiss
Field-Testing of a Viral Gene for Specic Quantitative Resistance Against Smuts and
Bunts in Wheat. Vol. 107, pp. 97112.
Schrell, A., Bauser, H., Brunner, H.: Biotechnology Patenting Policy in the European Union
as Exemplied by the Development in Germany. Vol. 107, pp. 1339.
Semler, E. J., Ranucci, C. S. and Moghe, P. V.: Tissue Assembly Guided via Substrate Bio-
physics: Applications to Hepatocellular Engineering. Vol. 102, pp. 146.
Seth, G., Hossler, P., Yee, J. C., Hu, W.-S.: Engineering Cells for Cell Culture Bioprocessing
Physiological Fundamentals. Vol. 101, pp. 119164.
Shanmugan, K. T., see Jarboe, L. R.: Vol. 108, pp. 237261.
Siika-aho, M., see Viikari, L.: Vol. 108, pp. 121145.
Silva, C. E. see Oeschger, M. P.: Vol. 107, pp. 5768.
Skagerlind, P., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Skovgard Nielsen, V., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Speck, C. see Majka, J.: Vol. 104, pp. 1336
Stahl, F., see Becker, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 249293.
Thrift, J. see Konstantinov, K.: Vol. 101, pp. 7598.
Tsang, V. L. and Bhatia, S. N.: Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Tissues. Vol. 103, pp. 189
Udalova, I. see Field, S.: Vol. 104, pp. 87110
Ulber, R., see Becker, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 249293.
Urbaniak, B. see Schlaich, T.: Vol. 107, pp. 97112.
Vehmaanper, J., see Viikari, L.: Vol. 108, pp. 121145.
Velema, J. and Kaplan, D.: Biopolymer-Based Biomaterials as Scaffolds for Tissue Engineer-
ing. Vol. 102, pp. 187238.
Vidi, P.-A. see Kessler, F.: Vol. 107, pp. 153172.
Viikari, L., Alapuranen, M., Puranen, T., Vehmaanper, J. and Siika-aho, M.: Thermostable
Enzymes in Lignocellulose Hydrolysis. Vol. 108, pp. 121145.
Webster, T. J. and Ahn, E. S.: Nanostructured Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering Bone.
Vol. 103, pp. 275308.
Wenger, K., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Westermann, P., see Ahring, B. K.: Vol. 108, pp. 289302.
Weuster-Botz, D., Hekmat, D., Puskeiler, R. and Franco-Lara, E.: Enabling Technologies:
Fermentation and Downstream Processing. Vol. 105, pp. 205247.
Widmer, F.: Assessing Effects of Transgenic Crops on Soil Microbial Communities. Vol. 107,
pp. 207234.
Wingren, A., see Galbe, M.: Vol. 108, pp. 303327.
Winkler, A. A., see van Maris, A. J. A.: Vol. 108, pp. 179204.
364 Author Index Volumes 101108
Wlaschin, K. F. and Hu, W.-S.: Fedbatch Culture and Dynamic Nutrient Feeding. Vol. 101,
pp. 4374.
Wu, G. F., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Xu, H., see Schfer, T.: Vol. 105, pp. 59131.
Yarmush, M. L. see Nahmias, Y.: Vol. 103, pp. 309329.
Yee, J. C. see Seth, G.: Vol. 101, pp. 119164.
Yomano, L. P., see Jarboe, L. R.: Vol. 108, pp. 237261.
Zacchi, G., see Galbe, M.: Vol. 108, pp. 4165.
Zacchi, G., see Galbe, M.: Vol. 108, pp. 303327.
Zhang, C. see Goudar, C.: Vol. 101, pp. 99118.
van Zyl, W. H., Lynd, L. R., den Haan, R. and McBride, J. E.: Consolidated Bioprocessing for
Bioethanol Production Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Vol. 108, pp. 205235.
Subject Index
Acetaldehyde 12
Acetaldehyde dehydrogenases 26, 31
Acetate 253
Acetyl-CoA 24
Actinobacillus succinogenes 25
Alanine 255
Alcohol dehydrogenase 2 (Adh2p) 26
Ammonia bre explosion (AFEX) 47, 50
Ammonia recycle percolation (ARP)
method 50
-Amylases 304
Anaerobiospirillum succiniciproducens 25
Arabinose 147, 160
Arabinose utilization, pathways 160
, S. cerevisiae 161
Bakers yeast, CBP host 208
Bio/catalytic reneries 299
Biocatalysts, KO11/LY01, ethanologenic
, strain LY168, ethanologenic 243
Bioethanol, demand 14
, production, one-step 205
Bioethanol-related policy 350
Biofuel production 331
Biofuels 1, 329
Biomass 67
, steam pretreatment 71
Bioprocessing, consolidated 205
Bioreneries 1, 8, 289
Biotransformations, enzyme-based 281
Brazil 12, 333
Butanediol 25
-Butyrolactone 25
Catalytic efciency/productivity 106
CBP yeast 228
Cellobiohydrolase 121
Cellobiose 46
Cellulases 67, 121
, fungal 251
, hydrolysis 84
, S. cerevisiae 211
, T. reesei 106
, thermostable 123
Cellulolytic yeast 205
Cellulose 67
, crystallinity 87
, enzymatic hydrolysis 122
, ethanol 10
Cofactor dependence 164
Corn 14
Corn stover 52, 200
, hydrolysate, fed-batch fermentation
Corynebacteriumglutamicum, lysine 31
Diesters 10
Differential gel-electropheresis (DiGE) 24
Direct funding 329
Endoglucanase 121
Energy demand 318
EntnerDoudoroff pathway (EMP) pathway
Enzymatic hydrolysis 41, 45
Enzymes, cost 101
, discovery 106
, dosage 100
, mixtures, thermophilic/thermostable
131, 133
, production, economic 115
, recovery 117
, thermophilic/thermostable 121, 129
Escherichia coli 237
, ethanologenic 240
, non-recombinant ethanologenic 246
ETBE 10, 12
366 Subject Index
Ethanol 147, 237
, resistance 248
Ethanol production 248, 263
, cellulose 10
, lignocellulosic materials 310
Ethanolic fermentation, pentose-utilizing S.
cerevisiae 162
metabolic/transcriptomic changes
European Union 13, 337
Evolutionary engineering, xylose 194
Excise tax exemptions 329, 347
Fermentation 296
, trials, xylose
Fine chemicals 282
Fir 59
Flowsheeting 309
Fluxome 30
Fluxomics 5, 29
Formaldehyde 12
Formic acid 46
Forward metabolic engineering 18, 22
Fuel cells 289
Fumarate reductase subunit A (frdA) 25
Funding programs, USA 343
Fungal preparations, elevated temperatures
Fusarium oxysporum 28
Galactose signaling pathway 26
Genomics 18, 19
Gluconate 281
Glucose 25
, yield 61
-Glucosidase 108, 121
Glutamate dehydrogenase 30
Glycerol-3-phosphatase 26
Glycolytic ux 169
Glycose fermentation 263
Glycosyl hydrolase family 61 109
GRE3 deletion 165
Growth media, cost effective 248
Haemophilus inuenzae 19
Hemicellulases, S. cerevisiae 218
, synergistic 111
Hemicellulose 15, 67, 80
, content, hydrolysis 83
, , pretreatment 81
, hydrolysate 237, 250
Hydrogen 289
, production 291
Hydrolysates, fermentation 172
Hydrolysis 67, 121, 296
Hydrothermolysis (liquid hot-water
treatment) 50
5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) 46
Industrial biotechnology 2
Industrial systems biology 5, 17
, bioethanol 32
, X-omics 15
Inhibitor tolerance 171
Isotope-coded afnity tag technology
(ICAT) 24
adolase (Eda) 24
Kyoto Protocol 13
Lactic acid 237, 252
Levulinic acid 46
Lignin 15, 67, 75
, enzymatic hydrolysis 78
Lignocellulose 41, 121, 147
vs. starch 322
Lignocellulosic biomass 97
Lignocellulosic hydrolysates 180
, inhibitors 274
Lignocellulosics 263
Lignol organosolv process 60
LY01, ethanol resistance 248
LY168, ethanol production 244
Lysine, Corynebacteriumglutamicum
Mannheimia succiniciproducens 25
Market drivers 3, 8
Maxifuel 292
Metabolic engineering 1, 263
Metabolic ux 29
Metabolomics 27
Metagenomics 18
Methane 289
, production 291
Multidimensional protein identication
technology (MuDPiT) 24
Subject Index 367
Organic acids, metabolic engineering
Osmolyte stress 249
Penicillin 6
Pentose-fermenting strains 170
Pentose pathway enzymes 164
Pentose phosphate pathway 28, 166
Petroleum, economics 8
, prices 9
Phage shock protein A (PspA) 24
Pharmaceutical intermediates 282
PHB 24
Phenotypic phase plane (PhPP) analysis
Phosphoketolase pathway (PKP) 30
Pichia stipitis 5, 21
, xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH) 30
Pine 58
Pinus radiata, softwood 58
Piromyces sp., xylose isomerase 31
Policy 329
, bioethanol 350
Poly-amides 25
PPP, oxidative 167
Pretreatment 295
, assessment 44
, methods 47, 69
, selection 102
, two-stage 60
Process economics 311
Process integration, enzyme requirements
Production cost 318
1,3-Propanediol (PDO), from corn 10
Proteomics 5, 23
Pyruvate 253
Redox enzymes 168
Redox metabolism, engineering 167
Redox restrictions 182
Reneries, bio/catalytic 299
Reforming 289
Renewable fuel mandates 329
Reverse metabolic engineering 18, 22
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 179,
, CBP host 208
, lignocellulosic hydrolysates 180
Separation 296
Severity factor, pretreatment 44
Simultaneous saccharication and
fermentation (SSF) 45
Softwood 57
Sorbitol 281
Spruce 59
Starch 322
Steam pretreatment 67
, biomass 71
Strain stability 171
Substrate selection 101
Succinate 255
Succinate dehydrogenase subunit A (sdhA)
Succinic acid 25, 27
Sugar fermentation, S. cerevisiae 210
Sugar transport 163
Sugarcane 15
Surface area 85
Synergy 107
Systems biology 1
SZ110 244
Tax exemptions 329
TCA cycle 22
, intermediates 279
Tetrahydrofuran 25
Transcriptome analysis 5
Transcriptomics 21
Transhydrogenase 168
Transportation fuel alternatives 11
Trichoderma reesei, cellulases 20,
Vitamins 6
Wastewater treatment 297
Wheat straw hydrolysate, batch
fermentation 199
White biotechnology 2
Wood, steam-pretreated 73
XI, S. cerevisiae 158
XR/XDH, S. cerevisiae 159
Xylitol 254
Xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH) 30,
368 Subject Index
Xylose 26, 147, 149, 164
Xylose fermentation 179, 263
Xylose isomerase 31, 179, 186
, S. cerevisiae 187
Xylose reductase 30, 182
Xylose utilization, metabolic engineering
, pathways 158
Xylose-isomerase expression, S. cerevisiae
Xylulokinase 30, 165
Xylulose 164
Yeast 147
, cellulolytic 205
Yield loss 99
Zymomonas mobilis 263
, genome sequence 278
, recombinant strains 265

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