Case Study

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Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas Espe

Name: Natalia Ortega

Case Study
An international company is responsible for the check-in systems at airports. There are eight
employees in the Technical Support Department and shift work has been introduced. This has
been divided into four shifts, with two employees on each shift (four teams of two). In order to
make the shift work fair, shifts are rotated, so that each week an employee's shift changes to
the later time. This means the same two people do one shift for only one week at a time before
it changes. As the team is made up of both new and existing employees, none of the clients are
allocated to one particular employee. The employees work for all clients and the team leader
distributes the tasks, queries and problems among them as they arise.
The problem
When clients email or call, they never know who they will deal with or if the member of staff
will have knowledge of their specific problem. The emails and calls are generally to report
problems or bugs, or to ask for support. It is essential that these are prioritized so the most
urgent problems are dealt with immediately.

Your task is to decide on a possible procedure so that communication with clients is easier and
more efficient for clients. Discuss the problem and create a procedure to present to the rest of
the class. Consider the following points.
1) Who prioritizes jobs?
The leader is who given a list of the categories of messages or calls to their employees. the list
is obtained from a previous analysis, this list is given to each team and they will give a solution
to client.
2) How are they prioritizes (i.e. which type of calls/ emails are most urgent)?
When clients send their messages there an option where they can choose the type of problem
and the severity of the case, so when employees receive the messages, they can be classified
with quickly while employees can find an instant solution.
3) How do the employees on a different shift know whats urgent when they arrive at
Their computers have installed messaging software which is interconnected with the emails of
employees. To the employees this system allows them to see which messages have already
been reviewed and given a solution, also messages that arrive according to severity are red and
4) When are emails checked?
The system keeps track of the messages that have already been reviewed and resolved, and the
other messages are remain with an X and their respective color, for shift workers the revise.
5) What happens to the queries/ emails after someones read team?
Employees are trained to solve any problems, but they first will resolve the biggest problem and
the solution will remain registered in the system.
6) What happens to phone calls? Are they documented? How?
Telephone calls for a policy of the company are recorded, so they are recorded and keep in the
7) Who checks that jobs have been done?
The leader verifies how much cases have been resolved for each employee, the computer keep
the cases that have been permanently stored.
8) How do the employees on the different shifts know when the jobs have been done?
When employees change shifts, they continue with their work on computers because the
messages that have been resolved are recorded and will begin opening other messages.

In conclusion to Improve our Communication with the client, the company have installed a
messaging software, this system stores messages and with the help of the client, the client
sends its messages, choose the type of emergency and the system classifies message, also the
calls are Recorded and stored, the employees read the messages and give a solution, so there is
no confusion with employees arriving at shift change.

Good morning lady Andrea
Sorry for the inconvenience,
But we have a problem

Hi Natalia,
This is not a good time to talk,
I'm on vacation

Excuse me but this is essential to company
I must tell you that the goods that we import can not leave the aduana

Natalia, what exactly you want to say,
Because all the papers of import were correct
Natalia are you whit me

If I'm with you,
The problem is that we need a signature to approve to carriers that withdraw our
Natalia, ok do not worry
Could you send me the papers to sign for fax and then I shipping this papers again
Is that clear?
Yeah, thats clear
I'm sorry but I have someone on the other line,
I leave you bye
Thanks Andrea any updates I'm communicating you.

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