Fernan Vs People

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Petitioners, Present:
- verss - CARPIO MORA!"S,
#INGA, an$
%"!ASCO, &R', JJ.
Respon$ent' A*st +,, +--.



#he instant petition n$er R)e ,0 ori*inate$ 1ro( 112 3ri(ina)
[+] 1i)e$ 4ith the San$i*an5a6an 7SB8 invo)vin* no )ess than 9:
1or(er o11i3ia)s an$ e(p)o6ees o1 the then Ministr6 o1 P5)i3 ;i*h4a6s
7MP;8 an$ severa) spp)iers o1 3onstr3tion (ateria)s 1or $e1a)3ation o1
p5)i3 1n$s arisin* 1ro( n(eros transa3tions in the Ce5 <irst
;i*h4a6 "n*ineerin* =istri3t in 12..' Be3ase o1 the sheer (a*nit$e
o1 the i))e*a) transa3tions, the n(5er o1 peop)e invo)ve$, an$ the
in*enios s3he(e e(p)o6e$ in $e1ra$in* the *overn(ent, this in1a(os
>: (i))ion hi*h4a6 s3a( has 1e4 para))e)s in the anna)s o1 3ri(e in the

T"# a$#

Petitioners Si(on <ernan, &r' an$ "/pe$ito #orrevi))as see? the
reversa) o1 the =e3e(5er ,, 122. =e3ision
[9] o1 the SB in the
3onso)i$ate$ Cri(ina) Case Nos' 1:,-, 1:,1, 1:,+, 1:,9, 1>1>, 1>12,
1>+-, 1>+1, 1>++, 1>+9, 1>.2, 1>>-, 1>>1, 1>>+, 1>>9, 1>>,, 1>>0,
1>>:, 1>>., 1>>>, 1>>2, +>92, +>,-, +>,1, +>,+, +>,9, +>,,, +>,0,
+>,:, +>,., +>,>, +>,2, +>0-, +>01, +>0+, +>09, +>0,, +>00, +>0:,
+>0., +>0>, +>02, +>:-, +>:1, +>:+, +>:9, +>:,, +>:0, +>::, +>:.,
+>:>, +>:2, +>.-, +>.1, +>.+, +>.9, +>.,, +>.0, +>.:, +>.., +>.>,
+>.2, +>>-, +>>1, +>>+, +>>9, +>>,, +>>0, +>>:, +>>., +>>>, +>>2,
+>2-, +>21, +>2+, +>29, +>2,, +>20, +>2:, +>2., +>2>, +>22, +2--,
+2-1, +2-+, +2-9, +2-,, +2-0, +2-:, +2-., +2->, +2-2, +21-, +211,
+21+, +219, +210, +21., +21>, +212, +2+-, +2+1, +2++, +2+9, +2+,,
+2+0, +2+:, +2+., +2+>, +2+2, +29-, +291, +29+, +29:, +29., +29>, an$
[,] a)) entit)e$ People of the Philippines v. Rocilo Neis, et al.,
1in$in* the( *i)t6 o1 ()tip)e instan3es o1 esta1a thro*h 1a)si1i3ation o1
p5)i3 $o3(ents@
[0] an$ the s5seAent A*st +2, +--- SB Reso)tion
4hi3h $enie$ their separate p)eas 1or re3onsi$eration'

Petitioner <ernan, &r' $isptes the a$verse B$*(ent in on)6 si/ 7:8
3ases, na(e)6: +>.2, +>>-, +>>1, +>>0, +21,, an$ +21>@ 4hi)e petitioner
#orrevi))as see?s e/oneration in nine 728 3ases, na(e)6: +>00, +>0:,
+>0>, +>02, +2-2, +21-, +21,, +212, an$ +29+'

Both petitioners assert their stron* 5e)ie1 that their *i)t has not
5een esta5)ishe$ 5e6on$ reasona5)e $o5t an$, hen3e, e/3)pation is in

T"# Fa%&$

#he SB 3))e$ the 1a3ts
[:] this 4a6:

On &ne +1, 12.>, COA Re*iona) =ire3tor So1ronio <)ores &r'
o1 COA Re*iona) O11i3e No' ., $ire3te$ a$itors %i3toria C' QeBa$a
an$ Rth I' Pare$es to veri16 an$ s5(it a report on s5-a))ot(ent
a$vises isse$ to varios hi*h4a6 en*ineerin* $istri3ts in Ce5,
parti3)ar)6, the Ce5 Cit6, Ce5 1st, Ce5 +n$ an$ the Man$ae Cit6
;i*h4a6 "n*ineerin* =istri3ts' Co(p)6in* 4ith the $ire3tive, the6
3on$3te$ an investi*ation an$ in $e 3orse s5(itte$ their 1in$in*s'
#heir report 7"/hi5it C8 3on1ir(e$ the issan3e o1 1a?e !etters o1
A$vi3e o1 A))ot(ents 7!AAs8 in the $istri3ts (entione$' #he6
$is3overe$ that t4o sets o1 !AAs 4ere re3eive$ 56 the $istri3ts' One
set 3onsists o1 re*)ar !AAs 4hi3h 3)ear)6 in$i3ate$ the 3overin* s5-
a))ot(ent a$vi3es an$ 4ere $)6 si*ne$ 56 Mrs' An*e)ina "s3aCo,
<inan3e O11i3er o1 the MP; Re*iona) O11i3e' #he !AAs 4ere
n(5ere$ in proper seAen3e an$ $)6 re3or$e$ in the )o*5oo? o1 the
A33ontin*, B$*et an$ <inan3e =ivision' #he other set 3onsists o1
1a?e !AAs 4hi3h $o not in$i3ate the 3overin* s5-a))ot(ent a$vi3e
an$ 4ere si*ne$ 56 Chie1 A33ontant Ro)an$o Man*5at an$ "n*r'
&ose Ba*asao, instea$ o1 the <inan3e O11i3er' #hese 1a?e !AAs 4ere
not n(5ere$ in proper seAen3e@ the6 4ere (ost)6 n$ate$ an$ 4ere
so(eti(es $p)i3ate$' #he6 3o)$ not 5e tra3e$ to the 1i)es an$
re3or$s o1 the A33ontin*, B$*et an$ <inan3e =ivision' #he
a33ontin* entr6 1or the $is5rse(ents (a$e on the 1a?e !AAs 4as
$e5ite$ to the A33onts-Pa6a5)e Un)iAi$ate$ O5)i*ations 7>->1-,--8
an$ 3re$ite$ to the Che3?in* A33ont 4ith the Brea o1 #reasr6 7>-
.--.2-8' Neverthe)ess, the e/pen$itres 4ere ta?en 1ro( o5)i*ations
o1 the 3rrent 6ear 712.>8 5e3ase a)) the spportin* papers o1 the
pa6(ent vo3hers 4ere $ate$ in that 6ear' #he entries in the Borna)
vo3hers 1i)e$ 4ith the MP; Re*iona) O11i3e 4ere a$Bste$ ever6
(onth to >->1-,-- 7n)iAi$ate$ or prior 6ears o5)i*ation8, >->9----
7)iAi$ate$ or 3rrent 6ear o5)i*ations8 an$ >-.--.-- 7#reasr6DA*en36
A33ont8' A)) o1 these 4ere approve$ 1or the <inan3e O11i3er 56 Chie1
A33ontant Ro)an$o Man*5at' Man*5at, ho4ever, ha$ no athorit6
to approve the( 5e3ase sin3e O3to5er 12.., he ha$ a)rea$6 5een
$etai)e$ to the MP; Centra) O11i3e' #here 4ere in$i3ations that the
pra3ti3e ha$ 5een *oin* on 1or 6ears'

/ / / /

=e to these serios irre*)arities, then Presi$ent Mar3os
3reate$ a Spe3ia) Ca5inet Co((ittee on MP; Re*ion %II EGhost
ProBe3ts Ano(a)iesF 4hi3h in trn or*aniGe$ a Spe3ia) #as? <or3e
3o(pose$ o1 representatives 1ro( the <inan3e Ministr6 Inte))i*en3e
Brea 7<MIB8, Nationa) Brea o1 Investi*ation 7NBI8, the Brea o1
#reasr6 an$ the Co((ission on A$it' #he (ission o1 the tas? 1or3e
4as to 3on$3t a 4i$er an$ (ore e/ten$e$ investi*ation in a)) the
1i1teen 7108 hi*h4a6 en*ineerin* $istri3ts o1 MP; Re*ion %II,
in3)$in* the Ce5 <irst ;i*h4a6 "n*ineerin* =istri3t, the 12..
Aestiona5)e $is5rse(ents o1 4hi3h are the s5Be3t (atter o1 these

/ / / /

<or a 5etter n$erstan$in* o1 these hi*h4a6s 3ases, the 1)o4 in
the re)ease o1 1n$s to the varios a*en3ies o1 the *overn(ent an$ the
3ontro) $evi3es set p 1or $is5rse(ent an$ a33ontin* o1 p5)i3 1n$s
sho)$ 1irst 5e e/p)aine$' A 3hart 7"/hi5it B8 *raphi3a))6 sho4s the
1)o4 o1 a))ot(ents 1ro( the Ministr6 $o4n to the $istri3t )eve)'

On the 5asis o1 appropriation )a4s an$ pon reAest (a$e 56
hea$s o1 a*en3ies, the then Ministr6 o1 B$*et re)ease$ 1n$s to the
varios a*en3ies o1 the *overn(ent 56 (eans o1 an A$vi3e o1
A))ot(ent 7AA8 an$ a Cash =is5rse(ent Cei)in* 7C=C8' #he A$vi3e
o1 A))ot(ent is an athorit6 1or the a*en36 to in3r o5)i*ations 4ithin a
spe3i1ie$ a(ont in a33or$an3e 4ith approve$ pro*ra(s an$ proBe3ts'
#he Cash =is5rse(ent Cei)in* is an athorit6 to pa6' Upon re3eipt o1
the AA an$ C=C 1ro( the B$*et, the Centra) O11i3e o1 the a*en36
prepares the S5-A$vi3e o1 A))ot(ent 7SAA8 an$ the A$vi3e o1 Cash
=is5rse(ent Cei)in* 7AC=C8 1or ea3h re*ion, in a33or$an3e 4ith the
$is5rse(ent a))ot(ent' #hese are sent to the Re*iona) O11i3e' Upon
re3eipt, the B$*et O11i3er o1 the re*ion prepares the 3orrespon$in*
!etters o1 A$vi3e o1 A))ot(ent 7!AA8 4hi3h are 1or4ar$e$ to the
varios $istri3ts o1 the re*ion 7#he a(ont that *oes to ea3h $istri3t is
a)rea$6 in$i3ate$ in the A$vi3e o1 A))ot(ent8' On)6 pon re3eipt o1
the !AA is the $istri3t o11i3e athoriGe$ to in3r o5)i*ations'

No4, ho4 are 1n$s re)ease$ 56 the Re*iona) O11i3e to the
$i11erent $istri3ts an$ )ti(ate)6 pai$ ot to 3ontra3tors, the =istri3t
"n*ineer s5(its to the Re*iona) =ire3tor a reAest 1or a))ot(ent in
a33or$an3e 4ith the pro*ra( o1 4or? prepare$ 56 the 1or(er' #his
pro3e$re starts 4ith the preparation o1 a ReAisition 1or Spp)ies an$
"Aip(ent 7RS"8 in the =istri3t O11i3e 56 the Senior Civi) "n*ineer,
approve$ 56 the =istri3t "n*ineer, an$ si*ne$ 56 the Chie1 A33ontant
o1 the ;i*h4a6 "n*ineerin* =istri3t, 4ho 3erti1ies as to the
avai)a5i)it6 o1 1n$s' #he RS" is then s5(itte$ to the Re*iona)
=ire3tor 1or approva)' On3e it is approve$, a ReAest 1or O5)i*ation o1
A))ot(ent 7ROA8 is prepare$ 56 the Chie1 A33ontant o1 the $istri3t
Senior Civi) "n*ineer' #he ROA si*ni1ies that a 3ertain a(ont o1
$istri3t 1n$s has 5een set asi$e or ear(ar?e$ 1or the parti3)ar
e/pen$itres state$ in the RS"' On the 5asis o1 the ROA, the =istri3t
O11i3e pts p a$vertise(ents, [3on$3ts] 5i$$in*s, (a?es a4ar$s an$
prepares pr3hase or$ers 4hi3h are serve$ on the 4innin* 5i$$er' #he
=istri3t O11i3e a)so prepares a s((ar6 o1 $e)iveries 4ith the
3orrespon$in* $e)iver6 re3eipts an$ ta))6 sheets, 3on$3ts inspe3tion
an$ prepares the Genera) %o3her 1or the pa6(ent o1 $e)iveries' On3e
the Genera) %o3her 7G%8 has 5een prepare$, the 3orrespon$in* 3he3?
in the 1or( o1 a #reasr6 Che3? A33ont 1or A*en36 7#CAA8 is $ra4n
56 the =is5rsin* O11i3er an$ 1ina))6 re)ease$ to the 3ontra3tor'

At the en$ o1 ever6 (onth, the Report o1 Che3?s Isse$ 56
=eptiGe$ =is5rsin* O11i3er 7RCI==8 is prepare$, )istin* a)) the
3he3?s isse$ $rin* that perio$' #he RCI==O is s5(itte$ to the
a33ontin* $ivision o1 the re*ion' Upon re3eipt o1 the RCI==O, the
Re*iona) O11i3e $ra4s a Borna) vo3her, $e5itin* the a33ont
o5)i*ation 7)iAi$ate$ or n)iAi$ate$ o5)i*ation, 4hi3hever is
app)i3a5)e8, an$ 3re$itin* the a33ont #reasr6 Che3? A33ont 1or
A*en36 7#CAA8' #he RCI==O is re3or$e$ in the &orna) o1 Che3?s
Isse$ 56 =eptiGe$ =is5rsin* O11i3ers 7&CI==O8 an$ poste$ in the
*enera) )e$*er at the en$ o1 ea3h (onth'

Si()taneos 4ith the 1)o4 o1 the RCI==O, the ROAs are
s((ariGe$ in the Reports o1 O5)i*ations In3rre$ 7ROI8 in the
=istri3t O11i3e, on3e or t4i3e a (onth, $epen$in* pon the vo)(e o1
transa3tions' #he ROI is then s5(itte$ to the Re*iona) O11i3e' Upon
re3eipt o1 the ROI, the a33ontant o1 the Re*iona) O11i3e $ra4s a
Borna) vo3her ta?in* p the 1o))o4in* entr6: $e5itin* the
appropriation a))otte$ 7--2-----8 an$ 3re$itin* the o5)i*ation in3rre$
7-->+----8' #his is re3or$e$ in the *enera) vo3her an$ poste$ to the
*enera) )e$*er at the en$ o1 ea3h (onth' #he Borna) vo3her is
prepare$, 3)osin* the a33ont >-.--.-2 to >-.1-1---122 at the en$ o1
ea3h (onth' It is a)so re3or$e$ an$ poste$ to the *enera) )e$*er' At
the en$ o1 the (onth, the 5a)an3es o1 ea3h a33ont sho4n in the
*enera) )e$*er are s((ariGe$ in a state(ent 3a))e$ the tria) 5a)an3e'
#he tria) 5a)an3e is s5(itte$ to the MP; Centra) O11i3e in Mani)a
4here it is 3onso)i$ate$ 4ith other tria) 5a)an3es s5(itte$ 56 other
re*iona) o11i3es'

/ / / /

#he e)a5orate a33ontin* pro3e$re $es3ri5e$ a5ove 4ith its
s6ste( o1 3ontro)s 4as set p o5vios)6 to (a?e sre that *overn(ent
1n$s are proper)6 re)ease$, $is5rse$ an$ a33onte$ 1or' In the han$s
o1 ntrst4orth6 *ar$ians o1 the p5)i3 prse, ho4ever, it prove$ to
5e ina$eAate' #here 4ere )oopho)es 4hi3h an ns3rp)os person
a$roit in *overn(ent a33ontin* 3o)$ ta?e a$vanta*e o1 to
srreptitios)6 $ra4 enor(os s(s o1 (one6 1ro( the *overn(ent'

So(eti(e in <e5rar6, 12.., a33se$ Ro)an$o Man*5at
7Chie1 A33ontant8, =e)ia Prea*i$o 7A33ontant III8, &ose Sa6son
7B$*et "/a(iner8, an$ "$*ar$o CrG 7C)er? II8, a)) o1 MP; Re*ion
%II, (et at the #o4n an$ Contr6 Restarant in Ce5 Cit6 an$ hat3he$
an in*enios p)an to siphon o11 )ar*e s(s o1 (one6 1ro( *overn(ent
3o11ers' Man*5at ha$ 1on$ a 4a6 to 4ith$ra4 *overn(ent (one6
thro*h the se o1 1a?e !AAs, vo3hers an$ other $o3(ents an$ to
3on3ea) tra3es thereo1 4ith the 3onnivan3e o1 other *overn(ent
o11i3ia)s an$ e(p)o6ees' In 1ine, the 1ra$)ent s3he(e invo)ve$ the
sp)ittin* o1 !AAs an$ RS"s so that the a(ont 3overe$ 56 ea3h
*enera) vo3her is )ess than P0-,---'-- to $o a4a6 4ith the approva)
o1 the Re*iona) A$itor@ the 3har*in* o1 $is5rse(ents to n)iAi$ate$
o5)i*ations $e the previos 6ear to provi$e the sppose$ sor3e o1
1n$s@ an$ the (anip)ation o1 the 5oo?s o1 a33ont 56 ne*ation or
a$Bst(ent, i'e', the 3an3e))ation o1 3he3?s thro*h Borna) vo3hers to
3on3ea) $is5rse(ents in e/3ess o1 the 3ash $is5rse(ent 3ei)in*
7C=C8, so as not to re1)e3t s3h $is5rse(ents in the tria) 5a)an3es
s5(itte$ to the Re*iona) O11i3e'

Man*5at enti3e$ Prea*i$o, CrG an$ Sa6son to Boin hi(' A))
three a*ree$ to he)p hi( 3arr6 ot his p)an' #he6 t6pe$ the 1a?e !AAs
$rin* Satr$a6s' CrG an$ Sa6son a)so too? 3har*e o1 ne*otiatin* or
se))in* the 1a?e !AAs to 3ontra3tors at +:H o1 the *ross a(ont'
Prea*i$o on her part (anip)ate$ the Genera) !e$*er, &orna)
%o3hers an$ Genera) &orna) thr ne*ative entries to 3on3ea) the
i))e*a) $is5rse(ents' #hs, in the initia) report o1 the a$itors
7"/hi5it =8, it 4as $is3overe$ that the $o5t1) a))ot(ents an$ other
ano(a)ies es3ape$ noti3e $e to the 1o))o4in* (anip)ations:

E#he )etter-a$vi3es 3overin* s3h a))ot(ents 7!AA8
4ere *enera))6 not si*ne$ 56 the <inan3e O11i3er nor re3or$e$
in the 5oo?s o1 a33onts' =is5rse(ents (a$e on the 5asis o1
these 1a?e !AAs 4ere 3har*e$ to the n)iAi$ate$ O5)i*ations
7A33ont >->1-,--8, a)tho*h the o5)i*ations 5ein* pai$ 4ere
not a(on* those 3erti1ie$ to the n)iAi$ate$ o5)i*ations
7A33ont >->1-,--8 at the en$ o1 the pre3e$in* 6ear' #o
3on3ea) the over3har*es to athoriGe$ a))ot(ents, a33ont >->1-
,-- an$ the e/3ess o1 3he3?s isse$ over athoriGe$ 3ash
$is5rse(ents 3ei)in*, a$Bst(ents 4ere prepare$ (onth)6
thro*h Borna) vo3hers to ta?e p the ne*ative $e5it to
A33ont >->1-,-- an$ a ne*ative 3re$it to the #reasr6
Che3?in* A33ont 1or A*en3ies A33ont >-.--.2-' #hese
Borna) vo3hers in e11e3t 3an3e))e$ the previos entr6 to re3or$
the $is5rse(ents (a$e on the 5asis o1 the 1a?e !AAs' #hs,
the a11e3te$ a33onts 7A33onts >->1-,-- an$ >-.--.2-8, as
appearin* in the tria) 5a)an3e 4o)$ not sho4 the irre*)arit6'
#he 3he3?s, ho4ever, 4ere a3ta))6 isse$'F

#he 1or 1or(e$ the n3)es o1 the ne1arios 3onspira36' Other
*overn(ent e(p)o6ees, te(pte$ 56 the prospe3t o1 earnin* 5i* (one6,
a))o4e$ their na(es to 5e se$ an$ si*ne$ sprios $o3(ents'

A)tho*h the ano(a)ies ha$ 5een *oin* on 1or so(eti(e
7<e5rar6 12.. to &ne 12.>8, the PNB an$ Brea o1 #reasr6 ha$ no
in?)in* a5ot it nti) the NBI 5ste$ the i))e*a) operations' 7So(e o1
the re3ipients o1 the sto)en 1n$s spent )avish)6 an$ 5o*ht t4o 3ars at
a ti(e8' #he reason 1or this is that, at that ti(e, the PNB an$ Brea o1
#reasr6 4ere not 1rnishe$ 3op6 o1 the (other C=C an$ the )o3a)
5ran3h o1 the PNB $i$ not re3eive in$epen$ent a$vi3e 1ro( the PNB
hea$ o11i3e in Mani)a' #here 4ere no $eposits o1 (one6 (a$e 4ith the
PNB 1ro( 4hi3h 4ith$ra4a)s 3o)$ 5e 3har*e$' On)6 C=Cs 4ere
presente$ to it, an$ not ?no4in* that so(e o1 the C=Cs 4ere 1a?e, the
PNB 5ran3h pai$ ot the 3he3?s $ra4n a*ainst the(' #he 5an? ha$
a)so no 4a6 o1 ?no4in* 4hat a(ont 4as appropriate$ 1or the $istri3t@
3onseAent)6, it $i$ not ?no4 i1 the )i(it ha$ a)rea$6 5een e/3ee$e$'
On)6 an insi$er steep in *overn(ent a33ontin*, a$itin* an$ 5an?in*
pro3e$res, parti3)ar)6 their 1)a4s an$ )oopho)es, 3o)$ have p))e$
o11 s3h an in*enios an$ a$a3ios p)an'

/ / / /

<o3sin* or attention no4 on the ano(a)ies 3o((itte$ in the
Ce5 <irst =istri3t "n*ineerin* =istri3t, hereina1ter re1erre$ to as the
Ce5 <irst ;"= 1or 5revit6, the Cort 1in$s that the sa(e pattern o1
1ra$ e(p)o6e$ in the other hi*h4a6 en*ineerin* $istri3ts in MP;
Re*ion %II 4as 1o))o4e$' #he Ce5 <irst ;"= re3eive$ 1ro( Re*ion
%II thirt6-1or !etters o1 A$vi3e o1 A))ot(ent 7!AAs8 in the tota) s(
o1 P,,.9,,99:'0- an$ t4ent6-nine 7+28 3orrespon$in* S5-A$vi3es o1
Cash =is5rse(ent Cei)in* 7SAC=Cs8, a(ontin* to P0,1:-,:..'-,
1or the perio$ &anar6 1, 12.. to =e3e(5er 91, 12..' Bt apart 1ro(
this, the Ce5 <irst ;"= appears to have a)so re3eive$ 1or the sa(e
perio$ another set o1 ei*ht6-1or 7>,8 !AAs a(ontin* to
P,,:>-,:2,'.: 4hi3h ho4ever, 3o)$ not 5e tra3e$ to an6 S5-A$vi3e
o1 A))ot(ent 7SAA8 or (at3he$ to the A$vi3es o1 Cash =is5rse(ent
Cei)in* 7AC=Cs8 re3eive$ 1ro( the MP; an$ Re*iona) O11i3e' #his is
hi*h)6 irre*)ar an$ not in 3onsonan3e 4ith a33ontin* pro3e$res'

It 4as a)so (a$e to appear that the pa6(ents 4ere (a$e 1or
a))e*e$ prior 6earIs o5)i*ations an$ 3har*ea5)e to A33ont >->1-,--,
o5vios)6 5e3ase, the6 4ere not proper)6 1n$e$' <rther(ore, the
)ist o1 proBe3ts in Re*ion %II 1or 12.. sho4e$ that Ce5 <irst ;"=
3o(p)ete$ reha5i)itation an$Dor i(prove(ent o1 roa$s an$ 5ri$*es in
its $istri3ts 1ro( <e5rar6 to Ma6 12.., 4ith e/pen$itres a(ontin*
to P:19,>1+'--' On the other han$, the e/pen$itres 1or 5aran*a6
roa$s in the sa(e $istri3t in 12.. a(onte$ to P1,-,:2+'--, an$ these
4ere a)) 3o(p)ete$ 4ithin the perio$ 1ro( Nove(5er to =e3e(5er,
12..' #hese 3o(p)ete$ proBe3ts 4ere proper)6 1n$e$ 56 )e*iti(ate
!AAs an$ C=Cs in the tota) a(ont o1 on)6 P.0,,0-,'--' ;o4ever,
an a$$itiona) a(ont o1 P9,>92,>1-'., 4as spent 56 the Ce5 <irst
;"= 1or (aintenan3e o1 roa$s an$ 5ri$*es 1or the sa(e 6ear 712..8
5t the sa(e 3o)$ not 5e tra3e$ to an6 athoritative $o3(ent 3o(in*
1ro( the MP;'

/ / / /

A tota) o1 19+ Genera) %o3hers, e(anatin* 1ro( 1a?e !AAs
an$ AC=Cs, 4ere tra3e$ 5a3? to Ro)an$o Man*5at, Re*iona)
A33ontant o1 Re*ion %II an$ A$ventor <ernan$eG, Re*iona) ;i*h4a6
"n*ineer, a)so o1 Re*ion %II' #hose !AAs an$ AC=Cs 5e3a(e the
vehi3)es in the $is5rse(ent o1 1n$s a(ontin* to P9,>92,>1-'.,,
thro*h the vo3hers prporte$)6 isse$ 1or the pr3hase an$ $e)iver6
o1 the a1ore(entione$ (ateria)s a))e*e$)6 se$ 1or the (aintenan3e
an$ repair o1 the nationa) hi*h4a6s 4ithin the Ce5 <irst ;"='
=espite the enor(os a$$itiona) e/pen$itre o1 P9,>92,>1-'.,, the
roa$s an$ 5ri$*es in the $istri3t, as 1on$ ot 56 the NBI, $i$ not sho4
an6 i(prove(ent' As testi1ie$ to 56 severa) 5aran*a6 3aptains, the
roa$ (aintenan3e 3onsiste$ (ere)6 o1 sprea$in* anapog or )i(estone
on potho)es o1 the nationa) hi*h4a6'

O5vios)6, the vo3hers 1or pa6(ents o1 a))e*e$ (aintenan3e
o1 roa$s an$ 5ri$*es in the a$$itiona) a(ont o1 P9,>92,>1-'., 4ere
prepare$ 1or no other prpose than to siphon the sai$ a(ont 1ro( the
*overn(ent 3o11er into the po3?ets o1 so(e o11i3ia)s an$ e(p)o6ees o1
Re*ion %II an$ the Ce5 <irst ;"=, as 4e)) as the spp)iers an$
3ontra3tors 4ho 3onspire$ an$ 3on1e$erate$ 4ith the('

#he n3)ei o1 this (assive 3onspira36, na(e)6: Ro)an$o Man*5at,
&ose Sa6son, an$ "$*ar$o CrG, a)) o1 MP; Re*ion %II, 4ere 1on$
*i)t6 in a)) 112 3onts an$ 4ere a33or$in*)6 senten3e$ 56 the SB' #he
other 3onniver, =e)ia Prea*i$o, a1ter 5ein* 1on$ *i)t6 in so(e o1 the
3ases, 5e3a(e a state 4itness in the re(ain$er' On the 5asis o1 her
testi(on6 an$ pertinent $o3(ents, In1or(ations 4ere 1i)e$, 3onvi3tions
4ere o5taine$, an$ 3ri(ina) pena)ties 4ere i(pose$ on the rest o1 the

On the other han$, petitioners 4ere 5oth Civi) "n*ineers o1 the
MP; assi*ne$ to the Ce5 <irst ;i*h4a6 "n*ineerin* =istri3t'
Petitioner <ernan, &r' 4as in3)$e$ a(on* the a33se$ in Cri(ina) Case
Nos' +>.2, +>>-, +>>1, +>>0, +21,, an$ +21> a))e*e$)6 1or havin* si*ne$
si/ 7:8 ta))6 sheets or state(ents o1 $e)iveries o1 (ateria)s, se$ as 5ases
1or the preparation o1 the 3orrespon$in* n(5er o1 *enera) vo3hers'
<n$ re)eases 4ere (a$e to the spp)iers, 3ontra3tors, an$ pa6ees 5ase$
on these *enera) vo3hers'

#he In1or(ation a*ainst <ernan, &r' in SB Cri(ina) Case No' 2'79
rea$s as 1o))o4s:

#he n$ersi*ne$ a33ses Ro3i)o Neis, Ro)an$o Man*5at,
A$ventor <ernan$eG, An*e)ina "s3aCo, =e)ia Prea*i$o, Ca(i)o $e
!etran, Mane) $e %e6ra, ;era3)eo <ae)nar, Basi)isa Ga)van, Mati)$e
&a5a)$e, &ose1ina !na, &ose Sa6son, "$*ar$o CrG, !eoni)a $e)
Rosario, "n*ra3ia "s3o5ar, A5e)ar$o Car$ona, !eonar$o #or$e3i))a,
A*ripino Pa*$an*anan, Ra(on Qirante, Mariano Montera, Mariano
&arina, !eo %i))a*onGa)o, Asterio BAeron, Josi(o Men$eG, Si(on
<ernan, &r' an$ &)iana $e )os An*e)es 1or estafa thr 1a)si1i3ation o1
p5)i3 an$ 3o((er3ia) $o3(ents, 3o((itte$ as 1o))o4s:

#hat on, a5ot an$ $rin* the perio$ 1ro( D#%#()#* 1,
197+ ,- &o Jan,a*. /1, 1977, 5oth $ates in3)sive, in the Cit6
o1 Ce5 an$ in Ce5 Provin3e, an$ 4ithin the Bris$i3tion o1
this ;onora5)e Cort, the a33se$ Ro3i)o Neis, Assistant
=istri3t "n*ineer o1 Ce5 ;"= I@ Ro)an$o Man*5at, the Chie1
A33ontant o1 Re*ion %II o1 the Ministr6 o1 P5)i3 ;i*h4a6s
an$ A$ventor <ernan$eG, Re*iona) ;i*h4a6 "n*ineer o1 sa(e
Re*iona) O11i3e, 3onnivin* 4ith ea3h other to $e1ra$ the
Phi)ippine Govern(ent 4ith the in$ispensa5)e 3ooperation an$
assistan3e o1 An*e)ina "s3aCo, <inan3e O11i3er o1 Re*ion %II
o1 the Ministr6 o1 P5)i3 ;i*h4a6s@ =e)ia Prea*i$o, Assistant
Chie1 A33ontant o1 sa(e Re*iona) O11i3e@ Ca(i)o $e !etran,
Chie1 A33ontant o1 Ce5 I ;"=@ Mane) $e %e6ra, Re*iona)
=ire3tor, MP;, Re*ion %II@ ;era3)eo <ae)nar, then Assistant
=ire3tor MP; Re*ion %II@ Basi)isa Ga)van, B$*et O11i3er,
MP;, Re*ion %II@ Mati)$e &a5a)$e, Spervisin* A33ontin*
C)er?, MP;, Re*ion %II@ &ose1ina !na, A33ontant II, MP;,
Re*ion %II@ &ose Sa6son, B$*et "/a(iner, MP;, Re*ion %II,
"$*ar$o CrG, A33ontant I, MP;, Re*ion %II@ !eoni)a $e)
Rosario, Chie1 <inan3e an$ Mana*e(ent Servi3e, MP;,
Centra) O11i3e@ "n*ra3ia "s3o5ar, Chie1 A33ontant, MP;,
Centra) O11i3e@ A5e)ar$o Car$ona, Assistant Chie1 A33ontant,
MP;, Centra) O11i3e@ !eonar$o #or$e3i))a, Spervisin*
A33ontant, MP;, Centra) O11i3e@ A*ripino Pa*$an*anan,
B$*et O11i3er III, MP;, Centra) O11i3e@ Ra(on Qirante,
Propert6 Csto$ian o1 Ce5 I ;"=@ Mariano Montera, Senior
Civi) "n*ineer "n*ineer o1 Ce5 I ;"=@ Mariano &arina, C)er?
in the Propert6 =ivision o1 Ce5 I ;"=@ !eo %i))a*onGa)o,
A$itorIs Ai$e o1 Ce5 I ;"=@ Josi(o Men$eG, A$itor o1
Ce5 I ;"=@ Asterio BAeron, A$(inistrative O11i3er o1
Ce5 I ;"=@ Si(on <ernan, &r', Civi) "n*ineer o1 Ce5 I ;"=
an$ &)iana $e )os An*e)es, an a))e*e$ spp)ier, a)) o1 4ho(
too? a$vanta*e o1 their o11i3ia) positions, 4ith the e/3eption o1
&)iana $e )os An*e)es, (ta))6 he)pin* ea3h other $i$ then
an$ there 4i))1))6, n)a41))6 an$ 1e)onios)6 1a)si16 an$Dor
3ase the 1a)si1i3ation o1 the 1o))o4in* $o3(ents, to 4it:

1' ReAest 1or A))o3ation o1 A))ot(ent

+' !etter o1 A$vi3e o1 A))ot(ent

9' A$vi3e o1 Cash =is5rse(ent Cei)in*

,' Genera) %o3her No' 0115

0' Che3? No' 99//2+4

:' A5stra3t o1 Bi$s

.' Pr3hase Or$er

>' State(ent o1 =e)iver6

2' Report o1 Inspe3tion

1-' ReAisition 1or Spp)ies or "Aip(ent

11' #ria) Ba)an3e

56 (a?in* it appear that Re*iona) O11i3e No' %II o1 the
Ministr6 o1 P5)i3 ;i*h4a6s re*)ar)6 isse$ an a$vi3e o1 3ash
$is5rse(ent 3ei)in* 7AC=C8 an$ the 3orrespon$in* )etter o1
a$vi3e o1 a))ot(ent 7!AA8 to 3over the pr3hase o1 1,422 %,.
(. o3 4&#( 12'
[.] 3o* ,$# 4n &"# *#-a4* o3 &"# #), Ha5na.a
6"a*3 *oad 3*o( 7(. 52./2 &o 7(. +2.22, 4hen in trth an$
in 1a3t, as a)) the a33se$ ?ne4, the sa(e 4ere not tre an$
3orre3t@ 56 (a?in* it appear in the vo3her that 1n$s 4ere
avai)a5)e an$ that there 4ere appropriate reAests 1or
a))ot(ents 7ROA8 to pa6 the a1oresai$ pr3hase@ that a
reAisition 1or sai$ ite( 4as (a$e an$ approve$@ that a re*)ar
5i$$in* 4as he)$@ that a 3orrespon$in* pr3hase or$er 4as
isse$ in 1avor o1 the 4innin* 5i$$er@ that the roa$ 3onstr3tion
(ateria)s 4ere $e)ivere$, inspe3te$ an$ se$ in the sppose$
proBe3t an$ that the a))e*e$ spp)ier 4as entit)e$ to pa6(ent
4hen in trth an$ in 1a3t, as a)) the a33se$ ?no4, a)) o1 the
1ore*oin* 4ere 1a)se an$ in3orre3t an$ 5e3ase o1 the 1ore*oin*
1a)si1i3ations, the a5ove-na(e$ a33se$ 4ere a5)e to 3o))e3t
1ro( the Ce5 I ;"= the tota) a(ont o1 T6ENT8 EIGHT
THO9SAND PESOS :P2',222.22;, Phi)ippine Crren36, in
pa6(ent o1 the non-e/istin* $e)iveries@ that the sai$ a(ont o1
P2',222.22 4as not re1)e3te$ in the (onth)6 tria) 5a)an3e
s5(itte$ to the Centra) O11i3e 56 Re*ion %II sho4in* its
1inan3ia) 3on$ition as the sa(e 4as ne*ate$ thr the Borna)
vo3her, as a $esi*ne$ (eans to 3over-p the 1ra$@ an$ the
a33se$, on3e in possession o1 the sai$ a(ont,
(isappropriate$, 3onverte$ an$ (isapp)ie$ the sa(e 1or their
persona) nee$s, to the $a(a*e an$ preB$i3e o1 the Phi)ippine
Govern(ent in the tota) a(ont o1 T6ENT8 EIGHT
THO9SAND PESOS :P2',222.22;, Phi)ippine Crren36'


#he In1or(ations in the si/ 7:8 3ases invo)vin* <ernan, &r' 4ere
essentia))6 i$enti3a) save 1or the $etai)s as hi*h)i*hte$ in 5o)$1a3e a5ove'
<or ease o1 re1eren3e, <ernan, &r'Is 3ri(ina) 3ases are $etai)e$ 5e)o4:

*4(4na< a$#
Da&#$ o3
Ma4n Do%,(#n&$
I&#($ A<<#5#d<.
A(o,n& o3
+>.2 =e3e(5er 1, 12.:
p to &anar6 91,
1' Genera)
%o3her No' B-
+' Che3? No'
1,,-- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se in
the repair o1 the
Ce5 ;a*na6a
Lhar1 roa$ 1ro(
M(' 0-'9- to M('
PhP +>,---'--
+>>- =e3e(5er 1, 12.:
p to &anar6 91,
1' ReAest 1or
A))o3ation o1
A))ot(ent 1-1-
+' Genera)
%o3her No' B-
9' Che3? No'
1,,-- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se in
the repair o1 the
Me$e))on roa$
1ro( M(' 11-'--
to M(' 112'--
PhP +>,---'--
+>>1 &anar6 +, 12..
p to <e5rar6 +>,
1' ReAest 1or
A))o3ation o1
A))ot(ent 1-1-+-
+' Genera)
%o3her No' B-
9' Che3? No'
1,0-- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se in
the repair an$
reha5i)itation o1
$a(a*e$ roa$s
an$ 5ri$*es 56
#6phoon Arin* at
the #a5o*on-Bo*o
provin3ia) roa$
1ro( M(' 2+ to
PhP 91,---'--
2299+2,@ M(' 2>
+>>0 &anar6 +, 12..
p to &anar6 91,
1' ReAest 1or
A))o3ation o1
A))ot(ent 1-1-
+' Genera)
%o3her No' B-
9' Che3? No'
(ateria)s 1or se
in the repair an$
reha5i)itation o1
the =aan-
Banta6an roa$
1ro( M(' 1+.'--
to M(' 19:
PhP 9-,---'--
+21, O3to5er 1, 12..
p to Nove(5er
9-, 12..
1' Genera)
%o3her No' B-
+' Che3? No'
1,+-- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se in
the reha5i)itation
o1 the CaBe)-!*o,
Bar5on 5aran*a6
PhP +.,---'--
+21> &anar6 +, 12..
p to <e5rar6 +>,
1' Genera)
%o3her No' B-
+' Che3? No'
1,0-- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or the
reha5i)itation o1
the Ce5 North
;a*na6a Lhar1
roa$ 1ro( M(' .1
to M(' .:
PhP 9-,---'--

On the other han$, petitioner #orrevi))as 4as one o1 the a33se$ in
Cri(ina) Case Nos' +>00, +>0:, +>0>, +>02, +2-2, +21-, +21,, +212, an$

#he In1or(ation a*ainst #orrevi))as in SB Cri(ina) Case No' 2'55
rea$s as 1o))o4s:

#he n$ersi*ne$ a33ses Ro3i)o Neis, Ro)an$o Man*5at,
A$ventor <ernan$eG, An*e)ina "s3aCo, =e)ia Prea*i$o, Ca(i)o $e
!etran, Mane) $e %e6ra, ;era3)eo <ae)nar, Basi)isa Ga)van, Mati)$e
&a5a)$e, &ose1ina !na, &ose Sa6son, "$*ar$o CrG, !eoni)a $e)
Rosario, "n*ra3ia "s3o5ar, A5e)ar$o Car$ona, !eonar$o #or$e3i))a,
A*ripino Pa*$an*anan, Ra(on Qirante, &or*e $e )a PeCa, !eo
%i))a*onGa)o, Asterio BAeron, "/pe$ito #orrevi))as, Mariano
Montera an$ R1ino %' NCeG 1or estafa thr 1a)si1i3ation o1 p5)i3 an$
3o((er3ia) $o3(ents, 3o((itte$ as 1o))o4s:

#hat on, a5ot an$ $rin* the perio$ 1ro( J,n# 1, 1977
,- &o J,n# /2, 1977, 5oth $ates in3)sive, in the Cit6 o1 Ce5
an$ in Ce5 Provin3e, an$ 4ithin the Bris$i3tion o1 this
;onora5)e Cort, the a33se$ Ro3i)o Neis, Assistant =istri3t
"n*ineer o1 Ce5 ;"= I@ Ro)an$o Man*5at, the Chie1
A33ontant o1 Re*ion %II o1 the Ministr6 o1 P5)i3 ;i*h4a6s
an$ A$ventor <ernan$eG, Re*iona) ;i*h4a6 "n*ineer o1 sa(e
Re*iona) O11i3e, 3onnivin* 4ith ea3h other to $e1ra$ the
Phi)ippine Govern(ent 4ith the in$ispensa5)e 3ooperation an$
assistan3e o1 An*e)ina "s3aCo, <inan3e O11i3er o1 Re*ion %II
o1 the Ministr6 o1 P5)i3 ;i*h4a6s@ =e)ia Prea*i$o, Assistant
Chie1 A33ontant o1 sa(e Re*iona) O11i3e@ Ca(i)o $e !etran,
Chie1 A33ontant o1 Ce5 I ;"=@ Mane) $e %e6ra, Re*iona)
=ire3tor, MP;, Re*ion %II@ ;era3)eo <ae)nar, then Assistant
=ire3tor MP; Re*ion %II@ Basi)isa Ga)van, B$*et O11i3er,
MP;, Re*ion %II@ Mati)$e &a5a)$e, Spervisin* A33ontin*
C)er?, MP;, Re*ion %II@ &ose1ina !na, A33ontant II, MP;,
Re*ion %II@ &ose Sa6son, B$*et "/a(iner, MP;, Re*ion %II,
"$*ar$o CrG, A33ontant I, MP;, Re*ion %II@ !eoni)a $e)
Rosario, Chie1 <inan3e an$ Mana*e(ent Servi3e, MP;,
Centra) O11i3e@ "n*ra3ia "s3o5ar, Chie1 A33ontant, MP;,
Centra) O11i3e@ A5e)ar$o Car$ona, Assistant Chie1 A33ontant,
MP;, Centra) O11i3e@ !eonar$o #or$e3i))a, Spervisin*
A33ontant, MP;, Centra) O11i3e@ A*ripino Pa*$an*anan,
B$*et O11i3er III, MP;, Centra) O11i3e@ Ra(on Qirante,
Propert6 Csto$ian o1 Ce5 I ;"=@ &or*e $e )a PeCa, A$itor
o1 Ce5 I ;"=@ !eo %i))a*onGa)o, A$itorIs Ai$e o1 Ce5 I
;"=@ Asterio BAeron, A$(inistrative O11i3er o1 Ce5 I
;"=@ "/pe$ito #orrevi))as, representative o1 the "n*ineerIs
O11i3e, Ce5 I ;"=@ Mariano Montera, Senior Civi) "n*ineer
"n*ineer o1 Ce5 I ;"=@ an$ R1ino %' NCeG, an a))e*e$
spp)ier, a)) o1 4ho( too? a$vanta*e o1 their o11i3ia) positions,
4ith the e/3eption o1 R1ino %' NCeG, (ta))6 he)pin* ea3h
other $i$ then an$ there 4i))1))6, n)a41))6 an$ 1e)onios)6
1a)si16 an$Dor 3ase the 1a)si1i3ation o1 the 1o))o4in*
$o3(ents, to 4it:

1' ReAest 1or A))o3ation o1 A))ot(ent N 12111211'+1
7+= 12119217+= 12119217+= 1211''17+= 1211'217+

+' !etter o1 A$vi3e o1 A))ot(ent

9' A$vi3e o1 Cash =is5rse(ent Cei)in*

,' Genera) %o3her No' 01+1/

0' Che3? No' 942/299

:' A5stra3t o1 Bi$s

.' Pr3hase Or$er

>' State(ent o1 =e)iver6

2' Report o1 Inspe3tion

1-' ReAisition 1or Spp)ies or "Aip(ent

11' #ria) Ba)an3e

56 (a?in* it appear that Re*iona) O11i3e No' %II o1 the
Ministr6 o1 P5)i3 ;i*h4a6s re*)ar)6 isse$ an a$vi3e o1 3ash
$is5rse(ent 3ei)in* 7AC=C8 an$ the 3orrespon$in* )etter o1
a$vi3e o1 a))ot(ent 7!AA8 to 3over the pr3hase o1 15/.+/ (.
&. o3 4&#( /12
[>] 3o* ,$# 4n a$-"a<&4n5 o3 &"# To<#do1
Ta),#<an *oad a& 7(. 12'./4 &o 7(. 129.52, 4hen in trth
an$ in 1a3t, as a)) the a33se$ ?ne4, the sa(e 4ere not tre an$
3orre3t@ 56 (a?in* it appear in the vo3her that 1n$s 4ere
avai)a5)e an$ that there 4ere appropriate reAests 1or
a))ot(ents 7ROA8 to pa6 the a1oresai$ pr3hase@ that a
reAisition 1or sai$ ite( 4as (a$e an$ approve$@ that a re*)ar
5i$$in* 4as he)$@ that a 3orrespon$in* pr3hase or$er 4as
isse$ in 1avor o1 the 4innin* 5i$$er@ that the roa$ 3onstr3tion
(ateria)s 4ere $e)ivere$, inspe3te$ an$ se$ in the sppose$
proBe3t an$ that the a))e*e$ spp)ier 4as entit)e$ to pa6(ent
4hen in trth an$ in 1a3t, as a)) the a33se$ ?no4, a)) o1 the
1ore*oin* 4ere 1a)se an$ in3orre3t an$ 5e3ase o1 the 1ore*oin*
1a)si1i3ations, the a5ove-na(e$ a33se$ 4ere a5)e to 3o))e3t
1ro( the Ce5 I ;"= the tota) a(ont o1 FORT8 EIGHT
'5?122 :P4',4/1.'5;, Phi)ippine Crren36, in pa6(ent o1 the
non-e/istin* $e)iveries@ that the sai$ a(ont o1 P4',4/1.'5 4as
not re1)e3te$ in the (onth)6 tria) 5a)an3e s5(itte$ to the
Centra) O11i3e 56 Re*ion %II sho4in* its 1inan3ia) 3on$ition as
the sa(e 4as ne*ate$ thr the Borna) vo3her, as a $esi*ne$
(eans to 3over-p the 1ra$@ an$ the a33se$, on3e in
possession o1 the sai$ a(ont, (isappropriate$, 3onverte$ an$
(isapp)ie$ the sa(e 1or their persona) nee$s, to the $a(a*e
an$ preB$i3e o1 the Phi)ippine Govern(ent in the tota) a(ont
THIRT8 ONE PESOS > '5?122 :P4',4/1.'5;, Phi)ippine



#he #orrevi))as 3ases 4ere s5stantia))6 the sa(e save 1or the
$etai)s hi*h)i*hte$ in the a1oreAote$ t6pi3a) a33sator6 p)ea$in*' <or
ease o1 re1eren3e, #orrevi))asI 3ri(ina) 3ases are parti3)ariGe$ as 1o))o4s:

*4(4na< a$#
Da&#$ o3
Ma4n Do%,(#n&$
I&#($ A<<#5#d<.
A(o,n& o3
+>00 &ne 1, 12.. p to
&ne 9-, 12..
1' ReAest 1or
A))o3ation o1
A))ot(ent 1-1-
1--1>:-.:@ 1--
12--.:@ 1--12+-
.:@ 1--1>>-.:@
+' Genera)
%o3her No' B-
9' Che3? No'
109':9 (' t' o1
ite( 91- 1or se in
aspha)tin* o1 the
roa$ 1ro( M('
1->'9, to M('
PhP ,>,,91'>0
+>0: &ne 1, 12.. p to
&ne 9-, 12..
1' ReAest 1or
A))o3ation o1
A))ot(ent 1-1-
1--10-.:@ 2-+-1-
.:@ >-10+-.:@ >-
+' Genera)
%o3her No' B-
9' Che3? No'
109'.: (' t' o1
ite( 91- 1or se in
the aspha)tin* o1
the #o)e$o-
#a5e)an roa$
1ro( M( 1->'9,
to M(' 1-2'0+
PhP ,>,,.+'>,
+>0> &ne 1, 12.. p to
&)6 91, 12..
1' ReAest 1or
A))ot(ent 1-1-:-
+9,-.:@ :-+9.-.:@
:-+92-.:@ :-+,1-
.:@ :-+,--.:
+' Genera)
%o3her No' B-
9' Che3? No'
101'90 (' t' o1
ite( 91- 1or se in
the aspha)tin* o1
the #o)e$o-
#a5e)an roa$
1ro( M(' 1->'9,
to M(' 1-2'0+
PhP ,.,.19'-2
+>02 &ne 1, 12.. p to 1' ReAest 1or 11-'-1 (' t' o1 PhP 9,,:>-':0
&ne 91, 12.. A))o3ation o1
A))ot(ent 1-1-.-
:9-.:@ >-1-+-.:@
+' Genera)
%o3her No' B-
9' Che3? No'
ite( 91- 1or se in
aspha)tin* o1 the
roa$ 1ro( M('
1->'9, to
+2-2 Septe(5er 1, 12..
p to Nove(5er
9-, 12..
1' Genera)
%o3her No' B-
+' Che3? No'
1,+-- 3'(' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se in
the reha5i)itation
o1 the Bano6-
Canti5as, Ba)a5an
5aran*a6 roa$
PhP +.,2--'--
+21- Septe(5er 1, 12..
p to Nove(5er
9-, 12..
1' Genera)
%o3her No' B-
+' Che3? No'
1,+-- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se in
the reha5i)itation
o1 the Ma*a6-
5aran*a6 roa$
PhP +.,2--'--
+21, O3to5er 1, 12..
p to Nove(5er
9-, 12..
1' Genera)
%o3her No' B-
+' Che3? No'
1,+-- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se in
the reha5i)itation
o1 the CaBe)-!*o,
Bar5on 5aran*a6
PhP +.,---'--
+212 &anar6 +, 12..
p to <e5rar6 +>,
1' Genera)
%o3her No' B-
+' Che3? No'
1,00- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se in
the repair an$
reha5i)itation o1
$a(a*e$ roa$s
an$ 5ri$*es at the
nationa) roa$ 1ro(
M(' .1 to M(' >9
PhP 91,---'--
+29+ &ne 1, 12.. p to
&)6 91, 12..

1' ReAest 1or
A))o3ation o1
A))ot(ent 1-1-.-
>9-.:@ .->,-.:@ .-
1+,-.:@ >-109-.:@
+' Genera)
%o3her B-:,9@
9' Che3? No'
+0- *a)s o1
a)(in( paint
9+, *a)s o1 re$
)ea$ paint 1or se
in the (aintenan3e
o1 nationa) roa$s
an$ 5ri$*es
PhP ,,,.:+'0>

T"# Sand45an)a.an@$ R,<4n5

#he anti-*ra1t 3ort 4as 1))6 3onvin3e$ o1 the *i)t o1 petitioner
<ernan, &r'@ an$ in its =e3e(5er ,, 122. =e3ision, it 1on$ hi( 3ri(ina))6
)ia5)e in the si/ 7:8 3ases a*ainst hi(, ths:

In Cri(ina) Case No' 2'79, the Cort 1in$s a33se$ JOSE
J*., G9ILT8 5e6on$ reasona5)e $o5t as 3o-prin3ipa)s in the 3ri(e o1
"sta1a thr 1a)si1i3ation o1 P5)i3 =o3(ents as $e1ine$ an$ pena)iGe$
in Arti3)es 91> an$ 1.1, in re)ation to Arti3)e ,> o1 the Revise$ Pena)
Co$e, an$ there 5ein* no (o$i16in* 3ir3(stan3es in atten$an3e,
here56 senten3es ea3h o1 the( to an in$eter(inate pena)t6 ran*in*
1ro( si/ 7:8 6ears o1 prision correccional, as (ini((, to ten 71-8
6ears, ei*ht 7>8 (onths an$ one 718 $a6 o1 prision mayor, as (a/i((,
4ith the a33essor6 pena)ties provi$e$ 56 )a4, to pa6 a 1ine o1 #hree
#hosan$ <ive ;n$re$ Pesos 7P 9,0--'--8@ to in$e(ni16, Boint)6 an$
severa))6 the Rep5)i3 o1 the Phi)ippines in the a(ont o1 #4ent6
"i*ht #hosan$ Pesos 7P +>,---'--8@ an$, to pa6 their proportionate
share o1 the 3osts'
[2] 7"(phasis spp)ie$'8

In Cri(ina) Case No' 2''2, the Cort 1in$s a33se$ AMILO
G9ILT8 5e6on$ reasona5)e $o5t as 3o-prin3ipa)s in the 3ri(e o1
"sta1a thr 1a)si1i3ation o1 P5)i3 =o3(ents as $e1ine$ an$ pena)iGe$
in Arti3)es 91> an$ 1.1, in re)ation to Arti3)e ,> o1 the Revise$ Pena)
Co$e, an$ there 5ein* no (o$i16in* 3ir3(stan3es in atten$an3e,
here56 senten3es ea3h o1 the( to an in$eter(inate pena)t6 ran*in*
1ro( si/ 7:8 6ears o1 prision correccional, as (ini((, to ten 71-8
6ears, ei*ht 7>8 (onths an$ one 718 $a6 o1 prision mayor, as (a/i((,
4ith the a33essor6 pena)ties provi$e$ 56 )a4, to pa6 a 1ine o1 #hree
#hosan$ <ive ;n$re$ Pesos 7P 9,0--'--8@ to in$e(ni16, Boint)6 an$
severa))6 the Rep5)i3 o1 the Phi)ippines in the a(ont o1 #4ent6
"i*ht #hosan$ Pesos 7P +>,---'--8@ an$, to pa6 their proportionate
share o1 the 3osts'
[1-] 7"(phasis spp)ie$'8

In Cri(ina) Case No' 2''1, the Cort 1in$s a33se$ AMILO
MENDEB an$ SIMON FERNAN, J*., G9ILT8 5e6on$ reasona5)e
$o5t as 3o-prin3ipa)s in the 3ri(e o1 "sta1a thr 1a)si1i3ation o1 P5)i3
=o3(ents as $e1ine$ an$ pena)iGe$ in Arti3)es 91> an$ 1.1, in
re)ation to Arti3)e ,> o1 the Revise$ Pena) Co$e, an$ there 5ein* no
(o$i16in* 3ir3(stan3es in atten$an3e, here56 senten3es ea3h o1 the(
to an in$eter(inate pena)t6 ran*in* 1ro( si/ 7:8 6ears o1 prision
correccional, as (ini((, to ten 71-8 6ears, ei*ht 7>8 (onths an$ one
718 $a6 o1 prision mayor, as (a/i((, 4ith the a33essor6 pena)ties
provi$e$ 56 )a4, to pa6 a 1ine o1 #hree #hosan$ <ive ;n$re$ Pesos
7P 9,0--'--8@ to in$e(ni16, Boint)6 an$ severa))6 the Rep5)i3 o1 the
Phi)ippines in the a(ont o1 #hirt6 One #hosan$ Pesos 7P
91,---'--8@ an$, to pa6 their proportionate share o1 the 3osts'
7"(phasis spp)ie$'8

In Cri(ina) Case No' 2''5, the Cort 1in$s a33se$ AMILO
MENDEB an$ SIMON FERNAN, J*., G9ILT8 5e6on$ reasona5)e
$o5t as 3o-prin3ipa)s in the 3ri(e o1 "sta1a thr 1a)si1i3ation o1 P5)i3
=o3(ents as $e1ine$ an$ pena)iGe$ in Arti3)es 91> an$ 1.1, in
re)ation to Arti3)e ,> o1 the Revise$ Pena) Co$e, an$ there 5ein* no
(o$i16in* 3ir3(stan3es in atten$an3e, here56 senten3es ea3h o1 the(
to an in$eter(inate pena)t6 ran*in* 1ro( si/ 7:8 6ears o1 prision
correccional, as (ini((, to ten 71-8 6ears, ei*ht 7>8 (onths an$ one
718 $a6 o1 prision mayor, as (a/i((, 4ith the a33essor6 pena)ties
provi$e$ 56 )a4, to pa6 a 1ine o1 #hree #hosan$ <ive ;n$re$ Pesos
7P 9,0--'--8@ to in$e(ni16, Boint)6 an$ severa))6 the Rep5)i3 o1 the
Phi)ippines in the a(ont o1 #hirt6 #hosan$ Pesos 7P 9-,---'--8@
an$, to pa6 their proportionate share o1 the 3osts'
[1+] 7"(phasis

In Cri(ina) Case No' 2914, the Cort 1in$s a33se$ AMILO
5e6on$ reasona5)e $o5t as 3o-prin3ipa)s in the 3ri(e o1 "sta1a thr
1a)si1i3ation o1 P5)i3 =o3(ents as $e1ine$ an$ pena)iGe$ in Arti3)es
91> an$ 1.1, in re)ation to Arti3)e ,> o1 the Revise$ Pena) Co$e, an$
there 5ein* no (o$i16in* 3ir3(stan3es in atten$an3e, here56
senten3es ea3h o1 the( to an in$eter(inate pena)t6 ran*in* 1ro( si/
7:8 6ears o1 prision correccional, as (ini((, to ten 71-8 6ears, ei*ht
7>8 (onths an$ one 718 $a6 o1 prision mayor, as (a/i((, 4ith the
a33essor6 pena)ties provi$e$ 56 )a4, to pa6 a 1ine o1 #hree #hosan$
<ive ;n$re$ Pesos 7P 9,0--'--8@ to in$e(ni16, Boint)6 an$ severa))6
the Rep5)i3 o1 the Phi)ippines in the a(ont o1 #4ent6 Seven
#hosan$ Pesos 7P +.,---'--8@ an$, to pa6 their proportionate share o1
the 3osts'
[19] 7"(phasis spp)ie$'8

In Cri(ina) Case No' 291', the Cort 1in$s a33se$ AMILO
G9ILT8 5e6on$ reasona5)e $o5t as 3o-prin3ipa)s in the 3ri(e o1
"sta1a thr 1a)si1i3ation o1 P5)i3 =o3(ents as $e1ine$ an$ pena)iGe$
in Arti3)es 91> an$ 1.1, in re)ation to Arti3)e ,> o1 the Revise$ Pena)
Co$e, an$ there 5ein* no (o$i16in* 3ir3(stan3es in atten$an3e,
here56 senten3es ea3h o1 the( to an in$eter(inate pena)t6 ran*in*
1ro( si/ 7:8 6ears o1 prision correccional, as (ini((, to ten 71-8
6ears, ei*ht 7>8 (onths an$ one 718 $a6 o1 prision mayor, as (a/i((,
4ith the a33essor6 pena)ties provi$e$ 56 )a4, to pa6 a 1ine o1 #hree
#hosan$ <ive ;n$re$ Pesos 7P 9,0--'--8@ to in$e(ni16, Boint)6 an$
severa))6 the Rep5)i3 o1 the Phi)ippines in the a(ont o1 #hirt6
#hosan$ Pesos 7P 9-,---'--8@ an$, to pa6 their proportionate share o1
the 3osts'
[1,] 7"(phasis spp)ie$'8

Petitioner #orrevi))as s11ere$ the sa(e 1ate an$ 4as 3onvi3te$ in
the nine 728 3ri(ina) 3ases, to 4it:

In Cri(ina) Case No' 2'55, the Cort 1in$s a33se$ AMILO
reasona5)e $o5t as 3o-prin3ipa)s in the 3ri(e o1 "sta1a thr
1a)si1i3ation o1 P5)i3 =o3(ents as $e1ine$ an$ pena)iGe$ in Arti3)es
91> an$ 1.1, in re)ation to Arti3)e ,> o1 the Revise$ Pena) Co$e, an$
there 5ein* no (o$i16in* 3ir3(stan3es in atten$an3e, here56
senten3es ea3h o1 the( to an in$eter(inate pena)t6 ran*in* 1ro( si/
7:8 6ears o1 prision correccional, as (ini((, to ten 71-8 6ears, ei*ht
7>8 (onths an$ one 718 $a6 o1 prision mayor, as (a/i((, 4ith the
a33essor6 pena)ties provi$e$ 56 )a4, to pa6 a 1ine o1 #hree #hosan$
<ive ;n$re$ Pesos 7P 9,0--'--8@ to in$e(ni16, Boint)6 an$ severa))6
the Rep5)i3 o1 the Phi)ippines in the a(ont o1 <ort6 "i*ht #hosan$
<or ;n$re$ #hirt6 One Pesos an$ >0D1-- 7P ,>,,91'>08@ an$, to pa6
their proportionate share o1 the 3osts'
[10] 7"(phasis spp)ie$'8

In Cri(ina) Case No' 2'5+, the Cort 1in$s a33se$ AMILO
reasona5)e $o5t as 3o-prin3ipa)s in the 3ri(e o1 "sta1a thr
1a)si1i3ation o1 P5)i3 =o3(ents as $e1ine$ an$ pena)iGe$ in Arti3)es
91> an$ 1.1, in re)ation to Arti3)e ,> o1 the Revise$ Pena) Co$e, an$
there 5ein* no (o$i16in* 3ir3(stan3es in atten$an3e, here56
senten3es ea3h o1 the( to an in$eter(inate pena)t6 ran*in* 1ro( si/
7:8 6ears o1 prision correccional, as (ini((, to ten 71-8 6ears, ei*ht
7>8 (onths an$ one 718 $a6 o1 prision mayor, as (a/i((, 4ith the
a33essor6 pena)ties provi$e$ 56 )a4, to pa6 a 1ine o1 #hree #hosan$
<ive ;n$re$ Pesos 7P 9,0--'--8@ to in$e(ni16, Boint)6 an$ severa))6
the Rep5)i3 o1 the Phi)ippines in the a(ont o1 <ort6 "i*ht #hosan$
<or ;n$re$ Sevent6 #4o Pesos an$ >,D1-- 7P ,>,,.+'>,8@ an$, to
pa6 their proportionate share o1 the 3osts'
[1:] 7"(phasis spp)ie$'8

In Cri(ina) Case No' +>0>, the Cort 1in$s a33se$ AMILO
reasona5)e $o5t as 3o-prin3ipa)s in the 3ri(e o1 "sta1a thr
<a)si1i3ation o1 P5)i3 =o3(ents as $e1ine$ an$ pena)iGe$ in Arti3)es
91> an$ 1.1, in re)ation to Arti3)e ,> o1 the Revise$ Pena) re)ation to
Arti3)e ,> o1 the Revise$ Pena) Co$e, an$ there 5ein* no (o$i16in*
3ir3(stan3es in atten$an3e, here56 senten3es ea3h o1 the( to an
in$eter(inate pena)t6 ran*in* 1ro( si/ 7:8 6ears o1 prision
correccional, as (ini((, to ten 71-8 6ears, ei*ht 7>8 (onths an$ one
718 $a6 o1 prision mayor, as (a/i((, 4ith the a33essor6 pena)ties
provi$e$ 56 )a4, to pa6 a 1ine o1 #hree #hosan$ <ive ;n$re$ Pesos
7P9,0--'--8@ to in$e(ni16, Boint)6 an$ severa))6 the Rep5)i3 o1 the
Phi)ippines in the a(ont o1 <ort6 Seven #hosan$ Seven ;n$re$
#hirteen Pesos an$ 2D1-- 7P,.,.19'-28@ an$, to pa6 their proportionate
share o1 the 3osts'

In Cri(ina) Case No' +>02, the Cort 1in$s a33se$ AMILO
reasona5)e $o5t as 3o-prin3ipa)s in the 3ri(e o1 "sta1a thr
<a)si1i3ation o1 P5)i3 =o3(ents as $e1ine$ an$ pena)iGe$ in Arti3)es
91> an$ 1.1, in re)ation to Arti3)e ,> o1 the Revise$ Pena) Co$e, an$
there 5ein* no (o$i16in* 3ir3(stan3es in atten$an3e, here56
senten3es ea3h o1 the( to an in$eter(inate pena)t6 ran*in* 1ro( si/
7:8 6ears o1 prision correccional, as (ini((, to ten 71-8 6ears, ei*ht
7>8 (onths an$ one 718 $a6 o1 prision mayor, as (a/i((, 4ith the
a33essor6 pena)ties provi$e$ 56 )a4, to pa6 a 1ine o1 #hree #hosan$
<ive ;n$re$ Pesos 7P9,0--'--8@ to in$e(ni16, Boint)6 an$ severa))6
the Rep5)i3 o1 the Phi)ippines in the a(ont o1 #hirt6 <or #hosan$
Si/ ;n$re$ "i*ht6 pesos an$ :0D1-- 7P9,,:>-':08@ an$ , to pa6 their
proportionate share o1 the 3osts'

In Cri(ina) Case No' 2929, the Cort 1in$s a33se$ AMILO
reasona5)e $o5t as 3o-prin3ipa)s in the 3ri(e o1 "sta1a thr
1a)si1i3ation o1 P5)i3 =o3(ents as $e1ine$ an$ pena)iGe$ in Arti3)es
91> an$ 1.1, in re)ation to Arti3)e ,> o1 the Revise$ Pena) Co$e, an$
there 5ein* no (o$i16in* 3ir3(stan3es in atten$an3e, here56
senten3es ea3h o1 the( to an in$eter(inate pena)t6 ran*in* 1ro( si/
7:8 6ears o1 prision correccional, as (ini((, to ten 71-8 6ears, ei*ht
7>8 (onths an$ one 718 $a6 o1 prision mayor, as (a/i((, 4ith the
a33essor6 pena)ties provi$e$ 56 )a4, to pa6 a 1ine o1 #hree #hosan$
<ive ;n$re$ Pesos 7P 9,0--'--8@ to in$e(ni16, Boint)6 an$ severa))6
the Rep5)i3 o1 the Phi)ippines in the a(ont o1 #4ent6 Seven
#hosan$ Nine ;n$re$ Pesos 7P +.,2--'--8@ an$, to pa6 their
proportionate share o1 the 3osts'
[1>] 7"(phasis spp)ie$'8

In Cri(ina) Case No' 2912, the Cort 1in$s a33se$ AMILO
reasona5)e $o5t as 3o-prin3ipa)s in the 3ri(e o1 "sta1a thr
1a)si1i3ation o1 P5)i3 =o3(ents as $e1ine$ an$ pena)iGe$ in Arti3)es
91> an$ 1.1, in re)ation to Arti3)e ,> o1 the Revise$ Pena) Co$e, an$
there 5ein* no (o$i16in* 3ir3(stan3es in atten$an3e, here56
senten3es ea3h o1 the( to an in$eter(inate pena)t6 ran*in* 1ro( si/
7:8 6ears o1 prision correccional, as (ini((, to ten 71-8 6ears, ei*ht
7>8 (onths an$ one 718 $a6 o1 prision mayor, as (a/i((, 4ith the
a33essor6 pena)ties provi$e$ 56 )a4, to pa6 a 1ine o1 #hree #hosan$
<ive ;n$re$ Pesos 7P 9,0--'--8@ to in$e(ni16, Boint)6 an$ severa))6
the Rep5)i3 o1 the Phi)ippines in the a(ont o1 #4ent6 Seven
#hosan$ Nine ;n$re$ Pesos 7P +.,2--'--8@ an$, to pa6 their
proportionate share o1 the 3osts'
[12] 7"(phasis spp)ie$'8

In Cri(ina) Case No' 2914, the Cort 1in$s a33se$ AMILO
5e6on$ reasona5)e $o5t as 3o-prin3ipa)s in the 3ri(e o1 "sta1a thr
1a)si1i3ation o1 P5)i3 =o3(ents as $e1ine$ an$ pena)iGe$ in Arti3)es
91> an$ 1.1, in re)ation to Arti3)e ,> o1 the Revise$ Pena) Co$e, an$
there 5ein* no (o$i16in* 3ir3(stan3es in atten$an3e, here56
senten3es ea3h o1 the( to an in$eter(inate pena)t6 ran*in* 1ro( si/
7:8 6ears o1 prision correccional, as (ini((, to ten 71-8 6ears, ei*ht
7>8 (onths an$ one 718 $a6 o1 prision mayor, as (a/i((, 4ith the
a33essor6 pena)ties provi$e$ 56 )a4, to pa6 a 1ine o1 #hree #hosan$
<ive ;n$re$ Pesos 7P 9,0--'--8@ to in$e(ni16, Boint)6 an$ severa))6
the Rep5)i3 o1 the Phi)ippines in the a(ont o1 #4ent6 Seven
#hosan$ Pesos 7P +.,---'--8@ an$, to pa6 their proportionate share o1
the 3osts' 7"(phasis spp)ie$'8

In Cri(ina) Case No' 2919, the Cort 1in$s a33se$ AMILO
an$ ISMAEL SA0IO, J*. G9ILT8 5e6on$ reasona5)e $o5t as 3o-
prin3ipa)s in the 3ri(e o1 "sta1a thr 1a)si1i3ation o1 P5)i3 =o3(ents
as $e1ine$ an$ pena)iGe$ in Arti3)es 91> an$ 1.1, in re)ation to Arti3)e
,> o1 the Revise$ Pena) Co$e, an$ there 5ein* no (o$i16in*
3ir3(stan3es in atten$an3e, here56 senten3es ea3h o1 the( to an
in$eter(inate pena)t6 ran*in* 1ro( si/ 7:8 6ears o1 prision
correccional, as (ini((, to ten 71-8 6ears, ei*ht 7>8 (onths an$ one
718 $a6 o1 prision mayor, as (a/i((, 4ith the a33essor6 pena)ties
provi$e$ 56 )a4, to pa6 a 1ine o1 #hree #hosan$ <ive ;n$re$ Pesos
7P 9,0--'--8@ to in$e(ni16, Boint)6 an$ severa))6 the Rep5)i3 o1 the
Phi)ippines in the a(ont o1 #hirt6 One #hosan$ Pesos 7P
91,---'--8@ an$, to pa6 their proportionate share o1 the 3osts'
7"(phasis spp)ie$'8

In Cri(ina) Case No' 29/2, the Cort 1in$s a33se$ AMILO
TORREVILLAS G9ILT8 5e6on$ reasona5)e $o5t as 3o-prin3ipa)s
in the 3ri(e o1 "sta1a thr 1a)si1i3ation o1 P5)i3 =o3(ents as $e1ine$
an$ pena)iGe$ in Arti3)es 91> an$ 1.1, in re)ation to Arti3)e ,> o1 the
Revise$ Pena) Co$e, an$ there 5ein* no (o$i16in* 3ir3(stan3es in
atten$an3e, here56 senten3es ea3h o1 the( to an in$eter(inate pena)t6
ran*in* 1ro( si/ 7:8 6ears o1 prision correccional, as (ini((, to ten
71-8 6ears, ei*ht 7>8 (onths an$ one 718 $a6 o1 prision mayor, as
(a/i((, 4ith the a33essor6 pena)ties provi$e$ 56 )a4, to pa6 a 1ine
o1 #hree #hosan$ <ive ;n$re$ Pesos 7P 9,0--'--8@ to in$e(ni16,
Boint)6 an$ severa))6 the Rep5)i3 o1 the Phi)ippines in the a(ont o1
<ort6 <or #hosan$ Seven ;n$re$ Si/t6 #4o Pesos an$ 0>D1-- 7P
,,,.:+'0>8@ an$, to pa6 their proportionate share o1 the 3osts'
7"(phasis spp)ie$'8

Petitioners (a$e the spp)i3ation 5e1ore the 3ort a quo to re3a))
the a$verse B$*(ents a*ainst the( 4hi3h 4as $e3)ine$ 56 the A*st
+2, +--- SB Reso)tion'

<ir( in their 5e)ie1 that the6 4ere inno3ent o1 an6 4ron*$oin*,
the6 no4 interpose the instant petition to 3)ear their na(es'

T"# I$$,#$

Petitioners pt 1or4ar$ t4o 7+8 isses, viG:


INNOC"N# L;"N I# RU!"= #;A# #;" BUR="N O<
CON%INCING #;" ;ON' COUR# #;A# #;" ="!I%"RI"S O<
#;" ROA= MA#"RIA!S A##"S#"= #O ;A%" B""N R"C"I%"=
BK #;"M L"R" NO# G;OS# ="!I%"RI"S R"S#S LI#; #;"



T"# o,*&@$ R,<4n5

Le are not persa$e$ to n))i16 the ver$i3t'

P#&4&4on#*$@ 5,4<& Ca$ #$&a)<4$"#d )#.ond *#a$ona)<# do,)&

Petitioners (ain)6 asseverate that their *i)t 4as not sho4n 5e6on$
a pera$ventre o1 $o5t an$ the State 4as na5)e to sho4 that
*overn(ent 1n$s 4ere i))e*a))6 re)ease$ 5ase$ on a))e*e$ *host
$e)iveries in 3onBn3tion 4ith 1a)se or 1a?e ta))6 sheets an$ other
$o3(ents 4hi3h the6 a$(itte$)6 si*ne$'

Le are not 3onvin3e$'

Or Constittion neAivo3a))6 *arantees that in a)) 3ri(ina)
prose3tions, the a33se$ sha)) 5e pres(e$ inno3ent nti) the 3ontrar6 is
[++] #his sa3re$ tas? nAa)i1ie$)6 (eans provin* the *i)t o1
the a33se$ 5e6on$ a reasona5)e $o5t' =e1inite)6, Ereasona5)e $o5tF is
not (ere *ess4or? 4hether or not the a33se$ is *i)t6, 5t s3h
n3ertaint6 that Ea reasona5)e (an (a6 entertain a1ter a 1air revie4 an$
3onsi$eration o1 the evi$en3e'F Reasona5)e $o5t is present 4hen

a1ter the entire 3o(parison an$ 3onsi$eration o1 a)) the evi$en3es,
)eaves the (in$s o1 the [B$*es] in that 3on$ition that the6 3annot sa6
the6 1ee) an a5i$in* 3onvi3tion, to a (ora) 3ertaint6, o1 the trth o1 the
3har*e@ a 3ertaint6 that 3onvin3es an$ $ire3ts the n$erstan$in*, an$
satis1ies the reason an$ B$*(ent o1 those 4ho are 5on$ to a3t
3ons3ientios)6 pon it'

A thoro*h s3rtin6 o1 the re3or$s is i(perative to $eter(ine
4hether or not reasona5)e $o5t e/ists as to the *i)t o1 a33se$ <ernan,
&r' an$ #orrevi))as'

Petitioners 4ere 3har*e$ 4ith the 3o(p)e/ 3ri(e o1 esta1a thro*h
1a)si1i3ation o1 p5)i3 $o3(ents as $e1ine$ an$ pena)iGe$ n$er Arti3)es
91> an$ 1.1 in re)ation to Arti3)e ,> o1 the Revise$ Pena) Co$e, ths:

AR#' 91>' Other deceits. N #he pena)t6 o1 arresto mayor an$ a 1ine o1
not )ess than the a(ont o1 the $a(a*e 3ase$ an$ not (ore than t4i3e
s3h a(ont sha)) 5e i(pose$ pon an6 person 4ho sha)) $e1ra$ or
$a(a*e another 56 an6 $e3eit not (entione$ in the pre3e$in* arti3)es
o1 this 3hapter'

AR#' 1.1' Falsification by public officer, employee; or notary or
ecclesiastical minister. N #he pena)t6 o1 prision mayor an$ a 1ine not to
e/3ee$ 0,--- pesos sha)) 5e i(pose$ pon an6 p5)i3 o11i3er,
e(p)o6ee, or notar6 4ho, ta?in* a$vanta*e o1 his o11i3ia) position,
sha)) 1a)si16 a $o3(ent 56 3o((ittin* an6 o1 the 1o))o4in* a3ts:

/ / / /

,' Ma?in* ntrth1) state(ents in a narration o1 1a3ts@

AR#' ,>' Penalty for comple crimes' N Lhen a sin*)e a3t 3onstittes
t4o or (ore *rave or )ess *rave 1e)onies, or 4hen an o11ense is a
ne3essar6 (eans 1or 3o((ittin* the other, the pena)t6 1or the (ost
serios 3ri(e sha)) 5e i(pose$, the sa(e to 5e app)ie$ in its (a/i((

#he 3o(p)e/ 3ri(e is prne$ into the 1o))o4in* essentia) e)e(ents:
<or estafa

1' =e3eit: =e3eit is a spe3ie o1 1ra$' It is a3ta) 1ra$, an$ 3onsists in
an6 1a)se representation or 3ontrivan3e 4here56 one person
overrea3hes an$ (is)ea$s another, to his hrt' #here is $e3eit 4hen
one is (is)e$, either 56 *i)e or tri3?er6 or 56 other (eans, to 5e)ieve
to 5e tre 4hat is rea))6 1a)se'

+' =a(a*e: =a(a*e (a6 3onsist in the o11en$e$ part6 5ein* $eprive$
o1 his (one6 or propert6 as a res)t o1 the $e1ra$ation, $istr5an3e in
propert6 ri*ht, or te(porar6 preB$i3e'

<or 1a)si1i3ation

1' #hat the o11en$er is a p5)i3 o11i3er, e(p)o6ee, or notar6 p5)i3@

+' #hat he ta?es a$vanta*e o1 his o11i3ia) position@

9' #hat he 1a)si1ies a $o3(ent 56 3o((ittin* an6 o1 the a3ts $e1ine$
n$er Arti3)e 1.1 o1 the Revise$ Pena) Co$e'

Be1ore the SB, a Me(oran$( o1 A*ree(ent 7MOA8 $ate$
Septe(5er 1, 12>> 4as entere$ into 5et4een the State an$ the a33se$
4ith the 1o))o4in* stip)ations an$ a$(issions:

718 #o e/pe$ite the ear)6 ter(ination o1 the instant 3ases an$
a55reviate the testi(on6 o1 Mrs' =e)ia Prea*i$o, the prose3tion an$
the a33se$ have a*ree$ to repro$3e an$ a$opt as the testi(on6 o1
Prea*i$o in the instant 3ases, her previos testi(onies in Cri(ina)
Cases Nos' >>2, et3' 7Man$ae Cit6 ;"= I.> 3ases8, on Ma6 1> an$
12, 12>+ an$ in Cri(ina) Cases Nos' 1,,:-1.>2, et3' 7=anao Cit6
;"= I.. 3ases8 on Nove(5er 1-, 12>. an$ Mar3h 1,, 12>>, 5oth on
$ire3t an$ 3ross e/a(ination / / / 4ithot preB$i3e to 4hatever $ire3t
an$Dor 3ross e/a(ination Aestion, that (a6 5e propon$e$ 56 the
Prose3tion an$ the a33se$ on sai$ State 4itness, 4hi3h Aestions
4i)) on)6 5e )i(ite$ to the 1a?e or irre*)ar !AAIs an$ SAC=CIs
isse$ to Ce5 I ;"= in 12.., the sa)e o1 s3h 1a?e or irre*)ar !AAIs
an$ SAC=CIs isse$ to Ce5 I ;"= in 12.., the sa)e o1 s3h 1a?e or
irre*)ar !AAIs an$ SAC=CIs in sai$ en*ineerin* $istri3t in the sai$
6ear an$ the parti3ipation o1 the a33se$ thereon@

7+8 #hat in the event Mrs' =e)ia Prea*i$o is presente$ to testi16
as a State 4itness in the instant 3ases 4ithot repro$3in* an$
a$optin* her previos testi(onies in the Man$ae Cit6 ;"= I.> an$
the =anao Cit6 ;"= I.. 3ases, she 4i)) i$enti16 $o3(ents an$
e/hi5its 4hi3h have 5een previos)6 (ar?e$ an$ i$enti1ie$ 56 other
prose3tion 4itness / / /'

798 #hat in the previos testi(onies o1 Mrs' =e)ia Prea*i$o in
the Man$ae Cit6 ;"= I.> an$ the =anao Cit6 ;"= I.. 3ases, she
i$enti1ie$ t4ent6-si/ separate )ists 3ontainin* na(es o1 o11i3ia)s an$
e(p)o6ees o1 MP;, Re*iona) O11i3e No' %II, o1 the varios ;i*h4a6s
"n*ineerin* =istri3ts in MP;, Re*ion %II, an$ the MP; Centra)
O11i3e 4ho have a))e*e$)6 re3eive$ (one6 or varios s(s 1ro( 12..
to 12.> ot o1 the pro3ee$s or sa)es o1 1a?e !AAIs in 12.. an$ 12.>
an$, there1ore, to o5viate Mrs' Prea*i$oIs previos testi(on6 o1 these
)ists, the Prose3tion here56 repro$3es an$ a$opts spe3i1i3a))6 s3h
testi(on6 an$ the (ar?in*s o1 the )ists, i'e', "/hi5its OMMMI, OMMM-1I
to OMMM-+0I in the Man$ae Cit6 ;"= I.> 3ases an$ "/hi5its O----I,
O-----1I to O-----+0I in the =anao Cit6 ;"= I.. 3ases, s5stitte$ or
re-(ar?e$ a33or$in*)6 as O"/hi5its O!!I, O!!-1I to O!!-+0I in the
instant 3ases'

As a res)t o1 this MOA, the testi(on6 o1 state 4itness Prea*i$o on
the (o$s operan$i o1 the 3onspirators, or the niAe an$ $istin3t (etho$
o1 pro3e$re 56 4hi3h the (a)versation o1 p5)i3 1n$s in Re*ion %II o1
the MP; 4as perpetrate$ an$ a33o(p)ishe$, $ea)t a (aBor 5)o4 to the
$e1enses raise$ 56 petitioners' Prea*i$oIs vita) testi(on6, 4herein she
i$enti1ie$ the (etho$s, $o3(ents, e/hi5its, an$ other pertinent papers
that )e$ to the 3ra1tin* o1 1a?e !etters o1 A$vi3e o1 A))ot(ent 7!AAs8,
[+>] *enera) vo3hers, $is5rse(ent o1 1n$s 1or non-e/istent proBe3ts,
*enera) vo3hers, an$ other $o3(ents, 4as not even s33ess1))6 re1te$
or overtrne$ 56 petitioners'

Prea*i$o 3on1ir(e$ an$ a$(itte$ n$er oath that the i))e*a)
$is5rse(ent o1 p5)i3 1n$s pertaine$ to non-e/istent proBe3ts an$ 4as
spporte$ 56 1a?e !AAs, 1a?e *enera) vo3hers, an$ other pertinent
papers that 4ere a)so 1a)si1ie$' #he 1a?e !AAs an$ *enera) vo3hers
4ere, in trn, spporte$ 56 si*ne$ ta))6 sheets that pertaine$ to a))e*e$
*host $e)iveries o1 roa$ 3onstr3tion (ateria)s 1or non-e/istent or i))e*a)
#he 1a?e ta))6 sheets, $e)iver6 re3eipts, reports o1 inspe3tion,
reAests 1or spp)ies an$ (ateria)s, an$ other re)ate$ $o3(ents si*ne$
on separate o33asions 56 petitioners, 4hi3h 4ere atta3he$ as spportin*
$o3(ents to 3orrespon$in* *enera) vo3hers@ the a))e*e$ a(onts an$
Aantities o1 roa$ 3onstr3tion (ateria)s $e)ivere$@ an$ the spe3i1i3 1a?e
*enera) vo3hers, 3he3?s, an$ other pertinent $o3(ents isse$ 4hi3h )e$
to the i))e*a) $is5rse(ent o1 1n$s are s((ariGe$ as 1o))o4s:

P#&4&4on#* F#*nan, J*.

a$# No.
Ma4n Do%,(#n&$
I&#($ A<<#5#d<.
&"a& a,&"o*4E#d
A(o,n& o3
+>.2 #->:-1-1, et3'
7#a))6 Sheets8
1' Genera) %o3her
No' B-10@
+' Che3? No'
1,,-- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se
in the repair o1
the Ce5
;a*na6a Lhar1
roa$ 1ro( M('
0-'9- to M('
Not n(5ere$
3ontrar6 to
PhP +>,---'--
+>>- #->.-1-1, et3'
7#a))6 Sheets8
1' ReAest 1or
A))o3ation o1
A))ot(ent 1-1-1+-
+' Genera) %o3her
No' B-00@
1,,-- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se
in the repair o1
the Bo*o-Crva-
Me$e))on roa$
1ro( M(' 11-'--
to M(' 112'--
Not n(5ere$
3ontrar6 to
PhP +>,---'--
9' Che3? No'
+>>1 #-1-,-*-1, et3'
7#a))6 Sheets8
1' ReAest 1or
A))o3ation o1
A))ot(ent 1-1-+-
+' Genera) %o3her
No' B-+,0@
9' Che3? No'
1,0-- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se
in the repair an$
reha5i)itation o1
$a(a*e$ roa$s
an$ 5ri$*es 56
#6phoon Arin* at
the #a5o*on-
Bo*o provin3ia)
roa$ 1ro( M(' 2+
to M(' 2>
Not n(5ere$
3ontrar6 to
PhP 91,---'--
+>>0 #->2-1-1, et3'
7#a))6 Sheets8
1' ReAest 1or
A))o3ation o1
A))ot(ent 1-1-1+-
+' Genera) %o3her
No' B-.:@
9' Che3? No'
Materia)s 1or se
in the repair an$
reha5i)itation o1
the =aan-
Banta6an roa$
1ro( M(' 1+.'--
to M(' 19:
Not n(5ere$
3ontrar6 to
PhP 9-,---'--
+21, #-110-*-1, et3'
7#a))6 Sheets8
1' Genera) %o3her
No' B-2+.@
+' Che3? No'
1,+-- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se
in the
reha5i)itation o1
the CaBe)-!*o,
Bar5on 5aran*a6
PhP +.,---'--
+21> #-11:-1-1, et3'
7#a))6 Sheets8
1' Genera) %o3her
No' B-1-.@
+' Che3? No'
1,0-- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or the
reha5i)itation o1
the Ce5 North
;a*na6a Lhar1
roa$ 1ro( M(' .1
to M(' .:
Not n(5ere$
3ontrar6 to
PhP 9-,---'--

P#&4&4on#* To**#F4<<a$

a$# No.
Ma4n Do%,(#n&$
I&#($ A<<#5#d<.
&"a& a,&"o*4E#d
A(o,n& o3
+>00 #-99-1
Re3eipt8@ #-99-
1' ReAest 1or
A))o3ation o1
A))ot(ent 1-1-1--
109':9 (' t' o1
ite( 91- 1or se
in aspha)tin* o1
Not n(5ere$
3ontrar6 to
PhP ,>,,91'>0
1-1 7=ai)6
#a))6 Sheet8@
1>:-.:@ 1--12--.:@
1--12+-.:@ 1--1>>-
.:@ 1--1>--.:@
+' Genera) %o3her
No' B-:19@
9' Che3? No'
the #o)e$o-
#a5e)an roa$
1ro( M('
1->'9, to M('
+>0: #-9,-1
Re3eipt8@ #-9,-
1-1 7=ai)6
#a))6 Sheet8@
1' ReAest 1or
A))o3ation o1
A))ot(ent 1-1-1--
10-.:@ 2-+-1-.:@ >-
10+-.:@ >-109-
.:@2-1>1-.:@ 2-
+' Genera) %o3her
No' B-:12@
9' Che3? No'
109'.: (' t' o1
ite( 91- 1or se
in the aspha)tin*
o1 the #o)e$o-
#a5e)an roa$
1ro( M( 1->'9,
to M(' 1-2'0+
Not n(5ere$
3ontrar6 to
PhP ,>,,.+'>,
+>0> #-90-1
Re3eipt8@ #-90-
1-1 7=ai)6
#a))6 Sheet8@
1' ReAest 1or
A))ot(ent 1-1-:-
+9,-.:@ :-+9.-.:@
:-+92-.:@ :-+,1-
.:@ :-+,--.:
+' Genera) %o3her
No' B-:+2@
9' Che3? No'
101'90 (' t' o1
ite( 91- 1or se
in the aspha)tin*
o1 the #o)e$o-
#a5e)an roa$
1ro( M('
1->'9, to M('
Not n(5ere$
3ontrar6 to
PhP ,.,.19'-2
+>02 #-9:-1
Re3eipt8@ #-9:-
1-1 7=ai)6
#a))6 Sheet8@
1' ReAest 1or
A))o3ation o1
A))ot(ent 1-1-.-
:9-.:@ >-1-+-.:@ >-
+' Genera) %o3her
No' B-:91@
9' Che3? No'
11-'-1 (' t' o1
ite( 91- 1or se
in aspha)tin* o1
the #o)e$o-
#a5e)an roa$
1ro( M('
1->'9, to
Not n(5ere$
3ontrar6 to
PhP 9,,:>-':0
+2-2 #-119-5
7ReAest 1or
Spp)ies an$
"Aip(ent8@ #-
119-$ 7Report
1' Genera) %o3her
No' B-2+>@
+' Che3? No'
1,+-- 3'(' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se
in the
reha5i)itation o1
the Bano6-
Not n(5ere$
3ontrar6 to
PhP +.,2--'--
o1 Inspe3tion8@
7A5stra3t o1

5aran*a6 roa$
+21- #-11,-3
7ReAest 1or
Spp)ies an$
"Aip(ent8@ #-
11,-e 7Report
o1 Inspe3tion8@
7A5stra3t o1

1' Genera) %o3her
No' B-2+2@
+' Che3? No'
1,+-- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se
in the
reha5i)itation o1
the Ma*a6-
5aran*a6 roa$
Not n(5ere$
3ontrar6 to
PhP +.,2--'--
+21, #-110-3
7ReAest 1or
Spp)ies an$
"Aip(ent8@ #-
110-e 7Report
o1 Inspe3tion8@
7A5stra3t o1

1' Genera) %o3her
No' B-2+.@
+' Che3? No'
1,+-- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se
in the
reha5i)itation o1
the CaBe)-!*o,
Bar5on 5aran*a6
Not n(5ere$
3ontrar6 to
PhP +.,---'--
+212 #-11.-*
Re3eipt8@ #-
11.-*-1, et3'
7=ai)6 #a))6
1' Genera) %o3her
No' B-+,,@
+' Che3? No'
1,00- 3' (' o1
ite( 1-> 1or se
in the repair an$
reha5i)itation o1
$a(a*e$ roa$s
an$ 5ri$*es at
the #o)e$o-
nationa) roa$
1ro( M(' .1 to
M(' >9
Not n(5ere$
3ontrar6 to
PhP 91,---'--

1' ReAest 1or
A))o3ation o1
A))ot(ent 1-1-.-
>9-.:@ .->,-.:@ .-
1+,-.:@ >-109-.:@
+0- *a)s o1
a)(in( paint
9+, *a)s o1 re$
)ea$ paint 1or
se in the
(aintenan3e o1
nationa) roa$s
Not n(5ere$
3ontrar6 to
PhP ,,,.:+'0>
+' Genera) %o3her
9' Che3? No'
an$ 5ri$*es

On the part o1 petitioners, the6 rea$i)6 a$(itte$ that the6 either
si*ne$ the ta))6 sheets an$Dor $e)iver6 re3eipts, reports o1 inspe3tion,
reAests 1or spp)ies an$ (ateria)s, an$ other re)ate$ $o3(ents 4hi3h
5e3a(e part o1 the spportin* $o3(ents that )e$ to the issan3e o1
*enera) vo3hers an$ eventa))6 the $is5rse(ent o1 p5)i3 1n$s'
#he ta))6 sheets are state(ents o1 $e)iver6 that prporte$)6 in$i3ate$ the
spe3i1ie$ Aantities o1 (ateria)s 1or the 3onstr3tion an$ (aintenan3e o1
roa$s that have 5een $e)ivere$ on sppose$ proBe3t sites on *iven $ates at
spe3i1i3 p)a3es'

As a res)t o1 petitionersI si*natres in the ta))6 sheets an$Dor
$e)iver6 re3eipts, reports o1 inspe3tion, reAests 1or spp)ies an$
(ateria)s, an$ other spportin* $o3(entsP4hi3h 5e3a(e the 5asis 1or
pa6(ent to spp)iersPp5)i3 1n$s 4ere re)ease$ via *enera) vo3hers
an$ 3he3?s to the sai$ spp)iers $espite the 1a3t that the )atter $i$ not
(a?e an6 $e)iveries in a33or$an3e 4ith proBe3ts a))e*e$)6 1n$e$ 56
(ost)6 1a?e !AAs'

#he a33sation that there 4ere no a3ta) $e)iveries o1 roa$
3onstr3tion an$ (aintenan3e (ateria)s in spport o1 proBe3ts or
other4ise 1n$e$ 56 !AAs 4as proven tre 56 the testi(onies o1 the
varios 5aran*a6 3aptains an$ resi$ents o1 the 5aran*a6 4ho 4ere
sppose$ to 5e 5ene1ite$ 56 the 3onstr3tion an$ repair a3tivities o1 the
Ce5 <irst ;i*h4a6 "n*ineerin* =istri3t' #he testi(onies o1 these
5aran*a6 3aptains an$ resi$ents are s((ariGe$ as 1o))o4s:

1' MAARIO LIMALIMA, Baran*a6 Captain o1 Baran*a6
Antipo)o, Me$e))in, Ce5, testi1ie$ that his 5aran*a6 is traverse$ 56
the nationa) hi*h4a6 stret3hin* to a $istan3e o1 + ?i)o(eters an$ .0-
(eters 7M(' 1++@ M(' 1+9 to 1+08' ;e $es3ri5e$ the roa$ as 1)) o1
potho)es' "/3ept 1or 1i))in* p these potho)es 4ith Eanapo*F or
3rshe$ )i(estone, no (aBor repairs 4ere n$erta?en on the sai$ roa$
in 12.> or in previos 6ears' 7#SN', pp' :-1,, &ne 0, 12>:8'

+' FELOMINO OR0ISO, Baran*a6 Captain o1 Ca4it,
Me$e))in, Ce5, 1ro( 12.+ to 12>1, testi1ie$ that his 5aran*a6 is
traverse$ 56 the nationa) hi*h4a6, stret3hin* 1ro( M(' 1+0 to M('
1+.'2' ;e $es3ri5e$ the roa$ as a ro*h or $irt roa$' No i(prove(ent
4as ever (a$e on this roa$ 4hether $rin* the 6ear 4hen he *ave his
state(ent to the NBI 712.>8 or in previos 6ears' #he roa$ re(aine$ in
5a$ shape, 4ith n(eros potho)es 4hi3h the 3a(ineros (ere)6 1i))e$
p 4ith )i(estone' 7#SN', pp'1,-12, &ne 0, 12>:8'

9' TIMOTEO ANAJAS, Baran*a6 Captain o1 Pa6pa6, =aan
Banta6an, Ce5, 1ro( 12.+ to 12>+, testi1ie$ that his 5aran*a6 is
traverse$ 56 the nationa) hi*h4a6, stret3hin* 1ro( M(' 19+ to M('
19, Q, or a $istan3e o1 + Q ?i)o(eters' ;e $es3ri5e$ the portion o1 the
hi*h4a6 as a ro*h roa$ 4ith potho)es' ;e state$ that the on)6
i(prove(ent $one on this roa$ 4as the 1i))in* p o1 the potho)es 4ith
Eanapo*F or 3rshe$ )i(estone an$ this 4as $one on)6 on3e in 12..' It
even too? the 3a(ineros three (onths 1ro( the ti(e the )i(estones
4ere $e)ivere$ to start 4or?in* on the roa$' 7#SN', pp' +--+:, &ne 0,

,' L9IA PEGAFLOR, Baran*a6 Captain o1 =on Pe$ro,
Bo*o, Ce5, 1ro( 12:: to 12>+, testi1ie$ that her 5aran*a6 is traverse$
56 the nationa) hi*h4a6, stret3hin* 1ro( M(' 1-9 to M(' 1-0 Q, p to
the 5on$ar6 o1 San Re(i*io, an$ 1ro( the 5on$ar6 to =aan
Banta6an, a $istan3e o1 (ore than 9 ?i)o(eters' It 4as on)6 in 12>, or
12>0 4hen this portion o1 the nationa) hi*h4a6 4as aspha)te$' Prior to
that, the roa$ 4as (aintaine$ 56 1i))in* p the potho)es 4ith 3rshe$
)i(estone or Eanapo*'F #hese potho)es starte$ to appear 5et4een
&anar6 an$ &ne o1 12..' ;o4ever, as a))e*e$ 56 her in her a11i$avit
7"/h' II-1-$8, these potho)es 4ere 1i))e$ p on)6 1ro( &anar6 to &ne,
12.>' 7#SN', pp' +>-,:, &ne 0, 12>:8'

0' MARELO ONEJOS, Baran*a6 Captain o1 #api)on,
=aan Banta6an, 1ro( 12.+ to 12>+, testi1ie$ that his 5aran*a6 is
traverse$ 56 the nationa) hi*h4a6, stret3hin* 1ro( M(' 19- to M('
19,, or a $istan3e o1 , ?i)o(eters' In 12.., sai$ portion o1 the nationa)
hi*h4a6 4as in 5a$ 3on$ition an$ that nothin* 4as $one to i(prove it
nti) 12>+, e/3ept 1or the ti(e 4hen the potho)es 4ere 1i))e$ p 4ith
3rshe$ )i(estones' 7#SN', pp' ,>-0:, &ne 0, 12>:8'

:' REMEDIOS FELIANO, Baran*a6 Captain o1 !oo3, San
Re(i*io, Ce5 1ro( 12.. to 12>+, testi1ie$ that her 5aran*a6 is
traverse$ 56 the nationa) hi*h4a6, stret3hin* 1or( M(' 1-2 to M('
11-' She $es3ri5e$ sai$ portion o1 the nationa) hi*h4a6 as Estone6'F
#he on)6 (aintenan3e 4or? n$erta?en to i(prove the roa$ 4as the
1i))in* p o1 potho)es 4ith 3rshe$ )i(estone 4hi3h 3a(ineros
*athere$ 1ro( the roa$si$e' 7#SN', pp'0.-:., &ne 0, 12>:8'

.' AL0ERTO 0RANS9ELA, a resi$ent o1 Baran*a6 San
&ose, Cat(on, Ce5, 1ro( 12., to 12.>, testi1ie$ that 5aran*a6 San
&ose is traverse$ 56 the nationa) hi*h4a6 7M(' 0>8, 3overin* a $istan3e
o1 Q ?i)o(eter (ore or )ess' ;e state$ that 4hi)e this portion o1 the
nationa) hi*h4a6 4as a)rea$6 aspha)te$ as o1 12.., there 4ere
potho)es 4hi3h the 3a(ineros 1i))e$ p 4ith anapo* ta?en 1ro( the
roa$si$e' 7#SN', pp' :2->-8, &ne 0, 12>:8'

>' ARIDAD P9NLA, A3tin* Baran*a6 Captain o1 Baran*a6
CoraGon, Cat(on, Ce5, 1ro( 12.. to 12>+, testi1ie$ that the
Po5)a3ion o1 Cat(on is traverse$ 56 the nationa) hi*h4a6, stret3hin*
1ro( M(' 0. to M(' 0>' In 12.., on)6 (ore than Q o1 this portion o1
the nationa) hi*h4a6 4as 3e(ente$ 4hi)e the re(ainin* portion 4as
aspha)te$' Lhi)e sai$ portion o1 the nationa) hi*h4a6 a)rea$6 ha$
3ra3?s an$ potho)es as o1 12.., the rea) pro5)e( 4as the neven
e)evation o1 the sr1a3e o1 the sho)$er o1 the roa$' No *enera) repair
4as n$erta?en 56 the athorities to 3orre3t the neven e)evation,
e/3ept 1or the 4or? $one 56 the 3a(ineros 4ho 3overe$ p the
potho)es' 7#SN', pp' >1->2, &ne 0, 12>:8'

2' FELIPE MOLIT, Baran*a6 Captain o1 Bao, S*$, Ce5,
1ro( 12.0 to 12>+, testi1ie$ that 5aran*a6 Bao 4as traverse$ 56 the
nationa) hi*h4a6, stret3hin* 1ro( M(' 02 to M(' :- 1D+' ;e $es3ri5e$
sai$ portion o1 the nationa) hi*h4a6 as a *rave) roa$ sr1a3e$ 4ith
anapo*' In 12.., the sai$ roa$ a)rea$6 ha$ potho)es 4hi3h
(aintenan3e (en 1i))e$ p 4ith anapo* 5e*innin* in Mar3h, 12..'
#he anapo* 4as ha)e$ in 1ro( M(' :,, the sa) e/3avation p)a3e o1
anapo*' It too? on)6 9 tr3?)oa$s o1 anapo* to 3over the entire )en*th
o1 the 1 Q ?i)o(eters traversin* their 5aran*a6' 7#SN', pp' 2--22, &ne
0, 12>:8'

1-' LEONARDO PINOTE, Baran*a6 Captain o1 Baran*a6
Ar*a4anon, San Re(i*io, Ce5, 1ro( 12.+ to 12>-, testi1ie$ that his
5aran*a6 is traverse$ 56 the nationa) hi*h4a6 3overin* a $istan3e o1 Q
?i)o(eters (ore or )ess' In 12.., this portion o1 the nationa) hi*h4a6
4as a ro*h roa$ 4ith potho)es' In the sa(e 6ear, 3a(ineros 4or?e$
on the roa$, sin* 4hee)5arro4s, shove)s an$ ra?es, pit3hin* p the
potho)es 4ith anapo*' 7#SN', pp' +2-90, &ne :, 12>:8'

11' PEDRO ORSAL, Baran*a6 Captain o1 Po5)a3ion, San
Re(i*io, Ce5, 1ro( &anar6 12.+ to 12>-, testi1ie$ that his 5aran*a6
is traverse$ 56 the nationa) hi*h4a6, 1ro( M(' 1-. to M(' 11-, or a
$istan3e o1 three ?i)o(eters (ore or )ess' In 12.., the roa$ 1ro( M('
1-. to M(' 1-> 4as a *rave) roa$' It 4as proper)6 (aintaine$ 56 the
hi*h4a6s peop)e, an$ ever6 ti(e potho)es appeare$ on the roa$, the6
4o)$ 5e 1i))e$-p 4ith anapo*' #his (ateria) 4as $(pe$ a)on* the
roa$ 56 tr3?s o1 the Brea o1 P5)i3 ;i*h4a6s' On the other han$,
the roa$ )ea$in* to the heart o1 the po5)a3ion 4as aspha)te$, 5t 4ith
potho)es' In 12.., the potho)es 4ere 1i))e$ p 56 3a(ineros 4ith
*rave) $e)ivere$ 56 $(p tr3?s o1 the Brea o1 P5)i3 ;i*h4a6s' It
4as on)6 in 12.> 4hen the roa$ 4as re-aspha)te$ an$ e/ten$e$ 1ro(
the Bn3tion o1 the po5)a3ion to the a$Ba3ent 5arrio o1 !oo3' / / /
7#SN', pp'9:-,0, &ne :, 12>:8'

#he ines3apa5)e 3on3)sion 1ro( the a1ore(entione$ testi(onies o1
the 5aran*a6 3aptains an$ resi$ents o1 Ce5 4hose respe3tive 5aran*a6
are traverse$ 56 the nationa) hi*h4a6 is that there 4ere no a3ta) (aBor
repair 4or?s n$erta?en on the nationa) hi*h4a6 e/3ept the 1i))in* o1
potho)es 56 3rshe$ )i(estone 7anapog8' C)ear)6, there 4ere no $e)iveries
o1 spp)ies an$ (ateria)s 1or aspha)tin* an$ repair o1 roa$s $es3ri5e$ in
the ta))6 sheets an$ other spportin* $o3(ents si*ne$ 56 petitioners'

Lhi)e petitioner #orrevi))as presente$ %i3e-Ma6or "(i*$io
#$)asan o1 #a53)an, Ce5, 4ho testi1ie$ that he sa4 the aspha)tin* o1
the #a53)an Roa$ 1ro( ?i)o(eters 1> to 12, sai$ testi(on6 is not
3on3)sive on the a3ta) $e)iver6 o1 the spp)ies in$i3ate$ in the ta))6
sheets, as #$)asan 4as not present at the ti(e o1 a))e*e$ $e)iver6'
Moreover, his testi(on6 rns 3onter to the testi(onies o1 !arangay
Captain Re(e$ios <e)i3iano o1 !oo3, San Re(i*io, Ce5 an$ !arangay
Captain Pe$ro Orsa) o1 Po5)a3ion, San Re(i*io, Ce5' <e)i3iano testi1ie$
that she 4as !arangay Captain o1 !oo3, San Re(i*io, Ce5 1ro( 12.. to
12>+@ that her barangay is traverse$ 56 the nationa) hi*h4a6, stret3hin*
1ro( ?(' 1-2 to ?(' 11-@ an$ that the on)6 4or? n$erta?en to i(prove
the roa$ 4as the 1i))in* p o1 potho)es 4ith 3rshe$ )i(estone 4hi3h
3a(ineros *athere$ 1ro( the roa$si$e' On the other han$, Orsa) testi1ie$
that he 4as !arangay Captain o1 Po5)a3ion, San Re(i*io, Ce5, 1ro(
&anar6 12.+ to 12>-@ that his barangay is traverse$ 56 the nationa)
hi*h4a6, 1ro( ?(' 1-. to ?(' 11-@ that in 12.., the roa$ 1ro( ?(' 1-. to
?(' 1-> 4as a *rave) roa$ (aintaine$ 56 the hi*h4a6s peop)e, an$ ever6
ti(e potho)es appeare$ on the roa$, the6 4o)$ 5e 1i))e$-p 4ith anapog,
4hi3h 4as $(pe$ a)on* the roa$ 56 the Brea o1 P5)i3 ;i*h4a6s@ an$
that it 4as on)6 in 12.> 4hen the roa$ 4as re-aspha)te$ an$ e/ten$e$
1ro( the Bn3tion o1 the po5)a3ion to the a$Ba3ent 5arrio o1 !oo3'

Co(pare$ to the testi(on6 o1 %i3e-Ma6or #$)asan, the
testi(onies o1 !arangay Captains <e)i3iano an$ Orsa) are entit)e$ to (ore
4ei*ht an$ 3re$it, an$ are (ore 3re$i5)e 3onsi$erin* the 1a3t that the6 are
resi$ents o1 the area 4here the roa$ sppose$)6 to 5e repaire$ is )o3ate$
p)s the 1a3t that the6 sa4 on)6 )i(estone, not aspha)t, that 4as se$ in the
repair o1 the roa$ in 12..' #he testi(onies o1 <e)i3iano an$ Orsa) are
1rther 5ttresse$ 56 the 1in$in*s an$ state(ents o1 *overn(ent 4itnesses,
na(e)6NNRth Intin* Pare$es, Spervisin* Co((ission on A$it 7COA8
A$itor assi*ne$ to Re*ion %II@ <e)i3itas CrG Ona, Spervisin* COA
A$itor assi*ne$ to the (ain COA o11i3e@ <e$eri3o A' Ma)var, Senior
Nationa) Brea o1 Investi*ation 7NBI8 A*ent o1 the Anti-Gra1t Se3tion
an$ (e(5er o1 the COA NBI tea( assi*ne$ to investi*ate the ano(a)ies@
Ro*e)io C' Ma(ari), Spervisin* NBI A*ent o1 the Anti-<ra$ an$ A3tion
Se3tion@ an$ =e)ia Co(ahi* Prea*i$o, A33ontant III, MP;, Re*ion
%IINNto the e11e3t that the *enera) vo3hers an$ !AAs that 3orrespon$e$
to the a1ore(entione$ ta))6 sheets si*ne$ 56 petitioner #orrevi))as 4ere
1a?e or 1a)si1ie$' Un$enia5)6, the *overn(ent 4itnesses have no (otive
to testi16 1a)se)6 a*ainst petitioner #orrevi))as an$, hen3e, 3re$i5)e' Le
3on3)$e that there 4ere no a3ta) $e)iveries o1 spp)ies 1or aspha)tin* o1
roa$ an$ repair on ?i)o(eters 1-> an$ 1-2, 4hi3h 4ere the s5Be3ts o1
Cri(ina) Case Nos' +>00, +>0:, +>0>, an$ +>02'

G)arin* is the 1in$in* o1 the SB that the Ce5 <irst ;i*h4a6
"n*ineerin* =istri3t, to 4hi3h petitioners 4ere assi*ne$, ha$ 1a?e !AAs
tota)in* to PhP ,,2+,,9::'0-, 4hi)e the 1a?e Cash =is5rse(ent Cei)in*s
isse$ a(onte$ to PhP :,+.1,10-'
[,+] #he Ce5 <irst ;i*h4a6
"n*ineerin* =istri3t ha$ a)so isse$ 3he3?s per nre3or$e$ reports in the
tota) s( o1 PhP 1,190,1.:'>+'
[,9] #here1ore, the tota) i))e*a)
$is5rse(ents in the Ce5 <irst ;i*h4a6 "n*ineerin* =istri3t a)one 4ere
a sta**erin* PhP 1+,99-,:29'9+ 3ir3a 12..'

O1 this tota), petitioner <ernan, &r' 1ree)6 a$(itte$ si*nin* ta))6
sheets 4hi3h pertaine$ to non-e/istent $e)iveries o1 roa$ 3onstr3tion
spp)ies an$ (ateria)s tota)in* PhP 1,:,---,
[,,] in3)$in* PhP +.,--- in
Cri(ina) Case No' +21, 4here petitioner #orrevi))as 4as a(on* the 3o-
[,0] #hese ta))6 sheets 4ere atta3he$ as the spportin* papers to
1a?e *enera) vo3hers 4hi3h 1a3i)itate$ the re)ease o1 3he3? pa6(ents to

#hese 3he3?s 4ere a))e*e$)6 pai$ to spp)iers &)iana $e )os
An*e)es 7Cri(ina) Case Nos' +>.2, +>>-, +>>1, +>>0, an$ +21,8 an$
Is(ae) Sa5io, &r' 7Cri(ina) Case No' +21>8'

On his part, petitioner #orrevi))as vo)ntari)6 a$(itte$ to si*nin*
ta))6 sheets, reports o1 inspe3tion, reAisitions o1 spp)ies an$ eAip(ent,
an$ other pertinent $o3(ents tota)in* an even *reater a(ont o1 PhP
[,.] in3)$in* PhP +.,--- in Cri(ina) Case No' +21, 4here
petitioner <ernan, &r' 4as a(on* the 3o-a33se$'
[,>] #hese $o3(ents
si*ne$ 56 petitioner #orrevi))as 4ere )i?e4ise atta3he$ as spportin*
papers to 1a?e *enera) vo3hers 4hi3h 1a3i)itate$ the re)ease o1 3he3?
pa6(ents to spp)iers'

#hese 3he3?s 4ere a))e*e$)6 pai$ to spp)iers R1ino %' NCeG
7Cri(ina) Case Nos' +>00, +>0:, +>0>, an$ +>028, &)iana $e )os An*e)es
7Cri(ina) Case Nos' +2-2, +21-, an$ +21,8, Is(ae) Sa5io, &r' 7Cri(ina)
Case No' +2128, an$ Mane) Mas3ar$o 7Cri(ina) Case No' +29+8'

#hese *enera) vo3hers an$ 3he3?s 3o)$ not 5e tra3e$ to *enine
!AAs' "r*o, there 4ere no a3ta) $e)iveries o1 spp)ies an$ (ateria)s 1or
the roa$ repair an$ reha5i)itation in Re*ion %II, 4hi3h 4ere the s5Be3ts
o1 the 3ri(ina) 3ases 4here petitioners 4ere 3har*e$'

Le 1in$ no reason to $istr5 the 1in$in*s o1 the 3ort a quo that a))
the essentia) e)e(ents o1 the 3ri(e o1 esta1a thro*h 1a)si1i3ation o1
p5)i3 $o3(ents 4ere present' #here is no Aestion that petitioners, at
the ti(e o1 the 3o((ission o1 the 3ri(e, 4ere p5)i3 o11i3ersP3ivi)
en*ineersPassi*ne$ to the MP;' #heir si*nin* o1 ta))6 sheets an$
re)ate$ $o3(ents pertainin* to the a))e*e$ $e)iveries o1 spp)ies 1or roa$
repair an$ 3onstr3tion 3onstittes intervention an$Dor ta?in* a$vanta*e
o1 their o11i3ia) positions, espe3ia))6 3onsi$erin* that the6 ha$ the $t6 to
inspe3t the prporte$ $e)iveries an$ as3ertain the vera3it6 o1 the
$o3(ents an$ the state(ents 3ontaine$ in the('

#he ta))6 sheets 5earin* their si*natres 3ontaine$ 1a)se re3ita)s o1
(ateria) 1a3ts 4hi3h the petitioners ha$ the $t6 to veri16 an$ 3on1ir('
#hese ta))6 sheets 4ere atta3he$ as spportin* $o3(ents to 1a?e !AAs
an$ s5seAent)6 5e3a(e the 5ases 1or the $is5rse(ent o1 p5)i3 1n$s
to the $a(a*e an$ preB$i3e o1 the *overn(ent' In$5ita5)6, there e/ists
not even an iota o1 $o5t as to petitionersI *i)t'

#he essentia) e)e(ents o1 esta1a thro*h 1a)si1i3ation o1 p5)i3
$o3(ents are present in the 3ases a*ainst petitioners, as 1o))o4s:

1' D#%#4&: Petitioners <ernan, &r' an$ #orrevi))as (a$e it appear that
spp)ies 1or roa$ 3onstr3tion an$ (aintenan3e 4ere $e)ivere$ 56
spp)iers a))e*e$)6 in 1rtheran3e o1 a))e*e$ )a41) proBe3ts 4hen in 1a3t
sai$ spp)ies 4ere not $e)ivere$ an$ no a3ta) aspha)tin* or repair o1 roa$
4as i(p)e(ente$' In $oin* so, petitioners:

1'1' Lere p5)i3 o11i3ers or e(p)o6ees at the ti(e o1 the
3o((ission o1 the o11enses@
1'+' #oo? a$vanta*e o1 their o11i3ia) position as hi*h4a6 en*ineers@
1'9' Ma$e ntrth1) state(ents in severa) narrations o1 1a3t'

+' Da(a5#: #he *overn(ent $is5rse$ PhP 1,:,--- in the 3ase o1
<ernan, &r' an$ PhP 99.,>:1'-1 in the 3ase o1 #orrevi))as, as pa6(ents to
varios spp)iers 1or the $e)iver6 o1 non-e/istent spp)ies'

B6 4a6 o1 $e1ense, petitioners posit that the ta))6 sheets an$ other
$o3(ents 3o)$ in 1a3t 5e tra3e$ to *enine !AAs that 4ere in the
3sto$6 o1 the NBI' Un1ortnate)6, these *enine !AAs 4ere not
intro$3e$ in evi$en3e' It is an a*e-o)$ a/io( that sDhe 4ho a))e*es
so(ethin* (st prove it' PetitionersI assertion that the $o3(ents the6
si*ne$ 4ere a)) *enine an$ $)6 3overe$ 56 *enine !AAs 4as
s5stantiate$ on)6 56 their o4n se)1-servin* an$ n3orro5orate$
testi(onies' Le hesitate to *ive (3h 4ei*ht an$ 3re$it to their 5are
testi(onies in the 1a3e o1 3)ear, 3onvin3in*, over4he)(in*, an$ har$
evi$en3e a$$3e$ 56 the State'

I1 the *enine !AAs 4ere vita) to their $e1ense, an$ the6 1ir()6
5e)ieve$ that the $o3(ents 4ere in$ee$ in the 3sto$6 o1 the NBI, then
petitioners 3o)$ have easi)6 pro3re$ the 3o(p)sor6 pro3ess to 3o(pe)
the pro$3tion o1 sai$ $o3(ents' ;o4ever, petitioners (isera5)6 1ai)e$
to avai) o1 s5poena duces tecum 4hi3h the 3ort a quo 3o)$ have
rea$i)6 *rante$' #he ina5i)it6 to pro$3e s3h i(portant an$ e/3)pator6
pie3es o1 evi$en3e prove$ $isastros to petitionersI 3ase' #heir
3onvi3tion 4as in$ee$ spporte$ 56 proo1 5e6on$ reasona5)e $o5t
4hi3h 4as not overtrne$ 56 $e1ense evi$en3e'

P#&4&4on#*$ a%&#d 4n %on$-4*a%. C4&" on# ano&"#*

Petitioners vi*oros)6 3)ai( error on the part o1 the )o4er 3ort
4hen it (a$e the 1in$in* that the6 4ere 3o-3onspirators 4ith the other
parties a33se$ $espite the $earth o1 evi$en3e to a(p)6 $e(onstrate

Le are not 3onvin3e$ 56 petitionersI post)ation'

In$ee$, the 5r$en o1 provin* the a))e*ation o1 3onspira36 1a))s to
the sho)$ers o1 the prose3tion' Consi$erin*, ho4ever, the $i11i3)t6 in
esta5)ishin* the e/isten3e o1 3onspira36, sett)e$ Brispr$en3e 1in$s no
nee$ to prove it 56 $ire3t evi$en3e' In People v. Pagalasan, the Cort
e/p)i3ate$ 4h6 $ire3t proo1 o1 prior a*ree(ent is not ne3essar6:

A1ter a)), se3re36 an$ 3on3ea)(ent are essentia) 1eatres o1 a
s33ess1) 3onspira36' Conspira3ies are 3)an$estine in natre' It (a6
5e in1erre$ 1ro( the 3on$3t o1 the a33se$ 5e1ore, $rin* an$ a1ter the
3o((ission o1 the 3ri(e, sho4in* that the6 ha$ a3te$ 4ith a 3o((on
prpose an$ $esi*n' Conspira36 (a6 5e i(p)ie$ i1 it is prove$ that t4o
or (ore persons ai(e$ their a3ts to4ar$s the a33o(p)ish(ent o1 the
sa(e n)a41) o5Be3t, ea3h $oin* a part so that their 3o(5ine$ a3ts,
tho*h apparent)6 in$epen$ent o1 ea3h other, 4ere in 1a3t, 3onne3te$
an$ 3ooperative, in$i3atin* a 3)oseness o1 persona) asso3iation an$ a
3on3rren3e o1 senti(ent' #o ho)$ an a33se$ *i)t6 as a 3o-prin3ipa)
56 reason o1 3onspira36, he (st 5e sho4n to have per1or(e$ an overt
a3t in prsan3e or 1rtheran3e o1 the 3o(p)i3it6' #here (st 5e
intentiona) parti3ipation in the transa3tion 4ith a vie4 to the
1rtheran3e o1 the 3o((on $esi*n an$ prpose'


In "strada v. #andiganbayan, 4e 3ate*oriGe$ t4o 7+8 str3tres o1
()tip)e 3onspira3ies, na(e)6: 718 the so-3a))e$ E4hee)F or E3ir3)eF
3onspira36, in 4hi3h there is a sin*)e person or *rop 7the Eh5F8 $ea)in*
in$ivi$a))6 4ith t4o or (ore other persons or *rops 7the Espo?esF8@ an$
7+8 the E3hainF 3onspira36, sa))6 invo)vin* the $istri5tion o1 nar3oti3s
or other 3ontra5an$, in 4hi3h there is s33essive 3o((ni3ation an$
3ooperation in (3h the sa(e 4a6 as 4ith )e*iti(ate 5siness operations
5et4een (an1a3trer an$ 4ho)esa)er, then 4ho)esa)er an$ retai)er, an$
then retai)er an$ 3ons(er'

Le 1in$ that the 3onspira36 in the instant 3ases rese(5)es the
E4hee)F 3onspira36' #he 9: $isparate persons 4ho 3onstitte$ the
(assive 3onspira36 to $e1ra$ the *overn(ent 4ere 3ontro))e$ 56 a
sin*)e h5, na(e)6: Ro)an$o Man*5at 7Chie1 A33ontant8, =e)ia
Prea*i$o 7A33ontant III8, &ose Sa6son 7B$*et "/a(iner8, an$ "$*ar$o
CrG 7C)er? II8, 4ho 3ontro))e$ the separate Espo?esF o1 the 3onspira36'
Petitioners 4ere a(on* the (an6 spo?es o1 the 4hee)'
Le re3a)) the painsta?in* e11orts o1 the SB thro*h Asso3iate
&sti3e Cipriano A' =e) Rosario, Chairperson o1 the #hir$ =ivision, in
e)a5oratin* the intri3ate 4e5 o1 3onspira36 a(on* the a33se$, ths:

Man5,)a& #n&4%#d P*#a54do, *,E and Sa.$on &o Ho4n "4(.
A<< &"*## a5*##d &o "#<- "4( %a**. o,& "4$ -<an. #he6 t6pe$ 1a?e
!AAs $rin* Satr$a6s' CrG an$ Sa6son a)so too? 3har*e o1
ne*otiatin* or se))in* 1a?e !AAs to 3ontra3tors at +:H o1 the *ross
a(ont' Prea*i$o (anip)ate$ the *enera) )e$*er, Borna) vo3hers
an$ *enera) Borna) thro*h ne*ative entries to 3on3ea) the i))e*a)
$is5rse(ents' In the initia) report o1 COA a$itors %i3toria C'
QeBa$a an$ Rth I' Pare$es it 4as $is3overe$ that the $o5t1)
a))ot(ents an$ other ano(a)ies es3ape$ noti3e $e to the 1o))o4in*

E#he )etter-a$vi3es 3overin* s3h a))ot(ents 7!AA8
4ere not si*ne$ 56 the <inan3e O11i3er nor 7sic8 re3or$e$ in the
5oo?s o1 a33onts' =is5rse(ents (a$e on the 5asis o1 these
1a?e !AAs 4ere 3har*e$ to the n)iAi$ate$ o5)i*ations
7A33ont >->1-,--8, a)tho*h the o5)i*ations 5ein* pai$ 4ere
not a(on* those 3erti1ie$ to the n)iAi$ate$ o5)i*ations
7A33ont >->1-,--8 at the en$ o1 the pre3e$in* 6ear' #o
3on3ea) the over3har*es to athoriGe$ a))ot(ents, a33ont >->1-
,-- 7sic8 an$ the e/3ess o1 3he3?s isse$ over athoriGe$ 3ash
$is5rse(ents 3ei)in*, a$Bst(ents 4ere prepare$ (onth)6
thro*h Borna) vo3hers to ta?e p the ne*ative $e5it to
A33ont >->1-,-- an$ a ne*ative 3re$it to the #reasr6
Che3?in* A33ont 1or A*en3ies A33ont >-.--.2-' #hese
Borna) vo3hers in e11e3t 3an3e))e$ the previos entr6 to re3or$
the $is5rse(ents (a$e on the 5asis o1 1a?e !AAs' #hs the
a11e3te$ a33onts 7A33onts >->1-,-- an$ >-.--.2-8, as
appearin* in the tria) 5a)an3e, 4o)$ not sho4 the irre*)arit6'
#he 3he3?s, ho4ever, 4ere a3ta))6 isse$'F

T"# 3o,* 3o*(#d &"# n,%<#,$ o3 &"# n#3a*4o,$ %on$-4*a%..
O&"#* 5oF#*n(#n& #(-<o.##$, &#(-&#d ). &"# -*o$-#%& o3 #a*n4n5
)45 (on#., a<<oC#d &"#4* na(#$ &o )# ,$#d and $45n#d $-,*4o,$

/ / / /

9' Ce5 <irst ;i*h4a6 "n*ineerin* =istri3t Ano(a)ies

<o3sin* or attention no4 on the ano(a)ies 3o((itte$ in the
Ce5 <irst =istri3t "n*ineerin* =istri3t, hereina1ter re1erre$ to as the
Ce5 <irst ;"= 1or 5revit6, the Cort 1in$s that the sa(e pattern o1
1ra$ e(p)o6e$ in the other hi*h4a6 en*ineerin* $istri3ts in MP;
Re*ion %II 4as 1o))o4e$' #he Ce5 <irst ;"= re3eive$ 1ro( Re*ion
%II thirt6-1or !etters o1 A$vi3e o1 A))ot(ent 7!AAs8 in the tota) s(
o1 P,,.9,,99:'0- an$ t4ent6-nine 7+28 3orrespon$in* S5-A$vi3es o1
Cash =is5rse(ent Cei)in* 7SAC=Cs8, a(ontin* to P0,1:-,:..'-,
1or the perio$ &anar6 1, 12.. to =e3e(5er 91, 12..' Bt apart 1ro(
this, the Ce5 <irst ;"= appears to have a)so re3eive$ 1or the sa(e
perio$ another set o1 ei*ht6-1or 7>,8 !AAs a(ontin* to
P,,:>-,:2,'.: 4hi3h ho4ever, 3o)$ not 5e tra3e$ to an6 S5-A$vi3e
o1 A))ot(ent 7SAA8 OR MA#C;"= #O #;" A$vi3es o1 Cash
=is5rse(ent Cei)in* 7AC=Cs8 re3eive$ 1ro( the MP; an$ Re*iona)
O11i3e' #his is hi*h)6 irre*)ar an$ not in 3onsonan3e 4ith a33ontin*

It 4as a)so (a$e to appear that the pa6(ents 4ere (a$e 1or
a))e*e$ prior 6earIs o5)i*ations an$ 3har*ea5)e to A33ont >1-,--,
o5vios)6 5e3ase, the6 4ere not proper)6 1n$e$' <rther(ore, the
)ist o1 proBe3ts in Re*ion %II 1or 12.. sho4e$ that Ce5 1irst ;"=
3o(p)ete$ reha5i)itation an$Dor i(prove(ent o1 roa$s an$ 5ri$*es in
its $istri3ts 1ro( <e5rar6 to Ma6, 12.., 4ith e/pen$itres a(ontin*
to P:19,>1+'--' On the other han$, the e/pen$itres 1or 5aran*a6
roa$s in the sa(e $istri3t in 12.. a(onte$ to P1,-,:2+'--, an$ these
4ere a)) 3o(p)ete$ 4ithin the perio$ 1ro( Nove(5er to =e3e(5er,
12..' #hese 3o(p)ete$ proBe3ts 4ere proper)6 1n$e$ 56 )e*iti(ate
!AAs an$ C=Cs in the tota) a(ont o1 on)6 P.0,,0-,'--' ;o4ever,
an a$$itiona) a(ont o1 P9,>92,>1-'.,, 4as spent 56 the Ce5 <irst
;"= 1or (aintenan3e o1 roa$s an$ 5ri$*es 1or the sa(e 6ear 712..8
5t the sa(e 3o)$ not 5e tra3e$ to an6 athoritative $o3(ent 3o(in*
1ro( the MP;'

#he 1o))o4in* pa6(ents 1or (ateria)s pr3hase$ 1or the 6ear
12.. 4ere (a$e to appear as pa6(ent 1or prior 6earIs o5)i*ation an$
4ere pai$ ot o1 1a?e !AAs:

S,--<4#* No. o3
74nd o3
M#a$,*#(#n& A(o,n&
R1ino NCeG +2 Ite( 91- ,,:,-,+.0 (t P1,9.,,190'--
&' $e)os An*e)es +1 Ite( 1-> ++,+2- 3'(' ,99,9--'--
I)(ina$a %e*a 11 Ite( 1-> >,9+0 3'(' 121,0--'--
<)oren3io Ga3a6an 1- Ite( 1-> .,>-- 3'(' 10:,---'--
Is(ae) Sa5io, &r' : Ite( 1-> :,12> 3'(' 1+9,2:-'--
<BS Mar?etin* 9 !(5er .-,:1-'--
Ce5 ;o))o4 B)o3?s + ;o))o4 B)o3?s 12,>>-'--
Bienveni$o Presi))as , "Aip' Renta) +2,0>-'--
#'R' "staAio "nt' 1 O11i3e Spp)ies .,,:1'2-
Santra$e M?t*' 1 &ohnson
Pe)a*ia Go(eG 1 Ite( 1-> +,--- 3'(' ,-,---'--
M R M "nt' 1 Paints ,2,.9:'+-
<reent In$' 1 O11i3e Spp)ies 02-'+-
To&a<III P2,525,147.22

#he NBI a)so $is3overe$ that there 4ere pr3hases o1 (ateria)s
in 12.. that 4ere 3har*e$ to 3rrent o5)i*ations 5t pai$ ot o1
sprios !AAs, to 4it:

S,--<4#* No. o3
74nd o3
M#a$,*#(#n& A(o,n&
R1ino NCeG 11 Ite( 91-
Ite( 1->
1:+,0,2 ('t'
0,--- 3'('
&)iana $e)os An*e)es 1: Ite( 1-> 19,+>- 3'(' P+.:,,--'--
Ite( 111
Ite( +--
1,-- 3'('
9-. 3'('
I)(ina$a %e*a 9 Ite( 1-> 9,:-- 3'(' .+,-2-'--
<)oren3io Ga3a6an + Ite( 1-> +,,--'-- 3'(' ,>,---'--
%i3on "nt' 1 Stee) <ra(e 12,-,+'.,
Is(ae) Sa5io, &r' 0 Ite( 1-> :,20- 3'(' 192,---'--
&a536) M?t*' 9 Bri$*e
To&a<III P1,//9,++/.74

G*and To&a< III. P/,'/9,'12.74

A tota) o1 19+ Genera) %o3hers, e(anatin* 1ro( 1a?e !AAs
an$ AC=Cs, 4ere tra3e$ 5a3? to Ro)an$o Man*5at, Re*iona)
A33ontant o1 Re*ion %II an$ A$ventor <ernan$eG, Re*iona) ;i*h4a6
"n*ineer, a)so o1 Re*ion %II' #hose !AAs an$ AC=Cs 5e3a(e the
vehi3)es in the $is5rse(ent o1 1n$s a(ontin* to P9,>92,>1-'.,,
thro*h the vo3hers prporte$)6 isse$ 1or the pr3hase an$ $e)iver6
o1 the a1ore(entione$ (ateria)s a))e*e$)6 se$ 1or the (aintenan3e
an$ repair o1 the nationa) hi*h4a6s 4ithin the Ce5 <irst ;"='
=espite the enor(os a$$itiona) e/pen$itre o1 P9,>92,>1-'.,, the
roa$s an$ 5ri$*es in the $istri3t, as 1on$ ot 56 the NBI, $i$ not sho4
an6 i(prove(ent 7"/hi5it II8' As testi1ie$ to 56 severa) 5aran*a6
3aptains, the roa$ (aintenan3e 3onsiste$ (ere)6 o1 sprea$in* anapo*
or )i(estone on potho)es o1 the nationa) ;i*h4a6'

O5vios)6, the vo3hers 1or pa6(ents o1 a))e*e$ (aintenan3e
o1 roa$s an$ 5ri$*es in the a$$itiona) a(ont o1 P9,>92,>1-'., 4ere
prepare$ 1or no other prpose than to siphon o11 the sai$ a(ont 1ro(
the *overn(ent 3o11er into the po3?ets o1 so(e o11i3ia)s an$
e(p)o6ees o1 Re*ion %II an$ the Ce5 <irst ;"=, as 4e)) as the
spp)iers an$ 3ontra3tors 4ho 3onspire$ an$ 3on1e$erate$ 4ith the('

A1ter a 3)ose re-e/a(ination o1 the re3or$s, the Cort 1in$s no
reason to $istr5 the 1in$in* o1 the anti-*ra1t 3ort that petitioners are 3o-
3onspirators o1 the other a33se$, hea$e$ 56 Chie1 A33ontant Ro)an$o
Man*5at, 4ho 4ere si(i)ar)6 3onvi3te$ in pra3ti3a))6 a)) the 112 3onts
o1 esta1a' Un$istr5e$ is the r)e that this Cort is not a trier o1 1a3ts an$
in the a5sen3e o1 stron* an$ 3o(pe))in* reasons or Bsti1i3ations, it 4i))
a33or$ 1ina)it6 to the 1in$in*s o1 1a3ts o1 the SB' #he 1ee5)e $e1ense o1
petitioners that the6 4ere not a4are o1 the in*enos p)an o1 the *rop o1
a33se$ Man*5at an$ the in$ispensa5)e a3ts to $e1ra$ the *overn(ent
$oes not (erit an6 3onsi$eration' #he State is not tas?e$ to a$$3e $ire3t
proo1 o1 the a*ree(ent 56 petitioners 4ith the other a33se$, 1or s3h
reAire(ent, in (an6 3ases, 4o)$ 5or$er on near i(possi5i)it6' #he
State nee$s to a$$3e proo1 on)6 4hen the a33se$ 3o((itte$ a3ts that
3onstitte a vita) 3onne3tion to the 3hain o1 3onspira36 or in 1rtheran3e
o1 the o5Be3tive o1 the 3onspira36' In the 3ase at 5en3h, the si*nin* o1 the
1a?e ta))6 sheets an$Dor $e)iver6 re3eipts, reports o1 inspe3tion, an$
reAests 1or spp)ies an$ (ateria)s 56 petitioners on separate o33asions is
vita) to the s33ess o1 the Man*5at Grop in siphonin* o11 *overn(ent
1n$s' Lithot s3h 1a5ri3ate$ $o3(ents, the *enera) vo3hers 3overin*
the spp)6 o1 (ateria)s 3annot 5e proper)6 a33o(p)ishe$ an$ s5(itte$ to
the $is5rsin* o11i3er 1or the preparation o1 3he3?s'

State 4itness Rth Pare$es, Spervisin* COA A$itor, e)a5orate$
on the pro3e$re re*ar$in* the a4ar$ o1 the 3ontra3t (ore spe3i1i3a))6 to
the pa6(ent o1 the 3ontra3tor or spp)ier' On3e the ReAest 1or Spp)ies
an$ "Aip(ent is approve$ 56 the Re*iona) O11i3e, the ReAest 1or
O5)i*ation o1 A))ot(ent 7ROA8 or the reAest 1or 1n$s is si*ne$ 56 the
=istri3t "n*ineer prsant to the approve$ p)ans an$ 5$*et an$ si*ne$
56 the $istri3t a33ontant as to avai)a5i)it6 o1 1n$s'

#he $istri3t o11i3e 4i)) a$vertise the invitation to 5i$ an$ a4ar$ the
3ontra3t to the )o4est 5i$$er' #he Pr3hase Or$er 7PO8 is prepare$ an$
a$$resse$ to the 4innin* 5i$$er' Upon $e)iver6 o1 the spp)ies an$
(ateria)s, the spp)ier 5i))s the $istri3t o11i3e 1or pa6(ent' ConseAent)6,
the reAisitionin* o11i3er 4i)) prepare the *enera) vo3her 4hi3h (st 5e
a33o(panie$ 56 the 1o))o4in* $o3(ents:

a' #he ROA@
5' #he PO@
3' #he a5stra3t o1 Bi$ to*ether 4ith the Bi$ Aotations@
$' #he $e)iver6 re3eipts to*ether 4ith the ta))6 sheets@ an$
e' #he ta/ 3)earan3e an$ ta/ 3erti1i3ate o1 the spp)ier'

A1ter the preparation an$ s5(ission o1 the *enera) vo3her an$
the spportin* $o3(ents, the $is5rsin* o11i3er sha)) prepare an$ $ra4 a
3he3? 5ase$ on sai$ vo3her' #he 3he3? is 3ontersi*ne$ 56 an o11i3er o1
the $istri3t o11i3e an$Dor the COA Re*iona) =ire3tor 5ase$ on the a(ont
o1 the 3he3?'

#hs, it is 3)ear that 4ithot the ta))6 sheets an$ $e)iver6 re3eipts,
the *enera) vo3her 3annot 5e prepare$ an$ 3o(p)ete$' Lithot the
*enera) vo3her, the 3he3? 1or the pa6(ent o1 the spp)6 3annot 5e (a$e
an$ isse$ to the spp)ier' Lithot the 3he3? pa6(ent, the $e1ra$ation
3annot 5e 3o((itte$ an$ s33ess1))6 3ons((ate$' #hs, petitionersI
a3ts in si*nin* the 1a)se ta))6 sheets an$Dor $e)iver6 re3eipts are
in$ispensa5)e to the 3ons((ation o1 the 3ri(e o1 esta1a thr
1a)si1i3ation o1 p5)i3 $o3(ents' Sre)6, there 4ere *host or 1a)se
$e)iveries o1 spp)ies an$ (ateria)s as 3onvin3in*)6 sho4n 56 the
testi(onies o1 the 5aran*a6 3aptains, o11i3ia)s, an$ resi$ents o1 the areas
4here the (ateria)s 4ere a))e*e$)6 se$' More i(portant)6, i1 there 4ere
a3ta) $e)iveries o1 (ateria)s (a$e, then there 4o)$ 5e no nee$ to 1a?e
the !AAs 5e3ase the spp)iers 4i)) have to 5e pai$ the 3ost o1 sai$
(ateria)s p)s a reasona5)e pro1it' As a res)t, there is nothin* or not
(3h to share 4ith the (ore than 9- or so 3o-3onspirators, 1or the
spp)iers 4o)$ not 5e too $i(-4itte$ to part 4ith even their 3ost in
56in* the (ateria)s the6 a))e*e$)6 spp)ie$' Moreover, the 1a?e $e)iver6
re3eipts an$ ta))6 sheets si*ne$ 56 petitioners 4ere )in?e$ to the *enera)
vo3hers pon 4hi3h 3he3? pa6(ents 4ere (a$e to the spp)iers 4ho
4ere 1on$ *i)t6 o1 parti3ipatin* in the 1ra$' Lith respe3t to petitioner
<ernan, &r', he si*ne$ ta))6 sheets on the *host $e)iveries o1 &)iana $e )os
An*e)es an$ Is(ae) Sa5io, &r' On the part o1 petitioner #orrevi))as, he
si*ne$ 1a)se ta))6 sheets an$ $e)iver6 re3eipts on spp)ies a))e*e$)6
$e)ivere$ 56 R1ino %' NCeG, &)iana $e )os An*e)es, Is(ae) Sa5io, &r',
an$ Mane) Mas3ar$o' !ast)6, the 3he3?s isse$ to these spp)iers 5ase$
on *enera) vo3hers spporte$ 56 the 1a)se ta))6 sheets an$ *enera)
vo3hers si*ne$ 56 petitioners 3annot 5e tra3e$ to an6 *enine !AAs,
res)tin* in the ines3apa5)e 3on3)sion that these !AAs 4ere
nathoriGe$@ hen3e, 1a?e or 1a5ri3ate$' #hese are n$ispte$ te))-ta)e
si*ns o1 the 3o(p)i3it6 56 petitioners 4ith the Man*5at s6n$i3ate'

In People v. $angubat, the 3ort a quo e)3i$ate$ the 3onspira36 in
the Ce5 hi*h4a6 s3a( in a tren3hant (anner:

Lhere the a3ts o1 ea3h o1 the a33se$ 3onstitte an essentia)
)in? in a 3hain an$ the $esistan3e o1 even one o1 the( 4o)$ prevent
the 3hain 1ro( 5ein* 3o(p)ete$, then no 3onspira36 3o)$ res)t as its
3ons((ation 4o)$ then 5e i(possi5)e or a5orte$' Bt 4hen ea3h
an$ ever6one o1 the a33se$ in the instant 3ases per1or(e$ their
assi*ne$ tas?s an$ ro)es 4ith (artinet-)i?e pre3ision an$ a33ra36, 56
in$ivi$a))6 per1or(in* essentia) overt a3ts, so (3h so that the
3o((on o5Be3tive is attaine$, 4hi3h is to se3re the i))e*a) re)ease o1
p5)i3 1n$s n$er the *ise o1 1a?e or si()ate$ p5)i3 $o3(ents,
then ea3h an$ ever6one o1 sai$ a33se$ are eAa))6 )ia5)e as 3o-
prin3ipa)s n$er the 4e))-esta5)ishe$ an$ niversa))6-a33epte$
prin3ip)e that, on3e a 3onspira36 is $ire3t)6 or i(p)ie$)6 proven, the a3t
o1 one is the a3t o1 a)) an$ s3h )ia5i)it6 e/ists not4ithstan$in* no-
parti3ipation in ever6 $etai) in the e/e3tion o1 the o11ense'

In s(, the reAire$ Aant( o1 proo1 has 5een a$$3e$ 56 the
State on the 3onspira36 a(on* the a33se$ in3)$in* petitioners' #he
3onvi3tion o1 petitioners (st per1or3e 5e sstaine$'

6HEREFORE, 4e DEN8 the petition an$ AFFIRM the
=e3e(5er ,, 122. =e3ision o1 the SB in the 3onso)i$ate$ 3ri(ina) 3ases
s5Be3t o1 this petition'

No 3osts'


Asso3iate &sti3e

Asso3iate &sti3e

Asso3iate &sti3e
Asso3iate &sti3e

Asso3iate &sti3e


I attest that the 3on3)sions in the a5ove =e3ision ha$ 5een rea3he$
in 3ons)tation 5e1ore the 3ase 4as assi*ne$ to the 4riter o1 the opinion
o1 the CortIs =ivision'

Asso3iate &sti3e


Prsant to Se3tion 19, Arti3)e %III o1 the Constittion, an$ the
=ivision ChairpersonIs Attestation, I 3erti16 that the 3on3)sions in the
a5ove =e3ision ha$ 5een rea3he$ in 3ons)tation 5e1ore the 3ase 4as
assi*ne$ to the 4riter o1 the opinion o1 the CortIs =ivision'


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