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Version Location Description Submitted By Date Submitted

Printed Page xxviii
4th Bullet
Reads "Tha bin directory..." Should this read "The bin directory..."? Anonymous Jul 18, 2011
PDF Page xii
Chapter 6 sub-chapter
listing bullet one
Analying the bug ... isin't it supposed to be 'analyzing'?
Note from the Author or Editor:
Yes, "Analying the bug in the Simple Dot Com Game" should be "Analyzing
the bug in the Simple Dot Com Game".
Anonymous May 23, 2012
Printed Page xxvii
10th bullet
For long examples or Ready-bake code, you can download the source files
from -> For long examples or Ready-bake code, you can
download the source files from
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page xxx
2nd paragraph
"...has her SCPJ 1.4 and SCWCD..." should be: "...has her SCJP 1.4 and
SCWCD..." ^^
Anonymous Mar 01,
PDF Page xxvi
2 paragraph
The sentence has the word "coded" twice.
Note from the Author or Editor:
Intro, page xxvi, 2nd paragraph: "...coded coded..." should be: "...coded..."
Anonymous Aug 25, 2010 Mar 01,
Printed Page 5
2nd paragraph after "A:"
Sentence reads, So, the original Java was versions 1.02 (the first official
release) through 1.1 were just "Java". Should read, So, the original Java,
versions 1.02 (the first official release) through 1.1, were just "Java".
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 6
hand-written text after
"System.out.print("Dog: " +
Sentence reads, print out "Hello Fido"... Should read, print out "Dog: Fido"... Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 9
Load the Hello class -> Load the MyFirstApp class
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 10
Bullet 2 "do something again
and again"
x = x -1 should be x = x - 1 Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 23
middle of page in class Test
Wrong way double-quotes in System.out.print(x + "" + y + " ");
Note from the Author or Editor:
In the white box with code, change the quotation marks in the
"System.out.print" statement to be straight quotes.
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 24
at botton of page in pool
The Pool Puzzle snippets System.out.print("a "); System.out.print("n "); should
be: System.out.print("a"); System.out.print("n"); (i.e., remove spaces) and
System,out,print("an"); should be: System.out.print("an");
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 47
Pool Puzzle
For pool puzzle on page 44 of Chapter 2, the correct answer on page 47 is
NOT the only correct answer. The following permissible code is also correct:
//File: EchoTestDrive public class EchoTestDrive { public static void
main(String[] args) { Echo e1 = new Echo(); Echo e2 = new Echo(); //"Echo e2
= e1;" for Bonus int x = 0; while ( x < 4 ) { e1.hello(); e1.count = e1.count + 1; if
(x > 0) { e2.count = e2.count + 1; }//This is the end of the 1st conditional if (x >
1) { e2.count = e2.count + e1.count; }//This is the end of the 2nd conditional x
= x+1; }//This is the end of the 1st while System.out.println(e2.count); }//This is
Anonymous Sep 20, 2010 Mar 01,
the end of the main method }//This is the end of the class
Note from the Author or Editor:
Add to the end of the "Your job..." paragraph: Note: Some of the exercises and
puzzles in this book might have more than one correct answer. If you find
another correct answer, give yourself bonus points!
Printed Page 53
Just right below the 3 bullet
Just right below the last bullet of the rules. "are keywords (and other things)
that...." It should be: "Reserved words are keywords..."
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 63
Compiler problem B
The problem in the exercise is to find the code which will give compilation
errors by the compiler. However the problem B is fine for the compilation. The
error mentioned in the exercise solution, i.e the
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is a runtime exception, which will never be
caught by the compiler.
Note from the Author or Editor:
Change the "Be the Compiler" instructions: Second sentence should now end:
"...will compile and run without exception." In the last sentence, remove the
word "compile".
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 66
left column under "Tip"
on page 55 and 56 -> on page 55 and 57
Anonymous Feb 01,
Printed Page 66
In the 'Tip', the sentence that starts "Unless you're way smarter than us... it
mentions diagrams "like the ones on page 55 and 56 of this chapter". remove
"and 56"; it doesn't have any diagrams on it. [and a minor note that I'm sure
will be chuckled at.... the first sentence should be "Unless you're way smarter
than we are", not "us".
Note from the Author or Editor:
The "tip" should refer to pages 57-60.
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 68
Solution to "Be The
Compiler" exercise B
Should outdent the two boldface lines to match the prior line. Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 69
Output on the Code
In the last line of output on the code, it currently says: y = 4, t5 area = 343
Since 'area' is of type double, the output should be: y = 4, t5 area = 343.0
Note from the Author or Editor:
In the black output window change: "... area = 343" to be: "... area = 343.0"
Nov 05, 2010 Mar 01,
Printed Page 84
Last paragraph, bottom right
of the page, next to the
output window
The paragraph "(Remeber, null just means [...]" misses the closing
Anonymous Aug 11, 2008 Mar 01,
Printed Page 92
4th paragraph
Maybe not a mistake - a few phrases end with two dots ("it should.." and "your
access modi.."), maybe there should be three.
Anonymous Aug 11, 2008 Mar 01,
Printed Page 99
"real code" paragraph
The "To Do" note obscures part of the text after "real code". Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 106
output box in lower right
The output of running "java SimpleDotComTestDrive" should read: hit passed
instead of just "hit"
Note from the Author or Editor:
Output box in lower right, add the word "passed" underneath the existing word
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 118
left column
Code for the exercise is missing
Note from the Author or Editor:
Code needs to be added back in: class Output { public static void main(String
[] args) { Output o = new Output(); o.go(); } void go() { int y = 7; for(int x = 1; x
< 8; x++) { y++; if (x > 4) { System.out.print(++y + " "); } if (y > 14) {
System.out.println(" x = " + x); break; } } } }
Anonymous Apr 10, 2011 Jun 10,
Printed Page 119
2 and 6 code magnets
There is no code in the 2nd magnet, or the 6th magnet. They are blank.
Note from the Author or Editor:
Code needs to be added back in: for(int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
Anonymous May 15, 2011 Jun 10,
Printed Page 123
Mixed messages puzzle
All the candidate blocks of code are blank.
Note from the Author or Editor:
Add Candidates: x = x + 3; x = x + 6; x = x + 2; x++; x--; x = x + 0;
Anonymous May 15, 2011 Jun 10,
PDF Page 135
Last ArrayList paragraph,
6th sentence
primtive should be primitive: " can put a primtive in an ArrayList..." Anonymous Nov 24, 2011
Printed Page 135
Last ArrayList paragraph
The following line should end with a question mark: But is it worth the
miniscule performance gain to give up all this power.
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 139
2nd comment
In the 2nd comment where says: "Change the String array to an ArrayList that
holds Strings" should say: "Change the int array to an ArrayList that holds
Strings" (You are changing from a int[] to a ArrayList<String>.)
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 146
Annotations at bottom of
In the K&B solution on page 148 for the "Sharpen your pencil" exercise on
page 146, there is an extra annotation that isn't one of the possible
annotations listed at the bottom of page 146. The "extra annotation" shown on
page 148 is, "Make an ArrayList of DotCom objects (in other words, a list that
will hold ONLY DotCom obects, just as DotCom[] would mean an array of
DotCom objects).
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 149
4th line of checkUserGuess
variable userGuess is incorrectly printed with a lower case g (i.e. userguess)
So, result = dotComsList.get(x).checkYourself(userguess); should be result =
Note from the Author or Editor:
5th line of code: ...userguess); should be: ...userGuess);
Anonymous May 15, 2011 Jun 10,
Printed Page 149
9th line of checkUserGuess
Line reads: dotComsList.remove(dotComToTest); dotComToTest is not
declared anywhere. I imagine this is an error introduced from the fix of a
previous errara. Line should read: dotComsList.remove(x);
Note from the Author or Editor:
9th line of code that reads: dotComsList.remove(dotComToTest); should be:
Anonymous May 15, 2011 Jun 10,
Printed Page 149
checkUserGuess method
The method includes the following for loop for (DotCom dotComToTest :
dotComsList) { result = dotComToTest.checkYourself(userGuess); if
(result.equals("hit")) { break; } if (result.equals("kill")) {
dotComsList.remove(dotComToTest); } } When the program is run under JRE
1.5.0_04, the loop throws a ConcurrentModificationException after the
"dotComsList.remove(dotComToTest);" statement is executed. According to
what I've been able to find, when using an ArrayList iterator (as the for-each
loop does), it is only legal to modify the ArrayList by using the iterator's own
remove or add methods (From the JavaDoc for
ConcurrentModificationException: "if a thread modifies a collection directly
Anonymous Mar 01,
while it is iterating over the collection with a fail-fast iterator, the iterator will
throw this exception.") In order to avoid the exception the example code
should use a standard for loop.
Note from the Author or Editor:
The 4th line of code that begins: for(DotCom dotComToTest... should be:
for(int x = 0; x < dotComsList.size(); x++) { The 5th line of code that begins:
result = dotComToTest... should be: result =
Printed Page 150
Code line: "public void
This line of code should be outdented to match the curly braces above and
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 152
Third line of the
placeDotCom method,
slightly below the middle of
the page.
The line reads: String [] alphacoords = new String [comSize]; // holds 'f6' type
coords The local string array "alphacoords" appears nowhere else in the
placeDotCom method. I suspect the comment regarding 'f6' coords belongs
with the preceding line: ArrayList<String> alphaCells = new
Note from the Author or Editor:
Change the line of code that begins: String[] aplhacoords = ... In this line of
code, remove everything up to the // and make sure the // ... stays aligned with
the comments below it.
Anonymous Jun 10,
Printed Page 152
1st paragraph; 4th sentence
(of the 2nd edition)
"We tried to keep it fairly small to you wouldn't have to type so much..." should
be: "We tried to keep it fairly small so you wouldn't have to type so much..."
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 154, 155, 157
References to "chapter 16"
All references to chapter 16 on these pages should be references to chapter
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 180
Note at end of page
Reference to chapter 16 should be a reference to chapter 17. Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 187
1st hand-written paragraph
"The Animal parameter can take ANY Animal type as the argument." Should
be changed to: "The 'a' parameter can take ANY Animal type as the
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 190
2nd-to-last box, line 2
public boolean turnOn() -> public boolean turnOff()
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 195
Mixed messages answer
Misaligned line objects make it unclear just what is the correct answer for this
Note from the Author or Editor:
The 1st set of 3 on the left should point to the 2nd answer on the right. The
2nd set of 3 on the left should point to the 4th answer on the right. The 3rd set
should point to the last answer. The 4th set - add the big curly brace and point
it also to the 4th answer.
Anonymous Jun 10,
Printed Page 200
The bottom of the right
column (the code example)
The highlight for the word abstract is below the code sample in the white
Note from the Author or Editor:
At the bottom of the 2nd column the grey highlighting box should be moved up
the page so that the word "abstract" is within it.
Anonymous May 15, 2011 Jun 10,
Printed Page 208
box, under "boolean
Removes the object at the index parameter. Returns 'true' if the element was
in the last -> Removes one instance of the object specified in the parameter.
Returns 'true' if the element was in the list.
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 209
References to chapter 17
and appendix B
References to "hashtables in chapter 17" should be changed to chapter 16.
References to appendix B should be removed.
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 212
Inside command window
depiction 2/3 of way down
the page
Dog sameDog = takeObjects(aDog); should be: Dog sameDog =
Note from the Author or Editor:
In the output box: "... takeObjects(aDog);" should be: "... getObject(aDog);"
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 229
2nd paragraph of 'A'nswer
on right side of page
"... the compiler knows that its (should be 'it's') safe to cast anything that
comes out of ArrayList do (should be 'to') a dog reference."
Note from the Author or Editor:
in the middle of the 2nd answer paragraph the line: "ArrayList do a Dog..."
should be: "ArrayList to a Dog..."
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 231
Near the bottom of the page
Very minor printing error? For #4, there is a break in the arrow between the
"Baz" and the "Bar" classes. This line should be solid.
Note from the Author or Editor:
Diagram #4, the arrow between Baz and Bar should be solid.
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 245
3rd paragraph
"clunkly" should read "clunky" Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 247
The class below is legal because all four constructors... -> The class below is
legal because all five constructors...
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 247
gray box on top right
Four different constructors means four different ways to make a new
mushroom. -> Five different constructors means five different ways to make a
new mushroom. ########################################
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 248
Bottom right
Example compiler output window overlaps the last line of text in the answer
Anonymous May 16, 2011 Jun 10,
Printed Page 249
Answer to first "dumb
The answer to the first question is missing "protected" which is a perfectly
valid access modifier for a constructor. (this should also reference appendix
Note from the Author or Editor:
First "dumb questions" answer should read: "No, constructors can be public,
protected, private,..."
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 254
Second paragraph
"Look at the Stack series on page 248 again." The page number should be
252, because, thats where the Hippo stack is.
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 254
* Note at the bottom
The note (on page 254) reads: "There's an exception to this rule, you'll learn it
on page 252". The errata is obviously the page number 252. Corrige: 256
Note from the Author or Editor:
The note at the bottom of the page should refer to page 256
chevalasco Dec 31, 2009 Mar 01,
Printed Page 256
Color.Red is invalid; should be either or Color.RED. In any case,
introducing an previously unmentioned variable type here, in the middle of a
difficult concept, is just distracting. I had to look it up as I didn't know about
color variable dot syntax.
Anonymous Jan 29, 2010 Mar 01,
Note from the Author or Editor:
Three changes to the code: Before the line: "class Mini..." add: import
java.awt.Color; Then, the two instances of "Red" should be "RED"
Printed Page 260
1st paragraph
"The rules are the same for primtives and references." "primtives" should read
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 266
Execise method "public
static void doStuff2"
The line "GC localGC" is incomplete. This will certainly have a compilation
Note from the Author or Editor:
Near the bottom, the line that reads: GC localGC = Should be: GC localGC =
Anonymous Jun 10,
Printed Page 266
doStuff2 method
The statement GC localGC must end in a semicolon. Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 275
1st column, regular (non-
static) method
Missing closing curly brace, "}", at the end of public class Song. Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 282
10 th paragraph
Under static initializer (upper right side of the page) class Foo{ final static int x;
static { x = 42; } } the "x" in "final static int x" should be in CAPS (X): class Foo{
final static int X; static { X = 42; } }
Note from the Author or Editor:
In the grey box in the upper right corner of the page, both occurrences of the
variable "x" should be capitalized to "X".
Derril Filemon Jan 12, 2011 Mar 01,
Printed Page 292
4th line of code under
"Converting a string..."
boolean b = new Boolean("true") .booleanValue(); -> boolean b =
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 292
2nd annotation on page
You'd think there would be a Boolean.parseBoolean() wouldn't you? But there
isn't. Fortunately there's a Boolean constructor that takes (and parses) a
String, and then you just get the primitive value by unwrapping it -> The (new
to 1.5) parseBoolean() method ignores the cases of the characters in the
String argument. ########################################
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 304
Middle, next to the girl
...but you can get a ... instead of ...but you can can get a ... Anonymous Sep 06, 2011
Printed Page 306
1st paragraph
should read "rest of this API" currently is "rest of the this API" Anonymous May 03, 2011 Jun 10,
Chapter 11- We'll start with
the basica 4th paragraph
Jimmy Hendrix should be changed to Jimi Hendrix Joe
Jan 22, 2013
Printed Page 323
Bottom of page (next to last
Close parenthesis missing for the "catch block". this code fragment should
read: public void crossFingers() { try { anObject.takeRisk(); } catch
(BadException ex) { System.out.println("Aaargh!"); } } Note the addition of the
next-to-last close parenthesis...
Note from the Author or Editor:
Code at the bottom of the page, add a closing, indented "}" so it looks like this:
} }
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 326
Block of text above the
console screen at the right
bottom of the page
2nd edition. The underline looks out of place. Marcos
Jan 18, 2010 Mar 01,
Printed Page 336
Block of text below the
image that shows only
"main()" on the stack
Something is strange here. In this text, it says that after foo() pops off the
stack, there is nobody left to handle the exception, but there's still main(). I
think that making the change "foo()" -> "main()" would solve the problem (if the
reader assumes that "..." in "But foo() doesn't have a try/catch, so..." means
that more text describing the process was omitted because the reader already
knows what happens), but I would prefer that more text is added to make
things clear.
Note from the Author or Editor:
Change the beginning of the description under the "main()" graphic to read:
foo() pops off the stack and the exception is thrown back to main(). But main()
doesn't have a try/catch so the exception is thrown back to... Editor note: From
there use the existing text.
Anonymous Jan 19, 2010 Mar 01,
Printed Page 340
Below the big bold word
"Track" (thing 3)
2nd edition. Minimal typo here (simple quotes): "For this book (...) so just
imagine 'a a' music CD with (...)" -> There are two "a"s.
Jan 19, 2010 Mar 01,
First line at the second
column (Title)
Ir is written this way which appears letters are missing. Ma i g a GUI is easy:
Note from the Author or Editor:
This problem doesn't show up in the PDF, but does on Safari. It appears in two
places on the page: "If I see one more command-line app, you're fired." AND
"Making a GUI is easy:"
Jun 12, 2010 Sep 23,
Printed Page 360
Getting a button's
ActionEvent #3
Change: "...method from the ActionListener interrface" To: "...method from the
ActionListener interface"
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 365
Code in top half of page
The line Image image = new ImageIcon("catzilla.jpg").getImage(); won't work
for anyone using Netbeans or Eclipse IDEs because it won't find the image
file, and cause hours of grief (as it did for me). It would be better to use the
syntax Image image = new
ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("catzilla.jpg")).getImage(); since this will
work both from the command line and within IDEs.
Note from the Author or Editor:
Amend the annotation that says: "your file name goes here" to be: your file
name goes here. Note: If you're using an IDE and have difficulty, try this line of
code instead: Image image = new
Anonymous Feb 06, 2011 Mar 01,
Printed Page 365
Code at the bottom
(int) (Math.random() * 255) should be (int) (Math.random() * 256) just as on
page 367... since Math.random() is always < 1 and the (int) cast always
rounds down
Note from the Author or Editor:
Six instances of: (Math.random() * 255) should all be changed to
(Math.random() * 256)
Anonymous Feb 06, 2011 Mar 01,
Printed Page 366
Halfway down, left column
Text says You can NOT say: a.bark(); This is true but meaningless, just as you
can NOT get up in the morning, but you choose to do so. It should be You
CANNOT say: a.bark();
Note from the Author or Editor:
Change: You can NOT say: to: You CANNOT say:
Anonymous Feb 06, 2011 Mar 01,
Printed Page 367
code at bottom
int red = (int) (Math.random() * 255); int green = (int) (Math.random() * 255); int
blue = (int) (Math.random() * 255); Color startColor = new Color(red, green,
blue); red = (int) (Math.random() * 255); green = (int) (Math.random() * 255);
Anonymous Mar 01,
blue = (int) (Math.random() * 255); Color endColor = new Color(red, green,
blue); -> int red = (int) (Math.random() * 256); int green = (int) (Math.random()
* 256); int blue = (int) (Math.random() * 256); Color startColor = new Color(red,
green, blue); red = (int) (Math.random() * 256); green = (int) (Math.random() *
256); blue = (int) (Math.random() * 256); Color endColor = new Color(red,
green, blue); ########################################
Printed Page 368
6th paragraph on the right
"and draw the imagine using" should be "and draw the image using" Anonymous Sep 28, 2011
Printed Page 368
5th paragraph in righthand
graphics.setColor(; should be: g.setColor(;
Note from the Author or Editor:
Fifth bullet in right column the line: graphics.setColor... should be: g.setColor...
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 370
Sharpen your pencil box
Given the pictures on page 351 -> Given the pictures on page 369
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 370
in the note on the left; 2nd
regsion should be: region Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 370
Sharpen your pencil
Refers to pictures on p351, should be p369.
Note from the Author or Editor:
In the "sharpen" the page number should be: 369
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 371
last line of code
// See page 347 for the code -> // See page 367 for the code
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 371
The bottom source code
The comment in the paintComponent method of the MyDrawPanel refered to
the wrong page. //See page 347 for the code should read: //See page 367 for
the code
Note from the Author or Editor:
The last code comment on the page should read: // See page 367 for the code
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 387
Right hand side bottom
Third bullet point is incorrectly labeled as bullet point 4. Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 391
MyDrawPanel line 18
g.fillRect is called with height and width reversed - should be: g.fillRect(x, y,
width, ht);
Note from the Author or Editor:
Code near the bottom of the page, the line: g.fillRect... should be: g.fillRect(x,
y, width, ht);
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 392
Sharpen your pencil
"It builds directoy..." should read: "It builds directly..." Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 393
2nd paragraph
There is an unused cast to Graphics2D, in the paintComponent method. To be
more precise, the following cast Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; is never
used, and can be removed.
Note from the Author or Editor:
Remove the (unused) line of code: Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
Anonymous Mar 09, 2010 Jun 10,
Printed Page 393
& <396> Entire page
Pages 393 and 396 are missing from the first printing. A PDF file of the
missing pages can be found here -
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 396
The line "public void paintComponent (Graphic" should read, "public void
paintComponent (Graphics" - the trailing "s" in "Graphics" is missing.
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 397
"Who am I?" solution, 13th
clue answer
"Graphics2d" -> "Graphics2D"
Note from the Author or Editor:
Who am I, antepenultimate answer, change from: "Graphics2d" to:
Anonymous Jan 21, 2010 Mar 01,
Printed Page 398
method go(), for loop ending
Minimal typo: there isn't a "i++,x++,y++" code snippet in this puzzle, so the
correct would be "i++,y++,x++".
Note from the Author or Editor:
WOW!!!! In my copy of the 2nd edition, pages 393 and 396 ARE MISSING,
and because of that, pages 394 and 395 ARE BACKWARDS. Once that's
fixed, we can verify the possible typo. O'Reilly production: Unfortunately that
must have been a printer error as our books in-house have those pages.
Anonymous Jan 21, 2010 Sep 23,
Printed Page 409
Woman's thought bubble
The text should read, "I need to know how big the button wants to be..." The
word "be..." is missing.
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 417
list = new JList(listEntries); should be: JList list = new JList(listEntries); to
remain consistent with the preceding pages
Note from the Author or Editor:
Constructor, 2nd line of code should be: JList list = new JList(listEntries);
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 420
In main()
The book shows main() as follows: public static void main (String[] args) { new
BeatBox2().buildGUI(); } when in fact I had to use: public static void
main(String[] args) { BeatBox box = new BeatBox(); box.buildGUI(); }
Note from the Author or Editor:
In the main() method: ...BeatBox2()... should be: ...BeatBox()...
Anonymous Aug 15, 2010 Mar 01,
Printed Page 422
third handwritten comment
from the bottom
"Let's..." should read: "Lets..." Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 422
a little more than 1/3 of the
way down
JCheckBox jc = (JCheckBox) checkboxList.get(j + 16*i); may be changed to:
JCheckBox jc = checkboxList.get(j + 16*i); The "(JCheckBox)" cast is
Note from the Author or Editor:
Change the line of code, about 1/2 way down the page: JCheckBox jc =
(JCheckBox) checkboxList.get(j + 16*i); may be changed to: JCheckBox jc =
checkboxList.get(j + 16*i);
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 423
Text that explains code
inside if in method
"NOT OFF" -> "NOTE OFF" Anonymous Jan 22, 2010 Mar 01,
Printed Page 435
Brain Barbell text para 3
replace "Carburator" with "Carburetor"
Note from the Author or Editor:
In the Brain Barbell the word: Carburator should be: Carburetor
HandyAllan Dec 01, 2010 Mar 01,
Printed Page 444 The contents of the command window should be changed from: % java Anonymous Mar 01,
Bottom of page (command
window depiction)
GameSaver Elf Troll Magician to: % java GameSaverTest One's type: Elf
Two's type: Troll Three's type: Magician
Note from the Author or Editor:
The contents of the command window should be changed from: % java
GameSaver Elf Troll Magician to: % java GameSaverTest One's type: Elf
Two's type: Troll Three's type: Magician
Printed Page 447
in the box in the upper-right
after the comma between "bow" and "sword" the is a space, while there are no
space after any of the other comma's.
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 452
Rightmost comment
In the sentence, "A File object is like a street address... it represents the name
and location of a particular file..." the word "represents" appears to be crossed
out when it should be underlined.
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 459
Make it Stick
The "Make it Stick" box is overlapping the "Bullet Points" icon. Anonymous Mar 01,
PDF Page 460
2nd last sentence, left
"affect" should be "effect": "...has no affect on..." Anonymous Dec 01, 2011
Printed Page 461
In the code boxes
The serialVersionUID generated by serialver differs from the one pasted into
the class, respectively (with underscores highlighting differences): -
_5_849794470_6_54667_2_10L -_6_849794470_7_54667_7_10L
Note from the Author or Editor:
Add a hand-drawn arrow and annotation to the right of the small screen shot in
the right column that says: <--- Based on the version of Java you're using, this
value might be different.
Anonymous Jan 12, 2011 Mar 01,
Printed Page 463
Last two lines of code
The last two lines of code should be outdented to line up with the first two
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 467
2nd sentence
Change the question mark at the end of this sentence to a period:
"Reconstruct the code snippets to make a working Java program that
produces the output listed below?"
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 471
The phone has little bubbles coming out if it like it's going to say something,
but there's no thought bubble.
Note from the Author or Editor:
Remove the bubbles coming from the phone.
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 481
Largest arrow paragraph
Change the sentence, "In other words, by the time you call a BufferedWriter
method, the writer doesn't know or care where the characters came from." To:
"In other words, by the time you call a BufferedReader method, the reader
doesn't know or care where the characters came from."
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 485
7th bullet point, 3rd line
sock.getInputStream(); -> sock.getInputStream(); sock.getOutputStream();
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 487
last annotation
Remember, the writer is chained to the input stream... -> Remember, the
writer is chained to the output stream...
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 488
last para
typo: "How do you do you do"
Note from the Author or Editor:
Last paragraph change: "How do you do you do two things..." to: "How do you
Anonymous Jan 15, 2011 Mar 01,
do two things..."
PDF Page 489
3rd paragraph, left column
Period missing from last sentence: "A new, separate stack" Anonymous Dec 03, 2011
Printed Page 507
in function "public void run
Typo on makeWithdrawl(10) should be: makeWithdrawal(10) Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 510
5th paragraph
"So if you don't lock the back account" should read "So if you don't lock the
bank account"
Anonymous Mar 01,
Page 510
"parcticle" should be "particle"
Note from the Author or Editor:
In the hand-written note at the bottom of the page: parcticle should be: particle
xehpuk Oct 09, 2010 Mar 01,
Printed Page 512
Whole page
I'm confirming that "balance++" is not atomic, and here's why: the
corresponding assembly langugage (which is what is being run) is not.
Pegagogically, though, it may be helpful to represent this as 2 statements. But
if you do, I suggest a note explaining that the ++ operator is not atomic.
Note from the Author or Editor:
Several changes to this page: 1 - Add a handwritten annotation, pointing to the
step line of code: balance = i + 1; The annotation should read: probably not an
atomic process 2 - Replace the two paragraphs after the above line of code
with the following: Note: Even if we used the more common syntax:
balance++; there is no guarantee that the compiled bytecode will be an
"atomic process". In fact, it probably won't.
Anonymous Oct 02, 2008 Jun 10,
Printed Page 515
Thread B, 3rd paragraph
[now thread B is sent into a 'object lock not available lounge] should read:
[now thread B is sent into an 'object lock not available' lounge]
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 518
method go()
TextArea incoming does not appear to fit the frame initially without resizing of
the window. I think you need (something like) either: incoming = new
JTextArea(15, 30); or: frame.setSize(800, 500);
Note from the Author or Editor:
Near the bottom, the code: frame.setSize(400,500); should be:
HandyAllan Dec 18, 2010 Jun 10,
Printed Page 525
The "return counter" box -
top right of page
The semicolon (";") which should be in the "return counter" box is actually in
the "counter += add;" box.
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 533
"Let's..." should be: "Lets..." Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 533
LinkedList bullet point
Paragraph states that LinkedList is designed to give better performance when
inserting/deleting from the middle of a collection. I don't know what was the
design intention (the documentation doesn't state what it was), but
performance data shows that LinkedList performance is significantly WORSE
for inserting/deleting in the middle of a collection, e.g.:
LinkedLists do give better performance for inserting at the BEGINNING (not
middle), and apparently for operations involving iteration over list elements.
Note from the Author or Editor:
The paragraph describing LinkedList should be changed to read: Makes it
easy to create structures like stacks or queues.
Anonymous Feb 26, 2011 Mar 01,
Printed Page 537, 546
In the getSongs() method,
the first line in the try block
File file = new File("SongList.txt"); should be as follows: File file = new
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 542
1st paragraph
Two errors: 1) "They" should be "The" in the second sentence. 2) "3)" should
be "2)" on the second bullet.
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 554
main method
new SortMountain should be: new SortMountains The answer page (p 577) for
this exercise has the same error.
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 566
1st paragraph
1st sentence: ... "how the object's should be sorted." should be ... "how the
objects should be sorted."
Anonymous Oct 01, 2008 Mar 01,
Printed Page 579
Fourth box down
ArrayList<Dog> dogs = new ArrayList<Dog>(); should compile.
Note from the Author or Editor:
The 4th answer should be checked (as correct)
Anonymous Aug 31, 2010 Mar 01,
Printed Page 584
Last line on page - Running
your code
%java Mini should read: %java MyApp
Note from the Author or Editor:
The last command on the page: %java Mini should read: %java MyApp
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 585
2nd bullet
The second bullet contains a superfluous "a". The sentence reads, "Make a
text file named manifest.txt that has a one line:". The "a" before "one" is
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 585
Last bullet 3
%cd MiniProject/classes should read: %cd MyProject/classes
Note from the Author or Editor:
Command in step 3 should change: %cd MiniProject/classes should read: %cd
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 586
Answer to first Question
The last sentence of the first Answer should end in a period instead of a
question mark: "... even then the JVM looks only in the directories that match
the package statement."
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 591
+3 (last sentence obscured
by graphic)
Compiling with -d tells the compiler to not just <i>put</i> your classes into
correct directory tree, but to the directories if they don't... -> Compiling with -d
tells the compiler to not just <i>put</i> your classes into the correct directory
tree, but to <i>build</i> the directories if they don't exist.
Anonymous Feb 01,
Printed Page 591
Paragraph 3
The end of the paragraph is obscured by the graphic. Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 593
2nd bullet
"... you'll see the META-INF directory and the com directory directory in your
current directory" Remove extra directory after "the com"
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 596
First Paragraph
Sentence "The clients would always be up-to-date, and you'd never have to
worry about delivering new" is unfinished.
Note from the Author or Editor:
Delete the last sentence in the thought bubble.
B Hillebrecht Jun 17, 2009 Mar 01,
Printed Page 599
First sentence
Sentence should read, "To make a Java Web Start app, you need to create a
.jnlp (Java Network Launch Protocol) file ..."
Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 612
2nd sentence
... "as though its calling a method"... should be ... "as though it's calling a
Anonymous Oct 09, 2008 Mar 01,
Printed Page 623
last bullet
"reigstry" should be "registry"
Note from the Author or Editor:
Last bullet "reigstry" should be "registry"
Ken A Collins Jun 01, 2011 Jun 10,
Printed Page 627
"reuslt" should be "result"
Note from the Author or Editor:
In the 4th code annotation "reuslt" s/b "result"
Ken A Collins Jun 01, 2011 Jun 10,
Printed Page 669
2nd line,
"mor" should be "more" Anonymous Mar 01,
Printed Page 674
Last sentence in 1st
To be "state of the art," the Traverser's code would need to be Java 5, not
Java 1.4.
Note from the Author or Editor:
End of para. 1 should read: ... state of the art Java 6 code.
Anonymous Mar 01,

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