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Objective: In this lab, we were to up heat a beaker of water with a Bunsen burner.

We were also
to measure distances using a ruler. Finally, we were to measure temperature with a thermometer.
Materials: 100-mL graduated cylinder
Stopwatch with a second-hand
Two 250-mL beakers
Ring stand
Hot mitts
Bunsen burner
Ring clamp
Wire gauze
Hot pad
Procedure: 1.) First, we were to label the beakers 1 and 2. Then, we measured 50 mL of
water into Beaker 1 and recorded this on Data Table 1, and repeated this process once.
2.) Next, we set up a ring stand and ring, placed the wire gauze on top, where we
would place the beakers individually.
3.) Then, we checked the burner-connector-hose for defects, and plugged it from the
Bunsen burner into the gas inlet.
4.) We then lit the burner using a striker.
5.) When the burner was lit, we ensured that its flame was blue, rather than yellow.
6.) Next, we put the Bunsen burner on the base of the ring stand, underneath the
wire gauze.
7.) We then used a ruler to measure a 9 cm distance from the burner to the gauze,
and recorded this distance on Data Table 1.
8.) Next, we placed Beaker 1 on the wire gauze, ignited the flame, and recorded the
time it took for the water to boil (in seconds) on Data Table 2.
9.) Then we used the hot mitts to remove the beaker from the wire gauze. We also
turned off the flame.
10.) We then repeated steps 8, 9, and 10 with Beaker 2, and its distance from the
flame was moved from 9 cm to 6 cm.
11.) Finally, we waited for everything to cool, emptied the water, dried the beakers,
and returned all of the materials to their original places.
Data Table 1:
Beaker Starting temperature of water (Celsius)

Data Table 2:
Flame location Height of wire gauze above
Bunsen burner (cm)
Time to boil (seconds)

Lab Questions: 1.) The height of the wire gauze is the independent variable because it can be
changed without having to alter the time, heat, etc.
2.) The time to get the water to boil is the dependent variable because it depends
on the heat/proximity of the flame.
3.) The observed differences between the three tests were the times it took for
the water to boil.
4.) It took less time for the water to boil as the wire gauze was placed at closer
distances to the flame because the heat became more intense on the beaker.
5.) The flames location with the highest temperature is 6 cm in this case (the
closer the beaker is to the flame, the hotter it will become in faster time).
Conclusion: In this experiment, we used different measurements of distance. This was done to
determine how the proximity of water to a flame affects its boiling time. From this experiment,
we concluded that the closer that water is to a flame, the less time it will talk for it to boil. We
used measurements of 9 cm and 6 cm herein.

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