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For xii Students

Tick ( ) mark the correct answer:

1. How many moles of water will result from burning 4 moles of O2 in an excess of H2 ?
2H2 + O2 ------------------- > 2H2O
(A 2 moles (! 4 moles
(" # moles (D) 8 moles
2. How many calcium atoms are $resent in 2%g of calcium ?
(A 2.& x 1&
(B) 3.8 x 10
(" '.& x 1&
(( 2.) x 1&
'. *+at is t+e molarity of solution , containing 1.% gm of -aOH in 2%& cm
of solution ?
(A 2.& . (! &.% .
(C) 0.15 M (( 1 .
4. *+at mass of so/ium +y/roxi/e (-aOH must be /issol0e/ in %&& cm
of solution to ma1e 1.% . solution?
(A) 30 mg (! 4& gm
(" 4% gm (( '% gm
%. *+at is t+e $H of &.&1 . H"l solution ?
(A 1 (B) 2
(" ' (( 4
#. *+at is t+e mass of 2.%& moles of so/ium "+lori/e(-a"l ?
(A 1'& mg (! 14& gm
(C) 146 gm (( 1%& gm
). An +y/ri/e ion ( H
an/ +elium atom t+e +a0e same222222222222
(A) Number of electros (! -umber of $rotons
(" 3alency (( All of t+e abo0e
4. 2222222 series is obtaine/ w+en electron 5um$s from #
an/ 4
orbit to t+e fift+ orbit.
(A 6yman 7eries (B) !fu" #er$es
(" 8asc+en 7eries (( !rac1et 7eries
9. *+at is t+e e:m ratio of an electron ?
(A 1.)% x 1&
"oulomb:1g (B) 1.%5 x 10
(" 1).% x 1&
"oulomb:1g (( 1).% x 1&
1&. ;+e 0ariation of certain $+ysical $ro$erty in /ifferent /irections is 1nown as22222222222222222
(A) A$sotro() (! <sotro$y
(" <soto$es (( -one of t+e abo0e
11. *+at is t+e structure of H2O ?
(A 6inear (! ;rigonal
(" ;etra+e/ral (D) Agul*r
12. All t+e elements +a0ing atomic number greater t+an 2222222 emit in0isible ra/iation all t+e time.
(A 4& (B) 82
(" 4) (( 9&
1'. <f 2%cm
of 1 mol /m
is a//e/ to %& cm
of &.% mol /m
=OH solution, w+at woul/ be t+e $H of t+e
resulting solution ?
(A % (B) %
(" 4 (( 9
14. *+at is t+e structure of molecule, if t+e +ybri/i>ation of central atom is s$
wit+ one lone $air orbital?
(A) !)r*m$"*l (! ;rigonal
(" ;etra+e/ral (( Angular
1% #& gm of acetic aci/ is /issol0e/ in one litre of water. <ts normality is 222222222222
(A) 1N (! 2-
(" 1.%- (( &.%-
1#. *+at is t+e oxi/ation number of Oxygen in $eroxi/e ?
(A & (! +1
(" -2 (D) +1
1). -H' is $re$are/ by t+e reaction -2 + 'H2 2-H' H ? -21.9 =cal. ;+e maximum yiel/ of -H' is obtaine/
(A) At lo, tem(er*ture *" -$g- (ressure (! At +ig+ tem$erature an/ low $ressure
(" At +ig+ tem$erature an/ +ig+ $ressure (( -one of t+e abo0e
14. A /ecrease in $ressure fa0ours t+e e@uilibrium to s+ift in 222222222 /irection, w+en 0olumes of reactants
are greater t+an t+e 0olumes of $ro/ucts.
(A 7+ift to t+e forwar/ /irection (B) #-$ft to t-e b*c',*r" "$rect$o
(" -ot c+ange (( -one of t+e abo0e
19. *+ic+ of t+e following are electromagnetic ra/iations ?
(A A-rays (! !eta Bays
(C) .*mm* /*)s (( -one of t+e abo0e
2&. <f solubility $ro/uct is less t+an t+e ionic $ro/uct t+en, t+e solution is 222222222 an/ no $reci$itate will
form by t+e a//ition of more solute.
(A 7aturate/ (! Cnsaturate/
(C) #u(er #*tur*te" (( -one of t+e abo0e
Answere/ =eyD
1. (
2. !
'. "
4. A
%. !
#. "
). A
4. !
9. !
1&. A
11. (
12. !
1'. !
14. A
1%. A
1#. (
1). A
14. !
19. "
2&. "

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