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Career Objective:

Seeking a position to enhance my skills and abilities in the Information Technology

Industry that ofers professional growth while being resourceful, innovative and
Professional Experience:
as ! years of experience in the ealthcare "omain, with key emphasis on
#nalysis, "esign, System Testing and #pplication $anagement
%orking as &rogrammer #nalyst in 'ogni(ant Technology Solutions, 'hennai
from )uly !*++ to till date.
+. aving ! years of experience in $anual testing
!. ,nriching skills as a Software Testing professional by continuous learning and
also to put in as much hard work, thus deriving mutual bene-t for the
organi(ation and myself.
.. Skilled in understanding Software/s 0unctional and 1on2functional
3e4uirement speci-cation and identifying the re4uired Test Scenarios for
6. Thorough understanding of Software Testing 7ife 'ycle 8ST7'9 and involved in
various phases like 3e4uirement analysis, "esign, Test Strategy, Scenario
:. Skilled in %eb Testing, Integration Testing, 3egression Testing, 0unctional
Testing and System Testing.
;. Involved in all the phases of 0unctional testing activities that include
3e4uirement #nalysis, ,stimation, Test execution, "efect $anagement,
Smoke testing, &reparation of <nowledge Transfer documents and also
trained new 5oiners to understand pro5ect in better way
=. &repared $etrics for "aily and %eekly status report to measure testing
>. Involved in participation of regular weekly pro5ect status meetings to discuss
the risks involved in ongoing pro5ects with ?nshore.
Technical Skills:
?perating System %indows =, %indows @&
7anguages ', 'AA, Basics of JAVA
"atabases SB7 Server
1 | P a g e
<email a!!ress
A8C+9 D'ontact EF
Test $anagement Tool DTesting experience If any on testing

Course Name #iploma or Certi"cate
+ 7evel *G Software Testing D'erti-cation If anyF
! D'ourse nameF D$ention the 'erti-cate
Title of the #e$ree %ith
)ear of
H.Tech D8Hranch name9F
.S.'Iother A! studies
D'ollegeIA! school
S.S.' DSchool nameF
Project Experience:
Project * + : <Perio! you %orke!
Title : <&ro5ect TitleF
#escription: D&rovide pro5ect descriptionF
Client :
,ocation :
Team Si-e : >
.ole : Tester
2 | P a g e
<email a!!ress
A8C+9 D'ontact EF
Involved in detailed analysis of re4uirements and developed Test Scenarios
"eveloped the Test cases on covering all the re4uirements of the scenario
Involved in Test case &eer 3eview.
Performed extensive testing of EDI transactions and used Putty for UNI re!ated execution
&erformed Smoke testing, 0unctional testing K 3egression testing, "efect
tracking and 3e2test
&rovided Interim report of daily execution
Taken ownership of test case preparation for >.= Institutional transaction
Lot Pro!i$y of the 0onth award for excellent test case preparation in non
!=> transactions
Lot appreciation for showing good performance in #<
Project * 1 : <Perio! you %orke!
Title : D&ro5ect titleF
#escription: D&rovide pro5ect descriptionF

Client :
,ocation G "70, 'hennai
Team Si-e : +!
.ole G Tester
&erformed extensive "ecision tree testing of drugs
'ategori(ing bugs based on severity and interacting with developers to
resolve them
'onducted <nowledge transfer sessions for newly 5oined team members.
andled responsibilities of 3egression, end to end testing and J#T
&repared the HJL 3eport and ensured that the defects are logged correctly
and tracked till closure
Personal !etails:
1ame G
" | P a g e
<email a!!ress
A8C+9 D'ontact EF
0ather/s 1ame G
$other/s 1ame G
"ate of Hirth G
1ationality G Indian
Lender G 0emale
$arital Status G Single
&ermanent #ddress G
7anguages <nown G
obbies G
'ontact no G
,mail id G
# | P a g e
<email a!!ress
A8C+9 D'ontact EF

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