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We are an event management company established in 2008 in Sri Lanka catering

to the local and foreign markets. Equipped ith many creative concepts! e
speciali"e in organi"ing and managing corporate # retail events.
$o be the number one event # business solution provider in South%East &sia.
$o make every individual happy by providing unmatched event and business
solutions no matter hat the requirement ould be.
We at 'oyal Events undertake to organi"e and provide the folloing services to
our valued clients
(n the most reliable and e)cient ay for the loest cost in the market than any
other service provider.
*roduct promotions # launches.
Sales promotions at companies # sales counters.

*romotion girls for product sampling # promotions at supermarkets
shopping manual ect...
+, sounds for promotions
Street promotions
-nline promotions
.ompany outings # +inner +ancers
Royal Events
30/ 3 , Gangada MW, Templers Road, Mt. Lavinia
Gen: 0094 ! !!" """ # 0094 ! ""$ %0% Mo&: 0094 $$ $ ""$ %0%
E'mail: royalevents.mar(eting)gmail.*om

Sports $ournaments
0irth +ay *arties
0each events
1amily outings

Wedding *lanning
*rograms for schools
Sounds! Lighting
$he best local! international mail # female +,2s
$he Lanka 0ell +inner +ances at the 3otel .olombo *la"a! 3otel
.eylon .ontinental # at the Sri Lanka E4hibition and convention
center in the years 2008! 2005 # 2060.
.orporate sta7 outing in a train to 3otel /ahaeli 'each 8andy
.ompany annual .orporate outings to leading hotels out of .olombo
8uru 8uru Less *arty on the 0each 9Lanka 0ell .orporate get together /t
Lavinia 0each in 2060 # 2066:
.orporate outings to 8ithulgala ith hite ater rafting
An ongoing ofce promotion for CBL Tir c!e" "ince #$%# &Te
Time 'it( TIARA)
An ongoing ofce promotion for M*nc(ee +ome Rice Crc!er" ,
+ot(- .im/*t* /i"c*it"
Royal Events
30/ 3 , Gangada MW, Templers Road, Mt. Lavinia
Gen: 0094 ! !!" """ # 0094 ! ""$ %0% Mo&: 0094 $$ $ ""$ %0%
E'mail: royalevents.mar(eting)gmail.*om
'oyal 0usiness Solutions
'oyal &dds
*arty 0ees
$hrough 'oyal 0usiness Solutions e provide services especially to improve and
=ne tune businesses. Such as phoning customer satisfaction surveys! call quality
surveys! Employee service surveys ect. $hrough the above! e provide solutions
for businesses and feed back about the services
*rovided to customers by their sta7 in order to enhance their services and have
fast groth in their businesses.
;000<obs is a recruiting company. $hrough this company e provide
recruitment solutions for companies by providing them required sta7.
Ro2- A33"
'oyal &dds is a printing company hich also comes as another subsidiary of
'oyal Events. We undertake small and large scale of o7set and digital printing >
Prt2 Bee"
*arty 0ees is the indoor # outdoor party arm of 'oyal Events. $hrough this arm
e speciali"e in organi"ing # managing all types of indoor # outdoor! small #
grand scale parties catering to the local and foreign markets. &mong the
successful parties hich party 0ees has organi"ed and managed so far are!
Royal Events
30/ 3 , Gangada MW, Templers Road, Mt. Lavinia
Gen: 0094 ! !!" """ # 0094 ! ""$ %0% Mo&: 0094 $$ $ ""$ %0%
E'mail: royalevents.mar(eting)gmail.*om
Employees ?ight 2008 # 2005 9 public event : at the @an"y 0ar no
knon as A8amaB .olombo
0ankerCs ?ight 2005 at $he $aboo! this is no knon as A.lub SilkB
9 targeting all bankers :
.orporate ?ight 2060 at .lancyCs .olombo 0D 9 $his event as organi"ed
targeting all the cooperate employees
Liquid 1riday 2066 at .lancyCs .olombo 0D 9 public :
-n the 'ock Saturday 2066 at La%garage 8andy 9 public event :
&ll 'etro $hursday 2066 at .lancyCs .olombo 0D 9 public event :
$he 'ed # 0lack .hocolate *arty at .lub 1uga in the year 2066 9 public
event :
1acebook .hocolate *arty at Shimmer .olombo 2062 9 public event :
0ankers ?ight 2062 at .lub Silk 9 public event :
'ave Ena 0each 1est 2062 at .ormaran 0each .lub! Enaatuna 9 public
event :
'ave 1acebook 'ain! *ool # 0each *arty 2062 at Sa7ron 0each! Waddua
9 public event :
'ave Ftreme 0each *arty 2062 at Sheltons 0each! /t Lavinia 9 public
event :
Ena 3alloeen 1est 2062 % 1irst Edition 9 2 +ay public event :
R4e Un Bec( Fe"t #$%0 5 "e"on II t Cormrn Bec( C-*/ 6
Un't*n 7 p*/-ic e4ent 8
-ur creative reliable and e)cient events team is dedicated to provide
unmatched solutions and service around the clock ith unique concepts for our
valued co operates clients and the fun loving public. Should you need any further
information! please feel free to contact the under signed
Shehan Leanage
Royal Events
30/ 3 , Gangada MW, Templers Road, Mt. Lavinia
Gen: 0094 ! !!" """ # 0094 ! ""$ %0% Mo&: 0094 $$ $ ""$ %0%
E'mail: royalevents.mar(eting)gmail.*om
+irector .E- % 'oyal Events
G5H DDD IID 808 J J G 5H D65 IID808 J G5H6 KIID808 JG 5H 66 KKKIIII
Royal Events
30/ 3 , Gangada MW, Templers Road, Mt. Lavinia
Gen: 0094 ! !!" """ # 0094 ! ""$ %0% Mo&: 0094 $$ $ ""$ %0%
E'mail: royalevents.mar(eting)gmail.*om

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