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Welding Inspection, Steels WIS 5

Multi Choice Question !pe" # MS$ WI % &
N!'e ( H) Muh!''!d $!*!li +!"nen
,ns-e" !ll .uestions
1. Degreasing components are essential for quality welding but when welded some agent may :
a. Cause corrosion problems
b. Leave residues
c. Give off toxic above
d. ll of the above
!. Cellulose electrodes are often used for the deposition of a root pass on pipes welded in the
field. "his is because #
a. $ydrogen control is required
b. "he high deposition rate due to the iron powder content
c. "he hydrogen gas produced in the flux increases the arc voltage
d. ll of the above
%. &n the welding of austenitic stainless steels' the electrode and plate materials are often
specified to be low carbon content. "he reason for this :
a. "o prevent the formation of crac(s in the $)
b. "o prevent the formation of chromium carbides
c. "o prevent crac(ing in the weld
d. *inimi+e distortion
,. -ith regards to a welding procedure' an essential variable may :
a. Change the properties of the weld
b. &nfluence the visual acceptance
c. .equire re/approval of a weld procedure
d. ll of the above
0. -hich of the following 1D" methods can only detect surface brea(ing defects #
a. *2&
b. D2&
c. 3"
d. ."
e. 4oth a and b
-&5 0 6u paper *5. / -& 7 , 2age 1 of
$. *uhammad .a+ali 8arnen

9. -hich of the following defects would show up as light indications on a radiograph #
a. 5lag inclusions and copper inclusion
b. "ungsten inclusions and excessive root penetration
c. Cap undercut and root piping
d. :xcessive cap height and incomplete root penetration
;. -hich of the following may be added to an electrodes flux to act as a stabili+er #
a. 5odium silicate
b. 5ilicon
c. *anganese
d. "itanium dioxide
<. Lamellar tearing is best prevented by :
a. "he use of plate materials containing low levels of impurities
b. "he use of buttering runs
c. 2ost weld stress relief
d. 4oth a and b
e. ll of the above
=. -hen considering radiography using >/ray' which of the following techniques is most li(ely
to be used for a pipe to pipe weld ? circumferential seam @' 91Amm diameter with no internal
access #
a. 5-5&
b. D-5&
c. D-D&
d. 5-5&/panoramic
1A. balanced welding technique for example bac( step welding is most often used for :
a. Controlling lamellar tearing
b. &ncreasing weld toughness
c. .educing weld +one hardness
d. .educing distortion
11. 4asic coated electrodes have which of the following properties
a. $igh mechanical properties may be used to produce welds of high deposition rates and to
produce welds of low hydrogen content
b. Briable slag' high mechanical strength' and to produce welds of a low hydrogen content
c. Low hydrogen content welds' good stop C start properties and high strength
d. Low carbon content welds' friable slag and high strength
-&5 0 6u paper *5. / -& 7 , 2age ! of
$. *uhammad .a+ali 8arnen

1!. Dn a radiograph' the most li(ely appearance of lac( of root fusion on a single/E butt weld is :
a. dar( straight line with a light root
b. dar( root with straight edges
c. dar( uneven line following the edge of the root
d. 1one of the above lac( of root fusion can not be seen on a radiograph
1%. -hich of the following applies to the heat treatment process of tempering
a. &t is always carried out at a temperature above upper critical limit
b. &t is carried out to increase the strength and toughness of weldments
c. "empering is generally carried out before quench hardening
d. 1one of the above
1,. -hich of the following is applicable to a plate lamination
a. "hey are best detected by radiography
b. "hey are mainly caused by hydrogen entrapment
c. "hey originate in the parent material
d. "hey are caused
10. -hich of the following 1D" methods would be latest effective on an austenitic stainless steel
butt weld
a. 3"
b. ."
c. D2&
d. *2&
19. "he hardest part of multi/pass welded Foint' assuming no post weld heat treatment has have
ta(en place is :
a. "he $) of the cap
b. $e $) of the root
c. "he root
d. "he cap
1;. &s it permissible to allow a multi/pass butt weld to cool down between weld passes #
a. &t should be up to the welding inspector
b. 1o the weld must be (ept hot at all times
c. &t depends on the welder
d. &t depends on the specification requirements
-&5 0 6u paper *5. / -& 7 , 2age % of
$. *uhammad .a+ali 8arnen

1<. tee Foint on a support brac(et is to be welded both sides using a 0 mm leg length fillet weld'
each weld is to be intermittent 0A mm in total length' the gap between each weld is to be !0
mm. -hich of the following is the correct symbol in accordance with &5D !00% #
a. .
b. .
c. .
d. .
1=. "he usual method of assessing the sensitivity and density of a radiograph is by means of :
a. Densitometer and dosimeter
b. 2enetrameter and a densitometer
c. &6& and a dosimeter
d. &6& and a fluxmeter
!A. &n the submerged arc welding process' the use of excessive high voltages would result in #
a. &nsufficient flux melting
b. :xcessive flux melting
c. 5lag removal difficulties
d. :xcessive spatter
!1. -elding a steel plate with a CE of A.,0 would require preheating to #
a. 2revent the formation of sulphides
b. 2revent hardening in the $)
c. 2revent the formation of carbides
d. "o reduce the amount of current required
!!. -hich of the following welding process uses a resistive heating system to achieve weld metal
deposition #
a. **
b. .esistant spot welding
c. :lectro/slag
d. Briction welding
-&5 0 6u paper *5. / -& 7 , 2age , of
$. *uhammad .a+ali 8arnen

!%. -hat does the ;A represent on an :;A 1A -5 0.1 classified electrode #
a. ;A 1Cmm
minimum 3"5
b. ;A Foules minimum impact strength
c. ;A'AAA p.s.i *inimum yield strength
d. ;A'AAA psi minimum 3"5
!,. $ot crac(ing in steel weldments occurs :
a. long the fusion line
b. &n the last metal to solidify
c. -eld center line
d. &n areas of the lowest dilution
!0. Cellulose electrodes have which of the following properties #
a. Eiscous slag' large volumes of shielding gas and 3"5 values above =A'AAA psi
b. Large volumes of shielding gas' high spatter contents and hydrogen levels G 10 ml per
1AAg of weld metal deposited
c. Large volumes of shielding gas' hydrogen contents H 10 ml per 1AAg of weld metal
deposited and should be never ba(ed
d. $igh spatter contents' high deposition and large volumes of gas shield
!9. Brom the following electrode coding in 45 :1 ,==' E5/ 0 1Ni 2 1%/ / 1 H5 ' what does the
0 represent
a. minimum charpy value of a %A Foules
b. minimum impact value of ,; Ioules
c. minimum impact temperature of /%AC at a given Ioule value
d. 1one of the above
!;. -hich of the following is applicable to electrode efficiency #
a. "he mass of metal deposited as a percentage of the mass of core wire melted
b. &ron powder electrodes have efficiencies above 1AAJ
c. :lectrodes of high efficiencies tend to produce welds of a smooth flat profile
d. 4oth a and b
e. ll of the above
!<. Batigue crac(s fracture surface is :
a. .ough randomly tom
b. 5mooth
c. 5tep li(e appearance
d. 4right crystalline
!=. :9A1% electrode would most probably used for welding :
-&5 0 6u paper *5. / -& 7 , 2age 0 of
$. *uhammad .a+ali 8arnen

a. Low pressure pipewor(
b. $igh/pressure pipewor(
c. Eertical down welding on storage tan(s
d. &n a situation where low hydrogen welds are specified
%A. -hich element in steel if present in significant amounts may lead to hot shortness #
a. 2hosphorus
b. *anganese
c. 5ilicon
d. 5ulphur
-&5 0 6u paper *5. / -& 7 , 2age 9 of
$. *uhammad .a+ali 8arnen

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