OOP - QB Chapter 07

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Question Bank : Object Oriented Programming (9036)

Class : SYIF (Semester – III)

Chapter No. 06 Basics of I/O streams and file processing
Summer 2004 (Yearly Pattern): Marks=20
1. Compare the following built-in function of file stream classes. 4
(1) get() and getline()
(2) get() and read()
2. Describe the syntax of function for erasing a file. 4
3. Explain stream classes and give stream classes for console operation. 4
4. Write a program to count the number of lines in a file. 8

Summer 2005 (Yearly Pattern): Marks=16

1. Give the use of following I/O manipulators – 4
1) setw(int w);
2) setfill(int ch);
2. Give syntax and use of open() function for file handling. 4
3. Write a program to read and display a record for employee_id=1529 from a
file containing records with fields – employee_id, name and salary. 8

Summer 2006 (Yearly Pattern): Marks=24

1. Explain ios:: in & ios :: out with example. 4
2. State the syntax of seek( ) & tell( ) function related to file. 4
3. Give syntax & Use of – 4
(i) open( )function
(ii) close( )function
4. Write a small program to illustrate reading from a file into object. 4
5. Write a program to find length of a file. 8

Winter 2007 (Semester Pattern): Marks=16

1. Write a program that copies contents of one file into another file. 4
2. Explain use of following functions with suitable examples. 4
a. setf( )
b. precision( )
3. Explain use of ios::nocreate and ios::noreplace. 4
4. Describe built- in function for reading a line of text from file. 4
Give example.

Summer 2008 (Semester Pattern): Marks=16

1. What will be the o/p of following program? 4
int main ( )
cout. fill (‘<’) ;
cout. precision ( 3) ;
for ( int n = 1 ; n < = 6 ; n+ + )
cout. width (5) ;
cout. << n ;
cout. width ( 10) ;

Question Bank (OOP): Chapter No. 7 -1-

cout << 1.01 float (n) << “\n”;
if (n = = 3 ) ;
cout. fill( ‘#’) ;
cout. width(15) ;
cout << 12.345678 ;
return 0 ;
2. Give syntax and use of following with respect to file – 4
(i) get ( )
(ii) put ( )
3. How we open file using constructor? Write any program for creating files
with constructor function. 4
4. Explain different file opening modes in details. 4

1. Differentiate binary and text files. 2
2. State the use of tellg( ) and tellp( ). 2
3. List different file opening modes and their uses. 2
4. Explain different error handling functions for file stream. 4
5. Describe the use of seekg( ) and seekp( ). 4
6. Illustrate the use of read( ) and write( ) with appropriate syntax. 4

Question Bank (OOP): Chapter No. 7 -2-

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