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The Visa Officer

Australia High Commission
184, Gulshan Avenue,
Dhaka 1!1!, "angla#esh$
%u&'ect: Financial declaration regarding my financial capacity for sponsoring my
elder son Mohammed Nur-Uddins Higher education in Australia.
Dear %ir( )a#am
*ith #ue res+ect , am A&#ul %hahi#, Village -ala+ania, .$%: %an#/i+, District:
Chittagong, "angla#esh, /oul# like to take the +rivilege to inform 0ou that m0 1l#er
son )ohamma# 2ur3##in is ver0 much intereste# to stu#0 in Australia an#
accor#ingl0 he has &een confirme# for his +referre# course 4"achelor of "usiness an#
Commerce 5Accounting6 from TA78 9 3*% /hich is the largest e#ucation +rovi#er in
2%*, Australia$
, am full0 conscious a&out the re:uire# tution fees for the a&ove mentione# course
living costs an# other essential costs of him to com+lete his entire stu#0 in Australia$
All other famil0 mem&ers of m0 famil0 also have full su++ort for his a&ove stu#0$ ,
#eclare an# also confirm 0ou #etermine#l0 that , have a#e:uate financial resources$
, /oul# like to #ra/ 0our kin# attention on m0 occu+ation$ , am a &usinessman$ , have
&een trans+ort &usiness an# , am a lan# lor#$ , have &een 'oin &usiness /ith m0 el#er
&rother$ , have Tk$ !; lacs 7D< che:ue an# interest against 7D<$ 7inall0 m0 0earl0
income is "DT 1! lacs Taka$ That , an# m0 famil0 mem&ers have a&ilit0 to &ear the
e#ucational e=+encec of m0 el#er son in Australia as , am financiall0 soun# an#
solvent$ That , am the Guarantor an# su++orter of m0 el#er son )ohamme# 2ur
3##in for &ear all of his e#ucational connecting e=+ences in Australia$
7oreign Degree &rings &etter o++ortunit0 to &uil# a career$ %o , ho+e an# +ra0 that 0ou
/oul# &e kin# enough to +ermit m0 el#er son )ohamma# 2ur3##in to com+lete a
course from this institution of 0our countr0 an# o&lige there&0$
Thanking 0ou
>our sincerel0
5A&#ul %hahi#6
57ather of )ohamme# 2ur3##in6
The Visa Officer
Australia High Commission
184, Gulshan Avenue,
Dhaka 1!1!, "angla#esh$
%u&'ect: Financial declaration regarding my financial capacity for sponsoring my nephew
Mohammed Nur-Uddins Higher education in Australia.
Dear %ir( )a#am
*ith #ue res+ect , am Golam )ohamme# Village -ala+ania, .$%: %an#/i+, District: Chittagong,
"angla#esh, /oul# like to take the +rivilege to inform 0ou that m0 ne+he/ )ohamme# 2ur3##in
is ver0 much intereste# to stu#0 in Australia an# Accor#ingl0 he has &een confirme# for his
+referre# course 4"achelor Of "usiness an# commerce 5Accounting6 from TA71 9 3*% /hich is
the largest e#ucation +rovi#er in 2%*, Australia$
, am full0 conscious a&out the re:uire# tutions fees for the a&ove mentione# course living cost an#
other essential costs of him to com+lete his entire stu#0 in Australia$ All other famil0 mem&ers of
m0 famil0 also have full0 su++ort for his a&ove stu#0$ , #eclare an# also confirm 0ou #etermine#l0
that , have a#e:uate financial resources$
, /oul# like to #ra/ 0our kin# attention on m0 occu+ation$ , am a &usinessman$ , am #ual citi?en
&oth "angla#esh an# 3$%$A$ 1ver0 0ear , have &een +asse# si= months in "angla#esh an# another
si= months in 3$%$A$ , have t/o houses &uil#ing in "angla#esh$ Having m0 houses &uil#ing
a##ress, roa# @ !1, house @ A11, C$D$A Agra&a#, Chittagong, "angla#esh$ )0 monthl0 income from
t/o &uil#ing is "TD B;,;;; taka$ , have &een 'oin trans+ort &usiness /ith m0 0ounger &rother
A&#ul %hahi#$ , am also lan# lor#$ 7rom this t/o sectors )0 monthl0 income is "DT C;,;;; taka$ ,
have a market in m0 village$ Having m0 market a##ress Village -ala+ania, .$%: %an#/i+, District:
Chittagong, "angla#esh$ )0 monthl0 income from market is "DT D;,;;; taka$ , have E; lacs 7D<
che:ue an# interest against 7D<$ )0 0earl0 income is over "DT !; lacs Taka$ That , an# m0 famil0
mem&er have a&ilit0 to &ear the e#ucational e=+ences of m0 ne+he/ in Australia as a , am soun#
an# solvent$ That , am guarantor an# su++orter of m0 ne+he/ )ohamma# 2ur3##in to &ear all of
his e#ucational connecting e=+ences in Australia$
,n this age of glo&ali?ation as a conscious +arents , su++ort an# also ins+ire the #ecision of m0
ne+he/ )ohamma# 2ur3##in to take higher e#ucation from Australia$ 7oreign #egree &rings
&etter o++ortunit0 to &uil# a career$
,n vie/ to the a&ove #escri+tion , /oul# re:uest 0ou to kin#l0 grant visa in favour of m0 ne+he/
)ohamme# 2ur3##in to fulfill his #ream to take higher e#ucation in his +referre# course$
4"achelor of "usiness an# Commerce 5Accounting6 from reno/ne# e#ucation institute Technical
an# 7urther 1#ucation Commission 5TA776 9 3niversit0 of *estern %0#ne0 53*%6 in Australia$
*ith thanks an# regar#s$
Golam )ohamme#
5.aternal 3ncle of )ohamme# 2ur3##in6
%TAT1)12T O7 .3<.O%1
, am )ohamme# 2ur3##in son of A&#ul %hahi# an# <ahena Akter$ , have com+lete# m0 Dhakil
1=am from "aitush %haraf ,#eal -amil )a#rasha an# H$%$C 1=am from Govt$ )ohsin College,
Chittagong, "angla#esh$ , also com+lete# ! semesters 4"achelor of "usiness A#ministrationF
5""A6 +rogram from %outhern 3niversit0, Chittagong, "angla#esh$ , /oul# like to &e a successful
&usiness s+ecialist an# lea# the change in the sector of &usiness$
,n an0 in#ustr0 on organi?ation talente# a#a+ta&le in#ivi#uals /ho +osses /ellroun# &usiness an#
commerce e=+ertise are al/a0s in #eman#$ 4"achelor of "usiness an# CommerceF hel+s all
stu#ents /ith a goo# un#erstan#ing of &asic &usiness issues$ Com+lemente# &0 a high level of
-no/le#ge relevant to a s+ecific &usiness #isci+line as a++lie# in a glo&al environment$
, com+lete# t/o semesters on 4"achelor of "usiness A#mistrationF$ , /as a stu#ent of commerce
&ackgroun#$ ,t /oul# &e easier for me continuo m0 stu#0$ , think this /ill hel+ to gain an overall
kno/le#ge on 4"achelor of "usiness an# Commerce 5Accounting6 course$ This course /ill hel+ me
to +re+are m0self for a career in &usiness manages a com+an0 or start m0 o/n &usiness$ ,t /ill hel+
me to fulfill m0 career goal$
Australia is a /on#erful, #0namic an# frien#l0 /eather countr0 /hich frien#l0 an# goo# +eo+le$
Australia has /orl# class universities /hich +rovi#e e=cellent learning an# research environment$
The Australia e#ucation s0stem has government accre#ite# institutions, :ualit0 courses an# /orl#
class teachers$ "eing the D
most +o+ular international stu#0 #estination an# goo# international
stu#ent +ros+ect. AustraliaGs A universities have achieve# the +osition at the set to to+ hun#re#
universities aroun# /orl#$ A##itionall0 %0#ne0 ranke# as a si= &est stu#ent cit0 internationall0 &0
5H %6 in !;1D$ Australia has more than 1!;; institutions an# offer !!;; course to choose from$
, chose TA77 9 3*% 3niversit0$ Totall0 D 0ears course of 4"achelor of "usiness an# Commerce
5Accounting6F$ , /ill #o 1 0ear #i+loma from 3ltimo College an# ! 0ears course from 3*%$ The
reason of choose 3*% 3niversit0$ ,tGs rank 11
among Australia universities in Australian <esearch
Council 5A<C6$ 3*% <esearch rate# among the /orl# &est 1=cellence in research for Australia
51<A6 !;1! institution re+ort$ A##itionall0 3*% /ins +restigious +rime ministerGs Australian
universit0 teacher of the 0ear a/ar# !;11 an# !;1!$
,n future after com+lete this course , /oul# like to take m0 4)aster of "usiness A#mistration
5)"A6F$ Then , /oul# like to setu+ m0 o/n &usiness or 'oin in a /ellre+ute# com+an0$ , &elieve
that this un#ergra#uation #egree /ill hel+ me to the right +ath to reach m0 goal$ ,t /ill hel+ me to
com+lete m0 first ste+ as a successful +erson at &oth home an# a&roa#$ , also &elieve that m0 #a0s
in Australia /ill &e full of ne/ an# memora&le e=+eriences$
>our %incerel0
)ohamme# 2ur3##in$

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