Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Documents

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Steps to Ubuntu 12.

a) Install ubuntu 12.04 LTS
b) Change IP Address
c) Sudo apt-get update
d) Sudo apt-get upgrade
e) Join Domain
f) Add Printers
g) Iptux
h) Java (for weight integration)
i) Block guest user
j) Remove Games
k) Install SSH
l) Install Xrdp
m) Block USB
n) Scanner & Web cam if any

Ubuntu 12.04 partition
1. Ext4 journaling file system / 8000
2. Swap area 2084
3. Ext4 /home 10326
Sudo apt-get install samba
Sudo apt-get install cup

Domain Joining Procedure
At Terminal
sudo apt-get install likewise-open-gui
sudo nano /etc/nsswitch.conf
a) Hosts : file <dns name> mdns4 minimal [not fournd return] dns mdns4
b) Ctrl + x
c) Press Y && to save
d) Press Enter && to exit

Sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

Press Ctrl+x && to exit
Then Press Y to save changes
Then Press Enter to exit editing mode
Go to Dash Board in the search Box type ACTIV
Select Active Directory Membership
Enter Password
In the Domain type domain name e.g. whpshsons.mulund
Click Join Domain
Click ok
Click close to exit
Reboot PC

How to change Host Name in Ubuntu 12.04
1. Method
Go to Terminal
Type Hostname
It will show current host name
Sudo vi /etc/hosts
Put # before current host name & insert a line
Type HO06
Esc :wq

2. Method
Sudo vi /etc/hostname
It will show old host name
Remove it
& insert new
e.g. HO06
Esc :wq && to save it
3. Method
Sudo /etc/init.d/hostname restart
Again type host name

How to change IP, DNS, Gatway in Ubuntu 12.04
Open file
Sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
Esc :wq quit with saving
Esc :q! quit without saving
i to insert a text
Restart network
Sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Enable Putty Command
Apt-get install ssh

Block Guest User
Gksudo gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
Sudo restart ligthdm
Gksudo gedit /etc/hostname
Save & Resart

Update Error
Sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf
Sudo apt-get update

Change Password for root user
Sudo passwd u root && enable root user
sudo passwd root && change password
enter new password

Change password for admin user
passwd press enter
now type old password
now type new password
confirm password

Install Giver
Download giver
Open with software center
Install it
Sudo apt-get install libx11-dev
Sudo gedti /usr/share/application/giver.desktop
And under Eexc, replace giver wity the following
/usr/bin/moni runtime-v4.0 /usr/lib/giver/giver.exe

Install IPtux
At terminal
Sudo apt-get install iptux
At dashboard type iptux
If found the click icon IPTUX it will open the program with Ubuntu software centre
Select install

Install Java
Sudo add-apt-respository ppa:webupd8team/java
Apt-get update
Apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
Then right click on the jar file (Weight integration.jar) and click on propertie and click on open with tab,
select Oracle Java Run time and set it as default application

Edit host file
Sudo gedit /etc/hosts

Block USB storage in Ubuntu 12.04

First enable root user :
Sudo passwd root

Go to root : su root

Now execute the following commands:
> Open terminal and login as user with sudo privileges

> Issue the following command

mv /lib/modules/3.2.0-29-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko /root

(remember to give a space between the two paths /lib/modules/3.2.0-29-
generic/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko and /root)

Issuing this command causes the usb storage device file usb-storage.ko to move to the location /root
thus diasabling usb mass storage(pendrives,external hard disks or any other storage device)

> Reboot the system and check by inserting a pen-drive to any of the usb ports.

Remove Games

sudo apt-get purge aisleriot gnome-sudoku mahjongg ace-of-penguins gnomine gbrainy

Install Canon Printer

At terminal
First go to the directory where driver software kept
Cd /
Cd /home
Cd whpsons/
Cd desktop/

Sudo dpkg --install <file Name>

Add User

At terminal
Sudo adduser <user name>


At dashboard tye <cheese>
Install application through Ubuntu software centre

On Ubuntu share & enable printer

Go to system setting > printer
Right click on printers icon and choose properties
In the policies tab. Enable all three check boxes. Enabled accepting jobs, shared

On Ubuntu do the following printing server setting

Go to system setting > printing
On menu choose server > settings
Enable publish shared printers connected to this system
Enable allow printing from the internet
Anable Allow users to cancel any job (not just their own) not sure if this is necessary.

On Windows client add printer

Add a network printer with port that looks like this:

Sacanner Installation

At dashboard type <simple scanner>
Just add this icon to your side bar

Remote Desktop Installation
Sudo apt-get install xrdp
Ifconfig a && to view ip addrerss for remote login
After installing xrdp
Go to home folder select file select show hide files
Check for .xsession file if not exist copy it from another PC. Or create a new file

Create new file:
In the home directory right click and select create new document. Select empty document
After creating a document, open the same and type gnome-session session=ubuntu-2d
Save it and close.
Reboot a system and check the remote desktop


Sudo /etc/hostname

Edit the name and save a file

Weight Integration:

First install Java in ubuntu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer

After installation right click on the jar file (WeightIntegration.jar) and click on properties and click on Open with Tab,
select Oracle Java Run time and set it as default application.

Please Add the following line to:


before exit 0 line

stty -F /dev/ttyS0 cs7 cstopb -ixon raw speed 2400
chmod 777 /dev/ttyS0

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