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General Introduction

The basic principle of hydropower is that if water can be piped from a certain level to a
lower level, then the resulting water pressure can be used to do work. If the water
pressure is allowed to move a mechanical component then that movement involves the
conversion of the potential energy of the water into mechanical energy. Hydro turbines
convert water pressure into mechanical shaft power, which can be used to drive an
electricity generator, a grinding mill or some other useful device.
The use of falling water as a source of energy is known for a long time. In the ancient
times waterwheels were used already, but only at the beginning of the nineteenth
century with the invention of the hydro turbine the use of hydropower got a new impulse.
Small-scale hydropower was the most common way of electricity generating in the early
century. In 1924 for example in Switzerland nearly 7000 small scale hydropower
stations were in use. The improvement of distribution possibilities of electricity by means
of high voltage transmission lines caused fainted interest in small scale hydropower.
Renewed interest in the technology of small scale hydropower started in China.
Estimates say that between 1970 and 1985 nearly 76,000 small scale hydro stations
have been built there!
The following block diagrams highlight the process of Energy Conversion in the
nuclear , Fossil fueled and hydro power stations.

Introduction To Conventional And Renewable Energy Resources For Power
In order to generate electrical energy we have to depend on sources such as coal,
natural gas, hydro(water), and nuclear energy. These can be classified as follows:
A) Fossil Fuels
1) Coal
2) Oil
3) Natural gas
4) Substitute fuels eg. coal liquefaction and coal gasification
5) Oil from shale
6) Oil from tar sand
B) Nuclear Energy
1) Fission Reactors
2) Breeder Reactors
3) Fusion Reactors
C) Natural Sources
1) Hydro electric Power
2) Geothermal
3) Wind
4) Solar Solar thermal, Photovoltaic
5) Ocean Ocean thermal, Ocean current, tidal
Conventional Energy Sources
The conventional Energy Sources are as those that have been in use for over a
century and which are considered less risky. Examples are hydroelectric power
stations, fossil fueled power stations.The following block diagrams highlight the
process of Energy Conversion in the nuclear , Fossil fueled and hydro power
Electrical Energy Generator Mechanical Energy - Steam Turbine Heat
Energy Boiler Fossil Fuel
Electrical Energy Generator Mechanical Energy - Hydraulic Turbine Water
in Reservoir Generator Mechanical Energy - Steam Turbine Heat Energy
Steam Generator Heat From Nuclear Reactor

Hydroelectric power: How it works

So just how do we get electricity from water? Actually, hydroelectric and
coal-fired power plants produce electricity in a similar way. In both cases a
power source is used to turn a propeller-like piece called a turbine, which
then turns a metal shaft in an electric generator, which is the motor that
produces electricity. A coal-fired power plant uses steam to turn the turbine
blades; whereas a hydroelectric plant uses falling water to turn the turbine.
The results are the same.





theory is to build a dam on a large river that has a large drop in elevation (there
are not many hydroelectric plants in Kansas or Florida). The dam stores lots of
water behind it in the reservoir. Near the bottom of the dam wall there is the water
intake. Gravity causes it to fall through the penstock inside the dam. At the end of
the penstock there is a turbine propeller, which is turned by the moving water. The
shaft from the turbine goes up into the generator, which produces the power.
Power lines are connected to the generator that carry electricity to your home and
mine. The water continues past the propeller through the tailrace into the river past
the dam. By the way, it is not a good idea to be playing in the water right below a
dam when water is released!
This diagram of a hydroelectric generator is courtesy of U.S. Army Corps of
As to how this generator works, the Corps of Engineers explains it this way:
"A hydraulic turbine converts the energy of flowing water into mechanical energy. A
hydroelectric generator converts this mechanical energy into electricity. The
operation of a generator is based on the principles discovered by Faraday. He found
that when a magnet is moved past a conductor, it causes electricity to flow. In a
large generator, electromagnets are made by circulating direct current through
loops of wire wound around stacks of magnetic steel laminations. These are called
field poles, and are mounted on the perimeter of the rotor. The rotor is attached to
the turbine shaft, and rotates at a fixed speed. When the rotor turns, it causes the
field poles (the electromagnets) to move past the conductors mounted in the
stator. This, in turn, causes electricity to flow and a voltage to develop at the
generator output terminals."

Advantages and disadvantages
Hydropower is a very clean source of energy. It does not consume but only uses the
water, after use it is available for other purposes (although on a lower horizontal level).
The conversion of the potential energy of water into mechanical energy is a technology
with a high efficiency (in most cases double that of conventional thermal power
The use of hydropower can make a contribution to savings on exhaustible energy
sources. Each 600 kWh of electricity generated with a hydro plant is equivalent to 1
barrel of oil (assuming an efficiency of 38 % for the conversion of oil into electricity).
The main advantages of hydropower are:
power is usually continuously available on demand,
given a reasonable head, it is a concentrated energy source,
the energy available is predictable,
no fuel and limited maintenance are required, so running costs are low
(compared with diesel power) and in many cases imports are displaced to the
benefit of the local economy,
it is a long-lasting and robust technology; systems can last for 50 years or more
without major new investments.
Against these, the main shortcomings are:
it is a site specific technology and sites that are well suited to the harnessing of
water power and are also close to a location where the power can be
economically exploited are not very common,
there is always a maximum useful power output available from a given
hydropower site, which limits the level of expansion of activities which make use
of the power,
river flows often vary considerably with the seasons, especially where there are
monsoon-type climates and this can limit the firm power output to quite a small
fraction of the possible peak output,
lack of familiarity with the technology and how to apply it inhibits the exploitation
of hydro resources in some areas.

Different sizes hydropower installations
Hydropower installations can be classified as follows:

name Description
Large all installations with an installed capacity of more than 1000 kW
(according to some definitions more than 10,000 kW)
Small general term for installations smaller than 1000 kW (or < 10,000 kW).
Also used for installations in the range between 500 and 1000 kW.
Mini capacity between 100 and 500 kW
Micro hydropower installations with a power output less than 100 kW (or
less then 1000 kW)
Large scale hydropower stations are equipped with large dams and huge water storage
reservoirs. In these reservoirs large amounts of water can be stored when supply of
water is higher than the demand. Water from wet periods can be used in this way to
supplement water supply in dry periods (or even dry years).
In the sixties and seventies large hydropower stations looked as the solution to the
energy crisis in developing countries. In that period many large scale hydro schemes
were built. Examples are Aswan in Egypt, Tarbela in Pakistan, Cabora Bassa in
Mozambique and Kariba in Zimbabwe.
The enthusiasm for projects like those has disappeared nowadays. The extreme high
sums of money involved, the long money-recovery time and the huge environmental
costs are debit to this. Specially the high environmental costs are a point of great
concern: losses of fertile arable land, forced migration of large groups of people and the
dangers of malaria and bilharzia inherent to non-moving water.

Energy uses
The use of power generated with small hydro stations can be divided in productive and
consumptive use. An use is called productive as an activity is performed in which
money (or something equivalent) is exchanged for a service. Most of those activities will
take place in small businesses
All other activities are called consumptive. These include all uses of energy to upgrade
standards of living. Consumptive use will therefore take place in or near the house.
Besides consumptive and productive use a distinction can be made between the use of
power in a mechanical way or in the form of electricity.
All together the following table can be formed.
mechanical electric
productive use agro-processing
timber sawing
textiles fabrication
ice cream production
mechanical uses with
electricity as intermediate
fertiliser production
consumptive use - domestic lighting
radio and television
Using the energy generated with a hydro scheme in a mechanical way has some
advantages over the use of electricity as intermediar. Table 2 provides a summary
comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of electrical and mechanical forms of

The channel conducts the water from the intake to the forebay tank. The length of a
channel can be considerably. In Nepal channels exist with a length of a few kilometres
to create a head of 10 to 30 metres.
The length of the channel depends on local conditions. In one case a long channel
combined with a short penstock can be cheaper or necessary, while in other cases a
combination of short channel with long penstock suits better.
Most channels are excavated, while sometimes structures like aqueducts are
necessary. To reduce friction and prevent leakages channels are often sealed with
cement, clay or polythene sheet.
Size and shape of a channel are often a compromise between costs and reduced head.
As water flows in the channel, it loses energy in the process of sliding past the walls and
bed material. The rougher the material, the greater the friction loss and the higher the
head drop needed between channel entry and exit.
Where small streams cross the path of the channel very great care must be taken to
protect the channel. A heavy storm may create a torrent easily capable of washing the
channel away. Provision of a drain running under the channel is usually not adequate
protection. It will tend to block with mud or rocks when needed the most. In the long
term it is economic to build a complete crossing over the channel.

Incorporated in the channel are the following elements, which will be discussed here:
settling basin,
spillways and
forebay tank.
Settling basin
The water drawn from the river and fed to the turbine will usually carry a suspension of
small particles. This sediment will be composed of hard abrasive materials such as
sand which can cause expensive damage and rapid wear to turbine runners. To remove
this material the water flow must be slowed down in settling basins so that the silt
particles will settle on the basin floor. The deposit formed is then periodically flushed
From the size of the smallest particle allowed into the penstock the maximum speed of
the water in the settling basin can be calculated as the slower the water flows the lower
the carrying capacity of the water for particles. The water speed in the settling basin can
be slowed down by increasing the cross section area of the channel. For each
maximum size of the particles the optimum size of the settling tank can be calculated.

Spillways are designed to permit controlled overflow at certain points along the channel.
Figure 20 depicts a flood spillway in detail, including flow control and channel emptying
gates. Flood flows through the intake can be twice the normal channel flow, so the
spillway must be large enough for diverting this excess flow.
The spillway is a flow regulator for the channel. In addition it can be combined with
control gates to provide a means of emptying the channel.
The spill flow must be fed back to the river in a controlled way so that it does not
damage the foundations of the channel.

Forebay tank
The forebay tank forms the connection between the channel and the penstock. The
main purpose is to allow the last particles to settle down before the water enters the
penstock. Depending on its size it can also serve as a reservoir to store water.
A sluice will make it possible to close the entrance to the penstock. In front of the
penstock a trashrack need to be installed to prevent large particles to enter the
A spillway completes the forebay tank.

The penstock is the pipe which conveys water under pressure from the forebay tank to
the turbine. The major components of the penstock are shown in figure 8. The penstock
often constitutes a major expense in the total micro hydro budget, as much as 40 % is
not uncommon in high head installations, and it is therefore worthwhile optimising the
design. The trade-off is between head loss and capital cost. Head loss due to friction in
the pipe decrease dramatically with increasing pipe diameter. Conversely, pipe costs
increase steeply with diameter. Therefore a compromise between cost and performance
is required.
The design philosophy is first to identify available pipe options, then to select a target
head loss, 5 % of the gross head being a good starting point. The details of the pipes
with losses close to this target are then tabulated and compared for cost effectiveness.
A smaller penstock may save on capital costs, but the extra head loss may account for
lost revenue from generated electricity each year.


1. Generel Introduction.
2. History of Hydro Power Plant.
3. Energy Conversion in Hydro Electric Power
4. Conventionl energy sources.
5. Warking of Hydro electric Power Plant.
6.Advantages and disadvantages.
7.Different sizes hydropower installations.
8.Energy uses.
9.Channels .
settling basin,
spillways and
forebay tank.

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