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Course Abstract - Oct 2012 / National Institute of Design, India

Course Abstracts Design for Digital Experience PGDPD /March-April 2013

Name of Discipline & Programme Design for Digital Experience
Course Name Game Design
Usual Time of Occurrence 3
Duration Three Weeks
Course category Studio
Credits 6.00
Prerequisites Nil


This will introduce the students to the fascinating world of games and the essence of game design. While the
focus will be on digital games, the course will cover other non-digital forms of play and games as well. The
objective is to make the students understand the formal constructs of games and the domain of game design
through play and by experiencing these constructs for themselves. The course takes a play-centric approach
where the different elements that constitute a game will be analyzed, discussed and understood through play
sessions, case studies and interactive discussions.
The course contents underlined below would be understood conceptually by deconstructing games into the
basic elements and components. The theory and terminologies in the world of game design would be mostly
introduced to the students by asking them to deconstruct existing games.

The Game Design Workshop is planned to be 3 week long module. The outcomes of this module could be
extended into a project if the student finds further scope. The students have the possibility of taking their
work further as a part of Design project 2 (8 weeks) at the end of the semester. Quick methods to
conceptualize and test game ideas would be very important for students learning outcome. The students
would have to understand the importance of building prototypes and testing to understand game experience
through the eyes of the users.

Course Objective

To make the students understand the formal constructs of games and the domain of game design
through play and by experiencing these constructs for themselves.

Course contents

Introduction: Understanding Play, Games
Introduction: Game Platforms, Types of Play, Play Experiences
Game Design: Conceptualization/Pitching Game Ideas
Game Design: Gameplay- Rules, Goals, Objectives, Rewards, Core
Mechanic/Task, Target Audience, Experience Goals
Game Design: Game Context, Story, Characters, Plot, Linear and Non-Linear Narratives
Game Design: Adding the details - Defining gameplay parameters, their interaction, how they add
variety, challenge, depth, game modes, etc.
Game Design: Prototyping, Play Testing and Documentation
Game Design: Control Inputs
Game Design: UI, Screen-flow and Sound
Game Development: Production Process


The teaching learning methodology for this course would be deconstructing games to understand the
principles of game design. The principles would be applied to design of new games

Reading list

Theory of fun for game design by Raph Koster.
Level up! : the guide to great video game design by Scott Rogers.
Chris Crawford on game design
Game design workshop: designing, prototyping, and playtesting games by Tracy Fullerton
Game design foundations by Roger E. Pederson
Game architecture and design by Andrew Rollings
Fundamentals of game design by Ernest Adams, Andrew Rollings
Patterns in game design by Staffan Bjork
Game design workshop: a playcentric approach to creating innovative games by Tracy
Fullerton; with Christopher Swain and Steven S. Hoffman
Rules of play: game design fundamentals by Salen Katie
Art of game design: a book of lenses by Jesse Schell.
Inside game design by Iain Simons
Computer game design course: principles, practices and techniques for the aspiring game
Designer by Jim Thompson
Game Design Process by NIIT

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