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Huawei Ethernet Switches Guidence

Quidway S9300
Quidway S9300 switches are next-generation high-end terabit routing switches designed
for multiservice convergence. The S9300 is designed based on Huaweis intelligent
multilayer switching technology! "roviding high-definition video services! large-ca"acity
wireless networ#s! elastic cloud com"uting! $%v&-ca"able hardware! and integrated
security. The S9300 also "rovides stable! reliable! and secure high "erformance '()'3
switching services.
The S9300 is a highly extensible and reliable "latform integrating switching and routing
functions to facilitate end-to-end integrated networ#s! and is widely used in *+,s!
-+,s! cam"us networ#s! and data centers to hel" enter"rises build a""lication-oriented
S6300 Switches
S&300 switches .S&300 for short/ are next-generation box-sha"ed 00-gigabit switches
develo"ed by Huawei for accessing 00-gigabit servers in a data center and converging
devices on a -etro"olitan +rea ,etwor# .-+,/ or cam"us networ#.
The S&300! one of the best-"erformance switches in the industry! "rovides a maximum of
(1)12 full-line-s"eed 00-gigabit interfaces! which gives "ossibility to high-density access
of 00-gigabit servers in a data center and high-density convergence of 00-gigabit devices
on a cam"us networ#. $n addition! the S&300 "rovides diversified features! "erfect
security control measures! and multi"le QoS control modes to meet the re3uirements of
data centers for ex"ansibility! reliability! manageability! and security.
Quidway S5300 Series Gigabit Switches
Quidway S4300 series gigabit switches are new generation 5thernet gigabit switches that
meet the re3uirements for high-bandwidth access and 5thernet multi-service
convergence! "roviding "owerful 5thernet functions for o"erators and enter"rise
customers. 6ased on the new generation high-"erformance hardware and Huawei
7ersatile 8outing %latform .78%/! the S4300 features large ca"acity and gigabit
interfaces of high density! "rovides 009 u"lin#s! meeting the re3uirements for the 09 and
009 u"lin# devices of high density.
The S4300 can meet the re3uirements of multi"le scenarios such as service
convergence on cam"us networ#s and $ntranets! the access to the $:; at a rate of 0000
-bit)s! and the access to com"uters at a rate of 0000 -bit)s on $ntranets.
Quidway S3300 Series Switches
The Quidway S3300 series switches are new generation 'ayer 3 5thernet switches
develo"ed to carry various services on the 5thernet! which "rovide "owerful 5thernet
functions for o"erators and enter"rise customers. 6ased on the new generation high-
"erformance hardware and Huawei 7ersatile 8outing %latform .78%/! the S3300
"rovides the enhanced selective QinQ function and ca"ability to re"licate multicast
"ac#ets between 7'+,s at the line s"eed! and su""orts carrier-class reliability
technologies such as Smart 'in# .a""licable to tree networ#s/ and 88%% .a""licable to
ring networ#s/! as well as the 5thernet <+- function.
The S3300 can be used as access devices in buildings or a""lied to the access layer and
aggregation layer of cam"us networ#s. The S3300 is easy to install. $t su""orts automatic
configuration and "lug-and-"lay! which dramatically reduces costs of networ#
Quidway S2300 Series Switches
The Huawei S(300 series switches are new generation 5thernet intelligent access
switches. The S(300 is mainly de"loyed on the $% -+, and intranets! meeting
re3uirements of carrying various 5thernet services and accessing the 5thernet. 6ased on
the new generation high-"erformance hardware and Huawei 7ersatile 8outing %latform
.78%/! the S(300 su""orts rich and flexible service features and thus im"roves the
o"erability! manageability! and service ex"ansibility. $n addition! the S(300 su""orts
"owerful lightning "rotection! security features! +;'s! QinQ! 0=0 7'+, switching! and ,=0
7'+, switching to flexibly de"loy 7'+,s.
$t is referred from
More related:
he !asic "nowledge o# Switches
Huawei S5300 Gigabit Switches $%er%iew
Huawei S2300 Series Ethernet Switches $%er%iew
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