Jupiter Transit 2009 Report-Parihara

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Report Prepared by

Shri Raveendranath Menon

Consultant Astrologer, Parihara.com


People keenly watch Jupiter’s Transit every year and are curious to know the effects of the transit
on their Rasi. Parihra.com brings you a comprehensive Jupiter Transit Report & Remedies
prepared by our expert astrologer Shri Raveendranath Menon, for the benefit of all our readers and
customers. You can read through the predictions and also book your parihara poojas instantly!

The transits of 3 planets, viz Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu-Ketu in a particular sign are much longer
than the other fast moving planets in our chart . Saturn transits through one sign for two-and-a-half
years. Rahu-Ketu transit duration is 18 months and Jupiter transits through one sign for 12 months.
The effects of transits of such slow moving planets are more pronounced in our life than the effects
of transits of the fast moving planets.

Jupiter, one of the biggest and benevolent Grahas in Vedic astrology is moving into Kumbha Rasi
(Aquarius) in December. Suddha Vaakiya Panchangam indicates Guru Peyarchi on December
15th, 2009. Thirukkanidha Panjangams indicate Guru Peyarchi around 19th December 2009. The
difference in date of transition is common in view of the methodology of calculation of ephemeris.

While predicting transit results of planets, a variety of methods are employed as per Vedic
Astrology. The conventional Parasara system of determining the results based on the
position/occupation of the transit planets from the natal moon subject to vedha results is the most
popular, accepted and effective. Varahamihira has indicated Gochara transit results as per this
system in detail in his monumental works. Other systems like the stellar indications, Murthi
Nirnaya system are also employed by different authorities in different ways.

The gochara predictions made here is by use of a combination of all these systems. It should be
remembered that Dasa bhukthi results of one’s horoscope takes precedence to Gochara results
and accordingly results may vary in spite of the beneficial indications or otherwise of the
Transit planets.

Jupiter during the current transit to Aquarius stays there approximately for 6 months only and as
such the negative results would be pronounced only till May 2010. Persons in whose horoscope
Jupiter is very weak, i.e. either in debilitation or placed in malefic houses should invariably resort
to Pariharas. This is more so for those who are also subject to Sadesathi, Ashtamasani,
Kandakasani etc. (Saturn in 1,2,4,7,8,10 and 12 from Janma Rasi).

Pariharas or Remedies: We have classified the 12 Rashis into 3 types based on the effects that may
occur due to this transit:

Rashis which have maximum Doshas: Cancer, Dhanus, Kanya.

Rashis which have lesser doshas: Aquarius, Scorpio/Vrischika, Taurus/Rishaba, Pisces/ Meena

The rest of the Rashis do not require specific remedies, however they are also advised to recite
Ashtothara of Brihaspathi and Pooja at Vishnu/Guru Temples.

May Lord Brihaspathi shower his grace on one and all!

Effects on Various Rashis & Suggested Remedies:


[Natives with Birth Stars: Ashwini, Bharani & Krittika]

Murthi Nirnaya: Taamra (Copper form), Unfavourable.

Consolidated Effects: Realization of old debts and loans; better income and gains from
career, business and also from speculation; happiness from siblings, wife and children,
prosperity for all these relations are to be predicted. The above results favourably indicated,
are discounted as per Murthi Nirnaya system by 50%. The owners of this rasi can however
expect favourable results on the whole.

Pariharas (Remedies):

1. Offer Pooja at Alangudi Dakshinamurthy or Guruvayur Krishna temple.

2. Recite Ashtothara of Brihaspathi on Thursdays.


Natives with Birth Stars: Krittika(2,3,4), Rohini, Mrigasira

Murthi Nirnaya: Rajata (Silver form), Favourable.

Consolidated Effects: Chances of entering into new employment, promotions, career change
for the better are the normal results. Increase in income and success in communication related
fields, acquiring of new properties or residence, success over oppositions are other notable
results. If the Jupiter is ill placed in natal horoscope, problems in career and business may
crop up. As per Murthi Nirnaya system the positive results indicated are to be discounted by

Pariharas (Remedies):

1. Jupiter is not a favourable Graha for this Rasi. Transit to tenth house may bring career
change or upliftment provided the Running dasa bhukthi favours it.

2. Normal Remedies like Pooja and chanting of mantras of Guru/Vishnu is suggested. Visit
Parthasarathy temple on Thursdays.

3. People born in this Rasi are advised to respect and revere their Teachers/preceptors
and seek their blessings.


Natives with Birth Stars: Mrigasira(3,4), Arudra, Punarvasu(1,2,3)

Murthi Nirnaya: Loha (Iron form), Highly Unfavourable.

Consolidated Effects: Happiness and favours from elders and authority. Prosperity for
children; blessings from preceptor and father or father-like persons. Promotions or rewards in
career and happiness from spouse and love. The results favourably indicated are discounted
as per Murthi Nirnaya system by 75%. The current unfavourable position of Saturn makes this
transit less favourable. But the Jupiter transit is favourable on the whole, when looked at from
a consolidated viewpoint.

Pariharas (Remedies):
1. Offer Pooja at Alangudi Dakshinamurthy or Guruvayur Krishna temple.

2. Recite Ashtothara of Brihaspathi on Thursdays.


Natives with Birth Stars: Punarvasu(4), Pushyami, Aslesha

Murthi Nirnaya: Taamra (Copper form), Unfavourable.

Consolidated Effects: Diseases of liver, spleen and digestive system are to be taken care of.
Chronic liver and diabetic patients need to take extra care of health. Income may increase, so
also expenditure for good causes. Chances of moving into new residence or acquiring of new
houses may also occur. The good results are to be discounted by 50%, the Murthi being in
Taamra form.

Pariharas (Remedies):

1. Poojas and Archanas at Temples assigned for Lord Vishnu, Dakshinamoorthy, and
Jupiter on Thursdays. Pooja at Guruvayoor temple in Kerala or Alangudi in Tamilnadu
can be cited as examples.

2. Reciting of Dakshinamoorthy Mantras and 108 Names of Jupiter or Brihaspathi Mantras

would also help.

3. Wearing of Yellow sapphire after consulting a knowledgeable astrologer by taking into

consideration the natal position of Jupiter.

4. Jupiter Graha dosha Nivarana yanthra may be of immense use.

5. Seeking blessings from preceptors, saints and elders or Charity/donations to them.

6. Perform Guru Shanti Homam on Guru Peyarchi Day.


Natives with Birth Stars: Makha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni(1)

Murthi Nirnaya: Swarna (Golden form), Highly Favourable.

Consolidated Effects: Happiness from spouse or materialization of marriage. Birth or

prosperity of children. Success in partnership and success through women. Support from
likeminded people or followers for politicians. The results favourably indicated are enhanced as
per Murthi Nirnaya system. The unfavourable position of Saturn makes the transit a bit less
favourable. However, the transit is favourable in general and the best among all Rashis. No
remedies suggested.

Pariharas (Remedies):

1. Offer Pooja at Alangudi Dakshinamurthy or Guruvayur Krishna temple.

2. Recite Ashtothara of Brihaspathi on Thursdays.


Natives with Birth Stars: Uttara Phalguni(2,3,4), Hasta, Chitra (1,2)

Murthi Nirnaya: Rajata (Silver form), Favourable.

Consolidated Effects: Happiness from spouse or materialization of marriage. Birth or

prosperity of children. Success in partnership and success through women. Support from
likeminded people or followers for politicians. The results favourably indicated are enhanced as
per Murthi Nirnaya system. The unfavourable position of Saturn makes the transit a bit less
favourable. However, the transit is favourable in general and the best among all Rashis. No
remedies suggested.

Pariharas (Remedies):

1. Pooja at temples dedicated to Lord Vishnu with his consort Mahalakshmi.

2. Archana at temples dedicated to Jupiter would also bring results.

3. Archana at lord Muruga temple at Tiruchendur in Tamilnadu may offset the doshas.
4. Wearing of Yellow sapphire after consulting a knowledgeable astrologer by taking into
consideration the natal position of Jupiter.

5. Chanting of Vishnu sahrsanama or Brihaspathi ashtothara satha Nama would also help
to mitigate the evil effects.

6. Performance of Maha Sudarsana Homa and chanting of Sudarsana mantra and

wearing of Sudarsana yanthra would help.


Natives with Birth Stars: Chitra (3,4), Swati, Vishakha(1,2,3)

Murthi Nirnaya: Loha (Iron form), Highly Unfavourable.

Consolidated Effects: Gains from speculation, and happiness from and achievements for
children. The results favourably indicated are discounted as per Murthi Nirnaya system by
75%. The unfavourable position of Saturn makes the transit less favourable. However the
Jupiter transit is favourable on the whole.

Pariharas (Remedies):

1. Offer Pooja at Alangudi Dakshinamurthy or Guruvayur Krishna temple.

2. Recite Ashtothara of Brihaspathi on Thursdays.


Natives with Birth Stars: Vishakha(4), Anuradha, Jyeshta

Murthi Nirnaya: Taamra (Copper form), Unfavourable.

Consolidated Effects: These rasi owners may acquire new properties or build/buy new
residence during the transit provided dasa bhukthi is also favourable. Prosperity of children,
and increase in income are indicated. Minor gains in career and expenditure for good causes
are also indicated. The positive results are to be discounted since the Murthi is in Taamra

Pariharas (Remedies):

1. Offering for renovation of old Vishnu temples, donation of valuables to temples

according to one’s capacity.

2. Carrying or pulling of chariot of deities

3. Donations to Archakas and preceptors for house and household needs are effective

4. Donations for the upkeep of Vedapathasalas, (Vedic schools) and donations to poor
Vedic students would also do good.

5. Poojas at Gurusthalams and offering of clothes to the deity are suggested.

6. Wearing of yellow sapphire subject to approval as per natal horoscope may also do


Natives with Birth Stars: Moola, Poorvashada, Uttarashada(1)

Murthi Nirnaya: Rajata (Silver form), Favourable.

Consolidated Effects: Stumbling blocks in all ventures, delays and impediments, wrath of
elders, preceptors, Devas and Grahas are to be taken seriously. Exercise control over
temperament and behaviour. Loss of vehicles and property are suggested. Better income, help
from friends and spouse are positive factors. The good effects get discounted by 25%.

Pariharas (Remedies):

1. Poojas and Archanas at Temples of lord Vishnu, and Jupiter on Thursdays. Pooja at
Guruvayoor temple in Kerala or Alangudi in Tamilnadu can be cited as examples.

2. Offering like Sayana (Anga) Pradakshina, fasting on Thursdays.

3. Offering of sandal and butter paste covering to Lord Vishnu /Krishna on Thursdays
would help.
4. Wearing of Yellow sapphire after consulting a knowledgeable astrologer by taking into
consideration the natal position of Jupiter.

5. Jupiter Graha dosha Nivarana yanthra may be of immense use.


Natives with Birth Stars: Uttarashada(2,3,4), Sravana, Dhanishtha(1,2)

Murthi Nirnaya: Swarna (Golden form), Highly Favourable.

Consolidated Effects: For Makara Rasi, Jupiter is not at all favourable by nature, being the
owner of two malefic houses, besides being debilitated in Makara. Naturally, the good effects
of Jupiter may be comparatively less for this zodiac. Increase in income, success in litigation
and enjoyment of good food are positive results. Reputation and success in competitive
examinations for students and job aspirants are indicated. Writers, lawyers, consultants and
actors will have a better time ahead. The positive results are augmented, Jupiter being Swarna
Murthi for this transit.

Pariharas (Remedies):

1. Offer Pooja at Alangudi Dakshinamurthy or Guruvayur Krishna temple.

2. Recite Ashtothara of Brihaspathi on Thursdays.


Natives with Birth Stars: Dhanishtha(3,4), Shatabhisha, Poorvabhadra(1,2,3)

Murthi Nirnaya: Loha (Iron form), Highly Unfavourable.

Consolidated Effects: Improvement of health, prosperity for children and better relation with
spouse and partners and blessings from preceptors are indicated. Increase in income by own
efforts is assured. Writers and consultants may have better success. Positive results are
nullified by Jupiter being a Loha Murthi.

Pariharas (Remedies):

Conventionally Jupiter is not considered to be auspicious during its sojourn in Janma Lagna.
However the transit of Jupiter for this Rasi may not produce much negative results.

1. People born in Kumbha rashis are advised to offer Sweet naivedyam to lord Vishnu and
also offer Bhagavatha Sapthaham in Vishnu temples to mitigate the negative results.

2. They may also perform Krishnattam performance offering at Guruvayur temple. The
episodes are to be selected depending on the desired ends.

3. Normal remedies of wearing of yellow sapphire after consultation and archana/Pooja at

Guru Temples of repute could also be performed.


Natives with Birth Stars: Poorvabhadra(4), Uttarabhadra, Revati

Murthi Nirnaya: Swarna (Golden form), Highly Favourable.

Consolidated Effects: Marriages and education expenses of children, expenses for business,
are indicated. Income would be drained unexpectedly. Charity and religious expenditure would
give solace for mind. Negative results are compensated as per the Murthi Nirnaya system
since Jupiter is Swarna Murthi for these Rasi owners.

Pariharas (Remedies):

1. Offerings at Alangudi, Tiruchendur, Swamimalai, or Guruvayur is a must.

2. Recite ashtothara of Brihaspathi daily.

3. Visit to Parthasarathy temple would do good.

4. If Jupiter’s placement in natal horoscope is favourable wear a yellow sapphire in gold on

the right index finger.

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