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Effective Date: 07/15/1998

Title: Section 6-1.29 - Swimming pool design standards

6-1.29 Swimming pool design standards.
1.0 Definitions.
1.1 Swimming pool shall mean a man-made strctre! together with
"ildings and apprtenances sed in connection therewith! intended for
"athing! swimming or di#ing prposes! made of concrete! masonr$! metal
or other imper#ios material! located either indoors or otdoors! and
pro#ided with a controlled water sppl$.
1.2 Spa pool shall mean a swimming pool! primaril$ designed for
therapetic se or rela%ation! which is normall$ not drained! cleaned or
refilled for each indi#idal. &t ma$ inclde! "t is not limited to!
h$dro'et circlation! hot water! cold water! mineral "ath! air
indction! """les or an$ com"ination thereof. Spa pools are shallow in
depth and not designed for swimming or di#ing se.
1.( )niform *ode shall mean the +ew ,or- State )niform .ire /re#ention
and 0ilding *ode! 9 +,*11 S"title S! *hapter &.
1.2 3de4ate shall mean sfficient to accomplish the prpose for which
something is intended! and to sch a degree that no nreasona"le ris- to
health or safet$ is presented. 3n item installed! maintained! designed
and assem"led! an acti#it$ condcted or act performed! in accordance
with generall$ accepted standards! principles or practices applica"le to
a particlar trade! "siness! occpation or profession! is ade4ate
within the meaning of this S"part.
2.0 S"mission of plans.
2.1 5eneral. 3ll plans shall "e prepared "$ a person licensed "$ the
State of +ew ,or- to practice engineering or architectre. 3ll
constrction shall compl$ with the re4irements of the )niform *ode. &t
is desira"le that preliminar$ plans! specifications and an engineer6s
design report "e s"mitted for re#iew prior to the preparation of final
plans. /lans! specifications and reports s"mitted for formal appro#al
mst contain sfficient information to demonstrate to the re#iewing
athorit$ that the proposed swimming pool! or impro#ements thereto! will
meet the standards contained herein and shall inclde! "t not "e
limited to! those factors hereinafter set forth in items 2.2.1 throgh 2.2.7! inclsi#e.
2.2 0asis of design report.
2.2.1 Swimming pool perimeter! area and #olme.
2.2.2 .low rate! trno#er and filtration rate.
2.2.( 3nticipated swimmer load 7ma%imm and a#erage8.
2.2.2 Sorce! 4alit$! 4antit$ a#aila"le and characteristics of water
sppl$! inclding al-alinit$! p9! iron and manganese.
2.2.5 Detailed description of filtration! recirclation e4ipment and
chemical feed e4ipment.
2.2.6 9$dralic comptations inclding head loss in all piping and
recirclation e4ipment.
2.2.7 /mp cr#es! showing that the proposed recirclation pmp can
ade4atel$ pmp proposed flows.
2.( /lans and specifications.
2.(.1 5eneral la$ot plan.
2.(.1.1 +ame and address of the proposed facilit$ and the name and
address of the owner.
2.(.1.2 Scale! north point and direction of pre#ailing wind.
2.(.1.( Date! address! name! professional seal and signatre of the
designing engineer or architect.
2.(.1.2 3 plot plan of the propert$ to "e sed! indicating the
topograph$! the arrangement and location of present and proposed
strctres! and the location of present and proposed swimming pool.
2.(.2 Detailed plans. 3ll detailed plans shall "e drawn to a sita"le
scale and inclde the following information:
2.(.2.1 *omplete constrction details! inclding dimensions!
ele#ations and appropriate cross-sections.
2.(.2.2 Schematic diagrams and plan and ele#ation #iews of the pool
water treatment and recirclation s$stem.
2.(.2.( Si;e and location of all piping! inclding ele#ations.
2.(.( Specifications. *omplete! detailed specifications for the
constrction of the swimming pool! "athhose! recirclation s$stem!
filtration facilities! disinfection e4ipment and all other
apprtenances shown on detailed plans shall "e s"mitted.
(.0 /atron se.
(.1 Designation of areas. .or prposes of compting patron se within
the pool enclosre! those portions of the swimming pool fi#e feet or
less in depth shall "e designated the <shallow area.< =hose portions of
the swimming pool o#er fi#e feet in depth shall "e designated the <deep
(.2 Design "ather capacit$.
(.2.1 Shallow area. .ifteen s4are feet of pool water srface area
shall "e pro#ided for each patron.
(.2.2 Deep area. =went$-fi#e s4are feet of pool water srface area
shall "e pro#ided for each patron.
(.2.( Di#ing area. =hree hndred s4are feet of pool water srface
area shall "e reser#ed arond each di#ing "oard or di#ing platform! and
this area shall not "e inclded in compting the permissi"le patron se.
(.2.2 Spa pools. =en s4are feet per person shall "e pro#ided for each
(.( >%cess dec- allowance. 3dditional allowance will "e made on the
"asis of one additional patron allowed per each 50 s4are feet of pool
dec- in e%cess of the minimm area of dec- re4ired in item 5.9 of this
2.0 *onstrction material.
2.1 ?aterials. Swimming pools shall "e constrcted of materials which
are inert! sta"le! nonto%ic! watertight and endring. Sand or earth
"ottoms or nlined wooden t"s are not permitted.
2.2 *orners. 3ll corners formed "$ intersection of pool walls and
floor shall "e ronded.
2.( .inish. /ool "ottom and sides mst "e white or a light color with
a smooth and easil$ cleana"le srface.
5.0 Design! detail and strctral sta"ilit$. 3ll swimming pools shall
"e designed and constrcted to withstand all anticipated loading for
"oth fll and empt$ conditions. 3 h$drostatic relief #al#e and/or a
sita"le nderdrain s$stem shall "e pro#ided. =he designing architect or
engineer shall "e responsi"le for certif$ing the strctral sta"ilit$
and safet$ of the pool dring fll and empt$ conditions.
5.1 Shape. =he shape of an$ swimming pool shall "e sch that the
circlation of pool water and control of swimmers6 safet$ are not
impaired. =here shall "e no nderwater or o#erhead pro'ections or
o"strctions which wold endanger patron safet$ or interfere with pool
5.2 ?inimm depth. =he minimm depth of water in the pool shall "e
three feet! e%cept for special-prpose and wading pools.
5.( 0ottom slope. =he "ottom of the pool shall slope toward the main
drain. =he slope in water depths less than fi#e feet shall not e%ceed 1
foot #ertical to 12 feet hori;ontal.
5.2 3rea mar-ed. =he "ondar$ line "etween the shallow and deep areas
shall "e mar-ed with a for-inch stripe of contrasting color on the
floor and walls of the pool! and "$ a safet$ rope and floats e4ipped
with float -eepers. @edges and step edges shall also "e mar-ed with a
for-inch stripe of contrasting color.
5.5 /ool walls. Aalls of a swimming pool shall "e either: 718 #ertical
for a distance of at least si% feetB or 728 #ertical for a distance of
at least three feet "elow the water le#elB "elow which the wall ma$ "e
cr#ed to the "ottom with a radis not greater than the difference
"etween the depth at that point and three feetB pro#ided that #ertical
is interpreted to permit slopes not greater than one foot hori;ontal for
each fi#e feet of depth of sidewall 711 degrees from #ertical8.
5.5.1 @edges. @edges shall not e%tend into the pool nless the$ are
essential for spport of the pper wall constrction.
5.6 Di#ing areas. =he minimm dimensions of the swimming pool and
apprtenances in the di#ing area shall conform to =a"le 1 of this
section. /ools designed for competiti#e di#ing can pon application
tili;e nationall$ recogni;ed competiti#e design standards.
=30@> 1
?&+&?)? D&?>+S&C+S .C1 /CC@S A&=9 D&D&+5 >E)&/?>+=
G *C/, C. =30@> 1 G
G ?3, 0> C0=3&+>D .1C?: G
G +,S @>5&S@3=&D> 0&@@ D13.=&+5 *C??&SS&C+ G
G *C+=3*=: @>5&S@3=&D> 1>=1&>D3@ S,S=>?6S 9>@/@&+> G
+ote: ?inimm depth of fi#e feet mst "e maintained when a wall
terminates pool area opposite di#ing "oards. Ctherwise! the specified
shallow area floor slope ma$ "e sed to shallow end.
?inimm dimensions
?a%. "oard ?a%. di#ing /ool
height "oard Aidth
o#er water length D @718 @728
26<72/( meter8 106 866< 266< 1060< 2060<
(0<7(/2 meter8 126 960< (60< 1060< 2060<
1 meter 166 1160< 260< 2060< 2060<
( meters 166 1260< 660< 2060< 2260<
/lacement of "oards shall o"ser#e the following minimm dimensions.
Aith mltiple-"oard installations! minimm pool widths mst "e increased
1 meter or less--0oard to pool side 1060<
( meters--0oard to pool side 1260<
Distance "etween ad'acent "oards 1060<
5.6.1 9eadroom. =here shall "e a completel$ no"strcted clear
distance of 16 feet a"o#e the di#ing "oard! measred from the center of
the front end of the "oard. =his area shall e%tend at least eight feet
"ehind! eight feet to each side! and 16 feet ahead of the measring
5.6.2 Di#ing "oards and platforms. =he se of di#ing "oards and
platforms in e%cess of three meters in height mst "e "ased on a design
that ade4atel$ addresses the special safet$ considerations associated
with sch de#ices.
5.6.( Steps and gardrails for di#ing "oards. Spports! platforms and
steps for di#ing "oards shall "e of s"stantial constrction and of
sfficient strctral strength to safel$ carr$ the ma%imm anticipated
loads. Steps shall "e of corrosion-resistant material! easil$ cleana"le
and of nonslip design. 9andrails shall "e pro#ided at all steps and
ladders leading to di#ing "oards one meter or more a"o#e the water. =he
gardrails shall "e (0 inches high! e%tending at least to the edge of
the water.
5.7 Dec- slides. 3ll swimming pool slides! which ma$ "e installed at a
swimming pool! shall "e la"eled to show compliance with the re4irements
of the ).S. *onsmer /rodct Safet$ *ommission or other generall$
accepta"le standards that will pro#ide ade4ate protection for p"lic
health and safet$.
5.7.1 Depth. =he "ottom of an$ slide mst discharge into a minimm
water depth of for feet.
5.8 @adders! recessed steps and stairs.
5.8.1 @ocation. 1ecessed steps! ladders or stairs shall "e pro#ided at
the shallow and deep ends. 1ecessed steps or ladders shall "e pro#ided
in the deep portion. &f the pool is o#er (0 feet wide! sch steps!
ladders or stairs shall "e installed on each side.
5.8.2 @adders. /ool ladders shall "e corrosion-resistant and shall "e
e4ipped with nonslip treads. 3ll ladders shall "e so designed as to
pro#ide a handhold. =here shall "e a clearance of not more than si%
inches nor less than three inches "etween an$ ladder and the pool wall.
5.8.( 1ecessed steps. 1ecessed steps shall "e readil$ cleana"le and
shall "e arranged to drain into the pool. 1ecessed steps shall ha#e a
minimm tread of 5 inches and a minimm width of 12 inches.
5.8.2 9andrails. Ahere recessed steps or ladders are pro#ided! there
shall "e a handrail at the top of each side thereof e%tending o#er the
coping or edge of the dec-.
5.8.5 Stairs. Ahere stairs are pro#ided! the$ shall "e located
diagonall$ in a corner of the pool or "e recessed. =he$ shall "e
e4ipped with a handrail. Stairs shall "e of nonslip design! ha#e a
minimm tread of 12 inches and a ma%imm rise of 10 inches.
5.9 Dec-s. 3 continos clear dec- shall srrond the entire pool
perimeter. &t shall "e not less than fi#e feet wide. =he dec- shall "e
of a niform! easil$ cleaned! imper#ios material and "e protected from
srface rnoff. Ahere di#ing "oards or slides are installed! a clear
dec- of not less than fi#e feet shall "e pro#ided "ehind the di#ing
"oards or slides.
5.9.1 Slope. =he dec- shall "e sloped at least one-forth inch per
foot to dec- drains or grades.
5.9.2 Drainage. Dec- drains! when sed! shall "e spaced and arranged
so that not more than 200 s4are feet of area is tri"tar$ to each
drain! and drains shall not "e spaced more than 25 feet apart. =here
shall "e no direct connection "etween the pool dec- drains and the
sanitar$ sewer s$stem! or the pool gtter or recirclation s$stem.
5.9.( 1oll-ot gtters. &f the pool is e4ipped with roll-ot dec-
le#el gtters! not more than fi#e feet of dec- shall "e sloped toward
the gtters.
5.9.2 *arpeting. *arpeting shall not "e permitted on pool dec-s nless
the carpet contains a la"el indicating it complies with the +ational
Sanitation .ondation Standards or other standards that will pro#ide
ade4ate protection for p"lic health and safet$.
5.9.5 9ose "i""s. 9ose "i""s shall "e pro#ided to facilitate flshing
of the dec- areas and shall "e pro#ided with antisiphonage de#ices.
5.9.6 Spectator areas. =here shall "e an effecti#e separation "etween
spectator areas and swimmer areas.
5.9.7 .ood concessions. =here shall "e a separation "etween areas
where food and drin- are ser#ed and areas sed "$ pool patrons.
5.10 .encing. 3ll swimming pools! inclding wading pools! shall "e
pro#ided with an enclosre which shall compl$ with the following:
5.10.1 Shall "e at least for feet in height and ha#e a ma%imm
#ertical clearance to grade of two inches.
5.10.2 Ahere a pic-et-t$pe fence is pro#ided! hori;ontal openings
"etween pic-ets shall not e%ceed 2 inches.
5.10.( Ahere a chain-lin- fence is pro#ided! the openings "etween
lin-s shall not e%ceed (/8 inches.
5.10.2 >nclosre shall "e constrcted so as not to pro#ide footholds.
5.10.5 /ic-ets and chain-lin- twists shall e%tend a"o#e the pper
hori;ontal "ar.
5.10.6 Sch enclosre shall ha#e railings and posts within the
enclosre! which shall "e capa"le of resisting a minimm lateral load of
150 ponds applied midwa$ "etween posts and at top of posts!
respecti#el$. >nclosres! fence material or fa"ric shall "e capa"le of
withstanding a concentrated lateral load of 50 ponds applied an$where
"etween spports on an area 12 inches s4are! withot failre or
permanent deformation. 5ates pro#ided in the enclosre shall "e
self-closing and self-latching! with the latch handle located within the
enclosre and at least 20 inches a"o#e grade.
5.10.7 3 wall of a mltiple dwelling is permitted to ser#e as part of
the enclosre! pro#ided that there is no direct access from the dwelling
to the pool.
6.0 Safet$ re4irements.
6.1 Depth mar-ings.
6.1.1 @ocation of depth mar-ings. Depth of water shall "e plainl$
mar-ed at or a"o#e the water srface on the #ertical pool wall and/or on
the edge of the dec- at ma%imm and minimm points and at "rea- "etween
the deep and shallow portions! and at intermediate two-foot increments
of depth! spaced at not more than 25-foot inter#als. ?ar-ings shall "e
on "oth sides and ends of the pool. Ahere depth mar-ings cannot "e
placed on the #ertical walls a"o#e the water le#el! other means shall "e
sed so that the mar-ings will "e plainl$ #isi"le to persons in the
pool. Aater depth shall "e measred at a point three feet from the pool
6.1.2 Si;e of depth mar-ings. Depth mar-ings shall "e in nmerals of
for-inch minimm height! followed "$ the words <foot depth< or <feet
deep!< and with color contrasting with "ac-grond. Depth mar-ers mst "e
of dra"le material and permanentl$ installed.
6.2 @ifegard chairs. >le#ated lifegard chairs shall "e pro#ided at
all pools ha#ing an area greater than 2!000 s4are feet that pro#ide
Sper#ision @e#el &&a or &&" a4atic sper#isor$ staff. Cne ele#ated
lifegard chair is re4ired for each (! 200 s4are feet of pool srface
area or fraction thereof. *hairs shold "e placed in locations which
will minimi;e sn glare on the water! and in positions which will gi#e
complete co#erage of the pool area nder sr#eillance.
6.( @ifesa#ing >4ipment. @ifesa#ing e4ipment shall "e pro#ided as
re4ired in section 6-1.2(7"8 of this S"part.
6.(.1 )nits re4ired. Cne nit of lifesa#ing e4ipment shall "e
pro#ided for each 2!000 s4are feet of water srface area or fraction
thereof. 3 minimm of two nits mst "e pro#ided.
6.2 .irst aid room. Swimming pools with a srface area in e%cess of
2!000 s4are feet shall ha#e a readil$ accessi"le room or area
designated and e4ipped for emergenc$ care.
6.5 >mergenc$ e%it. 3n emergenc$ e%it from the pool room shall "e
pro#ided. 3ll e%its shold "e clearl$ mar-ed.
7.0 @ighting! electrical! #entilation re4irements.
7.1 @ighting. 3rtificial lighting shall "e pro#ided at all swimming
pools which are to "e sed at night! or which do not ha#e ade4ate
natral lighting! so that all portions of the pool! inclding the
"ottom! ma$ "e readil$ seen withot glare.
7.1.1 Aater srface. C#erhead illmination on the water srface shall
"e a minimm of (0 foot-candles when nderwater lighting as specified in
item 7.1.2 is pro#ided. Aithot nderwater lighting! a minimm
illmination of 50 foot-candles on the water srface shall "e pro#ided.
7.1.2 )nderwater. Ahen nderwater lighting is sed! not less than 0.5
watt per s4are foot of swimming pool water srface shall "e pro#ided.
7.1.( Dec-s. 3 minimm of 50 foot-candles shold "e pro#ided at dec-
le#el of competition pools.
7.1.2 >mergenc$ lighting. 3ll indoor pools where night swimming is
permitted! and indoor pools where no natral light is present shall "e
pro#ided with an ade4ate emergenc$ lighting ser#ice. .or otdoor
pools! a porta"le "atter$-powered light sorce is accepta"le and shall
"e ade4ate and maintained to facilitate swimming pool e#acation.
7.1.5 >4ipment rooms. 3ll swimming pool e4ipment and chemical
storage rooms shall "e pro#ided with artificial lighting sfficient to
illminate all e4ipment and spplies.
7.2 >lectrical.
7.2.1 Airing shall conform to the )niform *ode and the re4irements of
the appropriate reglator$ agenc$. 3 certificate shall "e s"mitted for
all new electrical wor-. C#erhead clearance. +o electrical wiring shall pass o#erhead
within a 20-foot hori;ontal distance of the pool.
7.2.2 >lectrical receptacles. 5rond-falt circit interrpters shall
"e pro#ided on all pools! for all lighting and other electrical circits
in the area of the pool. =hese de#ices ma$ "e re4ired in an e%isting
pool! when the permit-issing official determines it is necessar$ to
protect the safet$ of "athers.
7.2.( 5ronding. >ach nderwater light shall "e indi#idall$ gronded
"$ means of an ade4ate grond-wire screwed or "olted connection to the
metal 'nction "o% from which the "ranch circit to the indi#idal light
proceeds. Sch 'nction "o%es shall not "e located in the swimming pool
dec- within for feet of the pool wall.
7.( Dentilation.
7.(.1 1oom #entilation. 0athhoses! mechanical e4ipment rooms!
storage areas and indoor swimming pool enclosres shall "e #entilated!
either "$ natral or mechanical means. 1oom #entilation shall pre#ent
direct drafts on swimmers and shall minimi;e condensation. 3 minimm of
two air changes per hor shall "e pro#ided for indoor pool areas. 3
heating nit shall "e -ept from contact with swimmers. .el-"rning
heating e4ipment shall "e installed and #ented to the otdoors in
accordance with the )niform *ode.
8.0 Aater sppl$ and wastewater disposal.
8.1 Aater sppl$. =he sorce and 4alit$ of the water spplied to the
pool and all plm"ing fi%tres! inclding drin-ing fontains! la#atories
and showers! shall after treatment meet the applica"le re4irements of
/art 5 of the State Sanitar$ *ode 710 +,*11 /art 58 for pota"le water.
8.2 *ross-connection control. 3ll portions of the water distri"tion
s$stem ser#ing the swimming pool and a%iliar$ facilities shall "e
protected against "ac-flow and "ac--siphonage. Aater introdced into the
pool! either directl$ or to the recirclation s$stem! shall "e spplied
throgh an air gap or "$ another method which will pre#ent "ac-flow and
8.( .ill spot. Ahen a fill spot is sed to introdce water into the
swimming pool! it shall "e shielded so as not to create a ha;ard. =he
open end of the fill spot shall ha#e no sharp edges! shall not protrde
more than two inches "e$ond the edge of the pool and shall "e at least
si% inches a"o#e the dec- le#el. &f the swimming pool is e4ipped with a
di#ing "oard! consideration shall "e gi#en to locating the fill spot
nder the di#ing "oard.
8.2 Sanitar$ wastes. Sanitar$ sewage shall "e disposed of throgh a
mnicipal sanitar$ sewerage s$stem. &f a pri#ate s"srface disposal
s$stem or other s$stem mst "e sed! appro#al of the s$stem mst "e
o"tained from the appropriate reglator$ agenc$.
8.5 /ool waste water. /ool waste water shall "e discharged to the
sewer s$stem or storm drain throgh a sita"le air gap so as to preclde
the possi"ilit$ of "ac-p of sewage or waste water into the swimming
pool piping s$stem. 3ppro#al of the s$stem mst "e o"tained from the
appropriate reglator$ agenc$.
8.6 Drin-ing fontains. Drin-ing fontains shall "e of slanting
'et-t$pe with a srronding gard and nons"mersi"le opening. =he$ shall
"e located at a con#enient point and "e spplied with ade4ate water
9.0 1ecirclation s$stems and e4ipment. 3 recirclation s$stem
consisting of pmps! piping! filters! water conditioning and
disinfection e4ipment! and other accessor$ e4ipment! shall "e pro#ided
which will clarif$! chemicall$ "alance and disinfect the swimming pool
water. 3 minimm trno#er of the entire #olme in si% hors 7for times
in 22 hors8 is re4ired! e%cept that the recirclation rate shall "e
increased to pro#ide a two-hor trno#er for wading pools! and as set
forth in item 15.0 of this section for special-prpose pools.
9.1 >4ipment appro#al. >4ipment sed or proposed for se in swimming
pools shall "e of pro#en design and constrction and "e tested as
follows: 718 tested and listed "$ the +ational Sanitation .ondation
7+S.8 or another testing la"orator$ nder standards promlgated "$ +S.B
or 728 se-tested in +ew ,or- or another state in at least 10 pools of
compara"le design for a period of at least 60 da$s! with engineering
reports on reslts of se s"mittedB or 7(8 pilot-plant testing of at
least 90 da$s! with formal s"mission of an operational report prepared
"$ the design engineer or architectB or 728 a com"ination of se and
testing or a trial se period appro#ed "$ the permit-issing official
and the State *ommissioner of 9ealth.
9.2 /iping.
9.2.1 ?aterials. =he recirclating piping and fittings shall "e of
nonto%ic material! resistant to corrosion! and a"le to withstand
operating pressres. 3ccepta"le materials for pool recirclation
s$stems are plastic! copper! stainless steel! as"estos cement! alminm!
cast iron or other material sita"le for water sppl$ se.
9.2.2 Delocities. =he pipes! fittings and #al#es of the pool
recirclation s$stem shall "e si;ed so that #elocities do not e%ceed 6
feet per second nder sction! 10 feet per second nder pressre and (
feet per second in gra#it$ flow.
9.( Drainage and installation. 3ll e4ipment and piping shall "e
designed and fa"ricated to drain completel$ "$ se of drain plgs! drain
#al#es or other means. 3ll piping shall "e spported continosl$ or at
sfficientl$ close inter#als to pre#ent sagging. 3ll sction piping
shall "e sloped in one direction! prefera"l$ toward the pmp. 3ll sppl$
and retrn pipelines to the pool shall "e pro#ided with inserta"le plgs
or #al#es to allow the piping to "e drained to a point "elow the frost
line. /ro#ision shall "e made for e%pansion and contraction of pipes.
9.2 *olor coding. 3ll e%posed piping shold "e color-coded in
accordance with the following ta"le:
/iping *olor code Aaste lines *olor code
/ota"le water lines Dar- "le 0ac-wash waste Dar- "rown
.iltered water 34a Sewer 7sewer or other8 Dar- gra$
S-immer or gtter retrn Cli#e green Dec- drains @ight "rown
?ain drain 0lac-
3lm Crange Cther
*hlorine 7gas/soltion8 ,ellow *ompressed air Dar- green
Soda ash Ahite 5as 1ed
3cid /in-
Ahere two colors do not ha#e sfficient contrast to easil$ differentiate
"etween them! a si%-inch "and of contrasting color shold "e painted on
one pipe at appro%imatel$ (0-inch inter#als. =he name of the li4id or
gas! and arrows indicating direction of flow! shold "e shown on the
9.5 C#erflow s$stems. 3ll pools shall "e designed to pro#ide
continos s-imming 7remo#al of srface water8. ?a-e-p water sppl$
e4ipment shall "e pro#ided to maintain continos s-imming.
9.5.1 5tters 7perimeter o#erflow s$stems8. =he o#erflow shall e%tend
completel$ arond the pool. &t shall "e le#el within a tolerance of pls
or mins one-eighth inch. /iping connections shall "e pro#ided to permit
water to flow from o#erflows to the recirclation s$stem. Si;e and shape. =he gtter s$stem shall "e designed for
continos remo#al of water from the pool6s pper srface at a rate of
at least 100 percent of the recirclation rate. =he gtter shall "e
designed to ser#e as a handgrip and to pre#ent entrapment of arms and
legs. &t shall permit read$ inspection! cleaning and repair. Ctlets. Drop "o%es! con#erters! retrn piping or flmes sed
to con#e$ water from the gtter shall "e designed to handle 100 percent
of the recirclation rate. Drainage shall "e sfficient to minimi;e
flooding and pre#ent "ac-flow of s-immed water into the pool.
9.5.1.( Srge capacit$. 3ll o#erflow s$stems shall "e designed with an
effecti#e srge capacit$ of not less than one gallon for each s4are
foot of pool srface area. Srge shall "e pro#ided within a srge tan-!
in the gtter or filter a"o#e the normal flow line! or elsewhere in the
s$stem. Srge tan-s! gtters and filter tan-s shold ha#e o#erflow
pipes to con#e$ e%cess water to waste. Srge tan-s shall "e pro#ided
with means for complete draining.
9.5.2 S-immers. =he se of s-immers shall "e limited to pools with
widths of (0 feet or less and a water srface area less than 1!600
s4are feet. +m"er. &n pools where s-immers are sed! one s-immer for
each 200 s4are feet of srface area or fraction thereof shall "e
pro#ided. 3dditional s-immers ma$ "e re4ired to achie#e effecti#e
s-imming. @ocation. S-immers shall "e so located as to pro#ide effecti#e
s-imming of the entire water srface with minimm interference and
9.5.2.( .low rate. S-immers shall "e designed for a flow-throgh rate
of at least (0 gallons per minte or (.75 gallons per minte per lineal
inch of weir. =he swimming pool recirclation rate is determined "$ the
total of: design flow rate re4ired "$ the nm"er of s-immers! and the
flow throgh the main drain s$stem! as specified in &tem 9.6.2! and mst
sppl$ the minimm trno#er rate re4ired "$ &tem 9.0. *ontrol. S-immers shall ha#e weirs that ad'st atomaticall$
and operate freel$ and continosl$ with #ariations of at least for
inches in water le#el. 3ll s-immed water shall pass throgh an easil$
remo#a"le and cleana"le "as-et or screen "efore encontering control
#al#es or entering the pmp sction line. >ach s-immer shall "e e4ipped
with a de#ice to control flow. S-immers shall inclde a de#ice to
pre#ent an air loc- in the sction line. &f e4ali;er pipes are sed!
the$ shall pass an ade4ate amont of water to meet pmp sction
re4irements shold pool water drop "elow the weir le#el. =he e4ali;er
pipes shall "e located at least one foot "elow the lowest o#erflow le#el
of the s-immer. 3 #al#e or e4i#alent de#ice that will remain tightl$
closed nder normal operating conditions! "t atomaticall$ open when
the water le#el drops "elow the minimm operating le#el of the s-immer!
shall "e pro#ided on each e4ali;er pipe. *onstrction. S-immers shall "e installed in the pool walls!
"e strd$ and "e constrcted of corrosion-resistant materials. Srface
s-immers shall "e of a t$pe the permit-issing official determines as
ade4ate and sita"le for sch prpose. 9andgrips. 0ll-nosed coping not more than two inches thic- or
other handgrip ad'acent to the pool wall shall "e pro#ided. =he handgrip
shall not "e more than nine inches a"o#e the minimm s-immer operating
le#el. Ahen the handgrip is formed "$ the pool dec-! it shall slope awa$
from the pool with a one-inch drop in a one-foot distance.
9.5.( =esting. .lotation testing shold "e performed to determine and
ad'st the recirclation s$stem for optimm s-imming.
9.6 ?ain drain s$stem. =wo main drain sction otlets shall "e
installed in the pool floor at the deepest point with a separation
distance of three feet or more pro#ided. &f the floor of a spa pool is
insfficient for a separation distance of three feet! then the
separation distance shall "e as great as possi"le. =he sction otlets
shall "e connected to a single main sction pipe "$ "ranch lines and the
"ranch lines shall not "e #al#ed so as to "e capa"le of operating
9.6.1 Spacing. =he drains shall not "e greater than 20 feet on centers
and the drain otlets shall "e pro#ided not more than 15 feet from each
side wall.
9.6.2 5rating. =he main drain sction otlet shall "e protected "$
anti#orte% co#ers or gratings. =he open area shall "e large enogh to
assre the #elocit$ does not e%ceed 1-1/2 feet per second throgh the
grating. Cpenings in grates shall not "e o#er one-half inch wide.
5ratings or drain co#ers shall not "e remo#a"le withot the se of
9.6.( /iping. =he "ranch pipe from each main drain sction otlet
shall "e designed to carr$ 100 percent of the recirclation rate. =he
sction #elocit$ in the pipe shall not e%ceed si% feet per second. =he
single main sction pipe to the pmp shall "e e4ipped with a #al#e to
control total main drain flow.
9.6.2 ?inimm flow. 3t least (0 percent of the total recirclation
rate shold flow throgh the main drain.
9.7 /mps and strainers.
9.7.1 Strainers. Strainers shall "e pro#ided throgh which all water
shall pass "efore entering the pmp. =he strainers shall "e of rigid
constrction! fa"ricated of corrosion-resistant material and
sfficientl$ strong to pre#ent collapsing when clogged. =he openings
shall "e no greater than one-eighth inch in an$ dimension. =he total
clear area of all openings shall "e at least for times the area of the
connecting pipe. =he strainer shall ha#e a 4ic--opening co#er. Spare
strainer "as-ets shall "e pro#ided. &n s$stems where the filter is
located on the sction side of the pmp! strainers are not re4ired.
9.7.2 /mping e4ipment. =he recirclation pmp shall ha#e ade4ate
capacit$ to meet the design re4irements of the pool! inclding filter
"ac-washing. &t shall "e of a self-priming t$pe if installed a"o#e the
h$dralic gradient. 3 gage which indicates "oth pressre and #acm
shall "e installed on the pmp sction header and a pressre gage shall
"e installed on the discharge side of the pmp.
9.8 .low measrement and control.
9.8.1 .low measrement. 3 means of continosl$ measring rate of flow
shall "e pro#ided in the recirclation s$stem. .or sand filters! the
flow-measring e4ipment shall "e located where the "ac-wash flow rate
can also "e determined. =he indicator shall "e capa"le of measring at
least 1-1/2 times the design flow rate and shall "e accrate within 10
percent of tre flow. =he indicator shall ha#e a range of readings
appropriate for the anticipated flow rates! and "e installed where it is
readil$ accessi"le for reading and maintenance! and with straight pipe
pstream and downstream of an$ fitting or restriction in accordance with
the manfactrer6s recommendation.
9.8.2 .low reglation. 3n atomatic de#ice for reglating the rate of
flow shall "e pro#ided in the recirclation pmp discharge piping. Ahere
mltiple pmps or filters are pro#ided! each nit shall ha#e a
flow-reglating de#ice installed.
9.9 &nlets.
9.9.1 +m"er. Aall inlets shall "e spaced not o#er 20 feet apart! with
one inlet within fi#e feet of each corner of the pool and one in each
recessed step area.
9.9.2 @ocation. Aall inlets shall "e located at least 12 inches "elow
the design water srface. 0ottom inlets shall "e niforml$ spaced with a
separation distance of no greater than 20 feet and with rows of inlets
within 15 feet of each side wall. &n an$ pool o#er 60 feet in width!
"ottom inlets shold "e pro#ided. =hese mst "e flsh with the floor.
9.9.( =$pe. &nlet fittings shall "e of the ad'sta"le rate-of-flow
t$pe. Directional flow inlets shall "e sed with s-immer-t$pe pools.
&nlets shall not e%tend from the floor or wall to create a ha;ard.
9.9.2 =esting. D$e testing 7cr$stal #iolet or e4i#alent8 shold "e
performed to determine and ad'st the recirclation pattern.
10.0 .iltration 7general8. 3 swimming pool water treatment s$stem
shall ha#e one or more filters. &t shall "e installed with ade4ate
clearance and facilities for read$ and safe inspection! maintenance!
disassem"l$ and repair.
10.1 Sand filters. =he design filtration rate of rapid sand filters
shall not e%ceed three gallons per minte per s4are foot of filter
area. 9igh-rate sand filters 7pressre or #acm8 shall not e%ceed a
filtration rate of 15 gallons per minte per s4are foot of filter area.
.or mltiple-cell rapid sand filters! the rate of filtration shall not
e%ceed ( gpm per s4are foot of filter area. .or mlti-cell high-rate
sand filters! filtration rate shall not e%ceed 5 gpm per s4are foot of
filter area. =he sand filter s$stem shall "e e4ipped to "ac-wash each
filter at a rate of 12 to 15 gallons per minte per s4are foot of
filter "ed area! or as recommended "$ the manfactrer. =he "ac-wash
water shall "e discharged to waste throgh a sita"le air gap.
10.1.1 .ilter media. Sand or other media shall "e carefll$ graded and
meet the manfactrer6s recommendation for pool se.
10.1.2 3ccessories shall inclde inflent pressre gage! efflent
pressre gage! "ac-wash sight glass and air relief #al#e.
10.2 Diatomaceos earth. =he design filtration rate for pressre or
#acm filters shall "e no greater than 1.5 gallons per minte per
s4are foot of effecti#e filter area! e%cept that a ma%imm filtration
rate of 2.0 gallons per minte per s4are foot ma$ "e allowed where
continos <"od$ feed< is pro#ided. =he filter and all component parts
shall "e of sch materials! design and constrction to withstand normal
continos se withot significant deformation! deterioration! corrosion
or wear which cold ad#ersel$ affect filter operation.
10.2.1 /recoating. =he filter piping shall "e designed to refilter or
waste the efflent ntil a niform "od$ coat is applied. .or
pressre-t$pe filters! precoat feed e4ipment shall "e pro#ided to appl$
not less than 0.1 pond of diatomaceos earth per s4are foot of filter
10.2.2 0od$ feed e4ipment. 0od$ feed e4ipment capa"le of appl$ing
not less than 0.1 pond of diatomaceos earth per s4are foot of filter
area per 22 hors shold "e pro#ided.
10.2.( 1egenerati#e-t$pe filters. 1egenerati#e t$pe of filters shall
meet the same standards as pressre filters. /mping "$ air or manal
means mst "e pro#ided for! and pro#ision for #isal inspection of
elements shall "e pro#ided.
10.2.2 3ccessories. 3ccessories for #acm filters shall inclde a
#acm gage and a #acm limit switch interconnected with the pmp.
/ressre filters re4ire a "ac-wash sight glass! inflent pressre
gage! efflent pressre gage and air relief #al#e.
10.2.5 0ac-wash. Diatomaceos earth filter "ac-wash water mst
discharge to the sewer s$stem throgh a separation tan-. =he separation
tan- sldge shall "e disposed of in an appro#ed solid waste disposal
10.( *artridge filters: filter rate. =he design filtration rate for
cartridge filters shall not e%ceed 0.(75 gallon per minte per s4are
foot of filter media.
10.(.1 *artridges. 3 complete e%tra set of filter cartridges mst "e
on hand at ser6s location.
10.(.2 3ccessories shall inclde inflent pressre gage! efflent
pressre gage and air relief #al#e.
11.0 Disinfection. Swimming pools shall "e designed to pro#ide for
continos disinfection of the pool water with a chemical which is an
effecti#e disinfectant and which imparts an easil$ measred! acti#e
11.1 Disinfectant feeders. 3n atomatic feeder which is easil$
ad'sta"le shall "e pro#ided for the application of disinfectant.
11.1.1 *onstrction. .eeders shall "e of strd$ constrction and
materials which will withstand wear! corrosion or attac- "$ disinfectant
soltions or #apors! and which are not ad#ersel$ affected "$ repeated!
reglar ad'stments or other normal se conditions.
11.1.2 ?aintenance. .eeders shall "e capa"le of "eing easil$
disassem"led for cleaning and maintenance.
11.1.( Cperation. =he design and constrction shall minimi;e stoppage
from chemicals intended to "e sed or foreign materials that ma$ "e
contained therein.
11.1.2 Safegards. =he feeders shall incorporate antisiphon safegards
so that the disinfectant cannot contine to feed into the swimming pool!
the pool piping s$stem or the swimming pool enclosre if an$ t$pe of
failre of the pool e4ipment occrs.
11.1.5 *apacit$. .eeders shall "e capa"le of sppl$ing disinfectant to
the pool in the range p to 10 mg/1 chlorine or e4i#alent.
11.2 5as chlorination. Ahen compressed chlorine gas is sed! the
following featres shall "e pro#ided. 5as chlorine shold not "e sed at
pools in densel$ poplated areas.
11.2.1 @ocation. =he chlorinator room shall "e located on the opposite
side of the pool from the direction of the pre#ailing winds. *hlorine
storage and chlorinating e4ipment shall "e in a separate room. =his
room shall "e at or a"o#e grade.
11.2.2 Denting. =he chlorine room shall ha#e a #entilating fan with an
airtight dct "eginning near the floor and terminating at a safe point
of discharge to the ot-of-doors. 3 lo#ered air inta-e shall "e
pro#ided near the ceiling. =he #entilating fan shall pro#ide one air
change per minte and operate from a switch located otside the door.
11.2.( Door. =he door of the chlorinator room shall not open to the
swimming pool! and shall open otward directl$ to the e%terior of the
"ilding. =he door shall "e pro#ided with a shatterproof inspection
window and shold "e pro#ided with <panic hardware.<
11.2.2 *hlorine c$linders. *hlorine c$linders shall "e anchored. =he
c$linders in se shall stand on a scale capa"le of indicating gross
weight with one-half pond accrac$. Storage space shall "e pro#ided so
that chlorine c$linders are not s"'ected to direct snlight. Storage
space shall "e in an area inaccessi"le to the general p"lic.
11.2.5 &n'ection location. ?i%ing of chlorine gas and water shall
occr in the chlorine room! e%cept where #acm-t$pe chlorinators are
11.2.6 0ac-flow. =he chlorinators shall "e designed to pre#ent the
"ac-flow of water or moistre into the chlorine gas c$linder.
11.2.7 0reathing apparats. 3 self-contained "reathing apparats
designed for se in a chlorine atmosphere 7and of a t$pe appro#ed "$ the
appropriate reglator$ agenc$8 shall "e pro#ided. 3 closed ca"inet shall
"e pro#ided to hose the "reathing apparats. &t shall "e located
otside of the chlorinator room.
11.2.8 @ea- detection. 3 plastic "ottle of ammonia for lea- detection
shall "e pro#ided.
11.( 9$pochlorinators. Ahere h$pochlorinators are sed! the following
re4irements shall appl$:
11.(.1 .eed. .eed shall "e continos nder all conditions of pressre
in the recirclation s$stem withot constriction of the recirclation
pmp sction.
11.(.2 Soltion tan-s. &f calcim h$pochlorite is sed! two soltion
tan-s! each with minimm capacit$ of one-da$ sppl$! shold "e pro#ided.
3ll chemical containers! inclding those sed with chemical feeders!
mst "e clearl$ la"eled regarding their contents.
11.2 Disinfection with "romine. Ahere "romine is sed as a
disinfectant! the permit-issing official shall first appro#e se of
solid stic--t$pe "romine and the e4ipment pro#ided for feeding on a
continos "asis.
11.5 *hemical feed e4ipment. >4ipment and piping sed to appl$
chemicals to the water shall "e of sch si;e! design and material that
the$ ma$ "e cleaned. 3ll material sed for sch e4ipment and piping
shall "e resistant to action of chemicals to "e sed therein.
11.5.1 C;one generating e4ipment 7C5>8 is accepta"le onl$ as a
spplement to a chlorine or "romine disinfection s$stem. Ahen C5> is
installed! the following design performance standards mst "e met: C;one concentration in the pool water shall not e%ceed 0.1
mg/l. Cff-gassing of o;one shall not reslt in o;one le#els in the
e4ipment room or in the pool area e%ceeding 0.1 ppm. 3t the time the
C5> is installed and annall$ thereafter the air space within 6 inches
of the pool water le#el and air in the e4ipment room shall "e tested to
determine compliance with this re4irement. 3ll corona discharge C5>s mst "e #acm s$stems.
11.5.1.( 0ac-flow of pool water into the C5> shall not occr.
11.6 p9 ad'stment. ?echanical feed e4ipment for the prpose of
adding a chemical for p9 ad'stment shall "e pro#ided! e%cept where p9
can "e maintained within the re4ired limits withot the se of positi#e
feed e4ipment. =he methods for addition of chemicals mst "e specified
in the safet$ plan. =he method of chemical addition mst protect the
"ather from contact with concentrated chemicals. =he method mst pro#ide
ade4ate distri"tion of the chemical throghot the pool and
distri"tion mst "e #erified "$ pool water testing prior to "ather
11.6.1 Ahere car"on dio%ide 7*C28 is sed as a method of p9 control!
the following featres shall "e pro#ided: *C2 shall "e in'ected into the recirclation pipe at the same
point where p9 ad'stment soltions 7i.e.! acid8 wold normall$ "e
added. =he recirclation pipe shall "e of sfficient si;e and length to
pro#ide a minimm of fi#e seconds contact time prior to "ather contact. *C2 c$linders shall "e anchored to pre#ent damage. *$linders
shall "e inaccessi"le to the general p"lic.
11.6.1.( =he manfactrer6s instrctions shall "e followed for
installation and operation of c$linders. =he nits shall "e operated "$
the designated persons listed in the safet$ plan. *C2 c$linders shold "e stored in a protecti#e enclosre at
the e%terior of occpied strctres. &f *C2 c$linders are pro#ided in
the interior of occpied strctres! the$ shall "e placed in a
#entilated enclosre. 3 lo#ered fresh air inta-e shall "e pro#ided near
the ceiling. ?echanical e%hast #entilation shall "e pro#ided near at
the rate of one air change e#er$ three mintes and ta-e sction near the
floor as far as practical from the door and fresh air inta-e. >%hasted
air shall "e dcted to the e%terior of the "ilding throgh a continos
pipe of at least 1-1/2 inches in diameter with the point of discharge so
located as not to contaminate air inlets to an$ rooms or strctres.
11.7 3n atomatic de#ice shall "e pro#ided to deacti#ate chemical
feeders when there is no flow in the recirclation s$stem.
11.8 =est -it. *olorimetric test -its shall "e pro#ided for the
determination of free disinfectant residal! p9 of the pool water and!
where necessar$! total al-alinit$ and calcim hardness. 3 sppl$ of
appropriate reagents for ma-ing each t$pe of test shall "e pro#ided.
*olor standards shall "e frnished for each of the tests! that allow an
accrate comparison of the sample to "e tested! "oth from the standpoint
of color and densit$! and shall "e reasona"l$ permanent and nonfading.
>lectronic residal and p9 monitoring de#ices ma$ "e sed in addition to
the test -it.
11.8.1 Standards. 3 D/D 7Dieth$l-/-/hen$lene Diamine8 test -it with
the following increments: 0.2! 0.2! 0.6! 0.8! 1.0! 1.5! 2.0 and (.0! as
a minimm! shall "e pro#ided to measre the chlorine residal. &f other
halogens are sed! an appropriate scale shall "e pro#ided.
11.8.2 p9 -it. 3 p9 test -it with a range from 6.8 to 8.2! accrate to
the nearest 0.2 p9 nit! shall "e pro#ided.
12.0 0athhose.
12.1 5eneral. 3de4ate dressing rooms and sanitar$ facilities shall "e
pro#ided for all swimming pools. Cmission of part or all of the poolside
toilet facilities ma$ "e appro#ed when sch facilities are a#aila"le
within (00 feet and no more than one floor le#el a"o#e or "elow the
swimming pool.
12.2 @ocation. =he "athhose shall "e located so that the patrons mst
pass throgh the "athhose to enter the pool. =he la$ot of the
"athhose shall "e sch that the patrons on lea#ing the dressing room
pass the toilets! then the showers! en rote to the swimming pool.
12.( 0athhose design. .loors of the "athhose shall "e of
smooth-finished material with nonslip srfaces! imper#ios to moistre!
easil$ cleana"le and sloped at least one-forth inch per foot to drains.
*arpeting shall not "e permitted in shower and toilet areas. Hnctions
"etween walls and floors shall "e co#ed and of smooth! imper#ios
materials! free from crac-s or open 'oints. /artitions "etween dressing
c"icles shall terminate at least 10 inches a"o#e the floor! or shall "e
placed on continos raised masonr$ or concrete "ases at least for
inches high. @oc-ers shall "e set either on solid masonr$ or concrete
"ases at least for inches a"o#e the floor. @oc-ers shall "e #ented.
12.2 .i%tre re4irements. 3n ade4ate nm"er of toilet and
handwashing facilities shall "e pro#ided.
12.2.1 .i%tres. /lm"ing fi%tres and installations shall "e in
accordance with the )niform *ode.
12.5 Sits and towels. Ahere towels and/or swimming sits are
pro#ided! facilities shall "e pro#ided to ade4atel$ lander! store and
saniti;e these items after each sage.
12.6 .oot "aths. =he se of foot "aths is prohi"ited.
12.7 9ose "i""s. 9ose "i""s shall "e pro#ided within the "athhose to
ena"le the entire area to "e flshed with a 50-foot hose. 9ose "i""s
shall "e pro#ided with antisiphonage de#ices.
1(.0 ?iscellaneos.
1(.1 /ool cleaning s$stem. 3 cleaning s$stem shall "e pro#ided to
remo#e dirt from the "ottom of the pool. Ahen a #acm s$stem is sed as
an integral part of the recirclation s$stem! connections shall "e
located in the walls of the swimming pool at least eight inches "elow
the waterline! and at sch points that the floor of the pool can "e
cleaned with not more than 50 feet of sction hose. +othing in this
section shall prohi"it the se of srface s-immers for #acm cleaning
1(.2 ?anal. 3 manal for operation of the pool shall "e pro#ided. &t
shall inclde instrctions for each filter! pmp or other piece of
e4ipment! drawings! illstrations! charts! operating instrctions and
parts list! to permit installation! operation! winteri;ation and
12.0 Spa pools. Spa pools shall compl$ with the following special
re4irements! in addition to other applica"le re4irements contained in
these design standards.
12.1 *onstrction material. =he constrction material shall compl$
with the re4irements of item 2.0 of this section. )se of nlined wood
tan-s is prohi"ited.
12.2 Dimensional design.
12.2.1 =he ma%imm water depth shall "e 260< measred from the
waterline. >%ceptions ma$ "e made for spas designed for a special
prpose! sch as instrction! treatment! swimming and therap$.
12.2.2 =he ma%imm depth of an$ seat shall "e 260<! measred from the
12.2.( Spas shall "e pro#ided with a sita"le handhold arond their
perimeter in areas where water depths e%ceed (66<. 9andholds shall "e
pro#ided no frther apart than 260<! and ma$ consist of an$ one or a
com"ination of the following:
12.2.(.1 *oping! ledges! raised flanges! or dec-s along the immediate
top edge of the spa shall pro#ide a sita"le slip-resistant handhold
located not o#er 12 inches a"o#e the waterline.
12.2.(.2 @adders! steps or seat ledges.
12.2.(.( 3 railing! placed at or not o#er 12 inches a"o#e the
waterline! fastened to the wall.
12.( Steps. Design of steps shall conform to the following:
12.(.1 Step treads shall ha#e a minimm no"strcted hori;ontal tread
depth of 10 inches for a minimm continos width of 12 inches.
12.(.2 1iser height shall not "e less than 7 inches nor greater than
12 inches. Ahen the "ottom tread ser#es as a "ench or seat! the "ottom
riser ma$ "e a ma%imm of 12 inches.
12.(.( Step treads shall ha#e slip-resistant tread srfaces.
12.(.2 >ach set of steps shall "e pro#ided with at least one handrail
to fll$ ser#e all treads and risers.
12.(.5 Seats or "enches ma$ "e pro#ided as part of the steps.
12.2 @adders. @adders shall conform to the re4irements of item 5.8.2
of this section.
12.5 1ecessed steps. 1ecessed steps shall conform to item 5.8.(.
12.6 Dec-s. Dec-s shall conform to the re4irements set forth in item
5.9! with the e%ception that! at spa pools! dec-s ma$ "e wai#ed for 50
percent of the pool perimeter. /lacement of chairs or other frnitre
shall "e prohi"ited within three feet of the edge of an$ spa pool.
12.7 9eater and temperatre re4irements.
12.7.1 9eaters shall compl$ with the standards contained in the
)niform *ode.
12.7.2 =he ma%imm temperatre of the spa water shall "e 102I.. 3
thermostatic control for the water shall "e re4ired. 3n alarm s$stem
set to ring a "ell or ";;er shall "e installed to warn of an$
temperatre o#er 102I.. =he alarm shall ring in the spa area as well as
at the attendant6s normal wor- station. 3 manal timer shall "e
installed that will re4ire resetting after 15 mintes. =his timer will
ring a warning "ell and ma$ control the agitation pmp.
12.8 *irclation s$stems. =he e4ipment for circlation and filtration
shall "e si;ed to trn o#er the entire spa water capacit$ at least once
e#er$ (0 mintes! and shall "e capa"le of retrning the spa water to a
tr"idit$ of less than 0.50 +=) within for hors following the pea-
"ather load.
12.8.1 C#erflow s$stem. 3n o#erflow s$stem shall "e pro#ided. &t shall
"e designed and constrcted so that the water le#el of the spa is at the
operating le#el of the rim or weir de#ice dring se and nonse of the
spa. Ahen srface s-immers are sed! one srface s-immer shall "e
pro#ided for each 100 s4are feet or fraction thereof of spa srface
area. 1ecirclation throgh the s-immer shall "e at least (0
gpm/s-immer. Ahen two or more s-immers are sed in a spa! the$ shall "e
located to maintain effecti#e s-imming action o#er the entire srface
area of the spa. S-immers shall "e appro#ed! as set forth in item 9.0 of
this section.
12.9 .ilters. .ilters shall "e designed to maintain spa water nder
anticipated operating conditions in accordance with item 12.8 of this
section. =he re4irements specified in item 10.0 shall appl$.
12.10 /mps and strainers. =he recirclation pmp and strainer shall
compl$ with the re4irements of item 9.7.
12.11 3ir indction s$stems. 3n air indction s$stem shall "e designed
to pre#ent water "ac-p that cold case electrical shoc- ha;ards. 3ir
inta-es shall not indce contaminants 7sch as dec- water! dirt! etc.8
into the spa.
12.12 Disinfection. =he re4irements specified in item 11.0 shall
appl$. >4ipment shall "e designed to pro#ide a minimm free residal
chlorine of 1.5 mg/l at all times and capa"le of sperchlorination at 10
mg/l to minimi;e pro"lems with com"ined chlorine "ild-p.
12.1( Safet$. 3 warning sign with an area of at least three s4are
feet! stating the following cation statements! shall "e conspicosl$
posted in the #icinit$ of the spa.
1. >lderl$ persons! and those sffering from heart disease! dia"etes!
high or low "lood pressre! shold "e prohi"ited from sing the spa
2. )nsper#ised se "$ children is prohi"ited.
(. Do not se while nder the inflence of alcohol! anticoaglants!
antihistamines! #asoconstrictors! #asodilators! stimlants! h$pnotics!
narcotics or tran4ili;ers.
2. Do not se alone.
5. C"ser#e a reasona"le time limit 7e.g.! 15 mintes8! then shower!
cool down and! if $o wish! retrn for another "rief sta$. @ong e%posre
ma$ reslt in nasea! di;;iness or fainting.
6. 9elp can "e o"tained "$ sing the telephone and posted emergenc$
telephone nm"ers for police! fire department! ph$sician! am"lance and
15.0 Special-prpose pools. =his item co#ers additional special
re4irements applica"le to special-prpose pools. =he design engineer
shall conslt with the department prior to preparation and s"mission of
engineer6s plans and specifications for special-prpose pools.
15.1 Ahite-water slides. 3 white-water slide facilit$ shall consist of
one or more flmes! plnge pool! recirclation and chemical treatment
15.1.1 Aater depth. =he minimm plnge pool operating water depth
shall "e three feet. =his depth shold "e maintained in front of the
flme for a distance of at least 20 feet.
15.1.2 Slide flme termins. =he slide flme termins shall "e at a
minimm depth of si% inches "elow the plnge pool operating water
srface le#el! at water srface le#el or p to a ma%imm of two inches
a"o#e the water srface le#el. =he flme shall "e perpendiclar to the
plnge pool wall for at least 10 feet from its end. =he distance "etween the side of a flme e%it and a plnge
pool side wall shold "e at least fi#e feet. =he distance "etween sides of
ad'acent flme terminses shold "e at least si% feet.
15.1.( /mp reser#oir. 3 pmp reser#oir shall "e pro#ided for the
slide pmp inta-es. &t shall "e connected to the plnge pool "$ a weir.
=he minimm reser#oir #olme shall "e e4al to twice the com"ined flow
rate in gallons per minte of all filters and slide pmps.
15.1.2 =he flme shall "e designed to pre#ent sers from "ecoming
air"orne while in the ride.
15.1.5 1ecirclation rate. =he recirclation-filtration s$stem of
water slides shall recirclate and filter a water #olme e4al to the
total #olme of the facilit$ in a period of one hor or less.
15.2 Aa#e pools. Aa#e pools shall "e of sch shapes and design as to
"e operated and maintained in a safe and sanitar$ manner.
15.2.1 =he recirclation-filtration s$stem of wa#e pools shall "e
capa"le of one trno#er e#er$ two hors. =he recirclation s$stem shall
"e operated continosl$ 22 hors a da$.
15.2.2 3 perimeter o#erflow gtter shall "e pro#ided. =he gtter ma$
"e interrpted in the area where the water is less than two feet deep.
15.( Special-prpose pools. .acilities for persons with ph$sical
disa"ilities shall "e designed to pro#ide safe entr$ and e%it from the
pool and sanitar$ conditions. .acilities for par-ing! path of tra#el!
wal-s! ramps! drin-ing fontains! telephone! toilets and showers shall
compl$ with the re4irements of /art 1100 of the )niform *ode.
15.(.1 /ool entr$. 3ccess for persons with ph$sical disa"ilities shall
"e at the shallow end of the pool. /ool entr$ shold "e an 18-inch-high
"loc- of steps followed "$ a normal set of pool steps. 3s an alternate!
hoists or ramps are accepta"le. Ahere remo#a"le ramps or steps are
pro#ided! the area "eneath the ramp or steps shall "e protected to
pre#ent access to swimmers.
15.(.2 Steps and handrails. Stair steps shold ha#e risers 5-(/2
inches and a tread 12 to 18 inches wide to allow for sitting. 3 handrail
(2 inches high! e%tending 18 inches "e$ond top and "ottom steps! mst "e
pro#ided. 3 22-inch handrail mst "e pro#ided for children. 3 si%-inch
handrail will aid entr$ for those who cannot stand.
15.(.( Aheelchairs! if immersed in pool! mst "e safe! waterproof and
designed for se in the pool en#ironment.
15.(.2 =he recirclation-filtration s$stem shall "e capa"le of one
trno#er e#er$ for hors. =he recirclation s$stems shall "e operated
continosl$ 22 hors a da$.
15.2 ?o#a"le-"ottom pools. 9$dralic-lift swimming pool floors! where
pro#ided! shall "e safe and maintenance-free.
15.2.1 &nlets. 3 'et-water self-cleaning s$stem shold "e pro#ided so
that the entire pool is self-cleaning. =wo sets of retrn inlets located
at two different heights shold "e pro#ided to o"tain ade4ate mi%ing at
all times when the pool is shallow or deep.
15.2.2 .loor mo#ement. .loor mo#ement shall "e designed to minimi;e
tr"lence and pro#ide safe entr$ and e%it "$ persons with ph$sical
15.2.( Depth signs. 3 sign for pool water depth in se shall "e
pro#ided and clearl$ lit and #isi"le. <+C D&D&+5< sign shall also "e
pro#ided. =he control panel for changing water depth mst "e located in
a safe place! accessi"le onl$ to lifegards and pool operator.
15.2.2 Di#ing "oards. .or depths other than design di#ing depth! the
di#ing "oard mst "e in an pright position and chained or secred to
stop se.
15.2.5 =he recirclation-filtration s$stem shall "e capa"le of one
trno#er e#er$ for hors. =he recirclation s$stem shall "e operated
continosl$ 22 hors a da$.
15.5 1olling "l-heads. 1olling "l-heads! when sed! shall "e
pro#ided with traction wheels rnning on the pool floor or alternati#el$
in the o#erflow gtter. Ahen not in se! these shold "e stored in a
safe manner. =he design shold "e sch that the "athers are not
entrapped nder the "l-head.
15.6 Starting 0loc-s. Starting "loc-s! when pro#ided! shall "e
designed according to nationall$ recogni;ed competiti#e design
standards. =hese "loc-s shall "e installed o#er a minimm water depth of
si% feet. Starting "loc-s shall onl$ "e sed dring sper#ised practices
or swim meets.
Volume: 3

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