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Mn Thi: ANH VN Khi D
THI THAM KHO Thi gian: 90 pht, khng k thi gian giao
1. A. bury B. cleanliness ['klenlinis] C. plenty D. dean
2. A. challenge B. chameleon [k'mi:ljn] tc ke hoa C. chewing D. chapter
3. A. blow B. tomb [tu:m] C. sew D. dove
1. A. double B. plough C. tough D. couple
2. A. nose B. please C. toes D. taps
Choose the word whose stress is on the first syllable.
6. A. definite B. belonging C. organic D. alternative
7. A. challenging B. impervious [im'p:vjs] khng tip thu c, t! t! C. acceptable D. advisable
8. A. activity B. introduce C. supervisor ['su:pvai"] D. approximately
9. A. compound B. triangle ['tai#$gl] C. advanced D. paamas [p'%&a:m"]
!". A. agricultural [,#gi'k'lt(l] B. propose [p'pou"] ) ngh*, ) +u,t, a a
C. opponent D. conuer ['k-$k]
Choose the right word or phrase to complete the sentences.
!!. #he teacher as$ed us%%%%%%%% the essay we%%%%%%%% the day be&ore.
A. to rewrite' handed B. rewriting ' have handed C. to rewrite ! had handed D. rewriting ' had handed
!(. )*ave you%%%%%%%% traveled to +an ,rancisco-) . )/es0 %%%%%%%%11
A. once ' once B. ever ! once C. never ' never D. yet ' never
!2. #he government have tried to %%%%%%%%the price o& petrol0 but they &ailed.
A. bring on B. put in C. bring down D. get over
!3. +ue has put her name%%%%%%%% the course in politics0 though her maor is &ine arts.
A. to B. on with C. in on D. down for
!4. 5ever%%%%%%%% such a magni&icent &irewor$ display.
A. have 6 seen be&ore B. have be&ore seen 6 C. have be&ore 6 seen D. before have " seen
!6. 6t appears that we have%%%%%%%%
A. no bread left B. no le&t bread C. le&t not bread D. bread not le&t
!7. 6 couldn7t%%%%%%%% 8A. ma$e a &uss B. give way to C. ma#e a choice D. decide mysel&9
!8. Despite his disappointment0 he remained %%%%%%%. 8 A. cheer B. cheerful C. cheer&ully D. cheering9
!9. #he examiner as$ed me some &urther :uestions%%%%%%%%% led to a m9re interesting discussion.
A. that B. it then C. which D. so
(". #he dear waters here%%%%%%%% some o& the world7s best divers
A. draw attention B. attract C. appeal D. provo$e
(!. #he ;olden #rident0 the underwater e:uivalent o& the 5obel <ri=es0 has been %%%%annually since !96".
A represented B. rewarded C. honored D. awarded
((. A lot o& people who live in the outs$irts have to%%%%%%%% to wor$ every day by train or tube.
A tour B. commute C. travel D. >ove
(2. Ann was surprised%%%%%%%% her &amily7s reaction%%%%%%%%her decision.
A at " to B. by I at C. at I &or D. with I to
(3. ?e0 the local residents were as$ed to%%%%%%%% &or the best activist o& the local council.
A elect B. shortlist C. support D. vote
(4. @an ;ogh7s Sunflowers %%%%%%%%%29.9 million dollars0 three times the previous record.
A once sold for B. &or sale once C. selling &or once D. &or once sold
(6. About (" miles &rom the station%%%%%%%%%% a little inn called @iolet which loo$ed nice
A had B. there was C. there were D. where was
(7. #otal weight o& all the ants in the world is much greater than%%%%%%%%%%
A all human beings B. total human beings C. that of all human beings D. those o& all human beings
(8. Aecent technological %%%%%%%%%% such as the 6nternet are proving very use&ul &or conservationists.
A advances B. underachievement C. successes D. discoveries
(9. /ou cannot %%%%%%%% me &or the damage. 6 am not responsible &or that.
A apologi=e B. blame C. as$ D. mista$e
2". #he mother is very %%%%%%%% about the health o& her little son.
A concerned B. con&used C. nervous D. care&ul
2!. 6 will never &orget %%%%%%%%% with Banet0 who $eeps %%%%%%% all the time
A wor$ing I to try B. to wor$ Ito try C. wor#ing I trying D. to wor$ I trying
2(. A&ter the accident0 a lot o& debris %%%%%%%%% on the runway. ['%e.i:] m/nh v0
A. was scattered B. scatters C. were scatters D. were scattering
22. +uch %%%%%%% that we all &elt numb.
A. a cold weather was it B. was a cold weather C. cold was the weather D. was cold weather
23. 6 %%%%%%%% Catie0 an old &riend on the way home &rom the o&&ice yesterday.
A. came into B. bro$e into C. ran into D. went into
24. #he man shouted loudly as i& we %%%%%%%%%all dea&. 8 A. were B. had been C. are D. would be9
26. #hey wal$ed along the promenade%%%%%%%% the waves %%%%%%%% at the roc$s.
A. listening I rushed B. to listen I rushing C. listened I to rush D. listening " rushing
27. #hese %%%%%% sites need restoring and protecting.
A. history B. historical C. historically D. historic
28. ?hen 6 told her the news0 she %%%%%%% laughing. 8 A. bro$e out B. burst out C. burst into D. uttered9
29. ?hen will you leave %%%%%%% Dondon- 8 A in B. at C. to D. for$
3". +pea$ it again %%%%%%%%% 6 can ta$e notes. 8A. in order B. in order that C. in case D. then9
3!. %%%%%%%%% bac$ to her hometown0 Bulia &ound everything new and attractive.
A. ?hen arrived B. As she arrives C. %n arriving D. En arrival
3(. /ou %%%%%%%% too much emphasis on your academic success. Be relaxedF
A. o&&er B. ta$e C. give D. put
32. 6 have had such important decisions%%%%%%%%% &or the last three months
A. to do B. to ma#e C. to give D. to put
33. By the time you%%%%%%%%% the shopping0 67ll be ready.
A. did B. will have done C. have done D. will do
34. ;uess who 6 saw the %%%%%%% day. Eur old Gnglish teacher. 8A. next B. last C. very D. other$
Choose the word or phrase which best replaces the underlined word.
36. #he situation seems to be changing minute by minute.
A. &rom time to time B. time a&ter time C. again and again D. very rapidly
37. 6 thin$ we have solved this problem once and &or all.
A. in the end B. forever C. temporarily D. &or everybody
38. 6 am loo$ing &or a dependable person who can stand out &or me at the meeting.
A. dependent B. talented C. energetic D. reliable
39. >y little boy #om never screams though he is scared.
A. in pain B. frightened C. embarrassed D.con&used
50. /ou can do whatever you li$e0 as &ar as 6 am concerned.
A. mind out B. actually C. indeed D. in my opinion
4!. +ometimes when 6 hear the news0 6 &eel very miserable.
A. con&used B &rightened C. upset D. disappointed
4(. +mo$ing has been banned in public places in some countries.
A. made illegal B. limited C. restricted D. given way
42. 6 have to ta$e up my dress. 6 step on it all the time0
A. ma$e it longer B. embellishH l1m 2p C. shorten D. try on
43. #he &ilm is not worth seeing. #he plot is too dull.
A. slow B. simple C. complicated D. boring
44. >aria will ta$e charge of the advertising &or the play.
A. spend time B. be responsible &or C. account &or D.spend money
46. >any areas in A&rica are desperately short of &ood.
A. un&ortunately B. widely C. temporarily D. badly
47. ?e now can &ind a wide range of ready.coo$ed &ood in supermar$ets.
A. variety B. classi&ication C. small number D. popularity
48. 6 sometimes give my &riends a ride in my car.
A. as$ my &riends drive &or me B. let my &riends drive my car C. hitch.hi$e my &riends D. give my friends a lift
49. A woman had a narrow escape when the car came round the corner.
A. was hurt B. was nearly hurt C. ran away D. bumped into the car
60. #he old people in the neighborhood are constantly visiting each other.
A. rarely B. occasionally C. continuously D. uite often
Choose the sentence that is similar in meaning to the one given.
61. Without your help, I couldn't have finished it on time.
A. 6 couldn7t &inish it on time because you helped me. B. 6 couldn7t &inish it on time though you helped me
C. " could finish it on time because you helped me. D. /ou helped me &inishing it on time.
62. His daydreaming prevented him from ecoming a good employee.
A 6& he daydreamed0 he would become a better employee.
B. &e could become a better employee without his daydreaming.
C. *e daydreams0 which ma$es him a good employee. D. As a daydreamer0 he is a good employee.
63. !he children are loo"ing forward to having a holiday on the each.
A. #he children are considering having a holiday on the beach.
B. #he children want to put o&& having a holiday on the beach.
C. Doo$ing &orward0 the children are having a holiday on the beach.
D. 'he children really expect to have a holiday on the beach.
64. Ian denied stealing the confidential files.
A. "an said that he had not stolen the con&idential &iles. B. 6an7s stealing the con&idential &iles was not true
C. 6an said0 7 6 will not steal the con&idential &iles7 D. 6an said that he would not steal the con&idential &iles.
65. I too" #anet to the $oo so that she could see how ig an elephant is.
A. ?ith a view to see how big an elephant is0 6 too$ Banet to the =oo.
B. +o as to see the elephant0 6 too$ Banet to the big =oo.
C. Because Banet was big enough0 6 too$ her to the =oo to see the elephant.
D. " too# (anet to the =oo in order &or her to see how big an elephant is.
66. %espite his early retirement, he found no peace in life.
A. Although he retired early0 but he &ound no peace in li&e.
B. *is early retirement has brought him peace in li&e.
C. *e &ound no peace in li&e because he retired early. D. )arly as he retired00!!e&ound no peace in li&e.
67. I love wal"ing in the rain, though it is not good for health.
A. ?al$ing in the rain0 6 am not healthy. B. 6t is not good &or health to wal$ in the rain.
C. *al#ing in the rain is not good &or health0 but 6 love it.
D. 6 love wal$ing in the rain despite o& its bad e&&ect on health.
68. 7<lease do not touch that wireF7 the old man said to me.
A. 'he old man told me not to touch that wire. B. #he old man said that 6 didn7t touch that wire.
C. #he old man as$ed me to not touch that wire. D. #he old man said to me not to touch that wire.
69. I rememer giving you a five&pound note.
A. ?hether 6 gave you a &ive.pound note or not0 6 can remember.
B. 6 can7t remember whether 6 gave you a &ive.pound note or not.
C. " did gave you a &ive.pound note0 and 6 could remember it.
D. remember 6 have given you a &ive.pound note.
70. !he ne't door neighor is a singer and he often comes home very late at night.
A. #he next door neighbor0 a singer0 come home very late at night.
B. As a singer0 next door neighbours o&ten come home late at night.
C. 'he ne+t door neighbour who is a singer o&ten comes home late at night.
D. #he next door neighbour comes home very late at night but he is a singer.
71. +he tapped her &eet in time when listened to her &avorite song broadcast on the radio.
72. FF was hot but we decided to wal$ in the shadow o& the long wall.
73. #hose who have never been abroad is eager to see how di&&erent the other cultures are.
74. +ome o& these plants are national rarity and should be well protected.
75. 6 couldn7t give the teacher the summary o& the lesson until Bulia whispered some words into his ears.
76. Believed that Bac$ had got home sa&ely0 we &elt relieved.
77. ?e really enoyed the children7s imaginative and e+cited play last +aturday.
78. 6 will have you to #now how bad your behaviour is
79. #hey promised that they would publish my article was sent in last wee$.
80. *elen as well as her &riends have never been out o& town since they were &ive years old.
,ead the passage and choose the correct answers.
*istory boo$s recorded that the &irst &ilm with sound was #he Ba== +inger in !9(7. But sound &ilms0 or
tal$ies0 did not suddenly appear a&ter years o& silent screenings. ,rom the earliest public per&ormances in
!8960 &ilms were accompanied by music and sound e&&ects. #hese were produced by a single pianist0 a small
band0 or a &ull.scale orchestraI large movie theatres could buy sound.e&&ect machines. Aesearch into sound
that was reproduced at exactly at the same time as the pictures . called 7 synchroni-ed sound7 J began soon
a&ter the very &irst &ilms were shown. ?ith synchroni=ed sound0 characters on the movie screen could sing and
spea$. As early as !8960 the newly invented gramophone 8may hat90 which played a large disc carrying music
and dialogue0 was used as a sound system. #he biggest disadvantage was that the sound and pictures could
become unsynchroni=ed i&0 &or example0 the gramophone needle umped or i& the speed o& the proector
changed. #his system was only e&&ective &or a single song or dialogue se:uence.
6n the 'sound-on-film' system0 sound was recorded as a series o& mar$s on celluloid which could be
read by an optical sensor. These signls would be placed on the &ilm alongside the image0 guaranteeing
synchroni=ation 8s ng b hoa 3. +hort &eature &ilms were produced in this way as early as !9((. #his system
eventually brought us 7tal$ing pictures7.
81. 'he passage is mainly about the
A. history o& silent movies B. disadvantages o& synchroni=ed sound
C. development of sound with movies D. research into sound reproduction
82. According to the passage. films using sound effects were screened
A. be&ore !896 B. as early as 1/01 C. as early as !9(( D. in !9(7
83. 'he word 2screenings2 in is closest in meaning to
A. pro3ections B. revelations s4 ph5t hi6n, s4 kh5m ph5
C. demonstrations D. diversions [%ai'v:(n] s4 gi/i t7, s4 ti8u khi9n
84. *hich of the following is not mentioned as a producer o4 sound to accompany movies-
A. a 3a-- singer B. single pianist C. a small band D. a gramophone
85. "t can be inferred that
A. most movie theaters had a pianist
B. sound.e&&ects machines were not common because they were expensive
C. orchestras couldn7t synchroni=e sound with the pictures
D. gramophones were developed about the same time as moving pictures.
86. According to the passage. gramophones were ineffective because they
A. got out o& synchroni=ation with the picture. B. were too large &or most movie theaters.
C. were newly invented and still had imper&ections D. changed speeds when the needle umped.
87. #he word 7se:uence7 is closest in meaning to
A. interpretation B. progression C. distribution D. organi=ation
88. 'he phrase 'these signls' refers to
A. sounds B. series C. mar#s D. sensors
89. According to the passage. sound-on-film guaranteed synchroni-ation because the recording was
A. made during the &ilm o& the picture. B. read by an optical sensor
C. inserted beside the image on the film D. mar$ed on the gramophone
90. 5hort feature films produced as early as 1022 %%%%%%%
A. were recorded by optical sensors B. put musicians out o& wor$
C. were only e&&ective &or dialogue se:uences D. preceding tal#ing pictures
Choose the best answer to fill in each blan#.
,rom the seeds themselves to the machinery0 &ertili=ers and pesticides . #he ;reen Aevolution regimen
depend heavily on technology. Ene 89!9 alternative 0 however0 depends much 89(9 less on technology .
organic &arming. >any organic &armers use machinery0 but 8929 not chemical &ertili=ers or pesticides. 8939
"nstead of chemical soil enrichers0 they use animal manure and plant parts not used as &ood .0natural0organic
&ertili=ers that are clearly a renewable 8949 source . Erganic &armers also use alternatives 8969 to pesticidesI
&or example they may rely on natural predators o& certain insect pests. 8979 "f the need arises0 they can buy
the eggs and larvae o& these natural predators and introduce them into their crop &ields. #hey use 8989 other
techni:ues to control pests as well0 li$e planting certain crops together because one crop repels the other7s
pests. Erganic &armers do not need a lot o& landI8999 in fact organic &arming is per&ectly 8!""9 suited to small
&arms and is relatively inexpensive. ,inally0 many organic &armers7 average yields compare &avorably with
other &armers7 yields.
9!. A. alteration B. alternate C. alternative D. alternation
9(. A. more B. less C. better D. worse
92. A. also B. &or C. not D. all
93. A 6n .spite o& B. En account o& C. 6n &avour o& D. "nstead of
94. A resource B. source C. matter D. substance
96. A o& B. to C. &or D. &rom
97. A. #hen B. "f C. Because D. #hough
98. A others B. another C. the others D. other
99. A instead B. in one way C. on one hand D. in fact
!"". A. suitable B. open C. li$ely D. suited

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