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Mn Thi: ANH VN Khi D
THI THAM KHO Thi gian: 90 pht, khng k thi gian giao
1. Nobody died in the accident, but 20 people were ________.
a. damaged b. injured c. spoiled d. broken
2. Look at this advertisement, Mary, it _________ theres !0" o## everything at $vonnes bouti%ue & shall
we go'(
a. says b. notices c. advises d. writes
(If you talk about written information, you can use the verb say.)
3. )ve been studying *nglish #or 2 years now, and ) still cant _______ it very well.
a. talk b. say c. tell d. speak
4. +ens _____ is not what it used to be, hes always #orgetting where hes put things.
a. remember b. memoirs c. memory d. souvenirs
5. ,he _______ her children, she gives them whatever they want.
a. damages b. ruins c. spoils d. hurts
(If you never say no to your children, you spoil them.)
6. -he government is encouraging everyone to _____ water by not washing their cars.
a. waste b. save c. spend d. use
7. -hey were ______ about who should make the co##ee.
A. quarrelling .. disputing /. ob0ecting 1. opposing
8. )2m not ______ them stayingwith us, as long as it2s only #or a #ew days.
3. disagreed with .. opposite C. opposed to 1. ob0ected to
9. -hey had a4n5 ______ , and never spoke to each other again,
3. dispute .. ob0ection C. quarrel 1. opposition
10. 2,o, we are going to )taly #or our holidays, right'2 6 2. ______. Now, whereabouts in )taly shall we go'2
3. 3gree .. )2m agree C. Agreed 1. )n agreement
11. -he players ______ the re#eree2s decision.
3. disagreed B. disputed /. ob0ected 1. contradicted
6 -o disagree with someone on 7 about something8 to 4say that you5 have a di##erent opinion #rom someone else
6 to have a disagreement 4with someone about sth5 4#ormal5 to disagree verbally 8 tr9nh tr:ng kh;ng <=ng >
6 to ob0ect 4to sth 7 to doing sth5 to #eel that something is wrong and not to
like it 8 ph?n <@i
*A88 ) ob0ect to the way the boss treats me. )) don2t ob0ect to them coming with us.
6 an ob0ection 4to sth 7 to doing sth5 a reason to disagreeB a statement o# disagreement.
6 to be opposed 4to sth 7 to doing sth5 to. disagree strongly with or be against something8 ph?n <@i %uyCt liDt
to dispute 4sth5 (formal) to believe that something isn2t true or right 8 nghi nghE, kh;ng tin
12. $ou2ve 0ust ______ yoursel#. $ou said the opposite a #ew minutes ago.
3. disagreed .. disputed /. ob0ected D. contradicted
13. Fe discussed it #or a while and then we ______ an agreement.
3. had .. drew C. reached 1. approach
14. ) think you should try to ______ with him. $ou can2t both have everything you want.
3. agree .. accept C. compromise 1. discuss
15. ) don2t ______ that. ) don2t think it2s true at all.
3. agree B. accept /. compromise 1. discuss
16. Ge wasn2t at all ______. Ge wouldn2t do anything ) asked him to do.
3. agreement B. co-operative /. opposition 1. discussion
17. -hank you #or your invitation which we are pleased to ______ H .
3. reach B. accept /. compromise 1. regard
18. Fe look #orward to many more years o# ______ between our two countries.
3. opposition B. co-operation /. disagreement 1. %uarrel
19. ,he argues ______ me ______ almost everything.
A. with / about .. with 7 on 1. on 7 about 1. 3 and .
20. ) agree ______ you ______ what the problem is.
3. with 7 about .. with 7 on 1. on 7 about D. A and B
21. )2ve never had the slightest disagreement ______ him ______ anything.
A. with / about .. with 7 on /. on 7 about 1. 3 and .
22. Fill you two stop ______ and let me get some sleepI -hey2re always bickering about whose turn it is to do
the washing up.
A. bickering .. rowing /. disputing 1. disagreeing
6 to bicker (about sth5 8to argue like children, about small things 4cai nhau ve nhung chuyen vat5
23. ,he o#ten rows with him in public.
3. disagrees .. rows /. accepts 1. opposite
6 to row (with s.o. /about sth58 to argue noisily and sometimes violently
4o#ten involving people who know each other well5 cai nhau om som .
24. )2ll compromise with you 6 you can have the car this weekend i# ) can have it neAt weekend.
3. accept .. o##er /. have in agreement D. compromise
to compromise (with .!.) to reach an agreement between two e"tremes (dan "ep, thoa hiep5
25. 2-hese tablets really are ______. My headaches much better now.2
3. a##ective B. eective c. e##icient 1. a##ected
26. 2-he only ______ way to avoid hay #ever at this time o# the year, i# you are a su##erer, is to stay indoors.2
3. a##ective B. eective c. e##icient 1. a##ected
27. 2,he was ______ in everything she did and was #re%uently commended #or eAemplary service to the
3. a##ective .. e##ective C. eicient 1. a##ected
28. 2Ge hasnt made very ______ use o# his time in revising #or these eAams8 he has made no notes and his
concentration spans appear to last #or no longer than ten minutes.2
3. a##ective .. e##ective C. eicient 1. a##ected
29. 2-his engine is really ______, it can run #or J0 km on only K litre o# #uel.2
3. a##ective .. e##ective C. eicient 1. a##ected
eicient ! eective
-hese two %ualitative ad0ectives are o#ten con#used, +isy. )# somebody or something is eicient, then he,
she or it works in a well6organised way, without wasting time or energy. If something is effective, it works
well and produces the results that were intended
30. 2-he really hot weather ______ everybodys ability to work.2
3. a##ective .. e##ective c. e##icient D. aected
31. 2) know my neighbours play loud music late at night, but that doesnt ______ me.) can sleep through
3. a##ective .. e##ective c. e##icient D. aect
32. 2-he number o# tourists travelling to .ritain this year has not been ______ by the strength o# the pound.2
3. a##ective .. e##ective c. e##icient D. aected
33. 2-he tablets which he took every #our hours had no noticeable ______ on his headache.2
3. a##ective B. eect c. e##icient 1. a##ected
34. 2My words o# com#ort had little ______. ,he 0ust went on crying and wouldnt stop.2
3. a##ective B. eect c. e##icient 1. a##ected
35. 2Lepairs could not be ______ because the machines were very old.2
A. eected .. e##ective c. e##icient 1. a##ected
Aect and eect are o#ten con#used, even by native speakers o# *nglish. -he most important thing to
remember is that aect is used as a verb and eect is normally used as a noun. Fhen they are used in
this way, they are similar in meaning, signi#ying Min#luence, Mimpact or Mchange.
Note8 we talk about someone or something having an eect on something or someone. )# we use eect
as a verb, it means to Mcarry out or to Mcause something to happen, but it is used only in very #ormal
36. ) ______ interested in photography when ) was ten.
A. got .. became /. took 1. used to
37. ) ______e interested in art in later li#e. 4#ormal5
3. got B. became /. took 1. used to
38. 3s he ______ older, his garden got really messy.
A. got .. became /. took 1. turned
39. 3s he ______ older, he could no longer maintain his garden.
3. got B. became /. took 1. used to be
40. )t ______ colder and colder the #urther north we went.
A. got .. became /. took 1. turned
41. )t ______ increasingly cold as we travelled north.
3. got B. became /. took 1. turned
42. )2m ______ %uite hungry now, aren2t you'
A. getting .. becaming /. turning 1. growing
43. Ge ______ %uite angry when he discovered there was no #ood
3. got B. became /. took 1. turned
"et has many di##erent meanings whereas become basically indicates development o# some kind.
"et is more in#ormal and is #re%uently used in speechB become is more #ormal and is more o#ten used in
"et / become N ad0ective
Fhen used with ad0ectives, get indicates growth or development and can there#ore be used as the pre#erred
alternative to become in an in#ormal register.
44. 2) usually ______ to work by car, but ) ______ to .ristol by train yesterday.2
A. go / went .. went 7 go /. get 7 went 1. go 7 got
45. 2) didn2t ______ home until nearly midnight.2
3. go B. get /. arrive in 1. turn
46. 2/an you tell me how to ______ to .uckingham Oalace'2
3. go B. get /. arrive in 1. turn
"et indicates the end o# a 0ourney and can be used in#ormally as an alternative to 2reach2 or 2arrive at2.
Fhen we use go, we are talking about the 2complete 0ourney2, usually
47. 23s they ______ richer, they invested more money in shares.2
3. became .. got /. are D. grew
48. 2My aim is to ______ old grace#ully and with dignity.2
3. become .. get /. be D. grow
49. 2Ge drove away as soon as the lights ______ green.2
3. became B. turned /. changed 1. grew
50. 2-he leaves ______ brown as the weather got colder.2
3. became B. turned /. changed 1. grew
"row indicates a slow change and sounds literary. )t can be replaced by Mbecome or Mget. #urn indicates
a #aster change and can be replaced by Mgo8
51. )# we behave badly in class, our teacher _______ stay late and do eAtra work.
a. must b. lets us c. allows us to d. makes us
52. My daughters school _______ the children to wear 0eans and -6shirts & not like in my dayI
a. makes b. lets c. has to d. allows
53. ) hate school, the teachers make us _______ so much homework every dayI
a. do b. doing c. to do d. did
54. Pn Qriday a#ternoons our teacher sometimes lets us _______ home early.
a. go b. to go c. going d. went
55. Fhen ) was a boy we were made _______ correct school uni#orm at all timesI
a. wear b. to wear c.wearing d. wore
56. *Acuse me sir, are we allowed _______ dictionaries into the eAam'(
a. take b. to take c.taking d. took
6 Its the students who must stay late and do e"tra work # not the teacher.
6 If you let someone do something, you allow it or give permission.
6 If you allow someone to do something, you let them do something or give permission.
6 If you make someone do something, you say you have to do it!"
you give them no choice.
57. ) lay in the sun all day yesterday. 4a. lay b. lain c. lied d. lain5
58. ,he laid her cards on the table. 4a. lay b. lain c. lied d. laid5
59. ,he had lain in the sun all a#ternoon.4a. lay b. laid c. lied d. lain5
60. ,he was laid to rest. 4a. lay b. laid c. lied d. lain5
61. ) don2t lie, said Reorge Fashington. 4a. lie b. lay c. lied d. lain5
62. $ay your weapons on the table. 4a. lie b. lay c. lied d. lain5
Complete the sentences with above verbs
63. ,he laid the baby on the bed in order to change its nappy.
64. ,he was lying asleep on the so#a when her husband arrived home.
65. /an you lay the table #or me please' Lunch is ready.
66. ) told her not to lie out in the sun, but she must have lain there #or at least an hour #or her back was very
67. ) had never laid carpets be#ore, but ) was determined to have a go.
68. Fhen ) looked out o# the aircra#t window, ) could see that London lay beneath us.
69. Gis lawyer will lay great emphasis on his state o# mind when the murder was committed and claim that it
was manslaughter, not murder.
70. None o# us knows what lies ahead, but you must try to take a grip on your li#e and decide where your
#uture lies.
6 to lie 7 lied 7 lied 8 nSi d@i
6 lay 7 laid 7 laid 8 <Tt, <U, nVm, bWy biDn 4to lay a child to sleep8 <XY t <Za b[ nVm ng\B to lay the
#oundation o# socialism 8 <XY t n]n mSng cho ch\ ngh^a A_ h;Yi5
6 to lie 7 lay 7 lain 8 nVm ngh` e.g. 8 the ship is lying at the port con tWu th? neo nVm a bbn c?ng
71. -ake that shirt o## and put on a new one. $ou can2t go out in such an old shirt.
3. to put on .. wear /. get dressed D. put on
72. ,he ______ a beauti#ul diamond necklace with matching earrings.
A. was wearing .. wore /. was getting dressed 1. putting on
73. $ou2d better ______ now. Genry will be here in ten minutes.
3. wear clothes B. get dressed/. put on clothes 1. dress clothes
74. ,he came in covered in mud. ,o ) bathed her and ______ her in new clothes
3. wore B. dressed /. put 1. wearing
Fhen you dress, you put clothes on. $ou can also dress children% dress a wound by cleaning it and
covering it and dress a salad by putting oil and vinegar on it. )# you dress up, you put on di##erent clothes
to make yoursel# look smarter, i# you dress down, you put on clothes that are less smart than usual. Fe
o#ten speak o# getting dressed as a collo%uial alternative to dress
75. )# you think _______ 47 care#ully5 about it, you2ll realise that )2m right.
3. strongly .. power#ully /. precisely 1. hard
76. _______, you were not there at the time.
3. eAactly .. precisely /. truly 1. correctly
77. ______, you2ll turn down that 0ob in Norway.
A. & you truly love me .. )# you rightly love me
/. )# you precisely love me 1. )# you purely love me
78. )t came as a _______ surprise to me when she married him.
3. comprehensive B. complete /. #ull 1. entire
79. )# you eat chocolate be#ore a meal, it will spoil '/ ruin( your appetite.
3. damage .. harm /. suppress 1. spoil
80. H______ children like ice6cream.H H-hat2s %uite natural.H
a. Most o# b. )ost c. -he most d. -he most o#
81. ) #elt as i# ) ______ a con#idence.
a. have betrayed b. would betray c. had betrayed d. am betraying
82. Nearly all o# the reporters ______ the press con#erence had %uestions ______
a. attend 7 asked b. attended 7 to ask c. attending / to ask d. would attend 7 to be asked
83. -he burglar was sentenced to 20 years in ______
a. dock b. goal c. jail d. trial
84. -he girl ______ me this gi#t is my best #riend.
a. presented b. was presenting c. presenting d. be presenting
85. *instein gradually became _______ in the discussion.
a. absorb b. absorbed c. to absorb d. absorbing
-he Kc20s saw the emergency o# widespread car ownership in the d,. 3ssembly & line production
made car wonder#ully cheap, credit was available on the cheapest 4ef5 ______ and the irresistible 4eg5
______ o# the car to consumer did the rest. -he result was a complete 4ee5 ______ o# 3merican li#e.
-he car began to break 4ec5______ the ancient sharp division between town and country. -he
movement perhaps began with the prosperous middle class, 4c05 ______ #or a holiday #rom New $ork, who
were delighted to discover the rest o# their country. .ut the cheap car also enabled the working class to travel,
#or pleasure or in 4cK5 ______ o# work. *ven poor country people, it 4c25 ______ out, could own car and when
they did so, many o# them used the #reedom thus 4cJ5 ______ to depart 6 to the Fest or to the cities.
*ven more important, perhaps, was the 4ch5 ______ o# the car on daily li#e. )t came into 4c!5 ______
#or all sorts o# short 4cf5______, to work or to the shop, which had previously been made by trolley bus or
railway. )t made a whole new pattern o# living possible. iast suburbs began to 4cg5 ______ over the land. No
longer did you have to live in comparatively cramped 4ce5 ______ near the railroad station. Not did you have
to 4cc5 ______ your annual holiday at one o# the traditional, crowded resorts nearby. )nstead, you could 4K005
______ over the hills and #ar away.
86. 3. obligations B. terms /. guarantees 1. repayments.
87. A. appeal .. outlook /. impression 1. #ancy
88. 3. trans#er .. variation /. revision D. transormation
89. A. down .. o## /. in 1. away
90. 3. concerned .. willing C. an+ious 1. #ond
91. 3. hunt B. search /. chase 1. in%uiry
92. 3. #ound B. turned /. brought 1. set
93. A. gained .. gathered /. reached 1. bene#ited
94. 3. #orced .. product C. impact 1. trace
95. 3. advantage B. use /. worth 1. #unction
96. 3. travels B. trips /. tours 1. routes
97. A. spread .. widen /. scatter 1. broadcast
98. A. housing .. residence /. surrounding 1. settlement
99. 3. made .. place C. take 1. set
K00. 3. press B. speed /. stir 1. pace

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