GATE Preparation Guide

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Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India

examination that primarily tests the comprehensive understanding of the

candidate in various undergraduate subjects in Engineering / Technology /
Architecture and post-graduate level subjects in Science. The ATE score of a
candidate reflects a relative performance level in a particular subject in the
exam. The score is used for admissions to post-graduate programs !eg. ".E.#
".Tech# direct $h.%.& in Indian institutes of higher education 'ith financial
assistance provided by "()% and other overnment agencies. The score may
also be used by $ublic and $rivate Sector *nderta+ings for employment
screening purposes. "ore than ,-#--#--- students appear for ATE every year.
GATE Exam Pattern:
ATE exam does not have any descriptive .uestions / only objective !"01&
Total marks: 100
- Technical2 34 mar+s
- eneral Ability2 ,4 mar+s
Total Questions: 65
- Technical2 44
- eneral Ability2 ,-
1. , to 1.54 --- , mar+ each
1. 56 to 1. 44 --- 5 mar+s each
General A!ilit":
4 .uestions / , mar+ each
4 .uestions / 5 mar+s each
#egati$e %arking &or 'rong ans'ers:
7or ,mar+ .uestions / ,/8 mar+s deduction
7or 5mar+ .uestions - 5/8 mar+s deduction
#ote: 9ou can attempt any section !Tecnical or General A!ilit"& first as per your priority.
7irst of all# start believing that ATE is your goal. "a+e up your mind
for the preparation. What we are discussing in this topic, it has to be
implemented with whole hearted efforts. (on)t tink too muc* start
,onsistenc": It is difficult to maintain# but there is no other option. 9ou need to
complete some part of your studies on daily basis.
-eep a track:
- :hat is remaining;
- :hat is done;
- :hich subjects need revision;
<ote2 Easy & Favourite Subjects first.
Along 'ith your technical subjects# you have ,4mar+s for aptitude
.uestions. $ractise regularly for this section. These ,4mar+s are li+e bonus
Time %anagement: 7inal year students get about =-3 months for their
preparation. Along 'ith preparation of ATE they also have their regular
college studies.
9ou may divide your time as follo's2 = > ?@5@,
- ? months > Aearn all subjects of your ATE syllabus. Start from the
- <ext 5 months > $ractising more .uestions
- Aast , month > )evision B increasing the speed of solving the .uestions.
%uring the critical time of your preparation !last 8 months& it is essential to be
in touch 'ith all the subjects in parallel B in depth as 'ell.
%uring the last fe' days# (on)t 'aste time reading all te concepts again+
)eading the 'hole text may not be possible for all of us. %o refer previous year
ATE .uestion papers so that you may get idea 'hat you have to read. %ont
'aste your time 'atching <$TEA videos.
.el& /elie&: you should have the belief that C9es# I can crac+ it...DDE It +eeps you
pushing to'ards your goal and motivates you 'hen needed.
,aution: 0a$e .el& /elie&* not o$er con&idence+
9ou can pass your semester exams 'ith mere efforts# but crac+ing ATE 'ill
re.uire huge efforts..DD
)eference boo+s contain lengthy contents B description. %onFt read the part
'hich is not important. 1earn to &ilter 2 summari3e te concepts+ 4t 'ill
de&initel" sa$e "our time+ "a+e concise notes.
Make handwritten notes of concepts. It 'ill help in .uic+ revie' during final
Pro!lem Practising / :hile practising problems# ma+e sure that you use
standard boo+s# i.e. they should meet the standard of ATE exam. $revious
ATE papers is the best option for practising.
%onFt feel depressed if your B dear ones donFt consider you 'orthy of
crac+ing ATEG If you really want to do it, ! I".
Learn to skip:
If you feel that some part of your syllabus is .uite difficult for you# you may
s+ip it. %onFt 'aste time on it. /e per&ect at 'at "ou kno'+ %onFt go on
s+ipping the entire syllabus.
Attempt mock GATE tests:
ate exam is conducted online. There is a possibility that some students might
get nervous or they may get frightened
- :hat 'ill happen if $0 shutdo'ns by mista+e
- :hat if server fails ;
)emove all these 'orries by attempting online practice test. The IIT 'hich is
organising ATE exam conducts a free practice test for all. Along 'ith this#
many 'ebsites also conduct free practice tests. %o attempt so that you 'ill learn
- (o' to manage time
- (o' to navigate through the paper
- (o' to save ans'ers
- (o' to s+ip the .uestions you donFt +no' etc. etc.

E!ooks or 0ard,op" 55
4t ma" not !e possi!le &or all te students to purcase all te re&erence !ooks as
te" cost a lot+ .o "ou a$e anoter option 6using e!ooks (or P(7s or so&tcop"
o& !ooks)+
/ut Eboo#s are a source of distraction + 8en "ou read e!ooks in "our
P, or mo!ile pones* "ou ma" get distur!ed !ecause o& "our addiction to'ards
4nternet or "ou ma" 9ust keep searcing &or oter tings in P,+ Also most o& te
students 'aste a lot o& time in searcing &or tese e!ooks+ Te" 9ust keep on
collecting se$eral e!ooks : also get con&used 'ic e!ook to re&er as tere are
a 'ide range o& e!ooks++;ou cannot e$en igligt main points an e!ook+
A$oid E!ooks++
(uring exam:
< /e cool : relaxed+ /e con&ident+
< -eep !oosting "oursel& tat =;ou ,an ,rack ;our GATE Exam 'it &l"ing
< ?emem!er 6 Te more calm "ou are* te more eas" "ou 'ill &eel te entire
< 4nitiall" a$e a $ie' on te entire paper+ @<A Buestions in tecnical section
are al'a"s $er" eas"+
< Attempt eas" Buestions &irst 6 tis 'ill increase "our con&idence+
< Attempt General A!ilit" section &irst i& "ou &eel it is+
< 4mportant: ;ou 'ill !e gi$en a scri!!le pad &or doing roug 'ork+ 8ile
using scri!!le pad* enumerate e Buestions 6 gi$e Buestion no+ 'ile sol$ing
it on roug paper* so tat it ma" !e use&ul later+
< (on)t keep on counting te num!er o& Buestions "ou a$e attempted+ Tis
'ill 'aste "our time+
8as tis elp&ul+++55 7eel &ree to 'rite me at:

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