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Application of ESP in Subsea Wells

BE Project
Submitted to the
University of Pune
Pune 41100
!n partial fulfilment of de"ree course in
Bachelor of En"ineerin"
Petroleum En"ineerin"
#evin $hac%o &B'(0)*44+
,urta-a .ampura/ala &B'(0)*04+
1imanshu Patel &B'(0)*00+
2i%hil 3osambia &B'(0)*(4+
Under the "uidance of
Prof5 S565 2ai%
7epartment of Petroleum En"innerin"
,AEE.8S ,aharashtra !nstitute of 9echnolo"y
Pune 4110(:
9his is to certify that the project report entitled
<Application of ESP in Subsea Wells
Submitted by #evin $hac%o= ,urta-a .ampura/ala= 1imanshu
Patel= 2i%hil 3osambia is a record of bonafide /or% carried out by
them under my "uidance= in fulfillment of the re>uirement for the
;inal year course of Petroleum En"ineerin" of University of Pune5
Date: 25
June 2011
Place: Pune
Prof5 S5 65 2ai% Prof5 7r5 P5 B5 6adhav
Assistant Professor Head of Department,
Petroleum Engineering Petroleum Engineering,
M!, Pune" M!, Pune
More than #0$ of oil %ells in the %orld are producing &' artificial lift
method, of %hich more than 5 $ is produced &' E(P)s" !he *ondition for installation
of E(P are lo% reser+oir pressure, high %ater cut" !he' are fle,i&le to &e used in deep
%ater reser+oirs" !he initial installation cost of E(P is +er' lo%, if electricit' is easil'
a+aila&le and its operating cost is +er' lo%"
!his report gi+es a &rief outline of Artificial lift screening: rationale and
criteria for selecting the E(P" A %ell model %as cali&rated to actual production in PM
P-.(PE- suite" A &asic E(P design is then &uilt on the cali&rated %ell model and the
incremental reco+er' due to application of E(P has &een compared to the results of
natural flo%"
E(P is a technolog' that ena&les an engineer to increase the production of %ell
&' using electrical energ'" !his electrical energ' is con+erted into mechanical energ'
&' help of pump, %hich imparts /inetic energ' to the fluid %hich is in turn con+erted
into pressure head" !his report traces the &asic of E(P, its component, t'pe of
installation and designing of E(P"
E(P is ideall' suited to produce e,tremel' high li0uid +olumes from medium
depths and can &e used in de+iated %ells %ithout an' pro&lem, &ut further research is
also necessar' on the E(P techni0ues to increase its effecti+eness"
t gi+es us immense pleasure to %or/ on Application of ESP in Subsea Wells"
During preparation of this report a num&er of hands ha+e helped us directl' and
indirectl'" !herefore it is our dut' to e,press our gratitude to%ards them"
1e are +er' much o&liged to our +enera&le ad+isor and mentor ,r5 Abhimanyoo
3oho% Sr5 .eservoir En"ineer= 1ardy ?il Plc5 #ondon for his timel' suggestions,
ad+ice, simulati+e suggestions, constructi+e guidance and unfailing courtes' at all
times during the course, its stud' and in preparation of this manuscript" 1e sincerel'
than/ ,r5 Arunachalum Ambattur ,uttiah for pro+iding us %ith fruitful material
and &oo/s related to our Pro2ect 1or/"
1e are inde&ted to Prof5 Sanjay 6oshi and Prof57r5 Pradeep 6adhav for al%a's
&elie+ing in us and %ere %ith us all the time from &eginning to completion of pro2ect
and for pro+iding us the re0uired facilities" At last %ould li/e to than/ our pro2ect
mentor Prof5 S5652ai%= Sr5 #ecturer, Department of Petroleum Engineering, for
gi+ing us his +alua&le time and sharing his /no%ledge and his guidance %ith us
during the pro2ect tenure" His assistance %as in+alua&le and shall al%a's &e held in
high regards"
3inall' %e homologate our deep sense of gratitude to our parents for their inspiration
and moral support during the period of stud'"
#evin $hac%o
,urta-a .ampura/ala
1imanshu Patel
2i%hil 3osambia

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