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Time Allowed: 20 minutes
Class: XII (Pre-Engineering A & B)
M Mar!s: "#
$ated: "0-""-200%
&ote: 'e(tion A is (om)ulsor* It s+ould ,e (om)leted in -irst 20 minutes and +anded
to in.igilator $eleting / 0.erwriting is not allowed
Insert Corre(t o)tion A/B/C/$ in t+e em)t* ,o1 o- Answer '+eet
(1) According to Law of _________ the middle element of each set of triad had an atomic mass
almost equal to the arithmetical mean of the atomic masses of other two elements.
(A) Law of Octaves (B) Law of Triads
(C) eriodic Law (!) "one of the a#ove
($) Law of octaves states that __________.
A) The %ro%erties of ever& '
element from the given one were similar to the first.
B) The %ro%erties of ever& (
element from the given one were similar to the first.
C) The %ro%erties of ever& )
element from the given one were similar to the first.
!) The %ro%erties of ever& *
element from the given one were similar to the second)
(+) The difference in atomic weights or mass num#ers of the atoms of the same element is due to
(A) !ifferent num#er of electrons in them
(B) !ifferent num#er of %rotons in them
(C) !ifferent num#er of neutrons in them
(!) "one of these
(,) -hen steam is %assed over red hot co.e at 1///C0 a mi1ture of car#on mono1ide and h&drogen
gas is %roduced. 2t is .nown as __________.
(A) 3eav& water (B) -ater gas
(C) hosgene gas (!) none of these
(4) "aAlB3, is an e1am%le of __________.
(A) Com%le1 3&drides (B) Covalent 3&drides
(C) ol&meric 3&drides (!) 5etallic 3&drides
(') The lowest ioni6ation energies are found in the __________.
(A) Al.ali metals (B) Al.aline earth metals
(C) 3alogens (!) Transition elements
(*) -hich of the following is %re%ared #& Ammonia 7olva& %rocess8
(A) "aO3 (B) "a$CO+
(C) Ca(OCl)Cl (!) 5g7O,
()) 7odium is a %owerful __________.
(A) 9educing agent (B) o1idi6ing agent
(C) Bleaching agent (!) "one of the a#ove
(() 7odium metal reacts with vigorousl& with water0 li#erating ____________
(A) Chlorine (B) 3&drogen
(C) O1&gen (!) Car#on dio1ide
(1/) _______ method is used0 when Bau1ite ore contains 7iO$ as im%urities.
(A) 3all:s 5ethod (B) Bae&er:s 5ethod
(C) 7er%e.:s 5ethod (!) "one of these
(11) Alumina is made conductor #& dissolving it in fused _______
(A) Ca$B'O11 (B) 3BO$
(C) 3$B,O* (!) "a+Al;'
(1$) !ilute 3$7O, has no effect on Aluminium. But hot concentrated 3$7O, reacts Aluminium to form
Aluminium 7ul%hate with li#eration____ gas.
(A) O1&gen (B) "itrogen
(C) 3&drogen (!) 7ul%hur dio1ide
(1+) -hat is the densit& of !iamond 8
(A) $.41 gm<cm
(B) +.41 gm<cm

(C) 1.41 gm<cm
(!) "one of these
(1,) Conc. 3"O+ reacts with co%%er to form co%%er nitrate along with ______
(A) "O$ (B) "O
(C) "O+ (!) "one of the a#ove
(14) -hich one of the following is found in nature dar. &ellow trans%arent needle li.e cr&stal8
(A) 9hom#ic 7ul%hur (B) 5onoclinic 7ul%hur
(C) lastic (!) "one of the a#ove
(1') "itric acid reacts with most of the non=metals to form ______ o1ides.
(A) "O$ (B) "O
(C) "O+ (!) "one of the a#ove
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7eat "o0___________________ Class______________________
7ignature of 7tudent____________ 7ignature of 2nvigilator ______________

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