Files 03 Maths Ws 03 Maths Ws Ch02 Place Value 03 WN

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CBSE Worksheet-03
CLASS - III Mathematics Finding the Place al!e

1. 5 hundreds + 9 tens + 1 ones = __________________
2. 2 thousands + 3 hundred + 5 tens + 9 ones = __________________
3. 7 hundreds + 4 tens + 2 ones = __________________
4. 1 thousands + 2 hundred + 3 tens + 2 ones = __________________
5. 4 hundreds + 2 tens + 0 ones = __________________
6. 3 thousands + 4 hundred + 6 tens + 1 ones = __________________
7. 8 hundreds + 1 tens + 3 ones = __________________
8. 5 thousands + 0 hundred + 4 tens + 8 ones = __________________
9. 6 hundreds + 7 tens + 4 ones = __________________
10. 7 thousands + 7 hundred + 0 tens + 0 ones = __________________
11. 9 hundreds + 0 tens + 5 ones = __________________
12. 4 thousands + 5 hundred + 2 tens + 3 ones = __________________
13. 1 hundreds + 8 tens + 6 ones = __________________
14. 6 thousands + 6 hundred + 1 tens + 7 ones = __________________
15. 3 hundreds + 5 tens + 7 ones = __________________
16. 2 hundreds + 3 tens + 8 ones = __________________
17. 8 thousands + 8 hundred + 0 tens + 9 ones = __________________
18. 9 thousands + 9 hundred + 5 tens + 6 ones = __________________
19. 6 thousands + 7 hundred + 8 tens + 4 ones = __________________
20. 7 hundreds + 4 tens + 5 ones = __________________
21. 9 hundreds + 6 tens + 0 ones = __________________
22. 4 thousands + 2 hundred + 4 tens + 5 ones = __________________
23. 7 thousands + 3 hundred + 7 tens + 8 ones = __________________
24. 1 hundreds + 5 tens + 7ones = __________________
25. 2 hundreds + 0 tens + 9 ones = __________________

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Material downloaded from and
Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks


1. 5 hundreds + 9 tens + 1 ones = #$%
2. 2 thousands + 3 hundred + 5 tens + 9 ones = &3#$
3. 7 hundreds + 4 tens + 2 ones = '(&
4. 1 thousands + 2 hundred + 3 tens + 2 ones = %&3&
5. 4 hundreds + 2 tens + 0 ones = (&0
6. 3 thousands + 4 hundred + 6 tens + 1 ones = 3()%
7. 8 hundreds + 1 tens + 3 ones = *%3
8. 5 thousands + 0 hundred + 4 tens + 8 ones = #0(*
9. 6 hundreds + 7 tens + 4 ones = )'(
10. 7 thousands + 7 hundred + 0 tens + 0 ones = ''00
11. 9 hundreds + 0 tens + 5 ones = $0#
12. 4 thousands + 5 hundred + 2 tens + 3 ones = (#&3
13. 1 hundreds + 8 tens + 6 ones = %*)
14. 6 thousands + 6 hundred + 1 tens + 7 ones = ))%'
15. 3 hundreds + 5 tens + 7 ones = 3#'
16. 2 hundreds + 3 tens + 8 ones = &3*
17. 8 thousands + 8 hundred + 0 tens + 9 ones = **0$
18. 9 thousands + 9 hundred + 5 tens + 6 ones = $$#)
19. 6 thousands + 7 hundred + 8 tens + 4 ones = )'*(
20. 7 hundreds + 4 tens + 5 ones = '(#
21. 9 hundreds + 6 tens + 0 ones = $)0
22. 4 thousands + 2 hundred + 4 tens + 5 ones = (&(#
23. 7 thousands + 3 hundred + 7 tens + 8 ones = '3'*
24. 1 hundreds + 5 tens + 7ones = %#'
25. 2 hundreds + 0 tens + 9 ones = &0$

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