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Brian J.

Ritchson 1 of 3
Personal Website:
Honest, hard-or!ing indi"id#al see!s a position that #tili$es m% #ni&#e !noledge, s!ills,
and abilities in the comp#ter science field to contrib#te toard meeting the "ision and goals
of this compan%.
Florida State University 'P(: 3.) (#g )**+ - ,ec )*1*
+** W. -ollege ("en#e, .allahassee, /0 3)3*+ 12*-+33-)2)2
4achelor5s ,egree in -omp#ter 6cience
Niceville High School 'P(: 3.3+ (#g )**) - 7a% )**+
1** E. 8ohn 6ims Par!a%, 9ice"ille, /0 3)2:1 ;12*< 133-3113
6#mma -#m 0a#de, 4l#e =ibbon 6chool, 2 6tar 6chool
>racle, 6?0 6er"er, @ 9etor! administration
-AA, -B, -, 8a"a, Prolog, 6cheme, and 4asic programming
CniD 6hell, Perl, 76,>6, and P%thon scripting
H.702, -663, 86P, PHP, (pache Web 6er"er, 6harePoint, and 8oomla eDperience
CniD-based operating s%stems, Windos operating s%stems, 7icrosoft >ffice eDperience
>pen'0 and ,irectX eDperience
-o-programmer of the .itter-based traffic information s%stem
-reator of the 6#n'#ide softare proEect ebsite
'rad#ated High 6chool 6#mma -#m 0a#de
7ember of >p#s F G most prestigio#s choral gro#p at 9H6
/lorida (ll-state -hor#s G fi"e %ears in a ro
President of the H#gioh Pla%ersI -l#b of .allahassee
-hairman of the ser"ice committee for the -atholic 6t#dent Cnion
7ember of the (ard-inning .heatre a la -arte acting tro#pe
7ember of /6C =e"erb 7ale ( -apella gro#p
#ersonal $nterests:
Brian J. Ritchson ) of 3
Website design, (ndroid and -AA programming, comm#nit% theatre, gaming
Brian J. Ritchson 3 of 3
%or History:
So&t'are Engineer /eb )*11 - Present
7ontgomer% -ons#lting 'ro#p, ):3* -enter"ie ,r .allahassee, /0 3)3*1 ;3*:< 23J-:*3*
-B coding, database administration, ebsite architect#re, data mining and reporting, s%stems
engineering, 6harePoint administration and or!flo creation, netor! administration,
de"ice and softare testing
Facility (anager 7a% )**J - 7a% )*1*
4radford"ille 7ini-6torage, +1:2 .homas"ille =d, .allahassee, /0 3)31) ;12*< 3)1-*3**
-#stomer ser"ice, collections, contract de"elopment, facilit% inspection, sec#rit% chec!s
O&&ice !ssistant 7a% )**J - 7a% )*1*
6erpico =ealt%, 1J)1 -apital -ircle 9E, .allahassee, /0 3)3*1 ;12*< J3)-*2**
(#thor letters, prod#ce monthl% real estate reports, c#stomer ser"ice, ban! deposits
Food Service 6#mmer )**1
6te"ie 45s, 1J+3 West .ennessee 6treet, .allahassee, /0 3)3*3 ;12*< :):-*3+J
-oo!, food prep, b#sed tables, dishasher
Sales !ssociate 7a% )**:
'ame6top, 12** (palachee Par!a% .allahassee, /0 3)3*1 ;12*< 1:1-3++1
6oftare and hardare sales, cashier, c#stomer ser"ice, trade-in contracts
#antry !ssociate 6#mmer )**2 @ )**:
Kmart, 113* 8ohn 6ims P!% E, 9ice"ille, /0 3)2:1 ;12*< :)J-))33
-ashier, c#stomer ser"ice, stoc!, #nload shipments
Store !ttendant 6#mmer )**+
.om .h#mb B133, 13+ Palm 4l"d 9, 9ice"ille, /0 3)2:1 ;12*< +:1-+1*1
-ashier, c#stomer ser"ice, stoc!

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