Minutes Planning

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Philosophy Department

Ateneo de Naga University

Departmental Planning and Evaluation
May 5-6, 2013

Minutes of the Meeting May 5, 2013
I. The meeting was called to order at 8 am at KDC, Obrien Library. Present were:
Frederico Jose Lagdameo Manuel Deduque Domingo Chavez
Adrian Remode Michael Roland Hernandez
Clyd Rex Jesalva Arman Ogarte Gladys Esteve

II. The prayer was led by Sir Mike Hernandez. The presiding officer was Sir Eric Lagdameo, the
III. Agenda:
a. Student Services
b. Governance
c. Career Planning
d. Academic Programs
e. Research
f. Retreat
g. Social Involvement

IV. Discussion

Sir Eric being the newly appointed chairperson of the department acknowledged Sir
Adrian Remodo for his works in the department as the former chair. He also said that all
the plans that will be made are all geared towards the department being the best
department in the University.

a. Student Services
As for the Student Services, Sir Eric asked whether there is a logbook for record-
keeping of the Mentorship Program. The body answered no logbook because the
Philosophy majors (majors) would feel uncomfortable with the dialogue being

Sir Victor Loquias suggested to strengthen student services the majors depending
upon their track can become teaching assistants and make it as part of their
credentials. However, Sir Eric asked whether this is moored in mentorship or
academics. Sir Adrian commented that this is more of curriculum revision. Sir Eric
entertained the thought of apprenticeship focusing on the majors. If this will be
formalized then it can lead to scholarship. Sir Adrian resolved that if so then it is
better to draft rules for this.

Sir Arman Ogarte, head of the Mentorship Program, was tasked to sumbit a
summary report of the attendance of students who signify with the program.

As for the Intership Program, Sir Adrian shared about the experiences of the two (2)
interns at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), Jhez Quiros and Lloyd Gomez. The two
didnt know the nature of their work in the research department. They feel short-
changed enrolling in the program. The two interns suggested that if the department
is really serious about the program electives should be added.
Sir Eric also suggested that if this to be done we teach it although there is the
verticalization of the University.
What was resolved is to invite from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) in their
official capacity to give a lecture to the majors as a current-event enriching. For this
activity a seed money will be given to the PHILOSOC. This would be an enriching
activity coupled with introduction to Philosophy to be held on June 14, 4:30 PM,

b. Governance

The fund of 12, 000.00 pesos in the bank from the raffle of books half (6,000.00) will
be invested to ACXSA c/o Sir Domingo Chavez.
A new wifi router is installed in the department and will be available for teachers
and seniors.

c. Career Planning

Sir Eric asked the body about their plans for the next year.
Sir Adrian will pursue doctorate degree. Sir Mike will finish his degree. Sir Arman is
more inclined in pursuing doctorate degree in La Salle. Maam Gladys will have to
pursue her masters degree and take licensure for teachers. Sir Victor is interested
in the AUSAID for his doctorate and also Sir Clyd. Sir Doming has just passed LET.

d. Academic Program

Sir Adrian presented the MA Philosopy program proposed by the department.
The body asked what would be the niche of Ateneo whether it be on Ethics or
Indigenous. As for the 6 unit-elective will it be SLP offered by the ATTC. What was
decided was on the number of times a student can take his comprehensive exam to
pass. Unanimously the body said only twice. Furthermore, it was commented that
the library holdings must have 15 books per subject.
As for the annual Philosophy Week it was scheduled prior to Prelims, November 25-
29, 2013 with Sir Ron Turiano as the head.

Later in the afternoon the Academic Vice-President, Dr. Fred Fabay gave pointers for
the department on the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) on the program level. The
body made their objectives for the first two core courses, Philosophy of Human
Person I and II.

V. The first day of the planning ended at 5:00 PM. Sir Eric reminded the body about the time
and schedule for the following day.

Minutes of the Meeting May 6

I. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM at the Philo Office.

II. Discussion

Sir Eric made a recapitulation of the plans of the department decided the previous

e. Research
As for Symposium, Sir Mike being the head said that the department had a
symposium but it wasnt done regularly (monthly). Sir Eric invited the body to be
committed to the symposium because this make us the best department. Faculty
from other departments also come. This program, it was added, need not be formal.
If the formality hinders the symposium then it should be changed. This is an avenue
to exchange ideas as well as bond as one department.

With regards to benchmarking, study needs to be done in comparison with East Asia
or Korea. However, it must start locally. This to be started on second semester.

The goal of the department that each faculty gets to publish atleast once a year.
Thus it was decided to conduct research workshop with the University Research
Council (URC) on June 18, Tuesday. This is also will become a marketable skill.

Sir Mike was also tasked to coordinate for the preparations of PAP on April 3-4,

Lastly, for the proposed team teaching which is envisioned to be a seminar-type
concerns such as loading and remuneration still need to be studied.

f. Retreat

Sir Clyd was assigned to coordinate for the Retreat scheduled on May after PAP with
the DAVP office.
g. Social Involvement

The Balatas program in partnership with the Ina nin Bikol Foundation needs to have
memorandum if ever will be continued. Meantime this was resolved to be

Sir Eric suggested ways on different forms of out-reach but in professional capacity
such as consultancy and adjunct professorship.

III. The planning adjourned at 12:00 NN.

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