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This treatise is a translation of a lecture given by the noble Sheik Saleh Ibn Fowzan Al-Fowzan on the

First night of Ramadhan 1435 Hijri in correspondence with June 28


A Beneficial Reminder for the Blessed Month of Ramadan

The noble Sheik Saleh Ibn Fowzan Al-Fowzan began this lecture by praising Allah the Lord of mankind
and sending the peace and blessing of Allah upon his Prophet Mohammad , his family and his noble

In Proceeding: Verily the month of Ramadan is a virtuous and glorified month for all Muslims regardless
of your gender being a male or female. When the season of Ramadan visits it becomes incumbent upon
the Muslims to increase in doing righteous actions and performing of good deeds in obedience to Allah
(the most high). This is a very prosperous time of the year in the life of all Muslims due to the
abundance of good that is present in this month and only Allah knows the extent of this good. Every
hour of its night and every hour of its day presents opportunities for the establishment of obedience.
Only those who Allah blesses to be successful in this beloved month will take full advantage of their time
by doing righteous acts of worship in total obedience to Allah.
Allah (the most high stated) in the Quran:


: ( 581 )
The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for
the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). (Al-Baqarah: 185)
There are many special traits about the blessed month of Ramadan. The greatest nobility of Ramadan is
that Allah began the revelation of the Quran in it and the revelation continued to be sent down in parts
over a period of 23 years after the coming of the Prophet until his death. Therefore, the revelation
of the Quran began in the Month of Ramadan on the night of decree (Laylat Al-Qadar).
Allah (the most high) stated in the Quran:

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Verily! We have sent it (this Quran) down in the night of Al-Qadr (Decree). (Al-Qadar: 1)
Therefore, the greatest nobility of the month of Ramadan is that the Quran was sent down as guidance
for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion between right and wrong.
In addition to the revelation of the Quran, there is another special trait about this blessed month. Allah
(the most high) has obligated the observance of fasting in it.
Allah (the most high) stated in the Quran:

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: ( 583 )
O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those
before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious). (Al-Baqarah: 183)
This is the month that fasting is obligatory and praying at night is voluntary. This is a month
encompassed by blessing throughout the night and day and only those who Allah (the most high)
make successful in this month will take advantage. As for those who are negligent time wasters,
Ramadan has very little value to them. There is no difference between the blessed month of Ramadan
and other months to them. However, for the believers they welcome this month and are mindful of the
benefits of it. They remember the precious time forfeited in the past from performing righteous action,
so they look forward to the abundance of good that this month has to offer. Ramadan is a great month
to spring into to performing good deeds.
There is one more special trait of the blessed month of Ramadan. The doors of Al-Jannah (the paradise)
are opened for the encouragement of the performance and acceptance of good deeds. Each door has
been assigned for the acceptance of a specific righteous action. For example, the observer of fasting will
enter through the door assigned for fasting, the one who stands and performs the night prayer will
enter through the door assigned for the performance of the night prayer and the fighter in the way of
Allah will enter through the door assigned for that righteous action. As the doors of Al-Jannah (the
paradise) are opened for the people of righteousness, piety and obedience to Allah (the most
high), the doors of the Hellfire are locked shut for the believers. Therefore, there is a decrease in
disobedient acts and an increase in the obedient acts. The Devils are tied up and enchained away from
the good doers in this month. As for the evil doers, the devils have an evil influence on them in Ramadan
and outside of Ramadan. However, the devils are shackled away from the good doers so that they cant
interfere with their achievement of good. Verily this is from the mercy of Allah upon the believers that
he binds their enemies so they achieve success. These are the same enemies who work so hard
throughout the year to corrupt the good deeds of the believers and when Ramadan enters they are
chained and shackled from the righteous people for the entire month. The wisdom behind this is so that
the believers can perfect their righteous acts of obedience to Allah and become liberated from the evil
effects of their enemies.
Every night therein this beautiful month an announcer announces O seekers of (kheir) good put forth
your best effort to achieve the good and O seekers of disobedience abstain from these evil actions and
return to Allah with sincere repentance. This is a duah (invocation) from Allah (the most high) that
reaches whom He will from his creation.
This is a blessed month indeed and a very prosperous time with extensive amounts of good therein.
Especially for those who Allah (the most high) blesses to be successful by reaching it, observing the
fast, praying throughout the night and day and busying themselves with obedient acts of worship.
Ramadan is a truly sacred month that includes a multitude of blessings and an assortment of righteous
acts of worship. There is neither a minute nor hour or any time allotted in this month except that there
is good in it. And only those who Allah (the most high) makes successful in this month will take
advantage this opportunity.
The Prophet Mohammad use to give his companions (may Allah be pleased with them) glad tidings
when Ramadan was approaching. Also, he would encourage and motivate them to take advantage of
the opportunities presented in this month by preparing for it. The companions (may Allah be pleased with
them) would become joyful upon the approach of Ramadan and they would greet one another with
supplications of success when they finally reached it. They would supplicate for each other by asking
Allah to give them success in completing the entire month, accept their righteous actions and multiply
the rewards of the good deeds they performed.
Ramadan is indeed a time of prosperity and joy for the believers. This is from the festive times that
remind the believers of the indefinite amount of good in Paradise. It is also in the similitude of a market
place with goods therein in abundance; these goods are righteous deeds that if performed will help the
believers to increase their chances of entering Al-Jannah (the paradise). Therefore, in this month we
should compete and race towards performing good deeds while the opportunity is present as eventually
we know it will soon come to an end.

The Noble Sheik Saleh Ibn Fawzan Al-Fawzan concluded his lecture by sending the peace and blessing of
Allah upon his Prophet Mohammad , his family and his noble companions.

Translated by Abu Eassa JaFar Al-Amreeky
The 6
day of Ramadan 1435 in correspondence with July 3, 2014
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh

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