Stay Away From Boys Until We Force You To Sleep With One - The Fate of A 20 Something Indian Girl

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| October 8, 2013
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Stay Away From Boys Until We Force You To Sleep With One: The Fate
Of A 20 Something Indian Girl
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By Ojaswini Srivastava (/topic/ojaswinisrivastava):
Are you are an Indian girl in your early twenties? Do you know what is going to
happen in the next four years or so? Yes, you do know it. And you also know that
your fate is kind of unfair, unexplained and yet you will not protest. So will I,
because we are raised in such a way that we dont ask questions, we just accept
silently. Samuel Beckett said, When you are up to your neck in shit, all you can do is
sing. This probably is the best way we young Indian ladies can describe our fate.
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We all know that one fine morning, we will get up and our parents will ask us to get
ready, take a tray, pour six cups of tea and enter the living hall to meet our groom.
Today, just a few years back, we are vulnerable. They expect us to stay miles away
from every boy who comes across. They are over protective, they wont let us go
anywhere all alone. But one fine day we will just grow up so much that we will have
to go and live with absolutely new people, a stranger, and spend all our life there
with them. No, I am not saying that our opinions are not asked for, we surely are
asked about our choice. They do ensure our comfort and compatibility (luckily we
have at-least developed that much). But I am openly critical of the unreasonable
manner in which we are suddenly expected to grow up, and go away, live our own
life, among strangers. We are the pampered princess of our families, protected from
every streak of what is considered societally wrong, and suddenly one day we are
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forced into new relationships and situations that have been totally covered before.
We spend our life curtained from the bad world, because we are daughters of the
I dont know who I should address my question to. This is a major question in itself .
What I seek an answer to is why even in this 21st century, we are still the weaker
sex, who needs to be protected, covered, guided and directed for all their lives. Why
cant we openly choose our partners, speak of it to our parents. We have voting
rights, right to have sex, right to drink, and yet we dont have the right to choose for
our own life partner? Why? Why is it a taboo? A girl expected to grow up in just one
day is right but learning and growing up gradually is wrong? Why?
Youth Ki Awaaz ( is an
award-winning and India's largest online platform for young people to express themselves
on issues of critical importance. This article has been written by a Youth Ki Awaaz Journalist.
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Sonal Agarwal
18 minutes ago
Precise, but to the point. This is definitely a question worth asking. Im sure girls can identify with
this. Well done!
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Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
Naughty Boy
about an hour ago
hmmm..Tired of these feminists..If u have power ,show it rather than complaining about the
patriarchal society.Every day some posts come..what women need? Do women have to cook ?do
women have to inject testosterone??.oh..arrey yaar,gimme some airIm going to be a
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Ojaswini,these are silly issues.Now the laws guarantee complete freedom to women.U can chose
whoever u want.Rather than complaining about men,spread awareness among the girls about
these lawsGet out of this agony aunt role.
- 6

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
about 2 hours ago
Excellent question and may I suggest that the question carries the answer as well.
Gaurav Mahendru (
- 1

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
Neha jaiswal
about 2 hours ago
This is the best airticle i have come across. This is the major issue which every secoung girl is going
through. Even i also belong to that family where after completing my study my parents will ask me
to get mrried and some girls get married in between their studie (like my sister did). We are not
allow to go out for job. My parent says that marrige is most important part of our life but who will
explain that it just a part of life.
- -3

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
7 months ago
Isnt this the story of almost all Indians above 20?
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Abhishek Nilamber
27 minutes ago
I feel a lot of boys too face the same question. Its not just the girls. Emancipation cannot
happen just for women, it has to emancipation of all genders, resulting in emancipation of
the society!
Fuck em oldies, I say, and their rock stubborn ass!
- 0

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
7 months ago
you still havent answered the question of why she is expected to live with complete strangers , that
can happen even if you choose your own mate..?
- 0

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
8 months ago
sex is not for enjoyment onlyhumans have destorted everything for the sake of his
toward necklace) tumharey husband nae diya hai kya? arrey yae,yae to uska pyar hai SO YOU SEE
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is very important part of love .Wait how long?one week ,one month or one yearINFINITELLY
because love is infinite..ONE WHO CANNOT WAIT CANNOT ENTER THE GATE OF LOVEeverthing is
changing in this spherenature is ready to take new changes in this planetbut very slowlythe
things which have to be will be
- -6

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
8 months ago
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Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
Abhishek Nilamber
26 minutes ago
Drop them caps yo!
- 3
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Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
Girendra Singh
9 months ago
Such a bitter truth . you have spoken so easily.. proud of you!
- 0

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
9 months ago
Ram hai jivan karma hai shyam ,do u think u dont have any flaw in ur character or u have never
done any wrong in ur life or ll never do any wrong , vedic culture ,this culture was the most
advanced culture in indian history,girls were married at the age of 17 , niyoga was prevalent u can
compare in vitro fertilization today since science was not develop at that time so Garbhadhan
sanskar was done manually but men cdnt enjoy sex wd dat woman cuz it was done in dark n he
was not allowed to see d face of woman ,ya education was open for boys n girls both ghosa apala
vishwara gargi were popular learned women if im not forgetting ,upanayan sanskar was allowed ,
but perhaps u didnt pay much heed on my sentences i have discussed about economy ,as economy
changes society n religion changes ,vedic civilization was a pastoral society agriculture was not
much developed so dere was not any concept of property, wd d passage of time people started
cultivation n due to cultivation of different crops barter system developed as the barter system
developed concept of property came into existence, to protect n perpetuate d property women
were made chattel of men cuz at that time contraception was not available so women had to
cohabit men for d validity of his son .Its quite obvious why shd a man spend money or shd transfer
his hard earned property to an unknown boy ..From here deterioration of women started different
religion came at different time u can compare budha period N our country has been invaded
by different invaders ,when muslim came they started raping our women so we started marrying
our girls at tender age at that time contraception was not available so we didnt have any other way
u can again say whats big deal u shd have sent them to schools or let them remain unmarried at
their wish, so we can only imagine that pathetic situation
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U r abusing Rama for just leaving his wife but u didnt see the sacrifices he did for sita , the
deprivation d advances of surpanakha n his rejection n his life of renunciation practicing celibacy
even after being a king .There is something called rajadharm ,he has sacrificed his own happiness
dat is sita in favor of his people ,u didnt mention if sita was alone did rama marry again ,there is
difference between d life of a common man n a king ,a king has to think about his people ,n his
peoples happiness shd take priority over his personal happiness ,U can see his love for sita he
killed different demons including Ravana he didnt care about his own life in order to get back Sita
n compare the to days so called advanced people of 16 december that boy cd not save his gf or
concubine or whatever .so i can understand to days people ur modern woman wd modern
thinking so compare between that coward boy n Rama who is a bastard ?I have rightly said women
r selfish creature .now u can think why chastity was important at that time .Cuz of certain
circumstances certain law develops n in the course of time when circumstances changes new laws
prevail over old law, law is a dynamic subject it changes wd time u can compare 2005 amendments
on hindu succession act. In law chastity of a women has been made immaterial although it has
serious ramifications, lots of breakdown n divorce r taking place these days.
Now u have talked about America ,uncle sham ! do u know the GDP n per capita income of america
,get d data i dont remember n compare the physique of dere women dere climate dere poverty
line, a person having less dan approx 20000$ per anum is called poor n he comes under poverty
line n here re 37 or sth a day r u comparing, i have discussed above that change is a slow process
how many women r literate in india n u can compare the strength of a woman wd men in india .
Different countries has different strength n weaknesses ,situations r different circumstances r
different ,this is d reason we adopt others culture very soon we hate our own culture n love others
culture american women r roaming naked so we shd also do d same a few hundred yers back
muslims came n they taught us to practice vail system even some hindus turned muslims .I may
not b knowing much about my own culture but i always remain eagar to know n if dere is flaw we
wont practice it we can improve certain practices but we cant change our religion n d basic frame
of our culture.U might have studied a lot but i simply disagree wd ur thought n i m not thrusting
my opinion on u either u r free to believe in ur concept.
- -2

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
about 2 hours ago
U r abusing Rama for just leaving his wife but u didnt see the sacrifices he did for sita- dont
u see the sacrifices sita did for Rama, while pregnant. I mean, if a man loves his wife for a
while and then leaves her, because he has other moral obligations, he is supposed to be
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remembered only for the love. eventually she lived alone mr. rananjay.
Im only asking for a critical outlook towards things. Dont justify mere unjust deeds.
there are so many insane and irrelevant statements in your comments, next time try and say
it in your mind while you write..
- 4

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
9 months ago
Only because of u type of perverted women female foeticide is increasing parents take care of girl
child n they invest dere hard earned money on girls n girls leave dere parents alone for her
physical satisfaction, wow! It means the most important thing for a girl is a husband of her choice
when they r raped when they get any trouble for dere irresponsible behavior the whole
family has to suffer. .a girl commits suicide for a politician n her mother also committed suicide her
brother who was a bright student is now appearing in the court these type of sluts only think about
themselves dey dont care about dere family why shd we have a girl child who after
getting young wd b sleeping wd endless no. of gus in order to find her mr right thereby putting d
whole family in shame n stms dere boyfriends or bed partners become a threat for the girls family
,cuz of girls a father has to hear abuses n in fact they r abused practically by n no. of bastards
people beware dese days dere is no difference between a prostitute n a common girl ..
- -9

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
9 months ago
And if a man can sell his labor and mind to international companies, why cant a woman sell
her body. Its hers to anything she wants with it. And prostitutes exist because men want sex.
Outside marriage. For every prostitute there are many more men who are cheating on their
adya00 (
- 5

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
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9 months ago
freedom comes wd responsibility ur freedom shdnt cause havoc for others ,we r free it
doesnt mean we start sleeping in the middle of d road ,its my body its my hand its my
mouth i can use it anywhere if all people ll start using der freedom recklessly then
society ll crumble, boys get attracted by womens body if she is beautiful n if she
reveals herself n expect people shd not look at her then think of it what about her
husband dont look at her? husband is also a man n other person r also a man if ur
looking sexy every body irrespective of age ,colour religion ll look at u whats unnatural
about it.I have seen girls saying sorry after sneezing or coughing whats the rationale
behind it cuz u broke the concentration of other people ,we generally avoid seeing
vulgar seen on tv to maintain our peace but women have started doing vulgar seen on
street wd dere boyfriends n they say it freedom den if some person teases her n he
can claim its my freedom .try to understand madam ji freedom doesnt mean
negligence or rashness it means we shd b responsible to respect others freedom ,a
person is going to office he has some work ,he is contemplating about sth n suddenly u
appear in skimpy cloth her testosterone spikes he becomes uncomfortable can it b
called freedom ,n by d way we have also legal provision against uncouth behavior in
public..N so far prostitutes r concerned dont day enjoy d pleasure of sex by dere
customers ,we all r promiscuous by nature but to protect d society we made certain
rules to maintain d peace of d society every person doesnt visit brothel ,people who
visit brothel r not considered good persons ,sex withouht love is like body without soul
so i cant believe how a woman can sell her body n how a man enjoy that body poor
men they have to perform n lose energy n money both n despite men have dragged
dem in prostitution ,the genetic property of shading tearscrocodile tears!!!!!!!!! .
- -3

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
9 months ago
adya00 (
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Men enjoy it. They aer not sad about it. And are you
kidding me? You think only men have sexual desires? What
about women? They have an entire organ dedicated to the
sole purpose of pleasure, unlike men. The sole purpose of
Penis is procreation. And then youre telling me that men
are more sexual?
And protecting society is all ok. But what about individual
rights? Why should I sacrifice my rights so the society can
be happy? And who made these rules? Men. They never
asked what we want. So the rules have to be and will be re-
- 8

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
9 months ago
women take pleasure despite dey charge us in
different forms b it gf ,wife or
made rules cuz dey were physically strong n two
sexes have different tendencies ,women takes
more interest in nurturing they take more
interest in gardening painting ,fine arts etc men
have always been interested in administration
,fight ,wining so u can see most of d philosphers
,shayrs ,law makers writers of vedas r male
,Ramayana ,mahabharata etc has been written
by male but in all those scriptures women have
been praised for dere different abilities ,but
culture n society changes according to the
change in economy ,u can take the example of
status of women in different period u can see
dat different circumstances molded society in
different forms ,u can compare vedic era
,mughal era ,british colonial era ,since less
women r strong enough to join military so less
no. of women get the place in policy making
but now scenario is changing dey r also
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becoming judges IAS ,IPS ya but so far physical
strength is concerned dey cant compete wd men
cuz its natural dat women r delicate creatures,
in the time of wars women always has to take
back seat cuz its reality when peace restores
creativity sprouts so women have strength in
creativity dey r good mangers ,dey have good
communication skill wd good voice. so both
sexes have different strength n weaknesses we
shd hone our skills in our own area Now
new vistas r opening in media , management
,even engineering n other sciences where only
mind can play big roles so now law is being
enacted in favor of women n if u glance at law
each n every law is in favor of women n again u
people r crying ,now a common man even cant
dare to look at women u all have become princes
,If u look at us we cant go to d court but we cant
look at u for more than a few seconds d area of
assault has been widened where even starring n
voyeurism has also been
penalized..society doesnt change
suddenly it takes time as every body is not equal
in society we have different level of economy so
its obvious our practices wd b different u cant
compare an illiterate womens freedom wd a
literate n strong woman they wd have different
culture n that culture is needed for her survival
this rule even holds good in case of men .Due to
economic constraints so many men remain
unmarried/virgins unlike reach kids who daily
sleep wd different sexy sassy n classy women.
- -2

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-
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9 months ago
Its only Indias thinking that women cant
join the military. US is the biggest example
of the fact that women can do well in field.
Its not true that women are more inclined
towards something, men have made these
rules that say so. And when today women
try to fight back, there are still idiots who
quote manusmriti. Indian men talk about
culture when they have absolutely no clue
about it. And ramayan, dont even get me
started on that. Ram was a sexist bastard
who made his wife go through hell. Did
you even know that during vedic period
women could choose not to marry and just
study? The Britishers have painted a
disgusting picture of Indian Past, and most
people, including women, dont bother to
- 2

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-
9 months ago
Its only Indias thinking that women cant
join the military. US is the biggest example
of the fact that women can do well in field.
Its not true that women are more inclined
towards something, men have made these
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rules that say so. And when today women
try to fight back, there are still idiots who
quote manusmriti. Indian men talk about
culture when they have absolutely no clue
about it. And ramayan, dont even get me
started on that. Ram was a sexist bastard
who made his wife go through hell. Did
you even know that during vedic period
women could choose not to marry and just
study? The Britishers have painted a
disgusting picture of Indian Past, and most
people, including women, dont bother to
So many works of indian women have
been revived, and it was Indian men who
said this is not our cultural. We have been
misled by those colonial sadists. The sad
part, we dont even know it
- 1

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-
9 months ago
Ram hai jivan karma hai shyam ,do u
think u dont have any flaw in ur
character or u have never done any
wrong in ur life or ll never do any
wrong , vedic culture ,this culture
was the most advanced culture in
indian history,girls were married at
the age of 17 , niyoga was prevalent
u can compare in vitro fertilization
today since science was not develop
at that time so Garbhadhan sanskar
was done manually but men cdnt
enjoy sex wd dat woman cuz it was
done in dark n he was not allowed to
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see d face of woman ,ya education
was open for boys n girls both ghosa
apala vishwara gargi were popular
learned women if im not forgetting
,upanayan sanskar was allowed , but
perhaps u didnt pay much heed on
my sentences i have discussed
about economy ,as economy changes
society n religion changes ,vedic
civilization was a pastoral society
agriculture was not much developed
so dere was not any concept of
property, wd d passage of time
people started cultivation n due to
cultivation of different crops barter
system developed as the barter
system developed concept of
property came into existence, to
protect n perpetuate d property
women were made chattel of men
cuz at that time contraception was
not available so women had to
cohabit men for d validity of his son
.Its quite obvious why shd a man
spend money or shd transfer his
hard earned property to an
unknown boy ..From here
deterioration of women started
different religion came at different
time u can compare budha period
N our country has been invaded
by different invaders ,when muslim
came they started raping our women
so we started marrying our girls at
tender age at that time
contraception was not available so
we didnt have any other way u can
again say whats big deal u shd have
sent them to schools or let them
remain unmarried at their wish, so
we can only imagine that pathetic
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U r abusing Rama for just leaving his
wife but u didnt see the sacrifices he
did for sita , the deprivation d
advances of surpanakha n his
rejection n his life of renunciation
practicing celibacy even after being
a king .There is something called
rajadharm ,he has sacrificed his own
happiness dat is sita in favor of his
people ,u didnt mention if sita was
alone did rama marry again ,there is
difference between d life of a
common man n a king ,a king has to
think about his people ,n his
peoples happiness shd take priority
over his personal happiness ,U can
see his love for sita he killed
different demons including Ravana
he didnt care about his own life in
order to get back Sita n compare the
to days so called advanced people of
16 december that boy cd not save
his gf or concubine or whatever
.so i can understand to days
people ur modern woman wd
modern thinking so compare
between that coward boy n Rama
who is a bastard ?I have rightly said
women r selfish creature .now
u can think why chastity was
important at that time .Cuz of
certain circumstances certain law
develops n in the course of time
when circumstances changes new
laws prevail over old law, law is a
dynamic subject it changes wd time
u can compare 2005 amendments
on hindu succession act. In law
chastity of a women has been made
immaterial although it has serious
ramifications, lots of breakdown n
divorce r taking place these days.
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Now u have talked about America
,uncle sham ! do u know the GDP n
per capita income of america ,get d
data i dont remember n compare
the physique of dere women dere
climate dere poverty line, a person
having less dan approx 20000$ per
anum is called poor n he comes
under poverty line n here re 37 or
sth a day r u comparing, i have
discussed above that change is a
slow process how many women r
literate in india n u can compare the
strength of a woman wd men in
india . Different countries has
different strength n weaknesses
,situations r different circumstances
r different ,this is d reason we adopt
others culture very soon we hate our
own culture n love others culture
american women r roaming naked
so we shd also do d same a few
hundred yers back muslims came n
they taught us to practice vail
system even some hindus turned
muslims .I may not b knowing much
about my own culture but i always
remain eagar to know n if dere is
flaw we wont practice it we can
improve certain practices but we
cant change our religion n d basic
frame of our culture.U might have
studied a lot but i simply disagree
wd ur thought n i m not thrusting
my opinion on u either u r free to
believe in ur concept.
- -2

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-
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9 months ago
Why cant we change the
framework if many many
things are wrong. I admire
your knowledge and I must say
you do know more than the
average India. Ram amy have
sacrificed his happiness, but
because of this act, women
even today are told be like
Sita. Even today karva chauth
happens. Women make many
sacrifices for men. Because of
this Sita thing. Ram was king,
he shouldve set an example
for the world to follow. But he
didnt. Even when Sita after
agnipariksha he sent her off.
Just because someone said
thing? That means that if
anyone says something about
your wife you can just pack her
off? Didnt he have a
responsibility towards Sita?
Vedic culture was very
advanced. But have you seen
sculptures at Chittorgarh,
Ajanta and Ellora, Khajuraho.
They depict sex positions. Sex
was not only a scared act but
something that no one was
ashamed of. We wrote
Kamasutra. But why then
today this reaction towards
sex? Shouldnt that be
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changed?? Why should divorce
happen? Because a woman
had premarital sex? The favour
is towards men. They can have
sex before marriage and have
sex even after marriage. And
then the woman is told to be
I even understand the benefits
of child marriage. But that
time has to be changed.
Quickly, because the more we
wait, more and more lives are
brutally and irreparably
And what about victim
- 2

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-
9 months ago
U r talking about victim
blaming ,its always male
who r blamed ,if a
woman makes physical
relationship wd us n if
we r a little older dan
her people ll say he is
exploiting her or she ll
say when her purpose is
served we used her ,one
side u r saying sexual
rights r personal rights
den enjoy it
independently but again
u people have made ur
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sexual conduct an
enigma no one can
understand u what u like
or what not . Do u know
even big persons in
india remained
unmarried cuz dey cd
not express dere felling
before the girl n its
reality .U people r so
dangerous even before
saying i like u we have to
think 1000th times what
ll b ur reaction ,u ll slap
us or complain against
us n we ll lose our face
in society despite it has
a very normal solution u
can just speak ur heart if
u like that person its ok
if not den say him a
straight no! whats big
deal about it.
Now come to heinous
crimes like Rape ,this
crime is committed by
exceptional people u
may say dem terrorist or
sub human u can
understand that a
normal person even
dont dare to propose a
girl how can he rape a
girl .
Now this has also a
reason we have stark
differences in our
society, in living
standards in lifestyles, in
demography .Do u know
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why always a don borns
in slums ,most of d poor
people learn to accept
dere fate n dey learn to
live in poverty n
destitution but some
the law of society he
asks himself why some
one shd eat chiken
tandoori n why shd i
sleep wd empty stomach
,n if u think deeply
somehow the other
resources which shd b
equally distributed
among people r gobbled
by a few people by
different manipulations
,a little difference is ok
but if the differences
become broader n
broader discontentment
ll arise n this is the
symptom of devastation .
Our constitution talks
about socialism ,equality
, right to life wd dignity
,,our constitution starts
wd we d people of india
an it talks about all d
fictitious words which
has no any existence in
India u r talking about
framework we r frame
less ,each n every thing
of ours has been
borrowed by certain
country ,our IPC our
constitution , there is no
any originality
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nothing is indigenous in
india we wear Levis ,we
eat pizza we drink koka
cola , but we deplore
chanch, lassi laddu
galebi If we want
to return to our frames
we have to return to our
vedas ,our Gita is the
mother of all
philosophies we dont
read d great novels of
shartchandra but we
read the cheap english
novels of some new
popular writer from
india n these days fifty
shades in the name of
love but we dont want to
read Parineeta .Even our
TV serials r borrowed
from some country
..India has become a
potpourri of different
culture ,I dont have to
say about our culture its
simply incredible .
No body is forced to b
like sita n infact nobody
is sita today n nobody is
rama ,nobody ll force u
to do karvachuta ,Its ur
own love towards ur
partner that u want ur
partner to be in good
health ,good position n
love is blind some time it
inspires u to follow even
superstition however u
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may b a highly educated
person n some time it
also works.
Sex shd nt be a taboo
cuz its the procedure of
procreation but these
days sex has become
only an object of
consumption.we want it
more n more more
partner more more
beauty Excess of
everything is bad
,addiction shd always b
avoided ,
In ancient time state
used to fund prostitutes
on dere education they
were taught different
arts like singing dancing
writing etc n dese days
they had different
names like devdasi
,rupaziva n etc devadasi
can b compared today
wd mis india or mis
world ,N women used to
compete for becoming a
devdasi since at that
time dere were no any
visual objects like tv or
internet so people go to
the brothel in person n
watched dere dance n
by paying amount they
used to buy dere time
.Although at dat time
davdasis were not
socially respected
person but some
devdasis had
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accumulated piles of
wealth for example
Amrapali of budha
period. She had donated
lots of land to budha for
his ashrams n became
follower of budhism
,these days heroines can
b compared wd devdasis
dey r nothing but a
refined form of
prostitutes ,.Kamsutra is
not all about sex
positions ,people stms
get confused ,in
Kamasutra 64 types of
art has been described
which includes different
art forms including
singing dancing ,etc sex
is only a part of dis book
Now as i have already
told excess of everything
is bad likewise
excessively abstaining
sth is bad
khajuraho n other sexual
idols was made in the
period of religious
movement at that time
people started onlly
concentrating on
different religions they
started renouncing the
world so learned people
at that time started
making naked idols in
the temple itself so they
can again return
towards social life ,they
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procreate children ,earn
money n b a part of
social progress.. , . ;
- 0

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-
9 months ago
Youre stuck in the
past. No wonder
you cant move
forward. If people
can live in
apartments, use
Air conditioners,
then why cant our
mind progress in
terms of religion.
thats just
hypocrisy. And you
really need to read
the newspapers
and hear the news
and then you will
realise the
condition of
women in India.
You keep harping
about social
progress, but if
theres no
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progress then
social progress is
joke and limited.
Few odd women
dare to complaint
and your saying
society is
prejudiced against
men? What world
are you living in?
My point of
kamasutra was sex
only, yes there are
other things, but
its majorly about
sex. And whats
bad about a book
concentrating only
on sex. If you
deprive someone
of something for
centuries, it is
going to fins a
somewhere. You
say when Mughals
came we clothed
up our women and
married them off.
Thats they easy
way out. We
couldve taught
them to fight along
with our men. That
wouldve meant
double the people
to fight with. And
women being
warriors is not a
strange concept in
India atleast.
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You say Sex shd
nt be a taboo cuz
its the procedure
of procreation.
Why? It is also a
very important act
of giving and
receiving pleasure.
Why are we so shy
about giving
ourselves this kind
of physical
pleasures when
we are not
ashamed to
exercise pleasures
of the tongue, ear,
touch or mind?
Why should only a
woman wish for
her husbands
good health? Why
should aashirwaad
for women be
sada suhagan
raho? Is a wifes
health and life not
important? Or she
just a bag of
uterus to get
babies and clean
up the house?
You say resources
should be equally
distributed. So if I
am poor does that
give me a right to
snatch your
property? It
doesnt. You have
to earn you right to
the resources by
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proving your
ability. Now here is
the problem, there
is corruption, that
is why equal
opportunities have
to be given not
resources. You can
give a man food or
teach him to hunt.
Shouldnt be hard
to decided which
one of them is
Its also true that
we should read
our ancient texts,
but there;s no
going back, ever.
Theres only
moving forward.
- 1

9 months ago
and yet people
mock at the
military. Dont you
start about that
because I know a
lot more about
that than you.
You are simply
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stuck with idea of
going back to
vedas. there is no
going back. Its imp
to know our past,
not to re-live it.
And if more than
one form of media
is saying the same
thing, it is true. I
have traveled the
country and been
to cities and
villages alike. I
have lived in those
cities and villages,
women are
You say women
can say no? they
cant. Women are
raised to not ask
questions and only
to do what they
are asked.
Why should the
health of only the
husband be
important? Why is
the wedding
ashirwad for a
bride or any
married woman
sada suhagan
raho? Is the wife
simply a bag of
uterus and
someone to clean
up the house? No
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one says to a man
may your wife live
You say Sex shd
nt be a taboo cuz
its the procedure
of procreation,
but is a very
important way to
ourselves. When
we are not
ashamed to
pleasure our
tongues with tasty
food, our ears with
good music of our
choice, our skin
with soft clothes,
our minds with
intellect, then why
should there be a
taboo if our bodies
give us other kinds
of physical
My argument
about kamasutra is
about sex. Kama
means pleasure.
The other aspects
of it also talk about
pleasure through
different aspects,
for eg the family
The society can
never progress if
individuals are not
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progressing. There
is only stagnation
then. Progress can
not happen at the
cost of individual
human rights.
- 1

9 months ago
Men scratch at their crotches in public, dont you think
thats vulgar? And there is no provision about clothes. I
once saw a man walking stark naked on the street. Not a
thread of cloth on his body. In the name of religion. Why???
adya00 (
- 1

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
9 months ago
I have also seen some women in tattered cloths
n some women taking bath on streets i have also
seen some naked woman on street ,but they
dont titillate cuz these kind of persons r either
lunatics or ascetic dere is no any com
modification of dere bodies dey have just bared
it all, so far sadhus r concerned dey dont look
attractive dey have grown beards n renounced d
world ,religion is also a kind of fanaticism.But
women plan to make men uncomfortable by
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showing skin n they r even earning by showing
skin eg film industry n again they say people
ogle at me ,then tell me d solution u r earning by
showing ur skin ,different models fashion
industry ,cosmetic industry or today even retail
chains r thriving on the mens desire of sex .U go
to any retail chain n look at the behavior of a
sales girl she ll try to flirt wd u not for a
relationship but to sell her product . on one side
ur taming men by enacting stringent law against
any moral turpitude and on the other side u r
recruiting salesgirl to woo customers ,dont u
think its like bull fighting wherein red rag is
shown to bulls n in the end dey r killed
mercilessly by the player.If u want to change the
nature of a man or even women u ll have to ask
from the god ,characteristic never changes if u
add fuel to fire it ll catch its nature.N who has
stopped to scratch ur crotch ,do it nobody ll say
u anything , if women can kiss n hug in public
which cant b said a natural urge u can do the
same in private place but if sth is etching so
whats bad in scratching n pacifying the
disturbed area ,,,,,,,,,,even women can do d same
,,,,,, Law ll not define each n every area ,mind it
we can seek legal redressal on d basis of
vulgarity dat includes clothes n behavior N
the person who is walking naked in public area
can also b apprehended its fault of police n
administration not lawmen n women
both r social animal we cant imagine our
existence without society we have to depend on
society for various reasons a society is like a
building arranged in a symmetric manner so it
can b recognized n if needed it can be
whitewashed or repaired but imagine the piles
of bricks, can it b repaired ?unfortunetly we talk
about organised retail chain in a disorganized
society.I m not raising question on ones freedom
but i m trying to say dont make others suffer in
the name of ur freedom. N there is no rule
which can hinder der freedom ya rules r dere to
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protect others freedom, society even never stops
women from doing any bad thing ,only they
whisper, society is a very weak organisation it
cant act it can only talk n u cant stop some one
from expressing his/her thought so nobody
stops a girl from scratching her crotch or putting
on revealing cloths or doing irresponsible
behavior in public.
- -1

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-
9 months ago
mens body is very simple dere is no any
attractive portion that can incite unwanted
attention ,for example a flat chest tough
arms tough thighs wd hairs n all those
ugly things devoid of delicacy but see the
women,s body its naturally attractive even
women get attracted by womens body .so
mostly men cover dere whole body part n
if some reveal they look
nauseating.these days men
have also started showing dere ugly
bodies which cause nausea n repulsion
,im not appreciating it either .
- -1

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-
9 months ago
Ankit Tripathi
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Mr.R, Srry i cant even take ur full
name on dis platform ,coz of ur so
cheap kinda comment..who are u
Mr. to judge as to how shud a girl
dress and walk in d society.i know
you hve a very narrow mind but try
to undrstd one thing dat the man is
too weak to control his body, so they
blame everything on the woman.;;

and remember the fact dat the
number of assaults will not go down
if women make sure to cover
- 1

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-
9 months ago
ha ha at least u exercised ur
constitutional right ,can u
define what is cheap n what is
not cheap i have just talked
about anatomy of women n
men u can take it lightly ,when
u cheat on ur parents friends
,when u appreciate BESHARM
type of film when u watch
porn surreptitiously when u
ogle at women its not cheap
but my sentences r cheap ask
urself honestly first who is
cheap .I dont know about u
but i can understand about
u..n dis platform is not
created by mahatma gandhi
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its owner ,operators r just a
simple n common people dey r
not einstin ,budha or valmiki
or premchand i know it well
..we r contributing n
investing our valuable time n
effort to make this platform
successful ..mind it koi
kitna bhi bada kun na ho uska
vichar ankh mund ker nahin
manana chahiye u can
also follow gandhi bura mat
dekho ,bura mat suno
.ye mere nizi vichar
hain aur main ise kisi per thop
nahin sakta
- 0

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-
9 months ago
So that means no attraction can be
mutual between a girl and a boy and
that only men can find pleasure in
sex. I wonder why girls go mad after
so many actors. I wonder why so
many women have crushes.
- 0

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-
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9 months ago
Perhaps ur not touching the chord ,i need no
more explanation ,i have already given all ur
answers nothing new u have asked u ll find ur
answer by re reading my above explanations
,but u have to apply logic..N i have also
given explanation about newspaper
..ask sth new raise some new qs i ll
answer i can give u some reference see d WTO
conspiracy against poor countries ,nuclear n oil
conspiracy of America ,carbon emission n apply
ur mind why revolt or uprising happens the
same holds good at grass root levels, u r still
stuck to the general n common principle ,if
world was so easy it wd b very peaceful ,no
revolt ,no maowad no wars.also look at
the exploration n exploitation in africa by
developed countries and i always keep abreast
of current affairs but dont blindly believe in
reporters n these bastard media people who r
making people fool .Ya also when some crisis
happens only military fights either male or
female suddenly common women cant b turned
fighters we have to save ourselves if we want to
remain alive everything doesnt change at the
drop of a hat.
- -1

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-
9 months ago
In order to protect property men n women made
a secret contract that men ll earn n provide food
n shelter to d women satisfy her sexual n other
needs n women ll have to take care of home
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,since women remained preeminent most of d
time she cdnt work in the field or go for hunting
,so economically dey became dependent on men
,since male was provider so its natural dat he ll
b dominant even today most of d men get a job
then he is married no women wants to marry a
person who is not earning so its obvious since
he is provider women have to b faithful to him
.otherwise option is open u go away everything
is business madam women r not savitries dey r
the most selfish creature on earth .U r talking
about what has chastity to do wd marriage den
why ll a man marry if he knows he has to sleep
wd unchaste women, many partners can
contaminate woman so if he has to take risk he ll
visit brothel why ll he take home an unchaste
woman ,he ll enjoy sex by paying n enjoying
different ladies ,u people wont understand cuz u
people have now become morally polluted.
Suppose man comes from office n he wants sex
from his wife n if wife has another partner n she
had sex wd her partner man ll remain deprived
likewise if men had sex wd someone women ll
remain unsatisfied that is why sexual
commitment is a must .wife wants her husband
to live long or someone gives blessings for her
suhag its cuz after death of husband she ll
become alone ,everybody is not a prostitute on
earth .naa..taht is why sex is pleasure but
senses must be under control if it goes out of
control den u can see d example of asaram ,n if
women unleash dere sexual desire she can also
b prosecuted like asaram ,u read newspaper
den u must have herd about a lady professor in
US of indian origin was caught having sex wd 5
minor students of her own class n she was
punished by d court for life term .Its not like dat
u ask anybody to sleep n he ll b ready to sleep
wd u, men have right to choose dere partner ,i
can say u i was propositioned by two of my
classmates at different moment n dat too overtly
n one of dem even started at me at some place
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but i stopped her so dont remain in illusion dat
all men r sex maniacs n u can get any man in
bed of ur choice,he ll sleep wd only when he
likes u otherwise think of asaram n american
nymphomaniac teacher,,,,,,
- 0

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-
9 months ago
Sexual commitment after marriage is a
matter between the couple.
I was talking about chastity before
marriage. If men can have sex before
marriage why not women?
I never said all women are honest and I
never said all men are beasts, but in
general women are dominated.
When today, many women are earning
equal to or more that their husbands, why
are they still expected to cook and clean?
There was no secret arrangement, that
was an evolutionary logical solution society
came up with. But even then what right do
you have to say that the mans job is more
Even today, a housewifes day starts
earlier than everyone in the house and
ends at the last. She doesnt get holidays,
vacations. Even today, while women can do
a mans job, there are very few men who
can take care of a house and children.
Each parent is equal, and thats why there
is no reason for men to dominate.
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You say a women will not marry a man
who doesnt have a good jbv, very true. Will
a man marry a woman who cant have
No one is doing the other a favour. Men
are not doing their wives favours by
earning for them and protecting them and
neither are the women doing them a
favour. Then why is the man who is called
the head of the family, when the woman is
sharing equally in the responsibilities and
the duties? You say women are selfish?
Even as I speak many sisters will have to
let go of education so their brothers can
study. They will have to not go to college or
not have the right to go outside to study
because their family will not allow them.
They will be married off even before they
turn 18 so their family honor is saved.
They will be raped within the marriage so
they can have children they might not
have wanted at that time or at all. They are
giving up their dreams, careers, so they
can take care of their children and
husbands. And you have the nerve to say
women are selfish?
- 1

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-
9 months ago
With the state of women that is, I wish they
were more selfish and didnt let go of their
dreams for their husbands and children
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who have nothing better to say than
women are selfish
- 0

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-
9 months ago
Madam ! please let us live ,i ll
suggest u ,please have a glance at
law n den tell me which law favors
men ,religion has become
immaterial, dere is no any legal
binding n door of court is always
open for u people ,i accept u people
r queen whatever u want to do wd
us do but dont blame us in this
callus manner ,only one law need to
b incorporated in ur favor dat is
right to rape or gang rape a man
otherwise each n every law support
u ,even u can get me apprehended
for this reply we r at ur disposal
,please forgive us lead us we r ready
to serve u we r ready to make
breakfast for u we r ready to wash ur
cloth but dont disrobe us in this
manner.I have been fed up of
dis kind of allegation do what u like
we ll never say u nay thing ,i
surrender !
- -1

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-
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9 months ago
The aim of this debate is not to
have an endless battle of
sexes. You maybe one of the
few males who might support
women, but the majority
doesnt. Do you know why do
girls and women write their
fathers or husbands name?
Theres is never an option to
write mothers or wifes name.
Because by law custody of the
children is for men. Why do
women take their husbands
surname and why does the
child take only the fathers
surname? These are some very
imp questions that need to be
- 0

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-
8 months ago
madam ji perhaps u r
not updated ,in every
document we r writing
our mothers name n in
1-2 years the mothers
name is going to appear
as first guardian on
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documents , n there is
no any rule regarding
guardianship in the case
of divorce ,it depends
upon the parties who
can better take care of
the child.Once u become
first guardian we ll
become officially
disposable items without
any rights, just like a
puppy !,But we r still
happy at least u people
become happy we ll also
breath a shy of relief
from ur constant
onslaught .Why shd we
worry about that we r
not criminals we dont
ever trouble anyone so
we wont have any
problem .But u people at
least remain happy n let
us live in peace .Even
today no one forces girls
to marry any particular
person ,even in arrange
marriages a no. of
options the grooms
photograph n career etc
is shown to the girl ,n
she has also alternative
to choose her grooms on or even she
can find her love but
since in this world
finding true love is not
that easy n a very lucky
person finds his/her soul
mate otherwise people
have always a choice for
arranged marriage n
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arrange marriage is not
that bad either ,wd the
passage of time we start
loving each other n its
just a rumor that girls r
raped in arranged
marriage .have u seen
Rab ne bana di zodi ,so
this kind of thing
actually happens in
arranged marriage do u
think its easy for a boy to
sleep wd an unknown
woman ,men r also shy n
they cant make physical
relationship wd an
unknown girl, its simply
impossible .N so far the
surname is concerned i
dont have a surname n
most person dont like to
carry a surname ,as in
law u all have been
given equal rights but
ignorance of law cant b
an excuse u r free to give
ur surname to ur child n
also ur free to continue
wd ur own surname ,i
have already told dat ur
same as a man ,u have
been given same rights
,even u can live in ur
fathers place wd
husband ,u can inherit
equal property in ur
fathers ancestral
property .I ll suggest u
please read 2005
amendments on hindu
succession act ,u ll get
clear about it ,u have
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been given even more
rights u ll b the first
successor of ur husband
n u ll also get d property
from ur father so laddu
in both hands .
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Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-
8 months ago
The mothers name
comes as corollary.
Not as an
The law also
provides sexual
right regardless of
marriage. But how
does the society
take it? There is
huge difference
between the legal
laws and the laws
of the society, and
unless they are
one, we will keep
having problems.
Its true that for
men as well
comfortable takes
time, but they are
still more or less in
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their own world.
Its a woman who
has to step into a
completely new
marriages, are ok,
unless they are
forced. And sadly
even today,
arrange marriages
are the norm.
While slowly girls
are being asked a
basic yes or no
regarding the
groom, they are
not allowed to fall
in love. A lot of
men are also not
allowed to fall in
love. So how is this
Reiterating my first
point, you need to
go see the rural
India, which does
form more than
70% of India. Girls
do not inherit
property there. I
have seen it. You
may have read the
better than me,
but I have seen
India in many
forms and have
lived in many
I have till date only
seen one person
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who didnt have a
surname. The total
would be what, in
point percentage?
And as far as girls
being raped in
marriages, or
marriages of any
kind, you need to
open you eyes and
read the
newspapers. its
not a norm. But it
happens, with a
frequency that is
Would you yourself
live with a woman
and her family
after marriage?
Would you take
her surname?
Would you move
cities if she gets a
better job than
- 0

about 2 hours ago
hhmm. let me see. knocked out by a girl in a competition, inferiority complex, sexually
threatened have unfulfilled sexual urges developing into homophobia.
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9 months ago
Ojaswini and to all other Indian women (and men) reading this: As long as you are not in a khap
panchayat kind of situation where your life is in danger (in which case you run and NEVER look
back), please do not get married under pressure to people who you dont desire and/or dont want
to marry! Forced consent is not consent. It is still rape. And that is very much one of the political
reasons why the Indian government still refuses to recognize rape within marriages. There are
women I know who wanted to have arranged marriages and they seemed giddily happy with the
grooms they eventually ended up with. I say thats more like a swayam-vara But whether or not
you want to marry, and who you want to marry, who you want to share your bed with, who you want
to have your children with, that boils down to the issue of bodily integrity. And you are the sole
owner of your body. Dont let that shit get to your neck. I say kick hard, the minute it clutters your
shoes and thats where you say your first and final NO!
Rita Banerji (
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Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
9 months ago
Very very right. Forced consent is not consent.
adya00 (
- 1

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
9 months ago
I dont think the women r raped dese days the term shd b physically assaulted dey r not
raped ,there is no any outrage of modesty cuz today no women embody modesty.Rape is
considered heinous not cuz it gives physical pain cuz its the intrusion of ones privacy n
moreover the victimization of parents of the girl why victimization cuz stigma is attached why
stigma cuz parents suppose her girl to b chaste do u think today any girl is chaste they all
have illicit relationship wd some boys n sex before marriage makes a woman unchaste so
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where is d modesty dat can b outraged she is already a slut so physical assault can b a term
not rape rape is an ancient term which doesnt exist today.Even today most of d girls has to
subsist on her husbands income ,so parents since they love dere child want to secure her
future by choosing right person for her ,they prefer same cast cuz if some trouble in dere
relationship crop up dey can put pressure on dere cast n community ,dese days girls have
become draupadi ,they marry or sleep wd n no.of boy but every boy dumps her after using
dem cuz men dont want sluts as dere wife tawayf ki lutati izzat bachana bekar
hai ..hahah
- -1

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
9 months ago
If you have to spend your entire life with a person, sleep with them, have and raise
children with them, expect them to be your support system, how can choosing that
person not be at least one of THE most important decisions of your life. Be it a girl or a
And sexual right are personal rights. Who are parents to say anything about that?
ANd what about the fact that men sleep around and want pure women as wives?
adya00 (
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Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
Dr Aparajita Choudhury
9 months ago
I agree with Ojaswini that young women in our country are over protected and kept immature and
not encouraged to think for themselves and how they would like to live their lives.This also includes
having clear discussions at home about the requirements of safety , precautions while interracting
with all strangers and encouraging the girl child to make her own well thought out decisions as an
adult.Many youngsters in our country are more than happy to hand over all responsibility to others
and live in a state of infantile immaturity , while mouthing statements of great filial piety like, our
parents know best.
We must also keep in mind that there exists a generation gap between us and our parents and
society has evolved and changed since they were in their twenties.A mother who has always been a
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home maker may not be able to understand how much our professional lives are valuable to us as
individuals, or appreciate our career plans which may be jeopardised by an unsuitable
match.Millions of young Indians , every year discover their soul mates across the lines of caste,
religion, language or economic status , but based on similar personalities, life goals and
values.Most of these marriages are successful although they would not fit in with any parents
Adopting an ostrich like approach in an unsafe and unsympathetic society is not going to help our
young women, we need to develop as complete and independent individuals and take
responsibility for our lives and decisions.
- 2

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
9 months ago
Yes, you should raise voice against restrictiveness for choosing whom you like. But what do you
think why they (your parrent) suggest and create pressure to keep distance from boys/men
because they do want any mishappening not to keep away from the world. I think you people will
have heard prevention is better than cure for the disease which is very hard to cure. Otherwise
go out walk in midnight along with your dearest boyfriend then one day you will experience same
miserable condition what the Baliya based girl had experienced 9-10 month ago.
Sarfuddin Azmi (http://Yahoo)
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Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
9 months ago
Prevention is better than cure is out dated. Girls are raped by family members too, and not a
small number at that. Most rapists, offenders, are in fact family, relatives, friends or people
you know. All rapes dont happen in the middle of the night. Many happen in stark daylight.
Today you say we should stay at home, how far is the day when you stop us from ever getting
out of the home in the name of prevention?
Patriarchal norms have to be abolished.
adya00 (

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9 months ago
where have u seen dat girls r raped by family members ,n when it happens in close
relationships mostly it happens wd consent ,in fact girls need sex n some guy is easily
available as some relative they bed them .Every time boys r not guilty ,i can personally
say some of my distant relative girls tried to woo me .exception wll always exist but
dont generalize,i have also heard some men raped men ,some men had sex wd some
animal ,do u think every man is like this n if every man have same character den the
husband of ur choice ll fall from sky! ,madam ji sare admi ek hi hote hain apka
boyfriend kitna bhi ghatia ho apko bhagawan hi dikhega lekin jara dusron ka opinion
bhi to janen .achi aurat baniye .aur ye jhuti afawahon se bachiye.
- -1

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
9 months ago
Are you telling me you havent read about the scores of
cases when fathers and relatives have raped? Then youre
living in a false world. Go check out newspapers everyday.
Youll know then.
And for thinking of any man to be a God, no chance.
Because even God doesnt have a right to my life and
choices. He is just a entity conjured by humans resulting
from their pathetic habit of not being able to believe in
adya00 (
- 4

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9 months ago
Madam ji i m a person wd common sense n i
analyse fact n circumstances then make any
decision about any person there is huge
difference between allegation n conviction
,before conviction u cant declare any person
guilty ,A woman seduces me to sleep wd her n
after stms she can lodge a false complaint of
rape on the pretext of false promise of marriage
,i read newspaper thoroughly but not blindly,in
pune a 35yold man had physical relationship wd
a woman of 42 yars who is a govt employee
earning good salary , she lodged a complaint of
rape when the guy got married wd other woman
,u tell she made a relationship wd consent she
was not forced then why shd she lodge a
complaint of rape she knows well dat she cant
give him a child as by this age she can have
menopause so why shd a person rune his life
wd her? Its simply not possible dat a
father/brother can rape his own daughter/sister
if he has to rape n has to go behind bars he can
rape other girls who r probably most beautiful
girl in town why wd he do n how can he develop
such a feeling about her own daughter it simply
cant b possible ,if it happens it happens wd
consent n when she is caught red handed she
makes allegation dat she has been raped.I m the
proof at least four or five relatives tried to
exploit me even one of my female friend tried to
exploit me physically n it happens wd so many
guys but u people wnt believe or u wd say he is
trying to b smart ,women u r not savitri u also try
to take advantage of boys we r not fools
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9 months ago
of course women are not always right.
there are many cases when they exploit
men. But what has rape got to do with
And youre trying to tell me that daughters
give consent to their fathers? Aging from
what 3-15, they give consent?
And what about infants who get raped?
Littel girls? What do they do to provoke
- 1

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-
9 months ago
I want u people to b free ,u earn money we r
ready to play second fiddle but u people leave
us in d lurch , only we have to b breadwinners
so either u people manage home or let ur male
partner manage the home but u people cant b
content ,u need mixture of Rahul gandhi ,salman
khan n manmohan singh ..n again u
watch TV serials n say men r bastards !
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9 months ago
Oh no, we dont want to be dependent on
anyone for money. Thats why a job is
important for us. And very less women
leave men in lurch compared to the
number of men who beat up their wives,
demand dowry, dont let them work. and
so on. And true, most TV serials are just
nauseating. I have to agree with you on
that one.
- 2

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-
Saubhagya Dubey
9 months ago
Miss Ojaswini
I dont agree with you in totality. The points you mentioned about liberating women in the society
are well aid but I disagree with you on some terms. First of all as it is said in every religion of the
world that PARENTS ARE YOUR SUPREME WELL WISHERS I would like to draw your attention to the
point that the world out there is not safe. And in order to know the kind of people you want to be
with you need to experiment or say you need to know them. But who knows what type of person he
or she may be , Parents act as a refiner they help you be with better people and the help you
choose the right person to be with I am not telling that this happens in all the cases. I also
acknowledge the orthodox attitude of some parents when they get to know about the choices made
by their daughters.
But Miss with due respect I would like to tell you that parents dont want to get rid of you. Because
when you were born they cared and nourished you, when you were ill they woke up nights to look
after you and when you fell from the bicycle they rushed to pick you up. And the day they choose
some one to marry you , they secure all they aspects that you will be happy with that person. I
know as youngsters we tend to fall into abstract terms of FRIENDSHIP , LOVE and TRUST but in
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reality we know that all these relationships can come to an end , But the relationship between a
KID and his PARENTS never fades away. When in childishness I had my first crush and my Dad
came to knew about it . He said that SON IF BOTH OF YOU ARE IN TRUE LOVE THEN GO AND TALK
kid I duly did the same and got thrashed and even my so called LOVE turned away.
Miss I acknowledge that absolute compulsion over the females should be curbed but I want that
just a security tab must be kept in order to ensure your safety and protection. Look eventually both
the sexes are different so I want a different treatment of both of them, I said different treatment
not PARTIAL treatment.
So when you look at getting equal status as men ..please also look at the various aspects where
male and female gender differ and you will get the idea of how to fight for female rights.
- -1

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
D Gill
5 minutes ago
Different treatment? Do tell. Who does the policing? And what is this weaker sex business? If
you were to endure what some women have to deal with in life you would never utter the
words weaker sex ever again. Pls take that out of your vocabulary ASAP. Dont base your
impressions of women on the pampered princesses that you happen to know. And FYI all
citizens are to have equal rights, there is no cherry picking for one group or other. Yes men
and women are different but so is every human being one from the other so really sir, what
is your point?
- 2

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
9 months ago
Great thoughts put into
the greatest words ..Well done !!
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Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
Rachit Kulshrestha
9 months ago
Hey Ojaswini,
Nice to see that you have grown enough to comment on the state of women in the country. I still
have your image as a toddler playing around in our apartment complex.
It is a good article which shows the concern that you might have with respect to choosing your life
partner. A good beginning and definitely a very good end which left me thinking about the issues
that you raised through this article.
I may not be a good critic, but there are a few things that I may disagree with. My dear, it is a Bad
World. Lets not think about a few years back, lets think about some years in advance. Being a
parent, can you keep a tab on your kids. In this city, where a parent is unaware of their childs
doings, where they are going, what they are doing. Is he/she old enough to drink or whether they
are taking drugs or just driving at 150-160 kmph just to get the feel of it. They dont know if their
son is part of a gang, is a drug peddler, a roadside romeo, or a rapist.
We simply dont know, if the next person we meet on the road is worth trusting or not. This is one
of the things that our parents know, and they trust their instincts for it and thats why all the
restrictions. Like you pointed out, your choice is asked for, which is a change brought about by
education. Bringing about any change is a slow and steady process. It will come and the scenario
will change, we as the youth will bring that change. But before that we need to change. The youth
needs to change.
Are we just supposed to be aggressive sportsperson, fearless soldiers and go-getter businessmen?
Shouldnt we respect our parents, abide the law, respect fellow citizens, the basics of living in a
society. Yes, women are considered to be the weaker sex and it is very literal in its meaning. And
that is the reason, girls are treated as princesses, by the parents and by the brothers, protected
from every streak of what is considered societally wrong.
We as children expect our parents to trust us with our decisions, but do we give them any reason
to trust us. They have good experience of good or bad, and no matter what, we will always be their
children and they will always worry about us, even when we are their age and planning our
daughters marriage.
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Thats how parents are and trust me when we become parents we will be the same, unless we
bring in a change in the society. The youth has to understand its duties and help bring a change
where a parent has no fear for his/her daughter, no distrust on his/her son.
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Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
9 months ago
Full of feels the article is, but Samuel Bucket? Really?
- 0

Reply (/2013/10/stay-away-boys-force-sleep-one-fate-20-something-indian-girl/?
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