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Today world faces many environmental problems such as global
worming. All industrial countries are encouraging development of new
renewable energy technologies. Geothermal energy is gaining importance as
alternate source of energy. Geothermal energy is heat from higher pressure
steam coming from within the earth. It is renewable source of energy derived
from rain water in the earth heated to over 180oC by subterranean hot rocks.
Geoexchange heat pump is one of the applications of geothermal energy. It
uses the earth’s renewable energy just below the surface to heat or to cool
home or building etc. It is ground surface heat pump. A few feet beneath the
surface the earth temperature remains constant, geoexchange take advantage
of this to provide extremely efficient heating and cooling. Geoexchange
pump can be used for heating in winter and cooling in summer. The only
external energy needed for geoexchange is small amount of electricity to
operate ground loop pump and fan. Geoexchange heat pump is safe, low in
cost except installing cost. This paper presents an overview of the
geoexchange heat pump working, advantages with illustration.

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In 1997, 'Kyoto protocol' says that industrialized countries will reduce
emission of Green House Gases (GHGs) by at least 5% compared to 1990
levels by the period extending from 2008 to 2012. GHGs are vital because
they act like a blanket around the earth. Without this natural blanket the
earth's surface would be some 30 C colder than it is today. Human activity is
making the blanket 'thicker'. For example, when we burn coal, oil, and
natural gas we spew huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. If
GHGs emission continue to grow at the current rate, it is almost certain that
atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide will double from pre-industrial levels
during the next century. If no steps are taken to slow greenhouse gas
emissions, it is quite possible that levels will triple by the year 2100. The
most direct result is likely to be 'global warming' of 1.5 to 4.5 C over the
next 100 years.

Though India has been exempted from signing the Kyoto protocol, in
future it has to be a part of this convention and reduce emission of CO2-
which means reduction in usage of coal and other fossil fuels. This is the
time for India to launch its geothermal energy resources programmed in a
big way to implement clean development mechanism (CDM). The country
has enormous resources, which are lying untapped.

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The country has the know-how and technology sources to generate
power and support various industries using geothermal energy. Future for
development of geothermal energy fits in very well under the above
described Kyoto-FCCC. World funding organizations and developed
countries, which are using extensively geothermal energy, are keen to
promote this energy sources to reduce GHGs by India.Geoexchange
technology uses the earth's renewable energy, just below the surface, to heat
or cool a home or other building, and to help provide hot water. It's
sometimes referred to as a geothermal heat pump, a ground source heat
pump, or green heat. The basic technology has been around for more than 30
years, and many homeowners and businesses have been enjoying the
benefits of geoexchange for much of that time. In recent years, though, many
improvements have been made in the materials used, the installation
methods, and the efficiencies of the compressors, pumps and other

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Homeowners in virtually every region of the United States are
enjoying a high level of comfort and significantly reducing their energy use
today with geoexchange (geothermal) heating and cooling.

This marvelous technology relies primarily on the Earth’s natural

thermal energy, a renewal renewable resource, to heat or cool a house or
multi-family dwelling. The only additional energy geoexchange systems
require is the small amount of electricity they employ to concentrate what
Mother Nature provides and then to circulate high-quality heating and
cooling throughout the home.

Homeowners who use geoexchange systems give them superior

ratings because of their ability to deliver comfortably warm air, even on the
coldest winter days, and because of their extraordinarily low operating costs.
As an additional benefit, geoexchange systems can provide inexpensive hot
water, either to supplement or replace entirely the output of a conventional,
domestic water heater.

Owners of geoexchange systems can relax and enjoy high-quality

heating and cooling year after year. Geoexchange systems work on a
different principle than an ordinary furnace/air conditioning system, and
they require little maintenance or attention from homeowners. Furnaces
must create heat by burning a fuel--typically natural gas, propane, or fuel oil.
With geoexchange systems, there’s no need to create heat, hence no need for
chemical combustion. Instead, the Earth’s natural heat is collected in winter
through a series of pipes, called a loop, installed below the surface of the

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ground or submersed in a pond or lake. Fluid circulating in the loop carries
this heat to the home. An indoor geoexchange system then uses electrically-
driven compressors and heat exchangers in a vapor compression cycle--the
same principle employed in a refrigerator--to concentrate the Earth’s energy
and release it inside the home at a higher temperature. In typical systems,
duct fans distribute the heat to various rooms.

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In summer, the process is reversed in order to cool the home. Excess
heat is drawn from the home, expelled to the loop, and absorbed by the
Earth. Geoexchange systems provide cooling in the same way that a
refrigerator keeps its contents cool--by drawing heat from the interior, not by
injecting cold air.

Geoexchange systems do the work that ordinarily requires two

appliances, a furnace and an air conditioner. They can be located indoors
because there’s no need to exchange heat with the outdoor air. They’re so
quiet homeowners don’t even realize they’re on. They are also compact.
Typically, they are installed in a basement or attic, and some are small
enough to fit atop a closet shelf. The indoor location also means the
equipment is protected from mechanical breakdowns that could result from
exposure to harsh weather.

Geoexchange works differently than conventional heat pumps that use

the outdoor air as their heat source or heat sink. Geoexchange systems don’t
have to work as hard (which means they use less energy) because they draw
heat from a source whose temperature is moderate. The temperature of the
ground or groundwater a few feet beneath the Earth’s surface remains
relatively constant throughout the year, even though the outdoor air
temperature may fluctuate greatly with the change of seasons. At a depth of
approximately six feet, for example, the temperature of soil in most of the
world’s regions remains stable between 45 F and 70 F. This is why well
water drawn from below ground tastes so cool even on the hottest summer

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In winter, it’s much easier to capture heat from the soil at a moderate
50o F. than from the atmosphere when the air temperature is below zero.
This is also why geoexchange systems encounter no difficulty blowing
comfortably warm air through a home’s ventilation system, even when the
outdoor air temperature is extremely cold.2 Conversely, in summer, the
relatively cool ground absorbs a home’s waste heat more readily than the
warm outdoor air.

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Studies show that approximately 70 percent of the energy used in a
geoexchange heating cooling system is renewable energy from the ground.
The remainder is clean, electrical energy which is employed to concentrate
heat and transport it from one location to another. In winter, the ground
soaks up solar energy and provides a barrier to cold air. In summer, the
ground heats up more slowly than the outside air.

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Geoexchange systems can also provide all or part of a household’s hot
water. This can be highly economical, especially if the home already has a
geoexchange system, hence a ground loop, in place.

One economical way to obtain a portion of domestic hot water is

through the addition of a desuperheater to the geoexchange unit. A
desuperheater is a small, auxiliary heat exchanger that uses superheated
gases from the heat pump’s compressor to heat water. This hot water then
circulates through a pipe to the home’s water heater tank. In summer, when
the geoexchange system is in the cooling mode, the desuperheater merely
uses excess heat that would otherwise be expelled to the loop. When the
geoexchange unit is running frequently, homeowners can obtain all of their
hot water in this manner virtually for free. A conventional water heater
meets household hot water needs in winter if the desuperheater isn’t
producing enough, and in spring and fall when the geoexchange system may
not be operating at all.

Because geoexchange systems heat water so efficiently, many

manufacturers today are also offering triple function geoexchange systems.
Triple function systems provide heating, cooling and hot water. They use a
separate heat exchanger to meet all of a household’s hot water needs.

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Once installed, the loop in a geoexchange system remains out of sight
beneath the Earth’s surface while it works unobtrusively to tap the heating
and cooling nature provides. The loop is made of a material that is
extraordinarily durable but which allows heat to pass through efficiently.
This is important so it doesn’t retard the exchange of heat between the Earth
and the fluid in the loop. Loop manufacturers typically use high-density
polyethylene, a tough plastic. When installers connect sections of pipe, they
heat fuse the joints. This makes the connections stronger than the pipe itself.
Some loop manufacturers offer up to 50-year warranties. The fluid in the
loop is water or an environmentally safe antifreeze solution that circulates
through the pipes in a closed system.

Another type of geothermal heating and cooling is Direct

geoexchange (DX) systems, which utilize copper piping placed
underground. As refrigerant is pumped through the loop, heat is transferred
directly through the copper to the earth.

The length of the loop depends upon a number of factors, including

the type of loop configuration used; a home’s heating and air conditioning
load; soil conditions; local climate; and landscaping. Larger homes with
larger space conditioning requirements generally need larger loops than
smaller homes. Homes in climates where temperatures are extreme also
generally require larger loops. A heat loss/heat gain analysis should be
conducted before the loop is installed.

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Most loops for residential geoexchange systems are installed either
horizontally or vertically in the ground, or submersed in water in a pond or
lake. In most cases, the fluid runs through the loop in a closed system, but
open-loop systems may be used where local codes permit. Each type of loop
configuration has its own, unique advantages and disadvantages, as
explained below:

Horizontal Ground Closed Loops.

This configuration is usually the most cost effective when adequate yard
space is available and trenches are easy to dig. Workers use trenchers or
backhoes to dig the trenches three to six feet below the ground, then lay a
series of parallel plastic pipes.

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They backfill the trench, taking care not to allow sharp rocks or debris to
damage the pipes. Fluid runs through the pipe in a closed system. A typical
horizontal loop will be 400 to 600 feet long per ton of heating and cooling
capacity. The pipe may be curled into a slinky shape in order to fit more of it
into shorter trenches, but while this reduces the amount of land space needed
it may require more pipe. Horizontal ground loops are easiest to install while
a home is under construction. However, new types of digging equipment
that allow horizontal boring are making it possible to retrofit geoexchange
systems into existing homes with minimal disturbance to lawns. Horizontal
boring machines can even allow loops to be installed under existing
buildings or driveways.

Vertical Ground Closed Loops.

This type of loop configuration is ideal for homes where yard space is
insufficient to permit horizontal buildings with large heating and cooling
loads, when the Earth is rocky close to the surface, or for retrofit
applications where minimum disruption of the landscaping is desired.

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Contractors bore vertical holes in the ground 150 to 450 feet deep. Each hole
contains a single loop of pipe with a U-bend at the bottom. After the pipe is
inserted, the hole is backfilled or grouted. Each vertical pipe is then
connected to a horizontal pipe, which is also concealed underground. The
horizontal pipe then carries fluid in a closed system to and from the
geoexchange system. Vertical loops are generally more expensive to install,
but require less piping than horizontal loops because the Earth deeper down
is alternatingly cooler in summer and warmer in winter.

Pond Closed Loops.

If a home is near a body of surface water, such as a pond or lake, this

type of loop design may be the most economical.

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The fluid circulates through polyethylene piping in a closed system,
just as it does in the ground loops. Typically, workers run the pipe to the
water, then submerge long sections under water. The pipe may be coiled in a
slinky shape to fit more of it into a given amount of space. Geoexchange
experts recommend using a pond loop only if the water level never drops
below six to eight feet at its lowest level to assure sufficient heat-transfer
capability. Pond loops used in a closed system result in no adverse impacts
on the aquatic system.

Open Loop System.

This type of loop configuration is used less frequently, but may be

employed cost-effectively if ground water is plentiful.

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Open loop systems, in fact, are the simplest to install and have been
used successfully for decades in areas where local codes permit. In this type
of system, ground water from an aquifer is piped directly from the well to
the building, where it transfers its heat to a heat pump. After it leaves the
building, the water is pumped back into the same aquifer via a second well--
called a discharge well--located at a suitable distance from the first. Local
environmental officials should be consulted whenever an open loop system
is being considered.

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Central heating systems have been considered a necessity in our
homes and businesses for many years. When comparing available systems,
consumers should carefully consider safety, installation cost, operating
costs, maintenance costs, and comfort.

Types of Systems

There are two basic types of systems — those that require a flame to
operate (i.e., combustion based), and those that do not. Most central systems
presently installed create heat by combustion, just as they did in the early
part of the century. These systems use a furnace to burn a fossil fuel (such as
oil, natural gas or propane) or, in some instances, wood. More advanced,
non-combustion systems operate by transferring or moving heat from one
location to another.

Combustion-Based Systems

Until the last few years, combustion-based systems have been the
preferred heating systems for home and business owners because of their
moderate installation and operating costs, and wide availability in the market
place. Unfortunately, there are a number of serious safety and related
maintenance concerns with these systems.

Some combustion-based systems present an explosion hazard if the

storage or delivery of their fuel is not carefully controlled. Explosions due to
improperly installed or maintained gas pipes and delivery systems are often
in the news. Since these systems require a flame to operate, failures or
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improper installation of system components (for example, heat exchanger,
damper, chimney, or flue) can result in property loss to fire. Fortunately,
smoke detectors have saved many lives that might have been lost to fires
caused by combustion-based heating systems.

In addition to heat, combustion-based heating systems also create by-

products such as carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a result of the
incomplete burning of fuel in combustion-based systems. Incorrectly
installed systems, chimneys that are blocked by birds nests, or downdrafting
can cause carbon monoxide to remain inside of buildings. This is especially
dangerous in modern, well-sealed buildings, where it is difficult for outside
combustion air to reach the furnace, and where carbon monoxide can be
trapped and build up over time. Furnaces, water heaters, and other
appliances must be properly vented outside.

Combustion-based systems that deliver heat through ducts present

occasional "blasts" of hot air. This not only reduces comfort directly, but
tends to dehumidify the air. The addition of a central humidifier (with its
associated installation, operating, and maintenance costs) can correct this
humidity problem.

Combustion based central heating systems are often coupled with

low-efficiency central air conditioners. This raises installation and operating
costs significantly, while adding an entirely separate unit to be maintained.

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Heat Transfer Systems

Non-combustion or heat transfer systems include heat pumps and

geoexchange systems. Heat pumps operate by capturing heat from outdoor
air and transferring it inside of a home or business. geoexchange systems
capture and transfer heat from the earth.

Nearly all heat transfer systems can be reversed, providing central

cooling as well as heating. Some heat pumps and most geoexchange systems
also provide domestic hot water at low operating costs.

Heat Pumps

Beginning in the 1970s, air-source heat pumps came into common

use. They have the advantage of no combustion, and thus no possibility of
indoor pollutants like carbon monoxide. Heat pumps provide central air
conditioning as well as heating as a matter of course. And they are
installation-cost competitive with a central combustion furnace/central air
conditioner combination.

Heat pumps operate by moving or transferring heat, rather than

creating it. During the summer, a heat pump captures heat from inside a
home or business and transfers it to the outdoor air through a condensing
unit. During the winter, the process is reversed. Heat is captured from
outdoor air, compressed, and released inside.

Much less electricity is used to move heat rather than create it, making
heat pumps more economical than resistance heating. However, in all but the
most moderate climates, the heating ability of the heat pump is limited by
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freezing outdoor temperatures. So electric resistance heat is used to
supplement outdoor-air-source heat pump during the coldest weather,
preventing "cold blow."

Depending on climate, air-source heat pumps (including their

supplementary resistance heat) are about 1.5 to 3 times more efficient than
resistance heating alone. Operating efficiency has improved since the 70s,
making their operating cost generally competitive with combustion-based
systems, depending on local fuel prices. With their outdoor unit subject to
weathering, some maintenance should be expected.

Geoexchange Systems

More recently, even more advanced and efficient heating and cooling
systems have emerged using the geoexchange process. Sometimes called
geothermal or ground-source heat pumps, these systems move or transfer
heat like the air-source heat pumps. However, they exchange heat with the
earth rather than the outdoor air.

Since earth temperature remains relatively constant throughout the

year, geoexchange systems operate more efficiently than air-source heat
pumps and generally without the use of resistance heat. And because they
are working from those constant earth temperatures, there are no blasts of
hot air or "cold blow" as with other systems.

Nearly all geoexchange systems on the market have the ability to

provide low-cost domestic hot water, further increasing their operating
efficiency. Thus, geoexchange systems are generally 2.5 to 4 or more times

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more efficient than resistance heating and water heating alone, and have no
combustion or indoor air pollutants.

Since there is no outdoor unit (as with air-source heat pumps or the
central air conditioners used with combustion-based systems), no weather-
related maintenance is required.

Although their installation cost is somewhat higher due to the required

underground connections for heat transfer to and from the earth,
geoexchange systems provide low operating and maintenance cost and
greater comfort.

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When comparing heating systems, safety, installation cost, operating
costs, and maintenance costs must be considered. To simplify the selection
process, installation, operating, and maintenance costs can be combined into
a life-cycle cost — the cost of ownership over a period of years. The table
below compares the various types of central heating systems:

Compare Safety Installation Operating Maintenance Life-Cycle

Cost Cost Cost Cost
Combustion- A Moderate Moderate High Moderate

based Concern
Heat pump Excellent Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate
Geoexchange Excellent High Low Low Low

Consumers who take the necessary steps to insure the safety of

combustion-based systems (frequent inspection and maintenance, smoke
detectors, carbon-monoxide detectors, and other safety precautions) may
wish to consider these moderate life-cycle cost systems. Others should
consider more advanced heat transfer systems — heat pumps (with their
moderate installation, operating, and maintenance costs), or geoexchange
systems (with their low operating and maintenance costs and high levels of

A recent study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency showed

that geoexchange systems generally have the lowest life-cycle cost of all
systems available today. The study also shows that geoexchange systems
have the lowest impact on our environment. And consumers rank their
comfort and satisfaction with geoexchange systems higher than all others.
While a higher initial investment is required, the investment is paid back
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through low energy bills (enhancing resale value), excellent family safety,
and real comfort.

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