Cutie Pie

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1. How was the Cutie Pie captured and from where?

2. “Oh” he’s just too cutie live “ the world said. How does this remark almost
come true?
3. How did the people on the earth react on seeing Cutie Pie? How did it look?
4. On the nineteenth day Cutie Pie woke from a beautiful dream to an appalling
reality. What was so appalling about the reality? What had be been dreaming
5. How did people lose interest in Cutie Pie?
6. ‘Cutie Pie’ were words they flinched from’. Who does they refer to? Why id
they flinch from the mention of these words?
7. How did Cutie Pie get a change to escape from his glass jail?
8. Though Cutie Pie escaped from his prison, he was not able to return to his
planet immediately. Why?
9. Cutie Pie escaped into the world of Earth. Earth astonished him. How did the
earth astonish him?
10. Though the humans had not treated Cutie Pie very well yet he befriends a
human baby. What do you think makes him behave in this manner?
11. How did Cutie Pie and baby Winters affect each other?
12. Cite incidents from the lesson, which give us the impression that Cutie Pie is
very attached to his mother.
13. Where did the scientist-jailers keep Cutie Pie? What name did they give him?
14. Describe Cutie Pie’s glass prison? Why did it nearly die there?
15. Why did the world start pitying Ch-tsal?
16. How did Ch-tsal feel when he was out on the earth?
17. What did Cutie Pie learn from the small human baby he befriended?
18. How do you think Chatsal was able to go to his planet?
19. Describe Ch-tsal’s miseries in the glass prison.
20. How did the people show their fascination to Cutie Pie?
21. What were the two things that prevented him from sending and receiving
22. did the people show their fascination to Cutie Pie?
23. What were the two things that prevented him from sending and receiving
24. Write a brief note on the Questar.
25. Describe the shock that Cite Pie got on the nineteenth day?
26. How did the promoter’s of the world cash on Cutie Pie’s attraction?
27. What proves Cutie Pie’s popularity with the earthlings?
28. What and why were peculiar conditions created by the scientists for Cutie Pie?
29. What was Ch-tsal doing on the planet from where he was captured? What was
the purpose of his visit?

Your passion will define your limit……strive for more.

30. How did Cutie Pie communicate?
31. How did Cutie Pie’s communication with his people come to an end in the
32. Why did Cutie Pie’s eyes seem ‘liquid to the watching world?
33. Why were Cutie Pie’s feathers so important to him?
34. What were the physical miseries suffered by Ch-tsal in the prison despite the
best attention the scientists?
35. What was the mental torture that Ch-tsal suffered in the prison?
36. How did Ch-tsal face his trouble? What relieved him?
37. Why did the reactions of the people towards Ch-tsal change?
38. How was Cutie Pie so named?
39. ‘The media tends to sensationalize news’ Comment.
40. Why did the scientists shy away from Cutie Pie?
41. Cutie Pie appears to be very attached to his mother. Quote two instances to
prove this.
42. How did the Cutie Pie fad die down? What does it prove?
43. What was the contradiction in the scientist’s behaviour towards him?
44. How and why did Cutie Pie escape?
45. How was the atmosphere in the prison and on earth different from his own
46. Why did Ch-tsal find thing on earth child’s play?
47. Why did Ch-tsal find the rain a welcome change?
48. Why did Ch-tsal not want to come again to the public view? Give two
49. What attracted him towards Mrs. Chatsworth’s house? Where was it situated?
50. What was the first creature that Ch-tsal try to befriend? How did the creature
react to Ch-tsal?
51. What was the second creature that Ch-tsal tries to befriend? Why did Ch-tasl
not approach him?
52. Why did Cutie Pie approach the baby only at night? Give two reasons?
53. How and what did Chat-tsal and the baby ‘talk’?
54. What knowledge did Ch-tsal impart to the baby?
55. How did Ch-tsal try to communicate with his mother? Why did it take so long
to contact his mother?
56. What did the creatures of the earth think of Cutie Pie?
57. What was the behaviour of the earthling’s towards Cutie Pie?
58. How did the fascination of the earthlings lead to Cutie Pie’s misery?
59. Why had Ch-tsal have to be careful about hiding himself from the earthlings?
60. How did Ch-tsal react on hearing his mother’s voice?
61. Whop saw Ch-tsal in his ecstasy and how did he manage them?
62. How did he go back? How was it reported in the papers?
63. Why could the people not find any connection between the alien creatures and
spaceship? Give reasons for your answer? Who had the answer to the strange
occurrences? Why did he not reveal the facts to the rest of the world?
Lali Mathew M.A.M.Ed Sh.Bagh 27492907 9810312549
64. What were the things that Ch-tsal learnt about human beings from his friend
C. H. Winters?
65. What were the differences in Christopher after he m had met Ch-tsal? Why
was it so?
66. Pick up some instances form the story, which show the habit of the media to
sensationalize news and the habit of the public to forget?
67. Do you think Cutie pie was much attached to his mother? Give some instances
form the story in support of your answer.
68. How did the people on earth receive Cutie Pie? How did Cutie Pie lose his
69. How did Cutie Pie love his mother?
70. Why did the people forget Cutie Pie?
71. Two men are out in the jungle when they see Ch-tsal getting into the
spaceship. They are astonished to see the scene. But they don’t talk about it to
anyone. One of them decides to write the experience in his diary. Write the
diary entry.
72. Ch-tsal ultimately manages to contact his mother. The signals are weak but he
still manages to tell almost himself and his condition to his mother. Write his
message in about 150 words.
73. Imagine yourself to be the boy Christopher. You have had interesting
experiences with Cutie Pie, He had told you about his planet, his mother and
life on his planet. He decides to share this with his friend Sam. Write his
experiences in about 150 words.
74. The story Cutie Pie reveals that man always wants to show and prove his
superiority. Do you agree with the statement.? Give reasons to support your
answer in about 150 words.
75. Imagine yourself to be a reporter for a weekly magazine. Since the time Cutie
Pie escaped out of prison you have been following him. One day he left in the
spaceship, which landed on earth. You decide to pen down you experiences
and what you saw, the manner in which Cutie Pie was treated etc. End your
article on a positive note whereby a link gets established between this world
and the world in the outer space. Your answer should not exceed 175 words.
76. Describe Cutie Pie’s condition in the glass prison. How did Cutie Pie escape
from the glass prison, which was a scientific tomb.
77. Why did Ch-tsal groom his whiskers in the glass cabin? What happens to his
feathers? How does he mange to grow his feathers and whiskers again?
78. You are Brown a news reporter. Write an article for a leading newspaper
about Cutie Pie, how he was captured, imprisoned and forgotten.
79. Imagine you are one of the scientists, express your concern about the tortures
the alien had to undergo. You regret his capture, commercialization, and
falling of his beautiful feathers and whiskers. Write a letter to your fellow

Your passion will define your limit……strive for more.

80. Imagine you are Ch-tsal. On the nineteenth day, Earth time of your captivity
you woke up from a beautiful dream to an appalling reality. Make a diary
entry expressing your feelings and your fear.
81. Imagine that Cutie Pie tells his mother about his meeting Winters. Write a
letter on his behalf to his mother about it. (150 words)
82. Imagine yourself to be a scientist who had brought Cutie Pie on earth and then
knew that it had gone back in a spaceship. Write an article on his behalf.
83. Imagine you are Cutie Pie. What would you like to tell the people of this
worlds? Leave a note for the human beings before you leave. (150 words)
84. Imagine yourself as one of the scientists in the spaceship who found Ch-tsal.
Write an article how you found him and how it has been kept by you and your
crew. (150 words)
85. How does the writer differentiate between the highest minds of Earth and the
lowest minds of Earth? What does he try to explain?
86. Imagine that you are C.H.Winters, now an eight-year-old boy. You have an
opportunity to write a letter to Ch-tsal. This being your first ever letter to any
body. Write this letter telling about your old memories of the time when Ch-
had visited earth and how has the life on earth changed since then.
87. Imagine yourself as Ch-tsal, you happen to communicate to your mother from
your glass prison. Write a letter to your mother telling her about your miseries
in your glass prison.(150 words)
88. Imagine yourself as Ch-tsal who joins his family on his home planet. Your
younger sister wants you tell her how you were captured and kept and how
you finally escaped. Write what you narrated to your sister in the form of a
89. Imagine that you are Cutie Pie. Your mother asks you tell her how you
befriended Winters and what you learnt from him and how he helped you.
Write what you will tell your mother in the form of a letter to her.

Your passion will define your limit……strive for more.

Lali Mathew M.A.M.Ed Sh.Bagh 27492907 9810312549

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