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For the last few months Ive frequently commented on the apparent conundrum that there are few
good daygamers coming up through the ranks. Daygame instruction is the best its ever been (and
about to get better with some upcoming 2014 releases), the whole path is mapped out. and yet
few success stories.

So allow me to introduce a success story.

I first noticed @chaoticgreat when Rivelino started retweeting him. Over the course of a few
months he posts five +1s, all daygame, and one of them an SDL. Hmmmmm.. thatll make an old
hands ears prick up. So I got in touch and asked him to share his story of daygame in Madrid.
Hes asked me not to give away anything to harm his anonymity so just visualise an early-twenties
Spaniard who looks a bit like a local footballer and youll get the picture.

Blind yadstop in 3...2...1....
Blind yadstop in 321.
Qu.1 Can you tell me a little about how you heard about daygame and what pushed you from
interested into committing to some approaches?

It all started last summer when by chance I found a manosphere community (The Red Pill
subreddit) and began obsessively reading everything I could get my hands on. Thank god I did. For
21 years I had been unaware of how much of chump I had been and how unattractive some of my
behaviours were.

As it usually happens, the pendulum swung the other way and I became an narcissistic asshole. I
got better with time as my personality came through the dark triad guy I was trying to project. I
think this happens to most beginners.

I fell in love with he idea of bettering and after coming back from an study abroad program I began
working on my value. I would work out, eat well and try to be the alpha guy in the room. But I
wasnt getting laid. I kept telling myself how I needed to look better, be better to get laid. As youve
mentioned in your blog, this is just an excuse. Since I had always sucked at night game I figured
daygame would be more appropriate for my personality and decided to try it out. Quoting porn and
masturbation was a big motivation to start doing approaches.

For the first few days I would walk around town weaselling out or doing lame indirect approaches. I
knew I wasnt gonna get laid by asking where the nearest Starbucks was and even though I could
talk to girls, I couldnt seduce them. Everything changed when I contacted Rivelino
(@alpharivelino), who I found on Twitter and read was also in Madrid. I met up with him and he
showed me how to properly yadstop and taught me the London Daygame Model. Having him as a
wing and game teacher was of huge help. Once I got a set of rules to follow and was able to see
him approach I felt much more comfortable.

We started daygaming several times a week and still game together. I became obsessed with
daygame, going out several times a week sometimes for as long as 7 hours. Now I do around 30
approaches a week.

I recently started recording my sets to get better feedback and see where I can improve. I was able
to consistently hit the streets by realising that I was using an excuse not to approach and by finding
an experienced daygamer that took me under his wing and pushed me constantly.

Madrid, in my mind
Madrid, in my mind
Qu.2 You told me you didnt really have a beginners hell phase. Can you talk a little about your
early results and what you brought from your normal life that fitted well to daygame?

I had always been a social and outgoing person but wasnt successful with girls because I kept
self-sabotaging myself. I consider myself a good conversationalist and can make people laugh. All
of this helped me in the approaches.

Rivelino made sure I wouldnt weasel out of sets so I lost my approach anxiety in a couple of days.
I imagine this is what being on a bootcamp is like. I was able to have fun conversations from the
get go and very soon started getting numbers. Those first sets werent that good but it didnt
matter. The approach itself was such a display of courage to the Spanish girls that even boring
conversations without clear intent would result in numbers.

I was lucky to get early validation and that pushed me to continue. Having great logistics helped
too. Mostly because I couldnt use it as an excuse not to escalate and felt like I had to take
advantage of my living situation. I never went through a period of absolutely sucking and the rush
of walking up to the girls and getting some smiles was becoming extremely addictive. External
validation hits, as Riv calls them.

I feel like all the right pieces were there, I just needed to focus my attention on approaching and
following the model.

Qu.3 Lets have a story about the first time you realised you could bang some hot girls and
became a Daygame Believer. Also, contrast it with an example of a really frustrating failure.

I became a believer by reading blogs like yours. Field reports of SDLs and bathroom sex stories. I
was never skeptical of the efficacy of game and was getting numbers and good reactions from girls
early on so I knew it was possible.

It was probably after my first daygame lay that I viewed it as a very valid and efficient way to have
sex with quality girls.

The funny thing is that this first lay could also be considered one my most frustrating failures. She
was a very hot Romanian girl in her late twenties. She had a great body and a very sexy walk. I did
what Rivelino calls a blind yadstop and approached her having only seen her back. My mindset
was to just talk to her to become comfortable with the hotter girls, I expected nothing to get out of

She spoke no English and knew very little Spanish. We communicated mostly through Google
Translate, which allowed me plenty of time to come up with good responses to shit tests. Since I
couldnt say much all I did was look intensely at her while repeating Im gonna fuck you in my
head. It worked!

We met up and after some awkward moments where she kept saying I was rude (which I now view
as a good sign) and failed escalations I was able to get her back to my place. Things seemed to be
progressing nicely but I was very nervous. I wasnt quite sure how to make it happen and decided
to follow the advice on the book (Daygame Mastery that is) and picked her up and threw her on the
bed (I almost fell on a coffee table with her in my arms hahah). Laying on top of her I could hear
my mind saying what if you dont get hard? and, of course, went completely limp instantly. Fuck!
Not as embarrassing as I thought because she was blaming herself for not being able to turn me
on. Fascinating how insecure every woman is regardless of her looks. Imagine having a hot
Romanian looking at you with puppy eyes asking me not sexy for you?. Poor girl.

Anyways I tried doing some mediation and relaxation exercises but couldnt seem to get it up. I
convinced her to suck on my limp dick and see if the stars would align. I got a half decent erection
and decided to go for it mostly to make it count. To finally be able to say I banged a girl from
daygame. I wanted the reference experience for future lays. I couldnt feel much with the condom
on and explained and convinced her to try raw and see if it would help. It didnt really but showed
how a turned on woman can be easily convinced. The whole thing seemed like an awkward
American Pie sex scene and after a while I told her to leave and that we should try some other
time. Huge sexual failure but great daygame progress. It was my first complete run of the model so
I wasnt too devastated by the whole thing.

A couple of days passed and I noticed red spots on the head of my dick. WTF. Im scared shitless
and go to see my urologist as soon as I could. Turns out the bitch gave me a yeast infection.
Fucking cunt. I treated it for a month and it was gone but that month all I could think is how much of
an idiot I was for not wrapping it up.

Artist's impression, yesterday
Artists impression, yesterday
A few weeks later I bumped into her walking with her mom during a daygame session. It was a
nice reminder of how crazy your life can become once you start hitting the streets.

As for other failures, I remember getting some LMR from an American girl (24) that had gone a
year without sex with my hand rubbing her pussy and her panties dripping. She then explained
how her previous bf had to wait a year and a half to fuck her. There is no way to know youre
gonna fuck for sure. Getting her number means nothing, making out with her means nothing, only
fucking her makes you know for sure. This has been a big discovery for me and its helped tons to
drop all expectations of what could happen.

It was also frustrating to spend time with a cute Russian teen (19) that ended up being a complete
waste of time. She was just sad and depressed and wanted someone to hang out with. She had no
personality, no opinions on anything and was a complete downer. What bothered me wasnt not
fucking her it was thinking of the opportunity cost of spending time with her. I could have been day
gaming getting more leads!

Thanks ChaoticGreat for the insight. Part two to follow soon

Categories: Society Permalink

BIRDSONG June 25, 2014
While camping under the open sky one morning, the twinkling stars in the grey velvet night giving
way to the first red rays of dawn over the hilltop, the soft tweets of a birdsong carried across the
wind. Deep in the forest birds conducted their elaborate dance without a care for human ears. I sat
and listened as I put a kettle on the stove. How musical!

Back in civilisation and wifi range I did a little sleuthing* on these birds, having considered the
purpose of the birdsong. It would appear the birdsong has developed as a mating strategy
amongst certain birds. And its clever.

"You look very..... French"
You look very.. French
The normal male birds range widely to forage for twigs and leaves that will make an impressive
nest. Throughout winter these males work, gradually slotting each element into the construction
until a grand nest is complete. I imagine even in such a little bird-brain the male feels tremendous
satisfaction upon the culmination of his labours. He has created something out of nothing! Now, his
little bird breast puffed out he seeks a female to install into his nest.

The females didnt do much in winter. Their role is not nest-building. They simply wait for the males
to finish and then perform a tour of the nests, much like the Queen inspecting her guards. The
male bird who has foraged best and created the most impressive nest earns the honour of the
female taking up residence. The mating ritual is almost complete.

from MTV Nests
from MTV Nests
Within this species is another mating strategy. The song birds dont build nests. They dont forage
a metre further than they need for their own sustenance. Rather, the songbird spends his time
perfecting his beautifully melodic singing voice. And with good reason.

While the nest-building males are showing off their real estate, the songbird males are showcasing
their vocal talents. And the females have a weakness for singing. It would appear that there is an
exploit within the female birds brain that would make Internet Explorer 8 blush. That female brain
is not properly secured with its AntiSong software. So the songbird sings and the female at first
pays slight attention. That attention soon becomes rapt, shes intrigued. Before long shes
enraptured by the melodic tweets. The songbird ups the ante until hes rogering the female,
passing his DNA to the next generation to be raised in another males nest.

Nature has its own K and R selection strategies.

This is the point about Game. Its fine to earn money, travel, build social circles, dress in suits or
whatever else the get your shit together blogs recommend. Thats an impressive nest for a
female to take a guided tour of. But while youre dicking around with that, other men are working on
their Song.

You cant keep your female in the nest 24/7. She keeps hearing the beautiful melody carried
across the wind, wondering who is singing. Shell venture out. And then, much faster than it takes
to build a nest, shell be seduced and enraptured**

Flown the nest
Flown the nest
Game is a trojan horse that detects and exploits weaknesses in a womans No Filter. All day every
day a hot young girl is under attack from male mating strategies, be it the omnipresent orbiter, the
promotion-with-strings manager, the helpful neighbour, or the back alley rapist. Evolution has
equipped her with a strong anti-virus software the No Filter to rebuff these attacks so she can
retain control of the mating ritual and make it work for her to get what she wants. Evolution never
prepared her for Game the deliberate and practiced study of charisma, custom-designed to
defeat that No Filter. Its like a weaponised virus attacking a common immune system.

You can only build one nest, and few females are willing to share it with rivals. The birdsong is
song across the entire forest and all surrounding fields, luring the females out of their nests just
long enough to notch them. If only somebody had written a book on Birdsong Mastery you could
dispense with all the nest-building bullshit.

* Long enough to find this link, and thats it. Didnt bother reading past the fourth paragraph. I have
no idea if the biology is correct.

** Probably fucked in the disabled toilets of Charing Cross Hotel at 4pm.

*** Credit to Bodi for putting the birdsong name onto the concept.

Good daygame is not about bells and whistles, salsa spins and silly pranks. Thats just feeding the
YouTube clowns who watch a fuckwit / charlatan and dont even know what they are seeing. Good
daygame is not about standing still and making inane chit chat either, unless youre top 5% in looks
and happy getting girls below you in SMV.

If you want girls younger-hotter-tighter you have to lead the chat, demonstrate value, move her
through the stages and do it all without appearing to be performing. Its tough.

My recent efforts have been to subtley embed the lessons of lover/provider (or r/K selection) into
the mechanics of an infield stop. Im making a discreet and well-calibrated sexual proposition to the
girl in the hope shes step out for some adventure sex. Everything about me has to project the
same signal: Adventure Sex Guy. So I need to align:

body language
verbal content
decision making
Thus I have a bad boy style with rings, chains and biker boots. I stand confident and cocky while
my eyes shine and my mouth smirks. Im sexually intense and unapologetic in expressing it. I turn
the conversation sexual with innuendo, teasing and leading. And I make decisions that lead to fast
sex not dating (hopefully!).

I havent recorded much in Belgrade because it takes me out of the moment. I think the few legit
daygamers have already put enough good infields up on YouTube already. But heres one from a
couple of days ago. Ive added captions to explain some of what Im doing.

The main things to take from this audio are:

The r-selection gets tested when she mentions her boyfriend. Watch how I deal with it.
Try to spot all the subtle fractionation in matched pairs of push/pull, sexually on/off,
talking/listening, stupid/smart etc.
Havent fucked her yet. Still swapping texts to see if I can take her at the flood.

To learn this style of daygame, check out my books Daygame Nitro (intermediate) and Daygame
Mastery (advanced)

Categories: Field Reports Permalink

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Importance of Variety in Your Appearance
There is a girl in my office that is extremely attractive. She is good-looking, but she is much more
than that. She has great posture, always fixes her hair well, smiles frequently, is confident, and she
generally radiates an air of femininity that is painfully lacking in many girls demeanor.

One thing that always stands out about this girl is the way that she dresses specifically, the
variety of clothes she wears. Every day she wears something completely different. In fact, I dont
think I have ever seen her wearing the same thing twice. I am not making a statement about the
quantity of outfits she owns or the size of her wardrobe; I know plenty of girls who wear different
outfits every day but still look boring. This girl actually looks different every day. One day she will
be wearing jeans and a blouse, the next day she will be wearing a long, close-fitting dress, the next
day cotton dress-pants with a loose, flowing top, and the day after that a pencil skirt. I've seen this
girl wear clothes and dress types that I didn't even know existed. I realize that might not be saying
much coming from a guy, but the point is that she is very clearly an outlier relative to other girls
when it comes to the variety of clothes she wears.

It would be hard to underestimate how much men love this and I say that with confidence
because I've talked about it with several other guys and they agree categorically. Her daily choice
of clothes is the topic of our lunch conversation more often than is probably healthy. Its worth
pointing out that this attention isn't the wrong kind of attention. Plenty of girls could work their way
into our conversation by wearing short dresses, small tops or tight skirts. In fact, plenty do, and we
talk about them too. But we come back to this girl way more than the others because we are
constantly surprised and impressed with the variety. Its hugely refreshing to see her every day in a
different outfit.

While I am sure that women can appreciate variety in male fashion also, I am convinced that this is
something men appreciate much more than women. I've explained before how strongly men crave
sexual variety, and I've explained the importance of visual stimulation. By varying her appearance,
a woman appeals to both of those masculine desires. Of course she cant actually be someone
else; but by looking different every day, she can come close enough. I dont have a huge amount
of evidence to support that claim, but when I think about how tempted I would be to cheat on the
girl I am describing versus other girls that are equally attractive, there isn't much of a competition.

Having thought about it a bit recently, I can break down this girls fashion success into three
She takes risks. This girl doesn't always look good. In fact, I've seen her look downright horrible at
times. One day she came in wearing these shitty gypsy-looking baggy pants and an ugly shirt, and
I almost cried. A couple times she's worn colors that washed her out completely. Id say that
roughly 5-10 % of the time, she looks bad. But I realize that no one can pull off the kind of variety I
am advocating without fucking up occasionally; besides, the variety and successes are both well-
worth the mistakes. In fact, I would even be fine with more mistakes if it meant Id get a girl who
was equally dynamic in her wardrobe.
She doesn't pay attention to office fashion norms. In other words, she doesn't think this is a
professional environment; a sun dress is inappropriate. She might not always be wearing clothes
that are appropriate, in the sense that they play down or divert attention from her looks, but
neither is she dressing overly sexy or provocatively. Trying to bring women into the workplace and
expecting them to dress like men is about as ridiculous as asking men to stay home with the kids
and forcing them to dress like women. Women need to be allowed to be women, and appropriate
has unfortunately been defined largely by a society that doesn't fully understand that.
She enjoys looking good. There is no way that a girl will be able to force herself to dress in such a
varied manner if she doesn't enjoy doing it. And although you shouldn't try to force yourself to
enjoy it, you can let yourself enjoy it to whatever degree you naturally do. I said a lot about this in
the post Femininity, Authenticity and Compatibility, so I wont repeat myself here; but I want to
make one additional point in that regard: you dont need to be a supermodel to enjoy looking great,
and you dont even need to be hot for men to appreciate how you dress. Let yourself enjoy looking
your best in as many ways as possible.
Of course, these principles apply to make-up and hair also. The important principle is appearance
variety, not just wardrobe variety - but you can draw the analogies.

For the record, I recognize that having a wide variety of clothes can be expensive. And I am not
going to pretend that women with less income are without a disadvantage here. That's life. If it
helps stomach that fact, you can remind yourself that wealth disparities affect men in their dating
lives far more than they affect women. But anyway there are plenty of ways to work the concept of
variety into your wardrobe without breaking your bank, and there are plenty of girls reading this
post right now who spend all kinds of money on wardrobes bigger and more boring than this girls.
Make the most with what you have.

Now, all this being said, there is some value in the adage looking good every day is more
important than looking different every day. While I suspect this statement was popularized more
more with mens fashion in mind than womens, I also want to make it clear that I am not
advocating wearing ugly clothes or crazy make-up only for the sake of variety. You need to indulge
in variety wisely, choosing colors and cuts that look good on you. But within the limits of what you
know suspect makes you look good, dont be intimidated by the pressures of what is acceptable
or what feels safe at the expense of what is different. Different counts for a lot.

Related Posts:
1. The Most Important Time to Dress Well
2. Feminine Beauty is Highly Controllable
3. Men and Sexual Variety
4. The Importance of Taking Fashion Risks

Posted by Andrew at 1:47 PM 26 comments:

Advice Roundup 2

Here is another round of questions and answers that have come through my inbox recently:

1 ----------------


I have a question for you. I read your blog, really value your opinion, and would so much
appreciate your input.

Do men ever feel a sense of obligation to keep in touch with a girl? I have been seeing my older
brothers best friend (age 28, i am 24) for a few months, and get the feeling he may now just be
keeping in touch out of politeness, to avoid a situation with my brother - do guys do this?

Is it ever right to wait for a guy you really like, if he is moving slower than you want to? I feel as if
the waiting for a relationship to form drives women absolutely crazy - is it right for the beginnings of
relationships to feel like this?

Thank you in advance, very much.


Probably he isn't doing it out of politeness. He probably likes you, and enjoys being in touch with
you because he likes flirting with the idea of something happening between you, but he is probably
too worried about the fact that he's friends with your brother to actually make a move. Or maybe he
just wants to talk casually to decide if his attraction to you is enough to risk his friendship with your

There is no reason (other than the strain on your patience...) why you can't continue talking to him,
and seeing where things go. If this goes on for several months and you are talking regularly - say,
a few times a week - but he isn't doing anything, you might bring it up by telling him that, while you
are interested in dating, you understand the situation is complicated by your brother, but you also
don't want to keep talking endlessly if he is never going to decide it's worth a shot. Of course, this
is just a soft way of telling him to grow some balls and make a decision, and it's likely to bring the
whole thing to an end, but if that is what happens, you'd be fooling yourself in believing that the
"whole thing" would ever have worked out anyway.

Good luck,

2 ----------------

Hi Andrew, your blog is awesome!

My question is, would a man ever want a non-sexual friendship with a woman just to get emotional
support? I had a sexual relationship with this guy for six months last year. We met through a
community project. We ended it mutually... We wanted to try to keep our friendship intact because
we will continue to have community interaction, and we care about each other.

We have both tried hard to keep the friendship. He is a natural alpha guy, man of few words, but
has always made the effort to text me and call and we've stayed in pretty close contact like this for
months. He has taken some big personal hits over the last couple years and I give him a lot of
support and praise (not that he'd ever ask) which I think he likes and maybe even needs. The
problem? I feel like he avoids seeing me in public. We have mutual friends and opportunities to be
out together and socialize, and he doesn't pursue it. It feels weird to me to have just a phone
relationship. It's always drummed in girls' heads that guys never want to be friends with women. Is
it possible this is just an ego feed for him and he doesn't actually want to be friends? Despite all
the texts and calls it's hard not to take it personally that he never wants to get together face to face
in a platonic setting... which is what I do with all my other friends.

Thanks for your help!


His willingness to stay in touch is definitely motivated in part by the fact that he enjoys the personal
chemistry between you and the conversations, etc. - but for sure there is an element of ego there
too. He likes knowing you like him. Incidentally, this means that he must have some level of sexual
attraction to you also (otherwise his ego wouldn't value your attraction to him); but his
unwillingness to take it any further is a much stronger indication that the level of attraction isn't high
enough to get back together. I'd tell him you are interested in getting back together, but you realize
that he isn't on the same page, and that because you see things differently, you think it's better not
to talk. Then cut him off.

Good luck,

3 ----------------

Hi Andrew,

I have a very quick wit and use natural puns, double meanings, subtle references in conversation--
people laugh a lot around me. I've cut my playful, though sarcastic, banter but kept wondering this:
Do masculine guys like girls with great situational humor or not? Do I "lose points?" I am otherwise
extremely feminine. Still stepping on Mr. Alpha's toes?



I realize I am reading between the lines a lot here, but I have a hunch that your sense of humor is a
way you've subconsciously attempted to make yourself stand out to men, i.e. to make them notice
you. And if I am right about that, it isn't your success (or even failure) at being funny that is turning
men off, it's the fact that men can recognize your discomfort with who you are shining through your
attempts at being funny. I think you've made the right move by scaling back your wit a little bit,
since I suspect you were using humor as a crutch for garnering male attention. As you probably
have realized, good and bad attention are sometimes difficult to distinguish, and the desire to be
recognized can very easily blur the lines between the two. I suggest recognizing that (a) you don't
need to be the most beautiful girl in the world to find a man that you love and who loves you back,
(b) being comfortable with who you are is way more attractive than humor - in fact it rivals physical
beauty for the most attractive female quality, and (c) just because there are other girls who are
prettier doesn't mean that you can't be noticed for your looks too.

Good Luck,

4 ----------------

Hi Andrew,

In your blog, you say that a woman should never tell a man when she will sleep with him. However,
you also advise women who want a high-quality boyfriend not sleep with a man until he has
demonstrated commitment. In most cases, demonstrating commitment = agreeing to date

These two bits of advice seem to contradict each other. For example, let's say you like a guy,
you've been dating for a while, and you haven't had sex yet. You want to let him know that you are
willing to have sex eventually (so that he doesn't give up in despair), but only after you're exclusive.
But if you say "I want to be exclusive before sex," you're essentially saying, "I'll have sex with you
when we're exclusive." So by communicating that exclusivity is necessary before sex, you're
breaking the rule about never telling a man when you'll sleep with him.

What's the best way to manage this situation?



You are right in the sense that saying "I want to be exclusive before sex" implies that you'll sleep
with him once he commits. But I don't recommend phrasing it that way, mainly because I don't
recommend thinking about it that way.

The implication of such a statement is not only that you'll sleep with him once he commits, but that
you have essentially already decided that you want commitment from him. But if you are in doubt
about his willingness to commit - to the point that you are turning him down for sex - then you
shouldn't be sure yet about what you want from him. This isn't because you should play hard to
get; it is because, if you are self-confident and have a non-needy approach to dating, you shouldn't
want commitment from anyone who doesn't like you enough to commit to you. Everything else
about a guy might be great, but unless he desires you enough to be exclusive (and demonstrates
that by pushing for exclusivity), one of the most important pieces of the puzzle is completely

Instead, I suggest saying "I am not ready for that yet," or better yet, "I only sleep with my
boyfriends." This frames the whole interaction in a healthier mindset, because there is no
implication that you'll say "yes" if he asks you be to exclusive with him. There is therefore also no
implication that you will sleep with him, let alone when.

Hope that helps,

5 ----------------

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the great blog!

I am 32, female and single. I have an illness which does not have any effect on my daily life, but I
don't have enough eggs and no periods without pills. Despite this I have 5-10 % to fall pregnant
spontaneously, but doctors can't improve this percentage. I do want kids but I am also happy to
adopt. My question is, when and how should I tell a guy? I am worried to death that a guy will be
disgusted by my infertility.

Thanks a lot!


You shouldn't tell a guy about your low fertility until you are sure that marriage is something he is
considering. On the surface, that might seem like a long time to wait; but the flip side of that advice
is that (assuming that marriage is what you want from dating) you shouldn't continue dating a guy
more than 6 months without knowing that marriage is something he is at least starting to think
about. If at 6 months you know that the guy isn't even asking himself whether or not you could be
his wife someday, then he isn't on the same page as you, and you shouldn't continue dating him. If
you are uncertain about whether or not he is considering it, then you should bring up the subject
yourself sometime before 6 months. This isn't "pressuring" a guy; it's making sure that you are only
dating men who have the same goals as you, and are on the same timeline. Yes that means that
you won't be able to date a lot of men, but that's just part of the dating landscape for women
interested in marriage.

So the short answer to your question is 6 months at the latest, and as soon as you know he is
taking you seriously at the earliest. I am saying this not because I think you have some kind of
moral obligation to tell him, but because you don't want to spend too much time with a guy for
whom your fertility will be a deal-breaker. But of course, you also don't want a guy to write you off
before they have a chance to really appreciate you.

Good luck,


If you want to ask me for advice, please follow the guidelines here: How to Ask Me for Advice And
if you liked this post, let me know in the comments; I have about 200 more e-mails I need to
answer, so I should have plenty of material for additional posts like this.

Posted by Andrew at 1:51 PM 20 comments:


There Is No Shortcut To Getting Laid
July 7, 2014GameRoosh

When realizing the amount of work that game requires, a mans first instinct may be to seek out an
easier way. For example, maybe a guy noticed that girls are attracted to men with big muscles, so
he decides to go that route. From being skinny-fat he works out hard over the course of nine
months to develop a rock hard body that causes a 7 to approach him in a club and bang him.
Success! And all it took was about 175 hours in the gym.

Another man noticed that having a social circle is a sure way to get laid, so he puts in the work to
create a network of friends and finally after six months he meets an 8 and enters a relationship with
her. Success! And all it took was 200 hours of spending time with his friends with the principal
goal to get laid.

Another man noticed that being popular on Instagram was a great way to get attention from
women, so for a year he spent half an hour a day taking good photos, researching hashtags,
responding to comments, and managing his online image. He attended a local Instagram meetup
and met a pretty girl and banged her. Success! And all it took was 200 hours of using his

Another man noticed that having social status in the nightclubs was the best way to get a girl. He
decides to frequent the best clubs and schmooze with promoters. After six months of becoming a
somebody in these venues, he gets an 8 who bangs him for one month before moving on to a man
with higher status. Success! And all it cost him with 275 hours and hundreds of dollars in liquor

Another man noticed that Colombian village girls had a natural attraction for him. They dont speak
English, of course, so he spent the better half of the year intensively learning Spanish. After
several months of study, he moved to the village and found his dream girl who he was ready to
impregnate. Success! And all it cost him was 400 hours of language study and re-locating to a new

Thankfully, these men received additional rewards that didnt only include sex. The guy at the gym
still has his nice body, the man with the social circle still has his friends, and the man with club
status can still leverage that to meet more women or network with other businessmen. At the same
time, a man who spends much of his game time cold approaching will learn social skills that
transfer to his professional career and other relationships. Show me a guy who has game and he
will be able to tell you exactly how he uses that game every day in his life besides just getting laid.
Whatever option you choose will have its ancillary benefits.

Im not disparaging men who take alternate paths to getting laid, but I must remind you that there is
no shortcut to getting laid. What you think of as a shortcut, like becoming a bartender or a Tinder
ninja, still requires time and energy in order to reach the same sexual end as other methods. The
superiority of one method over another will simply depend on the man and where his personal
interests lie. However, there is a cost from doing indirect methods that neglect game work: you
may lack the skills needed to keep whomever girl you bang. If you get needy on her after the bang,
or fail to maintain the attraction she has for you, youll lose her. In other words, there is absolutely
no escaping the fact that you need to learn pure game alongside any other strategy you pursue.
Game has become a requirement for all modern men, not just to get laid but to maintain
relationships, whether you like it or not.

For myself, I have picked the strategy which complements my lifestyle. Since Im nomadic,
developing local status or a network of friends doesnt make sense since I dont stay in cities for
long. I work out but in Eastern Europe having massive muscles isnt valued as much as in the
West, so I dont devote more than a few hours a week to it. Therefore, when it comes to getting
laid, I mainly rely on the cold approach. Its not easy, but its the skill that I can use in any city I live

Only when I become a permanent resident can I start to invest time in the more indirect methods
that not only help me with women, but offer me additional social or personal benefits. Whatever
method you choose, it should be one where you value the extra benefits it offers besides sex,
because youll be spending hundreds of hours doing it. If you consider game just a way for a man
to increase his value, its clear to see how well be doing it every day for the rest of our lives.

My Firsthand Experience With Thirst
July 4, 2014Dating, RooshRoosh

By the third week of my recent DC visit, I fully internalized the horror that became of the citys night
scene. While there were glimpses of pretty girls if you happened to step foot in the right bar on the
right day at the right hour, there definitely was a decrease in attractive women who were open to
being approached or even capable of having a conversation with a new man. It didnt help that
there was an increase in large mixed-set groups that were hostile to strangers.

On a Friday night a friend and I bar hopped to find a venue that was tolerable. Our fourth try was
successfulwe found a rooftop bar where the ratio was 1:1. I was actually getting eye contact from
most of the women present, an early Christmas miracle in DC. Even though the scene was worse
than what I was used to in Eastern Europe, I couldnt contain my excitement, and it didnt take long
for a petite girl to give me unambiguous eye contact. I approached her without difficulty.

Now I must state that her hair was short, barely reaching the bottom of her neck. I like to think of
myself as having low thirst, but DC is a harsh environment and I had few pans simmering on the
stove. I decided to be a touch looser with my standards.

Her face was plain and pale, without any makeup, but it was symmetrical and free of deformities.
The best part was her body. In a city of mostly overweight people, she was tiny, on par to what I
am used to in Eastern Europe. It also helped that she was young (23). I decided to pursue the
interaction with full vigor.

There was some natural chemistry between us, helped by our foreign status, with her being from
England and me a tourist in my own city. My clown game was received well and I successfully
passed her tests of my masculinity. For example, she asked me what I did for a living. I replied, I
dont mean to be rude, but I cant talk about it.

Are you some type of spy? she asked.

Thats not something I can talk about.

If you dont tell me what you do, Im going to leave.

You are a free woman and so can do what you wish, but unfortunately I am unable to share
details of my employment with someone I hardly know and dont yet trust. What do you do?

The matter was dropped with me gaining value in her eyes as a possible criminal or secret
government agent.

Another test she dropped on me was, I cant kiss you in public. After accessing my memory
stores for the optimum answer based on 13 years of running game, I replied with, Dont flatter
yourself. I dont want to kiss you. This only encouraged her further and she attempted to tease me
by narrowing the space between us. By the time we hit one hour of interaction time, I felt like I was
playing a video game, with hurdles that were not especially hard but nonetheless required some
quick thinking.

An additional test was when she inquired what I wanted to do at the moment. Do you want to have
sex? she asked.

I said, Sex? No I just want to go for a walk. I dont like crowded places. Why dont we step outside
for a few minutes and then come back?

Okay but I have to tell my friends. I wont take my jacket so were forced to come back.

You are free to come back, but it is a little bit chilly outside so it would be a shame if you caught a

Youre right, Ill take my jacket.

We walked to a quiet bar where things got more intimate. My boner was operating at warp speed
power and I was indeed ready to have sex. As if reading my mind, she said, Im unable to have
sex tonight.

Unable is a very specific word. So youre on your period, I replied.

Yes! How did you know?

Instinct, young girl, instinct. I gave her my whole Ill drink the blood spiel but she didnt seem too
keen, and for the first time in my life I seriously wondered if I really wanted to fuck a hole that was
bloody. Instead, she suggested we cuddle at my apartment. Was this plausible deniability for her
to bang me or did she really want to cuddle? There was only one way to find out, but before we left
for my apartment, she said a couple things which gave me pause.

Right now I just want to have fun since Im young, she said, but one day I want to fall in love and
make babies.

My brains response: She is on the cock centrifuge. When shes tired of getting stuffed by men
who dont want to have a relationship with her, she will ensnare a hopeless dweeb. At least were
in line to be one of the random cocks.

My response to her: I think its important to explore your sexuality while youre still young to find
out what you want out of life before you make any large commitments.

She said: I am a feminist. Like, there is still the wage gap issue where women make only 77% of

My brains response: Were selling out if we dont object to this, but then again that body is nice.

My response to her: I see.

She said: The problem with guys these days is that they are too nice. They dont know how to be
aggressive. They dont know how to read body language or know when a girl really wants to do

My brains response: Give her a fake number, fake job, fake everything!

My response to her: A lot of people these days have lost sexual instinct, both women and men.

I let the feminist remark slide. I did not object to it and I did not walk away, all because I was horny
at that moment, strongly wanted to get laid, and was close to making it happen. Its quite easy to
make proclamations of not having sex with feminists when youre in Eastern Europe and there
arent any feminists around, but when you meet the feminist and she gives you a throbbing boner,
those intellectual objections go out the window and you revert back to your animalistic state. My
brain, however, would not let me get away with this act of hypocrisy before the night was over.

We took a taxi to my place and dare I say she was a bit affectionate, much more than a typical
American girl. Im not surprised because my experiences with British girls have not been so bad,
and while my sample size is tiny, I like their sense of humor, their accent, and the ease at which
they spread their legs.

My apartment was acceptable to her. She called it a little bachelor pad, the biggest compliment
she gave me all night. She then made it clear where the interaction was going by grabbing me and
kissing passionately. I grabbed a towel and said, I will leave this beside the bed. She let me take
off her shirt and bra. She massaged my cock through my jeans and unbuckled my belt. Nine times
out of ten with such de-robing, sex is going to occur. My brain geared up for this, but then she
suddenly stopped and said, No I cant. Im on my period. If we were lovers I would do it. I tried to
smooth talk my way into accessing her bloody vagina but it did not work. Then I moved to plan B
by guiding her head to my crotch. She didnt get the hint and tried to curl up next to me like she
wanted to sleep. Lets cuddle, she said.

She did not understand what its like to be a man and experience the sexual torture of being fully
aroused while laying next to a half naked woman without any possibility of release. A decade prior,
I would endure the night, get her number, and wait four days for a date, but I wanted an orgasm
right then. I didnt want a relationship with her and I didnt want to date her. I also had already
bought her one alcoholic beverage (ten dollar investment). There is nothing about her that is
superior to my prior pussy average, and I do value a good nights sleep more than a possibly future
sexual encounter a few days later, with absolutely no guarantee shed show up. So my brain made
me say the following: But your mouth isnt bleeding.

She exploded in anger, immediately getting dressed and calling me weird. She made a comment
that she had been with many guys but not one said such a horrible thing. Telling her to calm
down did quite the opposite, and she left abruptly. Stating my sexual needs in a crude manner
caused her to lose all attraction she had for me. I shrugged my shoulders, masturbated, then had a
pleasant slumber without any ache in my testicles, without any anxiety of having had sex with an
emotional feminist who may have some slut guilt and revise the nights events the morning after in
front of the magistrate (or when she writes about it for

I wasnt mad at this British girl. From her perspective, she did the right thing. She has tons of
options in the city with men who will cuddle with her all night without caring if they get laid or not,
who wont request her delicate lips on his genitalia. There are men who will wait three or four dates
to have sex with her, so I will be the first to admit that in DC she has high value. While she did
have attraction for me, there was no reason to forgive my offensive wow-just-wow statement
because the very next night she could find another man higher than me in attractiveness who
makes her aroused and puts her sexual needs before his own.

In the end, I was disappointed in myself. I tolerated pronouncements that went against my values
just so I could get laid, but both my behavior and hers were logical based on the environment we
were in. The supply of pretty girls are lacking so a man will lower his standards. Guys are not
lacking so a woman will raise hers, expecting a man tomore or lessbe perfect, without making
her feel uncomfortable at any point in the interaction.

I would fear living in DC for the long term, not just because it would decrease my overall
happiness, but because of what it would reduce me to. After a night like this, I couldnt help but
recall what it has reduced me to in the past.

The 3 Immutable Laws Of Getting The Highest Quality Women
July 2, 2014GameRoosh

Every six months or so I do a regressive analysis on my most recent sexual relationships. I ask
myself the following questions:

Where are your lays coming from?
What is the ROI on the venues you are approaching in?
Do you see any common patterns among the girls you have been happiest with?
The last question has led to a surprising conclusion that I can no longer deny: the girls who have
treated me the best had merely slightly above average beauty. In other words, the girls who played
the fewest games with me, answered the phone whenever I called, replied back to texts
immediately, rarely complained or whined, and attempted to make all my sexual dreams come true
had beauty that was not especially high. They were cute, but I have done better in terms of raw
attractiveness, sometimes significantly so.

Lets say that my overall value in Eastern Europe is a 7.5. If I date a girl who is also a 7.5 in
beauty, which is comparable to my value, I will have to keep my game sharp at all times. She will
test me regularly and be generally challenging even in a normal relationship. If I date a girl who is
an 8.5, the relationship is hanging on a string. One little mistake on my end and she may be gone.
It will only be a short-term relationship that I beat myself up about when its over.

The more I date down, the easier it is to manage the girl in a relationship. She will essentially do
whatever I want and treat me like a king, but when Im out with her on my arm and see many girls
more beautiful than her, I feel like a failure. Im jealous of other men who have obviously better
looking women than me, and that Im selling myself short based on how hard I tried to improve
myself as a man. I just cant escape the negative feelings no matter how much I try, so beauty is a
requirement I cant let go of.

So therein lies the dilemma. Back in my pump and dump days, I would sometimes have a lucky
night out and bang a very pretty girl, maybe because she was on the rebound, but maintaining a
relationship with her is quite different that fornicating with her one or twice. Its almost as if the work
is just beginning once you bang such a high value girl, but with the girl whose quality is lower, its
smooth sailing after the initial penetration. In the latter case, you just have to show up and shell
worship you.

Im the type of man who likes to have his cake and eat it too (a silly idiom, for if you have cake you
definitely want to eat it), so I thought about this problem and asked myself how I could have the
beautiful girl who also worships me. By looking into my past, I came up with three possible

1. Find a beautiful girl who, for some reason, is insecure or unaware of her value (she almost
always is under 25).
2. Find a beautiful girl who lives in a city that lacks good men while having a disproportionate
amount of other beautiful women.
3. Be a 10 guy who is higher value than just about everyone.

The first point is not location-dependent. You can find this type of girl anywhere in the world, but it
will require an immense number of approaches. In effect, youre looking for a needle in a haystack.
In my 10+ years of gaming, I have found less than 10 of them. Its hard to develop a strategy on
meeting these girls, but focusing on day game is the best way to start.

The second point is obviously location-dependent. In effect, youre looking for poosy paradise
where local environmental factors greatly aid in a mans search for beautiful women. You will be
looking for a non-Western location with a high busted dudes score and a population of more
women than men (it is possible to find this type of advantage in the West only if you develop a
localized niche). This is what I have been doing for roughly the past five years, searching for the
one place where my value is higher due to local factors.

The third point is limited by genetic factors. Some men, no matter how hard they work, will never
be a 10, but it is our duty to hit the limit that our genetics allow, both in appearance, resource
accumulation, charm, and interestingness. If you are a 4 currently, and your genetic ceiling is a 6,
its still in your best interest to reach for that value. I figure my default value is a 5 (average), but
with strenuous work I pulled it up to something in the 7s.

From whichever angle I look at it, the same answers to the woman problem keep popping up, and
years of experience both in America and abroad keep supporting these conclusions. They are
essentially the three immutable laws for any man to lay a beautiful woman and keep her in a way
that provides him with happiness. Here they are:

1. Learn game.
2. Increase your value as much as possible through work, effort, and persistence.
3. Be as location independent as possible (have penis, will uproot).

This is the secret. From the time I was 22 to about 28, I diligently worked on game, racking up
god knows how many approaches. From approximately 26 to 33, I got my money right by
publishing over 15 books that earn me passive income today and which allow me to pursue non-
monetary goals like learning a new language. From around 28 to currently, I have researched over
20 countries in the search of poosy paradise, and while my standards seem to always stay just
ahead of my results, I have drastically increased both the quality of women Ive layed and the
happiness of mini relationships Ive ended up with.

I know some guys are thinking, But I cant spend years to travel to find my poosy paradise! Then
youll have to massively step up your efforts in the other two areas. If you nail at least two of the
three, you should have strong results. If you can nail all three, then you are probably hitting your
ceiling. Within the next few years, I will lay the highest quality girls that is possible based on who I
am. Then I will enter my 40s and start seeing a decline (based on the same amount of work).

Its important to note that my increase in qualitative results with women have been so gradual I
cant perceive it in real time. Every couple of years it gets just a tiny bit better, a change so slow
that only when I look at girls I banged several years ago do I realize the jump Ive made. The sad
thing is that with such a slow change, you really dont feel like youre getting better, so the struggle
of yesterday always remains with you today.

Tomorrow I will wake up and still have to tweak my game to deal with ever changing factors that
require different strategies to attract a higher quality of women I want. I still have to keep my value
high and make sure my money is good. I still have to be flexible with my location, and get ready to
move away from places that used to serve me in the past but have recently changed. For most of
us not born with top genetic looks or stock, the quest for great women is all encompassing,
continuous, exhausting, and full of hardship. Thats never going to change, and most men will say
no to taking this path because its harder than playing video games or watching sports, but for men
like myself who want to enjoy its rewards, at least we know what we have to do.

Read Next: How To Become A Multilingual International Player In 61 Easy Steps

Why Doesnt The Chicken Smell?
June 30, 2014CultureRoosh

I get most of my protein from chicken breasts. Its tasty, easy to cook, and can be found in nearly
any supermarket of the world. Its the main ingredient in most dinner meals I cook. When I first
went to South America, I noticed something weird: the chicken breast would start to smell only two
or three days after I bought it. This chicken must not be fresh, I thought.

I went to Eastern Europe and the chicken would also begin to smell quickly. Even tiny chicken
scraps I put in the trash would cause the entire apartment to stink if I didnt empty it promptly. I
learned to only buy small quantities that I knew I would cook in the next day or two and to empty
my trash every three days, even if it wasnt full.

When I came back to the States in late 2012, I went to the supermarket and bought a package of
chicken breast. I dont know why I did this because my mother and stepmom insisted on feeding
me, saving me from having to cook. When it was time to use the chicken breast, one week after I
bought it, I assumed that all was lost and the chicken would be inedible. I opened the package,
expecting the smell of death, but instead there was not a single faint odor. It looked and smelled

While abroad, I would ask why the chicken would smell so quickly, but over time I gradually
concluded that dead flesh should degrade rather quickly unless it was frozen. So my question
changed: why doesnt the chicken I buy in America smell? What advanced chemicals are they
putting into this meat that they arent using abroad? When I eat foreign chicken, I know Im eating a
product that is close to natural, raised somewhat nearby, but in America I cant say Im exactly sure
what Im eating. The same thing happens with bread and milk. Foreign bread often develops mold
within a week and foreign milk actually spoils by the sell-by date, but not in America. Food stays
good for long periods of time.

I had already examined other questions. For example, why are the girls so thin in Eastern Europe?
I was surprised to find out that girls rarely eat more than two meals a day, and I even met girls who
only ate one meal a day. Two meals a day seemed to contain some element of self-deprivation,
but fast forward three years and I currently eat two meals a day (in addition to a snack). The better
question is why do Americans insist on eating so much? Why do they seek pleasure in food? Why
do they think three meals a day is standard?

In Eastern Europe, I noticed that people are stoic and not friendly. They do not have a bubbly
attitude towards strangers. They dont say How are you? to everyone or give Thanks for the
most minor of deeds. I wondered why this is, but if you look at ancient history, being friendly to
strangers could come with grave repercussions. You had to be skeptical of those outside your tribe
because those strangers could kill you. So my new question became why are Americans so nice to
people they dont know?

In Eastern Europe, people dont care much about nurturing their individuality. They try to fit in and
look like everyone else instead of trying to be unique, dynamic, empowered, or whatever other
buzzword is trendy this year. Why dont they cover themselves with tattoos to better express who
they are? Why dont they color their hair green or just shave half of their head? Now I see it from a
different angle. Americans are afraid of accepting the boring humanity they share with everyone
else and are desperate to stand out with superficial accoutrements that reveal their insecurites and
the massive confusion they have about who they are. The better question is why do Americans
race to be the biggest freakshow on the block for the sole purpose of standing out aesthetically but
not intellectually?

Things that Americans come to see as normal are quite abnormal in other parts of the world,
ranging from how they conduct business, how they pair bond, how they entertain themselves, how
they educate themselves, how they approach ambition, and how they prioritize they wants and
needs. America is exceptional after all, but not in a way that I find normal, which is why any
psychological or sociological study coming out of the West is complete rubbish to me. Its
examining the behavior of a very peculiar type of people who are not representative of human
beings around the world. After being exposed to foreign cultures for over five years, my instinct is
to see them as more normal from a human perspective, while seeing the American way of life to
be quite perverse and strange, a culture that needs a massive dose of medicine to align itself with
more traditional behavior.

I recently returned to Washington DC for one month (I actually lived in DC instead of the suburbs)
and the best analogy I can give you to my experience is walking through the zoo, viewing the
animals on display. I felt pity for how these animals were taken out of a traditional environment and
put into something wholly artificial, that they traded their freedom and the pursuit of truth for
comfort and scheduled feedings, without even realizing it. I should have felt angry at what I saw,
but no one gets angry from a visit to the zoo.

Instead, my visit was surprisingly emotionless. I noticed the signs that said not to feed the animals
and tried to keep a safe distance. I sympathized with the animals who I could sense knew that
something is wrong with their captivity, but they have been so domesticated that they dont know
how to regain their natural instincts. Too many American animals were born in chains and think
their cage is how life always was for their kind. If you take them out into the wild I dont think they
would know how to survive. For most of them its better they stay in the zoo, and my fear is that I
will soon see long lines of free animals abroad wanting to move to zoos modeled on what we see
in America.

Behavior that I once saw as normal is now definitely abnormal, based on my own reading of history
and the sometimes confusing experiences Ive had abroad that conflicted with what I was taught in
my birth country. My change in perspective gives me hope for my fellow man, because perspective
can be changed. It is possible to escape the zoo, to cleanse your body from the food they feed
you, and live more closely to your human natureas much as you can in an urban environment
but its safe to say that most people dont want to leave the zoo even if given the chance. They
dont want to change their perspective and they will never arrive to the point where they stop and
ask themselves why the chicken doesnt smell.

Read Next: 10 Reasons Why Heterosexual Men Should Leave America

All Women Burn You The Same In The End
June 27, 2014Game, Girl BehaviorRoosh

Raise your hand if youve treated a woman well but she did not return the favor. I see that
everyones hand is up. I dont need to tell you that if a girl loses her attraction for you or meets a
man better than you, she will begin to treat you worse than homeless men she encounters on the
street, regardless of how well you have treated her in the past (even if youre the father of her
child). Her treatment of you is just as conditional as if working for a corporation where you receive
an income based on the value you provide for the company. If you stop working, youre out on your
ass. Its the same with women, though they can be even more heartless when they decide to fire

Years ago, the gooey part of me wanted to conclude that not all women are like that. They wouldnt
cut me off on a dime just because they briefly got bored with me or because I made some game
errors, so I decided to make two classifications to the women I met: (1) sluts and (2) nice girls. I
would give the nice girls better treatment and kindness. Id be more open and available for them.
Id be less calculating and stringent with my game.

What girl is nicer than a virgin? These girls have the least amount of experience with men out of all
females and definitely cant be classified as a slut. But surprisingly, my experiences with virgins
have told me that I cant even treat them well without being cognizant of my game at all times. For

Colombian virgin: I treated her super nice but she flaked on me after I took her virginity
Colombian semi-virgin (I was penis number two): treated her and her mother nice but she dumped
me after the second sex date, only to stalk me for months after
American virgin: treated her nice, took her virginity, and then she disappeared
Danish virgin: acted aloof, took her virginity, and she kept in touch with me for months after
Polish virgin: stretched her exceedingly tight vagina over the course of six weeks, offered to pay
her taxi home once, and then she started acting flakey
I have a couple other experiences with women who had less than five partners where I was voted
off the island after taking her inexperience for granted and treating her too well without being strict
about receiving my needs in return.

Now I truly believe that some girls really want a beta male as a partner, but when I attempted to
use two different gamesone for sluts and one for nice girlsI always regretted it in the end. I
made the mistake in assuming that my niceness with them would translate into everlasting
compliance where Id get sex on demand and not have to deal with a girls emotions and bullshit. I
was wrong.

Lowering my guard and relaxing my game on the nicest of girls was no defense to receiving the
same kind of ill treatment that frigid sluts would give me when they were ready to replace my cock
with a newer model. While not all women are like that at first glance, theyre all the same in the
end, no matter what country they are from and how many sex partners theyve had. The true
nature of women always seems to rear its ugly head once her attraction for you dims, and the only
defense against that is maintaining strong attraction by being absolutely methodical with your
game at all critical moments.

All women will screw you in the end if you assume her attraction is not dependent on the game you
give her, even virgins and nice girls whose parents you had to meet on the second date. If they
have other options on the table, and your game slips just an inch from what she became attracted
to initially, youre done, and there is often nothing you can do to get her back after she decides that
you are no longer important in her life. Because of this, you must approach the relationship like a
job, putting in the required amount of labor (game) to get the consistent payment (sex) you desire.

I would love to be a nice guy, to be myself, but I cant with women. Maybe I can be myself 90% of
the time, but the 10% of me has to be the Godzilla of game. Modern relations with women are
purely transactional, a competition on who gets served first. To ensure that you get what you want
before she tosses you out like garbage, you must remain ruthless and aware every time you see
her, never stopping for a second in playing the best game that you can.

Read Next: Is Game Making Women Overconfident?

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