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ACCENTURE Placement Paper 1

Question Paper
There are three sections.
Section 1-ENGLS!
1a) In this section 2 passages were there on basis of that u have to answer 10 questions (5 question each
) First passage was based on ball tempering by Indian team with mi of lagan story !In this answer of first
question was ("all tempering) the second passage was based on #adar movie!(same story)!
1)$andid%ans fran&
2)'pecifaction %ans documentation
() )tradite *deport
+) $ursory* scold
5) ,,,,,,,,,,* very high
fill up the blan&s with proper word(5 questions)
pic& the sentence which has grammatical mista&e!(5 questios)!
Section $-%er&al '() *uestions+
-ere few questions are from logical reasoning (eg!)(. questions)
'entences% ( type of question) (logical deductions)
i/some cats are dog
ii/ no dog is lion
conclusion %
i/ some dogs are lion
ii/ some dog are cats
a/ only 0i/ follows
b/ either I or ii follows
c/ none follows
2 questions on 1means 23 4mean ,3 etc!!
answers of those questions are + and ,205(!!
letter series eample aabb,abda6bbaa this type one question
a question of this type
find the net term in 78 3"7 398 li&e this
Aptitu,e *uestions#
1) it has 20 miutre conatins mil and water in the ratio (%53replace + litres of miture with + litres of water
what is the final ratio of mil& and water!
2) 1 means 2 and 2 means 5 and 5 means 4 what is the value of these question 21(255: it was two
question of these type!
() ;he equivalent compound ratio of 5%.%%:%10%%.%5 ( question of this type this is not eact question)!
() wor& can be done by < men and 10 women in 25 days3 the same wor& can be done by 10 children and
5 women ! in how many days 2 children and ( men (similar to this)
+) one man or two women or three boys can do a wor& in ++ days then one man3 one women and one
boy together can fininsh the same wor& in ,,,, dyas
5) (==<,1)(==<,2)(==<,()6666!!(==<,n)*,,,,,,, when n/1000 ans is >ero
.) in how many ways can a loc& be opened if that loc& has three digit number loc& if
i) the last digit is =
ii) and sum of the first two digits is less than or equal to the last digit!
numbers are from 0,=
:)if a man reduces the selling price of a fan from +00 to (<0 his loss increases by 204 !cost price of fan
<) there are :. persons! 5( can read hindu3+. can read times3(= can read deccan and 15 can read all!if
22 can read hindu and deccan and 2( can read deccan and times then what is the number of persons
who read only times and hindu666ans 1<
=) in pure mil& if 204 replaced by water and in this again 204 is replaced by water and again 204 is
replaced by water then what is the praportion of mil& in that miture
10) after 10 years 7 will be twice the age of " before 10 years!and now if the difference is = years
between them then what is the age of " after 10 years ans +=
11)races and games ,,,, 2 questions from this chapter li&e (7 beats " by 10 meters and " beats $ by 15
metres the 7 beats $ by )
12)in the year 1==0 there are 5000 men (000 women 2000 boys !in 1==+ men are increased by 204
women are increased by ratio of boys and women (this type of question but some what difficult I mean it
ta&es too much time to solve)
better to go through the following chapters in both ?b@ective arithmetic and Auantitative 7ptitude by B'
ratio and praportion (+ questions)
ages (( ques )
races and games
time and distance
time and wor&
Cote%if u don6t get answers please tic& 6$63 u will be shortlisted 'ee there will be mentioned that negitive
mar&ing is there but I am sure that there is no negitive mar&ing Do not be afraid of attempting all
questions 7ttempt all
In the last part you will get option ) as answer but there is no option ) to tic& in the answer sheet please
be careful
-or G.
Eer team < members and they tell us to choose a topic of ourown interest ;he topics we faced are
7dvantages and disadvantages of Internet "etting in cric&et should legali>ed or not )ducation system in
India 7 discussion on Iraq and 7merica war
7fter finishing the #D you will be given a form
Elease fill the form very very very carefully because based on that they pose the questions in the
Bemember those who have year gap in acadamic career will have less chances (happened to our
batch)3;hose who do not have consistant percentages in their academics also !
T0o inter/ie0s
-irst !R then Technical
-B questions are based on the form mentiond above it is very cool and do very very carefully be aware of
the things whatever you say
;echnical interview comprices basic questions in every sub@ect and the pro@ects done in your curriculum
ACCENTURE Placement Paper (
7ccenture has five selection rounds3 all are elimination rounds
;his is an aptitude round3 there are ( sections3
'ection I% )nglish (Focab3 $omprehension etc)
'ection II% 7ptitude (B!'! 7garwal should be suffecient)
'ection III% Beasoning3 pic&up any #B) boo& 3 it should be sufficient
;he aptitude round is pretty much simple
;-is is a #D round3 this is also elimination3 '? donGt forget to ma&e a
point3 they donGt normally see how relevant you spea&3 its @ust that you
should spea& something and ma&e yourself heard!
;his is an -B round3 this is also an elimination round3 it will be a casual
tal&3 for god sa&e donGt say any thing contoversial and donGt contradict
Roun, %
;his is a technical round3 they will normally as& you questions pertaining
your field of interest and will focus on the pro@ects that you have done3
you should be able to tal& about your pro@ects with confidence!
Roun, %
;his is a combination of hr and technical 3 again the same stuff is
repeated3you need to @ust hold on 3 co> you are almost there!
;he bottom line is that you should be a good communicator and show
;his is the selection procedure %
1);est %normal agarwal apptitude3)nglish synonyms3B$Gs!!!!!!!!!!(cat pattern basically)
2) #D% 7Cy general topic pic&ed (ma&e sure u ma&e one valid pt and ma&e ur voice heard int eh crowd of
10 ppl)
()-r round% normal -r Aues(goals longH short 3bac&ground3strenghs3 wea&nesses)
+);echnical rnd%Auestions abt the pro@ects u have done(" very well prepared with it)
5)Final rnd%Auestions abt ur fav topic(i pic&ed c5c11) !
If u go thru with these rnds u have made thru!
If i learn of any vacancies i will definetly &eep inputting the info onto the grp!!
;he questions as&ed were from the following
1)numerical %
profit H loss3 percentages3 mitures3 time and distance3 time and wor&!
2)analytical %
venn diagrams ( if in a class of +0students3 10 spea& only telegu3 20 spea& both telegu and tamil!!!!)3
probability3 drawing conclusions!!!
() verbal % was basically easy ,, @ust synonyms3 choose the correct one!!3 passage!
the test was easy! there were .0 questions( .0 mins)! $an anyone of you tell me what are we epected to
study for the interview!
;he pattern% (for the 97F7 people! ;here was separate process for !Cet and 8ainframe people)!
;he process consisted of%
1! Iritten ;est
2! #D
(! -B Interview
+! ;ech Interview
5! Final Interview
.! ?ffer
1! ;he written was purel technical (as it was for ep people)! $onsisted of (0 ques! in (0 min! Aoes! from
)9" (5,. ques)3 9'E5servelts ((,+ ques)3 J8K (2 ques)3sql5database(2,(ques) and rest core @ava! "e
prepared as the test is tough! Erepare the basics well!!!!!!
2! #D was coool! ;hey from groups of 12 people! ;opics are common li&e shud internet chatting in I;
companies be allowed3 'hud ragging be banned etc!!! Co need o shout3 @ust ma&e sure that your point
gets noticed by the group!
(! ;his one is real hard! Lou gotta have ur basics of 97F7 and 92)) crystal clear! ;he person was though
cool and gave u ample time to answer! 7s&ed tric&y questions related to basics of )9"3 servlets etc!
+! ;he -B interview is a bree>e! ;hey @ust as& usual questions li&e your career ob@ectives3 why u want to
change3 why 7ccenture3 wea&ness3 strengths etc!!! 'pea& well and with confidence!
5! ;he final interview is with a manager! -ave no idea about it as iGm still waiting for it to be held! ;hough
the process was supposed to be completed on 'unday itself3 too many people turned up!!!! and the
process got delayed! 7ll those who cleared the first + rounds were told to go bac&!!!!!! said that they will
ta&e telephonic interviews!!!!!!!!still aiting for it!!!!!!!
7lso3 you have to fill )mployee 7pp! Form if u clear the #D!!! 8a&e sure u have atleast 2 referecnes
ACCENTURE Placement Paper - $
Accenture Pattern #
(consists of + rounds, all are elimination rounds)
1+ 2ritten Test#-'$ sections+-3) *ues4 3) mins.
section 1%
(20 questions),,Ferbal (Befer barronGs #B)), 5 ques on reading comprehensions
(i!e passage reading)35 ques on sentence completion35 synonoms3 5 antynoms!
section 2%
(20 questions),,7ptitude (refer B!'! 7ggarwal), @ust refer these chapters
(profit H loss3percentage3time Hwor&3time H distance3 allegationHmitures3
ratio H proportion3average3simplification(q! no,:. to =5)! thatGs enoughMMMMM
section (%
(20 questons),,Kogical reasoning(10ques) and analytical reasoning
questions(10ques),(for analytical refer barronGs #B))!
(Cote% hi guys5galsMMM for all the above ques(i!e! verbal3aptitude and reasoning)3 u can
refer newly arrived monthly maga>ine( s!chands $?8E);I;I?C I?BKD(Bs!(05,) ,,available in
ma@estic(opp!to 'aagar ;heatre)
2)#D(#roup Discussion)%,
7ny general topic pic&ed(topic that i got,, do you prefer chatting
in office or notMMM),spea& confidentlly for 2,( minutes and ma&e
urself heard in a grp of 10 people! ;hen u can easily get thruM
()-B interview%,
(formal questions such as tell me abt ur self3 family bac&ground3
strengths and wee&nesses3 about accenture3why should we hire u63where
do you want to see urself in net 5 yrs3 do u prefer team wor& or
individuality etc!)
+);)$- interview%,
(about ur final sem pro@ect and field of interest5favourite sub@ect,,
i pic&ed up $!)"e thorough with ur final sem pro@ect! they may go deep
into ur pro@ect also3be ready to eplain it very clearly and confidently3
they @ust need clearcut description of ur pro@ect! For me luc&ily no
technical ques3only as&ed to eplain final sem pro@ect which i eplained
it for 20 mins H got selected3but anyhow some of the technical ques in $
that u can epect are%
1)pointer to a function!
2)pointer to structure!
()static variable and difference b5w(const char 2p3char const 2p3const char2 const p)!
+)pass by value H reference!
5)string library functions(synta)!
.)Irite a program to compare two strings without using the strcmp() function!
:)Irite a program to concatenate two strings!
<)Irite a program to interchange 2 variables without using the third one!
=)Irite programs for 'tring Beversal H Ealindrome chec& !
10)Irite a program to find the Factorial of a number!
11)Irite a program to generate the Fibinocci 'eries!
12)searching and sorting alogorithms with compleities!
the test was for 1 hr duration with three sections
.0 questions in all,,, no negative mar&ing
1) Auant% Bs 7garwal
2) )nglish%reading passage3 synonyms etc!
() Kogical Beasoning
;he paper was easy and the cut off was very less !!! i heard it was 25
questions from .0 (not confirmed)
;his was the #D round
group of 12 people,,topic% Indo,Ea& relations3 Is america bullyingother
countries etc
;o clear this round u @ust have to spea&!! thatGs it!!! ma&e urself heard in
the group!!what u spea& is not important!!!!
they said the Bound III will be an -B round which will conducted over a
telephone and the
B?JCD IF is the ;ech round which will be conducted though video

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