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A Palace Full of Liars


By Eve Rabi


Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2013 Eve Rabi. All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media used in this book are fictitious
and are the product of the author's imagination. The author acknowledges the trademark status and
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Table of Contents

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Books by Eve Rabi

Chapter One


Rusty Carrrington left for New York and Princess Henna was pregnant with an heir to the throne
of Asokastan mission accomplished, everyones happy. Right?
Not quite.
After Princess Henna walked away from Rusty, she spent three days in bed facing the wall and
crying quietly. I felt totally helpless, but there was little I could do to comfort her.
She did not tell Barood or Vijay about the pregnancy, so I said nothing.
I suspected it was because she was too broken to handle the response to such big news. I mean,
she was pregnant with the heir to the throne of Asokastan, it took years for that to happen and finally,
everyone could exhale. Big news, it most certainly was, but she needed time to get her head around
the fact that she was never going to see Rusty again.
I got that, so all I could do was do nothing and watch powerlessly as she struggled with her
private pain and heartache.
I knew that Queen Karisma would make a huge deal out of it it was one way of silencing all
those who suspected that Prince Vijay was indeed gay. Appearances were everything to Her
You have to eat, Henna, I coached.
She pushed away the crackers and orange juice I gave her. Her eyelids were swollen and her
face was blotchy. It had been that way for days now.
You want the baby to be okay, right?
That seemed to jar her she nodded and reluctantly took a cracker from me.
I suspected that Henna was was pregnant long before she and I found out. Altering the pack of
sanitary towels in an attempt to fool me didnt work.
But, I guess she loved Rusty so much, shed have done anything to prolong breaking up with
He asked me to marry him, she whispered. Gave me a beautiful ring.
Really? Wheres the ring now?
I left it bbehind. Would have been wrong to take it. Fat tears rolled down her face and
splashed into the glass of orange juice in her hand.
I gave her a hug. Everything will be alright, Henna, I murmured through my tears. When she
cried, I always ended up crying.
No amount of kind words or hugs could comfort her. She stopped talking, stopped
communicating with everyone around her and became reclusive once again.
More than two weeks passed before she reluctantly allowed me to announce the pregnancy to
Maharani and Roop Singh.
As expected, there was a flurry of activity around us after the announcement. Back slapping,
hugs, congratulations everyone was happy once they got over their shock of Vijay being able to sire
a child.
Vijay looked terribly relieved, while Barood was dancing with excitement.
Barood put on his red spandex, tied red and green scarves to his wrists and danced to The
way you make me feel by Michael Jackson, then Aap jaisa koi and swayed like Zeenath Aman,
and finally, Humko aaj kal hai where he writhed and rolled on the floor like Madhuri Dixit did.
His enthusiasm was so contagious, that we all ended up rolling on the floor, expect Henna. She
just stood in the sides and smiled sadly at us.
They way Barood rejoiced, youd have thought he was the father. Or mother.
But his happiness was genuine, and Henna and I were pleased that a baby could bring him and
Vijay so much happiness. Even though the price Princess Henna paid to make them happy, was
enormous and caused her to drown in guilt and sorrow.
Vijays lessons with Rusty had come to an end, so we never saw Rusty through the window
The black mist shrouding Princess Henna continued and she spent most days in bed, curled up in
fetal position, clutching a white teddy bear Rusty had given her and pining for him.
Henna, come, you have to be strong.
I want him, she sobbed. I dont care about anyone or anything. I just want to go to him and tell
him everything, Rekha. Maybe he will forgive me. Maybe his love for me will be so great that nothing
will matter just him and me with our child.
I would lie in bed with her and listen to her sorrowful rambling, her fantasies.
Wish my mother would come, she said in a forlorn voice. Seeing her despair, I sent word to
her mother, invited her to visit. But her mother didnt. Henna had to settle for my arms instead.
Queen Karisma bestowed a ton of gifts for the baby, but Princess Henna opened nothing. Barood
and I had fun unwrapping them and sorting them out.
The Queen must have been happy because for the first time ever, she visited Prince Vijay and
Princess Henna and had tea with them. She breezed into the suite, decked in all her finery and after
taking in the place, she congratulated them.
Im throwing you guys a huge party to announce the baby, she said. In seven months,
Asokastan would have an heir and the world must know.
What she meant was the world must know that her son, the crown prince, is indeed virile.
As the weeks crawled into months, Princess Henna got bigger and bigger and pretty soon, she
was looking like a volcano about to erupt. Her crying ceased but her misery lingered. Her morning
sickness didnt help. It caused lethargy in her.
She was happy that she was going to have a baby someone who she could love and who would
love her back in return. She was especially happy that she had loved the babys father more than she
had loved anyone in my life, and that he had loved her in return.
She stopped looking out of the window though. I think she couldnt handle not seeing her lover
What is wrong with our Princess? Meena asked. We all are worried about her.
Just hormones, I lied. Give her time and all will be okay.
Then a bombshell the doctor told us that Henna was having twins. After we got over our shock,
did we jump for joy. Literally.
Maharani couldnt stop smiling at the good news.
As for Barood out came the music and we danced all over again. Again, he took Hennas hand
and tried to get her to dance with us like old times, but she didnt. She no longer danced. Which was
the saddest thing for me, because she used to love to dance.
Now I will have two bundles to cherish, she said with a melancholy smile. Wonder what
Rusty would say if he knew I was carrying two of his babies?
None of us answered.
To keep her mind occupied, Miss Sarah and I forced her to continue her education.
After initially protesting, she buried herself in her studies. Shed spend almost six hours a day
learning. I think she welcomed the distraction kept her mind occupied. Miss Sarah was very happy
with Hennas progress and set her some challenges which kept Henna really busy.

Chapter Two


Nobody has ever taken me to dinner like this before, Rusty, Queen Karisma said in her soft,
velvety voice.
I chose to take Queen Karisma to the Pride of Asokastan. A restaurant that was both upmarket
and private. It had nothing to do with the fact that it was Hennas and my favorite restaurant. It had
nothing to do with the fact that it brought back so many memories all good ones.
Well, Your Majesty, I said, Im happy to be the first, and I hope you enjoy your commoners
experience. And, may I said, thank you for accepting my dinner invitation.
You are welcome Rusty and it is such a refreshing experience. And, please, call me Karisma
when we are alone.
I nodded. She looked great. Not at all like a Queen. More like a movie-star. She wore a clinging
black dress with a slit high enough to show some thigh, strappy heels and just a thin silver chain
around her neck. Not too intimidating.
She was always elegant, but she was sexy banging body, long, sexy hair, great cleavage, sexy
ass not bad at all.
And the way she moved was also sexy glided like a movie star. Her voice was soft and
She wasnt anything like the Queen of England. She wasnt anything like any of the queens. And
she spoke perfect English too. In fact, Id never heard her speak any other language when I was
If she was anyone, else other than the Queen of Asokastan, I would have considered banging her.
Before I met Anita, that is.
We got business out of the way and our evening became social. After dinner conversation shifted
to me.
So what was the favor you want to ask of me, Rusty ?
I took a deep breath. Im trying to find someone, and Im having no luck. I wondered if you
would be so kind as to help me with my search.
Thats it? You want help finding someone? Surprise filled her lovely face.
Yes. I said, feeling a little embarrassed.
May I ask what is it you want from him when you find ?
Her eyebrows disappeared behind her fringe. With her fork suspended in mid-air, she stared at
me. Her? A woman?
Yes, Your Higheh, Karisma.
She lowered her fork, picked up her glass of champagne and took sip. She looked taken aback.
Is she significant?
It pained me to answer truthfully. Was. She duped me and and although she no longer is
significant I feel more than slighted.
She nodded her understanding.
Duped is a rather powerful word, Rusty.
I nodded, a flush creeping all over my face.
When you say significant ? She cocked her head and looked at me. Did you
love her? Yes, I loved her. Once. I let out a long breath. Very much.
She took a couple sips of her champagne.
Past tense, though, I added.
Was she American ?
Indian?! Queen Karisma jerked upright. Then she sat forward, her eyes turning to slits. You
were in love with an Indian woman? Here? In Asokastan? And she DUPED you?
I thought about her questions before I answered. Yep, yep, yep and yep. I smiled.
Do you have a photo of her by any chance?
Can I see ?
Sure. I pulled out my wallet and showed her a picture of Anita and I.
Queen Karisma studied the photograph. She looks somewhat familiar. What is her name?
Anita.Anita. Mm. What do you want to do with her when you find her?
Destroy her. My answer tumbled out of my mouth.
She smiled. That can be arranged. She held out the photo to me.
I reached for it.
She pulled it back. Anything you want, Rusty, it can be arranged. Always remember that.
Thank you, Your High, eh, Karisma.
I will find Anita for you, Rusty, and I will destroy her for daring to dupe a friend of mine.
Count on it. I am a very powerful woman and I will not rest until I find this woman. However long it
Thank you, Queen Karisma. I really appreciate your help here.
On Monday just present me with more details and I will get Roop Singh on to it.
Thank you. But, can we keep it confidential please, Karisma?
Here I am, a commoner asking The Queen of Asokastan to keep something confidential for me.
Queen Karisma was easy to talk to and we had a fairly pleasant evening out. She did get a bit
tipsy though, and when I walked her back to the palace, I had to hold her hand to prevent her from
stumbling. She clung to my hand and giggled like a girl, which I found appealing.
Can I give you a hug, Rusty? she said.
My response was to hug her.
You feel good, she said as she nestled into me.
A trifle embarrassed, I laughed it off. Thank you and goodnight. I will see you tomorrow
afternoon at Prince Vijays party.
Goodnight, handsome Rusty, she said in a flirtatious voice.
As I walked back to my car, I smiled. Queen Karisma seemed brazen tonight. Never seen her this
relaxed before.
As I lay in bed, I thought about Anita. Soon. Your days are numbered.
I couldnt wait for Monday when the search for that bitch would begin.
The thought of destroying her brought a smile to my face.



I dont want to go to the party, Henna complained. I feel so tired.
You have to go, Henna. Stay for a while, then when the dancing starts, you can always leave.
Mention something about feeling tired or ill, or whatever.
Part of Hennas blue mood was due to her familys presence. They were invited to the party and
to everyones surprise, they actually turned up. Henna was thrilled to have them around.
But they barely spent any time with her. Some of her sisters did, but not her mother. Her father
couldnt attend because of work.
Her mother spent all her time eyeing out suitors for Rani and neglected Henna.
After a few days, Henna became angry I want them to go! she spat. They dont care about me;
they just want to enjoy the palace. Tell them to go.
Just be patient, Henna, I said. I will make them leave tomorrow. I will tell them that you need
to rest.
To Hennas dismay, the party was huge dignitaries, movies stars and royals from surrounding
states were in attendance Almost as huge a party as her wedding.
Im so fat, Henna complained. Look at me!
Over the months, Henna had filled out and blossomed into a beautiful woman. Pregnancy suited
her. Her skin was pale and smooth like marble, her eyes were bright and when she wore the diamond
tiara, she looked every inch the princess she was.
You are glowing, Rekha. Stop fussing.
I dressed her in an amber and silver floor-length skirt and a matching blouse. (After I doubled-
checked that Queen Karisma was not wearing the same colors, of course. We had to be very careful
not to clash with Maharani or wed get into serious trouble. No way did Queen Karisma want to be
upstaged. No way did we dare do something like that.)
Over her bulging belly, we draped a silk amber and silver scarf. Her hair was loose and long
and her make-up heavier than usual because of the photographs. She looked beautiful, young and
I looked at her with pride. Shed make a beautiful queen one day.
Now remember to smiled, I reminded her as I ran circles around her. There are some
important people around, so make Her Majesty proud of you, okay?
Okay, she said.
And remember to smile.
Ill do my best, Rekha, she said with an air of resignation.



Prince Vijay was having baby? Him, that ninety-pound weakling who fought like a girl. This I
had to see.
Probably married to some pimple-faced, wimpy princess, I thought. Anyway, from what I
understood, it was going to be a huge party and Karisma told me to dress for it, so I did grey
Armani suit with a sort of greyish shirt. One that Reece, my ex-girlfriend had bought me months ago.
The party was by far, the biggest and grandest affair I had ever seen. It was a dusk and the party
was held in the palace gardens which were decorated with lanterns and thousands of tiny lights.
lights. Hundreds of wait-staff handed you drinks before you could even ask for it, tons of food from
large silver platters and a band that played a mixture of
hip-hop-Bollywood-fusion beats.
When the band stopped playing, Indian dancers in colourful outfits danced and invited guests to
dance with them.
Queen Karisma greeted me with a hug. For a moment, I wondered if I imagined her pressing her
hips suggestively to mine.
You sure know how to throw a party, Your Highness, I whispered.
Glad it meets your approval, she said in a flirtatious manner.
She looked smashing in a red, long gown, which showed her cleavage and showcased her ass. A
long slit in the dress had every man watching as she walked, eager to see the flash of thigh. For an
Indian woman, she sure dressed provocatively. I wasnt complaining or anything just an
On her head was a crown, the only thing that reminded you that she was Queen.
Anyway, enough of that. I had a whisky and mingled with some of the guests, many of whom I
had worked with before. I was talking to Prince Amani when I first spotted her.
At first, I thought I was seeing things. The Princess of Asokastan, wife of Prince Vijay bore a
striking resemblance to Anita.
Of course Anita never dressed like that like a princess. The woman I watched wore a diamond
tiara, an elaborate longish dress, her eyes were lined and her lipstick was heavy way heavier than
Anita wore hers.
She looked regal but weighed down with all that she wore.
I couldnt take my eyes off Princess Henna. The similarities bothered me the way she moved
her hair aside from her face, her smile, the way she tilted her head when she listened to people talk,
the way she bit her bottom lip
If I didnt know any better, I would have sworn it was Anita I was looking at.
It couldnt be, I told myself. It had to be just a sheer coincidence. That was not Anita. I was
losing it big time and I needed to get a grip. Fast.
I turned away, grabbed another scotch and nursed it.
Then I heard her voice.
It was Anita!
This was no coincidence. Quickly, I moved behind a pillar and studied her from there. After a
while, to my utter amazement, I realized that it was Anita I was looking at.
I was flabbergasted. How could I have fucked the Princess of Asokastan, wife of the Crown
Prince and not have known it was her? How could that be when she was a virgin? The questions
buzzed in my head.
Impossible, I told myself. All my recent boozing had fried my brain and is making me delusional.
Then I saw her brother-in-law. Or the man who I thought was her brother-in-law. I couldnt
remember his name, but I knew his face. I had a thing for faces. I never forgot one.
We looked at each other at the same time. When he saw me, his eyes turned the size of the
Chinese lanterns in the garden. With a gasp, he turned and literally ran off. It was him, alright! Why
else would he run.
I looked back at the woman on the little throne. It was the same woman I had held in my arms a
few months ago and declared my love for. The same woman I made plans for my future with. It was
I had found Anita.
For a while I stood shocked and confused. A couple of scotches helped soften the edges.
Being a chess player, I seldom made sudden moves, so I hung back and watched her for a while.
Studied her again, this time in a different this time knowing I was looking the world greatest phony.
Even though I was mad at her, her smile still seared me. I was ashamed of that. It was good to
see her. But that didnt mean a thing she was still a fraud.
If she was a Princess, what the hell did she want from me? Was it staged? She said something
about a role for a movie. Shed make a great actress. Oscar-worthy. She had to have seen me tutor
Vijay his fencing lessons, the martial arts?
It was so far-fetched and so surreal that I kept thinking that it couldnt be real. Im dreaming,
imagining it.
I looked at the gilded banner next to them. The babies, twins, due 25 November 1988.
I looked at the ground and worked out dates, and balked. Impossible! I suddenly felt hot around
the collar.
The facts glared at me: Prince Vijay was gay, I was a twin, I was with Anita around the time the
babies were conceived, the pregnancy test I found
The babies were mine.
The shock was so much, I actually had to sit to steady myself. As much as it made sense, it
The old lady had said that Anitas husband used to wait for her while she went out. Does that
mean Prince Vijay was in on the whole torrid affair? And if yes, then why?
Again, I looked at my drink. I think I need to stop drinking and go home and sleep. Great idea. It
would give me a chance to think.
Did I do that? Something that sensible? No, of course not. Anger, rejection and bitterness took
I finished my Scotch and walked up to the Prince and Princess of Asokastan.

Chapter Three


As the party progressed, people came up to us and congratulated us. Vijay and I graciously
accepted their gifts and well-wishes. As instructed by Roop Singh, we stood on the balcony and
waved to the public who have been waiting for hours to catch a glimpse of us.
When we returned and sit down on our little thrones, Barood rushed over to us.
I have something to tell you! he spluttered.
Not now, Barood, Vijay whispered, aware of the line of people waiting to wish us.
Barood shook all his fingers and jumped up and down. Youll never believe who I just saw.
Vijay sighed. Who, Barood, who?
Barood looked behind me and his eyes widened. I I
Hello Anita.
I froze. That voice!
Only one person sounded like that. Slowly I turned and looked into Rustys blue eyes.
Rusty! I mouthed.
His smile did not reach his eyes.
Oh God! I murmured.
I was trying to tell you! Barood said.
Rusty grabbed Baroods shoulder and held it, preventing him from moving.
Oh, I dont think they heard your gasp in Australia, Anita, he said, a mirthless grin on his face.
For a few moments none of us spoke. I looked at Vijay. His fingers were drumming furiously on
his chest. I dropped my eyes to the floor as I struggled to compose myself. Then I looked up at him.
He looked very handsome in a grey suite. Like a movie star.
I turned my neck to look at Rekha. For once she had no instructions/advice/prompting for me.
She just watched us with her mouth open.
But, Rekha and I had prepared for this day, so I knew what I was supposed to say, how to react.
cuse me? I said and even managed a small smile. I was after all, decked in royal finery, yards and
yards of material and jewellery and my face was decorated and heavily made-up.
Was that the wrong name, Princess? he asked and looked pointedly at my stomach.
Vijays eyes flitted between our faces, his face the colour of alabaster.
Cat got your tongue, Aniiita?
With my heart pounding, I looked at Vijay, silently imploring him to take threat away.
He did nothing of that sort. He just shrunk further behind me.
Feeling hot all over and not panicking, I gathered my long skirt, brushed past Rusty and hurriedly
walked towards my suite.
Barood tried to follow me, but Rusty grabbed his arm. Move and Ill break your fucking arm,
Barood stayed.
In my suite, Rekha and I looked at each other in stunned silence. What could we possibly have
said that would make sense? We were busted in a huge way.
She fetched me some water, which I silently sipped on.
Breathe, she urged.
I gulped at the air around me.
Barood burst into our suite, his face flushed. Behind him was Vijay, looking equally agitated.
Henna ! Barood cried. Henna, he hurrah bhagwan! (oh God!) hes coming over at 9 PM
tonight to see you. He wants to talk to all of us. If you dont agree to see him, he says hes going to see
Maharani! He says he just knows that Maharani is not involved in our conspiracy.
Oooohhhh! Vijay cried and shoved all his knuckles into his mouth. What are we going to
do? He looked pale and ghostlike.
Barood paced, while I battled the urge to throw up.
Rekha did nothing and said nothing she just looked at me, a worried look on her face.
Hes hes going to see Maharani? Oh my God! I looked at Rekha. What am I going to do?
Yes! Barood said. I think he means it, Henna. I think he does.
Oooohhhh! Vijay chanted. Oooohhhh!
Slowly, I lowered myself into a chair. What do I tell Maharani? What do I tell my parents?
Seeing our distress, Rekha took a deep breath and took charge. Prince Vijay, it will be okay,
just relax. Henna, Rusty just needs answers, thats all. Hes onto us, so lets just give him answers
and hope he understands.
She turned to Barood, who had taken over the chanting from Vijay. Ooooohhhh! Ooohhh!
Barood! she snapped. Get a grip!
She looked back at me. This is how we handle him. She went on to explain while I sat with my
hands in my head.
When we all made our way to the party again, Rusty was nowhere to be seen.
I sighed with relief.



Rekha dressed me in an Anita-type dress for my meeting with angry Rusty. My dress was blue,
strappy and showed off my cleavage. My hair was loose and she had removed most of my make-up.
I could do nothing about my big stomach, so I just kept a chiffon scarf close by to shield it.
I stripped off all my jewellery and since I wasnt planning on doing any walking, I wore
When I looked in the mirror, I saw Anita. With a big stomach, of course.
Hell want a ton of answers, Rekha said as she danced around me, fixing and tweaking and
looked really nervous. Hell want to know why you did what you did, did you really love him, how
could you have hurt him all the usual stuff shunned lovers ask, okay?
I bobbed my head and wrung my hands.
Just give him answers like we discussed, and all will be well.
I wiped my sweaty palms on the sides of my dress.
At 8:50 PM, all four of us were on tenterhooks. Rekha ran around placing chairs.
Where shall I sit? I asked.
She pointed to a chair.
Where shall I sit? Vijay asked.
Rekha pointed to a chair opposite me.
Why not next to Henna? Vijay asked.
Because, Rekha explained, we dont want it to look like the both of you are ganging up
against him. Let this be about Henna and Rus
Then where must I sit? demanded Barood, his eyes darting between the chairs.
Next to me over there. She gestured to a chair behind Vijay.
He shook his head. No, thats too far. I want to sit next to
Barood! Rekha snapped.
Barood shut up and pouted.
And dont said a word, she warned him. Not a peep from you. And take off that red lipstick!
He folded his arms across his chest and buried his chin into his chest.
Rekha turned back to me. Remember, say little and never mention the babies. Maybe he doesnt
know much. Lets gauge what he knows and well take it from there. Just appeal to his kindness and
sense of forgiveness. Just just explain that you loved him and and how sorry you are lay it on
thick. Stick to your story the one we discussed and
Hes here! Barood whispered and darts to the back of the room.
My nausea returned with a vengeance when I saw him.
He walked slowly into the room, his jaw set, his eyes hard as granite.
My heart raced as he towered over all of us and greeted no one. Without a word, he dragged a
chair and placed it across me. Close enough for me to squirm and feel the anger oozing out of him.
I kept my eyes on the ground as he lowered himself into the chair and looked at me.
Are they mine?
That was not what I expected him to ask. I found myself floundering. N ... well, no ...
He shook his head and wagged his index finger at me. Ill ask you again. If you lie to me cos
I worked out the dates, you know.
I exhaled, placed my hand protectively over my stomach and whispered, Yes.
He squeezed his eyes shut. We sat in strained silence for a few moments as he digested my
Why me? was his next question.
I dragged my eyes to look up at him. N I cleared the frog in my throat, No special reason.
My voice was timid.
You chose me randomly?
I nodded and lowered my eyes again.
I dont believe you, he said in the coldest voice I had ever heard.
Its true. Im sor
Save it! He didnt shout or raise his voice. He didnt need to.
I shut up.
You must have laughed your ass off when I bought you a Toyota, right?
No! His accent was different pronounced, like one that I had never heard before.
All these limousines, Bentleys, Jags and here I was buying you a
Thats not .
He held up his hand again, silencing me.
All my silly, cheap jewellery did you give them to the servants?
I shook my head. No, I didnt give
Heres what I want.
We all hold our breath.
He sits forward, his eyes fixed on my face. I want my children when they are born.
There was a collective gasp of horror from all of us.
Three months after they are born, I will take them to US. How you explain that, his shrug was
exaggerated, your problem.
Rusty, no! I cried, holding my belly with both hands. You cant take them!
His eyes turned to slits. Watch me.
I Ill Ill fight you.
His chuckle was sneering. Get yourself a lawyer. Ive got Ellen, shes my sister. Ive already
appointed her.
What? Youve got a lawyer? Already?
He nodded. And if youre thinking of bumping me off, getting rid of me, the problem Ellen
has the whole story and she will demand a DNA test and expose all of this. All of you.
Its to determine paternity. To make sure theyre my kids, not some other suckers.
I put my shaking hands to my face as his threats deluged over me.
For a while, he stared at me in silence.
How old are you? he finally asked.
I take my time replying. Eigh teen.
EighTEEN? He threw out his arms. EIGHTEEN?!
I cringed while he ranted.
Luckily, he calmed down. Fuck! he muttered and ran his fingers through his hair. Eighteen.
He groaned and held his head.
Now you lot, he pointed to Vijay, Rekha and Barood, get the fuck out of here. I want to speak
to her alone. The her was uttered with utmost contempt.
I was so scared, I didnt want them to leave
Ooohhh, Vijay groaned as he walked out the room.
Be strong, Rekha whispered and squeezed my shoulder on the way out.
Barood ran out without looking at either of us.
As the door closed, Rusty looked at me. Blazing under his scrutiny, I put my hands over my eyes.
Take your fucking hands off your eyes. I want to see them when you lie, you slut.
Slowly, I removed my hands and moved them to my mouth.
His eyes were piercing, and I failed to see a glimmer of the man who loved me enough to want
to marry me.
Do you know how old I am?
Twenty-nine ?
Thats right. Im eleven fucking years older than you. Eleven! Thats not how I roll. I dont date
anyone that young and I certainly dont have babies with kids.
I said nothing but ripped at my nails with my teeth.
Why did you do it?
I shook my head.
I came here for answers. If I dont get them
Vijay is gay, okay? The Queen she she put so much pressure on me
I know that Vijay is gay, but why me?! Why the fuck did you choose to
make my LIFE HELL? Why not some other suckers? Huh? Some other sucker who was sick
enough to want to have babies with an Indian girl.
Answer me!
Flustered by his hard tone of voice and the anger that he bristled from, I ran my hand slowly over
my face, exhaled loudly and said, Because because you were supposed to be going back to to
New York and, I I thought Im sorry, I didnt mean to hurt you, Rusty. Im sorry. Im so sorry.
You staged a home, a grandmother, a sister a life so convincingly, so shrewdly who the
fuck are you?
I dared not implicate Rekha by telling him I had help. I was desperate, I mumbled.
So you pretended to love me because you were desperate?
Yes. No! I looked at the ground. I mean, in the beginning, maybe yes. But after a while, I
I fell in love with you.
He shook his head.
I raised my eyes to meet his. I did, really I did.
He slammed back into his chair. Youre such a seasoned liar. Saying I was your first what a
fool I was to believe
You were my first, I said quietly.
Dont! he hissed and jerked to his feet. Dont lie anymore! I cant stand it.
Rusty you were my first. I swear on the life of my babies. I loved you so much, it broke my
heart and I struggled for weeks to cope
He holds out his hands to stop me. Dont! Dont! Dont! Dont!
I shut up.
Shaking his head, he paced for a while. Suddenly, he spun around and swiped a heavy crystal
vase off the table. It crashed to the ground and I jumped out of my seat.
I loved you, Anita!
The name Anita made me cringe. It was a name associated with pure deceit.
Rusty, Im sorry for doing this and I hope that one day, you will forgive me for the despicable
thing I did. That sounded ridiculous. As if I spilled coffee on his white jacket. But I had to say it.
He glared at me, nostrils flaring, his grey eyes looking like ice. I will never forgive you. Ever!
I loved you. I gave you everything I had. I never let anyone into my life, like I let you, and you
betrayed me so badly. I will never forgive you, Anita. Never.
Henna, I whispered. My name is Henna. I couldnt stand that name Anita anymore.
Anita! he sneered. You will always be deceitful, disgusting, despicable Anita to me. Fake!
And I hate the thought of my kids carrying your DNA.
He turned and stormed out of the room.
Slowly I sank into a chair.
Vijay and Rekha hurtled into my room and balked when they see the shattered glass all around.
Oh my God! Vijay cried.
Are you okay? Rekha asked, peering into my face.
Yes, yes. I waved her aside. He was just mad.
Rekha and Barood picked up the glass, while I rushed to the bathroom and threw up.

Chapter Four


As we made our way to the hotel room that Anita, Vijay and their attorney arranged to meet us
in, Ellen and I went over stuff.
Look, shes not that sophisticated so maybe hold back the canon, okay?
Ellen could be a force to be reckoned with, and I knew that Anita stood no chance against her.
Ellen spun around and glared at me. Rusty, dont be dumb. She conned you. She orchestrated
this whole thing. Shes smart, shes shrewd. Dont be fooled by her glib tongue. Let me handle her.
By the time Ive finished, Aladdin and his princess aint gonna know what the fuck hit em.
I nodded, feeling a little apprehensive. I mean, Ive seen Ellen in action she was jaws. Anita
was going to be really sorry she messed with me, one of her family members.
Whatever you do, I dont want to hear a peep out of you, okay?
I nodded again, knowing better than to argue with my twin. She always won.
Anita stood up when my sister and I entered the room.
Hello, Ellen said and stuck out her hand. Im Ellen Carrington and Im not here as legal
counsel for Rusty, however, I intend to oversee his local, appointment counsel.
Henna shook Ellens hand and sat down again. Nice to meet you, she murmured.
She glanced at me and bit her bottom lip, uncertainty all over her face. H hi.
I ignored her greeting.
When she wasnt looking, I checked her out. I couldnt help but compare the two women in the
room. Anita looked pretty and ridiculously young in a yellow summer dress. Her hair was straight and
long and she kept tugging nervously at it.
Ellen on the other hand, wore a pin-striped charcoal suit and her hair was slicked into a knot at
her neck. That was her warrior look, I always teased. Chalk and Indian cheese in the room.
Wheres your attorney? Ellen asked, looking around.
I dont have one, Henna said, her eyes on the table.
You dont have one?
Anita shook her head.
You you plan to get one, right?
No, its not . Anita waved dismissively.
Ellen seemed disconcerted. Well wheres your husband?
Hes not going to he wont be attending. Its just me.
Ellen cocked her head and looked at Anita. And why not?
Anita tugged at her hair, bit her lip, then looked at Ellen. Hes scared.
What?! Ellen looked at me, eyebrows raised.
I didnt know how to react.
Ellen turned to look at Anita. And youre not?
I am, Henna said, in a soft voice. But Im more scared not to be here. She gave a nervous
chuckle and she sounded fifteen.
All this seemed to floor Ellen. She was dressed and geared to duke it out with some big hot
palace attorney. Intimidate the crap out of everyone within a fifty mile radius from Anita. Instead, in
front of her was a young, highly-pregnant, eighteen-year old, who came alone to the meeting, without
a lawyer and who bit her lip all the time.
We watched Anita reach into a bag and remove some something that looked like beef jerky and
put it into her mouth. Sorry, she said, I got morning sickness really bad. This helps stop me from
throwing up. She took a tiny bite and put the rest away.
Ellen and I exchange glances.
I shrugged. I really didnt know what to do. This was not what I was expecting.
With her brow knitted, Ellen scratched the back of her neck. She too appeared to be at a loss.
Anita looked vulnerable and lost and I grew confused. My protective instincts surfaced.
I think Ellens did too because she dropped her solicitors voice and became softer towards
Anita, Ellen said, addressing her for the first time by her name, were asking for sole
Anita nodded. Okay.
Just like that. No arguing, no negotiating
Ellen glanced at me.
I shrugged.
Like Anita sat forward and looked at Ellen, what does that mean?
Oh please! I said.
Ellen glared at me, a be-quiet-Ill-handle-this look on her face.
I shut up and backed off.
Anita, Ellens voice became even softer, it means, that the children get to live with Rusty,
Okay, Anita said. Will I will he allow me to see them sometimes?
Ellen shook her head from side to side.
Anita dropped her eyes and started playing with the fingers. After a few moments, tears silently
coursed down her cheeks.
Ellen dropped her pen and sat back, while I too melted at the sight of her tears.
Sorry, Anita mumbled and wiped her tears with the back of her hands, reminding me of a five-
Anita, youre not fighting this? Ellen asked.
Henna shook her head from side-to-side.
Why, Anita?
Because because, Ill probably be dead, anyway.
What do you mean? Ellen asked, her voice filled with concern.
What I did its treason, Vijay says. Ill be hanged for doing this.
The room was so silent you could hear the breeze outside.
That is ridiculous! Ellen blurted. That would never happen.
Anita said nothing, but her silence told us that it would.
Would you Anita cleared her throat and leaned forward, Would you tell the children who
I was. What my name was? Please? Just that?
Her talking past tense seemed to bother Ellen.
I just I just want them to know who I was. Just a little bit of Her voice got hoarse.
Why ? Ellen scratched her head with both hands. Anita, why did you do it? Just tell me the
Anita looked at Ellen through her tears. The palace told me that if I didnt get pregnant they
would send me back home. Anull ..anulling ?
Annul your marriage, Ellen completed.
Anita nodded. My mother said I couldnt come back home and when I saw Rusty and I heard
that he was going away soon, so I thought maybe he could help me, so that I wasnt sent home. I
had nowhere to go and I had no money.
I turned away. I couldnt look at Anita, in case she was telling the truth. It was easier for me to
know that she was a scheming sociopath who gave a damn about peoples feeling.
It was a while before Ellen spoke. Did you have any feelings for Rusty, Anita?
Anita ran the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip, then fought back tears. I didnt expect him to
love me so quickly, and when he did I fell in love with him. He was the only person in the
world who loved me back and and Im so sorry that I hurt him and She put her head on
the table and sobbed.
Ellen shut her file hard and stood up. Rusty, we need to talk!
I nodded, as I fought the urge to take Anita in my arms and hug away all her pain.
Anita, Ellen said, take a break, let me talk to Rusty and I will talk to you in a few moments.
Anita didnt reply. She continued crying quietly, while Ellen and I left the room.
The moment we were alone, Ellen swivelled to look at me. Rusty, we cant do this to her.
I sighed, not knowing how to handle this. I too, was moved, confused, and my anger was now
displaced Queen Karisma did this to Anita?
Children belong to their mother. Babies, Rusty, b babies. Ellens voice broke as tears
filled her eyes.
I nodded, feeling close to tears myself. For a while, we stood in silence.
Shes not capable of taking care of two children, Ellen. Shes eighteen, for Christs sake! How
do I leave my children with her and this this circus she lives in?
True. She bobbed her head. God! What a mess. She put both hands on top of her head.
Rusty, we have to find another way where you can be part of the childrens lives without putting her
in danger. Can you think of a way, bro?
I nodded. The Queens offered me a job to head palace security.
So take it and join the circus.
Im not into security, Ellen.
Get into security, Rusty. Employ staff to help you and make it work until the kids until you
sort things out. She needs your help. Its not like she grotesque or something shes beautiful, young
and innocent in so many ways, Rusty. Use the Queen its her grandchildren.
But she keeps hitting on me.
Ellens laugh was startling.
Its true! I protested. Fuck! The other day she pressed her body to mine.
Women every day experience this. She continued laughing. Deal with it. Youre gonna be a
daddy soon, you dumb fuck.
I looked at Ellen and suddenly I wanted to cry.
Ellen stopped laughing and put her arms around me.
I dont know what to do, Ellen.
Its gonna be okay, bro. Your princess is not evil. Shes just a victim herself.
Thats the hard part, Ellen. I still I still
Forget it! she snapped. Youre gonna have to forget about her like that or you will endanger
her life. Get her out of your mind. Right away.
I know. I know. Dont worry, I wont do anything stupid.
Good, now go join the Indian circus, bro.
Fuck off! I said.
She laughed and walked back into the room to talk to Anita.
I immediately contacted Queen Karisma and asked her not to bother with the search for the
elusive Anita.
Why? she asked.
My sources tell me that shes left the country, so its pointless. Sides, Im over her now.
She smiled. So I have your full attention?
You always did, Karisma. You should know that by now.
You flirting with me, Rusty? I swear she was batting her eyelids.
I laughed. I dont flirt with married women, Karisma.
So if I was not married it would be a different story?
I was getting as uncomfortable as hell with her flirting. I guess so. I felt fairly comfortable
saying that. I mean, she was the queen there was little chance of her getting divorced.



And? The look on Rekhas, Vijay and Barood faces was expectant.
She was scary in the beginning, but after that, she was alright. She said everything you said she
would say sole custody, asked about my husband and why hes not there, asked about why I went
after Rusty
Did you mention the treason bit?
Yes, I did. It worked she got very upset.
Rekha nodded, a pleased look on her face.
Not taking Vijay, not having an attorney it all worked like you said it would. She came back
and said, Henna, I dont want you to worry about us taking the babies away. We will work
something out. You just take care of yourself and be a happy mom.
She did?
Yes. She even gave me a hug and some Kleenex.
Great! So Rekha peers at me, youre eyes are red?
Tears mist my eyes again. I nodded. Talking about Rusty Im so sorry I hurt him so much and
I I just want a chance to tell him
but he wont let you, she finishes.
I nodded. Hes so cold, Rekha. It hurts like crazy.
Time, Henna. Give him that.
I nodded, remembering his hard eyes, the cords along his neck, the flaring nostrils and I cringed

Chapter Five


During an ambush, to my absolute horror, Vijay was shot and wounded by rebels.
King Anant, who was travelling with Vijay, was not so lucky. He died instantly from the bullet
to the head.
Barood was inconsolable, convinced that Vijay was going to die.
I was terrified if Vijay died, what would happen to me?
Then, the day following Vijays ordeal, Roop Singh summoned me for a meeting.
When I arrived, I was startled to see Rusty seated in Roop Singhs office. Fear clutched at me.
Had he told? Is that why Roop Singh called me in? Oh God!
Rusty stood up and bowed slightly. Prin cess. The trace of sarcasm in his voice was not
lost on me.
Meet Mr Rusty Carrington, Princess Henna. He will shadow Prince Vijay from now on. Roop
Singh gestured towards Rusty.
Rusty kept his eyes on Roop Singh.
He hadnt told! Relief flooded me.
Did you hear what I said, Princess?
Yes, Maharani is afraid of another attempt on Prince Vijays life again and Rusty here is
employed to protect Prince Vijay and the heirs to thrown, your children. Since he has no ties to any of
the rebel groups in India, it makes sense to employ an outside. So to speak.
It certainly did make sense but
Rusty and his team are under a years contract. After that, we shall assess the situation and
make decisions accordingly. He will move into the suite next to yours and he will be updating
security throughout the palace, starting with your suite.
Rusty will be living with us? My eyes flew to his and our eyes locked for a moment. He broke
the stare first.
When I left the meeting, my mind was a muddle of thoughts. Rusty living with us? In the next
room, almost? I was worried.
Maybe its not a bad thing, Rekha said after she got over her shock. After all, who will
protect the heirs better than their biological father?
As I thought about it, I began to see her reasoning. Plus, Rusty would be just a few feet away
from me. Visions of him forgiving me and telling me that he still loved me, and of me visiting him at
night, sharing his bed, resuming our relationship, made my days brighter. I couldnt wait and I silently
nursed hope.
But to my dismay, Rusty moved in, but kept his distance, never making eye contact with me and
never acknowledging me. He talked or addressed me only when absolutely necessary.
It hurt so much, I had trouble dealing with it.
How can he be so strong and in control when I am such mess? I asked Rekha.
Just be thankful he didnt go straight to Maharani, Rekha said. Time does heal. Give him
space and give him time.
As the weeks progressed, I was somewhat relieved when I saw him and Vijay
eventually sharing laughs it told me that in some way, Rusty has forgiven Vijay.
But not me.
Rusty and his team spent weeks upgrading security around the palace.
Then as time went by, I watched him laugh and chat with Rekha and Barood and I got furious
with them how dare they be happy and laugh with him, pretend like it wasnt their idea, while I was
in the doghouse with Rusty? Betrayers!
I responded by snapping at everyone and sulking. I wanted him to forgive me, to laugh with me,
to be the man who held me in his arms and told me that he could never be mad at me for long. I
wanted my sweet and loving Rusty back, not the man who barely acknowledged me and who refused
to even look at me even though he spent twenty-four hours a day around me.



It was the day of babys birth and I was really scared. I hated needles and doctors and the smell
of hospitals.
How I wished my mother was here.
How I wished Rusty was here to hold my hand and tell me that everything would be okay.
Rekha, of course, never left my side. Itll be okay, she chanted as she held my hand and patted
it. Ill be here. Dont worry. Itll be okay.
My obstetrician administered an epidural and before I knew it, I heard a baby cry.
My daughter emerged first, red and screaming, while my son looked more annoyed at being
disturbed than anything else.
I thought of all the adjectives in the world that I could have used to describe my babies, and I
concluded that none of them did justice. But I settled for one the word, precious.
They were absolutely precious and I fell in love with them immediately.
Present at the far end of the birthing room was Rekha. Outside the birthing room were Vijay,
Barood and Rusty.
Shortly after I delivered my babies, I fell into a deep sleep. When I woke up, there was great
excitement around me.
The palace buzzed, and gifts and well-wishers came in droves. Preparations for a party, another
one, was being made to herald the arrival of the heirs to Asokastan.
Hours later, when the commotion of the birth had died down, and I was alert, Vijay whispered in
my ear that Rusty wanted to see the babies.
I nodded. Clear the room first, then bring him in. Quickly I fluffed my hair and adjusted my
Rusty walked in slowly, an admixture of uncertainty and excitement in his blue eyes. I had a
smile ready, eager to exchange one with him over the birth of our darling babies.
To my disappointment, he didnt so much as glance at me as he followed Vijay to the babies in
their basinet.
I watched him look at them before his face broke into a huge smile that lit up his whole face.
Without asking, he reached for our daughter, then our son and cradled them both at the same time.
He held them to his chest and squeezed his eyes shut, his Adams apple bobbing up and down.
When he opened his eyes again, they were filled with tears. He looked at me above the heads of
our babies and saw my tears cascading down my cheeks. For a while we just stared at each other,
tacitly sharing sorrow and joy in the bitter-sweet moment.
Ive just had my babies and it was a beautiful and terrifying experience, yet I felt absolutely
alone and isolated.
I longed for him to walk over to me, take me into his arms, hold me and tell me that everything
was going to be okay and that the past was the past. I longed for him to kiss me and say, Thank you
for giving me such precious gifts.
But he didnt.
He gently placed both babies back in their cribs, leaned down to kiss them both and quietly left.
At the door, he turned and looked one last time at me before he left.
I sobbed into my pillow.
He returned a short while later with Vijay and took a million photos of the babies.
For his family, Rekha whispered.
Then without a word, he placed both the babies in my arms, sat next to me and had Vijay shoot
some photos of the four of us.
My mothers request, he said in an abrupt voice.
I nodded, my heart bursting with sadness at his brusqueness.
Do you have names for them? he asked, as Rekha placed the babies back into their cribs.
Vijay nodded. Sandiya Lillian Iris and
Rustys neck jerked to look at me.
Sachin Ronald Anant.
His jaw dropped and his eyes became glassy.
Named by Henna, Rekha said.
I shrugged. It was the least I could do giving our babies his grandparent names like he and I
talked about during our time together. He had once told him how much he loved them and how he
would like to honor them by giving his children their names.
Rusty scratched the back of his neck, then hurriedly exited the room without thanking me.



My beautiful babies were going to be reared by another man. My children were going to call
another man Daddy and I could do jack about it. A man like Vijay.
How did you think I felt?
Hurt didnt cut it.
They were supposed to be mine and Anitas.
I was unhappy that I my personality changed I found myself angry all the time.
On one hand I never wanted to see Anita again. On the other, I desperately wanted to see her,
even if it meant under unpleasant circumstances. The thought of never seeing her again made me want
to give up on life.
Having her close was great I could see her all the time.
Having her close was a bad idea every time I looked at her, I hurt. My inner turmoil raged.
I was annoyed by myself for not being able to move on and just get on with life.
I was really excited the day the babies were born. I bought three cigars just for I dont know
maybe in case Vijay asked me to have one with him, seeing that they were my kids.
But he didnt. He had a cigarette with Roop Singh and Barood celeberated without me.
They celebrated with my two children like they were his children.
Again, I hated Anita. How dare she put me in such a position?
Nothing could stop me from seeing my children, so I arrived at the palace and Vijay took me to
the babies. I took great pains not to look at Anita. When I held them both in my arms, I wanted to
bawl. I wanted to hold onto Anita and my babies and sob. But I didnt.
They were precious and I loved them so much, it hurt.
When I found out that she the babies had my grandparents names, I was moved. I didnt think
shed remember. At that moment, in spite of all that transpired, I wanted to love Anita again.
Then I looked up and saw that she was crying. For a moment, we silently looked at each other.
She looked lost and sad.
I wanted to hold her and kiss her and hug her and tell her how happy I am that we could create
such beauty together, but I dared not.
Instead, I put down my little wonders and walked out. At the doorway, much as I didnt want to,
I turned and looked at her again. She was still crying and I knew that she must have felt as alone as I
felt that particular moment.
Isnt it ironical such a joyous day and both of us had never felt more lonely and miserable?
Why? I asked myself. Why?
The day I became a father, I went to bed at 8 PM, miserable as fuck.

Chapter Six


The first thing Rusty did every morning, was to stop by to see the babies. Hed walk in with a
surly look on his face, but the moment he held the babies in his arms, the surly look was gone and he
was smiling.
Hed cuddle them, talk to them, kiss them and then leave. Without a single word to me. Oh, Hed
greet me politely by way of a nod, but that was it. I longed for him to say, Morning, sweetheart! and
give me a huge kiss, but
Sometimes Id be fast asleep when he crept into my room to see the babies on his way to work.
Unfortunately, to my dismay, I had to give up breastfeeding as I had insufficient milk. Then the
babies developed colic and cried a lot in the evenings.
Between Rekha, Barood, Rusty and myself, we took care of the babies. I was so glad to have
Rusty around as Vijay was hopeless with the babies.
He loved them dearly, but he was absolutely inept at everything. His solution was to give
them to any of the hundreds of servants around.
Not Rusty he stayed with them until they were quiet or asleep.
Rekha approached me. He wants to bring his family over to see the babies. Asked Vijays
permission. Discussed with him, actually.
Rusty could have talked to Rekha about this, but he showed Vijay the respect that was due,
which I appreciated.
I shrugged.
He wants you to be there too.
What? Why does he want to subject me to such an uncomfortable situation? Punishment? It will
be so awkward. How do I look them in the eye again after what I pulled?
Dont worry about them, Rekha said. Rustys okay with it, they have to be okay with it. Just
be gracious and remember who you are, Henna.
I turned to look at her. Wha?
You are the Princess of Asokastan, Future Queen of Asokastan and nobody dares mess with
Mff. Fat lot of good that title did for me, I muttered.
Ill arrange a sumptuous lunch for them and a tour of the palace, Rekha said.
Good idea.
I was really nervous and stressed about meeting Rustys family and eventually, I chickened out.
Just tell Rusty that I cant do it, I said to Rekha.
She nodded and hurried off to Rusty.
Minutes later, Rusty showed up with Vijay, looking peeved. Its the least you can do, he said.
I let out a long breath. Rusty, Im scared, okay? I did something that that I bit my lower
lip. Im too nervous, and Rusty, Im embarrassed about you, embarrassed about the last time I met
Ellen and
Theyre coming over to see you and the baby, he said in a quiet voice.
Are they? Me and the babies?
Yeah, theyre good people.
Okay, Rusty. I exhaled loudly again. Im scared, thats all. But, Ill be there.
With a nod, he turned and walked out.
Youre welcome, I muttered under my breath.
His family arrived with heaps of presents for the babies and for me, to my surprise. Vijay, Rusty
and I received them in our suite. I was so nervous, my cheek muscles froze and I could barely smile. I
felt myself close to tears because of guilt, I think.
His family were intimidating, like his sister Ellen was.
His mother Sue, looked like she stepped out of Vogue magazine, while his father looked like a
TV Anchor-man. They were sophisticated and confident and next to them, I was back to being a
village girl in a tattered brown dress.
Ellen curtseyed and said, Thank you for allowing us to see the babies, Princess Henna. I was
surprised by the respect she showed me. After that, she smiled and hugged me.
I am pleased to finally meet you, his father, Bobby said and pumped my hand.
After cooing over the babies and hugging them, his mother Sue turned to me. To my surprise she
hugged me and presented me with pair of diamond earrings. Its really nice to meet you, she said in
what sounded like a genuine voice. You deserve a gift too for doing all the work, she chuckled and
hugged me again.
This warmth was so unexpected and I was so appreciative of it that I was moved. I hugged her
Im so sorry about everything, I whimpered. I know I messed ...
She shook her head. My dear, you were in a terrible situation, and you did what you had to do
to survive. You were just eighteen. How ridiculous was that to put that kind of pressure on a girl of
Empathy thats what I needed right now and she was giving it to me. I lapped it up. They were
so nice and not at all like I thought theyd be.
My son will come around. He just needs time.
All eyes shifted to Rusty.
Rusty looked up at his mother, then at me.
Hes hurting too, she said in a grim voice as if he wasnt in the room.
His eyes lingered on me, and for a moment and I caught a glimpse of his pain. Knowing that he
was in pain, knowing that I caused him to hurt, when he did nothing but love me, made me feel like a
He tore his eyes away from mine.
I nodded at his mother. Thank you so much for those kind words. Im sorry I hurt you and your
family and Im sorry I hurt Rusty and
Ellen stepped forward and touched my arm. Henna, my family and I well be here for you and
Rusty and your babies. Well do what we can to help. You can trust us. We just wanna be part of the
babies lives. She looked at her brother who now had his head in his hands.
Rusty jerked to his feet and strode out of the room onto the balcony. Through the window we
watched him lean over it and shake his head several times.
His father cleared his throat. All we ask of you, as my wife said, is for us to be part of our
grandchildrens lives.
Okay, sure, I said. Im happy to have you guys in their lives.
When Rusty returned minutes later, I quietly left the room, too depressed to play host.
His family stayed for three days at the palace as guests of Queen Karisma before they left India.



It was not easy living in such close proximity to each other. Henna and Rusty, that is. Rusty was
subdued and avoided Henna, which really hurt her. She was just nineteen now still not mature
enough to understand and cope with his aloofness.
But even though he pretended he didnt want to have anything to do with Henna, I caught him
looking at her when she wasnt looking.
Henna didnt know this, and I didnt want to tell her, as I feared it would give her false hope. As
I said, she was too young to understand that his distance was purely a defence mechanism he was
protecting himself against her which may have been, under the circumstances, a smart thing to do.
Henna felt rejected and since she had been rejected all her life by her mother, she was
hypersensitive to his behavior.
Also, what added to the hurt was that Rusty slowly thawed towards, Vijay, Barood and I when
he realised that we posed no threat, and we werent a sinister group of masterminds. Henna couldnt
understand that. She just hurt to think he could forgive everyone else but not her.
I suspected Henna suffered from post natal blues. She cried easily and she was weepy all the
time. The pain of having Rusty so close yet so distant, compounded her inner turmoil and the post
natal blues.
I seriously thought about talking to him about it, suggesting that he leave the palace, but after
Vijay was wounded and King Anant was killed, Rusty too no chances with the lives of his children
and stepped up security around them. He paid no attention to the rumors circulating the kingdom of
Asokastan, that Queen Karisma had her husband killed.
Rusty was a great father. He loved hischildren and spent hours with them, changing their diapers,
helping with their bath and at times, I felt sorry for him, because this was supposed to be a beautiful
time in his life, but he was basically an outsider.
Going to visit her family in Geet was supposed to be a good thing, a change of scenery that
would lift her spirits. We were all excited about the trip. Little did we know what a disaster it would
turn out to be.

Chapter Seven


I was at my dressing table, brushing my hair when Rusty barged into my room with Vijay in tow.
You cant go, he said to the mirror in front of me.
I am going, I said, as I ran a brush through my hair.
No, you cant.
Im going. My voice was unusually adamant.
Its not safe for you or the babies, Princess.
Ignoring his barb, I continued brushing my hair. I refuse to live in fear. This palace is now a
Maybe, but you have two children to think about and youre being unreason
I spun around to face him. Its been ten weeks since Ive had my babies and Ive been under
house-arrest since. I havent been home in I dont know how long and I am going ...
Ask them to come over here, then.
My eyes dropped to the floor.
They dont want to, Rekah said. She sent an invite, but they they arent able to.
For a while there was silence all around.
In that case, we shall all go, Rusty said. Ill arrange security. He left before I could react.
We had to stay in the only hotel around, which was a few miles from the village of Geet. Our
entourage of seventeen included Rekha, Barood, Rusty, six servants. and a team of six bodyguards,
hand-picked by Rusty.
He was nervous and I didt know if he expected red Indians with bows and arrows accosting us,
but he was jumpy and on edge.
We were to stay for seven days.
Since the birth of the babies, I had filled out and I had curves in places I didnt know could
curve. Even though I was conscious of my weight gain, I was tired of looking dull and dressing down
so as not to upset Maharani.
I wanted to make a dramatic appearance and impress my family so I took great pains with my
My blue skirt was fitting, and just above my knees, my heels are high and strappy, my cobalt, cut
top showed off my breasts. Rekha had done my make-up and hair.
When I looked in the mirror, I nodded. Welcome back Anita, I murmured and thought about
Secretly, I hoped that he would take one look at me and just melt. All his resolve would dissolve
and hed come running back to me.
You look fabulous, Rekha said.
You look anorexic, Barood said.
Barood! Rekha chided.
I basked in the warm glow of Baroods words. I felt fat, so his words gave me a confidence
Yes, well, the last time my family saw me, I was fat and unattractive. I cant wait to see their
faces now.
When I stepped out, one of our bodyguards, a beefy Australian named Travis, who was pouring
over a map with Rusty and the rest of his team, did a double-take. His neck jerked to look at me.
Wow! he exclaimed. Then seeing Rustys glare, quickly said, Sorry, maam, that was
More balm to my confidence. I smiled. Thats okay. Ill take Wow! Then to irk Rusty, I said,
Whats your name, by the way? I had never spoken to bodyguards before. It was frowned upon.
Eh, Travis, maam, he beamed, as he opened the limo door for me.
You shadowing me, Travis?
I sure am, Maam.
Good looking shadow, I muttered, loud enough for everyone to hear as I slipped into the limo
and joined Rekha, Barood and my babies.
Rekha nudged me and we giggled like schoolgirls.
Did you see his face? Barood asked.
No, I said.
We giggled again.
Travis hopped into the front of the limousine with a smile big enough to stick in a coat hanger.
For security reasons we did not announce our arrival. However when the villagers spotted the
royal convoy and realized that the Future King of Asokastan had arrived, they quickly set up a
welcoming party. Tents were erected in the centre of the village to give us a royal reception.
Villagers sang and danced for our entertainment and there was tons of food and drink.
It was a big deal as it was the first time that The Crown Prince has visited Geet.
Remembering my childhood and how much I enjoyed the treats from occasions like these, I
arranged for a truckload of sweets, cakes and toys for the village children. It was like a second
Diwali (festival of lights) for them.
My family arrived at the hotel in the limousines provided for them.
My God, Henna, you look so good! they chorused, stunned by my makeover. In spite of
everything, I was thrilled to see them, especially my younger sisters whom I missed so much. They
had grown up into beautiful young women as well.
Only Rani wasnt happy to see me or for me, and when we all sat down for lunch, she got back
at me for daring to take away the spotlight from her. Youre no longer as flat as an ironing board,
Henna, she said sweetly and jerked her chin towards my now ample breasts.
Everybody was amused by her comment, including our bodyguards. She used to be so fat, she
continued, her jealously ill-disguised.
I wanted to die of embarrassment, but I pretended to be unaffected. However, I knew exactly
how to get back at Rani. No husband yet, Rani?
That wiped the smirk off her face. She mumbled something inaudible, her red face giving her
How old are you now? Nineteen? I knew very well that she was older than that. Better try
and get a husband before you turn twenty or nobody will want you.
Shes twenty-four! Sangeeta piped up.
I looked at Rani with big eyes. Oh no! Anyone over twenty was on the shelf where I came
from. In spite of all her beauty, she had missed the boat of marriage. The only person whod marry
her now was probably a widow with children, who needed a servant more than anything else.
When her bottom lip trembled, I felt better.
My family were in awe with my babies.
Their skin is so white, my mother said proudly. I was worried theyd look like you.
I didnt get angry with that remark. Guess I was used to it. But I heard gasps around me,
probably from Rusty and my bodyguards.
I think their color is from my side of the family, she continued.
I looked up into Rustys face. For the first time since my ship sank, he smiled. Actually we both
Their eyes are beautiful so blue. Also from my side of the family. North Indians are known to
have blue and green eyes, you know
All from my camp of deception shifted around in their shoes as everyone analyzed my babies
good looks.
Well, Im surprised, Rani said grudingly. I didnt expect you to have such pretty babies.
I let that remark go.
After oohing! and aahing! over my babies, my sisters shift their attention to the bodyguards in our
entourage. They are particularly taken in with Rusty, it seems. Hes gorgeous, Sangeeta said. Look
at his muscles.
He is, isnt he? I mused, eyeing him surreptitiously. Imagine if she knew that I used to sleep
with those muscles wrapped around me.
It must be fun being around him, Meena said. You are so lucky, Henna.
I am, for sure, I bragged.
Mm, Rani said as she checked him out. Then, ignoring decorum, she got up and walked over to
My sisters gasped. Shes going over to talk to him!
With pursed lips, I watched her smile and extend her hand to Rusty. It was the first time I had
seen her smile so much and flick her hair. Before long, they were deep in conversation.
Five or seven?
Huh? I look at my sister Suri. Excuse me?
Oh my God! Suri said. Listen to her! She speaks so beautiful now. She said, Excuse me!
Henna, you look so nice, and you walk so nice, and you look like a Maharani already! Neetu
Yes, my mother added. You went there a girl and came back a woman. Are they gold? she
asked, peering at my earrings.
Yes, I said, unable to tear my eyes away from Rani and Rusty. Why isnt my mother scolding
Rani for fraternising with a male in public? What are they talking about that makes her smile so much?
That makes him smile so much? Fucking annoying!
My stirrings of jealousy made it difficult to concentrate on anyone or anything after that.
Almost an hour later, Rani and Rusty are still in animated conversation.
Maybe my glare burnt through him, because he raised his head and our eyes locked. I tore my
eyes away.
When the evening ended, I was tired and relieved. Most of all, I was happy to break up Rani and
Rustys deep and meaningful conversation.
In the hotel lobby, Barood dropped the bombshell. Your sister Rani is accompanying us
I spun around to look at him, a look of horror on my face. What?!
Rusty invited her to go sight-seeing with us. I dont like her very
Rusty did WHAT?!
Someone mention my name?
I wheeled around to glare at Rusty, my nostrils flaring.
I was just telling Princess Henna that you invited Rani to come along sight-seeing with us,
Barood explained.
Rusty shrugged. That a problem?
Henna thinks it is, Barood said.
Rusty looked at me, his eyebrows raised.
Even though I felt like exploding, I didnt. You can forget it cause my mother wont allow it, I
said, as I stepped into the elevator. Sorry to disappoint you, Carrington.
He followed me in. Really? You think so? His voice was challenging.
Yes, I do! I tossed angrily.
Too bad, he said as the elevator stopped. Shes so pretty and interesting.
Aaarrrrgh! I cried as I stormed out of the elevator.
He followed me to my suite. I deliberately shut the door on him, but he stuck his foot in front of
the door.
Get the hell out of my room! I said, my face flaming.
Whats your problem, Anita?
You! I said with a venom-filled voice. You are my problem.
Care to explain, Anita? He sounded amused.
I was so furious, I could barely speak. Dont call me that!
Shall I call you princess?
I ignored his barb. You know how I feel about her and you still want to take her out? Ive told
you about her. She takes everything. She gets everything.
Okay, but whats it to you what she and I do? Its not like we were a couple or something? You
gotta let go, Princess.
I removed my cape, flung it aside and stormed off into the next room.
He followed me there.
I whirled around to face him. Youre right go have fun with her. You two deserve each other.
Youre both assholes!
Oh, we will, Anita.
Furious, I ran into the bathroom and shut the door.
A short while later, Rekha knocked and entered, a look of concern on her face.
I stood with my arms folded tightly across my chest, my breath coming out in spurts. After
almost a year of not talking to each other, we finally have a conversation and its
a fight. Can you believe it? My disappointment just couldnt be contained.
She nodded her understanding. Pretend it doesnt bother you, she advised. Hes doing it to irk
you, maybe as payback, so understand and dont get mad.
The next morning, to my utter surprise, Sangeeta and Rani were at our suite before I could even
get out of bed. I was mad about it, but I was so happy to see Sangeeta again, that I didnt want to say
anything to hurt her feelings. When I was with my sisters (other than Rani), I was thirteen again and
carefree. I talked to them in Hindi and laughed at silly stuff all the stuff I left behind when I became
a royal bride at the tender age of thirteen.
How come Ma is allowing you guys to go out with Rusty without a chaperone? I ask.
Oh, youre the chaperone, Sangeeta said. Youre the married sister, so Ma said its okay.
Besides Rani wont listen to Ma anyway.
Rani looked beautiful in a red sleeveless dress. Her hair was long, straight and lovely, and next
to her, I feel dowdy and plain.
She hovered around my dressing table mirror, helping herself to my make-up, trying to look
perfect for Rusty, no doubt. She didnt even bother to see my babies that morning.
In a foul mood, I refused to go out with them. Said something about being tired.
Ill stay with Rajkumari, Rekha said.
No, you must go and have some fun, I insisted. Ill be okay with hotel security and the
I then gave Vijay strict instructions to keep Rekha close to him at all times. Didnt want anyone
being mean to her, especially Rani, who considers everyone around her ugly.
Just before they left, Rusty walked into my suite. Now what?
I shrugged. Nothing, I just dont want to go out.
I dont wanna go out. Is that a problem?! My voice was snappy.
Simmer down, Princess. Ive left Colin, Mark and Robert to watch over you and the babies.
Therell also be two servants left behind, plus a driver.
Wheres Travis?
His nostrils flared. WHYYYYY?
The reaction I wanted. Why not? My voice was challenging.
Colin MARK and ROBERT! Three names that was a complete sentence, especially with
the finality in his voice.
Dont you raise your voice at me! I said, standing tall and in a voice similar to Maharanis. I
am the Princess of Asokastan, wife of the Crown Prince. Remember that!
He rolled his eyes. Fire me, Princess of Asokastan. Make my day.
Okay, that didnt work, so I needed to hit where it hurts. How old is Mark?
His eyes narrowed and his lips thinned, before he turned and stormed off.
Shortly thereafter they all left the hotel.
After a few hours of being on my own, I decide to go to my mothers house. Colin, Mark and
Robert, who were probably in their fifties, accompanied me.
When I arrived at my mothers house, I was stunned. The house has been renovated two more
bedrooms had been added, the floors were carpeted, the kitchen was fitted and modern, the bathroom
was now inside the house, and it too was tiled. It wasnt the same house I lived in it looked
How where did you get the money for all this, Ma? I asked, my neck swivelling in all
directions to take in the changes.
My mother smiled and took both my hand in hers. The gold bangles you gave us and the money
Maharani gives us every month?
Slowly, she removed three gold bangles from each of my hands, then dropped them. She put the
bangles in her pocket and busied herself around the house, talking about Rani. So many boys want
Rani but she wants someone with money.
What money? Maharani gave you when? I knew about the lump sum money my family got,
but every month?
The money she gave us after you got married? Dont you remember? We complained that they
gave us the wrong prince and she said that if we left you there and didnt come back for a few years,
then every month shed give us money.
Were talking 1983 that was a lot of money then. Enough to have had a very comfortable
existence at my expense. As for the bangles I gave her - she took them. Stole them. And then didnt
bother to even see me again.
What would have happened if you took me back?
Then I wouldnt have got the money, silly! she said. She would have got any girl to marry her
son with the amount of money she was offering. Anyway, I bought Rani three sarees and
My mind raced. I could have gone back home. My parents could have taken me home instead of
leaving me, sentencing me to exile in the palace. But the money was more important to them.
I looked at my precious Sandiya in my arms. Never in a million years would I contemplate doing
that to my daughter. How could she?
Bitterness snaked through me. I felt cheated, abandoned and I could no longer bear to be in the
same room as my mother. Besides, I no longer fitted in there anymore. I was unwanted, unappreciated
and simply a money-spinner to them.
only four gold bangles left in the safe for Ranis wedding so
Four? I gathered my things. You have a safe?
Where you going? my mother asked, when I was almost out the door.
Back to the hotel. Im tired.
She looked at me for a moment, then said, Okay then. Not even a feeble attempt to pretened to
want me or her grandchildren around.
As we drove back to the palace, pain and bitterness welled inside of me.
I felt like I was suspened in mid-air.
I felt like drinking getting totally shit-faced, as Rusty called it.
I hadnt drunk in almost a year. In fact, the last time I drank, I was with Rusty. But at that
moment, even though I didnt care for alcohol, I sought oblivion.
I stared blankley out of the window. Sold to a manipulative, cold-hearted queen. But then again,
my mother was equally cold-hearted to have done what she did to me. Didnt she see my tears, didnt
she feel my fears, did she care?
Is everything okay, Princess?
I looked up at Colin, my bodyguard, eyebrows raised. He held out Kleenex to me.
I accepted the Kleenex without thanking him, but did not wipe away my tears.
It must be quite a sight the Princess of Asokastan seated in a limousine with servants,
bodyguards and two tiny babies, quietly crying her eyes out.
I was nineteen years old and hurting like crazy.
When I got to the hotel, Rekha was there, to my surprise.
I was worried about you, she explained as she wiped away my tears. I took a taxi back.
Between sobs I told her about my mother, the renovations, the bangles
She listened without interrupting, then handed me a glass of water. As I took a sip of it, she said,
You have post-natal depression, Henna. And youre also mourning the loss of Rusty. Seeing him
with another woman, even if its your sister cant be easy. It probably compounds your sadness,
Henna. She went on to explain post natal depression.
Well, she was right about everything, but what could I do, except to cry some more and try to
staunch the flow of suicidal thoughts in my head.
I have two precious babies to think about.
As I remember that dark day, I shudder to think about what would have happened, had I not had
my lovely babies to consider.

Chapter Eight


It was almost dinner time when Vijays troop arrived back to the hotel. Because of Rekhas
insistence, I got out of bed and dressed for dinner.
Rani walked in with a giant pink teddy. Look! she cried, Rusty won it for me at the fair. He
shot down all the planes and he won it for me. Look!
Walking behind her was Rusty, looking pleased.
Really? How exciting, I said, as green diffused through me. He shot down real planes? Wow!
What else did he win you? Surely that cant be all?
A look of confusion flittered across Ranis dumb face. No that was all.
Rusty glared at me.
We moved to the dinner table, where my seething escalated at an alarming rate when I saw Rani
and Rusty seated next to each other.
Trying to ignore their laughter was like trying to ignore an earache. Bet his thighs are touching
hers, I thought. Bet he likes it.
Unable to stand their laughter, I got up from the table and stormed off to my suite.
There, I yanked open the bar fridge, grab an armful of mini bottles vodka, whisky and gin and
threw them all into a glass, added some coke and drank it. It made me gag, but I downed the rest,
slammed the glass on the table and wiped my mouth with the sleeves of my dress.
As the alcohol seeped through me and mellowed my unstable self, I stood in front of the mirror
and eyed the mess in front of me.
I had bags under my eyes from not sleeping, my mascara had run when I cried earlier on, and I
had done a poor job of cleaning my face. I reached for some red lipstick and applied it. It looked
garish, but it was staying.
Then, through the mirror, I spotted the pink teddy bear. It looked just like the one Rusty had
bought me about a year ago. I still had it tucked away somewhere safe. It was so precious to me, and
now, he gave Rani the same fucking thing? Fury deluged over me.
Without thinking I grabbed a pair of scissors, walked over to the teddy and snipped off the
teddys ears.
That felt unbelievably good. Didnt expect such a high. Then with great gusto, I dug out the beady
eyes of the teddy bear. That felt even better. Poor teddy looked really bad, almost scary. I walked
over to a rubbish bin down the hall and threw the ears and eyes into it.
Poor, poor Rani. How sad are you going to be? I smiled at the thought of her face when she
saw my handiwork.
After basking in my borderline psychotic behaviour for a few more moments, I skipped back
down to the dinner table. Heeeey! What did I miss?
Rekha peered at me.
A waiter immediately appeared over my shoulder. I jerked away. Then smiled. Sorry, I got a
fright when you appeared over my shoulder, I said to the embarrassed waiter.
Would Princess like a cup of chai? he asked.
Chai? I looked around me. Ne, ne, ne, I will have a bottle of white wine please.
You mean a glass of white, Rusty said.
I looked at him and blinked rapidly. Yesssss.
The waiter left.
Thank you for correcting me, Mr Carrington. If it wasnt for you, God knows, I would have
made a terrible mistake and ordered a whole bottle of wine. Imagine that?
He cocked his head to one side and looked at me.
I shrugged then flashed him a broad smile, which caused worry lines to appear on his face.
The waiter appeared with my glass of wine. Thank you, I said. Can I have another glass for
my friend?
Yes, Princess, the waiter said.
Whos your friend? Barood asked. I dont see a friend.
Barood, have you never had an imaginary friend?
I rolled my eyes as I drank up. Sometimes Barood, youre as simple as a thirteen-year-old
village girl.
Because I dont have an imaginary friend? Barood giggled.
Youre so deprived.
When the second glass arrived, the waiter quietly filled the glass. After I finished my glass of
wine, I reached for my friends glass. Ignoring the exchange of concerned stares among the others at
my table, I drank it too. I particularly ignored Rustys glare.
I couldnt wait for Rani to see her disfigured teddy bear. Who knew that scissors could be so
I didnt have to wait long. She screamed like the shrew she was. Who did this?!
Aaaarrrggghhh! Maaaaaa! Aaaarrrggghhh! Maaaaa!
Dear, dear, Rani. Your behaviour is most unflattering. I dare say that at this rate, you may
never secure yourself a husband. Dear.
At the sight of the disfigured, pink teddy bear in her arms, I gasped dramatically and placed both
my hands over my chest. Oh dear, who on earth could have done such a horrendous thing?
Proud of me, Miss Sarah?
What an awful thing to happen! I continued. I dare say we should have assigned a security
guard to the teddy bear.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Rusty roll his eyes.
I turned to look at him. Rusty dear, youre going to have to step up security around our toys and
you need to go back to the fair and shoot more real planes down so you can win her another.
Immediately. Think you could do it, Mr Carrington?
He doesnt answer he just looks at me poker-faced.
I dont suppose you packed your crossbow now, did you?
The other bodyguards supress a laugh.
No, Princess, I didnt.
Oh dear. I appear thoughtful for a moment. Think you can maybe barter. Barood for a teddy?
Any attention was good attention when it comes to Barood he just laughed.
When dinner ended, I made my way to my room to savor my small titbit of revenge and mainly to
help myself to the mini bar.
Bad move, because Rusty cornered me in my room. You did that. I know you did.
Mmm? Did what, My Carrington? My voice was aspartame-filled.
The teddy bear. I know it was you, Henna.
Hey, you called me Henna for the first time. How cool is thaaaat? I playfully punched his
arm. Do it again.
His lips thinned. Well, I will win her another one. Tomorrow. Thats why I asked her to stay
over tonight.
SSSSHHH! You want everyone to hear? Huh?
She was staying here tonight? It felt like a million hornets were flying around my head and I want
to scream.
Would they share a bed? Would he kiss her and hold her and tell her how beautiful she was as
he entered her? Would he think her breasts were prettier than mine? That her white skin was better
than my brown?
I dont give a fucking shit who hears! You want to sleep with her NOW?
You mother fucking I grabbed a water bottle from the table and swung it at him. He ducked
and caught my hand. I swung my other hand at him and it connected with his cheek. He grabbed my
other arm and shoved me onto the bed where he used his body to pin me down.
I glared at him, my chest heaving.
Deal with it, Anita. See how it feels when someone hurts you and thinks nothing of it. See how
it feels.
He released me, got up and walked away.
I know how it feels, I muttered to myself. It hurts so bad. The hornets buzzed loud and
dangerously close to my face.
Rusty and Rani, Rusty and Rani, Rusty and Rani, Rusty and Rani, Rusty and Rani, Rusty and
I ran over to the mini bar, grabbed an armful of spirits and poured them into a glass. I threw in
some coke and drank up. After that, I felt like partying, even though I staggered. Where was Travis, I
wondered? I sent for him.
He appeared almost immediately, smiling shyly and looking smitten.
Hi Travis, can u drive me to Choti Town? Its a city centre not far from here?
Sure, Princess Henna. Id be happy to.
Great! Eh, Travis, can you keep this between the two of us, please?
Eh, but Mr Carrington
Id be most grateful, I said and looked at him from under my lashes.
He turned crimson. Sssssure, Princess.
I smiled my thanks. Ill be ready in half an hour. See you then.
Henna, what are you doing? Rekha cried. He will get fired if he does that!
Relax, nobody will know. Im sick of this place. I need to get away from here for a couple of
But but Choti Town is just a string of bars?
With a shrug, I pulled out a clinging black dress and slipped it on.
You want me to come with? she asked.
No. Just me and Travis. Relax, Rekha.
With a groan she held her head in her hands.
Its not the answer, Henna. Youre mad with Rusty and Rani for
I hate visible panty lines, I said as I peeled off the black dress and slipped on a white tank-top
and a black skirt. When I looked at the mirror, I frowned. I removed my panty and flung it aside.
Just then, Rusty entered with Vijay. He looked at my clothes and raised his eyebrows.
I ignored him and applied my lipstick.
And where are you going to?
Out, Father Rusty, I said.
Where is out? he demanded, ignoring my jibe.
Questions, questions, I mumbled and walked to the mini bar, grabbed a beer and chugged it. It
was so bitter, it made my tongue curl. I smacked my lips and using his words, said, Indian beer
good shit!
Who you going with, Princess?
Im going alone, Father.
From the corner of my eye I saw Vijay and Rekha chuckle at my obstinacy.
Dressed like that?
I held out both palms. Whats wrong with ?
Your skirt is so short, everyone can see your panty.
Thats ridiculous, I said, considering that Im not wearing one.
His eyes flew open.
This doesnt work. I ripped off the top and stood in front of the closet, while all three of them
gawked at the sight of my bare back. Through the mirror Rusty could see my breasts but I didnt care.
Oh my God, shes gone mad! Vijay gasped and covered his eyes. He peeped through his
fingers and when he saw my bare back again, he screamed and legged it out of the room.
I rolled my eyes as he crashed into the wall before he found the door.
Ay yay yay! Youd think my bare back was a Bengal Tiger or something.
I fished into my closet for another top, found a simple red one and slipped it on. Then I put on my
heels, adjusted my bra and grabbed my purse. Some money, please? I said to no one in particular.
HENNA! Rusty said, You are not leaving this hotel tonight.
I peered at him as I tried to balance on my heels. For some reason I felt a bit wobbly. Maybe I
needed another drink to steady me. I walked towards the mini-bar. Rusty rushed over and placed
himself between me and the bar.
What? I just want a drink.
How many have you had so far?
My eyes darted to the left of the ceiling. I held up two fingers. Just three.
I doubt it. He pointed to the empty tot bottles of spirits, then starts counting them. Eight!
Youve been mixing your drinks and youve drunk at least
Relax, Travis will take care of
TRAVIS?! Id never heard him bellow like that before.
Eh, I dont think they heard you in Ant enantarti ca, Wusty. Eh, Rus ty.
Travis, Henna? Who said you could go ?
Im a fucking PrinCESS! I spat. I dont need your permisssssion. I dont need anyones
permisssssion. I am a princess. I am the future keeneh, Queen
Thats it! I will fire Travis.
No, no, no, dont! I like him. Hes sweeeeet and hes nice to me. Dont do that, cos Ill just hire
him as my my lady-in-waiting. Help me take a bath, lotion my ass
Shut the fuck up, Henna!
body massage me when Im tense
You have no pan underpants on, youre drunk and you want to be alone in a car with your
bodyguard? Are you fucking crazy?
Underpants? Under pants? I started to laugh. Thats sooo funny. Underpants I mused.
That American, Hungarian ? Not Indian, for sure. I look at Rekha. Miss Sarah, she didnt cover
that word ?
Rekhas body started to shake with laughter. I looked at her and pointed to him. Seriously,
Rekha, Miss Sarah would have taught me that that word, underpants, right?
Whatever you call it, Henna! Youre not going alone in the car with Travis.
I pressed my lips together. Its not like hes going to fuck me in the back seat of the limo or
His jaw dropped.
With a giggle, I reached for the almost-finished bottle of beer. He snatched it away.
Hey, dont do that! Dont you have to be somewhere right now? Like with my self-absorbed
sssssister showing her what underpants is. Miss Sarah said you must always show, not tell.
Is that why youre acting out? Because Ive given your sister attention?
Acting out? Now thats thats another I didnt hear before. Another I counted on my
fingertips, two.
He rolled his eyes.
Keep doing that and those blue eyes of yours will stay like that. Imagine them rolling all the
time? Huh? I giggled at the picture.
Henna, is it because Im giving your sister attention?
Giving my sister atten tion? I cocked my head to one side. Nah. Feel free to fuck my sister.
Shes pretty good in the sack, Im sure. Bet she doesnt suck like I did.
Aaargh! He put both his hands over his head and turned away from me.
Rekhas shoulders still heaved quietly.
You have two babies to think about, Henna, he said.
What do you mean? I asked, my voice now defensive. I think about them every
Talking about my babies sobered me a little. Twenty-four-seven. From the time they were born
to now. Actually from time of conception till now. I deserve one night for Henna. I deserve it.
Then Travis knocked at the door. Rekha let him in.
Ready, Princess?
Heeeey Travis! I said and smiled. I lowered my voice. Call me Henna when we were
alone. Make yourself comfortable, will you? Would you like a cock eh, would you like a drink?
Before he could answer, I turned to Rekha. Get him a cock eh, drink please?
Travis turned the colour of the roses on the table.
Shes not going anywhere, Travis! Rusty said, in a voice that spelled that he would beat
Travis if he said otherwise. Shes going to bed.
Okay, sure thing, Rusty. Travis started to leave.
Hey Travis!
He stops and turned to look at me. Yes, Princess?
Do you wear underpants down there? I mean, down under? In like, Australia, down under?
Princess HENNA! Rusty yelled.
Whaaaat? Im just
Leave us, Travis, Rusty said and shut the door on Travis.
Now look what you did. I have to get another driver.
Take off the ridiculous make-up and get into bed.
Then Rani burst into the room, looking great in a clinging blue dress and platforms. How does
my mother allow her to dress like that? I fumed. In the past, wed get belted if we even suggested
buying revealing western clothes like that. Bet the money from my bangles bought her that lovely
dress. Or maybe the money my mother got from the sale of me, her child.
Rani grabbed his arm. Rusty, come! Were waiting for you.
How dare she touch him? How dare he allow her to in front of me?
Rusty looked at her, then at me.
Rusty go! I said, in a shrill voice, wanting to bash the beer bottle into her face. Theyre
waiting for you.
For a moment he seemed conflicted. Then he turned to Rani. You guys go ahead. Ive got stuff
that needs taking care of. Sorry.
Oh, come on! What can be that important? Rani demanded.
He looked at me, then at her again. Not tonight. Ive got to help Princess Henna out with
Rani flung me an irritated look. Princess? Her voice was laced with scorn. She looked at me.
Do you mind that hes ? Her question, loosely interpreted it means: Youd better not mind.
As a matter of fact, I do.
Thats ridiculous! she snapped. Dont be such a spoilsport.
Go fuck yourself! I said.
What?! She jerked back, then peered at me. Are you ? Her eyes huge. You are drunk. Oh
my God!
Course I am!
She gasped, her face starting to shine. I will tell Ma. Oh my God! Youre in so much trouble!
Glee dripped from her voice.
While youre at it, tell Ma I almost fucked a stranger in a bar a couple of months ago.
She clutched her chest and looked at me with huge eyes.
Tell her I fucked Rusty too.
She dropped her hands and gave me a, you-and-Rusty-as-if! look.
Its true. Hes a great lay. And all the shit in the Karma Sut
Princess! Rusty said, and stepped towards me, his face in mine.
Ooooh, you going to gag me now, eh? Tie me up, blindfold me
You are disgusting! Rani shouted. And disgraceful, flirting with men like that! Have you no
Nope. I have no panties on, either. See. I hoisted up my skirt.
She gasped and put her hands over her mouth.
Unnnnerpants. Thats what they call it, I said pointing to Rusty.
Thats enough! Rusty grabbed Ranis arm and steered her out of the room. Ill join you later,
he said, as he shut the door. He turned to Rekha. Help me with her, will you?
All my protests were ignored. Together, they took me to bed, changed me and turned off the light.
I was too drunk to fight them.
Ill join you later.
Drunk as I was the words reverberated in my head and a million little thorns formed around my
What? he asked.
I shook my head.
Why you crying Henna?
Henna His voice grew soft. Dont cry. He reached over and wiped away my tears.
Rekha appeared over his shoulder and silently handed him Kleenex. He took the Kleenex and
gently dried my tears with it.
To my dismay, my cockiness dissipated and tears flowed down my cheeks. Guess I wasnt that
drunk if I could still feel pain. If I could feel unwanted and unloved.
What is it, Henna? His voice was so kind, so caring, so familiar it made me cry harder.
But I didnt communicate my feelings. I could have said what I really felt. Rusty, I still love you
so much and the thought of you and Rani being together eats me up. After the disappointment with my
mother today, and now that I have given the prince heirs to the throne, I feel unnecessary, in the way
and alone.
But I didnt. I couldnt.
Nothing, I finally croaked.
Okay, he said and walked to the door. At the entrance, he turned and looked at me. Then for
whatever reason, he walked back, slid into bed with me, took me into his arms and squeezed me to
Instead of savouring his kindness, his nearness and revelling in all things familiar about him; my
hurt at him, at his inability to forgive me, his determination to rid himself of me, flared, and I pushed
him away.
He seemed taken aback by this.
Turn off the light on your way out, I said. Pity was not something I tolerated. My pride
wouldnt let me.
He looked at me in silence.
I turned towards the wall.
Shortly thereafter, he quietly left.

Chapter Nine


Of course I had a massive hangover and struggled to open my eyes the next morning. Rekha told
me about my conversation with Rusty the night before. She laughed as she did.
Funny thing was I remembered nothing about it. My brain recalled only up till the time I asked
Travis to take me to Choti Town.
After swallowing two Tylenol Rekha handed me, I got out of bed and showered. As I dressed, I
looked in the mirror. When I saw my swollen eyes, I believed that I had been a mess the night before.
The question that bugged me had Rusty spent the night with Rani?
In spite of the way I was feeling, like I was under a giant wave of water, I dragged myself
downstairs to see for myself. My eyes scanned the breakfast-room for two people, Rani and Rusty.
Both were not around.
Images of them having breakfast in his suite, with just sheets wrapped around themselves made
me nauseous. Shed be feeding him, hed be feeding her. Theyd be laughing and giggling and maybe
even laughing at me, the psychotic sister.
I didnt wear my coat of desolateness well I get really quiet and am unable to eat. After a glass
of orange juice, I had Coke. When Im still felt ill, I had coffee with two heaped spoons of sugar.
Hangover sucked. Never again will I drink alcohol, I told myself.
Since breakfast was in a sunny room, I kept my sunshades on, which meant I didnt have to make
eye-contact with Travis. He kept glancing my way, so I felt it pressurized into handling him. I walked
over, touched his shoulder and said, I believe I kept you entertained last night. Words Rekha had
told me to say.
He blushed. Eh well
Cant say its not fun working here, right?
I suuuure, Princess Henna. His face reddened, while his ears glowed. Sure.
I smiled at his sweetness and walked out of the room.
Swallowing a bubble in my throat, I went to my room, picked up my kids and lay with them for a
As the morning wore on, tears started to roll down my cheeks again.
I lay on my bed and covered my wet eyes with my forearm. I need to get away from Geet and
from Rusty, I told myself. Living so close to him was not working out. I was suffering in silence and I
felt like I was falling into a black hole.
Rekha walked in with Vijay and Barood. Whats wrong, Henna? Her face was etched with
Im leaving, I said. I want to go back to Asokastan.
Barood jerked back. Now?
I nodded.
But but but you said, Rekha shook her head, Henna, you said that you felt caged there.
So why?
True, but I really need to leave. You guys stay the rest of the week. I just need to put some
distance between Rusty and myself.
Ah. Rekha nodded slowly.
Its not working out and Im I let out a long sigh. Look, Im just struggling with it. Him and
Rani I shake my head, Guess Im not over him as yet.
They tried to talk me out of it, but Id made up my mind. I gathered my babies while Rekha and
Barood packed my things.
Vijay, of course, sat with his head in his hands.
After a while, I handed Barood my babies and started packing myself. Couldnt even wait for my
servants to do it.
Suddenly, Rusty barged in. At the sight of all the suitcases surrounding me, he balked.
Whachudoin, Henna?
I didnt answer; I just threw babies stuff into a bag.
Shes going back to Asokastan, Barood explained, while Vijay and Rekha said nothing. Says
she needs to put some space between you and
Barood! Rekha snapped.
Sorry! Barood backed into a corner with my babies.
Rusty looked at me. Henna, why? His voice was weary.
Look, I dont want your sister and I didnt ask her to stay. I just said that to hurt you.
I paused with my packing for a moment, then continued.
I looked at him. Youve succeeded, Rusty. It really hurt. It hurts all the time.
He sighed and ran his fingers slowly through his hair. Im sorry, okay? I dont know why
He started to pace. Anita, Im sorry. He shook his head hard, Henna! Sorry, Henna, Henna,
Vijay, Barood and Rekha were as quiet as church mice as they pretend not to listen. I continued
throwing stuff into the bag.
He grabbed my arm. I looked up at him. He took the bag out of my hand, flung it aside and
looked at me. What do you want from me?
Rusty, I I look, Im struggling, okay? And I think its because youre here, so close to me,
all the time. I ... I need to put distance between us, I think. I cant Rusty, I dont think I can go on
like this. This darkness I feelit worries me because I need to be whole for our babies, and I cant
be whole when youre here. You need to leave or I need to leave.
He nodded slowly, his eyes on the ground.
Okay, guess its best I leave. He looked at the babies, closed his eyes and pinched the bridge
of his nose. This is going to be so hard.
I should have been terrified that he was not going to be around, but surprisingly I was not I was
relieved. Maybe now I could heal.
Ill interview someone myself for my position and He shrugged.
I nodded.
In the meantime, he looked at Rekha, lets all get out of here. Im not letting Henna and my
children travel alone. He turned and strode out of the room.
Everyone was quiet and subdued during our trip back to the palace. Rustys leaving was hard on
everyone, I guess hed won them all over.
Although they said nothing to me, I felt their accusing eyes Youre sending him away. You are
the problem here.
Over the next couple of days, Rusty interviewed for Head of Palace Security.
Hows the interviews going? I asked Rekha after a few days.
Not good. Rusty said that he doesnt feel confident with any of the candidates hes interviewed
so far.
After a week of furious interviewing. Rusty approached me. Ive found someone for my
Oh. Even though I expected it, I felt seared by the news.
We need to work out stuff before I leave like me and the babies. So, can we talk?
Sure. My answer may have been immediate, but my heart was around my ankles.
Rustys finally leaving.
He stuffed his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans. Okay, so like um you wanna do it
over eh, dinner?
Dinner with Rusty? I must be dreaming. I looked at the floor as I tried to process his invitation.
If youre comfortable, I mean
My head shot up to look at him. Sure. Sure I shrugged. Sure.
Oh, okay then, great! He removed his hands from his pocket and lightly slammed his fists into
his palm, a slight smile on his face. Tomorrow night?
Eh, sure.
Ill pick you up at seven?
Sure. What else could I have said?
There was a brief silence before he said, You sure?
I looked at him. He had a slight smile on his face.
Then we both laughed.
It was almost a year since we exchanged smiles and laughed.
It felt really awkward. Whod have thought a smile or a laugh between two ex-lovers could
make them feel so awkward.



Did I fancy Rani? Absolutely not.
Sure, she was pretty in an average kind of way, but she was also pretty boring ,and she lacked
the feistiness that Henna had.
Henna was exciting one moment she carried herself like a sophisticated lady and the next, she
cursed like a truck driver.
One moment she was innocent, virginal and shy, and the next, she was wanton and slutty and
whispering things shed like to do to me.
I loved that about her. She was exciting and stimulating mentally and physically.
After Henna, very few girls cut it with me. I compared them to her all the time. They were either
to slutty, too needy, too dumb, too eager, said all the correct things, agreed with me too much it just
didnt work my heart was still with Anita. Still belonged to the girl who kicked my ass the first day
we met. Even though, sadly for me, she did not really exist.
That made me feel like a fool, it made me mad, and it made me terrified of falling in love again.
When I first saw Henna s reaction to my talking with Rani, the devil stepped in, claimed my
mind and rescued me from a boring day. He goaded me into messing with Hennas head.
Maybe it had something to do with Traviss tongue hanging out of his mouth the moment he saw
Henna all dolled up.
Maybe it had something to do with the fact that Henna said, Nice shadow. Or was it, Good
looking shadow? Something stupid like that. Really dumb. Pissed me off, as you may have deduced.
Good looking shadowplease! That was so corny and even ridiculous. Stupid.
Man, the thought of Anita flirting with someone, looking at another man, calling him
goodfuckinglooking, gave me the shits. I wanted to fire the guys ass and lock her up in a dungeon in
the palace for even looking at a man, other than myself.
I was amused by her jealously though the way her lips turned downward, the way she sneered
and tried to pretend she wasnt interested in what we were saying, all the while she was as
transparent as windexed glass.
Her anger and foul language when she was drunk, turned me on and had me laughing for days
when I thought about it. A princess with a potty mouth priceless!
What she didnt know was that I had driven to her village to see where she had lived and what
she was all about. Guess I was still curious about her. She still fascinated me.
Must said, I was pretty shocked at what I saw. She came from absolute poverty. A dollar-a-
day-Oxfam, World Vision kind of situation.
Sure, this was India and poverty was rife, but to experience it first hand with the mother of my
two children? I wanted to go back and save little Anita. No wonder her parents sold her to the
palace. Henna, not Anita.
Deeply disturbed, I rode back to the hotel in silence.
When I realised that she had cut off the rabbits ears, I was pissed. How dare she exhibit such a
sense of of entitlement? She, who professed to love me forever and who discussed having children
with me? She, who asked me to take her away to New York and make her my wife?
She had a nerve alright.
After our argument, I stormed out of her room. But when I bumped into Colin, her new
bodyguard, (appointed by me after I learned about Traviss infatuation with Henna) he told me that
Princess Henna cried buckets in the limo earlier on. I was disturbed to hear that. Immediately,
forgetting my anger, I rushed back to see what the problem was.
I was stunned to find her getting dressed for a night on the town. With Travis!
No fucking way was I allowing that.
Especially when I saw the numerous empty spirit bottles. She never drank spirits, and she
obviously mixed them, so she was really plastered. But terribly cute. Especially when I saw her tits
took my breath away. Literally.
When Travis entered the room, I sent him away and got her into bed.
Suddenly she was crying. I knew she was hurting about me, her mother, her sister, but when I
saw her crying, I melted like chocolate on the bonnet of a car on a summers day. She seemed so
broken in spite of her drunkenness that I lay with her and hugged her for a while. Guess she wasnt
that drunk if she could be in so much pain. Secretly, I wanted her to ask me to stay and I think I
think I would have done it.
I was weary from my deprivation of her and all the willpower that was needed for self-denial.
I had trouble sleeping that night. I worried that Henna was crying far too much. She seemed sad
and depressed. I talked to Rekha, told her my fears.
She said, Rusty, Henna is suffering and something big has to happen or I fear she may become
I stared at her, not knowing what to do.
Later that morning, I found Henna packing. She looked really blue and unhinged. When I asked
her about it, she told me that one of us needed to leave. What she meant, was that I had to leave.
What choice had I?
Finding a suitable candidate for my position, someone who would take care of Sandiya and
Sachin and Henna was not an easy task. Sachin would always be a target for rebels and royal haters,
so I worried.
Eventually, I found someone I thought might be able to do the job, so I needed to talk to Henna
about what happens when I leave. There were my two kids to think about and I was worried shed
suddenly cut all ties with me. That became a huge concern. That, and the fact that I would no longer
see Henna.
Asking her to dinner just slipped out. I had no intention of doing that. But when she said Sure, I
must admit I was thrilled.
As the day progressed, I became really excited about having dinner with Henna.
Like a kid looking forward to Christmas morning, I looked forward to being alone with her. I
scrubbed, shaved and shampooed like a girl.
For the first time in more than a year, I found myself humming. I was going on a dinner date with
Henna, not Anita.
It did not matter that it was really a farewell dinner it was still a date with Henna.



Rekha, its a business dinner, thats all. Stop fretting.
Ignoring me, she darted all over the room, trying to help me dress. No, no, no! Take that blouse
off. Doesnt work with that skirt.
Ummm, those, try these wedges instead. And your earrings too big.
I didnt even think about arguing with Rekha, I just did as she told me to.
Now, remember what I said; let him talk. Dont interrupt even when he struggles with words
and stuff. Allow him
to finish and dont argue with him, just say yes to everything you told me that twenty times
already, Rekha!
She paused and frowned at me. Try this chain.
Finally, she stood back and scrutinized me.
I held my breath. Please dont let me make me change anything else.
She nodded.
I exhaled.
Although, I felt bad for her. I didnt know exactly what she was expecting, but I knew that she
wanted us to get along so that I could heal. If this dinner ended up a disaster, Id fell like I had let her
With my palms sweaty and my stomach in knots, I was finally ready for my dinner with Rusty.
Its a business dinner, I kept telling myself. Relax, you look fine. Rusty has seen you look your
worse sleep deprived and looking like a zombie. And anyway, hes probably excited to move on
and he just wants to make sure youre not going to chase him for child-support or something.
Still, my throat was dry and I had to force myself not to bite my bottom lip.
At exactly seven, he stood outside my suite looking handsome in a pair of Levis and a stripped
blue shirt.
I suspected that he had dressed for this dinner. I got a whiff of his aftershave. Nice.
Hed done something to his hair and it looked good gelled it or something. I suppressed a
laugh as he wasnt the type to preen.
Sureh, yes. Made a mental note to myself stop using the word sure for Gods sake!
We rode in silence to the sounds of The Polices Everybreath You Take , playing softly in the
I was acutely aware of him sitting a mere touch away. Being alone with him in the car brought
back so many memories. All happy ones.
He kept sneaking glances at me. Thought I didnt see him do, but I did and I quietly colored
under his glances.



Anita and I made out in my car several times. So when Henna climbed in, my mind kept drifting
back to those times. Those fun times.
Her perfume, her smile in the semi-darkness of the car, the way shed move her body till she got
comfortable in the bucket seat of my Beamer all so familiar, that it was almost like we never parted.
She kept sneaking glances at me, checking me out trying to act cool, but I knew she was
I was able to restrain myself. Luckily.
Since the birth of the babies, she had filled out nicely and she looked curvy and sexy, just the
way I liked my women.
What I liked about her was her femininity. She seldom wore pants, just dresses and skirts. Today
she wore a short denim dress that buttoned up from knee to neck with the top buttons undone.
I chose Pride of Asokastan, not because thats where she and I had our first date or because
thats was our favourite restaurant. I just did.
What would you like, I asked.
Iced tea please.
Tea? I frowned at her.
She looked at me from under her lashes, a mischievous smile on her face. Long Island.
Ah. I smiled.
Im just kidding. Ill have a glass of chardonnay.
Ill have a Jack Daniels, I said.
So whats he like? she asked.
Whats he? Oh, you mean the new guy?
I looked away. Fuckin ugly.
She laughed and sat back and I thought how great her laugh sounded. I missed her laugh so much
that it brought a lump to my throat.
Why? she asked.
Dont wanna have more than one Travis hanging around you.
More laughter from her.
You look nice, I said.
Eh, thank you, she murmured and shifted in her chair.
I looked at her dress. Buttons, no zip?
She glanced at the long line of buttons on her dress then looked at me with eyebrows raised.
Playing hard to get, huh?
A blush crept over her face and she quickly reached for her wine.
Even though I was trying to act cool, I was unbelievably shy that night and had difficulty looking
her in the eye. Humor, the offensive type, was my coping mechanism and it seemed to work for both
us she relaxed and so did I.
As we ate, we talked about the babies.
Sandiya looks a lot like Ellen when she was a baby, I said. And Sachin, wow, how much can
he drink?! He just guzzles his bottles of milk.
Oh, yes, did you notice that? In like less than a minute the bottle is finished.
Well, its a good thing Sandiya doesnt look like Rani then youd have been really pissed
She groaned and put both her hands on her face. I dont even want to imagine that!
I smiled.
Can I ask you a question, Rusty?
The way she uttered my name brought a lump to my throat. In fact, we both rarely used each
others names. Sure.
What did you do with my my ring? The one you gave me.
Slowly I put down my fork as memories of the night that I gave her the ring flooded my brain.
Suddenly, my appetite vanished. I pushed away my plate.
Threw it away.
She squeezed her eyes shut.
For a few moments we sat in silence.
I broke the silence. Guess we should talk about
Yes, she said.
I sat forward and looked at her. Id like to see Sandiya and Sachin twice a week, say every
Tuesday and Sunday.
Okay. Butdoes that mean?
Im staying in Asokastan.
Yep. I really cant move away from them. I thought about it, worked it out but theyre my
kids, Henna, I need to be close to them. Vijaynot really a role model for anyone, right?
We fell into another silence.
Im sorry, Rusty, she suddenly said, her eyes glassing. Sorry for everything.
I shrugged a couple of times then said, Its okay. I just want you to be whole again, Henna.
I want that too.
Good. I would like to be your friend again. Itll be good for our kids.
She nodded. Where shall I send them to?
My apartment. Im trying to get back my old one. It was pretty child-safe, I reckon.
She nodded.
I want them for the day.
Sure. Ill get Rekha to help with
No! I want to do this myself. I will take care of them.
She peered at me. There are nappies to be changed and feeds
I wanna do those things. Theyre my babies, Henna. I want to parent them. Itll be a pleasure to
do those things.
Okay. What did Queen Karisma say? bout you leaving?
Havent told her yet. Wanted to work stuff out with you, get your approval on my replacement,
then approach her about breaking my contract.
I see.
Ill be a stone-throw away, Henna, if ever you need me.
T...thanks. She lowered her eyes. She had stopped eating after I told her about the ring.
Slowly, she lifted her eyes to meet mine. To my dismay her eyes were filled with tears.
She put her hand over her eyes. Sorry, she muttered.
Lets get out of here, I said and signalled for the check.
She nodded, stood up and hurried out of the restaurant.
I ran after her. Henna?
She swung around to face me. Its hard letting go of you, Rusty, thats all.
I stuffed both my hands deep into my pocket and looked at her in the partial moonlight. What do I
say to those words?
She put her fingers to her temples. I wish it could have been different. I wish I wish I was
stronger and could let go easily like you can. I wish
She turned and hurried to the car. I followed her and opened her door for her. She climbed in. In
silence, I got in and started the car. Then I realised that Id left my cigarette lighter behind. The one
Henna had given me a year ago.
After patting myself down and confirming that I had left it behind, I said, Be back in a sec, and
got out of the car

Chapter Ten


With him gone to fetch his cigarette lighter, I snooped around looked through the car console,
opened his cubby, looking under the seat for ladies underwear?
Nothing. Just his wallet in the console, which hed left behind before he left to fetch his cigarette
lighter. I opened it and rifled through it. Photos of Sandiya and Sachin, usual stuff like credit cards,
Then I saw a strip of photos of me!
Tiny little photos of me, smiling and looking very nice, I must say. I studied the outfit Im
wearing its the taken during our visit to Geet!
That was only two weeks ago. I remembered him taking pictures of the babies but I had no idea
that he had been taking pictures of me too.
I didnt know what to think. I mean, taking a photo of me is one thing, but a whole strip of photos
and placing them in his wallet?
I glance out of the window no sign of him. I pried further and opened the zip section of his
wallet. Inside it, I saw a tiny envelope, little bigger than the size of postage stamp.
Drugs? Curious, I open it and balked its my ring!
Oh my God! I gasped. Minutes ago, he had told me that he had thrown it away. Oh my God,
he kept it!
I looked out of the window. He was walking towards the car. Quickly I shoved the envelope
back, zipped up the wallet and stuck it back in the car console.
My heart pounded so loud, I worried he would hear. Quickly I turned up the radio to
Eric Carmens Hungry eyes.
Got it! he said and flicked it.
I smiled. You still have it.
He nodded and started the engine. The only thing Ive kept.
Liar, liar!
He talked, but I wasnt listening. All I could think about was the strip of photos of me and the
ring he kept safely in his wallet.
When we arrived back at the palace, he parks the car and we both dont move. Chicagos Youre
the inspiration now played softly in the background.
He looked at me. Am I?
I raise my eyebrows at him.
Am I your inspiration? His voice is cocky and his eyes crinkle.
I drop my head for a second, then look at him and. Always, I mouth.
His turn to raise his eyebrows.
We lock eyes as Chicago belts out in the background.
Neither of us tear our eyes away from each other today. Perphaps it has something to do with the
fact that hes saying goodbye, or the fact that we are tired of having to be strong and look away.
No words are necessary Chicago says it all for us.
Our trance ends when Chicago fades.
Thank you for dinner, I said. It was a lovely evening.
Youre welcome.
We both still dont move, neither of us eager to end the evening.
Coming say goodnight to our babies?
Yep. Gotta pop in to see Queen Karisma first.
Now? Its late.
He nodded and his brows furrowed. I know, I know, I know. Shes my boss and when she
calls He let out a long sigh.
I nodded my understanding. Nobody says no to Queen Karisma.
Ill be up soon.
With a nod, I raced to my suite. Rekha! Barood! Rekhaaa!
Rekha and Barood ran into my room carrying a baby each.
What? What? Rekha asked, a worried look on her face.
Quickly I told them about the wallet and the ring. And Chicago played and he didnt move and

They listened with rapt attention, their eyes huge and their ears literally pricking.
Wow! Rekha said. He kept the ring in his wallet?! Wow!
But dont forget he lied that he threw it away first, I reminded her.
He kept your photos in his wallet? Barood shakes his head. Hes not over you for sure. I
mean, who does that?
Well, all we need is to get rid of his replacement then he stays, Rekha said. The question is:
do you want him to stay?
I nodded slowly. Its too late now. My shoulders dropped in defeat.
With a determined look on her face, Rekha backed away towards my closet, her index finger
held in mid-air. Its never too late. Leave it to me. She open the closet, rummaged around and flung
a short, silk nightdress at me. Do your bit and change into it quickly. And find a way to kiss him!
For once I didnt argue, I just did as she said.
She and Barood placed the babies on my bed and scurried out of my room.
Quickly, I change into the nightie, brush my hair and picked up both my babies. Shortly
thereafter, Rusty entered with Vijay.
Hey kiddos, how you guys doing?
Vijay went into the lounging area and turned on the television.
I motioned for Rusty to sit down and he did.
You have to get used to this if youre going to be spending time with them alone, Daddy, I
whispered and moved really close to him to place a baby in each of his arms.
I sure do, he said as his eyes swept over me. I smiled and left them alone for a while.
Knowing that he was watching me, I busied myself with something at my dressing table. Then I
walked over to them. Theyre so pretty, arent they?
They are. For a few moments, we admire the fruit of our loins together, a smile on both our
Then I leaned over and gently planted a kiss on Sandiyas face, then Sachins face, and finally I
looked at Rusty.
As pretty as you are, I whispered, as I swooped down and panted a light but lingering kiss on
his lips.
I raised my head to look into his eyes. Cant leave you out, now, can I? I whispered.
He looked at me, a sort of startled expression on his handsome face. With a baby on each arm,
he could do little to stop me if I wanted to kiss him again.
And I did I raised my head, smiled at him, then kissed him again. He angled his head to allow
for my kisses. Taking full advantage of that, I held his face and probed his mouth gently with my
Finally, I raised my head and sighed. Just as I remember.
Rusty just stared. I thought he was going into shock.
Say goodnight to Daddy, babies, I cooed, as I gently took the babies, one by one from him and
placed them in their cots. He remained seated on the bed.
It wont work, he said to my back in a soft voice.
I raised the cot side and turned to look at him.
Too much hurt, too much pain
Nodding I walked up to him and stood between his thighs.
Quicksand thats what would happened if I give in, he said, looking up at me.
With a nod, I placed my palm on his cheek.
Youre not Anita. I dont wanna a fancy princess. I just want my Anita. Im not Im not whole
He reached for me, grabbed my waist and buried his head into my stomach.
After a while, he released me and looked up at me. I leaned down, grabbed him by the hair and
tilted his face for another kiss.
But he beat me to it he yanked me down on the bed and within seconds, he was on top of me,
nudging my thighs apart with his knee.
Our kisses were fierce, wild and emotion charged.
My bodys reaction to his touch, to him over me was feral.
I wrapped my thighs around his waist and raised my hips to meet his. Immediately, I felt his
hard-on through the flimsiness of my panties. I wanted it so badly.
With a groan, he pressed hard against me as he mouth captured mine. I groaned when his lips
moved hungrily over my neck, as he pulled down the straps of my nightdress and exposed my breast.
He took a nipple into his mouth and sucked on it and immediately, I felt myself melting in all the
places I was supposed to melt.
Even though he wasnt inside of me, as his hips ground against mine, I felt like I was going to
When we heard voices outside my room, we jerked apart and he hopped to his feet and backed
away from the bed.
I quickly scrambled up and adjusted my nightdress. Right around my nipples, my nightdress
became wet from his kisses on them. Quickly, I crossed my hands across my breast to prevent anone
seeing those wet patches.
Even though Vijay was in the next room on guard, if one of the servants stumbled in on what
we were doing, wed be in big trouble.
Appearing shaken, he moved towards the lounge where Vijay sat. I followed him there.
We didnt kiss again in case someoby saw us. But at the door, he kissed two fingers and put them
on my lips.
Goodnight, beautiful, he whispered, before he hurried away.
I stood against the door with my back to it. I was so turned on. I needed Rusty inside me so
After a few moments, I stripped off my clothes and took a shower.
A cold one.



I was ashamed of the way I reacted to Hennas kiss.
After all that she did the orchestrated deception, the on-going lies, the chaos she brought to my
world, I should have been stronger and exercised willpower.
But I didnt. I couldnt.
To experience her touch again cool spring water to a man in a drought.
To hold her in my arms and feel her pliable body moulding against mine, to taste her tongue
inside my mouth, to feel her breasts pressing against my chest I just crumbled like shortcake.
My heart, my body they just lapped up the crumbs of affection she offered.
I desired her so much I was prepared to forgive her right away and love her forever, till we
Luckily, we didnt have the opportunity to finish what we started.
But as I made my way to my room, I knew I just wasnt going to be able to leave her anymore.
Not after what I just experienced. She wanted me and I wanted her. Badly.
She was married, a princess and out of bounds but I didnt care.
I wanted Henna.
I wanted another mans wife.
Imagine my surprise, when I received the letter from the candidate informing me that he had to
re-locate due to a family emergency. How was that for co-incidence? I took it as a sign. A good one.
Refusing to waste any more time, I sought out the object of my obsession.
Hey, Henna! As I greeted her, memories of us on the bed last night her thighs wrapped
tightly around my waist, my erection like a heat-seeking missile, my mouth on her erect nipples, flitted
through my head and I felt a flush creep over me.
Hello, Mr Carrington, she said in a breathy voice from under her lashes.
My cheeks became redder. How embarrassing.
What can I do for you, handsome? She put her hand behind her back and cocked her head to
one side.
I glanced at Vijay nearby, the looked at her. We have a problem.
A serious look crossed her face. Whats the problem?
My replacement had to go to Bombay for a couple of months. Some family emergency.
She visibly relaxed at my dilemma.
Oh noooo! she said in a facetious voice, and put the back of her hand on her forehead.
Whatever shall we do, Rusty Carrington?
Hennaaaaa! I rebuked with a smile on my face.
She grinned. Youre stuck with me for a little while longer, Mr Carrington.
I am I guess. I folded my arms across my chest and smiled at her. How will I cope?
As we grinned at each other,I was so tempted to lean over and kiss her beautiful lips.
Luckily I didnt, because Roop Singh entered the room to talk to Vijay about some business.
Henna and I tore our eyes off each other and went our separate ways.
Life around the palace became bearable now that Henna and I were friends. I went easy I
rushed into nothing because I still hurt and I still had trust issues.
But the harmony that existed between us made life so much more tolerable.
Hennas little family of freaks as they called themselves, became my little family of freaks and I
became very protective of them.
You can say that we jointly Barood, Rekha, Vijay, Henna and I, laughed, played and raised our
babies together.
Now that Henna was happy, I saw another side to her she was a huge prankster and messed
with me something terrible.
I was Head of Palace security and ever since King Anant was shot, I was on high alert whenever
we drove around.
Once, on our way to a royal function, we stopped to admire a view. As I stood and talked to
another security guard called Dominique, we heard gunshots. Without thinking, we both dropped and
drew our weapons ready to open fire on whoever was firing at us.
All we saw was Henna and the rest of them laughing their heads off at us. Turns out, Henna had
thrown a bunch of lit firecrackers near us, the ones that sounds like rapid gunfire!
Everyone pointed to Henna.
What the hell? Thats not funny, Princess Henna.
She laughed harder.
Then Dominique laughed. Finally I laughed.
You wait! I warned. You asked for it.
Another time, she rigged up a bottle of diet coke with mentos. Tied the mentos to a string,
slipped into the bottle and when I opened the bottle fuck! It exploded.
Once again, I thought I was being attacked and drew my weapon and once again, everyone
laughed their asses off at me, and once again, Henna, Princess of Asokastan was responsible.
You have too much time on your hands, Princess, I said. You need a fucking job. Learn how
to make pappadams or something, will you?
She gave me the finger sign.
A week later, Vijay and I needed to go to the US on official business. We would be gone for two
weeks. I worried about Henna and our babies. How would they manage without me?
Two weeks, Henna pouted. Im going to miss you.
Her directness did two things took me back a bit, and also warmed my heart.
Come with us, then, I heard myself say.
I took her hands in mine. Ill take you around, show your America. We can extend our trip by a
week and have some fun. Say yes, Rusty. As I spoke I realised how much I wanted her to come
with us.
She looked at the ground and bit her lip.
Trust me, Henna.
Yes, Rusty! she finally said. Make it fun. I need it, Rusty.
I couldnt remember the last time I was so thrilled in my life. I grabbed, stole a quick kiss, then
darted around making plans.
Miami had better be ready for us, I thought.
When Queen Karisma heard that I was taking Vijay to the US, she was very happy.
Im so glad Prince Vijay has you in his life, she said. Show him how to be a man, Rusty. I
will make every resource available to you.
I thanked her and smiled to myself.
The only resource I wanted other than my two babies, the princess of Asokastan.

Chapter Eleven


Miami was wonderful. I love every minute of it. The freedom, the people who didnt give a
damn who we were, the fashion, the beaches all wonderful.
The first thing Rusty did was take Rekha, Vijay, Barood and I for shopping for clothes shorts ,
beachwear and stuff.
I was thrilled to wear clothes that people in Miami were wearing shorts, sarongs, sun hats
Rusty got the sales ladies to deck us out and Rekha and I had fun. He insisted that she sell me a couple
of bikinis, which I had never worn before.
I was in the spririt of things, so I agreed, even though I felt fat.
We packed away all our Indian, heavy clothing and blended into another world.
I was like a goldfish that has jumped into the sea and was experiencing the ocean for the first
time. I was excited and scared at the same time.
Unlike the goldfish, I had Rusty next to me at all times so there was no danger, only excitement.
I watched in fascination as people protested with placards over something. Taxation on beer or
something trivial. Openly defying their government? Wow! If they did that in Asokastan, Queen
Karisma would have hanged them the very same day!
Vijay and Barood absolutely loved it. They revelled in the anonymity the US offered them and
were delighted that they could be openly affectionate with each other.
Like other gay couples, they held hands, kissed in public, touched inappropriately all the things
two people in love did. Nobody gave a damn.
I felt sad for them when I realised how much this freedom meant to them. I was particularly
fascinated to see Barood dressing and living as a woman. Total woman dress, long, painted nails,
heels, styled wig a complete woman. As I said, I was fascinated. Nobody looked twice at him,
except Rekha, Rusty and I.
Rekha had been to Miami before, so she took us to her favourite hang-outs before the scarring
and showed us around. At night, she wore a wig where the hair coverd one side of a face.
During the day, she wore to type of burka so people didnt stare. Well, they cursed at her when
she was in their way or called her Sand Nigger and stuff like that, but she didnt care.
Imagine if I retaliate by flashing them my face, she said with a laugh. Imagine their faces
then? Maybe I should.
Barood wanted to dance, so Rusty took us to a night club. The club was packed with good
looking men. I looked at them and said, Wow! They are so handsome. I even wondered if one of
these handsome men would maybe ask me to dance.
But to my absolute shock, they danced with each other and then started kissing each other. My
jaw dropped.
I finally figured that we were in a gay club. What a waste of good looking men, I thought sourly.
Disappointed at womankinds loss, I did shots, which Rusty introduced us to and danced the
night away.
Although Barood loved it, he became, as usual, insecure about the attention Vijay got from men
around us. Vijay looked fifteen, even though he was nineteen, so he got a lot more attention that
Barood did.
Rusty and I sat with our drinks and watched them dance. I laughed when men hit on Rusty and he
got uncomfortable. He inched closer to me.
Lets get out of here, he said.
No, first I want to see you kiss a guy, then only.
What?! He grabbed my arm and yanked me out of there.
I never got to see you moonwalk! I cried.
Im not drunk enough.
After about ten shots, he insisted on teaching us how to moonwalk like Michael Jackson, whether
we wanted to learn or not.
Damn! You guys are bad. Only Rekha gets it. How can you not learn how to moonwalk? Im
such a great teacher and its such a fantastic thing to know.
We collectively rolled our eyes and gave him another drink, hoping to shut him up. But we had
fun learning, though.
Nothing physical happened between Rusty and I, but we were able to have fun. Oh, he held my
hand a lot, but heeding Rekhas words, I rushed into nothing.
It has to happen at his pace if anything is going to happen, she had said.
I was just happy to be out of the palace and enjoying life to worry about rush anything.
What Rusty enjoyed most, was that he and I could walk along the boulevard and push a stroller
each with six-month-old Sandiya and Sachin, like regular families did. He would lie on the grass with
them and just enjoy them without wondering if anyone was looking. They knew his voice and the
moment they heard it, their faces lit up.
I noticed people staring at Rusty and me a couple of times, and I finally learnt the word
Sometimes we got really dirty looks, coupled with angry mutters (curry-munchers, gas-pumper
lover, elephant jockey) from people, mainly whites. At times like that, I drew closer to Rusty, scared
at the hostility. With him, I felt safe. I wasnt sure if he didnt notice what they said, or if he didnt
want to draw my attention to it. It didnt matter I was free and I felt freedom like I never felt before.
A week into our holiday, Rusty looked out of the window one afternoon and said, Lets go to
the beach.
Okay, Ill get the strollers.
Not today, he said. Just you and me.
Oh, okay. Run or walk?
Okay. I put on a pair of shorts in anticipation of our run on the beach.
He took my hand in his and we started off with a walk. The sun was just starting to set and the
evening was balmy. Truly a holiday feel.
As we passed a private alcove on the beach, I noticed a waiter standing alongside a rug which
had a picnic basket on it. He was obviously waiting for someone or some couple. Flaming touches
surrounded the picnic spot and there was champagne in an ice-bucket. Next to it were two crystal
How romantic, I gushed.
Yeah, some guys will do anything for pussy.
I nudged him hard. Its romantic!
No, its not! Its flashy.
Its beautiful. That guy must have put so much of thought into it. Must have taken him days to
plan it. How sweet.
Its basically just champagne, Henna. You want champagne, Ill get you champagne. He
dropped my hand and veered towards the waiter. Excuse me, he said. Can I buy that bottle of
champagne off you?
No, sir, the waiter said. Its for a special couple.
Aw cmon! Rusty said. Its just champagne. You can run off and get another bottle.
Sir, I would like you to step back as you are ruining the mood here.
Mood? What mood? Theres no one here yet.
Rusty ! I whispered. Stop, will you?
Rusty threw the waiter a look of disgust. Youre just being an asshole, and I bet I could take
that whole basket and walk off you and you can do jack bout it?
I was horrified with Rustys behaviour and grabbed his arm. Stop Rusty ! I dont want the
You try that and I will kick your ass, sir, the cocky waiter said.
Oh yeah? Lemme see you do that. Rusty adopted a fighting stance and flexed his fingers at the
waiter in a bring-it-on motion.
By now, I was getting hysterical. Rusty! Rusty, dont! Rusty!
Oh yeah? The waiter rushed Rusty and they both went down.
Horrified, I stood with both my hands over my mouth, horrified as the waiter on the ground
Rusty, what have you done? Oh my God!
Then to add to my horror, the beach police ran towards us, blowing on their whistles.
I froze, visions of both of us being thrown in a US prison flashing through my head. Rusty, its
the fucking police! Stop!
I couldnt believe his arrogance. It was so unlike him.
The police took one look at the situation and cuffed Rusty.
Officer wait! I said Theres been a misunderstand
Stand back! the officer said in a threatening voice. Who are you?
Im henn, his hisfriend, sir.
Friend? Thats it?
Well, we have two children toget
Well, too bad, your friend is going to jail for assault.
Fighting back tears, I stood stunned with my hands over my mouth, not knowing what to do next.
Finally, I said, Rekha shell know
The cop looked at me. Are you crying?, yes, I mean I wiped away tears.
Dont! Hes pranking you.
Wha? Prankking? I stared at the officer, wondering if I heard correctly.
Its a prank, Henna.
A prank? My eyes flew to Rusty. He was laughing like a hyena. Everyone was laughing.
This is a PRANK?! I yelled.
Rusty nodded. Payback. The firecrackers? Remember that?
This thisRusty, this is the fucking POLICE!
Everyone laughed harder at my profanity, my fury.
I was not laughing, as I was not in the least bit amused. This is too much for me. Im going back
to the hotel! I flung over my shoulder as I ran off.
Wait! Rusty cried. Henna, wait! Henna!
Fuck you, Rusty! I yelled and continued running.
He chased after me and tackled me to the ground. Its a joke, Baby.
How can it be a joke? The fucking police I looked past him at the picnic spot. The waiter
was up on his feet, waving at me, a huge grin on his face. I looked at the beach police they too
waved at me before they began to leave.
Theyre not police.
I looked at Rusty. He was holding his sides and howling with laughter.
You fucking I pummel him with my fists. It was so not funny, you fucking kutta (dog)!
He caught both my hands, held me down and laughed harder.
Then he lifted me up, threw me over his shoulder, and walked back to the picnic spot.
I cant believe youmfff! I swatted at his back again.
When Rusty put me down, the grinning waiter handed me a glass of champagne. I took it without
thanking him and downed it to steady my shaking self.
He and Rusty high-fived each other and fell about laughing like two little boys.
Classic! the waiter said.
Yeah, shouldve heard her language.
They high-fived each other again while I stood and contemplated smashing the champagne bottle
over both their heads. Rustys first.
After a while, I felt really sheepish and I smiled to myself.
Rusty slipped the waiter a few bills and sent him off. He turned to me and grinned.
After I got over my fright, I looked around at the picnic. It was so romantic with flaming torches
against the molasses sky, fancy cheeses, chocolates, champagne, tiny little breads and tubs of assorted
It was stuff Id seen in movies and read about, and there it was, happening to me, to Henna from
the village of Geet.
This must have taken you days to plan.
It did.
Im touched, I say in a quiet voice. To have this display of thoughtfulness from him after so
many tears and pain and anger
Tears filled my eyes.
You gonna cry now? He pulled me roughly to him.
ImIm touched, Rusty.
I wanted you to experience a beautiful sunset, Henna. Thats all.
We hugged for a long time before he let me go. I didnt try to kiss him because I knew that if I
did, I wouldnt be able to stop. I suspected he felt the same way.
I want to know Henna. Every thing about her. Every single thing.
I looked at the ground, then up at him. My name is Henna and Im from the village of Geet. I
loved to shoot with my slingshot and I speak English and Hindi.
Nice to meet you, Henna from the village of Geet. Now, say something to me in Hindi.
After a nanosecond, I smiled. Mai tumse pyre karthi ho, I whispered. (I love you.)
What does that mean?
Thats for you to find out.
What? Thats not fair.
Your homework.
Well, he scratched his head, how am I going to remember those words?
Ill say it again, Mai tumse pyre Karthi ho.
He mouths the words. Fucking gibberish to me.
As the sky darkened, we talked, drank and enjoyed the picnic. Talked about everything, our past,
my betrayal, his pain, his family, my disappointing family everything. I told him about Miss Sarah
and about my weight loss, my nervousness when I lost my virginity everything.
You should write a book one day, he said.
Maybe I will.
Wanna hear something strange? he asked.
I feel whole now that youre back in my life.
I smiled.
I like Henna almost as much as I liked Anita.
And I like you as much as I like George Michael, I evened.
George Michael? But hes gay!
Yeah but didnt you take us to a gay club? How different are you from George Michael,
When we finally stumbled back to the hotel hand-in-hand, we were both tipsy and laughing. The
moment he entered, he bragged about how he pranked me. I wanted to tell them about the beautiful
sunset and the lovely surprise picnic, but he put his hand over my mouth and told them about how he
got me.
Youd think that after successfully pulling off such a major prank, hed stop no. He filled the
shower head with red food dye, the powdered type, and when I turned on the shower, I was horrified
to see blood emanating from my scalp.
As expected, I freaked out, screamed my head off and ran out of the shower, only to find
everyone waiting outside my bathroom, laughing their heads off at my reaction.
When I got over my shock, I threatened to kill Rusty in his sleep.

Chapter Twelve


Since I missed out on my youthful years and didnt get to do all the things teenagers did, Rusty
wanted me to experience some of what I had lost out on. He taught me to rollerblade (even though he
hated it), ice-skate and of course, after a few shots, that dreaded moonwalk. He wouldnt rest until we
all perfected it.
In spite of the moonwalk bit, I was having the time of my life with him.
But something was missing.
I was transparent enough for Rekha to pick up on it. What is it, Henna? she asked and shut the
book she was reading.
I turned my head away from the window to look at her. Im losing my patience with him.
Yes. I mean, hes wining and dining me and and doing stuff for me, showing me life and all
that, but I shook my head.
You want more, and right now hes acting like a father-figure instead of like a lover.
Amazed that she could put it so succinctly, I nodded. Im sick and tired of being patient and
waiting for him to make the first
Then dont wait.
I threw open my palms. How?
Go get him. Take him. Take whats yours, Henna.
Butbutbut I paced, as I mulled over her words.
It might take several tries before you eventually get what you wa
See now, that part what you just said I dont know if I can handle that. Handle that
Okay, fair enough. Butthink of how you got him in the first place. He said no to you, right?
You didnt let that stop you and look where it got you. You went back, fought for what you
wanted, and got everything you wanted.
Mm. I stared out the window as I digested her words.
Make a decision to get him back, get you gear on and go for it. The situation, the scenario right
now, is perfect. Youre a woman; use your best weapon in your fight to get him.
Baby steps, though. Make him believe hes in charge and hes making the moves. Lead gently,
and then hang back.
My chuckle was nervous. Im so out of practice.
Then practice. Dont make excuses. Start off by going for a run. On your own. Not with him.
Tell him you want some time on your own. That will get the ball rolling. Trust me, it will pique his
It was time to listen to my life tutor.
While Rusty sat on a chair and watched TV, I changed into my running gear and prepared to
leave the apartment.
Immediately I had his attention. His head jerked to look at me, his eyebrows raised. Where?
Going for a run.
Ill go with you. He made towards the bedroom for his sneakers.
No, no, I said. I need to be on my own for a while. I flashed him a smile.
Oh. He looked at the floor and scratched the back of his neck. And likehow long will
you be?
I shrugged.
Okay so youve got the address in case you get lost or
I darted over to him and planted a quick kiss on his lips. Ill be okay, I whispered, as I
squeezed his waist.
If he was dead and rigor mortis had set in, this is how hed have looked.
With a smile and a wave, I ran off.
As I ran on the beach, I looked at all the near-naked men. Normally Id avert my eyes. But on that
day, I looked twice at them.
Then it hit me I was sexually frustrated. That was my problem. It was time to change things. I
needed, as Rusty used to put it, get laid.
The run was great as it lifted my mood, and although I was tired from it, I was strangely
energised and upbeat.
When I returned an hour later, Rusty was waiting outside the hotel for me.
Whats wrong? I asked.
Nothing. Just being on standby in case you needed me, he said, a sheepish smile on his face.
How was your run?
Great. But after seeing all those near-naked, hunky men on the beach, Im going to need a cold
What?! Hunky? Them? He craned his neck to look behind me, a look of distaste on his face.
Im kidding!
He followed me into the elevator, where we looked at each other in silence. I saw the intrigue in
his eyes. Rekha was right about so many things.
Hunky, eh?
No, youre the hunkiest guy Ive ever met, and the sexiest. I smiled and bit my lip.
Yeah? His eyes turn into slits.
Ooohhh, yeah.
The elevator stopped. I stepped out and he followed. Suddenly, I stopped, causing me to collide
into me.
Slowly, I turned around into him. I placed my hands on either side of his hips and gave a gentle,
but firm squeeze. I dropped my voice and said, Lets put it this way, baby; if I wanted someone to
soap me down in the shower right now, among other things slowly, I moved my hands and rested
them on the lower part of his abs, Id want you to do it. I turned and walked into our apartment and
into the shower, while he stood and gawked at me.
I was so turned on by what I had just did, that I had the urge to drag him into the shower and fuck
I resisted that urge with great difficulty.
But soon, I told myself.



At Baroods insistence, Rusty took us to another gay bar. While Barood and Vijay danced and
made out on the dance floor, Rusty and I chatted while we nursed our drinks.
As we were chatting, a transvestite walked up to him and ignoring me said, Looking for a date,
Eh, no thanks, Rusty said. Im with her. He jerked his head towards me.
The transvestite who I found fascinating, looked me up and down and sneered. Too bad. Bet I
can blow better than her. He or she sashayed away, mumbling something about a repressed Asian
Amused, I picked up the water bottle on the table and put it to my lips. With a smile, I said, Bet
he cant. Slowly, I ran my tongue over the bottle opening, my eyes fixed on Rustys.
Rusty swivelled his whole body to look at me, his eyes wide with shock.
I shrugged and giggled.
After staring at me for a few moments, thinking God know what, Rusty, who didnt like dancing,
except of course, the moonwalk, grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor.
There we swayed in each others arms among the sea of tightly packed bodies.
Holding him in my arms, in the dark for more than three minutes in a row, feeling his taut, body
pressing against mine, caused familiar stirrings between my thighs.
With a soft groan, I inched closer and pressed my hips firmly against his. With my eyes locked in
his, I slowly moved my hips against his. Almost immediately, I felt his hard-on.
With a sigh of pleasure, I moulded my body against his.
Fear of rejection? No way. Blame it on the three Tequila Sunrises Id just had, blame it on the
holiday mood I was in, blame it on the runners high I had, I just threw caution to the US winds and
went into seduction mode. I reached up, jerked his face down to mine and slide my tongue into his
Without hesitation, he crushed me to him and allowed me to explore his mouth with my tongue,
and for a few seconds it was as if we were alone on the dance floor.
As I probed his mouth with my eager tongue, I slid my hand slowly down his chest, over his
belly and lingered there. When I heard his groan above the music, I inched it further onto his bulging
erection. I let it stay there and felt it burgeon under my touch.
I want you, he groaned between urgent kisses. God, Henna, I want you now. Today. This
minute. Now!
Smouldering with desire and taking advantage of the dark, I surreptitiously unzipped his pants,
slids my hand into the opening and caressed his erection.
His groans became anguished. Baby, I will come all over you this very moment, Im warning
I smiled and zipped up his pants.
Lets get the fuck out of here! he muttered, his voice thick with emotion.
No argument from me. I allowed him to almost drag me back to Vijay and Barood.
Henna and I are going to be late, he said. Dont wait for us.
Baroods eyebrows shot up. What? His eyes flitted between Rustys and mine. I avoided eye
contact with both of them.
With my hand firmly in his, Rusty and I weaved through the bodies on the dance floor and out of
the club.
This way, he said, almost running away from the club.
To my amusement, I find myself in the lobby of a neighbouring hotel.
I put my mouth to his ear. What you doing, Rusty ? Were booked in
I want you alone, all to myself, he whispered, as he fumbled for his wallet and whipped out
his credit card.
Ah. I smiled and slid my arm around his muscular waist. As we waited for the hotel clerk to
process the booking, I leaned towards his ear. Good idea, cos I dont want my family to hear you
His eyes grew large. Yeah?
Yeah, I mimicked and grabbed his butt.
Picking up the key, he took my hand and dragged me to the elevator, where we make out like
crazy once the elevator door shuts. He had me against a wall, with my skirt around my waist, his
hands moving feverishly between my thighs. When the elevator pinged, I quickly shove him off and
pull down my dress.
We raced to the hotel room and the moment we shut the room door, he began to tear off my
clothes. Literally.
I didnt care, I just wanted him inside of me.
With seconds we were naked. I lay back on the bed and spread my thighs, my eyes fixed on his
perfect erection.
How I missed this his ripped abs, his firm butt, his sculptured chest. I reached up and
unashamedly drew his bare hips to mine. I didnt need foreplay right now. Foreplay began that day in
my bedroom when we dry-humped each other.
Fill me up, I whispered. Fill me up, now.
As he entered me, I felt every delicious inch of his length, every second of that glide into my
wetness. I bucked and clawed he we rocked together.
He shook my frame with the urgency of his thrusts so hard, I had to grab onto the bedposts for
With each thrust, I felt the months of heartache, pain sorrow, and all the misery that we both
experienced, fade into oblivion.
At one time, he paused with his thrusting and kissed me gently. As he did, I felt him twitch and
throb deep inside of me. Unable to bear it, I writhed and moaned under him until he resumed his
Finally, we shuddered me first, then him. Unprotected sex. I didnt care at that moment.
Spent, we didnt talk, we just held each.
Rusty planted light kisses all over my face, my breasts and on my stomach.
We couldnt get enough of each other and we made love again, this time taking our time and
savoring each other.
I surrendered my body to Rusty, allowing him to flex and move me around, try every position in
order to maximise our pleasure and find a perfect rhythm.
I caught a glimpse of us in the mirror his muscular, white body behind my brown, the fingers of
his hand entwined in my long hair, while the other clutched at my breast so different, yet so
beautiful, thrusting in rhythm. Our eyes met in the mirror and we smiled at each other. It was a sight
that would remain etched in my memory.
I fell asleep in his arms even though I didnt want to fall asleep I wanted to remain awake so
that I could touch him and kiss him and feel his hands all over me.
Morning came too quickly. After a leisurely shower which included some wet Latin love terms,
we crawled back into bed and lay in each others arms, reluctant to end our love-fest.
Mai tumse pyre karta hooo, he whispered. (I love you.)
I jerked to look at him. Karta ho, I corrected, stunned that he learned off that phrase.
You said that to me on the beach, remember?
Yes! And you remembered?
Yep. I asked around, found out what you said, and found how to answer you. He bear-hugged
me. Been waiting to say that for a while now.
I pushed him gently away, took his hand and placed it over my heart. Mai tumse pyre karti ho,
Rusty. With all my heart.
A sombre look crossed his face. I dont know how we gonna do this, but I just cant he
shook his head slowly, I want you, Henna. All of you.
Somewhere an angel played softly on her harp.
I want you, I said.
He nodded. Just like old times, huh? A full circle.
Just like old times. Except this time, I got stretch marks and Im fat, I pouted.
Stretchmarks? I dont give a shit. I love you, thats all.
I snaked my arms around his neck. Love you too, forever.
I nodded. Forever and ever till I die.
In that case, he reached for his wallet and brought out the ring.
Oh my God! I cried as he slipped it on my finger. Oh my God, Rusty!
I would love to ask you to marry me, but thats not something I am able to right now. But in the
meantime, Henna, will you be mine, forever?
Oh my God! is all I could manage. Oh my God!
He squinted at me. Youre not surprised that I still have it?
I shake my head and play with my ring.
How come, Henna?
I went through your wallet months ago.
He looked at me in disbelief. You gotta be kidding.
I cant be trusted, I said with a dismissive wave. Oh my God, its so beautiful! I want to wear
it all the time, Rusty. I never want to take it off.
Hand-in-hand, we finally floated back to our hotel and turned red under the curious gazes of
Vijay, Barood and Rekha.
Vijay had the decency not to stare. Rekha stared behind our backs and got away with it. But
Barood just openly stared, eliciting sharp nudges and hisses to stop from both Vijay and Rekha.
With a huge smirk, I flashed Rekha my ring.
Her eyes widened. I want details, she whispered.
I nodded and looked at Rusty. We both hid our red faces behind a baby each.
I loved the US.
I loved Rusty.
I loved life.

Chapter Thirteen


The biggest difficulty Rusty and I had was keeping our love under wraps.
We courted all over again and it was great getting to know each other without guises or hurdles.
We struggled to keep our hands off each other.
Rusty was back to being the guy I fell in love with. He was happy and contented and his usual
goofy self.
Vijay and Barood loved Miami so much, that Vijay rented an apartment permanently there for
our getaways. There they could be themselves.
Rusty and I could also be ourselves be a family and be with our babies in public.
When go to Miami whenever we could any excuse will do and all of us lived for the times we
could fly into our playground.
Queen Karisma was only too thrilled that Rusty agreed to renew his contract, and she threw
everything at him to keep him happy and comfortable. Providing he had dinner with her a couple
nights a week and lunch whenever she was around.
Our babies were growing and darting all over the place which meant that we had to child-proof
our suite. They were striking tanned skin, blue-grey eyes, rosy cheeks, pink lips and light brown
I always worried that someone would suspect they were not Vijays, but since Maharanis
coloring was almost the same, no rumors were heard. I guess nobody dared say anthying even if they
thought it.
As they grew older, Rusty became heavily involved in their upbringing. He taught them to ride
their bikes, to fish, to fight, to run and he even took us all to the Swiss Alps so he could teach them to
ski. Our kids adored Rusty and they refused to go to bed until he tucked them in and told them one of
his tall stories, which they loved. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he enacted them and
used different voices.
Vijay loved that too he always sat in for the bedtime stories and he appeared equally
enthralled by Rustys stories.
Wish I had a father like that when I was growing up, he said, in a wistful voice.
His fascination stemmed from the fact that he never experienced that kind of relationship with
neither his mother, nor his father.
On one of our trips to the US, Rusty disappeared for hours, then returned with a huge smile on
his face.
Where have you been? I demanded. Youd better not have a mistress somewhere
He moved aside his shirt. I gasped. Our names Sandiya, Sachin and Henna was tattooed on his
I couldnt get a wedding ring, so I got this, he said in a melancholy voice.
I was moved to tears that someone loved me enough to etch my name permantly on their body.
How lucky was I.
Whatever you do, dont take off your shirt in public, Rekha warned.
Yes, dont, we chorused.



Rusty was crazy to get a tattoo with Hennas name on his body. I worried about that. What if
Maharani discovered it? What if somebody saw it and told Maharani about it. I guess, being in love
made one reckless and Rusty was totally in love with Henna. His happiness was tangible and the
mood amoung our family was high. We had our own little secret Miami.
Anyway, I neednt have worried too much about Queen Karisma. She was too busy enjoying her
single life to be a grandmother or a mother to her children. Too busy seeking the perfect cream or
potion that would grant her eternal youth which she sought desperately now that she was single again.
Word had it that she had brought in cosmeticians from around the world -- flew them over to
perform beauty treatments on her on a regular basis.
The servants told stories of her serial dating. Younger men only, much to the embarrassment of
her daughters. Rumours about her driving through the streets of Asokastan, spotting young men, then
sending out her aids to invite them back to the palace, flew around.
But everyone knew of her fascination with Rusty Carrington.
When she was around, he had to drop everything and be at her side. She loved to show him off
whenever she had guests. She wouldnt come out and say it outright, but shed hint that he was her
lover, mainly to other women. She enjoyed seeing their envy.
As for Rusty it was a small price to pay considering that he and Henna could be together and
he could be around his children.
We didnt care about the rumors, as we believed that if she were a king, thered be gossip
We all were too happy in our own lives to give a damn what she did. As long as she left our
family of freaks alone, thereby allowing the clandestine love affair between Rusty and Henna to
Now that Henna and Rusty were lovers again, Henna bloomed. Her eyes shone, her smile
dazzled and it seemed like she floated, not walked.
Life was so much more bearable for us all now that Henna and Rusty were together.
Not contented with just the US, Rusty took us all to Italy, France, Africa, Japan and Canada. He
timed it such that whenever Queen Karisma left Asokastan, we would leave too. We usually returned
before she arrived or shortly thereafter.
Out of sheer frustration, Rusty secretly rented an apartment a couple of miles from the palace. He
and Henna would meet there every Tuesdays and Fridays. They looked forwards t those days where
they could be together uninterrupted.
When Henna fell pregnant again, everybody was thrilled.
Hey, youre going to be a father to three children, I said to Rusty.
He couldnt stop smiling. Yeah. Wow! Three kids. Wow! I need one more tattoo.
Thrilled, Maharani threw another huge party for Vijay and Henna and showered them with gifts
more gold bangles.
Rahul, Hennas third son was born on a wet, November day. He was a cherubic boy with eyes
the colour of jade and light brown hair. His lungs were really well developed and he usually chose to
exercise them in the wee hours of the morning waking everyone up. But the children brought us all
untold joy. With them we all had to look at life with the eyes of a child and it was good to do that.
Life was good.
During one of our visits to the US, Rusty arranged for me to consult with a US plastic Surgeon. It
was decided that I would undergo a series of cosmetic surgeries to reduce my facial scarring.
I was terrified, as my experiences with hospitals in the past were painful. But Rusty did
everything in his power to placate me.
Well all be there, he said in a reassuring manner. Every step of the way. Well stay with you
and well take turns to look after you. Youll never be alone, so dont worry, Rekha.
Over two years, I had four cosmetic surgies, all paid for by Vijay. My scarring was drastically
reduced and with each day my confidence grew.
The first time I went out in public without my scarf, I was terrified that I kept my scarf in my
pocket just in case.
But when people no longer stared, I became thrilled and my confidence mushroomed.
Often I would get so overwhelmed with joy, that I would cry and Henna would cry with me.
The connection between the two of us was very very strong.
What if Rekha gets married and leaves me, Rusty ? Henna asked once at the dinner table. She
smiled when she said that, but the look in her eye told me that she was afraid to lose me.
Could be something to do with the fact that I had a little male attention these days.
Dont worry, baby, Ill be here forever, he said. He pointed to the tattoos on his chest.
Inked forever, remember?
She smiled.
You were thirteen when you needed a mother-figure, babe, he said. But now youre twenty-
threeb your dont need a mother-figure any more. Youre a grown women now and you have your
own children who need you. Things have to change; its the order of life, of nature.
She nodded.
I had no plans to leave her but she fretted anyway.

Chapter Fourteen


Queen Karismas harassing grew stronger as the days went by. It started to bother me. In the
beginning, it was fine, I could cope with it. But I had Henna and my three kids to think about, and the
last thing I wanted to do, was piss her off so that she fired me. For the first time in my life, I worried
about keeping my job.
I didnt mind her watching me in the past when I trained Vijay on the palace grounds. Over time,
I did become a little self-conscious about her eyes constantly on me. Anyway, I was a big boy as
Ellen said, so I handled it.
Rumor had it that she had a bevy of willing suitors. Young ones at that. So I was baffled as to
why now, she had amped up her pursuit of me.
Seems like because I wasnt interested in her, I had become a challenge. Either that or she didnt
find anyone who keep her attention for long.
Didnt she realise there was Travis and Drake and Colin and a whole team of bodyguards to
chase after, I wondered?
I was boring a family man these days. I hurried home to see my kids and get an hour with them
before they went to bed, then steal a kiss or two from Henna, sneak in some inappropriate fondling
and go straight to bed.
Her meetings with me became later in the evenings, and she always had it over dinner and
drinks. She drank a lot more than I did at those meetings and she became really brazen after that.
During one of her meetings with me, Roop Singh quietly left the room and we were alone.
So, Rusty, are you still hankering after that woman you wanted to find?
Eh, no Your Karisma. Im over her.
Anyone special in your life right now? she asked, as she lounged back in her chair and eyed
Eh, no, Karisma. Work keeps me busy these days. Vijay and the kids
Oh. She gathered her hair to one side and then played with it. You must have a lot of women
chasing you, Rusty. A good looking, sexy virile man like you?
At a loss for words and shifting in the wing-back chair I was sitting in, I shrugged.
I think she fed off my discomfort because she became more brazen. Im planning a vacation
two weeks to the Greek Isles. Id like you to join me. As my guest.
Guest my ass. She wanted to fuck me. Two weeks without Henna and the kids
Travis will take over, she said. Im confident hell do a sterling job.
Travis next to Henna. Immediately, I felt my wrists clenched.
Okay, but, I wont be comfortable as a guest, Ill be happy to be your bodyguard.
She put her hands on her breasts and smiled. Bodyguard then. All that she needed was to wink
and that would have done it.
Then Roop Singh entered and her demeanour changed sharply. She sat up straight, pushed her
hair back and discussed threat levels surrounding the kids and Prince Vijay.
Thank you Rusty, she finally said in an official voice. Roop Singh will be in touch with you
regarding your proposal.
I stood up, curtsied and left.
I high-tailed it out of there-ran all the way to Henna, took her aside and told her about Queen
Karismas indecent proposal. And that fucking Travis
She put her hands over her mouth and laughed.
That made me mad. It was no laughing matter, Queen Karisma was not holding back. I felt
harassed and uncomfortable around her.



I was summoned to a 9 PM meeting. Since it was an unscheduled meeting and thinking it was an
emergency with palace security, I rushed out to Queen Karismas suite.
Turns out, Her Majesty wanted to talk. No problem with that, except that Her Majesty was in a
long, silk robe. A fairly transparent one that showed off her breasts, her nipples and thighs when she
She led me into her private suite. It was the first time I had been there, and I was intrigued by it.
A red love seat dominated the room, bright scatter cushions in red and orange lay around. Scented
candles, silk drapes, champagne, strawberries a scene set for seduction.
Nice place you have here, Karisma, I said, trying to make small talk.
Glad you like it. Its been recently re-decorated. Couldnt stand my late husbands antiques.
They were as old as he was. She laughed and I laughed.
I like modern, young
I couldnt help thinking that she wasnt talking about furniture.
She walked ahead and flicked her finger at me to follow.
We walked into the largest bathroom or boudoir I had ever seen. In the middle was a spa full of
bubbles. Nearby was another bottle of champagne on ice with two long-stemmed glasses.
and now that hes no longer around, I can do whatever I like.
Then to my utter astonishment, as she neared the spa, she dropped her white robe and climbed
into it.
I got to see her ass before she sank into the bath. Not a bad looking ass, I must say.
Although she was covered in bubbles, she was naked and I was alone with her. Uncomfortable
was putting it mildly.
She gestured for me to pour the champagne, which I hastily did.
I walked over to her and handed her the glass. She held it up for me to clink, which I did, hoping
she would kick me out after that.
She sipped, while I practically downed the champagne out of sheer nervousness.
When she moved, she exposed a breast and again I got full view. This was The Queen, for fucks
You can join me if you like, she said, then ran the tip of her tongue around the rim of the glass.
Eh, no thank, maam. Ive already showered. How dumb was my answer? Im embarrassed as
I mention it here. But I was nervous and sweating.
She laughed and let her thighs drop. You dont say no to The Crown, Rusty.
Oh no, Your Karisma, its just that
Thats okay, she said raising a leg out of the water and rubbing it slowly. She was sexy, no
doubt about that. Totally fuckable. But not for me.
You know, Rusty, Im baffled. There was a time when you and I really connected. But these
days, I dont know, somethings not quite right and Im wondering if youre secretly seeing someone.
I shook my head. My job makes it difficult for me to have a social life, I lied.
Mm. Her eyes told me that she wasnt buying that. By the way, that girl who broke your heart
, remember her?
Ye ah?
Weve located another photo of her at one of the movie houses youve visited.
Wha? My throat constricted.
So far, thats two photos. Were making progress.
But but My mind raced. After all these years shes still pursing it? I thought I mentioned
that Im no longer interested in her. I mean, she sleft the country. Years ago. I mean, to my
We talked about it and we concluded that she has probably returned.
I dont know who we were, I dont know why she was bringing it up then, but frankly, I was in
a state of panic. Im not the type to panic, but at that moment I did. Im also a lousy actor, so I was
probably giving myself away then.
I wouldnt bother if I were you, I said, fighting to keep my voice casual.
She shrugged. Anyone who hurts people close to me, has to pay.
I nodded. She would Henna paid. The thought of Henna in her angry clutches sent a spark of fear
through me.
Are you sure you dont want to join me?
I declined and eventually left.
Even though its as late, I sought out Vijay and asked him to take me to Henna. Barood and
Rekha were also there.
What is it, Rusty? Henna asked, concern all over her pretty face.
I spilld everything.
They all looked at me with horror on their faces.
We need to leave, I told Henna. You, me our kidswe need to go.
But but how, Rusty? She took a long breath.
Ill find a way, I say. Ill talk to Ellen, try to arrange asylum in the US.
She put my hands to my temples. This is too much for me. I have no idea why asylum is. I know
I should trust you, Rusty, but Im scared to think about leaving my home and running off.
What about us? Barood cried? What about our babies?
I dont know for now, Barood. But, let us be safe, then we can
No! Vijayed cries, I dont to lose my babies.
Youre not gonna lose the babies, Vijay, Rusty said and put his hand on Vijays shoulder.
Vijay shrugged him off.
Tears silently course down Baroods face. Which is unusual, considering that he was a wailer.
Henna hurruied over to him and put her arms around him. Dont worry, its okay, she said, her
eyes fixed on mine, silently imploring me to stop this talk about us leaving Asokastan. I wont leave
without you two.
Frustrated with her, with the situation and feeling helpless, I turned and left the room.
The next day was Tuesday Henna and my stolen day together. In lieu of what Queen Karisma
told me about the new photo she had of Henna or Anite, we reluctantly canceled our day together, not
wanting to risk getting caught.
Both of us were disappointed and sombre as we really looked forward to our time alone. I found
my angry. Angry at Queen Karisma, angry at Henna and most of all, angry at myself.
As the day progressesed, I could see Hennas frustration she snapped at everyone and had a
sour look on her face.
However, that Friday, we could no longer deny ourselves we chanced it and me at my rented
The moment we were alone, we flew into each others arms and tore off our clothes. Our all
pent-up emotions dissolves as we rocked together.
When we were done, we were slick with sweat, but satiated.
I love you, I said, as I lay my head on her breasts.
I love you, too. And Im sorry for fighting with you.
Unfortunately, I needed to persuade her to leave Asokastan. Her fears, her inability to understand
the magnitude of the situation, made me mad again, and again, we ended up arguing.
Well, then, I have to go without you, Henna. I may even take the kids.
Her lips thinned. You go and you be safe. But youre not taking my kids.
Your kids? Your kids, Anita?
Oh, fuck off, Rusty! she said and jumped out of bed.
I leapt out of bed to face her. You dont understand, Henna she will destroy you.
Henna covered her eyes with her hands. I stood looking at her, my patience wearing thin.
Okay, I will leave, I said, feeling defeated. Maybe then, shell stop her investigation. Its for
the best. Ill mention something about a family emergency, then leave and just not turn up again.
Realizing I was serious, Henna looked at me, her eyes filling with tears.
Without a word, she turned and headed into the shower.
When she finished, she dressed in silence and left for the palace.
Alone in the apartment, I worked things out. I would leave within 48 hours. Once I was there, I
would seek out a team of legal experts and try to bring Henna and the children into the US.

Chapter Fifteen


The thought of not having Rusty in my life even for a short while, even for a day, made me so sad
and depressed.
He planned to leave the following night after the palace ball. He had already purchased his
plane ticket and arranged a stand-in.
Said he planned to spring it on Queen Karisma shortly after the party, a last minute thing, giving
her no time to investigate his story. That was his strategy.
We all listened to his plans in silence, not interrupting with questions, all our hearts leaden with
the thought of losing Rusty.
I listened with my eyes averted. I loved him so much how do l live without him?
Henna? Rusty said. Look at me, baby.
I kept my head bowed, causing my tears to collect under my chin.
Hennaaa! He walked over and tried to take me in his arms, but I pushed him away and hurried
out of the room.
Henna, please!
I lay on my bed, feeling like I had just run a marathon.
I knew that we were in danger, but I had too many people to think about Rekha, what would
become of her? Some time ago she had told me that she had tried get obtain a working visa in the US,
years ago and was not granted one. She was very fearful of it happening again.
Barood he loved our kids like his own. In his mind, they were his and Vijays kids. And Vijay
how I do just walk away from him?
What if I dont get refugee status? Do I then return here and face Maharani?
I barely got any sleep that night and the last thing I wanted to do was go to a ball.
I dont want to go, Rekha, I said in a morose voice.
You have to, Henna, she said, bringing out the gown she had chosen for me. Go to the ball
and have fun. When you get back, you can face reality again.
Rekha had chosen for me, a floor-length, sapphire, beaded gown strapless and flattering,
showing off more cleavage than I normally did. I didnt care. I didnt even care to look in the mirror
I just let her do what she needed to do.
There are going to be many dignitaries and movie stars there, tonight, Rekha said, brushing out
my hair. You need to look every inch the princess you are tonight, my dear.
I hear Maharani has two gowns for this evening. Shes also had a very special monkey-blood
facial just for tonight.
Monkey blood disgusting!
Because of the beading on the gown, I dont want you to wear any jewellery, Rekha chirped.
Just the sapphire and diamond tiara.
She did my make-up and set my hair with large heated curlers for loose waves.
Without looking in the mirror, I grabbed my purse, took Vijays arm and made our way to the
When I entered the ballroom, the first person I spotted was Rusty. He stood behind Maharani,
acting as her official bodyguard for the night.
I curtsied to Maharani, who looked drop-dead gorgeous as usual, shook hands with a few some
important people I was introduced to, and didnt look at Rusty at all, in case I broke down.
As the evening progressed, I felt him staring at me, but I stood close to Vijay and tried to fake a
smile for Maharanis sake.
Then Rusty walked over to Vijay and me. I kept my eyes on Vijay.
Im not leaving, Henna, Rusty whispered.
My head jerked to look at him.
Im not leaving, he repeated.
You bought your ticket, I whispered.
I cancelled it.
We locked eyes.
I cant, he said in a resigned voice. I need you, Henna. Cant be without you. Just cant. He
touched the tattoos on his chest. Cant be without my ki ds. His voice caught in his throat and his
eyes grew glassy.
I squeezed my eyes shut as light once again, filled my heart. Hes not leaving!
I wanted to throw my arms around him. I need to hhold you, I whispered.
No, baby.
Just for a moment. Please, my love. I need to. Please
He appeared to think about it. Second floor, blue bathroom. Its locked, but I have a key. See
both of you there in five minutes. He patted Vijay on the shoulder and hurried away.
I looked at Vijay. He was smiling. I was so happy, I gave him a hug.
Ouch! he cried. Youre hurting me.
I laughed. Hes not leaving me, Vijay, I whispered. He cant live without me.
I dragged Vijay to the bathroom. Rusty was already waiting inside and let us in. He locked the
door behind us and led me into a tiny supplies closet, while Vijay sat on a couch in the entrance to the
bathroom holding my tiara.
The moment Rusty shut the door, even though it was too dark to really see each other, we dived
into each other.
I love you, Rusty, I said, reaching up and jerking his head down to mine. God, I love you so
Our kisses were rough and all over the place. Our hands too.
He pulled down the top of my dress to free my breasts, then sucked lustily on one.
I threw my head back and wound my fingers through his hair, as a bolt of heat seared between
my thighs.
He feverishly gathered up my dress, raised it to my waist and pulled down my panties, while I
struggled with the buckle of his belt, then the zip of his pants. With his erection freed, he sat on a
chair and pulled me on top of him. Once he was inside of me, I bobbed on top of him, my breasts
swinging wildly in his face. He grasped my hips and ground me to his. I was so emotional and so
turned on, that I combusted almost immediately. To stifle my cry, he clamped a hand over my mouth.
Once I stopped jerking, he replaced his hand with his mouth, and with a low groan, blasted into
my core, filling me with every bit of his molten love.
Panting, we clung to each other.
Me tumse pyre Karthi ho, he whispered and planted a light kiss on each of my breasts.
I smiled at him and smooth down his hair. Me tumse pyre Kartha ho, I corrected and kissed
his head.
Back at the ballroom I felt like I just woken up from a sixteen-hour sleep I was suddenly
hungry. I wanted to eat and I wanted to dance. I did both.
As hard as I tried to avoid looking at Rusty, my eyes constantly sought his. Every time I looked
at him, I caught him looking at me. It was excruciating not to exchange a smile.
One of the hired dancers grabbed my hand and tried to take me to the dance floor. Hesitant, I
looked around for Maharani. To my surprise she was already dancing with another male Indian
The dance they were doing The flirt. With a joyous shout, I leapt into the crowd on the dance
floor and flirted away like Rekha had taught me to. I knew exactly what to do and how to do it. I
hitched up my gown, threw off my tiara and danced. People dropped out of the dance, but now me I
had the stamina to continue till the song ended. Till I was out of breath.
My evening was getting better by the moment.
Imagine my surprise when Roop Singh called me aside and told me that the Palace wasnt happy
with my dress.
Go put something else on, my dear, he said. Something a little more appropriate.
Stunned, I could only stare at him. I mean, I was wearing a dress similar to Maharanis and even
the colour was the same, so how could it possibly be inappropriate? It didnt have straps but with my
long hair, it made no difference.
Anyway, what choice did I have but to obey? Despondent, I dragged my confused self back to
my suite.
Shes just jealous! Rekha spat when she saw me in tears. You probably outshone her and
she stormed into my dressing room and returned with an armful of outfits, she got Roop Singh to get
you to change. Bitch! She threw the outfits on my bed. Lets try something from here.
I looked at the outfits and shook my head slowly. I dont want to go back.
You cant do that, Rekha cautioned. You cant leave just walkout on your husband, Henna.
It will be considered disrespectful. You have to go back.
No! I refuse to go back.
And I didnt. I changed into my nightwear and took my feelings of disappointment to bed with
As I lay in bed, I smiled. Rusty was not leaving. That was one good thing.
The next afternoon, I was summoned to Maharanis office. What a dressing down I got from the
Queen herself.
Your behaviour as the wife of the Crown Prince of Asokastan leaves much to be desired, she
said. You flirted with both guests and staff and your dress since when do you dress like that,
Henna? You looked cheap, trashy and you embarrassed the royal family and your husband.
She went on and on about how badly I behaved and how disrespectful I was not to return to the
ball and I eventually ended up in tears.
Im sorry, Maharani, I murmured, before I curtsied and left .
There was no doubt in my mind that staff was Rusty. He was the only one I smiled at and even
though we were careful, I suspected she spotted our smiles.
I sat in my suite with Rusty and Rekha and tell them about my dressing down by Maharani.
Mff! You probably upstaged her and she got miffed, Rekha sneered. Shes queen bee all
eyes have to be on her, nobody else. Dont worry, itll pass, she said in a voice that I didnt find
It does not pass.
Maharani pointedly ignored me at family gatherings even though I dressed demurely and did
nothing to attract attention.
I was at a loss. What do you do when your mother-in-law, who happens to be the Queen of
Asokastan, makes it obvious that she doesnt like you for no reason at all?
Besides feeling helpless, you can do nothing but silently despair. And I did.
To make matters worse, Roop Singh asked me, out of the blue, to wear my hair up during palace
Its just more age-appropriate, he said in a kind voice.
Wha ...?! I couldnt believe that he would ask me to do that.
At a loss for words, I nodded.
Age-appropriate? Rekha snarled, when she heard about it. That comment has your mother-in-
law all over it. Age appropriate, mff! Youre what twenty-four? How dare he ask that of you? Damn
I turn and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was down to my waist and thanks to Rekhas
hair treatments, it was thick, luxurious and shiny. Why would I ?
Just do it, Henna , Barood said. Only around her. Shes obviously jealous of your hair so
dont give her anything that will make her mad. We all turned to look at him. When did Barood grow



When conversation stopped in the ballroom, my first reaction was one of alarm. But imagine my
surprise when I saw that it was Hennas arrival that was the conversation-stopper.
I myself gaped at the sight of her. She looked great. She wore a blue gown which showed off her
breasts, a slit in the dress, not too high, but high enough to command every mans attention, a tiara
looked like one of those Miss World contestants stunning, actually.
My heart broke at the thought of leaving her behind. Never to see her and my kids again for
however long it was not something I could do.
Her brown eyes was filled with pain. It was at the instant that I made a decision.
I called in Colin to take my place and made a phone call to cancel my flight.
Wed fight this together, somehow.
Asokastans palace was a real attraction because of its opulence and interesting Queen, so at the
ball, there were dignitaries, neighbouring royals, Bollywood movie stars, politicians and socialites,
all vying for position of the most beautiful or most glamorous.
But Henna walked in and nailed that position just grabbed it.
Men and woman stared. When did she get to be so sexy, I asked myself?
I mean, Queen Karisma looked beautiful herself. She wore a mermaid-like gown, the same blue
as Hennas, that showed off her fabulous figure and showed off her tits.
Since she was now a merry widow, she took full advantage of it and dressed to seduce. Being
really attractive, she was, of course, the centre of attention.
Until Henna arrived.
Wow! Asokastans women are beautiful, I overheard a male guest say as he perved Henna.
Prince Vijay, as usual, got absolutely no attention. Which made him happy.
I planned to tell Henna about my cancelling the trip later on that night. But when she wouldnt
look at me, I felt the need to tell her sooner.
When I did, she dropped her fingers and moved it slowly towards mine, our three bodies
offering us privacy. I moved my fingers to touch hers. Even though our touch was so brief, it was so
electrifying, that both of us became tearful.
When I saw her later on in supplies cupboard, it wasnt sex, it was need and despair that fuelled
our tryst.
After that, I was happy to see her laugh and dance. She could dance. And she looked hot dancing.
When I saw her dance, I was two-minded I was happy that she was having fun, but at the same
time, I didnt like the way the men around ogled her. But I had no idea she could dance like that.
Later on, I deliberately bumped into her. Literally. Hey sexy! I whispered. You look like a
hot tamale in that dress, you know that?
Her smile took away my breath.
After all these years, she still took my breath away.
Id like to drag you back into the blue bathroom and fuck the daylights out of you, in that dress,
with those heels.
She fought back a smile.
Ill let you keep the tiara on this time.
She laughed and I laughed.
Wish you could save me a dance.
Her smile disappeared.
You make my life worthwhile, you know that? My voice was serious.
She looked up at me. You make my life worthwhile, Rusty, she whispered.
In the middle of the ball, we managed to share a tender moment.
When I looked up, the queen was watching us, her lips a thin line. Busted.
Gotta go, I said abruptly and walked away.
For a while, I noticed that Queen Karisma kept looking at Henna.
Then I watched her summon Roop Singh over, have a chat with him and point to Henna. Shortly
thereafter Henna hurriedly left the party.
When I learned about Hennas tongue-lashing from the queen, I felt guilty.
She did see us mess around last night, I said. My fault. Im sorry. Dont worry about it, baby.
Itll pass. She probably just didnt like being upstaged by you.
Deep down, I felt that something bad was about to happen.

Chapter Sixteen


Im not sure how, but Rusty managed to wrangle us a trip to Miami. After all the tension we had,
it was most welcome. We were so excited, we couldnt wait for our plane to take off. Freedom.
Taking full advantage of our short burst of freedom, Rusty and I went out every night to
restaurants, clubs, shows and just had fun.
We were reckless we were taking a huge chance going to Miami. We could have been
spotted by someone, and then Rusty and I would have been in serious trouble. But our desire to
be with each other, our desire to pretened to be a normal family with our children, just for a
little while was so intense, that we grabbed the freedom that another country afforded us. It was
way too alluring to pass on it and to be sensible.
Spending the night in each others arms and waking up together was our idea of bliss. We had to
be careful though our twins were now five and they were sharp.
Their turtor called them bright sparks. We did too.
While Rusty played monopoly with Sachin, Sandiya jumped onto his back and said, Spin me
round, daddy! Spin me round!
Everyone froze at her mistake.
Rustys Adams apple bobbed up and down as he looked at his daughter.
When Sandiya saw that all eyes were on her, she backed into me, then hid behind my skirt.
I reached around and drew her into my arms.
Mama, she whispered, I made a mistake. I called Rusty daddy, mama. Am I in trouble?
No, baby, I said, as I cuddled her. Youre not in trouble.
Rusty hopped to his feet and strode onto the balcony.
After a few minutes of placating Sandiya, I joined Rusty outside, where he stood and stared into
space. Without a word, I took him in my arms and kissed his chest.
He extracted himself from my arms and walked to the end of the balcony. There he stood with
his back to me. I followed him and stood behind him.
Slowly, he turned to look at me. I want her to call me daddy, he said in a hoarse voice. I
want them all to call me daddy. Theyre my children, Henna. Theyre not Vijays. I cant stand it
sometimes when they call him daddy. Theyre my goddamn kids!
All I could do is nod.
I love them so much and I do so much for them, and never to hear them utter the the word
daddy to me, Henna its downright unfair. Im fed up with it!
I let him rant for a while. Then I held his face in my hands and looked into his eyes. Im sorry
for your pain. I really am, my love. I wish there was something I could do to change all of this.
He covered my hands with his. My dream for us all to live as a proper functioning family
persists, Henna. I think about it all the time us just disappearing and living our lives the way we
should be, living it instead of us living this this sham. God, its frustrating!
I nod. I think about it all the time too.
Ive asked Ellen to make enquiries. She suggested we get blood tests done in the US to prove
paternity then armed with that information, we seek refugee status. Her only fear, which is mine as
well, is you, but
Daddy! We whirled around to look into the faces of our three smiling children. Daddy! they
Rekha appeared behind them. I told them today, we are going to do things differently. Today,
Rusty is daddy and Vijay is Rusty . Just for today. Back-to-front-day.
The kids clinged to Rustys legs. Daddy! Daddy! they chorused.
Rahul, removed his pacifier and said, Daddy, and I watched Rusty melt like ghee (clarified
butter) in the sun.
Rusty grabbed our kids and hugged them. Carry on like that and Im taking you guys swimming.
My kids screamed with delight. Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!
I left them and wandered over to Rekha. Thank you. Thats clever of you.
Yes, well, today, Im Princess Henna and youre Rekha.
I laughed.
From then onward, we had regular Daddy days which always brought a huge smile to Rustys
handsome face.
As advised by Ellen, our children had the blood tests which proved that Rusty Carrington was
the father of all three of my children.
As if there was any doubt in our minds.



The next time she asked to meet me at 9:30 PM, I knew she was up to her tricks again, but what
could I do? As she said before, you dont said no to The Queen of Asokastan, so along I went.
As I expected, she was in black negligee which showed a red and black bra and a G-string.
Fuck! It was obvious and awkward. If the roles were reversed if she was a man and I was a
woman, Id feel really sorry for the woman. But I was a man. Nobody was supposed to feel sorry for
me. You were supposed to slap me on the back and tell me what a lucky bastard I was for getting ass
on the side.
Once again, we retired to her boudoir. About twenty candles lit up the room and the smell of
Jasmine permeated the air. On the table was strawberries and champagne in a bucket of ice. Two
long-stemmed glasses.
Hello Karisma.
She nodded, then slowly moved her long dark hair aside. In the soft glow of candlelight, she
looked incredibly sexy and appealing and if I didnt know her, I would never have guessed that she
had a son of twenty-five.
Without her asking, I walked over to the champagne on ice and poured it.
Do you know that strawberries are an aphrodisiac?
Yes, I do, actually.
She smiled and accepted her glass from me.
We clinked and sipped.
I have this crik in my neck, she said and lowered herself onto a chaise lounge. Do you
mind? She tapped her neck.
She actually wanted me to touch her. Man, this situation was fucked up.
Having no choice, I moved behind her, put down my champagne glass and massaged her neck.
A soft sigh escaped her lips. Harder, please.
I massaged Henna all the time, so I was an expert on it, but this was totally different. I loved
Henna and I had no desire to want to touch another woman in a sexual manner.
But having no choice, I massaged harder.
Harder! I like it harder, Rusty! She started writhing and moaning as if we were having sex,
and suddenly she swung around and threw her hands around my waist.
Slowly, her hand moved over my crotch.
I got hard. Involuntary reaction.
With a smirk, she moved her hands over my thighs and ass.
I backed away, bumping into my champagne on the table and knocking it to the ground. Im
sorry! I said to her surprised face. Its just that youre he Queen! Fuck!
Ignoring the broken glass she said, Not tonight. Tonight, Im a woman.
No, youre not, I wanted to scream. Youre a fucking raving, mad nympho with a crown!
Im sorry, Karisma. I this is too sudden, I guess and .
Youre saying No to me?
Eh .nno, I mean, Im saying. I took a deep breath and fought for composure. I need
time, I guess. I guess what I need is to see you differently. This environment I gestured to the
ornate ceilings and gilded furniture, is not conducive I was rambling, buying time, trying to think
of some way to get out of this shitty situation.
Okay, she said. Im away for a week. When I get back, well take that trip I talked about.
I nodded.
She picked up her glass and took a long swig. Stick with me, Rusty. I will take you places make
you experience new highs and reward you for your loyalty. As she spoke, she slowly circled her
champagne glass. I wasnt turned on by it or anything she said I was more uncomfortable. If I wasnt
head-over-heels with Henna, who know, maybe I would have appreciated all the rewards she
talked about.
She held out her glass. I took it and refilled it. On tenterhooks, I walked over to her and handed
her the glass. Instead of taking the glass, she reached out and gently, with her eyes fixed to mine, she
ran her hand over my hard-on and smiled.
The moment she took the wine, I gave a slight curtsey and ran like a girl.



We sat in our living room Rusty, Rekha, Barood and I, all sporting worried looks. The key to a
Corvette lay on the table in front of us.
Looking unusually rattled, Rusty ran his fingers slowly through his hair. If I take the Corvette,
she owns me. If I refuse it, I will be insulting her. I mean, its a gift from the Queen of Asokastan.
If you take it, you have to sleep with her for sure, Barood said. Then he leaned forward and
whispered, And you have to really perform. Heard shes insatiable. Loves them young and strong for
Rusty made a face and looked at me. Yeah, if I dont sleep with her, shes probably gonna fire
me, then what? I dont get to see you and the kids anymore.
The thought of Rusty being unfaithful to me is something I couldnt bear to think about, because I
loved him so much. But I felt his despair and I had no solution for him.
Maybe you should go away for a while, Rekha asked.
We looked at her expectantly, silently imploring her to go on.
Like what you suggested the last time. Just for a short while till she sort of forgets about you?
By the time you come back, she would have moved onto someone
I looked at the floor, those familiar feelings of abandonment, the ones I felt when Rusty was
going to leave us, surfacing again.
But what about my kids, Rekha? What about my ? He reached out and took my hand in his.
Thats not an option. His put my hand to his lips.
Well, sounds like you dont have much of a choice, Rekha finally said in a weary voice. Just
take the car, then, thank her and wait for her next move.
There is a solution, Barood said, peering at his cuticles.
All heads swivelled to look at him.
Dont tell Henna. Problem solved.
None of us asked him what he meant.
I didnt look at Rusty. He didnt look at me. That told me that maybe he had thought of that
I know I did.



According to Meena, a personal servant of Her Lowness , an international journalist who
attended the ball, watched Henna dance and became intrigued enough to want to do a story on Henna
and her life as a princess.
Queen Karisma was in a quandary keep Henna hidden and let people gossip about Prince
Vijays sexuality, or let Henna out and allow her to grab all the attention and limelight.
Her Lowness was livid that Henna had bettered herself and morphed into such a beautiful
creature. Things had gone terribly wrong for Queen Karisma she had her husband offed so that she
could pursue the handsome and eligible Rusty Carrington. But clearly Rusty Carrington did not want
Then she personally chose the most unattractive and simple village girl for her son, only to have
village idiot to morph into a beautiful swan. Both scenarios exploded in her face.
In spite of her having three children, Henna kept a beautiful figure. Her luxuriant hair was long
and shiny, her skin was soft and smooth, and her happiness was contagious.
Heads turned when she walked into a room. Men and women admired her beauty and she could
easily pass for a movie star. Love kept Henna sweet and happy and that was contagious.
Everyone could see that Queen Karisma was jealous of Henna. I could see it, Barood could see
it, the servants could see it and Rusty could see it.
Prince Vijay saw nothing, as usual.
Queen Karisma was aware of the relationship between Barood and Prince Vijay. As long as
Vijay was married and sired children, she turned a blind eye to the relationship.
Henna was oblivious to her beauty and the threat she posed to her mother-n-law.
She was just being herself, happy and content in Rustys love, and her children were a source of
her joy. I think she went out of her way to be as different as possible from her own mother. She
played with her children, read them stories, told them stories about her childhood and her life as a
child, and was always available and ready for them.
She never took the Princess bit seriously. She would always be Henna from the Village of
She deserved Rusty. He became her lover, her father, her mother, her family and their love for
each other was fairy-tale like.
Try as they may, they couldnt keep their hands off each other. There was a surreptitious touch
when they thought no one was looking, an exchange of a loving smile and sometimes when they
couldnt help themselves, they snuck in a kiss.
While at the palace they existed, but outside the palace they lived. Really lived. Rusty lived to
please Henna and he wanted to show her the world, open her eyes to what was beyond the high walls
of the Palace.
Henna wasnt aware of it, but Queen Karisma was never pleasant to Henna. Not even when
Henna was a little girl. Because Queen Karisma had a perpetual mask of a smile on her face, a false
one at that, Henna in all her innocence, mistook this for genuine niceness.
When Queen Karisma realised that Henna outshone her in the beauty stakes as well as in the
popularity stakes, she resented Henna.
Her plan to ensure that the village idiot from the village of Geet, gets no education or priming to
be a lady or a princess, bafired when I entered the scene.
I believe that it was kismet that we met.
I shudder to think what would have happened to me had Henna not come along.
I shudder to think what would have happened to Henna had I not met her that day.

Chapter Seventeen


It was a Tuesday, six weeks weeks before my 25
Rusty and I met at our love nest in the city of Asokastan around midday, made love and fell
asleep in each others arms. We would awake hours later, shower together, and head back to the
palace, just like we did for the past 6 years.
We just loved sleeping together so much, that we always found ourselves in a state of bliss when
we did.
A sound awakened me. When I opened my eyes, I looked into the Queens furious face. This has
to be a dream, I thought. This couldnt possibly be true. I blinked rapidly and rubbed my eyes. When I
opened them again, she was still there, looking at me with eyes like granite. Next to her was Roop
Singh and behind them stood about ten policemen with guns. Behind them were about six guards.
I gasped and tried to sit up, but then realise that I was naked underneath the sheet. Quickly, I
drew the sheet up to my chin. Next to me, Rusty remained sleeping, oblivious to what is going on next
to him.
I nudged him hard, but he continued to sleep.
Rusty ! I gurgled.
Maybe it was something in my voice, but he opened his eyes, looked at me, then followed my
eyes to our unwanted visitors.
Fuck! he said and jumped out of bed. Quickly, he threw on his clothes, and then threw me
Ive never dressed so quickly in my life.
Nobody in the room spoke. I mean, what could we say to make the situation better? We were
The charge is treason, Maharani said, before she turned and walked out my room door.
What?! I cried. No!
The guards seized Rusty, cuffed him, then shoved him out of my room.
No! I screamed. Please dont, Maharani! Please!
Henna, dont worry! Rusty shouted. Itll be o I hear a loud thud. When I turned around, I
saw Rusty on the ground.
Rusty! I screamed.
One of the guards hoisted him to his feet and shoved him to walk.
The guards threw me into the back of a police car and drove me back to the palace to face Queen
Trembling with shock and worried out of my mind for Rusty, I stood before the Queen, my head
Maharani sat on a chair and glared at me with slanted eyes.
Im sorry, Maharani, I said with abject apology. I didnt
Silence! she cried with such venom in her voice, I literally shrank back.
She appeared to be waiting. Was it for Vijay?
The door opened and Rusty was led in. To my utter despair, he was now in ankle chains and his
hands were cuffed. A trickle of blood ran down the side of his face, probably from the butt of the rifle
earlier on.
Despite all this, he managed a small smile. Love you, he mouthed.
Tears tsunamied down my cheeks as helplessness and despair shrouded me. Love you, I
mouthed back.
After talking to the Queen in hushed tones, Roop Singh turned to me.
Give a statement saying he raped you and we will let you go.
Raped? Nonohe di
If you dont, Prin He shook his head at his mistake. If you dont, Henna, you will be put to
death, then what happens to your children?
Put to death?! My knees buckled and my breathing came out in rasps.
Henna, do it, Rusty urged.
I shook my head from side-to-side.
Henna, baby, do it! Do it.
I looked at Roop Singh What happens to him if I say he raped me?
We hang him, Roop Singh said without hesitation.
My heart fell to my ankles. I dont understand why are you asking ?
Henna , Rusty said, listen baby, theyre worried the US will step in. But if you say I raped
you, the US will not interfere. Dont worry about it, Henna, just say it. Say I raped you, honey. Do it.
No, Rusty, I cant do that!
As we talked, Roop Singh placed photos on the desk in front of Rusty and me. We both were
shoved forward to see them. I groaned when I saw the collage of photos. Mainly photos of Rusty and I
locked in embrace or kissing. Highly incriminating photos.
I looked away while Rusty deadpaned.
Leave me with them, Maharani said. I want to speak to my daughter-in-law.
The room cleared.
Slowly she walked over to us. She was dressed in a long, pale-yellow wrap-over gown with
black and yellow sequins trim. Her mahogany hair was coiled high on her head and wore a piece of
jewellery adorned her forehead. Resplendent in her jewellery and make-up, she looked beautiful, but
hard and cold as an ice sculpture.
I braced myself for a telling off. But she didnt even look at me. Instead she walked up to Rusty
and stood in front of him.
So this is the girl who broke your heart? Her voice oozed contempt. This is the girl who you
tried to find. Her? This girl? She looked at me as if I was a piece of garbage and shook her head
slowly. Shes capable of making you lose your mind? Her?
Rusty said nothing.
What the hell is wrong with you? No wonder you didnt want us to pursue it she was living
right next to you.
Rusty kept his head bowed.
You think I wouldnt find out? Me? I know everything! Im perceptive. I saw you two looking
at each other at the ball. Immediately, I knew that something was up. I decided to have you watched,
followed. Didnt take long for me to get the whole story. She flashed a triumphant smile.
Im sorry, Queen Karisma, Rusty said. It was all my fault. I led Princess Henna astray. She
I offered you me and you denied me for her?
Rusty fell silent.
This little simpleton who she flung me a look of utter contempt, this little uneducated,
village idiot? This circus monkey? Her?
She smiled and put her palm on his cheek. Pity. You are one beautiful creature. Her voice
dropped to a whisper. I really wanted to taste you. Slowly, her hand slid down his neck, his chest,
his stomach and between his legs, where it lingered. She closed her eyes and smiled. Beautiful.
I tried not to look, but I couldnt help myself.
We could have had so much fun together. I know things a girl wouldnt know. I could make you
scream, you know.
Rusty nodded.
Nobody denies me. I am the Queen of Asokastan, remember? The most powerful women in my
kingdom. When I ask, I get.
Rusty nodded.
She removed her hand from between his legs and walked back to her desk where she stood
behind it. The punishment for treason is death by hanging. Both of you.
Again, my knees buckled and I felt like I was going to throw up. My children, my children!
Maharani, I I am so sorry! I begged. Please dont do this. I will leave him, Maharani! I
He will hang in thirty days! she said through clenched teeth, unmoved by my begging and
ignoring my pleas. Then you will hang. Her face contorted in fury. You will live to see him hang
and you will know, and everyone will know what happens when youBETRAY YOUR
I had never heard her raise her voice before, let alone shout and it was like a blast from a
furnace. I reeled under it.
When you take when you take what is MINE!
She turned, walked to the door and threw it open for her staff and the guard.
I took the opportunity to rush over to Rusty and throw my arms around him. Im so sorry, Rusty
! Im so sorry! Im so sorry.
Given his leg irons and handcuffs, he tried to hold me the best he could. Henna, listen to me,
baby. Listen carefully.
I nodded.
Get in touch with Ellen or send a message to her. Shell know what to do about the children.
Shell get us both an attorney. Tell her I confessed to rape because they promised to let you go if I
did. Under duress. Listening?
As we talk, one of the guards walks in and jerks me away from Rusty.
Roop Singh stands in front of me. Since you have children, weve decided not to throw you in
jail. You will be under house-arrest until your execution.
I could still be with my children. I said a quick thank you to God.
No one must know details as to why you are charged with treason. Maharani wants to keep
things under wraps to avoid further embarrassment to the royal family. Understood?
These men, he jerked his head towards the two guards behind him, they will shadow you and
you will not be able to leave the castle at all. Your children too will be under house-arrest.
I nodded.
As of now, you are stripped of all your privileges and you will pretty much be treated like a
prisoner until you are hanged. He nodded at the guards behind him. Take her away.
I love you, Rusty! I cried as they dragged me away from my love.
I love you, Henna! Rusty called. Be strong!



Rekha was in my lounge carrying Rahul and staring out the window, while Sandiya and Sachin
played nearby. When she saw me, she puts down the baby and ran to me.
Meena told me everything! she cried and took me in her arms.
Theyre going to hang him, Rekha, I whispered, my hands shaking, my voice hoarse. What am
I going to do, Rekha?
She shook her head, hugged me tight and we cried together.
Just then Vijay and Barood burst into the room.
We heard! Barood cried and threw his arms around us.
Vijay stood in a corner, shoulders hunched and all his knuckles in his mouth.
All of us were now crying.
Vijay begged his mother not to imprison, Rusty, Barood said. But she wouldnt even look at
him. She said he was despicable for allowing you to sleep with another man.
Barood collapsed into a heap of sobs. I love Rusty so much, he wept. We have to find a way
to save him. We just have to!
I nodded. Whatever happens, they must never find out about the children, I said.
Yes, Vijay said. Never.
Rekha, I said, Call Ellen, tell her everything. Tell her every single thing, leave out nothing.
Ok, Henna. She starts to leave almost immediately. Rekha!
Rekha stopped walking. Tell her I said I am very very sorry for everything.
Okay, I will Henna.
She returned a short while later. Ellen and her parents are taking the next available flight to
Relief washed over me.
I turned to Rekha. Send for my mother. Tell her Im in trouble and I need help.
Okay, Henna.
I turned to Vijay. I need more gold bangles. Can u arrange more for me?
He hesitated. I dont think I can anymore.
Prince Vijay, Rekha said, tell the jeweller to backdate the receipts. He owes Henna a favor
cash it in.
Vijay nodded. He and Barood left the room.
I gathered my children and lay on the bed with them, my mind a turmoil. How could things go so
horribly wrong? What happens to my precious babies when Im gone? And Rusty is in a prison. My
heart broke at the picture of him, shackled, bleeding and cuffed.
Rusty, Im so sorry, my love. Im so sorry baby. Please forgive me.
I didnt sleep a wink that night.
When I wake up the next morning, I was a zombie. I torture myself with images of Rusty
suffering in prison, be quietly hanged and never seeing him again.
The days pass in a blur.
Two days later, I receive a cautious-toned letter from Ellen. Basically, it states that her team
could only represent Rusty only, because the palace has already appointed me an attorney.
She goes on to explain briefly that things worked differently in Asokastan due to the fact that I
was a member of the royal family.
She explained that because Rusty has now confessed in writing to rape, the US has declined to
get involved. She said that she tried to visit me, but the palace has denied her permission as she is not
immediate family.
She made no mention of the kids, which made me think that she too realizes the importance of
keeping mum about it. She concluded by informing me that her family is holding prayers for Rusty and
I didnt have an attorney, so I didnt know what they are talking about.
Feeling helpless, I sank into a chair and let the letter slide to the floor.
Rekha handed me a note. Remember Dev Anand? The gardener? You helped his daughter
gave her bangles once when she got into trouble?
I nodded. I got her to see Ellen and managed to get another letter for you.
I tore open the letter and read it. Basically, it said that she was having trouble appointing an
attorney for Rusty, as none of the local attorneys dared go up against Queen Karisma.
She said that in the past when attorneys filed lawsuits against the palace, their families were
arrested on bogus charges. But she told me that she is still hunting for one with international ties and
offering astronomical fees, so I must stay hopeful and take care of myself. She suggested I tear up the
letter after reading.
Rekha torched it immediately.
My shoulders slumped. Things were getting from bad to worse.

Chapter Eighteen


It was 7AM and I was horrified to see Roop Singh and his small army outside my door,
demanding my children.
Why? I cried, hurriedly throwing on a robe. At the sight of the intimidating men with guns, my
children screamed and hid behind me.
Blood test to determine paternity.
My heart skippeds a beat. Whawhat do you mean?
We have been informed that these children are not Prince Vijays children and we are taking
them for blood tests to prove paternity.
Terror ran through me. How did ?
You lady-in-waiting, Rekha she told Maharani that she had her suspicions, Roop Singh said.
Rekha? My Rekha?
Im stunned. Thats thats not possible. My voice is barely a whisper.
Im afraid, it is. I can confirm that.
Rekha? I hold my head with both hands. After all that I did for her? After all that Rusty has done
for her?
Never trust a servant, Roop Singh said, as if he was reading my mind. We dont, thats why
we have to do the blood tests. He nodded to the guards.
The guards take a child each.
Wait! I cried. Wait! Just wait!
Roop Singh held up his hand and the guards let go of the children. He turned and looked
expectantly at me.
Theres no need theyre all Rusty Carringtons children.
He nodded. Still, we have to, Henna. They will be flown by private jet to Bombay for the
No please, theyre too young to be subjected to
They just grab the children and take them away.
needles! Pleeeease! Pleeeease! I screamed as they took my children and shut the door on my
I ran in search of Vijay and Barood. They were asleep. I shook them awake and told them about
Rekha and the blood tests.
Vijay hurriedly put on his glasses, drew his knees to his chest and literally withdrew.
That impossible, Barood said. Rekha would never do that.
She did. Remember when we couldnt find her yesterday? She had gone to Maharani.
Thats not possible, Barood said. Rekha would never do that.
We look at each other as despair and confusion reign over us.
Back in my room, alone and without my children, reality bit Rekha has ditched me. I sank into
my bed with my blanket of defeat.
Rusty and Rekha, both the mainstays in my life gone in days. How could I not be dejected
when defeat was on repeat.
Through Dev Anand, I sent a note to Ellen about the new development.
She replied for me to stay strong and hang in there. I tried to.
My children were returned to the next day. It broke my heart to see all three of them crying and
badly traumatised by their time without anyone familiar. Rahul, my baby had just fallen asleep, yet he
still sniffed in his sleep. His face was blotchy, his eyelids were swollen and his nose was bulbous.
Sandiya ran to me and threw her arms around my legs. She buried her face in my skirt and
refused to look at anyone, while Sachin sat quietly next to me, acting brave, his tear-stained face
giving him away.
I gathered all three children in my arms and rocked them. Everythings going to be okay, I lied.
Dont cry now. Mommas here. Everythings going to be just fine.
Barood helped all the time with the children and I was so grateful to him.
Mama, call Rusty, Sandiya whispered with tears rolling down her soft cheeks. Hes a fixer,
momma. Hell fix all this. Call him, momma.
I smiled through my tears. Hell come soon, baby. Hell come soon.



We sat around the dinner table in silence Vijay, Barood and I, with my three children. I was
still in shock about Rekhas crossing over and had trouble believing that shed betray me like that
with Maharani. But the fact that I hadnt seen her since Roop Singhs visit, told me that somehow, she
But maybe she had been coerced into doing it, I reasoned. Maybe Maharani got to her and
threatened her and having no choice, she spilled our secret.
I pretended to eat, but I hadnt been able to eat since Rustys arrest.
Wheres Rusty, momma, Sandiya badgered He pposed to help me with my bike.
Rusty gone on bidnis trip, Sachin said.
I hate bidnes trip, Sandiya said.
Bidnes trip impoooortant, Sachin informed her . He bring us presents when he come back.
Just how do I tell them that hes never coming back?
Ill teach you, Barood said.
Sandiya shook her head. Rusty makes me laugh when he teaches me, right momma, right?
I nodded as a stray tear of helplessness plopped on my dinner plate.
I can make you laugh too. Barood crossed his eyes and lookd at his nose. See?
All the kids laughed. At least he was trying.
Just then four guards stormed into my dining room without knocking. I grabbed my children
expecting them to grab me and take me away.
They didnt. Instead, they headed straight for Barood and handcuffed him.
Why? I screamed.
They didnt answer, they just hauled him off.
Vijay! Save me! Barood screamed.
Vijay ran after Barood and tried to grab him, but the guards wouldnt let him.
Henna! Barood screamed. Help me!
We could do nothing to help him.
The next day Vijay walked in, his eyes red from crying. They had photos of us together in
Miami. Rekha confirmed it all.
Oh my God! I placed my hand over my heart.
He started to cry. Roop Singh he said that they they are going to hang him with Rusty.
Horrified, I fastened both my hands over my mouth. Evil queen Karisma would do that. I know
that by now.
I begged my mother to spare him, Vijay sobbed but she refused to. She said that everyone
knows that Barood led me astray and that I have to say the same thing.
Rekha how could she do those things? Vijay asks.
I dont know, Vijay. Im shocked by her behaviour.
Little Sandiya walked over to him and gave him a hug. Dont cry, daddy, she said. I love
He clutched at her and wept.
I walked to the window and stared into space. Barood would not survive a day in prison. What
could I possibly do to save him? Never in my life had I felt so helpless.
In the past, it was just me and my sorrow and despair. Now, so many lives depended on me
Rusty, Barood, Sandiya, Sachin, Rahul and even Vijay.
Suddenly, I stiffened.
Was that Rekha I see through the window, I wondered? Cant be. This person in front of me was
laughing and talking to Queen Karisma!
They were strolling through the grounds on one of Maharanis walks. An evening stroll
Maharani, Rekha and two other ladies who followed at a safe distance. Rekha was in animated
Vijay! I whispered, beckoning him over.
He rushed over and gasped.
Look how shes dressed, Vijay.
She was dressed like a noblewoman long chiffon skirt, silk blouse, a long chiffon scarf that
covered all her bare bits. And she was wearing jewellery. That meant that she had now been
appointed main Lady-in-waiting to Maharani. Only the queen could appoint her to that position.
Is that really her? Vijay mumbled.
Well, it is, I said my voice dripping with fury. For her to obtain such a title, she must have
really impressed your mother.
I turn to Vijay. Go get me Meena, Vijay. I need to speak to her.
He nodded and left in search of Meena. When he returned it was without Meena.
What happened?
None of the servants are to speak to you, Vijay informed me.
Are you serious?
Meena sends her apology. She was crying when she told me that.
Helpless, I sat on a chair and stared out at the floor.
I turned around into Karamchands face.
Rajkumari, Meena, my wife, she is very sorry she cannot speak to you. so she sent me. We owe
you our childs eyesight. He bowed. What can I do for you, my Princess? Tell me.
I felt overwhelmed with gratitude.
Thank you, Karamchand. I what I need is information, I guess. What is going on? Why is
Rekha ?
Rajkumari, Rekha shes has been telling Maharani a lot of things. His voice is tinged with
anger. She has embedded herself into Maharanis good books. Every day, she tells Maharani
something new. I know this because Meenas sister Devi, was Maharanis main lady-in-waiting, and
she has now lost that title to Rekha. She is not very happy about that, Rajkumari. Devi, that is.
I couldnt believe it. How could Rekha change like that? So, she tells her new things every?
Yes, Rajkumari. Thats why Maharani keeps her close. Rekha is sly she pretends she cannot
remember stuff, and then suddenly, he slaps his forehead with his palm, it comes to her. Good
actress she is, that one.
Slowly, I ran my hands over my face. I cant believe shed do that to us. I really need her so
much. Especially now. Im so lost without her. My children they miss her. I miss her so much.
Meena thinks that Rekha was worried she was going to lose the good life with you out of the
way, so she took matters into her own hands. To secure her future. That is very very bad, Rajkumari.
I nodded slowly, feeling lost and alone.
When Karamchand left, my despair morphed into fury. I wanted to kill Rekha. I helped her,
saved her from a stoning, took her under my wing and treated her like a sister. Rusty and I arranged
plastic surgery for her, and this is how she repays me? I will kill her! Stab her. Strangle her. I will do
it. Somehow I will, before I die.
The next day, my mother and Rani arrive.
The moment I see my mother, I run to her and throw my arms around her. Ma, you came! I
cried. Ma, they are going to hang me. They they
She shoved me off her.
I looked at her in surprise.
Suddenly her hand lashed out and caught me on the cheek. I warned you to be good, but did
I held my cheek and looked at her in shock. Ma, the prince is gay and he didnt want to sleep
with me and have a baby with me and and I had no choice, Ma.
Rani sniggered. That bodyguard and you. What a joke! I thought you were joking that night. That
night you were drunk.
I looked at her then looked away.
But did you have to be so open about it? my mother said. Look what you have done to our
family now? She grabbed my hand, removed five bangles from each hand and slipped five in her
pocket and five into Ranis.
As she did she continued her rant and even threatened to have a heart attack because of me. I
listened without interrupting. She had never supported me in the past, how could I possibly expect
Finally, when she was quiet, I said, Will you take care of my children? When Im gone?
You want me to take care of your bastard children? What will everyone say? These are
children of disgrace!
No, no! I cried. Dont say that. I love Rusty and he loves me and they are not
I will send them to live with your aunt Parvothy. I cannot look after
No! Absolutely not! I said, horror all over my face.
Aunt Parvothy, my mothers sister, is a spinster who beat the crap out of my sisters and I when
we lived with her.
She needed no reason, she just did. Imagining my babies in her abusive hands sent a shudder
through me.
As children, we were constantly threatened with being sent to Aunt Parvothy when we didnt
listen to our parents, or didnt finish our chores or back-chatted.
I looked at my mother and shook head slowly. How could she possibly think of subjecting my
precious babies to a life with Aunt Parvothy?
Come Rani, she said. Let us go.
So my babies will have to be taken care of by Rustys family. Thats not such a bad idea
however, they will have so much to learn, different culture, different mannerism of speech, different
foods their lives would change so much.
Suddenly, we were surrounded by guards.
Stunned, I looked at them. Wha?
They moved towards my mother. We believe you may have stolen royal jewels, a female
guard said. Hand them over.
My mothers jaw dropped.
Hand it over, the guard repeated.
Slowly, my mother removed the bangles from her pocket and handed it to the guard.
She too! another guard said and pointed at Rani.
Ranis blanched.
The guard held out her hand. Rani removed the bangles and silently handed them to the guard.
How did you know, I asked the guard.
We have informants.
We didnt steal it, my mother said. Henna gave it to us. Ask her.
The guards looked at me.
I said nothing.
Henna! my mother said. Tell them.
I folded my arms and pursed my lips. Aunt Parvothy?
HENNA! my mother screamed. What is wrong with you? TELL THEM!
The guards rattled their handcuffs and Rani started crying.
Henna, Im your mother! Have a heart! If you tell them that you gave it to us, we will not be
punished. You are already in trouble, whats a little ?
Have a heartlike she had towards my children a few minutes ago?
We will be thrown in prison for this, Henna! Rani screamed.
My response was to gather my children and step back into my suite, while the guards handcuffed
my mother and Rani.
HENNA! Rani yelled. Save us. Theyre going to put us
I shut the door on their pleas.
As my children ran off to play, I leaned my forehead against the back of the door and stood like
this for a while. I wished I could harden my heart. Why did my feelings, my love for my mother, who
clearly didnt love me, get in the way of a good revenge?

Chapter Nineteen


Roop Singh paid me a visit. With a sombre expression on his face, he sat down and looked
directly at me. The blood tests confirm that Carrington is indeed the childrens father soMaharani
has decided to banish your children the day of your execution.
No! I cried. Rustys family they will take care of the children. Please!
Not until they are eighteen, Im afraid.
What do you mean?
Maharanis orders, Im afraid they are to be exiled on the island of Dohni. He dropped his
voice and leaned closer. Carringtons family could get a lawyer to help get the children back. But it
will take time. Its how its done here.
Roop Singh, theyre so little. How can they possibly survive without me? Please, I beg of you,
dont do this to me. Please! Please!
He shook his head. Its not my decision, Henna. Im sorry. I like Carrington and I like you and

Then let me speak to Maharani. Please! Allow me to beg! Please! Im going to die allow me
that one request.
His sigh his weary. Very well. I will talk to Maharani, then.
The moment he left, I took a pair of scissors and cut my hair. Just hacked at it till I looked like a
boy. When I looked at the floor, I gasped the floor was covered with my waist-length, dark hair that
Maharani had instructed me to wear up.
Now she should be happy its all gone.
Then I looked for the dullest, oldest dress I could possibly find, a brown one. I crumpled it and
slipped it on.
When I looked in the mirror, I looked like I waif, a beggar. I hadnt been eating or sleeping, so I
was thin and haggard, and the dress drowned me. I had bags under my eyes and my skin was
sickeningly sallow. I looked like a terminally ill patient.
That was perfect. I didnt want Maharani to look at me as any kind of competition when I begged
for the lives of my children.



Yes, I crossed over to Camp Karisma. I did what I had to do. It was for the greater good.
I was surprised to learn that Henna had requested a meeting with Queen Karisma.
She wants to talk to me, Rekha, Maharani said. What do you think shes going to say?
Oh, she probably wants to tell you how sorry she is to have betrayed you, Maharani.
Mff. Her lips curled with contempt. Its not going to make a difference, you know.
I knew that. I wondered if Henna knew.
Henna dragged herself into Queen Karismas chambers, looking hunched and intimidated by both
Maharani and the number of people in the room.
I stood in the background and did not make eye-contact with her, while she was searched.
Everyone around Maharani was searched before they were allowed close to her.
When the search was complete, Henna curtseyed. Maharani, I
What is it now? Queen Karisma stood tall and looked at Henna with such disgust and
contempt, that Henna visibly shrank in front of her.
Maharani, please, I am here to beg for my childrens life. Please spare them. Let them live with
Leave me alone with my daughter-in-law! Queen Karisma snapped.
Roop Singh and the guards filed out of the room. We ladies-in-waiting remained in the room, but
faded into the furniture.
With her back as straight as a ramrod, Queen Karisma walked up to Henna and stood in front of
To my utter surprise she cut Henna off with a blow to the side of her face. So hard, Henna fell to
the ground, clutching her cheek.
She stood over Henna, her face puce with rage. You you dare compete with me?! Her voice
was so full of venom, that Henna cowered under it. You, a little village idiot? An uneducated,
bumbling, ugly, mole of a girl you want to compete with me, The QUEEN OF ASOKASTAN?
Slowly, she circled Henna like a lion would a gazelle at feeding time. You did your FACE, you
did your HAIR, you lost WEIGHT... Her mouth twisted as she glared at Henna.
I watched you watched you try to grab attention, watched you try to outshine me, watched you
flirt and act like a floozy. You used your age to show me off and
No, no, no, Maharani! Henna cried. I wouldnt dare compete with you. How could I
I wanted him and he chose YOU! A pathetic, clumsy nobody. YOU! She looked back at us
who were trying to be invisible. Can you believe it? He chose her over me? Huh?
All three of us shake our heads in disbelief.
What a joke Maharani, I said, to cement my loyalty to her.
It was the first time that Henna looked at me. I cringed when I saw the visible hurt in her eyes.
Exactly! Queen Karisma said, and turned back to look at Henna.
Slowly, Henna staggered to her knees and held her hands in supplication. Maharani, I am sorry
for all I have done. I could never compete with someone as beautiful and enchanting as you. I was just
I guess I wasnt thinking and things spiralled out of control. I needed to produce and heir and
VijayI guess I was too ugly and . She took a deep breath.
You are so gracious and such a great queen and I Imjust Henna, from the village of Geet,
a country bumpkin. Please dont even think I did this to complete with you. I beg for your forgiveness
and ask you to please spare my children. Rustys family will take care of them. Rahul hes just two
years old and Sandiya she gets so easily scared and Sachin, he
Henna remained on her knees with her head bowed.
You deserve nothing. You are a harlot who has committed adultery while being married to the
Crown Prince. My husband did not sleep with me for fifteen years. Did you see me having affairs?
Big fat liar. She was trying to bed Rusty while her husband was alive. We heard stories of her
dalliances abroad with Westerners Rusty Carrington look-alikes.
You will hang and your lover will hang, and to hell with your bastard children!
She turned on her heels and stormed out of the room. Get her out of here! she flung over her
shoulder. I never want to see her face again.
No, Maharani! Henna screamed and ran after her mother-in-law. Please! Please! We three
ladies-in-waiting stepped in front of Henna and tried to stop her.
Come, Henna, I whispered.
With a snarl like a trapped animal, Henna flew at me and clawed savagely at my face. I tried to
push her away, while the other ladies tried to restrain her. But she had amazing strength and fought off
all three of us off.
Adrenalin and rage propelled her and she went for the injured side of my face and tried to tear at
`Namak haram! she spat and walked off. Ungrateful thats how she summed me up.
Guards rushed in and tried to throw her out. One of them was Karamchand, Meenas husband .
Go easy on her, I whispered.
He ignored me.



Karamchand and another guard had to almost drag me back to my suite after my fruitless meeting
with Queen Karisma. She was determined to hang Rusty and me and would not consider giving my
children to Rustys family, no matter how much I pleaded.
I did not care about her slapping my face, about the verbal use she dealt me; I just didnt want
my children to live in exile. But, Queen Karisma showed me no mercy.
Shrouded in helplessness, I sat on a chair and stared out the window.
Can I get you anything, Karamchand asked in a gentle voice.
Yes, I whispered, bring me Mukesh the medicine man, please, Karamchand. Tell him Im in
trouble and that I need him. Remind him that he once told me to call upon him when I needed his help.
Tell him that that day has arrived and that I now desperately need his help.
With a slight bow, Karamchand left.
Within hours, Mukesh, the medicine man sat across me, listening to what I have to say, to my
I told him everything, I held nothing back. Read the leaves and be honest with me, Baba, I
said. I need honesty and clarity right now.
With a nod, he read the leaves in the tea pot. As he read, his expression became grim.
Its the queens birthday and there is a celebration just family. The next day He shook
his head slowly then looked at me. Your time is 09:30 AM. I cannot save you, I am sorry.
I hung my head.
Daughter, he said, I feel your pain and I want to help. But how?
I rested my weary head on the table.
Do you believe in the earthlife, child?
I shrugged. What was the use of believing in anything right now? Nobody and nothing could save
Rusty and I and keep our children from harm.
He explained. Basically, if we all died together, my family and I, that is, we would meet on the
other side.
I didnt know much about the earthlife, so of course I didnt believe in it. But what choice had I?
Guess I would have done anything to be together with Rusty and my children, even if it meant
together in another realm.
I want some poison, I finally said. I want to poison my lover before he is hanged. I want to
spare him the pain of the gallows, Baba.
He looked at me with eyes full of pity.
Then I want to poison my children. Then me. I want us all to be together in this earthlife.
I expected him to try to stop me, but he didnt. Okay, Mukesh said, but if you poison yourself,
you cant be with them in the earthlife.
What do you mean? They want to hang me too! I am so scared of dying.
You have to let them hang you or kill you, in order for you to be together. If you take your own
life, then its a cowards way out, and you wont see them again.
My mind raced. Maybe Vijay could administer me the poison.
As if reading my mind, he shook his head. You cant ask someone to kill you. It is still the
cowards way out.
But but I am so scared of being hanged, baba. Im terrified.
He nodded, sympathy in his eyes.
But I will do it. If thats the only way then
He got to his feet.
I removed a gold bangle and held it out to him. He shook his head and gently pushed my hand
away. Then, he touched my head, mumbled a prayer and left, promising to send me the poison the next
Now that I had found a way to keep my family together, I felt absolute relief.
For the first time in weeks, I saw color and my shoulders no longer touched my ears. I went in
search of my children, rounded them up and cuddled them.
Later that night, I wrote a letter to Ellen, telling her of my plans. She would understand.
She sent a note back. It was heavy with despair.
Beautiful Henna,
It was a pleasure knowing you and my wonderful niece and nephews.
Please tell my brother that I love him with all my heart.
Tell him that my mom and dad love him dearly too.
Tell him that I am sorry, I couldnt help you all. I tried so hard.
My God be with you all.
All my love

Chapter Twenty


The moment the vial of poison arrived from Mukesh, I reached out again to Karamchand.
Please, arrange for me to see Rusty in jail, I said.
Princess, it is not possible
Hes going to hang tomorrow. Im going to hang tomorrow, Karamchand. Please. Itll be the
last time we see each other. Please!
Karamchand paced.
Tonight is Maharanis birthday celebration. While everyone is celebrating, sneak me into the
jail. I will only be a short while.
I removed four bangles. Here. Use two to bribe the guards and you keep two. You may need it.
Before he could protest, I hurried away.
Barood. My heart ached. I was just unable to help him. Like me, he was a freak, unwanted and in
need of love. But I was unable to help my own children and my lover, so helping him was impossible.
I could administer the poison to him, but who am I to take his life? I dont have the right.
In spite of the three upcoming executions the following day, the palace buzzed and truck after
truck, rolled into the palace in preparation for the party.
The ballroom was beautifully decorated, hanging lanterns dotted the entrance to the ballroom
and the surrounding gardens, and a separate band struck up in the garden outside the ballroom. It was
going to be a huge celebration.
I stood at my window and watched all the activity. Slowly, I feltnumbness creep over me. I was
going into shock. Not sure if it was natures way of preparing me for what I was about to do kill my
lover and my children, but I liked the haze that descended over me.
As the sun disappeared behind the horizon, I prepared to see my lover. I put on a simple white
dress, combed my short hair and pocketed the vial.
It had been almost a month since I looked into his eyes, since I felt his touch, since I heard his
voice. I smiled at the thought of being able to do all of that and quickened my step.
When we saw each other, we rushed into each others arms and stayed in it them the whole time
I was there.
He told me that they had moved him into a single cell just to accommodate my secret visit. The
gold bangles helped obtain this visit and the privacy I needed.
What have you done to your hair, baby? he asked, unable to hide the dismay in his voice. I
waved dismissively. Itll grow back.
Did she make you do that?
Nah. I smiled and kissed his lips. I am so sorry, Rusty.
Its not your fault, baby, he said, as he cupped my face with his hands.
Yes, it is, Rusty. It is my fault. Its all my fault and Im really, really sorry.
No, Henna, dont talk like that. Its her fault. Its goddamn jealousy.
No matter how much I tried, I could never understand that part how could she possibly be
jealous of me of all people?
I should have given in to her advances then wed all be okay, Rusty said, in a bitter voice.
I love you for being faithful to me, I said.
How are the kids? Little Sandiya, Sachin? RaRahul? His eyes turned glassy.
Theyre all g good. Tonight, they go to Ellen. Thats the story I fed him. I didnt want him to
know about the exile. I had decided to keep it away from him to spare him.
I didnt know if he believed me, because he fell silent.
Our helplessness and despair was evident by the tears that rolled down his face. I was trying
hard to be strong, but when I saw him cry, I broke down.
We held each other and wept.
Fighting for composure, he took a deep breath and shook his head. Then he looked at me and
attempted to smile. I love you, Henna.
I love you, Rusty.
Im glad the children will be with Ellen, he said. Shell be great with them. I dont want you
to worry. They will be okay. All his reassuring failed to appease me, but what could I say? I just
nodded as if I believed him.
He released me and drew out some papers. Ive written each of them four letters. Give them to
Ellen and ask her to read it to them often. When theyre older, she must give it to them.
I nodded.
Ive written one to my mom, my dad and one to Ellen.
I nodded again.
Ive written you one too. Read it later, okay?
All I could manage is a nod I was crying too much to speak.
If the earthlife thing didnt work, if it didnt exist, I would never see him or my children again.
The thought of that burnt at my soul.
I was really glad to have the poison he wouldnt be here to experience the fear, the dread and
the physical pain an execution brought.
I produced the specially prepared bottle of lemonade and handed it to him. I made this
especially for you, my love.
With a small smile, he put it to his lips and drank it. As he drank, I squeeze my eyes shut and
said a silent prayer. Please God, keep him safe, please!
He talked some more, then he leaned against me. Im tired, baby.
He rested his head on my lap.
Sleep my darling. All is well. I am here for you. One dday, we will be together, Rusty.
Mai tumse pyre kartha ho, he muttered as he lost consciousness.
I smiled and stroked his head lovingly. You finally got it right, I whispered.
When he was asleep, I gently lay the love of my life, the father of my children on the thin
mattress and covered him with his prison-issued blanket. I kissed his forehead then left clutching the
letters he had written.
As I walked, voices fought it out in my head.
Rusty is dead.
No, hes not! Hes just sleeping.
No, Henna, hes dead. Theres no such thing as this earthlife. Hes dead and youre never
going to see him again. The only man who ever loved you, is dead. You killed him because you
dont get reality, Henna.
Shut up! Just shut up!
No, you shut up! You poisoned him. Its all your fault you wanted to look good and you lose
that village-girl look and you angered Maharani. See what youve done? Your lover, your children

No! stop!
What? Am I wrong, Princess?
No. But but I youre right. Its all my fault. I am so so so sorry. Rusty, I am so sorry.
Rusty Rusty Rusty
My knees started to buckle, but I took deep breaths. Got to be strong, I told myself. I had one
more task to perform. My children they needed to drink the lemonade.


I walked into my suite, gathered my children and took them to my bed.
Momma is going to read you a special letter from Rusty, I said and pulled out the letters.
Sandiya clapped her little hands. I love letters, Momma. Fairy letters, Momma.
No, not fairies, Sachin said. Read us letters about dragons and ..and the mean ogres
Stop! Sandiya put her hands on her ears. Youre making me scared. I want Rusty, Momma.
Dont be scared, baby, I said and drew her to me.
I read them each a letter from Rusty. Halfway through the letters I start to shake. More deep
breaths. But sadly, I was just unable to finish reading the letters.
If I could just be strong for a little while longer. Just until I administer the poison to my children.
Were all going to see Rusty soon. But first, you have to have a sip of this lemonade Momma
made for you.
Vijay walked in and watched us. I had an inkling that he knew what I was up to, because after a
few moments, he rushed into his bedroom and locked his door.
I looked at the three little cups in my hands.
Who first? Death is supposed to be instantaneous who do I want to see die first?
Beautiful Sandiya? Mischievous Sachin? Adorable baby Rahul?
Again, my hands start to shake. I have to do it, I tell myself. Everything depends on me right now.
Do it! Do it, Henna!
I looked at the drink in my hand and willed myself to hand it to one of my children just close
my eyes and give it to one of them. Any of them.
I looked at the expectant, trusting faces.
In synch, all three of my children reached out for the lemonade. Trusting their mother to keep
them safe from harm.
I couldnt do it.
I couldnt kill my babies.
With a cry, I hit the tray carrying the glasses. It landed on the floor and spilled the lemonade all
over the carpet. My children started to cry, scared of what I had just done.
This meant that Rusty and I would never see our precious children again.
Crying, I looked heavenward. Guide me, please, God! Help me! I cant do it. I am weak. Help
me somehow. Please help me!
I dropped to my hands and knees and clasped my hands in supplication.
Startled, my children stared at me, fear in the eyes.
Momma! Sandiya cried.
I got up, scooped them up and lay in bed with them. Its okay! Its okay! Well get through this.
Its okay! I was talking more to myself.
All three of my children fell asleep snuggled into me.
Feeling like I had failed, I lay wide-eyed in bed.
It was hard, but I had to steel myself not to think about Rusty. Couldnt afford to at that time. Had
to keep it together for my children.
Since I wasn unable to sleep, I slide out of bed and ambled over to my desk where I picked up a
pen and a pad of royal stationary.
I wrote a letter to each of my children, to my sisters, to Vijay, to Ellen and finally one to her
After that, I was still wide-awake.
I decide to write a brief account of my life. Hennas story.

Chapter Twenty-One



My name is Henna and Im twenty-four years old.
Its 2 AM and Im sitting at my desk, writing letters to my three children. Tomorrow morning,
I will get up at around 6 AM, take a warm shower and dress myself in a white saree, which I have
already laid out on a chair.
At around 7 AM, breakfast will be wheeled into my suite by my servants, which I will probably
refuse, like I usually do. I will drink tea with a dash of milk and two sugars.
At about 7:30 AM, my five-year-old twins will awaken and fight for my attention, which I will
lavish on them.
At around 8 AM, my adorable two-year-old toddler will awaken and demand his bottle of
milk, which he will guzzle in two minutes flat.
I will then hug and cuddle my children and tell them how much I love them and how sorry I
am to be leaving them. They probably wont understand what Im saying but I need to say it.
At 8:45 AM, I will be shackled and led to the gallows in the Town Square, where I will be
hanged in public.
I know what to expect Ive witnessed a hanging before. The charge is treason. Iv taken a
lover and both of us have been sentenced to death by the Queen of Asokastan.
Im in a state of numbness right now natures crude bubble wrap. Its something I welcome.
As I sit shrouded in silence, I take stock of my twenty-four years on this earth.
I was born in poverty, but went on to marry a prince. A Crown Prince, actually. The stuff
fairy tales are made of.
Ive loved and Ive been loved by a beautiful man, who sacrificed his life for me. A man who
showed me the world the US, the UK, Italy, France, Germany, Paris, the Caribbean. A man who
stepped into my life of despair and bathe it in bliss.
Because of him, I was blessed with three beautiful children, whom I love dearly and it breaks
my heart to have to say goodbye to them.
How did it all start?
It started eleven years ago. Since my story sounds like a fairy tale, and it has a beautiful, but
Wicked Queen in it, I shall I start with, Once upon a time



6AM. I have had less than an hour of sleep. My children are asleep entwined around me. Gently,
I untangle myself and slide out of bed.
Anytime now, they will inform me that Rusty Carrington is dead and that he has cheated on the
Queen of Asokastan once again by committing suicide.
How I miss Rekha. In spite of everything, she was my constant.
Now she is Maharanis constant.
Never trust a servant.
Why didnt I believe that?
I glance at the white saree lying on a chair. I hope its appropriate attire for my death. How does
one dress for ones death? Miss Sarah would have been proud to hear me speak like that, even if its
in my head.
I step into the shower, then dry myself and drape my white saree around me. I will be exiting the
earth wearing white.
As I dress, I look at myself in the mirror. Henna from the village of Geet thats who I am. A
little Indian girl, living in poverty and squalor who went on to marry a prince.
On paper, it looks great a fairytale Disney would snatch up.
But, To the victor belongs the spoils.
Bet thats what Rani said every day. Bet she smiled each time she said it.
7 AM. My nerves start to jangle and I find myself biting my nails. Fear clutches my heart. I dont
want to die.
Feeling weak with fear, I slide back into bed and hold my sleeping kids close to me.
Please God, let me be numb so that I dont feel any of this. And please, please keep my
children safe. Ive never asked you for anything, but I ask that you look after my children. Please!
Suddenly, the door to my suite is thrown open.
I surpress a scream.
But at the entrance stands Rekha.
My first instinct is to leap out of bed, grab her by the hair and hit her till she bleeds. I know I
Good Morning, Maharani, she says with an obsequious bow.
Her smiling face, her dancing eyes, the way she skips around, throws me. I frown.
Why is the bitch here? Why is she calling me Maharani? and not Rajkumari? And why the
hell is she smiling so broadly?
Suddenly, there is a commotion in my suite and a flurry of activity occurs.
Roop Singh runs into my room. Prince Vijay! he yells. Prince Vijay! He runs past me
looking for Vijay.
Then Vijays two sisters, Chandini and Maduri dash into our suit, calling their brother. Bhaia!
Bhaia! Maharani is dead!
I gasp and looked at Rekha. She winks at me and does a tiny victory dance.
I look at her stunned as the situation crystalizes.
Rekha you ...Rekha oh my God! You killed our Queen.
Me? She waves dismissively. Dont be ridiculous, Maharani. Maharani. She smiles and
puts her hands on mine. Your Majesty. She bows dramatically.
Oh my God! I gasp at the realization. I am Queen of Asokastan! My children! I can save them!
Oh God! I look heavenwards. Thank you God!
I join the search party for Vijay and we go room to room in search of him. We find him asleep in
the study, clutching an elephant a pink one.
Bhaia! Chandini said, Maharani is dead!
What? A startled Vijay rubs his eyes and looks beyond Chandini at Roop Singh.
Roop Singh nods, a look of distress on his face. I am so sor
You are now King of Asokastan! Madhuri says in a triumphant voice.
This is odd none of them are in tears. How is that its their mother?
How did she die? I ask Roop Singh.
Heart attack in the early hours of this morning, he said. Prince Vijay, I am so sor
Prince Vijay is now King, Rekha said. We have to get him dressed for his crowning.
Everybody please leave King Vijay so he can get dressed.
With a buzz of excitement, everyone rushes out of our suite.
Vijay sits on the bed, still clutching his elephant.
Rekha looks at my stunned face. You too. No hanging for your today, so get out of that horrible
saree. She leans towards me and whispers in my ear. Use the cerise and blue saree with the pink
and silver crown. No more tiaras for you, Maharani. Only crowns. Again, she winks. Ill help
Prince Vijay get dressed. Go! Go! Go!
As she shoos me out of the room, she grabs Vijays arm and leads him towards the shower.
Five minute shower, while I arrange your clothes, she says.
But, I dont want to
Hurry. She shoves him into the bathroom and shuts the door on him and his elephant.
Then she grabs my hand and leads me to my room and gets stuck into me.
Im saved, I mutter. My childrenthey are saved too. I think of Rusty. One day later and I
could have saved him. Tears of sorrow cascade down my cheek.
Henna come, we have to get ready.
I cant move. I just stand rooted to the spot amidst my Niagara of tears.
Rusty, I am so so sorry. Rusty Rusty
Rekha stands in front of me.
Later, Maharani, she said, wiping away my tears. For now, go with Vijay, get him crowned
in so we can save lives. Take no chances make him Raja of Asokastan quick.
I nod slowly.
Your hair She shakes her head. My hair is short and sticks out in all directions.
Quickly, she gets some of Baroods hair gel and slicks it over my hair. Then she flicks the edges
outwards. After a while, its presentable. When she places the crown on my head, I look like a queen.
I raise my lips to her.
I close my eyes and surrender my blotchy and tear-stained face to her.
She leaves me and runs over to Vijay.
Within minutes, Vijay and I are in front of Roop Singh and a whole lot of men who look like
palace officials.
I stand two steps behind Vijay as he is crowned King of Asokastan.
Vijay will do the balcony greet alone, Your Majesty, Roop Singh explains. Were not sure
how people are going to receive you as Queen after all the recent events. Lets just take a step at a
Sure, I say as I watch Vijay sign a million documents.
After that, Vijay has a light breakfast with his family. The family who dont seem one bit
saddened by the death of their mother.
I beg a headache and make my way to my suite, my heart heavy with the burden of being Queen
and heavier with regret I had acted prematurely by poisoning the father of my three children.
Dragging my weary self and shadowed by two bodyguards, I open the door to my suit and gasp.
Rustys in the room with our three children, who are hanging onto him like decorations on a
Christmas tree.
Next to him, is his family, all in tears.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Yes, I know, I was called a sell-out by everyone. But this is what really happened:
After my surgeries, I became confident enough to befriend certain people, and one of them was
Roop Singh.
I secretly admired the bespectacled and loyal man who had never married, and who had given
up his life to serve a woman he was in love with, but who didnt love him back.
But he was a man, and I knew that he would be lonely when Queen Karisma went on her
walkabouts, hunting fresh young meat.
So, I managed over time to draw close to him and we talked. He liked Henna and he felt bad for
her, although his loyalty was with Queen Karisma.
During our many conversations, I deduced that Queen Karisma had felt threatened by Hennas
growing beauty and was convinced that Henna had deliberately upstaged her at the ball, by wearing a
similar gown, wearing her hair the same way and even wearing a similar tiara all the things Henna
never did before. All the things that were a complete co-incidence.
To Queen Karisma, it was as if Henna was making a statement to the people of Asokastan I am
ready to be queen.
Apparently, Queen Karisma noticed the exchange of looks between Rusty and Henna at the ball.
The familiarity between Henna and Rusty bothered Queen Karisma (especially since he had rejected
her advances) so she decided to have Rusty watched for a while.
Her investigation led to Rusty and Hennas love-nest.
Enraged, she planned to rid herself of her competition once and for all, and that meant hanging
Deeply troubled by all that I heard, I lay awake all night and formulated my plan to save Henna
and Rusty. So without telling a soul, I launched my plan.
I approached Roop Singh first. I have something to tell Maharani about Henna and Rusty.
Please can I see Maharani?
You cant see Maharani, Rekha, but you can tell me.
It is too personal, Mr Singh. It concerns her family a close personal matter. I need to see
Maharani to reveal this. She will thank me after shes heard me, I assure you. I smiled at him.
Ieh, Ill see what I can do, Rekha.
Thank you, Mr Singh. I appreciate it.
After I was searched by a female guard, I stood before Queen Karisma, my head bowed. She
was dressed in a long velvet, burgundy dress which contrasted with her white skin and moulded to
her slim body. In her hand she held a China cup and saucer. A ginseng and ground collagen
concoction, I was told. She drank it all the time for longevity, libido and re-plumping of the skin.
Meena told me that sometimes for days, she just drank that and eat celery. She was obsessed with
youth and stopping the clock on her fading beauty.
Her eyes swept over me with clear contempt. What is it thats so personal? she snapped.
Maharani, I sank to my knees, I have something to tell you that is troubling me. Has been
troubling me for a while now, but it is so personal in nature, I felt I have to tell Maharani face-to-
She paused with her ginseng. Speak.
I looked pointedly at her men surrounding us. Please can we speak in private? What I have to
tell you is for Your Majestys ears only.
Her eyes filled with intrigue and she waved everyone out.
I raised my face to look at her. At a glance she appeared beautiful, but to someone who is
knowledgeable in the world of cosmetics, beauty aids and cosmetic surgery, I spotted the tell-tale
signs of a facelift. Her jawline was uneven and one of her eyebrows was slightly higher than the
other. It was 1994 facelifts were fairly common among Indian women.
Maharani, I believe that Prince Vijay might not be the father of Princess Hennas three
She dropped her cup and saucer and stared at me in shock. What did you say?
Maharani, I believe that Rusty Carrington might be the father of Princess Hennas three
Her jaw slackened.
With one hand on my chest, my head still bowed, I said, Maharani, I am most loyal to you. You
are my queen. It hurts me so much that a deception of such magnitude could take place, but Maharani,
what could I do? Who could I tell? I am just a lady to Princess Henna, a glorified servant girl, who
she keeps on her staff because of the beauty treatments I perform on her to whiten her skin and keep
her young and beautiful. It is not my place, but like everyone in your Kingdom, you are most esteemed
and revered and I felt it was my duty to let you know, My Queen.
You did well, she finally said. What is your name, again?
My name, My Queen, is Rekha.
She cocked her head and looked at me. Youve help keep her skin white? How do you do that?
Yes, Maharani. I have the ability to mix certain herbs which bleaches the skin, firms it,
maintains suppleness and youthfulness.
Her ears literally pricked up.
Have to be very very exact with the measurements, Maharani, or you could easily burn the skin
and cause permanent discolouration. Princess Henna, her skin was dark when I met her. Within three
months, it all changed made it light. Over the years, Ive changed the shape of her face, plumped up
certain parts by adding concentrated mixture to them, maybe changing the ratio of ingredients.
Princess Henna makes me study her face regularly and I have succeeded in making her very attractive.
If I stop with the treatment, she gets very pigmented and I shook my head and wrinkled my nose.
I seeeee. So thats how she did it! Maharani exclaimed, her face alive with excitement.
We only saw results after five, hour-long treatments. I have a witchdoctor who provides me
with the herbs and I do the mixing myself. Look at my skin I had tremendous scarring and now
Yes, yes, I remember something about your face being scarred. The herbs helped with that?
I nod. The sagging bits needed more attention.
She peered at me face. I am impressed.
But after this, after my loyalty to My Queen, I will be without a job, I fear. But it is a chance I
am prepared to take, because I was really troubled about this for so long, and that is why I will have
to seek work in some beauty house, where women want to look young forever.
Do not worry about, she hastily added. You can be my lady-in-waiting. Your loyalty must be
I smiled inwardly at ingenuity appealing to her vanity worked. Thank you so much Maharani!
Thank-you! Thank-you! How can I ever thank you. Tell me and I will do it.
This skin treatment, the herbs I would like you to do this skin treatment on me.
My jaw dropped. On Maharani? But but but why? You, Maharaniyou are soooo
beautiful and your skin is so smooth and
She beamed. Lets just try it and see.
I curtsied. As you wish, Maharani. It will be my pleasure. I have the exact thing for you. When I
am done, your face will be smooth like a babys.
She nodded, something like a smile dancing on her face. Now, I have to handle this matter so
you are dismissed.
I left, smiling with joy and immediately took up my position as one of the queens ladies-in-
Shortly after my meeting with Queen Karisma, Hennas children were taken for a blood test.
I had taken a huge chance, but I had no choice. I had to do something to save Henna and I was
doing what needed to be done. It was a gamble though. I prayed to bhagwan that it would work. I had
a plan B. But I hoped never to resort to that.
The next day, I once again, asked for permission to speak to Maharani to discuss another
personal matter.
Again, I was stopped. Please! It is urgent. Maharani will thank you and me.
Once in front of the Queen, I dropped to my knees and said, Maharani, I believe that Princess
Hennas mother has stolen some of the royal jewels. Some of Princess Hennas bangles. She keeps
them in a safe in her house. I believe she is with Princess Henna right now and I would be grateful if
she could be searched before she leaves the palace.
Queen Karismas face darkened with fury. Roop Singh! she shouted like a banshee. When
Roop Singh ran into the room, she ordered him to have Hennas mother and sister searched.
I hated Hennas mother. She was horrible to Henna.
As for Rani, Hennas sister, she was very pretty, not beautiful. She was the meanest, nastiest,
most spoilt girl I had ever come across. Her jealousy of Henna was such that she lived to take the
smile of Hennas face.
I smiled to myself when I pictured their faces when the guards accost them.
Roop Singh told me that they had found the bangles on them, and later that day palace guards
raided Hennas mothers house and retrieved all the jewellery from the safe.
I smiled at him from under my lashes. Maharani is so lucky to have you around. If I were here, I
would never want you to be too far away from my side, Mr Singh.
He blushed, removed his horn-rimmed spectacles and said, Thank you, Rekha. You are very
kind to say that. And pleasecall me Roop.
The next day, I was summoned by Queen Karisma.
Lets walk, she said. Shadowed by two bodyguards and two ladies-in-waiting, the queen and I
strolled through the palace grounds and talked.
Tell me more how did Henna become so ? she struggled to say the word beautiful.
Pretty, Maharani? Oh, she watched a lot of TV and she read magazines and she would tell us
what to do for her. I did not want her to know about my role in Hennas extreme makeover.
Mmm. She learned how to eat with a knife and fork too.
Yes, Maharani, that was Rusty s doing, I lied. He taught her a lot of things. Henna played the
victim and he simply fell for it.
What did he see in her? She might have been a queen but inside, but under all that finery
lurked the heart of a mere, insecure woman.
A woman who was scorned by a man Rusty Carrington.
He is blind, Maharani. He probably also felt sorry for her. Thats all.
You are so beautiful, Maharani, men cant help but look twice at you, not as a Queen but as a
a woman. Your face, it is perfect and your smile, it just melts them. I have seen you turn great men
into blubbering idiots just by glancing at them.
Her face lit up Really? You really think so?
Oh yes, Maharani. Absolutely. We all want to look like you, dress like you. There is no other
woman like you.
Shortly thereafter, I was promoted to Main Lady-in-Waiting/Companion to the Queen. All my
lies paid off.
I didnt foresee Baroods arrest, though.
I was stunned when I learned about it. Thinking of Barood in jail made me cry. He was a girl in
a mans body and I didnt think hed survive in a jail cell.
Feeling helpless, I became very withdrawn.
I was surprised to see Karamchand leading Mukesh the medicine man out of the palace. I ran up
to them and took Mukesh aside. What are you doing here, baba?
I came to help Princess Henna, he replied. Thinking I was still friends with Henna, he went on
to tell me about the poison. I was horrified. That was not part of my plan. How do I thwart it?
I will pick it up, I said. Do not give it to anyone, other than me.
Okay, child, he said.

Chapter Twenty-Three


The facial treatment was performed every second day and lasted forty-five minutes each time. I
would cleanse, rinse out any product on Maharanis face and apply my specially mixed, collagen-
inducing, melanin-inhibiting concoction.
There was some truth in what I had said to Queen Karisma an old woman once taught me how
to mix herbs that bleached the skin and induced collagen. A white, supple skin was what Maharani
sought most. But, it was no magic potion that promised eternal, blemish-free, wrinkle-free skin; it was
just an ordinary facial that she could buy at a beauty salon.
I was not going to divulge this to our hateful queen, though. So I added turmeric to the mixture
and mumbled the words Ayurveda.
Her vanity and quest for eternal youth made her surrender to my hands.
Like most facials, it made a fleeting difference and she loved it.
After the third facial, I said, Maharani, with the next treatment, Maharani will need to sleep
with the potion on Maharanis face for maximum results. Maybe we could do it late at night, so
Maharani can retire with it?
After consulting her schedule, she asked me to do it after her birthday as she was preparing for a
visit with the British Royal family, and she of course wanted to look presentable in other words,
she wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the room and was determined to upstage all the British
After the party, she stumbled into her quarters, tipsy from all the champagne she consumed. I was
confused when I wasnt allowed imedialte access.
Maharani is busy now, so you have to wait, one of her royal aids told me.
I nodded and waited outside her suite with my beauty potions.
About two hours later, a handsome young man of about twenty-five walked out of Queen
Karismas suite, his hair wet, his clothes crumpled. I recognized him as one of the new security
As he passed, he gave me a smile that I recognised from my days working at a whore-house a
satiated smile. But then again, Queen Karisma was known to satiate, Id been told.
When I entered her suite, she was in a bathtub surrounded by bubbles.
Can we do it while I take a bath? she asked.
Absolutely, Maharani, I said, taking in the champagne on ice and crystal glasses.
While she lay back, I stood behind her and cleansed her face. Without her asking, I topped her
champagne glass. She drank up, closed her eyes and settled among the bubbles in her bath.
Did Maharani warn everyone that Maharani was not to be disturbed tonight?
Yes, I told that idiot Roop Singh.
That is good, Maharani, I said. As I topped her glass again, I slipped a drop of liquid from the
vial in my pocket into her glass.
After five minutes, I turned on some music and continued massaging my potion into her face.
Rekha, my body feels heavy. Why is that?
Oh, Maharani, it is the effects of the herbs. Complete relaxation, utter rest builds cells and
Five minutes later, she says, My eyelids
With a smile I walked to the door, opened it and rang for Roop Singh.
He was there in minutes.
I took him in and showed him Queen Karisma.
He wasnt taken aback by her being in a bath. I had to assume he saw it all the time.
Just confirming that Queen Karisma doesnt want to be disturbed tonight, because as you can
see, Maharani is having a treatment. I pointed to Queen Karisma.
He looked at her, took in the bubble bath, the mess on her face and the champagne.
She smiled and waved at him.
He smiled back, waved and backed away. Yes, yes, yes! he said. Ive informed everyone
Thank you, Roop Singh, I said and flashed him a smile.
Yes, yes, sure, okay. He cleared the frog in his throat and gave me a series of quick shy
glances. So sweet.
Ill be done in a few minutes, I said, as I slowly removed my long veil that covered my body
and exposed my bare midriff and cleavage. I placed my hands on my hips, thrust my breasts at him
and smiled suggestively at him. Would you like to have a drink after that? Or two?
His eyes darted to the left, to my breasts, to the right and finally, he nodded.
I had dressed just for him tonight. It was part of my plan.
Thatthat would be lovely.
I smiled from under my lashes. Ill meet you in your room, then.
He bobbed his head.
Dont you go to sleep now, I said. Without me, I added softly
Oh, no.I His eyes bulged and threatened to dislodge his spectacles.
I laughed.
With a huge grin, he nodded and backed away.
I locked the door and made my way back to Queen Karisma.
How you doing, Karisma?
I saw the panic in her eyes. I, she managed to say.
I smiled. Now that was your first mistake, Your Lowness. See my loyalty is with Queen
Her eyes got bigger and her nostrils flared.
Yes, thats right, Queen Henna. She is now going to be Queen. After you die tonight.
I walked to the bar, opened a bottle of Dom Perignon, poured myself a glass and sat on the side
of the bathtub.
Because youre an evil slut and youve shown no mercy to her or to Rusty or the beautiful
babies. So, I took a sip of champagne, you deserve to die. Henna is my soul-sister and I hate to
picture a world without her in it. As for Rusty, he cared enough to get me a plastic surgeon and
between him, Henna and Barood, they sat for hours next to me while I was sedated so that I wouldnt
be alone. How could I forget all that and let you kill three people I have come to love?
She gurgled something inaudible.
What? Sorry, dont understand what youre saying. Anyway, as I was saying; that drug I put in
your champagne it paralyzes the limbs first, then your facial muscles, then your tongue. Eventually,
your tongue will fall back and block your airways and you can do shit about it.
I smiled at the fear in her eyes.
But all the while, your brain is fully functional. Will take more than an hour, so dont worry, I
will keep you company. I raised my glass at her and smiled.
She squeezed her eyes shut.
That stuff I gave you we used that to rob men. Its a sneaky drug. I mean, Roop Singh walked
in and saw you smile and wave at him. How the hell does he know, it wasnt a smile, it was a
grimace? That it wasnt a wave, it was you beckoning him over? I shake my head and let out a long
breath. Men! Such innocent creatures. But I will go and fuck him tonight just to cement things. Once a
man has been with me, Karisma, he doesnt get over me, because I know how to make him scream.
More gurgling from her.
Ive been courting him for a while now, I confessed as I circled her. I mean, we all know that
youre the object of his affection, butthe only way to get over such an obsession is .to find
another. One that is equally interesting, intriguing and sexy. Ive flirted with him, smiled at him,
touched him accidently, picked on him for a while now and its been great fun. More fun than I
thought, Karisma. Karisma its strange to call you that. Sounds, I dont know disrespectful. I
smiled and took a sip of my champagne.
I did all this and connected with him, so that after you die, he wont launch a major
investigation into your death. Hell be too distracted by my sexual techniques, which I plan to institute
tonight for the first time.
I shook my head at her. Best you dont try to speak, Karisma. It must be hard on you I mean,
Henna took Rusty from you, Im taking Roop Singh from you. You poor, poor queen.
She averted her eyes.
Oh, by the way, Karisma, your face, its slowly blackening. At your funeral, you are going to
look terrible like you have some sort of disease and some uneducated people will think thats what
caused your death.
Her bulging eyes flew to look at me.
Your children, they arent going to mourn you too much. They know it was you who had their
father killed. You messed up though, Vijay got shot in the process.
I jerked back and looked at her. What? You think we all didnt know? Of course we did.
Everyone did. Karamchand told me about it. You enlisted, or ordered his brother-in-law, Rajesh, to
kill King Anant. Then when he accidently shot Vijay in the process, you had Rajesh hanged. Think we
dont know about it? Did you really expect loyalty from Karamchand and his family after that?
She didnt answer because she couldnt answer.
By the way, Karamchand said you were lousy in the sack. He told all your haters that youre a
screamer. I laugh when I see anger flash in her eyes. Which of your male staff didnt your fuck?
Only Rusty. Because he shunned you. He loved Henna. Adored her. They loved each other.
I smiled again.
Henna is going to make a great Queen. She will wear all your jewellery, all your clothes, take
all your subjects everything. That little nobody from the village of Geet has caused your death,
Karisma, and she will just step into your shoes.
Now her eyes flash hatred.
In a way, you have yourself to thank for that. You chose her. I am going to make her look like a
movie star and the world will pound at her door, wanting to meet her, interview her, get to know
her. My eyes glazed as I pictured it.
She will put Asokastan on the world map simply by being beautiful and sexy. I cant wait. I live
for shit like that. By the way, it was I who helped transform her into who she is. I told her about
Miss Sarah and our dancing.
It was so much fun. I took great joy in filling her in about Hennas generous nature and her
good deeds when it came to the servants. She gave away royal jewels! I gasped and put my hand to
my mouth. Bad, bad princess.
Do you know whos going to find your tomorrow morning?
Karisma opens her eyes to look at me.
Meena. She will clean up the crime scene and then shout out that you are ill. She will tell them
that you said a few words to her something about a pounding headache. Shes going to say that you
wanted a bath and thats when she put you in the tub and you must have had a stroke or something.
Her eyes grow wide again
We got it all covered. Weve even got our own doctor on standby, as your doctor is abroad at
the moment. Got it all covered. Me and the servants. Members of The Queen Karismas Hater Club.
Membership is free. I laughed.
When I looked at her, she was nowhere in sight.
Hey, where are you? I peered into the bathtub at her face underwater.
You chose to kill three people and banish three children just because you could. What an evil
person you are. Its best youre gone.
After a while, I pulled out the bath plug, emptied her bottle of champagne all over her dead body
and dried my hands.
I reached into the bar, grabbed a bottle of Dom and skipped over to Roop Singhs.
He smiled when he saw me. I handed him the bottle and dropped my veil at the entrance to his
He looked at the veil on the floor, at my breasts and smiled.
After a glass of champagne, I leaned over and slipped my tongue into his mouth. It had been a
while since Id used my talents and I was eager to see if I still had it.
I did.
I had him squealing like a hog in no time. But what I liked about him he was eager to please
too, and by the end of the evening, we both had the expression Karismas twenty-five-year old had on
earlier that evening satiated.

Chapter Twenty-Four



Rusty ?
Damn! I put my hand to my forehead. This whole thing was a dream. The Queen is not dead and
Im not saved. Damn!
With a smile, he shakes off the children and walks towards me.
I throw my arms around him. Im so sorry, Rusty. Im so sorry! Im so sorry!
He squeezes me to him. Its over, baby, its over. The nightmares over.
Will you forgive me?
For what?
For giving you the poison?
What poison?
I look at him, confused. Then I hear a chuckle. I looked to my left at Rekha. I gesture towards
her. Whys she?
I swapped the poison Mukesh gave you, she says.
What?! This is not a dream? I shake off Rusty and put my hands to my temples. But but he
he fell asleep!
Sleeping tablet! I had to make it look real. You wouldnt have listened to me, so I had no
Stunned, I look at her, not sure whether I should slap her or hug her.
I look at Rusty. Im not dreaming?
Nope. He squeezes me hard. Feel that? Huh? Means youre awake.
Im awake. Rustys not dead. I burst into tears.
Rusty draws the children to us and we hug my family. My beloved family whom I came so
close to losing.
Then I see Barood enter our suite with Vijay behind him. His hair is short, hes lost weight and
his face is tear-stained. I run up to him and hug him. Its over, Barood, I say. It really is.
He doesnt talk, he just stands with tears running down his cheeks. Vijay surprises me he
wipes away Baroods tears and lead him away.
Finally, I turn and hug Rekha. You could have been caught and killed, Rekha.
Small price to pay, she says. Besides, Karamchand and Meenas husband Rafik, helped me,
you know. You had so many fans and supporters and they all helped.
She twists her lips around. Should have seen her face. I told her that Henna sends her greetings.
I said, That village girl, Henna, that you hoodwinked into marrying your gay son, she sends her
Rusty lunges at her and gives her a hug. Thank you.
Youre welcome, but we need to talk about Vijay and this whole king thing. Before Roop
Singh takes over.
I nod. I dont want to be Queen for sure. Absolutely not! I take a giant step back and continue
shaking my head.
I want to leave here, asap! Rusty said. Man, I cant wait to get out of here and back to the
Me too, Barood says, as he and Vijay re-enter the room. Im not staying here. Im going
tomorrow, if Im able to.
I want to leave within the week, I say. Even if the US doesnt accept us, lets go to Timbuktu
anywhere but here. I just need to leave Asokastan.
Dont worry, Ellen pipes up, after this whole incident you both were almost hanged, I think
the US will take you and your children. Im working on it.
Dont forget about me, Vijay said. Barood and I are going with you. Were not staying.
Vijay, Rekha says, You have to be king for a while. Later we can talk about abdicating. But
lets see this week through, okay? Lets not complicate things just yet.
Wow, abdicatingsuch a big word, I say and run my hand over my weary face. Im still in
shock over so many things.
She waves dismissively. Well talk about it another time. Im meeting Roop Singh for drinks
later and Ill discuss it with him.
Youre meeting? I raise my eyebrows.
I sure am, she says in coy voice. Dont wait up for me.
We all stare at her with open mouths.
What? Hes nice, she says.
We are interrupted by the arrival of my mother and Rani.
Must we call you Maharani now? my mother asks, a nervous look on her face.
I look at Rekha.
Couldnt leave them there, she says.
I am so proud of you, Henna, my mother says. Some girls get married to fifty-five year olds,
but you; you married a prince and went on to become Maharani. What more could a mother ask for?
I look at her and fury and hurt overcomes me. You abandoned me when I was thirteen. You
never cared. Why?
Hennaeh, it it
Even though you stole jewellery from me, you refused to take care of my children. Your only
grandchildren. And you just wouldnt help me when I needed you so much. Why couldnt you be like
his sister and offer to take the children?
She looks past me at Rustys family. Her lips thin.
Why couldnt you love me like Rekha loved me? She was prepared to go to prison for me?
Why couldnt you love me like you loved Rani?
I did love you, Henna. Its just that I had other children to take care
You needed to worry about me. I was your child too. You just didnt care. You knew the man in
the photo wasnt the man I was marrying, but you played along with the deceit, then when I needed
your help, you absolutely refused to help.
You expected me to challenge Maharani? she asks, her eyes flashing anger.
No. You could have stayed with me for a while, helped me out. Instead, you abandoned me and
wouldnt even visit me on my birthdays. What kind of a mother are you? I would never do that to any
of my children. I love them so much, that I would die for them. I will take care of them till I die. No
matter how old they are.
She presses her lips together.
All you care about is Rani because she is supposed to be the pretty one in the family.
That is not true! Rani flares. Dont you talk to Ma like?
Silence! I say. Never speak to your queen unless she addresses you, understand?
Rani looks at me in disbelief. Then fear fills her eyes and she lowers them.
I turn back to look at the woman who gave birth to me. I want nothing to do with you. You are
no longer my mother. My mother has died. I will announce it for all to know and I will hold a small
funeral of my own for you. That way, I could move on. Now, please leave.
No, Henna, dont say that! my mother cries. We are family. We need you. I have nothing.
Theyve taken all the jewels.
I shake my head. I needed yyou. I was so little, so lost, so sad all the time. People laughed at
me, called me a monkey, mocked me and it hhurt. My voice breaks and I have to take a moment to
compose myself.
I really needed your love, your support, your guidance my mothers touch. But you shunned
me. Go now. I am Queen; I have power, so Im asking you to leave. No, Im demanding demanding
that you leave and that you never be allowed back into my home, the palace.
I turn to Rekha. Put them both on a bus for Geet and ensure that they never put foot in this
palace again. My home is open only to my other sisters. Not even to my father.
ButbutHenna, what will everyone say? my mother cries. We will be shunned by all the
villagers, disgraced if they hear about this. Where do I put my face?
Youre a grown woman, deal with it. As for my sisters, I will regularly invite them to my
home. I throw a glance of contempt at Rani. That excludes you.
I turn my back on my mothers pleas. The guards lead them out.
Rusty walks over to me. He holds my face with both his hands and brushes away my tears with
his thumbs. Kicking ass, are you?
I nod and wind my hands around his waist. It hurts, Rusty.
I know. But its over, baby.
Strangely enough, it is the first time I have ever confronted my mother about her treatment of me
and it is somewhat cathartic. I feel like Ive shed a boulder off my shoulders.
Rusty drags me onto our private patio and shuts the door behind us. We kiss and cuddle long and
When we surface for air, he holds me back and smiles at me. Your Majesty, huh?
I smile and nod.
Im sexually deprived, Im warning you.
I chuckle.
He whispers in my ear, Bring your crown to bed tonight, okay? I plan to fuck you with it on.
How many men can say I fucked a queen, huh?
I laugh and playfully punch him.
As we look into each others eyes, our smiles fade.
Finally, were going to be a regular family, Rusty.
Yeah, he says. Cant wait. Man, I cant wait. Its been so hard on us, hasnt it?
I nod. But you were worth it. Our babies are worth it.
Oh yeah, he says, Thats why I didnt give up. I would walk through fire for you, baby.
I rest my forehead on his chest. I love you, Rusty.
I love you, Henna.
The patio door opens. Maharani, it is time for King Vijay to address the crowd, Rekha says.
He has rehearsed his speech and he is ready.
I nod. I will be in the sidelines, waiting for him.
We all walk towards the balcony but only Vijay steps onto it. He gives a brief speech. As he
speaks, his voice is drowned by the crowd chanting. It sounds like they asking for Karisma.
Our faces fall.
Rekha grabs my arm. Henna! Theyre asking for Henna, not Karisma.
Theres a whole lot of confused looks being exchanged behind the balcony door.
Cant be, I say. Im the harlot who cuckolded their King. There is no way theyd want me.
But the chanting grows louder. Henna! Henna! Henna! They wont let Vijay speak.
Oh my God! I cry.
Vijay turns and looks at me. He beckons me to come outside.
I shake my head from side-to-side.
Then Roop Singh approaches me and holds out his hand. They want you. You have to go.
No! I cry and cling to Rusty and the children. Im scared. No!
Rekha runs over to me brandishing a lipstick. Just go outside, smile, wave and smile again.
They need a queen. A good queen. Be one for a short while until you say goodbye to them.
But but
See how many people you recognize in the crowd, okay? That will make you smile.
She slips a crown on my head and adjusts my short hair around it. Now, take the kids and go.
Well be right behind you.
Go, Henna, Rusty says. Baby, you dont want to start a riot, now, do you? Ill be right behind
you. Here. He hands me Rahul.
Having no choice, with Rahul on my hip and my other two children clinging to my saree, I step
onto the balcony to join Vijay.
The crowd erupts like machine gunfire. They clap and cheer and chant, Maharani! Maharani!
Music plays and people dance. In the crowd I spot my mother and Rani, looking lost and
miserable. They should be here next to me, not standing like commoners. Too bad for them.
People lift up banners and placards with my name on it.
I smile and wave, and eventually relax enough to walk the balcony with my children and Vijay.
Rekha had always insisted that I practice my walk. Now I understand why. Im so ready.
As I walk, I feel the love of the people, or should I say my people. Rekha was right, I recognise
so many people in the crowd. I blow them kisses. When my kids see me blowing kisses, they too
blow kisses and the crowd goes wild.
I look behind me at Rusty, Rekha, Barood, Roop Singh, Ellen, Sue, Bobby and Miss Sarah,
Karamchand, Meena, and all who helped me get to the queens balcony.
Then I look ahead and see all the people chanting my name.
Sandwiched between so much love.
I smile to myself and touch my crown with a shaky hand. I am queen. Even though I plan not to be
one for long, today I still am queen.
One day I will tell my children my story. I was Henna from the Village of Geet, who was lucky
enough to marry a prince and become Queen of Asokastan.
That would be the essence of my story.
Everything else will fade into obscurity.
Oh, and I will start of with, Once upon a time


Books By Eve Rabi

Where to find Eve Rabi online



Deception - A Palace Full of Liars - Book 1

Burn's World - Book 1
Burn's World - Book 2
Burn's World - Book 3
Burn's World - Book 4

CAPTURED - My Sworn Enemy, My Secret Lover - Book 1
CAPTURED - My Sworn Enemy, My Secret Lover - Book 2

Gringa - In the Clutches of a Ruthless Drug-Lord - Book 1
Gringa - In the Clutches of a Ruthless Drug-Lord - Book 2
Gringa - In the Clutches of a Ruthless Drug-Lord - Book 3
Gringa - In the Clutches of a Ruthless Drug-Lord - Book 4

THE WAGES OF SINEAD - A Tale of Lies and Infidelity - Book 1
THE WAGES OF SINEAD - A Tale of Lies and Infidelity - Book 2
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Books by Eve Rabi

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