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Assignment 1 - National IT Strategies/Policies

The student group, 4-5 students in each group

, is expected to analysis
national IT strategies/policies. In global and multicultural societies students
may have experiences from different countries. Due to these experiences it
can be of interest to compare IT strategies (policies) produced in different

The students task is to conduct an analysis of different countries national IT
strategies/policies. With strategies/policies we mean different activities to
make use of the possibilities IT (ICT) offers e.g.

to increase the democratisation of the societies,
to create equal access to new technologies and services,
to increase citizens' influence in society,
providing new technologies to all school children regardless of their
parents' economic conditions

The students should then deliver an oral presentation (with or without
PowerPoint support). The fellow students are expected to contribute with a
set of questions and/or propositions as an input to the discussion.

The presentation should follow the structure:

The students present the analysis for app. 12-15 minutes, where they
clearly state:
a. The WHAT:
What are the key strategy/policy issues?
b. The HOW:
How do you motivate (i.e. justify) the importance of these
What is your key message of the analysis of the

The main objective with this assignment is that the students shall share and
compare IT strategies/policies in different parts of the world to get an
understanding that strategies/policies may or may not differ in different
Might be changed due to the number of students
1 (2)

The students are to work in groups. The numbers and groups will be
established after the first or second class.

The students should perform an analysis of IT strategies/policies and then
deliver an oral presentation of the analysis. The fellow students are expected
to contribute with a set of questions and/or propositions as an input to the

The campus students deliver an oral presentation and the fellow students are
expected to contribute with a set of questions.

The Distance students should submit a recorded presentation to Moodle.
Suggested ways to record the presentations are e.g.:
1) Audio recording in Power Point
2) Recordings in Adobe Connect - one student need to be give the role as a
3) Camtasia
4) VoiceThread

The distance students are expected to give a brief overview of the task at the
seminar. The fellow group is expected to listen to the recorded presentation in
advance to prepare questions to the presenters to be asked at the seminar.

The students may be assigned one of the following two grades:
Not Passed (U), Passed (G)

The assessment will be made with regard to the following criteria:
a) the content of presentation and the report in terms of how clear the
arguments and analysis are
b) the clarity of presentation of the formulation
c) the comments and questions to the presenters

You (presenters) are expected
to conduct an oral presentation of the analysis of the IT
policies/strategies and to record the presentation.
to post the presentation to Moodle Discussions Forum September 25
not later than 17:00
You (discussants) are expected
to listen to the recorded presentation in advance and contribute with
comments and questions to be asked at the seminar.

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