Cadbury Project

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Submitted in partial fulfllment of the requirements
for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
Submitted to: Submitted
Dr. GB SitaRam Name :Neha
(Faculty Guide) oll
(pproved by (I)*+, ,inistry o- .D, Govt! o- India (/liated *o Guru Gobind Singh
Indraprastha University, Delhi
E'#ail, director-tecniaindia. /mail-com" %e0site, 111-tecnia-in
Fax No: 2755512! T"#: 27555121$2%
S No To&'( Pa)" No
1 )erti0cate 2
2 (c1no2ledgements 3
3 3ist o- Symbols 5
4 Chapter-1: Introduction 6
5 Chapter-2: Data Reduction &
6 Chapter-3: Data #na$%!i! 5&
' )hapter45: )onclusions 62
" e-erences67ibliography 6'
& (ppendices 6"
I( )!. *+,#( Ro$$ *o. -122131'-" certi.% that the ro/ect Report 0aper Code BB#
31-1 entit$ed 2#*#34SIS 56 C#DB7R4 C,5C53#8+ I* 8,+ )#R9+8 :I8, I8S
C5)+8I85RS;; i! done <% me. 8he matter em<odied in thi! ha! not <een !u<mitted
ear$ier .or the a=ard o. an% de>ree or dip$oma to the <e!t o. m% ?no=$ed>e and <e$ie..
Signature o- the Student
)erti0ed that the ro/ect Report 0aper Code BB# 31-1 entit$ed 2#*#34SIS
56 C#DB7R4 C,5C53#8+ I* 8,+ )#R9+8 :I8, I8S C5)+8I85RS@
done <% )!. *+,# ( Ro$$ *o.-122131'-"( i! comp$eted under m% >uidance.
Signature o- the Guide
Name o- the Guide:
I =ou$d $i?e to ta?e thi! opportunit% to than? a$$ tho!e peop$e( =ithout =ho!e cooperation
and !upport( thi! !tud% =ou$d not haAe <een po!!i<$e. 6ir!t and .oremo!t( I =ou$d $i?e to
eBpre!! m% >ratitude to Dr. G B Sitaram( 8ecnia In!titute o. #dAanced Studie! .or hi!
>uidance( encoura>ement and patience.

,e >uided me throu>hout m% =or?in> .or the ro/ect( and he$ped me at Aariou! !tep!.
I =ou$d $i?e to than? m% .ami$% and .riend! .or their !upport( encoura>ement(
cooperation and !u>>e!tion! haAe he$ped me in !ucce!!.u$ comp$etion o. thi! pro/ect.
3IS8 56 S4)B53S
S.No. S/01o# No0"2(#a+3*" 4 M"a2'2)
1 - ,%phen
2 ( Comma
3 C Semi-Co$on
4 : Co$on
5 D ercenta>e
6 . 6u$$-Stop
' E Do$$ar
" F #!teri!?
& G *um<er Si>n
1- H So$idu!
11 I Commercia$ atH#t the Rate
12 0 3e.t arenthe!i!
13 1 Ri>ht arenthe!i!
14 J 3e.t Cur$% Brac?et!
15 K Ri>ht Cur$% Brac?e$t!
16 L #po!trophe
1' M 3o= $ineH7nder!core


8he Cad<ur%;! Inc ha! ta?en the opportunit% to u! a <roader Aie= o. choco$ate
cate>or%. 8he Cad<ur%;! India;! no.1 Choco$ate i! a<$e to !hare =ith their mar?et in!i>ht!
<a!ed upon unpara$$e$ed <reath o. choco$ate eBperience.
Cad<ur% ha! >ro=n .rom !tren>th to !tren>th =ith ne= techno$o>ie! <ein> introduced to
ma?e the Cad<ur% con.ectionar% <u!ine!!( one o. the mo!t e..icient in the =or$d. 8he
mer>e in 1&6& =ith Sch=eppe! and the !u<!eNuent deAe$opment o. the <u!ine!! haAe $ed
to Cad<ur% Sch=eppe! ta?in> the $ed in <oth( the con.ectionar% and !o.t drin? mar?et
Intec 79 and <ecomin> a ma/or .orce in the internationa$ mar?et. Cad<ur% Sch=eppe!
toda% manu.acture! product in 6- countrie! and a trade in !ta>>erin> 12-. 8he Cad<ur%
!tor% i! a .a!cinatin> !tor% o. a .ami$% <u!ine!! that >re= in one o. the <i>>e!t( mo!t
$oAed choco$ate <rand in the =or$d. # !tor% that %ou =i$$ remem<er a! the !tor% o. 28he
ta!te o. $i.e@.
This project is a sincere efort to look for the market potential in
chocolate and confectionery industry. A descriptive research procedure
had been applied to come to the conclusions of the project. A detailed
questionnaire had been prepared and the responses of the concerned
people had been collected for the analysis. The project later concluded in
recommending the market potential of the chocolate and confectioneries
Ra+'o2a#" o, 7+38/:
8he Cad<ur%;! Inc ha! ta?en the opportunit% to u! a <roader
Aie= o. choco$ate cate>or%. 8he Cad<ur%;! India;! no.1 Choco$ate i!
a<$e to !hare =ith their mar?et in!i>ht! <a!ed upon unpara$$e$ed
<reath o. choco$ate eBperience.Cad<ur% ha! >ro=n .rom !tren>th to
!tren>th =ith ne= techno$o>ie! <ein> introduced to ma?e the
Cad<ur% con.ectionar% <u!ine!!( one o. the mo!t e..icient in the
=or$d.8hi! report !tud% a<out mar?et !hare and di..erent !trate>%
=ith it! competitor!.
8o ana$%Oe the mar?etin> !trate>ie! o. the compan% =ith
8o determine the mar?et !hare o. Cad<ur% .
8o demon!trate the mar?etin> !trate>ie! o. Cad<ur% India 3td.
19 8hi! report i! u!e.u$ .or the re!earcher! =ho are =i$$in> to do re!earch on the
Cad<ur% choco$ate and it! pre!ent competitor! in the mar?et.
29 8hi! report !ho=! the pro<$em! a!!ociated =ith the Cad<ur% indu!tr% in the
mar?et a! it he$p! in remoAin> the!e pro<$em!.
:9 8hi! report can <e u!e.u$ a! a !econdar% data .or choco$ate indu!tr%.
%9 8hi! report he$p! in ?no=in> the current and .uture !cenario o. con.ectionar%
59 8hi! report he$p! in ?no=in> mar?et po!ition o. di..erent con.ectionar% indu!tr%.

)% main o</ectiAe o. the !tud% on thi! pro/ect i! to demon!trate the mar?etin> !trate>ie!
o. Cad<ur% India 3td. 8o ana$%Oe the mar?etin> !trate>ie! o. the compan% =ith it!
competitor in the mar?et. 6o$$o=in> are the !ome o. the main o</ectiAe o. m% report are
a! under:
ComparatiAe !tud% o. Cad<ur% choco$ate in the mar?et =ith it! main competitor!.
8o ana$%Oe the mar?etin> !trate>% o. the Cad<ur% India 3td.
8o !tud% a<out the cu!tomer ta!te and pre.erence in the con.ectionar% item.
8o .ind out the mar?et !hare o. the di..erent competitor! in the choco$ate indu!tr%.
#nd a$!o to .ind out the !ati!.action $eAe$ o. cu!tomer a<out their product.
8hi! report >iAe! the he$p to the mar?eter! .or ana$%Oin> the di..erent competitor! in the
choco$ate indu!tr%. 8he!e are the .o$$o=in> !ome importance o. thi! re!earch report a!
11 8hi! report i! u!e.u$ .or the re!earcher! =ho are =i$$in> to do re!earch on the
Cad<ur% choco$ate and it! pre!ent competitor! in the mar?et.
21 8hi! report !ho=! the pro<$em! a!!ociated =ith the Cad<ur% indu!tr% in the mar?et
a! it he$p! in remoAin> the!e pro<$em!.
31 8hi! report can <e u!e.u$ a! a !econdar% data .or choco$ate indu!tr%.
41 8hi! report he$p! in ?no=in> the current and .uture !cenario o. con.ectionar%
51 8hi! report he$p! in ?no=in> mar?et po!ition o. di..erent con.ectionar%
#chieAin> accurac% in an% re!earch reNuire! in depth !tud% re>ardin> the !u</ect. #! the
prime o</ectiAe o. the pro/ect i! to compare Cad<ur% =ith the eBi!tin> competitor! in the
mar?et and the impact o. *e!t$e on Cad<ur%( the re!earch methodo$o>% adopted i!
<a!ica$$% <a!ed on primar% data Aia =hich the mo!t recent and accurate piece o. .ir!t hand
in.ormation cou$d <e co$$ected. Secondar% data ha! <een u!ed to !upport primar% data
=hereAer needed.
Primary data was collected using the following techniques
Pue!tionnaire )ethod
Direct InterAie= )ethod and
5<!erAation )ethod
8he main too$ u!ed =a!( the Nue!tionnaire method. 6urther direct interAie= method(
=here a .ace to .ace .orma$ interAie= =a! ta?en. 3a!t$% o<!erAation method ha! <een
continuou! =ith the Nue!tionnaire method( a! one continuou!$% o<!erAe! the !urroundin>
enAironment he =or?! in.
Procedure of research methodology
G 8ar>et >eo>raphic area =a! De$hi. *CR.
G 8o thi! >eo>raphica$ area Nue!tionnaire =a! >iAen( the Nue!tionnaire =a! a com<ination
o. <oth open ended and c$o!ed ended Nue!tion!.
G 8he date durin> =hich Nue!tionnaire! =ere .i$$ed =a! <et=een !iB =ee?.
G Some dea$er! =ere a$!o interAie=ed to ?no= their pro!pectiAe. InterAie=! =ith the
honour o. retai$er o. Cad<ur% =ere a$!o conducted.
G 6ina$$% the co$$ected data and in.ormation =a! ana$%!ed and compi$ed to arriAe at the
conc$u!ion and recommendation! >iAen.
So3*("7 o, 7"(o28a*/ 8a+a
7!ed to o<tain in.ormation on( Cad<ur% and it! competitor hi!tor%( current i!!ue!(
po$icie!( procedure! etc( =hereAer reNuired.
G Internet
G )a>aOine!
G *e=!paper
8he re!earch conducted <% +Bp$orator% Re!earch thi! t%pe o. re!earch i! Pua$itatiAe and
PuantitatiAe. Pua$itatiAe! to the character! o. the data or proce!! <% =hich the
data are >athered.
8he re!earch proce!! con!i!t! o. a !erie! o. c$o!e$% re$ated actiAitie!. :h% a re!earch
!tud% ha! <een underta?en. :h% a re!earch !tud% ha! <een underta?en( ho= the
re!earch pro<$em ha! <een de.ined( in =hat =a% and =h% the h%pothe!i! ha! <een
.ormu$ated( =hat data ha! <een co$$ected and =hat particu$ar method ha! <een adopted
and a ho!t o. !imi$ar other Nue!tion are u!ua$$% an!=ered =hen =e ta$? o. re!earch
methodo$o>% concernin> a re!earch pro<$em or !tud%.
8he data =a! to <e co$$ected on$% .rom the Con!umer! and Retai$er!. # Nue!tionnaire
=a! prepared and interAie=in> =ith Retai$er! and Con!umer!.
# deci!ion ha! to <e ta?en concernin> a !amp$e unit <e.ore !e$ectin> the num<er o.
!amp$e!. It ma% <e >eo>raphica$ a! =e$$ a! indiAidua$..
S'<" o, Sa0&#":
8hi!! the num<er o. item! 05ut$et!1 to <e !e$ected .rom the .inite uniAer!e to
con!titute a !amp$e !iOe. 8he !urAe% =a! conducted o. 5- out$et!.
8he data =a! ta<u$ated manua$$% and =a! a$!o ana$%Oed manua$$% eBce$ =a! u!ed to ma?e
>raph! and pie chart.
26D o. peop$e are intere!ted in eatin> choco$ate and '4D are not eatin>.
8he Cad<ur% <rand choco$ate '5D o. peop$e a.ter that *e!t$e( #mu$
and other! are ta?e p$ace.
)o!t o. the peop$e <u% choco$ate .rom !uper!tore and a.ter that .rom retai$ or
moAie ma$$.
54D peop$e are not a=are .rom thi! <rand =hi$e 46D are a=are.
Dair% mi$? and 5 !tar i! mo!t .amou! product o. Cad<ur%.
Cad<ur% choco$ate i! Aer% ea!i$% aAai$a<$e in the mar?et.
8hi! compan% pro/ect ha! demon!trated 2C#DB7R4;S )#R9+8I*G #*D
C5)+8I8IQ+ S8R#8+GI+S@ that ha! proAed to <e eBten!iAe throu>h( and o. >reat
< to the compan% in .urtherin> it! competitiAe adAanta>e.
In thi! pro/ect it po!!i<$e to !ee the !ucce!! o. Cad<ur%;! in it! indor!e it! !tron> potentia$
to continue to do =e$$.
R"(o00"28a+'o27 :
)aintain dominance in choco$ate( con.ectioner% and mar?et $eader!hip in <$o=n
*e= channe$! !uch a! >i.tin>( chi$d connectiAit% and Aa$ue .or mone% o..erin> to
<e the ?e% >ro=th driAe!.
Gro= Ao$ume !a$e! at $ea!t 2-D p.a. oAer the neBt %ear!.
#chieAe the >oa$ o. <e!t manu.acturin> $ocation in Cad<ur% Sch=eppe! =or$d .or
Dair% )i$? and Rc$air!.
5ne ne= ma/or product $aunch eAer% %ear.
H'7+o*/ o, +=" (o0&a2/
8he $e>end ca$$ed Cad<ur%
1>2% S # once <u!ine!! =a! opened in 1"24 <% a %oun> Pua?er( Tohn Cad<ur%( in Bu$$
!treet Birmin>ham =a! to <e the .oundation o. Cad<ur% 3imited( no= one o. the =or$d;!
$ar>e!t producer o. choco$ate.
1>:1 S B% thi! %ear the <u!ine!! had chan>ed .rom a >rocer% !hop and Tohn Cad<ur% had
<ecome a manu.acturer o. drin?in> choco$ate and cocoa. 8hi! =a! the !tart o. Cad<ur%
manu.acturin> <u!ine!! a! it i! ?no=n toda%. # $ar>er .actor% in Brid>e Street
Birmin>ham =a! rented in 1"4'( Tohn Cad<ur% =a! /oined <% hi! <rother Birmin>ham
and the <u!ine!! <ecame Cad<ur% Brother o. Birmin>ham.
1>?1 S Tohn Cad<ur% re!i>ned hi! <u!ine!! and handed oAer to hi! !on!( Richard( 25 and
Geor>e( 21 =ho a.ter 5$t %ear! a$mo!t !hut do=n the <u!ine!! to ta?e up other
Aocation. 6ortunate$% .or >eneration o. choco$ate $oAer!( the% didn;t.
1>?? S Sa= a turnin> point .or the compan% =ith the introduction o. a proce!! .or
pre!!in> the cocoa <utter .rom the coca <ean!. 8hi! not on$% ena<$ed Cad<ur% Brother! to
produce pure coca e!!ence( <ut the p$enti.u$ !upp$% o. coca <utter remainin> =a! a$!o
u!ed to ma?e ne= ?ind o. eatin> choco$ate. 8he e!!ence =a! adAerti!ed a! L#<!o$ute$%
pure( there.ore <e!t;.
1>7@ S Bu!ine!! pro!pered .rom thi! time and Cad<ur% Brother out>re= the Brid>e Street
.actor%( moAin> in 1"'& to a$d; !ite !ome mi$e! .rom the center o. Birmin>ham
=hich came to ca$$ BourneAi$$e. 8he openin> o. the Cad<ur% .actor% in a >arden a$!o
hera$ded a ne= era in indu!tria$ re$ation! and emp$o%ee =e$.are =ith /oint con!u$tation
<ein> /u!t one o. the introduced <% the pioneerin> Cad<ur% Brother!.
1>@@ S In thi! %ear the <u!ine!! priAate $imited compan% S Cad<ur% Brother! 3imited.
ro>re!! !ince the !tart o. the centur% throu>h the inter S =ar %ear! on=ard ah! <een
rapid. Choco$ate ha! moAed <ein> a 2$uBur%@ item to =e$$ =ithin the .inancia$ reach o.
1@5 S Cad<ur% ha! man% .amou! <rand! =ith one o. ma/or !ucce!! !tor% <ein>
Cad<ur%;! Dair% )i$? choco$ate $aunched in 1&-5( toda% Britain;! .aAorite modu$ed
choco$ate <ar.
Cad<ur% toda% i! the mar?et $eader in the 7.9 choco$ate con.ectionar% mar?et(
emp$o%in> the mo!t adAanced proce!!in> techno$o>% and mana>ement in.ormation and
contro$ techniNue!. 8he compan% i! the con.ectionar% diAi!ion o. Cad<ur% Sch=eppe! p$c
=hich i! ma/or .orce in the con.ectionar% and !o.t drin?! internationa$ mar?et.
:or$d - =ide Cad<ur% i! one o. the pre S eminent name! in con.ectionar% =ith
impre!!iAe ran>e o. .amou! <rand!.
Pua$it% ha! <een the .ocu! o. the Cad<ur% <u!ine!! .rom the Aer% <e>innin> a!
>eneration! haAe =or?ed to produce choco$ate =ith that Aer% !pecia$ ta!te( !moothne!!
and !nap( !o characteri!tic! o. Cad<ur%;! choco$ate.
D"7')2 D"A"#o&0"2+
)i$? choco$ate .or eatin> =a! .ir!t made <% Cad<ur% in 1"&' <% addin> mi$? po=der
pa!te to the dar? choco$ate recipe o. cocoa ma!!( cocoa <utter and !u>ar. B% toda%;!
!tandard! thi! choco$ate =a! not particu$ar$% >ood a! it =a! Aer% coar!e and dr% and =a!
not !=eet or mi$?% enou>h .or pu<$ic ta!te!.
#t that time there =a! a >reat dea$ o. competition in the 7.9 .rom continenta$
manu.acture!( not on$% the 6rench =ith their .anc% choco$ate! <ut a$!o .rom the S=i!!(
=ho =ere reno=ned .or their mi$? choco$ate. 3ed <% Geor>e Cad<ur% /unior( the
BourneAi$$e eBpert! !et out to meet the cha$$en>e. # con!idera<$e amount o. time and
mone% =a! !pent on re!earch and ne= p$ant de!i>n to produce the ne= choco$ate in much
$ar>e Nuantitie!.
# ne= recipe =a! .ormu$ated .re!h mi$? and ne= production proce!!e! =ere deAe$oped to
produce mi$? S choco$ate not a! mere$% a! >ood a! <ut <etter than the imported mi$?
B% 1&13 it had <ecome the compan%;! <e!t !e$$in> $ine and in the mid t=entie! Cad<ur%;!
Dair% )i$? >ained it! !tatu! a! the <rand $eader( a po!ition that it ha! he$d eAer !ince.
8oda% more than 25- mi$$ion <ar! o. Cad<ur%;! Dair% )i$? are made eAer% %ear and !a$e!
reach oAer 1-- mi$$ion ound in Aa$ue.
Ca813*/B7 Da'*/ M'#C S+o*/
Choco$ate ha! <een en/o%ed <% !ucce!!iAe >eneration !ince the manu.acturin> proce!!
=a! deAe$oped in the Qictorian 8ime!. Good choco$atier! i! an art .orm dependin> on
recipe tradition!( =hich haAe >ro=n oAer the %ear!
B% toda%;! !tandard! the .ir!t choco$ate .or eatin> =ou$d haAe <een con!idered Nuite
unpa$ata<$e. It =a! the introduction o. the Qan ,outen cocoa pre!! .rom ,o$$and that =a!
the ma/or <rea? throu>h in the choco$ate production a! it proAided eBtra cocoa <utter
needed to ma?e a !mooth >$o!!% choco$ate.
C=o(o#a+" 4 Co2,"(+'o2a*/
Da'*/ M'#C
Fruit & Nut


Foo8 D*'2C7
D*'2C'2) (=o(o#a+"
T=" Ca813*/ S+o*/
Ca813*/B7 73(("77 7+o*/
In 1&"4( Tohn Cad<ur% .ounded 7.9. compan% =ith one aim:- to create the hi>he!t
Nua$it% choco$ate. B%1&6&( =hen Cad<ur% mer>ed =ith the !o.t drin? >iant. Sch=eppe!(
Cad<ur% <rand! =ere a$read% .amou! a$$ around =or$d.
8oda% Cad<ur%;! production are en/o%ed in 12- countrie!( =ith 4- choco$ate
con.ectionar% <rand!( Cad<ur% dominated mar?et! a! .ar a! the 7.9. and #u!tra$ia that;!
=h% Cad<ur% haAe <een du<<ed 28he =or$d;! ma!ter choco$ate ma?er!@.
T=" 7"(*"+ o, Ca813*/B7 73(("77
:hat i! the !ecret o. Cad<ur%;! continuin> !ucce!! .ir!t there;! the care.u$ !e$ection o. the
.ine!t coca <ean! .rom =e!t #.rica( a! =e$$ a! ta!t% haOe$ nut! .rom 8ur?e% and the .ine
!heet and choice!t natura$ in>redient aAai$a<$e to u! an%=here.6ina$$% there;! !?i$$.u$
mar?etin> Cad<ur% a$=a%! ta?e! eBtreme care in !e$ectin> and mar?etin> the ri>ht ran>e
o. product in eAer% cau!e.
8he ri>ht product( the ri>ht partner!( the ri>ht mar?etin>( the promotiona$ <ac? up and
the ri>ht emp$o%ee!. 8he!e are the in>redient! in Cad<ur%;! $ate!t recipe! .or !ucce!!.
Ri>ht .rom the !tand Cad<ur% Dair% )i$? Choco$ate !ucce!! ha! <een <a!ed on 4
Qa$ue .or mone%
A03# C=o(o#a+"7
AMUL CHOCOLATE is made from Sugar, Cocoa Butter, Milk Solids,
Chocolate mass
)i$? 6at 2D
Su>ar 55D
8ota$ 6at 32.33D
0)i$? 6at U Cocoa 6at1
Cocoa So$id! '.5D
)i$? So$id! 2-D
P*o83(+ S&"(','(a+'o2:
Meets all requirements under the PFA for boiled sugar confectionary.
Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation
GCMMF: An Overview
Gu/arat CooperatiAe )i$? )ar?etin> 6ederation 0GC))61 i! IndiaV! $ar>e!t .ood
product! mar?etin> or>ani!ation. It i! a !tate $eAe$ apeB <od% o. mi$? cooperatiAe! in
Gu/arat =hich aim! to proAide remuneratiAe returns to the farmers and also !erAe
the intere!t o. con!umer! <% proAidin> Nua$it% product! =hich are >ood Aa$ue .or mone%.
M"01"*7: 12 di!trict cooperatiAe mi$?
producer!V 7nion
No. o, P*o83("* M"01"*7: 2.36 mi$$ion
No. o, 6'##a)" So('"+'"7: 11(333
To+a# M'#C =a28#'2) (a&a('+/: 6.& mi$$ion $itre! per da%
M'#C (o##"(+'o2 DTo+a# $ 2:$%9: 1."1 <i$$ion $itre!
M'#C (o##"(+'o2 DDa'#/ AA"*a)"
4.&' mi$$ion $itre!
M'#C D*/'2) Ca&a('+/: 511 metric 8on! per da%
Ca++#",""8 0a23,a(+3*'2)
234- )t! per da%
Sales Turnover Rs (million) US $ (in million)
1999-00 11140 355
2000-01 13790 400
2001-02 15540 450
2002-03 18840 455
2003-04 22192 493
2004-05 22185 493
2005-06 22588 500
2006-07 23365 500
2007-08 27457 575
2008-09 28941 616
A03# B*a287
Pua$it% i! the e!!entia$ in>redient in a$$ o. our <rand! and the rea!on =h% mi$$ion! o.
peop$e choo!e *e!t$W product! eAer% da%. 5ur con!umer! haAe come to tru!t in *e!t$W;!
commitment to eBce$$ence and turn to *e!t$W <rand! to maintain nutritiona$ <a$ance in a
.a!t paced =or$d.
Ba1/ Foo87:
Nutrition that suits the needs of your baby.

Dairy Products:
6rom !he$.-!ta<$e !o$ution! to chi$$ed dair%.

Breakfast Cereals:
Start %our da% out hea$th% =ith *e!t$W Brea?.a!tCerea$!.

Ice Cream:
Di!coAer the =or$d o. de$iciou! *e!t$W Ice Cream.

Chocolate & Confectionery
De$i>htin> the !en!e! =ith a ran>e o. ta!te! and teBture!.
Prepared Foods:
Preparing well-balanced meals is a snap with Nestl.

Drink to a healthy, active life with Nestl beverages.
Food Services :
Providing food and beverage professionals with a wide range of

Bo++#"8 Wa+"*:
Capturin> nature in it! pure!t .orm.
Petcare :
Nutrition, health and wellness for your pet.
N"7+#" I28'a
8,+ *+S83+ India !toc? ha! <een <u<<$in> =ith actiAit% in an other=i!e $i!t$e!! eNuit%
8i$$ date( the !toc? ha! !ur>ed '' per cent .rom it! $o= o. R! 3-4 in )a% 2--- and no=
command! a Aa$uation 3& time! the eBpected earnin>! .or 2---. 8hi! i! !teep <% 6)CG
8he recent !ur>e in the !toc? i! part$% driAen <% the announcement <% the parent( *e!t$e
S#( that it =ou$d u!e the creepin> acNui!ition route to mop up another .iAe per cent in
*e!t$e India throu>h open-mar?et purcha!e!. But improAin> the !toc?V! Aa$uation can a$!o
<e traced to >ood .inancia$ per.ormance in a mar?et !tarAed o. hea$th% earnin>! num<er!.
O2 a (o0"1a(C +*a'#
8he re!umption o. it! eBport! to Ru!!ia and a .aAoura<$e input price enAironment
pepped up *e!t$e IndiaV! net >ro=th to 2" per cent in the .ir!t nine month! o. 2---.
Sa$e! >ro=th in thi! period =a! 1-.4 per cent( =ith dome!tic !a$e! ri!in> &." per cent and
eBport !a$e! 13." per cent. In rea$it%( the >ro=th in !u!taina<$e net! =a! hi>her than
reported a! the compan% too? an additiona$ one-time char>e o. R! 14.'- crore in the .ir!t
nine month! o. 2--- .or proAi!ion! a>ain!t contin>encie!.
7nu!ua$$%( $o= input price! ma% haAe contri<uted con!idera<$% to mar>in eBpan!ion.
Continuin> !urp$u!e! in >$o<a$ production haAe pu!hed <oth and cocoa price! 0the
t=o ?e% input! .or *e!t$e India( apart .rom mi$?1 to hi!toric $o=! in 2---. :hi$e
price! are hoAerin> c$o!e to their !eAen-%ear $o=!( cocoa price! recent$% <ounced o.. their
$o=e!t $eAe$! in three decade!.
:ith >$o<a$ a>encie! .oreca!tin> hi>h carr%-in !toc?! .or the neBt !ea!on( the !o.t input
price adAanta>e cou$d <e =ith *e!t$e .or the time <ein>. Doe! thi! mean *e!t$e India =i$$
!u!tain it! hea$th% earnin>! per.ormance oAer the neBt coup$e o. %ear!X 8hi! =i$$ depend
on it! a<i$it% to reAiAe !a$e! >ro=th in it! dome!tic product cate>orie!.
-*""2"* &a7+3*"7 a+ =o0"
*e!t$eV! 1-.4 per cent !a$e! >ro=th in the .ir!t nine month! o. 2--- i! part$% ma>ni.ied <%
the $o= <a!e o. compari!on. 8he ce!!ation o. eBport! to Ru!!ia due to the
economic cri!i! there( $ed to a 3" per cent drop in eBport !a$e! 0and a 5 per cent drop in
net !a$e!1 .or *e!t$e India.
In!tant eBport! to Ru!!ia re!umed thi! %ear( <ut the <u!ine!! remain! poor <ecau!e
rea$i!ation! haAe .a$$en in $ine =ith >reen price!. Since rea$i!ation! in the eBport
mar?et are un$i?e$% to $oo? up in the neBt %ear( *e!t$e =i$$ continue to $oo? to it!
dome!tic product port.o$io to !u!tain earnin>! >ro=th.
In recent time!( a! =ith other 6)CG companie!( *e!t$e IndiaV! top$ine >ro=th in the
dome!tic mar?et =a! unimpre!!iAe( at around " per cent and &." per cent in the .ir!t nine
month!. In the dome!tic mar?et( *e!t$e India ha! traditiona$$% deriAed it! reAenue! .rom
.iAe product <a!?et! -- 0*e!ca.e Se$ect( Sunri!e1C mi$? product! 0)i$?maid
conden!ed mi$? and read% miBe!( Co..eemate creamer( +Aer%da% Dair% :hitener1C
=eanin> .ood! .or in.ant! 0Cere$ac( *e!tum( 3acto>en1C choco$ate!Hcon.ectioner% and
ma$ted <eAera>e! 0)i$o( 9it9at( Char>e( )unch( o$o1C and .ood product! 0)a>>i
nood$e!( !oup!1.
Ca7= (oE7 7#oE 8oE2
5. the!e( =eanin> .ood! and mi$? product! are the ca!h co=!( =ith dominant mar?et
!hare! in <oth <u!ine!!e!. But a! the!e are mature product!( the% appear $i?e$% to de$iAer
!tead%( and not !corchin>( >ro=th rate!. Sa$e! >ro=th in the!e <u!ine!!e! =a! $e!! than
.iAe per cent .
In choco$ate! and in!tant the >ro=th pro!pect! appear <ri>hter( <ut *e!t$e .ace!
inten!e competition .rom the p$a%er! =ith the dominant mar?et !hare!. :hi$e 7ni$eAer
and 8ata are !i>ni.icant threat! in the mar?et( the mar?et $eader Cad<ur%
India ha! <een a potent threat in the choco$ate con.ectioner% mar?et.
*e!t$eV! 9it?at ha! actua$$% ceded mar?et !hare to Cad<ur%V! er? in the pa!t %ear. 8he
mar?et .or !pecia$i!ed .ood product! !uch a! !oup! and nood$e! ho$d! hea$th% >ro=th
potentia$. But the mar?et i! re$atiAe$% !ma$$ and p$a%er! !uch a! Internationa$ Be!t.ood!(
7ni$eAer and Da<ur are A%in> =ith a ho!t o. imported <rand! and re>iona$ p$a%er! .or a
!hare o. the pie.

S+*"+(='2) "x'7+'2) 137'2"77"7
5Aer the pa!t %ear( *e!t$e ha! deAoted con!idera<$e attention to the eBpan!ion o. it!
dome!tic <u!ine!!e!. It ha! dra=n <rand! !uch a! Co..eemate creamer( 6rappe co$d and *e!ca.e Go$d .rom the S=i!! parentV! port.o$io to eBpand it! mi$? product!
and <eAera>e! ran>e. Incidenta$$%( the input! .rom the parent do not come .ree. *e!t$e
India paid it! parent a R! 53.6&-crore ro%a$t% 0net! .or the %ear =ere R! &".4'
crore1. Ro%a$t% pa%ment! accounted .or 3.5-4 per cent o. !a$e! oAer the pa!t three %ear!.
*e!t$e ha! u!ed the !o.t input price! to reduce price! o. it! and choco$ate <rand!.
roduct! !uch a! 9it9at and )unch in $o=-unit price pac?! haAe <een u!ed to encoura>e
tria$ and <o$!ter .$a>>in> Ao$ume!. But the!e moAe! =i$$ ta?e time to pa% o...
,o=eAer( the reAiAa$ third Nuarter dome!tic !a$e! i! heartenin>. 6or the Nuarter ended(
*e!t$e reported an 1" per cent >ro=th in dome!tic !a$e! 0eBport !a$e! dec$ined " per cent
due to $o=er rea$i!ation!1. Con!iderin> that *e!t$e ha! reduced <oth and choco$ate
price! oAer the pa!t %ear and he$d other product price!( thi! indicate! Ao$ume >ro=th o. a
hi>her order.
# p$an to eBpand the net=or? o. *e!ca.e Aendin> machine! and e!ta<$i!h <ar! to
encoura>e out-o.-home con!umption o. i! a$!o on the card!.
T"7+'2) +=" Ea+"*7
5Aer the pa!t %ear( the compan% ha! a$!o announced .ora%! into three ne= area! -- $iNuid
mi$?( <ott$ed =ater and <i!cuit!. 8he .ora% into <i!cuit! i! throu>h the /oint Aenture
+Bce$!ia 6ood!( !o the contri<ution to *e!t$eV! reAenue! ma% at <e!t <e in the .orm o.
diAidend! .or no=.
3iNuid mi$? and <ott$ed =ater are <u!ine!!e! that ho$d immen!e >ro=th potentia$. 3ar>er
p$a%er! can eBpand throu>h hi>her penetration $eAe$! and at the eBpen!e o. the
unor>ani!ed !e>ment. ,o=eAer( <oth the!e !e>ment! are Nuite cro=ded =ith .eature
$i!ted and un$i!ted p$a%er! =hich haAe con!idera<$e .inancia$ mu!c$e.
In the $iNuid mi$? !e>ment( *e!t$e =i$$ <e up a>ain!t the .ormida<$e #mu$( apart .rom a
ho!t o. priAate dairie! =ith e!ta<$i!hed c$iente$e.
In the <ott$ed =ater mar?et( the mar?et $eader( Bi!$eri 0o. ar$e roduct!1( ha! had to
contend =ith competition .rom !core! o. me-too <rand!( apart .rom ep!iV! #Nua.ina(
Coca-Co$aV! 9in$e%. Goin> .or=ard( competition i! on$% $i?e$% to increa!e( =ith Britannia
p$annin> to $aunch more <ott$ed =ater <rand! .rom it! .orei>n co$$a<orator DanoneV!
port.o$io 0+Aian( one o. the $ar>e!t <ott$ed =ater <rand!( i! a$read% on !hop !he$Ae!1.
S+*'A'2) ,o* 2'(="7
*e!t$e India ha! a$read% $aunched t=o <ott$ed =ater <rand! in the dome!tic mar?et -- the
internationa$$% reno=ned errier( .o$$o=ed recent$% <% it! !par?$in> minera$ =ater <rand(
San e$$e>rino 0reputed to <e !ourced .rom the S=i!! #$p!1.
,o=eAer( <oth product! are .or upmar?et con!umer!. 8he premium pricin> !u>>e!t! that
the product! =i$$ remain niche product! =ith re$atiAe$% !ma$$ tar>et mar?et!. ure 3i.e(
the ma!! mar?et <ott$ed =ater <rand to <e $aunched !hort$%( =i$$ determine the !ucce!! or
.ai$ure o. *e!t$eV! <ott$ed =ater .ora%.
*e!t$e India ha! a$!o !hied a=a% .rom the ma!! mar?et .or $iNuid mi$? in p$a!tic pouche!(
and in!tead re!tricted it!e$. to u$tra heat treated 07,81 mi$? in 8etrapac?!. 8he product i!
priced at a !u<!tantia$ premium to the other $oca$ <rand!.
InAe!tment out$oo?: *e!t$eV! ne= product .ora%! are into eBtreme$% competitiAe mar?et!
and inAe!tment! in the ne= <u!ine!!e! are $i?e$% to <e hi>h oAer the neBt .e= %ear!.
In thi! re!pect( the adAanta>e o. !o.t input price!( hi>h ca!h .$o=! aAai$a<$e .rom the
!ta<$e <u!ine!!e! 0!uch a! =eanin> cerea$! and co..ee1 and the .inancia$ mi>ht o. the
parent( *e!t$e S#( =i$$ !tand *e!t$e India in >ood !tead.
8he ro%a$t% to the parent !hou$d en!ure that *e!t$e India continue! to en/o% un>rud>in>
acce!! to the parentV! product port.o$io. In man% re!pect!( in India *e!t$e i! pitted a>ain!t
it! ?e% adAer!arie! =or$d=ide -- Groupe Danone and 7ni$eAer. In the .ood! <u!ine!! at
the >$o<a$ $eAe$( <oth companie! are con!idera<$% !ma$$er than *e!t$e S#.
O*)a2'<a+'o2a# S+*3(+3*"

Qice re!ident
)ar?etin> )anu.actur
Sa$e! 6inance Di!tri<utio

Ca813*/ S(=E"&&"7
Cad<ur% Sch=eppe! p$c( a >$o<a$ <eAera>e and con.ectionar% >iant =ith annua$ !a$e o.
R! 2-(--- crore!(i! the =or$d! num<er one non S co$a !o.t drin? compan% haAin> <ott$in>
and partner!hip operation! in 14 countrie! and .ranchi!e! o. it! <rand in a .urther "6
countrie! around the =or$d. It! ,undred ercent !u<!idiar% in India named Cad<ur%
Sch=eppe! BeAera>e India 0priAate1 3imited 0CSBI31 !tarted operation in )arch 1&&5.
8he .ir!t <rand =a! $aunched =a! cru!h =hich =a! $ater .o$$o=ed <% Canada Dr%(
Sch=eppe! 8onic :ater( Sch=eppe! Bitter 3emon.
CSBI3 =ith it! .ranchi!e a>reement =ith 1& <ott$e! throu>hout India propo!e! to <e a
hou!eho$d name. It ha! a po$ic% .or 65B5! 06ranchi!e o=ned <ott$in> operation! un$i?e
Co?e and ep!i =hich C5B5(! 0Compan% o=ned <ott$in> operation!1. In 65B5
the <eAera>e! compan% on$% !upp$ie! the concentrate and the mar?etin> !upport to <ui$d
<rand eNuit%. 8he other a!pect! $i?e machiner%( <ott$in> $ine( $and and di!tri<ution i! the
re!pon!i<i$it% o. the <ott$er. #! it! C+5 )r. #!ho? Tain !a%!( 2=e are the !o.t=are( the%
are the hard=are@.
Ca813*/B7 Ma*C"+ S")0"2+
)ar?et p$ace .or an% product i! compri!ed o. man% di..erent !e>ment! o. con!umer!(
each =ith di..erent need! and =ant!. )ar?et! !e>mentation can <e de.ined in a num<er o.
=a%! !uch a!:
Demo>raphic Aaria<$e! 0e.>. Con!umer! are >roup!( >ender( materia$ !tate!
income etcY1
8he $i.e!t%$e o. con!umer! 0i.e. their intere!t! and actiAitie!1 the <! =hich
con!umer! $oo? .or in a product or on the occa!ion! =hen the product mi>ht <e
Cad<ur% ta?e! into account a$$ the!e .actor! =hen producin> a ran>e o. product!.
It tar>et! di..erent !e>ment! =ithin the mar?et( !uch a! the.
Brea? !e>ment S product! =hich are norma$$% con!ume a! a !natched <rea? and
o.ten =ith tea and .or eBamp$e Cad<ur%;! er? and !nac? ran>e.
Impu$!e !e>ment S the!e product! are o.ten purcha!e on impu$!e( eatin> the!e and
then. 8he% inc$ude product !uch a! Cad<ur%;! Dair% )i$?.
8a?e home !e>ment S thi! de!cri<e! product that are norma$$% purcha!ed in !upermar?et!(
ta?en home con!umed at a $ater

T=" D'a)2o7'7
8oda%( 8he Rea$ 8a!te o. 3i.e campai>n( =hich !erAed
7p choco$ate in >enera$( and C5) in particu$ar( into the con!ciou!ne!! o. adu$t( ha!
a$read% <ecome a c$a!!ic o. adAerti!in> and mar?etin>. B% 1&&3( Cad<ur% =a!
de!perate$% !ee?in> >ro=th .or the <randY 2:ith a mar?et !hare o. '-D( tr%in> to =in
a=a% cu!tomer! .rom competitor! in thi! !ta>nant mar?et =ou$dn;t he$p. 8he% had to .ind
ne= cu!tomer!( peop$e =ho;d neAer <ou>ht choco$ate <e.ore. 5r( the% had to increa!e
con!umption $eAe$!@. 8he o<Aiou! !o$ution( in a pecu$iar predicament. De!pite $o=
penetration( <oth the <rand and the cate>or% =ere di!p$a%in> !%mptom! o. a>e: .a$terin>
>ro=th( hi>h reco>nition( and $ac? o. eBcitement. 8he mar?et re!earch reAea$ed the cau!e
o. the >ra%in>: choco$ate =a!n;t a !nac? in India. 2In mature mar?et!( choco$ate !tradd$e
a continuum( .rom <outiNue product S pac?a>ed ra= indu$>ence S to a ca!ua$ .ood@. So(
Cad<ur% =hipped up a >ro=th !o$ution that inAo$Aed a!!ociatin> the <rand =ith !nac?in>
and .unctiona$$%( =hich ineAita<$% >o to>ether =ith hi>h con!umption rate! in the
:e!tern mar?et!.
8he neBt !tep: identi.% the <arrier! preAentin> con!umer! .rom choco$ate a! a !nac?. #
<atter% o. te!t( <oth NuantitatiAe and Nua$itatiAe( comparin> choco$ate con!umption to a
<a!?et o. competitiAe product! reAea$ed an unmi!ta?a<$e an!=er.
T=" T"7+7
De!pite the *eed 8o C$ear 8he re!idua$ memor% o. CD);! .ormer a!!ociation( caution
preAented a <i> <rea? =ith the pa!t( .orcin> Cad<ur% to eBperiment =ith a com<ination o.
continuit% and chan>e. 8he proce!! entai$ed under!tandin> the .oundation o. the <rand(
!ince it =a! the!e that =ou$d !upport the ne= !tructure@. 5ut =ent the carin> - and -
!harin> e$ement( <ut the .ami$% conteBt !ta%ed. 2Cad<ur% had t=o pi$$ar!( !o it made
!en!e to chan>e one@.
Choco$ate !hou$d <e eaten =heneAer %ou .ee$ $i?e. It =a! an impu$!e item( !o =h%
!hou$dn;t it <e !o$d a! oneX@. 8he .ir!t o. the t=o commercia$ .ocu!ed on .unctiona$it%(
pur>in> the emotiona$ e$ement.
I! the !tor%$ine( 8he .ather =atche! 8Q( en>ro!!ed( >na=in> a=a% at a <ar o. CD). 8he
chi$dren enter( .o$$o=ed <% the mother-<ut( <% that time( the .ather ha! comp$eted the
di!tinct$% un paterna$ act o. deAourin> the entire <ar. 8he chi$dren are !hoc?ed( =here
upon the produce! another <ar .or them-on$% to eat that up too. 6ina$$%( the mother <rin>!
another <ar out o. her <a>. 8he $a!t !hot more CD) <ar! !tre= around ca!ua$$%.
8he !econd commercia$ conAe%ed the !ame me!!a>e( depictin> .our mem<er o. a .ami$%
doin> their o=n thin> on a Sunda% a.ternoon( each ca!ua$$% munchin> a=a% on
choco$ate!. 8he $e!! than S !u<t$e me!!a>e: eatin> choco$ate;! /u!t an eAer%da% a..air(
=ithout !pecia$ occa!ion or re$ation!hip comin> into p$a%. De!pite their !trate>ic intent(
<oth ad! .ai$ed on pre S airin> te!t!.
:h% .or !tator!( chi$dren =ere outra>ed at the idea o. a parent con!umin> choco$ate(
=hi$e adu$t! =ere do=n ri>ht an>r% at the notion o. the .ather depriAin> hi! chi$dren o.
choco$ate <ar. Tu!t a! important( con!umer re/ected the idea that choco$ate-eatin> cou$d
<e eNuated =ith mechanica$ actiAitie! $i?e com<in> one;! hair. #.ter a$$( choco$ate! =ere
a<out .ee$in>!. 8here had to <e ma>ic( romance( $oAe and emotion. 8he!e e$ement! had
<een ripped a=a% .rom the adAerti!in>. It =a! !an! emotion@.
Pa*"2+ A*" D',,"*"2+ F*o0 A83#+7
+Aen a! the ad .ai$ed( ho=eAer( the% >enerated a Aa$ua<$e <%product( in the .orm o. a ne=
in!i>ht( into adu$t <ehaAior. 27!in> tran!actiona$ ana$%!i! on re!pon!e( Cad<ur%;! .ound
that adu$t a! parent! <ehaAe Aer% di..erent$% .rom adu$t! a! adu$t!. eop$e .or<id their
chi$dren .rom haAin> chip!( <ut >or>e them!e$Ae!. 28he imp$ication@:-
28he moment the adu$t =a! !ho=n in the conteBt o. hi! ro$e a! a parent( a$$ hi! co>nitiAe
preconception a<out the product =ou$d come to the .ore. ,e;d thin? a<out the rea!on!
=h%( and the <$oc? =ou$d automatica$$% come up@. Ta& (='#8$")o 7+a+" E'+='2 +=" a83#+!
7+'03#a+'2) 8"7'*"! 7&o2+a2"'+/! a28 +=" (*aA'2) ,o* '27+a2+ )*a+','(a+'o2.
T=" P*"7(*'&+'o2
8he crucia$ Nue!tion that Cad<ur% =a! con.ronted =ith: =hat !trate>% !hou$d it dep$o% to
re/uAenate C5) in a =a% that =ou$d appea$ to the chi$d $ur?in> =ithin the adu$tX 8o
in/ect a modern .$aAor into C5)( the% cho!e to create a ne= <rand identit%( <orro=in> a
$ea. .rom mar?etin> >uru DaAid #a?er( =ho decree! that <rand identit% !hou$d e!ta<$i!h a
re$ation!hip <et=een the <rand and the cu!tomer <% >eneratin> Aa$ue propo!ition
inAo$Ain> .unctiona$( emotiona$( or !e$.-eBpre!!iAe <!.
T=" A87 Ha8 To B" L'2Ca1#"
28he con!umer =i$$ a$=a%! te$$ =hat hi! current <e$ie. !%!tem i!( not =hat it !hou$d <e
Cad<ur%;! /o< to mou$d ha! ha<it! and <ehaAior in a =a% that =ou$d increa!e
con!umption .or product and <rand@.
I0&3#7" D*'A"7 C=o(o#a+" Sa#"7
5ne o. the too$! Cad<ur%;! u!ed =a! Tean S *ea$ 9ap.erer;! Brand ri!m mode$ to
eBamine =hether contemporar% Aa$ue !%!tem! o..ered a pe> on =hich the <rand cou$d <e
/ud>e. 8he !tud% di!c$o!ed( inter$aid( a di!tinct !hi.t .rom co$$ectiAi!m to indiAidua$i!m(
=ith the pre S 1&&-;! !acro!anct Aa$ue! o. .i$ia$ and .ami$% $oAe <ein> oAer!hado=ed <%
the mani.e!tation o. a $ar>er need .or !e$. S eBpre!!ion. 28here =a! a de.inite %earnin> to
<e .ree chi$d@. 8herein $a% the opportunit% .or <oth un!hac?$in> con!umption and creatin>
a$$-ne= a!!ociation .or CD).
T=" E#'x'*
,aAin> decided to <arter the di!tinct$% u!e !e$.i!h Aa$ue! o. !harin> and carin> .or the
!u!piciou!$% !e$.-centered one o. !e$.-eBpre!!ion( Cad<ur%;! peop$e in!i!ted that the
re/uAenate <e enriched =ith compen!ation S and eNua$$% endurin> S po!itiAe Aa$ue!:
uniAer!a$ truth!( endurin> human Aa$ue!( and uniAer!a$ moment o. /o%. 8o tran!$ate the
<rie. into the commercia$( the% decide to !imp$% portra% occa!ion o. chi$d$i?e-<ut not
chi$di!h-<ehaAior .rom adu$t!( =ithout eBp$icit$% identi.%in> adu$t! a! the tar>et cu!tomer.
28he% $e.t the connection to <e made <% the cu!tomer@ 2In the proce!! the% =ere a<$e to
>et Aie=er inAo$Aement and hi>h $eAe$! o. empath%. *o=here did the% actua$$% !a%(
%ou;re an adu$t( %ou can eat it. Becau!e no<od% =ant! to <e to$d@. 8hu! it =a! that( the
monta>e o. the chi$d in the man-the o$d man ?ic?in> the .oot<a$$C the pre>nant =oman
carAin> a choco$ateC %oun> >ir$ <rea?in> into a !piritC the %oun> man to!!in> a <ar o.
choco$ate at hi! !=eet-heart departin> in a <u!-=a! created.
8hat the con!umption had to <e $i?ed <e.ore it cou$d penetrate the cu$tura$ re!i!tance to
choco$ate con!umption <% adu$t! =a! o<Aiou!. 8a?in> a contrition !tance( Cad<ur%
decided to te!t the commercia$ <ein> deAi!ed <% 5&);! creatiAe team not .or the tire
<atter% o. $i?ea<i$it%( comprehen!ion( credi<i$it% and <ehaAior modi.ication S <ut on$% .or
the .ir!t t=o. 2I. a!?ed up.ront( the con!umer =a! hard$% $i?e$% to con!ider the
dramatica$$%-di..erent idea credi<$e.
T=" R"a# Ta7+" o, L'," Ca0&a')2
8he Aer% .ir!t ad in the campai>n in &4 =a! L<$oc? S Bu!ter;. It depicted the e!!ence o.
one and a ha$. >$a!! o. mi$? pourin> in to a <o% Dair% )i$? uniNue >$a!! and ha$. in to a
chun? icon !ho=! the >$a!! and a ha$. o. .u$$ cream mi$? .$o=in> in to the chun? o. dair%
mi$? conAe%in> the de$iciou!ne!! and ta!te appea$ o. the >ooe%( cream%( !mooth
choco$ate in!ide the pac? that chi$dren $i?e. 8he mnemonic o. 1 Z >$a!! reached to
con!umer throu>h eAer% ma>aOine!( po!ter( 8.Q( ne=!paper.
8he !econd ad =a! monta>e o. Ai>nette! .rom eAer% da% $iAe! o. %oun> and o$d =hich
.ocu!ed on !ho=in> a !erie! o. emotion!. 8he ad created a <ein> out the chi$d in the man
created to <rin> out the chi$d in the. 8he o$d man ?ic?in> the .oot<a$$( the pre>nant
=omen craAin> choco$ate( %oun> >ir$! <rea?in> into a !pirit( the %oun> man to!!in> a <ar
choco$ate at hi! !=eet heart departin> into a <u!. 8he common re.rain $in?in> them =a!
the adu$t in a .ree chi$d mode S !pottine!!( impu$!iAe and care.ree.
8he ad =a! prote!ted amon> adu$t;! trou>h .ocu! >roup!. 8he ad receiAed an
oAer=he$min> re!pon!e. It =a! hi>h on $i?ea<i$it%( eAo?ed a >reat de>ree o. empath% and
identi.ication con!umer!; re!pon!e
=ere tho!e meYY 26ee$ $i?e thatYY.@. 2+Aer% .ee$! $i?e thi!@YY.. acce!!ion!.
Con!umer! de!cri<ed dair% mi$? a! 2Y o. a$$ a>e!@
2+at( =hen eAer %ou .ee$ $i?e itY%ou do not haAe to =ait .or an occa!ion.@
In other =ord!( the commercia$ =a! meant to ma?e him !mi$e at .ir!t-and on$% then
rea$iOe the import once o. the me!!a>e( =hich i! =here the comprehen!ion had to <e
te!ted. 2:hat =a! c$ear in thi! ca!e =a! that $i?ea<i$it% =ou$d haAe to inc$ude
identi.ication and .ee$in> =armth.@
T=" N"E Ca0&a')2
#nd .ina$$%( =ith the $aunch o. the ne= co$$oNuia$ adAerti!in> campai>n L9haannein
:a$$on 9haannein 9a Bahana Chahi%a .eaturin> )8Q QT C%ru! Broacha( Cad<ur% India
aimed to L!u<!tantia$$%; increa!e penetration $eAe$ o. the choco$ate cate>or% in the neBt
.e= %ear!.;
8he *e= campai>n i! =orth notin> a! it c$ear$% .rom the ear$ier one in term! o.
recti.%in> the con!umer perception a<out choco$ate <ein> an up mar?et impu$!e S driAen
product. 8he attempt no= i! to chan>e the ima>e( to ma?e choco$ate eatin> a re>u$ar
8he current e!timated penetration $eAe$ o. the choco$ate cate>or% i! 1&D in the ur<an
mar?et. 8he o</ectiAe <ehind tne ne= communication on Cad<ur% Dair% )i$? i! to ma?e
the choco$ate cate>or% more !ocia$$% and cu$tura$$% re$eAant and driAe penetration in the
8he ne= campai>n ha! <een $aunched in tandem =ith the o$d arII :innin> L9uch
9ha!! ,ai; campai>n and the media !trate>% i! to $et the t=o co S eBi!t to=ard! a
common Ai!ion 2proAidin> a Cad<ur% in eAer% poc?et@.

Thodi Se Pet Puja, Khabi Bhi, Kahin Bhi! Thodi Se Pet Puja, Khabi Bhi, Kahin Bhi!
C=o(o#a+" Ma*C"+ S=a*"
8he Indian choco$ate mar?et i! >ettin> <i>>er and <etter. :hi$e on one hand( the
premium !e>ment 0compo!in> imported Aarietie!1 i! openin> up on the other( companie!
$i?e Cad<ur% India are $aunchin> indi>enou! product made to internationa$ !tandard!. 5.
the 2-(--- tone! choco$ate mar?et =orth a<out
R!. 4-- crore( Cad<ur% account .or a<out '-D .o$$o=ed <% *e!t$e( =ith a !hare o. around
2-D. #mu$ ha! a<out 5D o. the mar?et( =ith minor p$a%er ta?in> the re!t. 8he <att$e(
thou>h( i! <et=een Cad<ur% and *e!t$e. 8hou>h =ith a much !ma$$er port.o$io( *e!t$e i!
puttin> up a tou>h .i>ht.
6rom a treat .or ?id!( choco$ate are no= <ein> po!itioned near mea$ !u<!titute!( than?! to
the initiatiAe ta?en <% the Cad<ur% India durin> ear$% ninetie!. 8he mar?et it!e$. ha!
<ecome more <road <a!ed( in the !en!e adu$t! are an important tar>et !e>ment no=. 8he
repo!tin> o. Cad<ur%;! Dair% )i$? a! the Lrea$ ta!te o. $i.e 0throu>h the S$ice o. 3i.e and
Cric?et commercia$ <% 5>i$A% and )ather1 >re= the entire mi$? choco$ate <% 2-D( and
>aAe the Cad<ur%;! ran>e S 5 Star( Gem!( Rc$air!( 6ruit & *ut( Crac?$e( *uttie!(
Butter!cotch & 8i..n! S a ne= $ea!e o. $i.e. In other =ord!( it .aci$itated the repo!itionin>
o. Cad<ur%;! !u< <rand! in the <a!?et. Some o the !trate>ic c$ic?ed( =hi$e other did not
Nuite ta?e o...
8he compan% i! pu!hin> the >i.tin> !e>ment( throu>h occa!ion $in?ed >i.t!. Choco$ate!
contri<ute to 64D o. Cad<ur%;! turnoAer. Con.ectionar% !a$e! accountin> .or 12D o.
turnoAer i! contri<uted $ar>e$% <% Rc$air!. 8he compan% attempted eBpandin> it!
con.ectionar% product port.o$io( =ith $aunch o. !u>ar <a!ed con.ectionar% >ood$% and
.ruit!( =ithout much !ucce!!. Cad<ur% a$!o ha! a !tron> <rand Aita in the ma$ted hea$th
drin? cate>or% =hich account .or 24D o. turnoAer.
8here eBi!t! an eAen $ar>er unor>aniOed mar?et in the con.ectionar% !e>ment. Cad<ur%
ha! 4D o. the mar?et !hare in thi! !e>ment. 3eadin> nationa$ p$a%er! are nutrine( ar%;!
RaAa$>oan( Candico( ar$e( To%oco India and er.etti( the )*C! !uch a! To%co and
er.etti haAe a>>re!!iAe$% eBpanded their pre!ence in the countr% in the $a!t .e= %ear!.
)a$ted .ood drin?! cate>or% con!i!t! o. =hite drin? and do=n drin?. :hite drin?!
account! .or a$mo!t t=o third mar?et o. the "2(--- .or mar?et !outh and ea!t are $ar>e
mar?et .or drin?!( accountin> .or $ar>e!t proportion o. a$$ India;! !a$e. Cad<ur%;! Bourn
Qita i! $eader in the do=n drin? coca <a!ed !e>ment in the =hite drin? !e>ment Smith
9$ine;! ,or$ic?! in the *e!t$e )i$o ( GC))6 nitramu$ and other Smith 9$ine <rand
Boo!t( )a$toAa and QiAa Cad<ur% <o$d 14D mar?et !hare in .ood drin?! !e>ment.
De!pite tou>h mar?et condition and increa!ed competition Cad<ur% mana>ed to record a
dou<$e di>it 011D1 top $ine >ro=th. 8he compan% achieAed a Ao$ume >ro=th o. 5.2D.
8hi! =a! achieAed throu>h innoAatiAe mar?etin> !trate>ie! and .ocu!ed adAerti!in>
campai>n .oe .$a>!hip <rand Dair% )i$?. *et ro!e !harp$% <%
41."D to R!. 52- mi$$ion. Reduced materia$ and ener>% co!t and tioter contro$ oAer
=or?in> capita$ oAer =or?in> capita$ and capita$ eBpenditure ena<$ed the compan% to
improAe the pro.ita<i$it%. Compan% added " mi$$ion ne= con!umer! and !a= it! out$et!
>ro= to 4.5 $a?h! and con!umer to 6- mi$$ion.In the .ood !e>ment( Britannia i! the $eader
<rand =ith 21D amon> tho!e =ho eBpre!!ed an opinion !a%in> that the% $i?e adAerti!in>
.or the <rand Cad<ur% =a! c$ear$% *o.2 =ith 1"D to =hich CD) thro= in it! =ei>ht
=ith 13D and por? =ith 4D. 6or the Cho=$ate compan%( 9hane :a$o 3o( 9hane 9a
Bhanna and the 9ar=a Cauth( Sport! are c$ear =inner!.
8ied .or the <rand p$ace are #mu$( ar$e and !outh <a!ed #run 3e Gram =ith 5D each.
Di!appointment amon> <id <rand! 9i!!an and )a>>i and 9=a$it% :a$$! 01D1 each.
Current Market Share
Chocolate 69.2%
Sugar Confectionary 4.0%
Food Drink 14.2%
Expanding Distribution Reach
2001 + Distribution
450000 Retail Outlet
60 Million Consumers
1.Qer% !tron> <rand eNuit% in India.
1. Due to it! 54 %ear! pre!ence in India S ha! deep penetration S 21--
di!tri<utor!C 45-(--- retai$er!( 6- mid ur<an 022D1 cu!tomer!.
2. 8hree !ector!C Choc! 0'-D !hare1( 04D1( .ood drin?! 014D - $eader in
<ro=n !e>ment1.
3. 3o= co!t o. production due to economic o. !ca$e. 8hat mean! hi>her!
and H or more competitioner!. Better mar?et penetration.
4. Second <e!t manu.acturin> $ocation throu>hout Cad<ur% Sch=eppe!.
1. oor techno$o>% in India compared to current internationa$ techno$o>ie!
0GodiAa( )oOart( 6aOer( Dint( *au!han!( etc...1
2. 3td. 9e% product!( on$% one centra$ <rand 0CD)1. ra$ine! ran>e tota$$% =i!in>
in India.
3.2)a?e in India@ ta> once the econom% open! up =ore and import! ru!h in.
1. 8remendou! !cope .or per capita con!umption 016- >m! o. " S 1- ?>1
2. Increa!in> per capita nationa$ income re!u$tin> in hi>her di!po!a<$e income.
3. Gro=in> midd$e c$a!! and >ro=in> ur<an popu$ation.
4. Increa!in> >i.t! cu$ture!.
5. Su<!titute to 2)ithai!@ =ith hi>her ca$orie!Hcho$e!tero$.
6. Increa!in> departmenta$ !tore! concept S impu$!e I at ca!h counter!.
'. G$o<a$i!ation: optima$ u!e o. >$o<a$ Cad<ur% Sch=eppe!.
aF MaGo* :-
*one. Due to $o= co!t and hi>he!t <rand eNuit%( it i! toda% in India.
b] Minor :-G$o<a$iOation =i$$ <ein> in <etter <rand! .or upper end o. the mar?et 03ie!t(
)onarch( GodiAa( etcY
Sati!.action !!. But de$i>ht daOO$e! the aAera>e compan% =i$$ compete .or cu!tomer
<% con.ormin> to her eBpectation con!i!tent$%. But the =inner =i$$ !urpa!! them <%
con!tant$% eBceedin> her eBpectation( de$iAerin> to her door !tep additiona$ <!
=hich !he =ou$d neAer haAe ima>ined po!!i<$e. Cad<ur%;! !uch product.
8he =ide Aariet% product! o..ered <% the compan% inc$ude:
I. C=o(o#a+" 4 Co2,"(+'o2a*/
11 Dair% )i$?
21 6ruit & *ut
31 5 Star
41 Brea?
51 er?
61 Gem!
'1 +c$air!
"1 *uttie!
&1 8emptation
1-1 )i$? 8reat
II. Foo8 D*'2C7
11 BournAita
21 Drin?in> choco$ate
31 Cocoa
)a?e no mi!ta?e. Second o. mar?etin> i! not another name .or <$ind$% $o=erin> price!
and re$%in> on thi! !trate>% a$one to increa!e !a$e! dramatica$$%. 8he !trate>% u!ed <%
Cad<ur%;! i! .or matchin> the Aa$ue that cu!tomer pa%! to <u% the product =ith the
eBpectation the% haAe a<out =hat the production i! =orth to them.
Cad<ur%;! ha! $aunched Aariou! product! =hich cater to a$$ cu!tomer !e>ment!. So eAer%
cu!tomer !e>ment ha! di..erent price eBpectation .rom the product. 8here.ore
maBimiOin> the return! inAo$Ae! identi.%in> ri>ht price $eAe$ .or each !e>ment( and then
pro>re!!iAe$% moAin> throu>h them.

Dair% )i$? R!. 15
er? R!. 1-
5 Star R!. 1-
6riut and *ut R!. 22
Gem! R!. 1-
Brea? R!. 5
*uttie! R!. 1"
BournAita 05-- >m1 R!. 1-4
Drin?in> choco$ate R!. 5-
BRAND ISNT TH !N"# AN# $!R. )ar?eter! and .inance mana>er need a ne=
term to eAa$uate their <u!ine!!:
D'7+*'13+'o2 EH3'+/. It ta?e! much more time and e..ort to <ui$d( <ut once <ui$t(
di!tri<ution eNuit% i! much to>ether to erode.
T=" ,328a0"2+a# ax'o0 o, I28'a2 (o2730"* 0a*C"+ '7 +='7:
4ou can !et up a !tate-o. Sthe-art manu.acturin> .aci$it%( hire the hotte!t !trate>ie! on the
<$oc?( !=amp prime te$eAi!ion =ith <e!t #d!( <ut the end o. it a$$( %ou =ou$d <e ?no= o.
!e$$in> %our product!. 8he cardina$ ta!? <e.ore the Indian mar?et i! mana>in> i! to !hoe-
horn it! product on retai$ !he$Ae!. Bu%er! are pa%in> .or di!tri<ution eNuit% not <rand
eNuit% and mar?et !hare!.
:h% doe! the compan% need di!tri<ution eNuit% more
an%thin> in IndiaX :ith techno$o>% and competitiAe pre!!ure !$a!h in it i! <ecomin>
increa!in>$t .or mar?eter! to retain a uniNue product di..erentiation .or $in> period.
In a product and price parit% !ituation( the <rand that !e$$! more i! the one that reache! the
hi>he!t num<er o. cu!tomer!.
India S 1 <i$$ion peop$e( 155 mi$$ion hou!eho$d ha! oAer 4 mi$$ion retai$ out$et! in 5351
ur<an mar?et! and 552'25 Ai$$a>e!( !pread cro!! 3.2" mi$$ion !N. ?m. te$eAi!ion ha!
a$read% primed and popu$ation .or con!umption( and the mar?eter =ho can >et to the to
the con!umer ahead o. competition =i$$ >iAe a hard S to S oAerta?e $ead. But >ettin> their
mean! mana>in> =i$d$% di..erent terrain!-c$imate( $an>ua>e( Aa$ue !%!tem( $i.e !t%$e(
tran!port and communication net=or?. #nd %our <rand eNuit% i!n;t >oin> to he$p =hen it
come! to tac?$in> the!e i!!ue!.
5=n di!tri<ution net=or? con!i!t o. c$earin> and .or=ardin> 0C&61 a>ent! & di!tri<ution
!toc?ie!t. 8hi! net=or? o. di!tri<ution can either contact =ho$e!a$er! and =hich in turn
retai$er! or the di!tri<utor! can contact to the retai$er! direct$%.
5nce the !toc? product reache! retai$er!( the pro!pectiAe cu!tomer! can haAe acce!! to the
Cad<ur%;! di!tri<ute! the product in the manner !tated a<oAe.
Cad<ur%;! di!tri<ution net=or? ha! eBpanded .rom 1&&- di!tri<utor! $a!t %ear to 21--
di!tri<utor! and 4(5-(--- retai$er!. Be!ide u!e o. 8I tom improAe! $o>i!tic!( Cad<ur% i!
a$!o attemptin> to improAe the di!tri<ution Nua$it%. 8o addre!! the i!!ue o. product
!ta<i$it%( it ha! in!ta$$ed Ai!i co$or! at !eAera$ out$et!. 8hi! he$p! in maintainin>
con!umption in !ummer =hen !a$e! u!ua$$% drop! due to the .act that the hea$ e..ect!
product Nua$it% and there<% o.. ta?e!.
3oo?in> at the $o= penetration o. the choco$ate( a di!tri<ution eBpan!ion =ou$d it!e$.
<ein> incrementa$ Ao$ume. 8he other rea!on i! arch riAa$ *e!t$e reache! more than a
mi$$ion retai$er!.
8hi! increa!e in di!tri<ution i! >oin> to <e accompanied <% reduction in channe$ co!t!.
Cad<ur%;! mar?etin> co!t!( at 1"D o. tota$ co!t!( i! much hi>her than *e!t$W;! 12D or
eAen pure !u>ar con.ectioner% ma/or arr%;! 11D. 8he compan% i! $oo?in> to reduce thi!
parit% $eAe$. #t Cad<ur%( the% <e$ieAe that !e$$in> con.ectioner% i! it $i?e !e$$in> !o.t
I. an adAerti!ement i! to communicate e..ectiAe$%( the receiAer mu!t at $ea!t ha$. =ant it
to( and <e prepared too ta?e !tep to=ard the !ender. +..ectiAe adAerti!in> i! rare$%
hectorin> or $oud$% eBp$icitY. It o.ten <oth attract! and >enerate! arm .ee$in>!. )ore
o.ten than not( a !ucce!!.u$ campai>n ha! a !tron>er e$ement o. the uneBpected a Nua$it%
that >ood adAerti!in> !hare! =ith much =orth=hi$e $iterature.
8o penetrate into the inner rece!!e! o. her memor%( communication mu!t .ir!t en!ure
eBpo!ure( >ra< her attention eAo?e her comprehen!ion( >ra< her acceptance and then
eBtract retention competin> =ith thou!and! o. other unit! o. communication tr%in> to do
the !ame.
6indin> !ho=ed that the adu$t! .e$t too con!ciou! to <e !een con!umin> a product actua$$%
meant .or chi$dren. 8he !trate>ic re!pon!e addre!! the emotiona$ appea$ o. the <and to the
chi$d =ithin the adu$t. *atura$$%( that produced /u!t the Aa$ue Aacuum that Cad<ur% =a!
$oo?in> to .i$$. 8herea.ter it =a! the /o< o. the adAerti!in> to communicate cu!tomer the
=onder.u$ .ee$in> that he cou$d eBperience <% re-di!cour!in> the care.u$( un!e$.
con!ciou!( p$ea!ure S !ee?in> chi$d =ithin him!e$. S a >ra.t the!e .ee$in> onto the #d
campai>n $i?e K=a2" Wa#o2 Ko K=a2" Ka Ba=a2a C=a='/" .or C)D and T=o8'
S' P"+ PooGa I Ka1=' B=' Ka='2 B=' .or er? haAe <een !ure !hot =inner =ith the
:hir$ =ith the ne= $aunched temptation! =ith the !$o>an 28oo 8o Share@ the
communication re!o$Ae! around the re$uctance o. a per!on =ho;! >ot their hand on a <ar
o. temptation to $et an%one e$!e to haAe a <ite. #! =e$$ a! outdoor and radio ad!( ad
a>enc% contract ha! created communication .or cinema! and eAen #8) machine! .or the
#$$ ICICI; ! #8) a me!!a>e .$a!he! on the !creen a! !oon a! cu!tomer in!ert hi! #8)
card. It te$$! the cu!tomer that thi! =ou$d <e >ood time to >et out o. her temptation !ince
heH!he i! <ound to <e a$one. Somethin> .ami$iar i! p$anned .or phone-<oo? a! =e$$. In
cinema!( Cad<ur% ha! a me!!a>e on-!creen /u!t <e.ore the $i>ht! are dimmed to >iAe them
a chance to >et their temptation!. 8here =i$$ a$!o <e a.ter dinner !amp$in> in re!taurant! S
to <e>in =ith( 3- catterie! in )um<ai haAe <een !e$ected.
8he neBt round o. actiAit% =i$$ inc$ude the$ate er? and the icnic <ar(
=hich ha! .aced pro<$em! =ith it! ta!te( <ecau!e o. the peanut it contain!. )i$? treat ha!
a$!o <een $aunched in a modu$e <ar .orm( /u!t in time o. Di=a$i >i.tin> mar?et. Rc$air!
ha! >ot potentia$ .or much =ide di!tri<ution( in a !ma$$ !=eet! that
air$ine!( ho!te$!( and up mar?et retai$ out$et to >ue!t and cu!tomer!.
#d !pend in 2--- =a! a<out 14D o. !a$e! and the mana>ement !aid that p$an! to maintain
a! !pend at thi! $eAe$ in the current %ear a$!o.
#d !ince an% di!cu!!ion toda% =ou$d <e incomp$ete =ithout mention Le; =ord( the
mana>ement p$an! to tap thi! ne= channe$ o.
mar?etin>. Be!ide three compan% =e<!ite 0i.e. ===.cad<ur%india .com(
====.< ===.cad<ur%> that the compan% ha! $aunched( it had a$!o
entered into Aariou! mar?etin> re$ation!hip =ith other porta$!( !pecia$$% tar>eted durin>
.e!tiAa$! and eAent! !uch a! Qa$entine! da%( etcY.
It;! a com<ination o. !> up it! ?e% <rand( re!earchin> and improAin> the ne=er
product! that haAen;t ta?en o..( !upported =ith hi>h ad S !pend! that Cad<ur% hope! =i$$
!ee it emer>e! !tron>er a.ter the current !$o=do=n( a! =e$$ a! eBpand the mar?et.
In the 1&'-! con!umer! =ere read% to pa% 2more .or more@( and $uBur% >ood! .$ouri!hed.
In the 1&"-!( con!umer! <e>an to demand 2more .or !ame@( and the di!countin> era >re=
!tron>. 8oda%;! con!umer demandin> 2more .or $e!!@( and the =inner =i$$ <e that !uper
Aa$ue mar?eter!Y. Some o. toda%;! mo!t !ucce!!.u$ companie! reco>niOe tho!e
cu!tomer! are more educated and a<$e to reco>niOe true cu!tomer Aa$ueY
o!itionin> i! !imp$% concentratin> on an idea S or S eAen a =ord de.ine! that compan%
in the mind o. the con!umer. It i! more e..icient to mar?et one !ucce!!.u$ concept to one
$ar>e >roup o. peop$e than 5- product or !erAice idea! to 5- !eparate >roupY
repo!itionin> i! a mu!t =hen cu!tomer attitude haAe chan>ed and product haAe !tra%ed
a=a% .rom the con!umer;! $on> !tandin>.
o!itionin> o. indiAidua$ product:
1. C)D: i! and a$=a%! remain .$a>!hip <rand. 8he punch <% the compan% .or
adAerti!in> thi! product $i.e. LRea$ ta!te o. 3i.e;( it!e$. de.ine! the po!itionin> o.
the product. 8he choco$ate i! meant .or a$$ a>e >roup!. It !%m<o$iOe! .un(
en/o%ment( >ood item!. It ha! >oodne!! o. mi$?( ta!te and appetite appea$.
2. 5 !tar: a$thou>h po!itioned internationa$$% a! an ener>% <ar( 5 !tar =a! po!itioned
on an emotiona$ p$at.orm in India durin> the $ate 1&"-!. S%m<o$iOin>
to>etherne!!( 5 !tar =a! ori>ina$$% tar>eted at teena>er!.In .act( <e.ore the $aunch
o. er?( 5 !tar;! ener>% <ar po!itionin> made it a !nac?in> choco$ate.
3. Rc$air!: competin> in the che=a<$e! !e>ment. Rc$air! =a! re-$aunched
durin> the mid-ninetie! =ith a ne= name( Dair% )i$? Rc$air!.
4. Gem!: <roadca!tin> Gem!( thou>h( didn;t proAe to <e .ea!i<$e propo!ition .or
Cad<ur%. 8ar>eted at chi$dren under 12 %ear! =ith LGem! Bond; adAerti!in>.
Cad<ur% decided to too teena>er! =ith the LSmart Qer% Smart; campai>n. But
no=( the compan% i! retar>etin> chi$dren =ith it! animated commercia$. 2Gem!
are the <e!t <rand to !pea? to chi$dren. Co$or.u$ .
5. choco$ate <utton! appea$ mo!t to chi$dren and that i! =h% Cad<ur% i! re-tar>etin>
6. Crac?$e: it =a! the .ir!t Cad<ur%;! choco$ate to haAe crunch in it. It =a! tar>eted
a! a .un?% choco$ate to add !par? to $i.e.
'. er?: Cad<ur% preempted the $aunch o. *e!t$W;! 9it-9at <% ru!hin> a ne= <rand(
er? into the mar?et. o!itioned much .urther on the .unctiona$ !ca$e than 5 !tar(
er? =a! meant to <e $i>ht !nac?-product .or !u<duin> the .ir!t pan>! o. hun>er.
BournAita: po!itioned a! ta!t% hea$th drin?. :hi$e it! competitor! concentrated on$% on
hea$th a!pect( BournAita com<ined the nutritiou! Aa$ue =ith ta!te.
III. C=o(o#a+" 4 Co2,"(+'o2a*/
11 Dair% )i$?
21 6ruit & *ut
31 5 Star
41 Brea?
51 er?
61 Gem!
'1 +c$air!
"1 *uttie!
&1 8emptation
1-1 )i$? 8reat
I6. B"A"*a)"7
6. Foo8 D*'2C7
11 BournAita
21 Drin?in> choco$ate
31 Cocoa
Po7'+'o2'2) N"7+#"B7 1*a287 Po7'+'o2'2)
Cad<ur% Dair%
6ruit n *ut
Cream% <ar
Roa!t #$mond
28he Rea$ 8a!te
o. 3i.e@
o!ition a!
adu$t! a! an
impu$!e an%
time purcha!e S
!e$. eBpre!!ion
Aa$ue! attached
C$a!!ic )i$?
Bar 5ne
o!itioned a! an
enriched mi$?
o!itioned a!
8rend%( Coo$(
an% time !nac?.
5 Star H
er? S
o!itioned a!
28hodi !i et
5 Star +ner>%
<ar Reach .or
the Star!.
9it9at o!itioned a! a
2,aAe a Brea?(
,aAe a 9it 9at@
Data =a! ta<u$ated manua$$% and =a! a$!o ana$%Oed manua$$%. +Bce$ =a! u!ed to ma?e
>raph! had pie chart!.
)ain techniNue u!ed =ere:
)oda$ Aa$ue =a! u!ed to ana$%Oe the Nue!tion!( =hich ha! 2 or more choice! a! their
an!=er!. Simp$e aAera>e =ere u!ed to >et an!=er to Nue!tion!
26D o. peop$e are intere!ted in eatin> choco$ate and '4D are not eatin>.
8he Cad<ur% <rand choco$ate '5D o. peop$e a.ter that *e!t$e( #mu$
and other! are ta?e p$ace.
)o!t o. the peop$e <u% choco$ate .rom !uper!tore and a.ter that .rom retai$ or
moAie ma$$.
54D peop$e are not a=are .rom thi! <rand =hi$e 46D are a=are.
Dair% mi$? and 5 !tar i! mo!t .amou! product o. Cad<ur%.
Cad<ur% choco$ate i! Aer% ea!i$% aAai$a<$e in the mar?et.
1. Do /o3 "a+ (=o(o#a+"7J
2.W='(= 1*a28 o, (=o(o#a+"7 8o /o3 37"J
:.W="*" 8o /o3 13/ (=o(o#a+"7 ,*o0J
%.A*" /o3 aEa*" o, a2/ (a0&a')2 o, +=" a1oA" 1*a287J
5. W='(= (a813*/B7 &*o83(+ 8o /o3 373a##/ &*","* o* 37"J
?. Do /o3 +='2C Ca813*/B7 (=o(o#a+" '7 "a7'#/ aAa'#a1#" '2 0a*C"+ J
8hi! compan% pro/ect ha! demon!trated 2C#DB7R4 C,5C53#8+ )#R9+8I*G
S8R#8+G4 :I8, I8S )#I* C5)+8I85RS@ that ha! proAed to <e eBten!iAe
throu>h( and o. >reat < to the compan% in .urtherin> it! competitiAe adAanta>e. It
a$!o he$p! the compan% .or <ui$din> it! .uture p$annin> and tar>etin> the cu!tomer! .or
more !ati!.action throu>h it! innoAatiAe product.
In thi! pro/ect it po!!i<$e to !ee the !ucce!! o. Cad<ur%;! in it! indor!e it! !tron> potentia$
to continue to do =e$$ and a$!o >iAe! the =a%! to maintain it! mar?et potentia$.

)aintain dominance in choco$ate( con.ectioner% and mar?et $eader!hip in <$o=n
*e= channe$! !uch a! >i.tin>( chi$d connectiAit% and Aa$ue .or mone% o..erin> to
<e the ?e% >ro=th driAe!.
Gro= Ao$ume !a$e! at $ea!t 2-D p.a. oAer the neBt %ear!.
#chieAe the >oa$ o. <e!t manu.acturin> $ocation in Cad<ur% Sch=eppe! =or$d .or
Dair% )i$? and Rc$air!.
5ne ne= ma/or product $aunch eAer% %ear.
Co2("*27 Co0" To M'28
:ith a mar?et !hare o. '-D in the choco$ate cate>or% and =ith the .ree aAai$a<i$it% o.
internationa$ <rand! that %ou !ee in the mar?et toda%( it i! on$% natura$ that Cad<ur%;!
mar?et !hare =i$$ moAe do=n .rom here marinatin> a '-D mar?et !hare in a c$o!ed
enAironment ma% haAe <een ea!%( <ut it certain$% =on;t <e ea!% in $i<era$iOed
enAironment o. .ree import!. #nd =hateAer <e the anoma$ie! o. taBation or $o=( the
con!umer i! !ure$% >oin> to haAe a =ider choice. #nd it i! >oin> to <e !hared =ith other
<rand! too in .uture. 8here i! additiona$ cha$$en>e o. Cad<ur%;! <rand /u!t aimin> mar?et
!hare =hen the con!umer ha! a =ide port.o$io o. <rand to choo!e .rom.
:hi$e there =ou$d <e ne= choco$ate! $aunch to=ard! the end o. the %ear( the compan%
ha! ru$ed out a rea$ <i> choco$ate! $aunch in the current %ear. #nd it i! too ear$% %et to
comment on the $on> term re!pon!e to the ne= $aunch temptation!. 8he% !a% choco$ate!
are mo!t$% am impu$!e purcha!e. 8here.ore con!umer =ou$d !ma$$er( $o= co!t
pac?! to <i>>er hi>her priced one!.
8he >ro=th trend o. the <rand! there.ore c$ear$% indicate! that the on$% <rand that ha!
>ro=n i! the one that >a! receiAed tremendou! mar?etin> and adAerti!in> !upport Dair%
)i$? =ithdra= !upport .or an% <rand and >ro=th $o!e! momentum. In !uch !cenario( .or
ho= $on> and ho= man% <rand! can the compan% continuou!$% !upportX
In the <randed impu$!e mar?et( the !hare o. choco$ate in 6.6D and Cad<ur%;! !hare in the
impu$!e !e>ment i! 4."D .actor $i?e chan>in> attitude( hi>her di!po!a<$e income( a $ar>e
%outh popu$ation( and $o= penetration o. choco$ate 022D o. ur<an popu$ation1 point
to=ard! a <i> opportunit% o. increa!in> the !hare o. choco$ate in the <randed impu$!e
amon> the co!t$% a$ternatiAe in the <randed impu$!e mar?et.
It appear! that compan% i! $i?e$% to p$a% the Aa$ue >ame to eBpand the mar?et encoura>ed
<% the recent !ucce!! o. it! $o= priced LAa$ue .or man% pac?!;.
Qariou! mea!ure! are underta?en in a$$ area! o. operation to create Aa$ue .or the .uture.
*e= channe$ o. mar?etin> !uch a! >i.tin> and chi$d connectiAit% and $o= end Aa$ue .or
mone% product .or eBpandin> the con!umer <a!e haAe <een identi.ied.
In term! o. manu.acturin> mana>ement .ocu! i! on optimiOin> manu.acturin> e..iciencie!
and creatin> a =or$d c$a!! manu.acturin> $ocation .or CD) and Rc$air!. 8he compan% i!
toda% the !econd <e!t manu.acturin> $ocation o. Cad<ur%;! Sch=eppe! in the =or$d.
+..icient !ourcin> o. ?e% ra= materia$ i.e. coca throu>h .or=ard purcha!e o. import!(
hi>her $oca$ con!umption <% enterin> $on> term contract =ith .armer and underta?in>
e..ort! in eBpandin> $oca$ coca area deAe$opin>. 8he initiatiAe! in the term! o.
deAe$opment a $on> term dome!tic coca a !ourcin> <a!e =ou$d .ie$d maBimum >ain!
=hen commodit% price! !tart moAin> up.
7!e o. it to improAe $o>i!tic and di!tri<ution competitiAene!!
[7ti$iOin> ma!! media to create and maintain <rand!.
+Bpand the con!umer <a!e. 8he compan% ha! added " mi$$ion ne=
con!umer in the current %ear and ho= ha! con!umer <a!e o. 6- mi$$ion a$thou>h
the >ro=th in a<!o$ute num<er! i! $o=er than tar>eted( the compan% ha! <een a<$e
to increa!e the =idth o. it! con!umer <a!e throu>h $aunch o. $o= priced
ImproAin> di!tri<ution Nua$it% <% addre!!in> i!!ue! o. product !ta<i$it% <%
in!ta$$ation o. Ai!i coo$er! at !eAera$ out$et!. 8hi! =ou$d <e rea$$% e..ectiAe in
maintainin> con!umption in !ummer( =hen !a$e! u!ua$$% dip due to the .act that
the heat e..ect! product Nua$it% and there<% con!umption.
8he a<oAe are !ome !tep! <ein> ta?en interna$$% to improAe .uture operation and
pro.ita<i$it%. #t the !ame time the mana>ement i! a$!o a=are o. eBterna$ chan>e!
ta?in> p$ace in the competitiAe enAironment and i! ta?in> !tep! to remain competitiAe
in the .uture enAironment o. .ree import!( $o=er
<arrier to trade and the adAent o. a$$ >$o<a$ p$a%er! in to the countr%. 8he
mana>ement i! not undu$% concerned a<out the hu>e de$u>e o. imported
choco$ate <rand! in the mar?et p$ace.
It i! o. the Aie= that !iOe o. thi! imported premium mar?et i! $oo? !ma$$ to
threaten it! o=n Ao$ume! or !a$e! in .act( the compan% $oo?! at the tree important
a! an opportunit%( =here it cou$d optima$$% u!e the >$o<a$ Cad<ur% Sch=eppe!
port.o$io. 8he compan% =ou$d <e a<$e to not on$% proAide >reater Aariet%( <ut it
=ou$d a$!o <e more co!t e..ectiAe to te!t mar?et ne= product a! =e$$ a! improAe
!peed o. re!pon!e to chan>e in con!umer pre.erence throu>h import!. 8he on$%
concern! that the compan% ha! in thi! re>ard i! the current hi>h $eAe$ o. dutie!(
=hich $imit the opportunit% to $aunch Aa$ue .or mone% product!.
hi$ip 9ot$er 0+i>hth +dition1 2)ar?etin> )ana>ement@( rentice ,a$$ o. India
#dAerti!in> and mar?etin> )a>aOine
Compan% 3iterature
)ar?et !urAe% and Nue!tionnaire!
:e< !ite: EEE.(a813*/'28'a.(o0
:e< !ite: EEE.)oo)#".(o0
Bu!ine!! :or$d.
1. Do %ou eat choco$ate!X
4e! *o
2. :hich <rand o. choco$ate! do %ou u!eX
3. :here do %ou <u% choco$ate! .romX
Super !tore!
Retai$ Store!
)oAie ,a$$!
4. #re %ou a=are o. an% campai>n o. the a<oAe <rand!X
4e! *o
5. :hich cad<ur%;! product do %ou u!ua$$% or u!eX
Dair% )i$? 5 Star
6ruit & *ut er?
6. Do %ou thin? Cad<ur%;! choco$ate i! ea!i$% aAai$a<$e in mar?et X
4e! *o
'. De!cri<e Cad<ur%;! Choco$ate in one =ordX
". 4our comment! on Cad<ur%;! product!X

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