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City of Sunderland Teachers Association 212

Follow us on twitter @sunderlandnut
Over one million set
to strike on July 10th
July 10
can now be a real show of strength by
unions representing over one million key staff all of
whom are suffering at the hands of this government.
The NUT has called the strike because substantive
issues of concern have still not been properly
addressed by the government in a series of talks.
Through these talks we have won some
concessions on the implementation of PP and the
government has promised a review of
!accountability and workload". The government has
also promised to look at the implications of teachers
working until the age of #$.
%owever& these concessions are still nowhere near
enough to improve teachers' working lives.
We have made gains from previous stries
Our action won an increase in the
Government's offer on pensions - worth much
more in every year of retirement than the
amount lost in strike pay.
Our action stopped the STRB worsening term
times and working hours and stopped them
removing some protections on conditions of
Our action forced the government to produce
the figures from their workload survey and to
recognise that workload is an issue that needs
to !e addressed
Stand !p for "ducation
%undreds of (Ps have been lobbied in Parliament
or in their constituency and they are beginning to
%oughton and )underland )outh (P& *ridget
Phillipson& listened to constituents' concerns who
lobbied Parliament on June 10
. The lobbyists
raised many issues that will affect the teaching
profession across all sectors and the detrimental
proposed changes to the +ducation )ystem.
,ind out more about local union activity at
#urham $iners %ala
Saturday &uly 12
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Join )underland NUT in the (arket )-uare in
.urham from /010am& before moving towards
The acecourse in the procession behind
NUT Northern egion banner.
2hristine *lower& NUT 3eneral )ecretary& will
be a guest speaker at the event.
4f you would like to help giving out leaflets or
man our NUT stall at the acecourse& please
contact )arah 5ake.
6fter the march& come and 7oin us in 5loyd's
*ar 8ne9t to 3ala Theatre: for a free drin.
%ope to see you all there;;
Follow the +!T on Twitter @+!Tonline
Thursday &uly 1'
11am Assem2le at +orthum2erland
)oad ne3t to City *all
1145'am $arch to The 6lue Carpet
+ew 6ridge Street
12 noon speaers include Sarah
-ae7 Sunderland +!T Secretary

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