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Julius Caesar

White, David. "The Life of Julius Ceasar." Social Studies for Kids. N.p., 2002. Web. 9 Oct. 2009.
"Julius Ceasar." Historia. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Oct. 2009. <
Anonymous, Anonymous. "Julius Caesar." Illustrated History of the Roman Empire.
N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2009. <
"Caesar, Julius." Encyclopdia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopdia Britannica Online School Edition.
9 Oct. 2009 <>.
Early Life and Childhood
Born on July 12, 100 B.C.
Julius Caesar was born into a patrician family
upbringing similar to other patrician boys of the epoque
His father was often away in military service and his mother was a stern Roman matron.
His father was a low ranked official
In 85 B.C., when he was 15, his father died suddenly when putting on his shoes
At 16, he became the head of his family
At a young age he had realized that money was the key to Roman politics as the system
had by his time long been corrupt
In his early childhood, Rome was assaulted and captured twice
Married Cornelia in 84 B.C.
He was ordered to divorce Cornelia by a new dictator in 82 B.C.
He refused the order, and left Rome
Joined army,
proved himself a capable and courageous soldier, winning praise for saving the life of a
Came back in 78 B.C. after the dictators resignation
He then left Rome again for the island of Rhodes
Ship was captured by pirates and he was held hostage
After he was freed by a large ransom, he hunted down the pirates and crucified them.
Studied rhetoric in Rhodes, and returned to Rome

Early Political Career
In 73 B.C., he began his political career
Caesar was elected quaestor (magistrate) in 69 B.C.
He was also appointed aedile, official in charge of public works, in 65 B.C.
Did whatever he could to gain a political standing
when his first wife died, he entered a more politically useful marriage
employed bribes, public shows, gladiatorial contests, games and banquets to buy favor

-left Rome to join army
-left army, spent time on island of Rhodes
-met pirates, joked that he had seen them crucified, and after he was free he hunted them down
and had them crucified
-organized force to defend roman property along coast of turkey
-returned to Rome, married to a more politically useful family
-divorced wife on suspicion of an affair
-Bought favor via public events- gladiator contests, shows, games, banquets, bribes
-Bribed his way to chief priest position- pontifex maximus
-was sent to Spain to sort out the problems of the tribes there
-realized his military leadership abilities, learned that war could be very profitable both
financially and politically
- becomes consul, forms First Triumvirate
-59 BC returned to Rome, having proved himself a good ruler
-allied with Pompey and Crassus
-canceled out the power of second consul
-remarried to a politically powerful family
-Governor of Gaul (France)
-needed a new position to retire to after becoming consul, obtained governorship of Gaul, raised
an army of 50,000 men \
-over the next few years, attacked the Helvetians, Nervii, Germans, and the British
-on the way back from his British attack, he was attacked by allies of Vercingetorix, the chief of
Gaul- tried to starve Caesars forces out of Gaul
-Caesar realized he didn't have enough forces to win, so he withdrew
-Battle of Alesia 52 BC
-Gallic army launched a full battle against Caesars troops instead of guerilla warfare, and lost,
so Caesar took over Gaul
-senate revoked Caesars governorship of Gaul, and he felt the need to re-obtain his power.
Defeating Pompey
-with the help of Marc Antony he defeated Pompey and met Cleopatra in Egypt
-during his absence, he was confirmed dictator of Rome.

People in the Life of Caesar
Caesar was known as "Caesar the Conqueror"
People respected his military achievements
Soldiers loved him for being a great motivator
great speaker who shared the dangers he experience with his army
Caesar conquered Switzerland Germany, Great Britain and Belgium
Roman People like Julius
got Rome out of Financial crisis
expanded Rome's Borders
restored order in the government
expanded the # of seats in the Senate Position
Senates and Aristocrats
threat to Rome
dictator for Life
afraid he would take absolute power and he must be stopped
didn't like kings because they were cruel to
Roman republic was formed to prevent absolute power given to the kings
Death of Caesar
Died March 15 44 b.c. attending a meeting with his senates
3 days before the Military campaign in Syria
he disbanded his body guard couple weeks before
came to a meeting without knowing about the conspiracy
One of the Senates came to talk to Julius Caesar Signaling the attack
all 60 senators had daggers hidden in their togas
Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times
left to die under the statue of Pompey one of his political friends
People of Rome were angry and planned on hunting the assassins who were involved]

Questions: Answer on back.
1) How did Caesars father die?
2) Who was Caesars first wife?
3) Who were the members of the First Triumvirate?
4) How did Caesar seize control of Rome?
5) What did the senates think of Caesar?
6) How many times was Caesar stabbed?

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