Media Studies Unit Plan

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Media Studies/Research Unit (4 weeks)

Grades: 8, 10

- Research, Internet articles

- Olympics!!!

- Resources, citations, MLA format

- Mini essays, research items

Rationale and Learning Objectives:

• for students to learn academic research methods: citations,

research resources, journal databases, (online) library catalogues

• linking students to relevant and current events and issues and

how proper research is done

• for students to access learning resources and apply it to different

learning methods/assignments/projects

• for students to have a sense of confidence and understanding of

why it is wrong to plagiarize, to be able to discern what is
good/bad research websites/resources, to apply this to a
research based essay/project

Body of Lessons (Four Week Outline):

Week 1

• Introduction:

o Plagiarism (Why it’s wrong), Good and Bad Research

Examples, Essays?

• Different Types of Research Resources

o Books, Online Web Databases, Google Websites (be

careful!), Images, Magazines, e-Journals etc

• MLA Formatting (English) and Resource Websites:

o How, What, and Why

o Library Resources, Online Databases

o Learning how to navigate Research Websites/Databases

o Modeling how to take notes and research, and NOT


Week 2

• Continuation of MLA Formatting and Researching Methods,

Resource Websites

o Navigation, 1-2 Internet Sources, taking notes

• Book Source Research

• Introduction of Project (Individual or Group Based), How to make


o Olympic Research, Library Tutorial, Powerpoint

presentation (with handouts)

Week 3

• Olympic Project – In class Work time

• Olympic Project – In class Work time

Week 4

• Group Presentations

• Group Presentations

• Evaluation and Assessment/Marks Given


- Richmond Learning Resource Center

Lesson 1: Introduction of Media Studies Unit

Lesson Objectives:

• Introduction to research and media studies unit: what is

good/bad research? How and why we should research properly?

• What is plagiarism? Why is plagiarism wrong?

• MLA, APA, Chicago Citation Methods

• Diana Hacker Website, Book


• Plagiarism Article Handout (x25)

• Journal Articles Handout (4 paragraphs)

• Olympic Project Ideas and Criteria Handout


Body of Lesson:

• Introduction (5 min)

• Plagiarism Example and Activity (~60 min)

o Read Article on Plagiarism (10 min)

o Discuss and Further Explain on Article (10 min)

o How to Take Notes on Article (20 min)

 *give 4 excerpts of journal articles, model to students

to how take notes, ask students to write notes on it –
key points, facts, summarize

o How to Cite Research (20 min)

 MLA format, In text Citations and Works Cited List

 Group Activity (in pairs)

• using their summary/notes, write a paragraph

including research citation

• Direct Quotes and/or Paraphrasing (the

differences in citation)

• Olympic Project Introduction & KWL (10 minutes)

o Olympic Hook: “Lights will Guide You Home” – Olympic


o use KWL approach (Know/Want/Learned)

o Quick Write #1: What do I know about this subject? What

do I want to learn? *How I would like to learn?

o Posters posted around class & Presentation

o Ideas and Criteria Handout

• Closure (5 minutes)

o Review Purposes of Good Research, Reliability

o Next Class: Begin Research

o Homework:(write on board) Think more about idea, bring

in magazine, newspaper, and online resources to expand
on idea


• Was my introduction of the unit clear? Did students grasp a level

of understanding of the purpose of good research? Why it’s
wrong to plagiarize?

• Was the discussion on plagiarism helpful? Was I able to direct

students to key points in the article? Did students understand
what constitutes plagiarism?

• Were students able to make concise notes and summaries on

journal articles? Did students learn and correctly apply citation

• Was the Citation Activity in working in pairs/groups of 3

effective? Were students able to work together to correctly cite
and apply these skills? How did the students make the Works
Cited List? (correct/incorrectly?)

• Were my instructions clear?

• Were students excited to do a group-based Olympic project?

Extensions/ Project Ideas List:

* powerpoint option for gr.10 only (incorporating visual
media), poster/brochure for gr.8 or 10

• Olympic Tourist Package: Vancouver 2010

o Team must create an action-packed package that

features the natural and cultural highlights of Canada’s
most beautiful city and the chance to see Canada’s best
athletes go for gold.

o Must produce a travel package brochure (as handout to

class) and/or poster


• Olympic Venue Project: Vancouver 2010

o Team must create a brochure and/or poster reviewing

the history, information centers, locations of the 2010
Olympic Venues in Vancouver


• Olympic Sports Project: Vancouver 2010

o Team must create a poster and/or brochure detailing

the different sporting events taking place in Vancouver
2010, including schedules


• Olympic Drug Testing Project: Vancouver 2010

o Team must research background of World Anti-Doping

Agency (WADA) and Canadian Center for Ethics in Sport
(CCES) and IOC policy on drug use

o Provide at least 2 examples of athlete drug use (date,

story, ramifications, punishments, what IOC/WADA etc

o Poster or Brochure format


• ESL and LD students:

Lesson 2: Book Research

Lesson Objectives:

• Students will learn how to research and find book sources

• Students will access and learn how to use the library resources
(in school and in local libraries)

o using a variety of sources to collect ideas and information

o generating text
o organizing ideas and information
o 6analyzing writing samples or models
o creating and consulting criteria


• Library Resource Handout (provided by Librarian?)

• Pens, Notebooks

Body of Lesson:

• Introduction (10-12 min)

o Hand out Criteria of Project (if didn’t hand out the day

o (re)Explain Criteria, Project Objectives, Address any

questions from day before

o Plagiarism Covenant (signatures and hand in)

 “My teacher has explained plagiarism to me. I have

no questions regarding plagiarism. I understand that
if I have any questions in the future I should talk to
my teacher. I understand that it is wrong to

• Local Library Resources (Richmond Public Library or School

Library?) (50 min)

o Before going to library, behavior rules must be set in place

 No running in halls/streets, buddy system (if go to

RPL), raise hands to ask questions, inform me if

going somewhere, bring pencils/notebooks

o Contact Librarian beforehand, Librarian will conduct tour

and tutorial of library usage

o In library, find book resources for project (at least 1 good

book resource)

• Closure (10 min)

o Thank librarian, pack and leave

o Review day’s lesson: how to find book resources, how to

cite book resources (MLA format), answer any questions,
preview for next day (be prepared to research more!)


• Did students learn how to use library catalogue/browser? Did

they find good book resources? Did they apply prior knowledge
(MLA) formatting and research skills?

• Did the students listen and behave well in the library? (to the
librarian? To me?) Did the students cooperate with each other
(for their group projects) in finding and researching proper

• Did the students enjoy the trip to the library?


- ESL and LD students

Lesson 3: Internet Research

Lesson Rationale and Objectives:

• To learn how to use online databases

• To explore different websites related to research project

• To properly access and utilize images and textual information

from websites

• Visual and metacognitive understanding and application


• laptop cart (25-27 laptops)

• powerpoint projector and outlets

• websites


 go to Richmond Secondary, e-Library


 “Visual”  “e-Resources” (World Book and EBSCO


Body of Lesson:

• Introduce lesson with a class discussion of conducting Internet

searches (15 min)

o Ask students, "If you wanted to find information about

(example topic), where would you look? Which words
would you use in your search?"

o Have students volunteer to conduct "example" searches

for the class. Discuss the search terms students might use
to search for information and how they can affect the
search results.

o Ask students to explain what they know about using

Internet search engines. Discuss the various features and
search options of major search engines (see scavenger
hunt form)

• Visit the media center home page and show students where they
can find various resources. Briefly discuss the features and
advantages of each. (20 min)


 EBSCO host and WorldBook

o *NOT wikipedia!

• Activity: Explain that students will complete an Internet

scavenger hunt, where they must use search engines and the
media center catalog to find specific pieces of information. (25

o Distribute the Internet Scavenger Hunt worksheet and go

over the instructions for the assignment

o Monitor and assist students as the complete the scavenger


o Have students share their answers to the discussion

questions in small groups or as a class.

o Review how NOT to plagiarize off internet (citations,

paraphrasing, taking notes/summary etc)

• Remaining Time: Research with Group using Learned Resources

(15 min)

o Groups Need 4-6 Internet Resources

o Reminder: no plagiarism

• Closure:

o Review the lesson and collect scavenger hunt worksheets


• What things did students initially come up with (for first part: as
to how to search for things on internet)?

• Did students understand how to access and use online


• Were students able to apply lesson learnt to their project

research? Was it relatively easy/difficult for students to find

• Did students grasp the basic ways of searching effectively

• Was I able to help or hinder by showing them the different

websites? Were my instructions and demonstrations clear?



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