Registration Form 2014

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This Registration Form should be completed and sent to

If you are unable to scan documents, you may

send an email to with the required information in the body of the email.
International Weekend 2014
Registration Form (This form should be completed and returned to
NB: Your name and organisation will appear on your badge as specified below. Each delegate should complete a separate

Title: First Name: Surname:
Young/Senior Bar Association (if applicable):
Firm/Organisation (if applicable):
Date of Birth: Year of Qualification (if applicable):
Telephone (mobile preferred):

Please tick the appropriate boxes below:
I will require vegetarian food.
I have other dietary needs. Please specify:
I have specific needs in relation to sight, mobility, hearing etc and would like to be contacted.

Fees exclude travel, accommodation, expenses, etc. Please confirm which elements you wish to register for below. Your
booking will be confirmed by email once registration has been processed and payment cleared.

Please tick the package you would like to purchase (see over the page):
NB The Early Bird Rate is only available for Registration Forms received on or before 17 August 2014.

Members: I am a member of the JLD / YBC / EYBA / LYLG and wish to attend:
all events during International Weekend 2014 (Thurs Sat) at 155 inc. VAT (195) (Early Bird) or
165 inc. VAT (207) (Regular)
all evening events during International Weekend 2014 (Thurs Sat) at 110 inc. VAT (138) (Early
Bird) or 120 inc. VAT (150) (Regular)
Only Dinner at The Emirates on Friday, 26 September 2014 at 75 inc. VAT (95) (Early Bird) or 85
inc. VAT (107) (Regular)

This Registration Form should be completed and sent to If you are unable to scan documents, you may
send an email to with the required information in the body of the email.
LLB / LPC / BPTC / JD Students: I am an LLB, LPC, BPTC or JD student and wish to attend:
all events during International Weekend 2014 (Thurs Sat) at 155 inc. VAT (195) (Early Bird) or
165 inc. VAT (207) (Regular)
all evening events during International Weekend 2014 (Thurs Sat) at 110 inc. VAT (138) (Early
Bird) or 120 inc. VAT (150) (Regular)
Only Dinner at The Emirates on Friday, 26 September 2014 at 75 inc. VAT (95) (Early Bird) or 85
inc. VAT (107) (Regular)

Non-Members: I am a non-member (and not an LLB, LPC, BPTC or JD student) and wish to attend:
all events during International Weekend 2014 (Thurs Sat) at 185 inc. VAT (233) (Early Bird) or
195 inc. VAT (245) (Regular)
all evening events during International Weekend 2014 (Thurs Sat) at 110 inc. VAT (138) (Early
Bird) or 120 inc. VAT (150) (Regular)
Only Dinner at The Emirates on Friday, 26 September 2014 at 75 inc. VAT (95) (Early Bird) or 85
inc. VAT (107) (Regular)

For those purchasing "all event" tickets: I wish to take part in the International Oratory Competition
on Saturday 27 September 2014 (details to be provided)
For those purchasing "all event" tickets: I wish to attend an audio tour of Parliament on Saturday 27
September 2014 at approximately 4:00pm.
For those purchasing "all event" tickets: I wish to take part in the London Adventure Race on Saturday
27 September 2014 at approximately 4:00pm.
I wish to attend the traditional British lunch on Sunday 28 September 2014 (10 deposit required)

Payment should be made by bank transfer to: Sillars & Jones Event Management Ltd; Acc. No. 03175847; Acc.
Sort Code: 72-00-00; Bank: Alliance & Leicester Commercial Bank. If possible, please reference IW followed by
your first initial and surname when making your payment (e.g."IW A Example").

Cancellation Policy
Should you wish to cancel please advise Teresa Sillars in writing as soon as possible. No refunds will be
possible in respect of Registration Forms received after 10 September 2014.

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