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(a selection from Whale of A Dragons Tale by Michael Shames)

The radiant blue sky illuminated the ocean imbuing the day with a royal resplendence that belied
the impending blues. Beluga awoke that morning looking forward to another fun day with
Dragon. When he appeared, she brightened. How is my lovely Dragon today?
How can any day be better when it starts with you in my life, he flattered her.
You flatterer, she slurred.
Flattery grounded in truth is divinity, he drawled.
I can accept that. Breakfast?
It is on its way; I'll be back in a moment. The drooling dragon flew off and then returned with
two large sea mammal in its talons. He dropped one succulent seal into Belugas mouth: Bon
apptit. Beluga munched meditatively upon the morsel as Dragon detailed his plans for the
day. At that moment, the waters around her roiled as a large presence manifested itself.
Good morning, Beluga. I hope Im not interrupting your breakfast, an imposing blue whale
appeared to apologize.
No, not at all, Mr. Blue. Why?
Dragon felt a bit uneasy. Hed not seen a blue whale before, and its enormous size put
the hale in whale. It had to be at least four times larger than Dragon, perhaps, even larger.
Dragon was not used to being dwarfed by any living being, so this was a new experience for
him. Moreover, the apology was insincere. Trouble was afoot, he sensed. Do you want me
to stick around? he inquired telepathically and a bit nervously to his Beluga.
No need, my dear. It looks like Ill just be visiting with a neighbor. Ill see you soon, I hope,
Beluga said to Dragon.
OK. Hello neighbor, he said to the blue whale. With that terse greeting, Dragon flew off.
Is that your pet bird? the blue cetacean condescended.
Hes my partner and hes not to be taken lightly, Beluga responded defiantly.
He looks a bit light to me. Your pet bird hasnt the weight of us whales.
Nor is his brain quite as dense as yours, she barbed back.
I like your fighting spirit, my White Princess.
I dont like your fighting spirit, Mr. Blue. I would appreciate it if youd take your spirit and its
attached body to another part of the ocean. It isnt desired here, Beluga barked.
That isnt your decision, Princess. We do not take orders from anyone. And we go anywhere
in the ocean that we desire. There is nothing that can stop us, the blue bragged.
I cant do anything about your massive ego other than warn you that it may be overinflated. I
find humility is so much more attractive in a suitor,
The blue whale puffed himself up and dove deep into the dark-blue water. Beluga
exhaled relievedly. She didnt think the whale would leave quite that easily, so she was feeling
a bit proud of herself. Her pride evaporated instantaneously as the waters around her bubbled
with two emerging blue whales. The irritating one apparently brought along his dim-witted
friend for emotional support. She now had two blue whales surrounding her, and she couldnt
see or feel Dragons presence. She was on her own. Still, she was confident she could handle
these two rotund reprobates. Blue whales had fearsome size, but their brawn didnt directly
correspond to their brains.
Hello, gentlewhales, Beluga bowed.
My friend here didnt understand your statement about my ego. Why shouldnt my ego be the
largest in the ocean? After all, there is no animal on this planet larger than I, the blue whale
Are you sure it is your friend who didnt understand it? she posed provocatively.
Yes, of course, he parried.
Well, being as smart as you are, Im sure that you can explain it to him. Ill be here to help, if
you need it.
I dont need your help, snapped the blue whale. He turned to his compatriot. She is so awe-
struck by my size that she cant imagine that my intellect is similarly gargantuan, he blustered.
Beluga fumed. Either this huge half-wit didnt understand shed dismissed him or, more
likely, his elephantine ego wouldnt accept that hed been rejected. Apparently subtlety and
blue whales didnt jive. She decided to take a more direct approach.
Well, thats not exactly what I meant. Perhaps I can explain it to your friend directly, Beluga
butt in. Then looking at the dim-witted one she explained: Your friend is very taken with
himself and I reminded him that some humility would serve him well. Those who appoint
themselves excessively usually suffer disappointment.
The blue whale assumed a belligerent tone. He turned to his dimwit double: This stuck-
up beluga doesnt think that we are as smart as she is. It seems like she needs a lesson in
humility herself.
Perhaps the whale wasnt quite as slow as she thought. He sensed her disrespect and
apparently had brought his friend to witness his revenge. She thought that discretion might be a
better tact at this point. I certainly didnt mean any disrespect to you gentlewhales. But my
Pod is calling me and I fear that we will need to continue this conversation some other time.
I dont hear anything, said the blue whale.
Yes, of course. We communicate at a higher frequency, Beluga improvised.
There is no frequency that I cant hear, the whale boasted. And I dont hear anything.
At this moment, Beluga was feeling far more discomfort than shed expected. She
looked around again for Dragon but there was no sign of him. She was going to have to fend for
herself, Beluga thought.
We females have a unique sense of communication that males dont always share. Im sorry
but I must take my leave, Beluga brainstormed.
So now that youve insulted my friend, you want to leave? I dont think thats very polite, the
whale warned.
Beluga assessed her situation. This whale had been rejected and was set upon revenge.
He was not going to let her leave gracefully. She had two options; apologize or assert. Beluga
was not an apologist by nature. So you are going to force me to disrespect my Pod by
preventing me from responding to their call? Is that what you gentlewhales have in mind?
Please, help me explain your disrespect to my Pod.
Why would we care about your Pod. They are inconsequential. I could swat ten of them with
my tail.
Well, Im certainly not interested in interacting with such disrespectful animals. Good day,
sirs, Beluga rebuffed.
We didnt say you could go anywhere. Our conversation isnt over, the whale huffed
Actually, it is, roared a comforting voice. Beluga looked up and there was Dragon hovering
over her. Permit me, my dear, he said as he lifted her body and flew her away from the two
surprised Blue Whales. They wont forget your intervention, Beluga explained to Dragon as
they flew. Yes, I know, Dragon denoted. He dropped her off near her Pod and then flew
away. Beluga was unsettled. There was no scenario that could work out well, she thought.
She knew trouble was afoot and she didnt even have any feet.
Dragon had had a different scenario in mind. He flew back to the two hulking
behemoths and began chastising them. Dragon relied more upon a strong offense than a
measured defense and he was about to demonstrate it. So, you two have nothing better to do
with your time than harass beautiful belugas. Do you have any idea how you offend these
lovely creatures with your cretinism. Dragon knew that they didnt understand cretin but his
tone was sufficiently expressive. His words mattered less than his tone.
The blue whale turned to his friend, Do you hear an insect buzzing about? Perhaps it
needs swatting. With that, the whale swung his large tail at Dragon. His size was fearsome
but it didnt facilitate quickness. Dragon evaded the swipe easily and flew up to the quiet blue
whale and struck him in the eye with his barbed tail. The whale howled in pain and submerged
quickly. Dragon hovered over the more bombastic blue. Your lesson will be far more painful
than your friends. Perhaps you should leave now and not bother any belugas anymore,
Dragon deprecated.
The belligerent blue whale was energized by the challenge. He blew a large spout of sea
water at the Dragon and it struck squarely. Dragon was pushed hundreds of feet into the sky by
the geyser. This whale was not going to go quietly. He flew back down to the whale and
adopted his own tone of belligerence.
You dont get it do you? You are no match for me, Dragon
The whales hubris had blinded him to Dragons prowess. It stuck its head up proudly
above the water and challenged the bird. What can a little sparrow do to a blue whale?
Dragon was ready; he took a full breath. Try this, he said as he blasted a fountain of fire at the
blue whales snout. He hit the proverbial bulls eye; the whales entire head was engulfed by
flames. The whale dove to douse the flames but left his tale exposed. Dragon snagged the tail
with his talons and unloaded another fiery round on the tail. He wanted to be sure that each
time the whale tried to swim, hed feel Dragons power. But he wasnt done. As the whale
slammed his tail into the cooling waters, Dragon positioned himself over the whales blow hole
and let loose. Dragon was overwhelmed by the smell of barbequed whale fat as its breathing
apparatus cooked. Bother another beluga and my displeasure will be far more painful,
Dragon bellowed as the whale dived into the safety of the deep waters. Dragon flew back to
We chatted. I think he wont bother you anymore, he said.
You know, I could handle him myself, Beluga bellyached blandly.
Of course, Dragon deferred.
And you were civil? Beluga beseeched.
Youd expect no less, Dragon dulcified.
Just a male-to-male discussion?
Yes, of course. We males communicate in a slightly different manner, but yes.
You didnt hurt him?
I might have singed his feelings a bit, but nothing that time wont heal, Dragon described.
Yes, I know hurt feelings are difficult to avoid.
I think hell show you greater respect in the future, Dragon deigned.
Of course, Dragon knew that hed made a mortal enemy. He sought to block his
disquieting thought that it might have been better to have killed than wounded this formidable
competitor. He knew that this whale would likely be back with a vengeance. Beluga knew,

Copyright 2014 by Michael Shames
All rights reserved

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